Free Iran - Tumblr Posts
Four, because no one is really paying attention to what is happening in Iran and what the government is doing to its people. And it has nothing to do with wearing or not wearing hijab.

I guess the genocide in Gaza doesn’t count
goodnight everyone (:
do your daily click
spreadsheet of families in Gaza you can help today
donate to:
Buy an e-sim
Help diabetics in Gaza
Help Gaza Children
Sudan Tarada Initiative
Help a Sudanese family escape conflict
Darfur Women Action
Ramadan for Sudan
Period products in Sudan
Sudan Emergency Appeal
Sometimes I wish I had alot of money so I could help people seek help from war/conflict/illness. I wanna be able to click on a gofund me and instantly help them reach their goal. But I'm young and poor. Maybe one day I'll be wealthy enough to do such things, but for now I'm stuck watching the world around me crumble. I see people apologise for asking for help. I see children being called terrorists because of the year they were born. I see parents, siblings, children, family members, and friends desperately trying to help their loved ones, but I can't do much. If there's anyone living in ANY sort of pain reading this - I just wanna say something to you. - you are not being a burden by asking for help. You don't need to apologise. - it's not your fault. - if you are in The Gaza Strip, Palestine, Yemen, Iran, Pakistan, Sudan, Ukraine, or any areas of conflict - I wish you the best. Please, don't give up on living. This world is better with you in it. don't give up.
~ sincerely, chae, the teenager you'll probably never hear of again.

Solidarität mit SHANI LOUK und Israel Beim Angriff vom #Samstag 7/10/2023 wurden Zivilisten und Zivilistinnen von den Hamas-Terroristen entführt. Darunter auch die 22-jährige Shani Louk, deutsche Staatsbürgerin. Ihre Mutter gibt die Hoffnung nicht auf. • #ShaniLouk wurde von der #Hamas entführt. • Ihre Mutter gibt die Hoffnung auf ein Wiedersehen nicht auf. • Auch weitere deutsche Staatsangehörige sollen in der Gewalt der #Terroristen sein. Terroristische #Soldateska/s der islamistischen und antisemitischen Hamas haben nach Angaben des israelischen Militärs Israelis in den Gazastreifen entführt. Zuvor kursierten in sozialen Medien zahlreiche Videos von israelischen Geiseln. Eine davon war Shani Louk. In einem von CNN verifizierten Video ist eine bewusstlose Frau zu sehen, die von bewaffneten Kämpfern in Gaza vorgeführt wird. Ein #Mann zieht an ihren Haaren, während ein anderer von aussen auf ihren blutenden Kopf spuckt. Die antisemitischen und sexistischen Männer rufen laut «#AllahuAkbar», was «Allah ist gross» bedeutet. Anschliessend rast der #Jeep davon. Bei der Frau auf dem Jeep handelt es sich um Shani Louk (22). PS: Die Zeitung #jungeWelt hetzt und unterstützt den antisemitischen #Pogrom gegen Israel #againstjungewelt #IraniansStandWithIsrael #ShaniLouk #IsraelUnderAttack #AgainstEveryAntiSemitism #solidaritätmitisrael #gegenjedenantisemitismus #freegazafromhamas #fckhamas #antifa #zionism #jungleworld #NoAfD #againstputin #israel #Antideutsche #Antifa #againstantisemitism #FreeIran #AgainstMullahs #freegazafromhamas #stopbdshate @zionxhardcore141 #FreeIran #AgainstIslamism

You guys I need your help to spread this and get this trending
Please watch this video and help spread awareness!!! I know for a fact that everything in this video is true
I know I don’t have a big platform but if you could reblog and share this it would make ALL the difference!!!
The internet has been able spread awareness like this before countless times so let’s do it again!
There currently is not a perfect solution to help the Iranian people but WE CAN STILL SPREAD AWARENESS!!! We can still bring change but the first step is to educate!
Please share and do whatever you can!
We need to get this out there!
Use #saveiran

Schoolgirls in Iran in protest against the regime sticking their middle fingers to Khomeini and Khamenei
A 22 year old woman was killed for the sake of wearing "improper hijab". The police brutally killed her and then tried to blame it on the hospital staff and even tried to fake her having an illness just to "justify" their actions. As if there could ever be a justification for such blatant brutality and slaughter.
Let me quote a translated line from the holy Quran for you:
"There is no forcefulness in religion."
There is no such thing as a forced religion. And Islam is not what these fiends make it out to be. It breaks my heart to see people associate Islam with them when they don't even hold to God's most treasured principle: be good to each other. Be good people. Be human.
And yet, here we are in this country. They want to force everything on us. Our beliefs, our religion, our thoughts, and even our feelings. They try to control everything about us. How inhumane of a system do you have to be to do that?
And when we protest, they silence us. They take away our internet, beat the voice out of us, and in some instances, literally kill us for crimes that we have never committed. How wrong is it that we ask to live?
Our hearts go out to Mahsa and her family, and the others who've lost their lives in the protests that have followed her unjust and evil murder at the hands of this regime. This regime, this system, is neither Islam nor is it Iran. And we are no longer staying silent.
What can you do? Be our voice. Spread awareness. This is not us, and this is not our religion. We may lose this battle yet again to bullets and blatant slaughter in the streets, but our war with this regime will never be over. Not until the day Iran is freed.
For the sake of Mahsa and everyone else who's died an unjust death at the hands of these murderers, we ask you humbly: don't let our voice die out. Don't let us be forgotten.
Sincerely, thank you, from a woman in Iran.
#Mahsa_Amini #MahsaAmini #IranProtests
#مهسا_امینی #زن_زندگی_آزادی
Yesterday in Tehran, Dina Ghalibaf, a courageous 30-year-old journalist, bravely spoke out against sexual harassment by the morality police. Today, they raided her home and arrested her. She was stopped in Tehran’s subway for not wearing a hijab and was violently dragged into a room at Saadeghieh metro station, where she endured sexual assault and was handcuffed. Despite the ordeal, she bravely exposed them on social media. Now, her arrest raises concerns for her safety. Iranians urge an immediate halt to the Islamic Republic’s war against women, fearing more tragedies like #MahsaAmini’s murder in police custody. The international community must take a firm stand against gender apartheid regime in Iran. #UnitedAgainstGenderApartheid

Eggs painted with bright colours featuring women in Iran with feed hair and banners written in English, “WOMEN - LIFE - FREEDOM.” Click on the source link to see a thread with more photos of more eggs!
Source: Twitter/Sarina