Fuse - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
I Think I'm Gonna Pass Away From This

I think I'm gonna pass away from this

Torso Studies With Fusey

torso studies with Fusey

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1 year ago
Sorry I Couldnt Help Making The Joke With The Both Of Them

sorry i couldnt help making the joke with the both of them

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1 year ago

GOD Idk who I wanna be more

Screenshot Of A Smexy Pic I Drew

screenshot of a smexy pic i drew

see it unsensored on my twitter


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7 years ago
Long Time No See Old Friends

Long time no see old friends

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5 years ago
Redraw Of An Old Oc

Redraw of an old oc

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4 years ago

Kenny Afton and A&C Fusion

Kenny Afton: (starts recording camera) Hi guys! This is Kenny Afton and Arts and Crafters. This is Baldi's school. Wow, there are so many yesterday that my brother took me to bite Fredbear with their mouths.

All: Yeah!

Arts and Crafters: (laughs) Wow, that's great. Well.

Playtime: Wow!

Arts and Crafters: Woah, I can't believe the parents have forgotten to fuse with you. Let's see it guys! All right, Kenny, let's fuse!

Kenny Afton: ...

Arts and Crafters: Don't cry like that, Kenny.

(Kenny Afton sniffs, moans turn to smiles)

Arts and Crafters: Uhh, okay.

(Kenny Afton wipes tears from eyes with arms and hands, after wiping tears away)

Kenny Afton: I'm fine.

(Kenny Afton and Arts and Crafters nod, dancing, playing on guitar and brushes)

All: Oh yeah, whoa! Wow!

(Kenny Afton and Arts and Crafters fuse)

Fluffy Crafters: Oh yeah, what do you know? Hi guys, this is Funtime Kitty! This is him! Yeah!

All: Wow!

Baldi: What a snitch!

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8 months ago
Haven't Had Any Motivation To Draw But Here's A Smal VERY Ugly Sketch Up The Upcoming Fuse And Crypto

Haven't had any motivation to draw but here's a smal VERY ugly sketch up the upcoming fuse and crypto skins♡ everyone and there mothers alr be hating but there so ugly I lovr them so much and I bet ur ass I WILL be getting that crypto skin bcs im one of two crypto heirloom owners and i need a reason to play him more!!! Also happy late prideeee

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7 months ago
I Forgot To Make A Bday Post Bcs Stress But Happy Late Bday To Meee! I GOT AN IRL BLOODHOUND HEIRLOOM

I forgot to make a bday post bcs ♡stress♡ but happy late bday to meee! I GOT AN IRL BLOODHOUND HEIRLOOM FROM MY AMAZING PARTNER AAAA♡♡♡

I'm also moving away from my toxic roomate and quit my job bcs mental health problems and rn I'm liteally dancing in my emty room to 2016 just dance songs at 4am after having a panick attack♡

so yea that's a reason I haven't been making any art or anything BUT THEY WILL BE A HAND REVEAL AMD PICS OF THE BLOODHOUND HEIRLOOM SOON BCS YEA

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7 years ago

It’s weighing on my mind // I’m not trying to be a hero

Love this Keith Urban song. it has a much different vibe thematically than his other songs, since it was for the movie Act of Valor. His talent as a musician is undeniable, and I love how well this song complements his voice.

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1 year ago

Request from anon that I once again accidentally got rid of:

(may i request a fusehound oneshot of them being very tender, affectionate and intimate together? lots of sappy pet names in icelandic, admiring and teasing eachother, starts off sfw into nsfw? thank you. 💕)

I loved this request and I had a lot of fun with it! It took a while tho cuz I got sick hfbdjsjsk sorry

This is heavily based off of and includes a quote from this


comic that Apex Legends tweeted, go check out the artist babes :)

Contains: amab bloodhound, they got a penis and a prostate, anal sex, blow jobs, hand jobs, no aftercare cuz it was getting pretty long, lots of praise and appreciation


    Bloodhound huffed as they placed the last cardboard box down on their living room floor, breathing heavy from the exertion of lifting heavy boxes for the past half hour. They stretched out their sore back and arms and looked around.

    Fuse's stuff was finally all in the house, a small cabin-in-the-woods type of house that felt cozy and isolated from the world. He had asked to move in together a few weeks ago, and finally it was done. Bloodhound sighed, just remembering all the memories they made with Fuse in the past year. All they could think about when they saw Fuse was safety, a warmth in the cold of their life.

    Speak of the devil, arms wrapped around Bloodhound's waist, one rigid and metal while the other was warm and soft.

    "Whatcha thinkin' about, Houndy?" Fuse's mustache tickled their exposed neck as he whispered in their ear, making them shiver.

    "You, mitt Walter." Bloodhound turned around in Fuse's arms and cupped his face in their hands, rubbing a thumb along the scar over his eye. "Our time together is engraved in my mind. I think about it often."

    Hound pressed a light kiss to Fuse's lips before backing out of his arms and turning back to the mess of boxes and random trinkets hung on the wall. Skulls mounted on plaques, herbs drying from the ceiling, even Fuse's signature 30-30 repeater. They were already making it feel like home. The first home either of them had in a while. And it felt even more like home with eachother.

    "You should begin unpacking, elskan. I will be in the bedroom organizing the clothing." Hound kissed the other's cheek one last time before leaving the room, a smile hidden under the respirator covering their face.

    They had been planning something, crafting something, ever since Fuse had smashed his old guitar. A new guitar, a killer one. It was sort of an anniversary gift, and they added elements of themself into it. The fact that it could be wielded like an axe, the sharp blade at the top. A symbol of the hunter's connection to their lover. They had incorporated some pieces of the old guitar too, to show Fuse that his past didn't need to be erased for him to be himself.

    All that was left to do was tune it, but Hound had no experience with instruments, and didn't know how. So they sat on the bed, mindlessly plucking strings in an off-tune melody. They could hear Fuse's footsteps walking around the main room of the house, before starting to approach the bedroom. He opened the door, looking confused at why he was hearing a guitar.

    "What's that?" Fuse questioned, pointing to the guitar on Bloodhound's lap. "When did you get that?"

   "Well, it isn't very good, and I don't know how to tune it, but it is a present for you, mitt Walter." Bloodhound explained without looking at the other before presenting the guitar to him.

  "You... you made this?" Fuse took the gift from Hound's hands and turned it over a couple times, admiring the details.

    "Yes, using pieces from your old guitar. I wanted it to represent our relationship, and our pasts." They stood from the bed, pointing out small details of the piece.

   "Your past is not something to be denied or erased. You need not be afraid of it. It is what brought us together. For me, for us, there is nothing you must be, except who you are.

   The man I love."

   Fuse didn't speak. The act was so touching, and Hound had such a way with words. It hit him hard. Plus he was just in awe at how cool his new guitar was. He just stood in silence, gawking.

   "Do you... like it, kæri?" Bloodhound spoke hesitantly after a few moments, afraid they had upset the other.

    "Do I like it? Houndy, it's gorgeous! And looks bloody sick too!" Fuse just held it out in front of him to see it all at once, his jaw dropped. "You're amazing!"

    "I am glad. I know it's a bit early for an anniversary gift, but I could not wait, ástin mín." Bloodhound stood with their hands clasped behind their back, waiting for Fuse to finish ogling his new guitar. After a few moments, Fuse put the guitar down, leaning against the wall, and pulled them into a hug.

    "I cant wait to spend our lives together, Houndy." He whispered in their ear, sounding oddly soft for a moment.

    "I cannot wait either, elskan."

   Fuse pulled away but kept his hands on the other's shoulders, just looking at them. He loved their eyes, deep in color and down-turned. He loved their cheeks, soft with freckles scattered, but also scarred from their lifetime of hardships. He loved their lips, pale peach and scarred from the cold. He loved them, so fucking much.

   "You're so perfect Houndy, God I could kiss ya right now."

   "Then do it." Hound reached behind their head and unclasped their respirator, letting it drop into their other hand before resting it on the bed beside them.

    As soon as they had it out of their hands, Fuse grabbed their face and kissed them. It was harsh, passionate, just like the man himself. Bloodhound whined into the kiss and wrapped their hands around Fuse's shoulders, tangling fingers into his hair and pulling him closer. After they pulled apart, but stayed in each other's arms, both were panting slightly.

   "You're so bloody irresistible, love." Fuse kept one hand on Hound's jaw, gliding his calloused thumb across their bottom lip. They just let their mouth fall open, panting and staring into Fuse's eyes. "And incredibly sexy too." Hound let out a huff at that, smiling.

   "I am not tha-"

    "Oi." Fuse interrupted them, "You better not be sayin' anything self depreciatin', that's my partner you're talkin' 'bout."

   "Walter..." Hound's voice trailed off, leaving the word sounding like a whine. They just wanted Fuse to admire them, to love them and tell them they were beautiful.

    "What would you like, love?"

   "Please, kiss me again."

    Fuse didn't need any more, he connected their lips again. This time he was softer, but more sensual. He grabbed Bloodhound's hips and pulled them to meet his own, making the other gasp and giving him the opening to slip his tongue in. He explored their mouth hungrily, practically grinding against the other with how much his was grabbing at them and pulling them closer.

    "Elskaður, slow down." Hound whined, breathing heavy and grasping desperately at Fuse's shirt.

   "I need to appreciate ya, need you to know yer perfect, Houndy." Fuse muttered against the skin of Bloodhound's neck, moving to leave open mouth kisses along it. "Will you let me?"

   "Of course, Walter." They barely whispered it, too caught up in the way that he was sucking and nipping at that one spot that made their eyes roll back. "You may do whatever you'd like to me."

    While he continued to kiss their neck, Fuse walked Bloodhound backwards until their calves hit the bed frame and they had to sit in order to not fall over. They were eye level with his crotch and reached their hands up to start undoing his belt but Fuse swatted their hands away before kneeling on the ground before them. Hound was confused, usually he loved letting them please him to get him ready, but they didn't complain as Fuse reached for their own belt.

   "This time," He smirked up at the other, undoing their belt and slipping it from the loops. "I want this to be all about you, pup. I'll give ya all the attention you deserve."

    Bloodhound couldn't do anything but lift their hips up as Fuse tugged their pants and boxers off of their body and placed them on the floor. It had all gone so fast, so they weren't yet fully hard, but Fuse didn't mind. He just reached into a small box nearby labeled 'bedroom' and pulled out a bottle of lube, putting a small bit on his fingers before wrapping them around their length.

   They gasped at the cold liquid, before moaning softly as Fuse started off with gentle strokes, focusing on the tip of their cock. Hound grew hard very quickly, it's hard not to when those skilled hands were bringing all the sinful noises out of their mouth.

   "Ah~ fokk, Walter." They tangled a hand into Fuse's hair and subconsciously pulled his head closer. Fuse laughed under his breath and pressed a light kiss right under the head of Hound's cock, making them whine.

    Fuse took them into his mouth, sucking on the tip while he continued to stroke the rest of their length.

    "Skítur! So.. gott~" Bloodhound desperately pushed his head further down, and whined when Fuse just pulled back, chuckling.

    "So bloody needy, aye pup? Just be patient, you'll get what ye need." He then took them back into his mouth and as far as he could down his throat, making them throw their head back and let out a string of curses in Icelandic.

   Fuse continued to go slowly, stroking them while kitten licking the tip, and then occasionally deep throating them without warning. It was when Bloodhound started getting quiet and breathing sharper that the other stopped everything and just sat back, rubbing his hands along their thighs and watching as a bead of precum leaked from the head of their length.

    "Walter." Hound protested after they had caught their breath again. "You tease me, why?"

    "Wouldn't be fun without it, pup." Fuse just smirked before standing up and undoing his own belt. "Strip completely while I do this, would ya?"

    They immediately complied, undoing the buttons and buckles on their coat and tossing it off their shoulders before dragging their shirt up over their head and dropping both items on the floor by their other clothes. Now sitting completely naked, they shivered at the cool air and waited for Fuse to finish taking his clothes off and join them. They couldn't help but stare as he lifted his shirt slowly, revealing the hair that ran from his navel to under the waistband of his pants. Arguably one of their favorite parts of his body.

   Fuse finished stripping and Bloodhound had to stop themself from licking their lips at the sight of his length. He wasn't too huge, more girth than length, but Hound loved it. Pretty much eerytime they sat him naked they tried to initiate something, just to be able to suck him off.

    "I can practically hear your thoughts, Houndy. May I remind you that I'm supposed to be pleasing you today?" Fuse walked up to the bed and made Bloodhound look his in the eyes by lifting their chin up. They whined in protest but Fuse just chuckled and parted their lips with his thumb. "As much as I would love to watch you drool around my dick with these pretty lips of yours, I wanna fuck you even more. Face down ass up, pup."

   Again, they obeyed. They turned around and presented themself to their lover, chin against the mattress as they arched their back to show off their body. And hopefully tempt the other to let them cum quickly.

    "So bloody beautiful." Fuse muttered as he poured more lube onto his hand, warming it up between his hands before pressing one one finger to Hound's puckering hole and using the other to stroke himself a couple times. "You're practically quivering, love."

    Bloodhound just whined, feeling Fuse circle their hole and trying to shove their hips back so he would finally let them feel the stretch they craved. As much as he wanted to tease his lover, Fuse relented and slipped a finger in, thrusting slowly to let them adjust.

    "More, ástin mín, please more." It was barely a minute before Bloodhound was rocking back onto Fuse's finger and begging. The same happened with two fingers, and even three.

   "You sure you're ready? Usually takes a while longer." Fuse curled his fingers inside them, trying to find that special spot inside them. When he finally pressed against it, the moan Bloodhound let out was whorish.

   "Just fuck me Walter- Fokk it's been so long I need it svo mikið~" Hearing Bloodhound whimpering and desperately fucking themself against his fingers, Fuse realized it really had been a while since they'd last been intimate. Moving had taken that out of their minds, he guessed.

    "Alright, love. It's okay I'll take care of ya." He comforted them, slipping his fingers out and kneeling on the bed behind them. He lined himself up, rubbing against them to make sure the lube hadn't dried too much, and then groaned as the head of his cock was sucked into their hole. Bloodhound panted, adjusting to the girth of him inside them, before once again rocking their hips back.

     Slowly, inch by inch, Fuse sheathed his whole length inside them. Once at the base, Fuse paused to let Bloodhound adjust and rubbed along their back and ass.

   "So good, pup. Takin' me so well." He spoke in a comforting tone, brushing some of their long hair away from their face and smiling at how relaxed they looked. Fully submitting and ready for anything Fuse would do to them.

   After admiring them for a few moments, Fuse dragged his hips back at an excruciatingly slow pace. He wanted to make sure Hound felt every inch of him leave their hole before thrusting sharply, slapping his hips against their ass. The whimper they let out was music to his ears, and he couldn't help himself from continuing to thrust hard and deep. They definitely weren't complaining about it though.

   "Já, já, já~ Meira, meira, Walter~" Bloodhound kept muttering under their breath along with whimpers and whines. Fuse could tell they were really enjoying it, their mouth hung open and their eyes rolled back. He grabbed their thigh and spread them just a bit further before gripping their hips and fucking them even deeper now.

   "Touch yourself for me, pup. And don't stop, even if it's too much." Fuse enjoyed watching Bloodhound weakly reach down to take their length in their hand. They started pathetically twisting their wrist, stroking along only the tips on their cock. The sound of their own slick being spread over their length was a new type of lewd and some of it even dripped onto the sheets, but they didn't care. They were too addicted to the feeling of being pounded over and over and the sound of sweaty skin slapping against sweaty skin.

   Fuse took a second to adjust his position and suddenly was directly hitting Bloodhound's prostate with ever thrust. Their whimpers turned into cries and the overwhelming amount of pleasure made them tear up. Their strokes grew more frantic as they started chasing orgasm, crying into the sheets.

    "Elskan, gonna- hah~ cum!"

    "Cum for me, pup. Wanna feel you milk me dry." Fuse was panting, approaching his own orgasm. All he needed was the addition of Bloodhound squeezing around him to push himself over the edge. And god damn, they came hard.

    Bloodhound sobbed as they came, tensing their muscles and clenching around Fuse, making him groan. Their cum painted their hand and the sheets and they dropped their hand from their twitching length. Fuse wasn't done yet though, and the overstimulation made Bloodhound raise their head out of the mattress, tears running down their cheeks.

    "Walter it's too much-"

    "Take it for me, love. I'm almost there you can do it."

   After a few more moments Fuse's hips stuttered and he bottomed out, pressing their hips together as he came as deep as he could inside the other. Breathing hard, he pulled out, making them whine in discomfort and emptiness. He sat back, spreading them wide and watching as his cum slowly dripped out of their hole.

    "Bloody beautiful, just like the rest of ya, Houndy."

    Bloodhound didn't have the energy to deny it, so they just hummed and smiled, basking in the afterglow of their orgasm and the love of their boyfriend.


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1 year ago

Could I get Fuse from apex taking care of a suck S/O :3

I'm sorry this took me so long, funnily I've been sick for the past 2 weeks and it fucked up my productivity but I'm back babes.

So here's Fuse taking care of you, his s/o, when you're sick :)

Fuse x Sick Reader

No content warnings, this is just wholesome


• He's very much the type of guy that wants to take care of and coddle his partners, so when he sees that you're sick he steps up to help.

• "Stay is bed love, let me take care of ya."

• You could literally have a sniffle and he'll make you rest for it.

• No matter how much you protest or how much work there is to be done you can't convince him to let you out of bed or off the couch.

• Will clean the whole house so that you don't feel pressured to do anything.

• "Look, I've gotten rid of any work you need to do. So get your butt back in bed and rest."

• He tries to make you soup, but we know this man can't cook anything other than barbecue.

• He just opens a can of campbells chicken noodle soup and heats it up before bringing it to you.

• He tries to make you laugh, entertaining you by pretending he's your butler or smth.

• "Your gourmet soup, darlin'."

• He's a big goof but we love him.

• If he can't be with you 24/7 while you're sick, he will call you in every free moment he has.

• He's not concerned about you getting him sick, he'll cuddle you and kiss you without a care in the world.

• It could've only been 5 min since his last call but he'll still go "Still alive over there?"

• He makes sure that everyone knows to leave you alone because you're sick.

• Any of the legends could be like "Hey where is-" and he'd be like "THEY'RE SICK DONT BOTHER THEM."

• He's like a momma bear protecting you, mf glares at anyone who disturbs your peaceful rest time.

• Makes a blanket fort for you to nest in while he feeds you snacks and holds glasses of water for you to sip from.

• Probably believes his immune system is strong enough to handle it.

• His immune system fails him 9/10 times.


This is shorter than my usual stuff but trying to balance school, intensive therapy, and creative writing is a lot shdhnsja

I hope it's good enough :)

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