Fitnesslife - Tumblr Posts

9 years ago
Just When You Think You've Had A Good Enough Workout...lets Go For Another 40 Minutes. Kill Those Legs

Just when you think you've had a good enough workout...lets go for another 40 minutes. Kill those legs #legday #gains #boom #training #fitness #gayfitness #gayhealth #gaymuscle #gay #gayboy #gayfit #gayguy #gayhot #instagay #gaystagram #gayselfie #selfie #blueeyes #pose #gaypose #awesome #workout #gym #gaylife #fitnesslife #killit #muscle

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8 years ago
Three Of Us Doing Burpees At The End Of Class Last Night @holisium Cause @deanmontgomery15 @tomleith1

Three of us doing burpees at the end of class last night @holisium cause @deanmontgomery15 @tomleith1 and @gary_mcculloch wouldn't let me leave without doing them. Feeling the pain today #gym #fitness #keep fit #Holisium #gayfitness ##burpee #health #instahappy #instalife #hashtag #instafit #pain #nopainnogain #lovemylife #lovelife #fitnesslife #gaystagram #pain #workout #worthit #gains #gainz #power #neverquit

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8 years ago
#Repost From @curtiscallender Aight, So The Update On My Showing Today At The MuscleMania Europe Championships

#Repost from @curtiscallender ・・・ Aight, so the update on my showing today at the MuscleMania Europe Championships in Verona, Italy is that I won 2nd place in the Men's Fitness Model division! Of course shows are a little stressful, but I had fun and met some great athletes from several different it's time to EAAAT! 🍔🍔🍔🍟🍟🍪🍪 _________________________ ⭐️⭐️ _________________________ take a look at the website for much more! Don't look for imitations, take the Original 👍🏻 tag your friend and share ⭐️ _________________________ #LittleRok #LittleRokOriginal #musclemania #fitnessmodel #modeluniverse #musclemaniaeurope #fitness #fitnesslife #fitnessjourney #physique #physiquemen #malemodel #malebody #malephysique #aesthetics #shredz #shred #shreddedlife #aestheticsarmy #bodybuildinglifestyle #perseverance #dedication

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7 years ago
Happy Birthday To @curtiscallender Here Wearing Our Plain Swimsuit _________________________

Happy birthday to @curtiscallender here wearing our Plain swimsuit _________________________ ⭐️⭐️ _________________________ take a look at the website for much more! Don't look for imitations, take the Original 👍🏻 tag your friend and share ⭐️ _________________________ #LittleRok #LittleRokOriginal #musclemania #fitnessmodel #modeluniverse #musclemaniaeurope #fitness #fitnesslife #fitnessjourney #physique #physiquemen #malemodel #malebody #malephysique #aesthetics #shredz #shred #shreddedlife #aestheticsarmy #bodybuildinglifestyle #perseverance #dedication

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6 years ago
Its With The Most Pleasure And Proud That I Belong To This Team. @ruiricardoribeiro Its Our Mentor, @neuza_quelhas

It’s with the most pleasure and proud that I belong to this team. @ruiricardoribeiro it’s our mentor, @neuza_quelhas it’s the dance and aerobic specialist, @daniela.costa.942145 our ballet and Pilates expert and me the #yoga adviser. We are all different but we complete each other. Zebra team rocks!!!! #team #greatteam #fitnessteam #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitnesslife #gymlife #gym #gymtime (at Vivafit Cascais)

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