Funny Lotr - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I can't breathe 🤣🤣

This is perfection 👌

When I Tell You I Snorted!

When I tell you I snorted!

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7 months ago

Can I please ask for your top five theories on why the Ringwraiths become so much more powerful over the course of the LotR trilogy? By the end of the books a single Ringwraith holds an army of 6000 men in paralysing dread from a height of a mile, they're dismaying hosts of men, etc. And in the beginning, they're easily defeated by "jumping behind a tree," "pretending to be in a different room," "getting on a little boat," "man with a stick on fire," etc.

hmm ok

1) their power depends on how physically close they are to sauron/mordor

2) they consciously weren’t unleashing their full power early in Fellowship bcos it didn’t seem worth it when they were just dealing w hobbits

3) they just woke up from a REALLY long nap and it takes them a while to fully come â€˜online’

4) their power just waxes & wanes sometimes

5) hobbits are their One Weakness 

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6 months ago

There are multiple posts saying that Legolas is the Texan amongst the Fellowship of the Ring and you’re all wrong it’s Gandalf. It’s 1000% Gandalf. Gandalf followed a wild horse for two days to tame it and would regularly ride up to the Shire with a cart full of homemade fireworks. Gandalf's the Texan.

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6 months ago

If I could draw even a little good I would draw Aragorn and Boromir at Disneyland with the hobbits.

Aragorn has Frodo and Sam who are super well behaved. Sam has an autograph book and Frodo is on Aragorn’s shoulders.

Boromir has Merry and Pippin who are on leashes and absolutely feral. The character actors are scared of them and Boromir is trying his best.

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6 months ago

Hilarious to imagine

Fíli is the kind of person, who when woken up by a crash at 3 AM and coming upon a raccoon, that fell through the ceiling and is actively rampaging his apartment, will softly sigh "aww man", before putting on a bike helmet and oven mitts and getting a broom to gently herd it out of the door, while Kíli goes apeshit in the background and stands on a chair and shrieks.

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6 months ago

Always amused by that line

Frodo, Merry, and Pippin at Tom Bombadil’s house: waking in the middle of the night from distressing nightmares about death

Sam at Tom Bombadil’s house:

Frodo, Merry, And Pippin At Tom Bombadils House: Waking In The Middle Of The Night From Distressing Nightmares

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6 months ago

it always confused why everyone would arrive at bilbo’s house separately if they all traveled to the shire together but then i realized. that trick gandalf pulls on beorn. where he has everyone come in slowly instead of all at once. its the same thing hes doing to bilbo.

now the question remains: is this gandalf’s go-to plan when trying to make someone okay with having 13 dwarves in their house, or does he view bilbo and beorn as both uniquely unhinged individuals who need to be handled like a wild animal that could bite at any minute? i need to Know

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6 months ago

Nothing makes me laugh more than that line in the Silm where it says:

"And [Ossë] he was pardoned and returned to his allegiance, to which he remained faithful. For the most part.

Ossë: I'm no longer evil :)

Also Ossë: on even days >:]

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