Ea - Tumblr Posts

... And He Does Not Plant To No Purpose. These Folk Are Hewers Of Trees And Hunters Of Beats; Therefore
... And He Does Not Plant To No Purpose. These Folk Are Hewers Of Trees And Hunters Of Beats; Therefore
... And He Does Not Plant To No Purpose. These Folk Are Hewers Of Trees And Hunters Of Beats; Therefore
... And He Does Not Plant To No Purpose. These Folk Are Hewers Of Trees And Hunters Of Beats; Therefore
... And He Does Not Plant To No Purpose. These Folk Are Hewers Of Trees And Hunters Of Beats; Therefore
... And He Does Not Plant To No Purpose. These Folk Are Hewers Of Trees And Hunters Of Beats; Therefore
... And He Does Not Plant To No Purpose. These Folk Are Hewers Of Trees And Hunters Of Beats; Therefore
... And He Does Not Plant To No Purpose. These Folk Are Hewers Of Trees And Hunters Of Beats; Therefore
... And He Does Not Plant To No Purpose. These Folk Are Hewers Of Trees And Hunters Of Beats; Therefore
... And He Does Not Plant To No Purpose. These Folk Are Hewers Of Trees And Hunters Of Beats; Therefore

... and he does not plant to no purpose. These folk are hewers of trees and hunters of beats; therefore we are their unfriends, and if they will not depart we shall afflict them in all ways that we can.

J.R.R. Tolkien ↬ The Silmarillion

❧ Legolas + Elk ❧

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Ecthelion, Balrog Slayer 💙 ⛲

Goblin Slayer | Ecthelion Of The FountaIn

Goblin Slayer | Ecthelion of the FountaIn

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Legolas' Song From The Poem "To The Sea, To The Sea!"
Legolas' Song From The Poem "To The Sea, To The Sea!"
Legolas' Song From The Poem "To The Sea, To The Sea!"
Legolas' Song From The Poem "To The Sea, To The Sea!"
Legolas' Song From The Poem "To The Sea, To The Sea!"
Legolas' Song From The Poem "To The Sea, To The Sea!"
Legolas' Song From The Poem "To The Sea, To The Sea!"
Legolas' Song From The Poem "To The Sea, To The Sea!"

Legolas' Song ↬ From the Poem "To the Sea, To the Sea!"


↬ The Lord Of The Ring,

↬ The Return Of The King,

↬ Book VI.

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Happy Birthday, Frodo Baggins And Bilbo Baggins (September 22)! And A Very Happy Hobbit Day!
Happy Birthday, Frodo Baggins And Bilbo Baggins (September 22)! And A Very Happy Hobbit Day!
Happy Birthday, Frodo Baggins And Bilbo Baggins (September 22)! And A Very Happy Hobbit Day!
Happy Birthday, Frodo Baggins And Bilbo Baggins (September 22)! And A Very Happy Hobbit Day!
Happy Birthday, Frodo Baggins And Bilbo Baggins (September 22)! And A Very Happy Hobbit Day!
Happy Birthday, Frodo Baggins And Bilbo Baggins (September 22)! And A Very Happy Hobbit Day!

Happy Birthday, Frodo Baggins and Bilbo Baggins (September 22)! And a very happy hobbit day!

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3 years ago



2nd definition for 'back pass' ?

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3 years ago

Battlefield 1

Battlefield 1

I played too many medieval based games xD

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1 year ago

This is super cute post, unexpected pair but cheers in tea. Poor Ea, how can he compose himself properly for the next Kai meeting, I could imagine him avoiding looking Roh in the eye, remembering what he called him "cute" and blushes lightly. I could imagine much later on, Ea make a little robot called Roboroh (or Robo-Roh) which is a chibi Roh but in robot form. He is a precious secret. I love reading them and love to see some soon.

Dragon Ball Super

Kai couple headcanons 💕

Starting with..

U9 x U3 (Roh and Ea)

Tw: none! basically just fluffy headcanons

Dragon Ball Super

So who fell first you may ask? Surprisingly it was Roh. At first he didn't know what came over him when he was at a certain supreme Kai meeting, his lavender eyes kept wandering to the blue skinned deity. He felt warm inside for the first time despite being a bit cold hearted during the Tournament of Power...and the Zeno Expo but he decided then and there that maybe it's not too late to change a little.

After he couldn't help to find the nerdy Kai interesting like what would he look like w/o his glasses or wtf is going on in his head aside loving technology and all.

Ea, on the other was confused, he's literally sitting beside the mint colored Kai and for some reason..eyes were on him and he could sense it. But every time he turned his head to him the feelings gone. 'Is this man playing games with me? Seriously?'

Don't get him wrong he doesn't think he's a bad god, he just has different traits that the other kais don't have. He's wild...and untamed and handsome...what? Why is he thinking these thoughts right now? And is his face growing hot? He wanted to slap himself for spacing out but he couldn't make a fool of himself at the meeting. Pay attention damnit!

After the meeting, Roh is the first to ask or at least say something until Ea cuts him off

"Why were you looking at me so much?" Ea asks while placing a hand on his hip.

Crap! He sensed me! Roh acted quickly and came up with a sleazy lie

"What are you talking about, nerd? I was just paying attention to the Grand Minister on the screen, not you." He turns his head away from him doing the usual denial acting he does hoping it doesn't backfire.

Ea scoffed at the nickname that never bothers him at all since he's basically immune to it. "Come on Roh, I know it was you, what's your deal today?"

"it's not my fault you're so cute." Roh mutters under his breath, a faint blush appearing on his face.

For what Ea did next was the most unexpected thing Roh couldn't even predict, he was flushed a bright red thus making his skin looking like Roh's eyes and Kai-Kais (aka teleports) it back to his universe, into his lair and groans in frustration "did he just call me...cute!?," 😳 "What the hell is happening to me?"

His palms were sweaty, his heart was racing, and his mind was running a thousand miles an hour. He knew what it was and my god for some reason he liked it???? Yep, he fell for a bad boy. He then plops his head back down in his desk in defeat and muffles a soft, "damnit..."

Btw here they are if you don't know who they are

Dragon Ball Super
Dragon Ball Super


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10 years ago

Jesus, is that you?!?! #jesus #ifoundhim #notmysim #sims3 #ea #addictedtosims3 #ineedalife

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9 months ago

Hi, I know many people are excited for the new Dragon Age, me too, but just a reminder: DON'T PREORDER IT

No seriously, don't. I advise not preordering any game actually, but especially not one that is from EA. I fully expect it to launch with at least one game breaking bug, not counting the plethora of just highly annoying ones. Nowadays, so many games are released in a barely playable shitty state, but companies don't care since people keep preordering the games so the money is flowing in.

Just wait. A day, two days, see if it's actually playable, then buy it if everything is alright. It's better than throwing away a shitload of money (and it's a 2024 AAA game published by EA, it's gonna cost A LOT) and then feeling shitty when the game is just bad.

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10 months ago

Do y’all remember Black Ops 3?

You know, the coolest COD?

Because it was the one and only time in my recollection that there was a fundamental mechanical variation that made it wholly unique from the rest of the COD formula?

The last good COD game?

I’m playing it right now and it fucking rocks. Even the campaign was something wholly itself. It wasn’t just “evil terrorist guy shrouded in mystery” fights “rough and tumble loose cannons”. Okay, maybe it was a LOT of that, but they put twists as flourishes in it that made it interesting and DIFFERENT.


And there’s no point in asking EA to change it, because they don’t bother listening to their customers. Our wallets are the only thing they’ll ever listen to, and it’s been proven time and time again.

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1 year ago

Job ad! Come be my coworker! I work at Vox’s Future Perfect, a grant-funded effective-altruism-inspired vertical focused on high impact writing on some of the world’s most important problems. Some of the stories I’m proudest of over the last few years has covered the case for catastrophic AI risk, the rise of plant-based meat, progress towards malaria vaccines, and the case for better biosafety and pandemic preparedness (unfortunately, those pieces all look really good in retrospect).  Now, we’re expanding Future Perfect! We’ll be hiring three full-time fellows for a one-year fellowship. Starting salary depends on your experience but Vox’s minimum salary for any role is $56,000. You’ll write for Future Perfect on any of the above topics or other topics of global importance that you want to become an expert in and bring to our audience. You don’t need to have a journalism background; I think the most important qualification is a commitment to understanding and improving the world, with the EA lens that makes Future Perfect different from everything else in journalism. If you’re potentially interested and want to know more about what working at Vox/at Future Perfect is like, feel free to reach out to me here or at kelsey.piper@vox.com. And please share this post: I think hiring the right people will make a huge difference to the potential value of the Future Perfect fellows program.

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3 years ago
I Needed That Stacked Fence From Brindleton Bay For A Few Builds, And Since Its Not Available Through
I Needed That Stacked Fence From Brindleton Bay For A Few Builds, And Since Its Not Available Through

I needed that stacked fence from brindleton bay for a few builds, and since it’s not available through the live edit cheat, I decided to liberate it myself. It requires cats & dogs, but I added a few additional swatches so it’s a bit more versatile. Hopefully someone finds it useful!

∴ tou: i simply do not care

∴ download @ dropbox

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3 years ago


just a quick recolor of those cute, wall-climbing flowers that came with jungle adventure. 8 of the swatches are ‘floral’ with deeper green leaves than the original, and the ninth is a plain green swatch that matches some ivy from other expansions.

∴ 9 swatches from my wildflower palette

∴ available as a standalone recolor or as an override

∴ both versions require jungle adventure

download @ dropbox

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