Gaz Call Of Duty - Tumblr Posts

i have an unhealthy obsession

TOMER CAPONE & ELLIOT KNIGHT "We'll Keep the Red Flag Flying Here" — The Boys (4.03)

Ghost: Exchanging photos with Simon
Letting Simon tie you up in your new fishnets
Simon sharing you with Price
trying anal for the first time
Gaz: Bending you over the couch after you pestered him the whole day
Blindfolding you while hitting it from the back Pumping you full with cum while you're face down ass up <3
Making you ride him in your new panties [which will be spoiled and ripped later <3] Fucking in the barracks König: Your thighs hurt but dw K can carry u :3 Fingering his tiny liebling Mating press into the couch Riding him in the backyard, hoping the neighbors wont see Hair pulling and breeding <3 Making you gag on his dick Price: Eating you out in the back cz he couldn't wait Tying his hair up so he can eat you out Using his big hands on his lovie <3 Price catching you using toys Be a good girl for daddy, wont you lovie? Whimper for me darlin'. Soap: He woke you up for this Harder? Wearing your favorite hoodie <3 Filling your cunt up nicely Right on the kitchen counter Making you squirt for him After date night

Crying prank on TF141 + Valeria & König <3
Setting up a camera behind a picture of SIMON before pretending to cry into the pillow, waiting for him to come out of his study room. Simon hearing the cries and dropping everything to bolt out of the study and pounces on you, pulling you onto his lap and rubbing your back. All he says is "Who did it. I'll kill them." before you burst out laughing into his chest making him sigh and realize youre pranking him. "Jeez luv, givin me a heart attack won't end well f'you." You looked at him confused before realizing he's not gonna give you mercy in bed later... oops... Pranking PRICE by crying in your office which is next to his makes him stand up and walk over to yours, practically kicking the door open and grabbing your shoulder, turning you around and hugging you before you try so hard not to laugh, Price is oblivious until he see's the camera and groans. "Are you serious lovie?, tryna prank me while m'workin'?" He delivers a harsh spank to your ass before going back to his office, leaving you needy and wanting more. SOAP hearing you cry in your room from the home gym made him drop the fucking bar on his chest for a second before putting it down and bolting to your room, jumping onto your bed and spooning you, kissing your head. "M'here bird, ws' wrong?" He looked over at you and saw the sly grin you tried to contain under your hands and laughed. "You're prankin' me aye?! Sneaky rat!" He was laughing until your burst out laughing too, hugging him as you both had a moment for laughing. Soap let out a content sigh before speaking again. "Y'do realize i dropped a weight on my chest out of shock yeah?" You looked up at him in shock before removing his shirt and kissing the forming bruises on his chest. Soap couldn't stop his cock chubbing up from the sight. GAZ who see's you put on make-up to make it look like you're crying but decides to play along, Listening to your fake cry before rushing over to you, acting caring before tickling you making you laugh loudly and plead for him to stop. "Think i didn't notice the camera, Huh?" You were shocked that he even knew but you couldn't stop laughing from the tickling until Gaz suddenly threw your legs over his shoulders and pressed a slow kiss to your clit, making your thighs tighten around his neck.
VALERIA who notices you crying from the other side of the room and picks you up, putting her on your lap and her face in your neck, kissing your collarbone. "What's wrong Mi Amor? Why are you crying?" You shivered from the kiss and Valeria felt your small grin into her neck and figure it out quickly. "Just wanted my attention huh? Impressive.." Her hands gripped your hips, nipping at your neck and collarbone just to get you worked up. KÖNIG who jumps out of his bed, stumbling a bi and groggy from sleep hearing you cry in the kitchen made him run so fast he fell down the stairs which immediately made you run to the stairs and see him laying there half asleep, bleary eyed and slowly getting up. You helped him up and when you saw the black eye he got from falling you felt guilty. "Maus, warum... Why are you crying?" When you told him you were pranking him he realized and giggled a bit, patting you on the head. At night you felt so guilty that you ended up giving him toe curling head.
I made a new Tumblr account for bots where you can submit prompts too, and it's specificly for Call of Duty. I already have a couple posted.
Whistle while you work

Synopsis - sometimes all a little lass needs is to just holler the lyrics of an angry female-empowering country music, but a certain beloved Scot just can’t help but be worried he screwed up
cw: swearing, medical and military workplace inaccuracies, playful language, suggestive content, heavy flirting, slight miscommunication trope(this hurts me more than this hurts you believe me), nicknames, use of Scottish and southern(Georgia/texas) accent that some readers may find corny or displeasurable
Pairing: Johnny “Soap” MacTavish x southern!medic!reader
Author’s note: I know I said I was busy but I heard “Before He Cheats” by Carrie Underwood come on the radio and it’s been an ear worm that sticking to my brain like flies on a horse. But once again I’m here to remind you that I’m taking southern notes from Georgia and Texas because I was raised in one and I visit family quite often in the other. I am completely open to constructive criticism but if you have nothing nice to say then you just scroll past it costs you absolutely nothing to mind your business. Italicized is singing btw.
©️moonriseoverkyoto 2023. please do not steal, copy, plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my works without my permission. do not steal any elements of my theme without permission.

Soap had begun to have a routine with you. He could often come visit you after shift hours or you would come along on missions and be his first pit stop at base. It was a beautiful little arrangement that the F1F begun to adore. You were the warm fire to warm their cold hearts or the blazing hearth to whip them into shape if they got rowdy. So it was a little jarring to him when he strolled into your clinic and heard an angry drawl.
“Right now, he's probably slow dancin' with a bleach-blonde tramp. And she’s probably gettin’ frisky.”
Your voice had him weak at the knees but there was something off in your pitch. A grit, an anger, a frustration. He suddenly began retracing his steps, trying to find a failure placed upon his behalf.
“Right now, he's probably buyin' her some fruity little drink 'Cause she can't shoot whiskey.”
“Bonnie?” the man called out to you, his reaction was controlled but his heart thumped against his chest trying to break out. When you didn’t respond he decided to stay by the doors out of your vision to figure out what was the issue, studying you.
“Right now, he's probably up behind her with a pool stick. Showin' her how to shoot a combo. And he don't know”
Your hips began to sway against the rising tune and even in your scrubs, there was a clear muscle memory when it came to the rhythm of the song. Soap quickly exited and left to go to the common room to find the rest of the F1F playing poker
“There’s loverboy, we were wondering how long it would take for you and-“
“Firstly, she’s my friend Capt’n you know that. Secondly, Somethin’s a mattah with Bonnie.” Soap cut Price off quickly not caring for niceties.
“why because she’s running a little late?” Gaz spoke while checking his turn. It was comical how they knew you by your nicknames from Soap rather than your god given name.
“Aye ‘nd she’s singin’ this song of ‘ers and it’s got me all worried. I mean I know that I’ve been a wee bit busy lately but I’ve made sure to make me rounds and when I came to her place she was swinging hips and I ken to know when somethin’s a mattah with me Bonnie-“ Simon’s head turned to his friend with interest as Gaz cut the rambling man short.
“Calm down mate. We cannot understand you when you go back to the ancestral plane with that tongue of yours” Gaz spoke. Price waved him off to let the Scott breathe.
“She’s up tae high doh.” Soap rushed out, his brows knit together trying to piece together what could’ve happened.
“In English, lad” Price spoke up. However somebody came to his rescue.
“The phrase is meant to be used to describe when somebody is pent up, flustered. It’s a Scottish saying.” Ghost answered with a deep baritone. Everyone was surprised but secretly noted the phrase for whenever they had to go solo with the Mohawk man.
“So go talk to her” Price responded to Soap with a look that said he was ordering, then he offered a small gift of liquid courage
Soap refused the drink and made his way back over to the infirmary. His brain scrambling to find an answer.
“I dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped-up four-wheel drive. Carved my name into his leather seats”
Your belted notes rung through the doors and hit his ears. He vowed he would find out the issue and fix it just so he wouldn’t have to hear the pain in your voice. He came around the corner as you stood in front of a table, organizing your different surgery and procedural tools. He spotted the AirPod beneath your trucker hat (since wearing a traditional cowboy hat was too distracting in the work place even during the quiet shifts. )
“I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights. Slashed a hole in all four tires-“
Soap swallowed all his worry as he grabbed an AirPod out and spoke but you beat him to the punch.
“Who in all of god givens creation just ordered a free fuckin’- Oh sweetheart Johnny it’s you.” Your fire calmed just as quick as it kindled.
“hey lassie I was getting worried about you” Soap said. His heart and maybe something else throbbed at your honey tone. One day he’d finally act upon those feelings but today he needed to worry about something else. “What’s got you all worked up?”
“Are you saying I’m throwin’ a hissy fit?”
“Noo jist haud on there Lassie. I jist was-“
“Heavens to Betsy! You do think I’m havin’ a hissy fit, why you oughta know that I was the best little-“
As you two went on back and forth, the distance between your bodies got smaller and smaller. Two wide eyed grins plastered across your face. He cut you off with a smirk
“Oh I’m sure you were the.. how do you say it again? Oh right” Johnny leaned in closer and his voice dropped, “the best little girl this side of the Mississippi. Ain’t that right, hen?”
“I know damn well you did not just call me a hen from a damn barn house-“ you went to speak again but got cut off as your throat hitched, soap’s mouth just by your ear and his tone got unrealistically deeper and more dominant. A careful hand grazing your hip.
“Shut yer pus for a moment, hen. Tell me what’s a matter. What’s got you so up tae high doh.” The male spoke.
You were silent for once. All the cogs in your brain just stopped. Everything was quiet, if you had perfect hearing you could hear Johnny’s poor heart banging to get out of his chest in anxiety from him boldly caressing your waist.
“Aww come on lassie, need me to buy a wrench for that brain of yours”
“I misplaced my sewing needle. Well I did or one of the stupid nurses did but I can’t find it and I won’t find it till the cows come home” you huffed.
“The one from your nana?”
“Does a bear shit in the woods?”
“No need for the ‘tude. May I look?”
“Sure. It’s no bigger than a minnow in a fishing pond” you said softly as he gently moved you aside to look at the table below. His trained eye spotting a glint on the ground. He reached over to pick it up and show it to you.
“Bless your heart! Good god Johnny, oh my sweet I could kiss you!” You cried out with the biggest grin. You leaned forward and kissed him softly on his cheek. His stubble gently scratching your soft, plump lips. His cheeks barely flushed as his smirk transformed into a smile and a small chuckle left his throat. He took a moment to memorize the feeling of your lips for later.
If that’s all it took to make his little Bonnie proud. He’d search every haystack for your needle in a heartbeat. You were his everything, he’d wait until the right moment to tell you. Especially when he was pretty sure the rest of the team was right around the corner listening to them. He’ll confront them later, for now he wants to stay in this moment with you. Watching his sweet hen, praising him. Grinning as she danced around with the needle he found, and even maybe hid.

Slang translations
Noo jist haud on - Now just hold on there
Heavens to Betsy - southern expression of surprise
Hen- a woman (Scottish term of endearment)
Bonnie - a beautiful woman, Scottish term of endearment typically paired with Bonnie lass
Lass/Lassie- beautiful woman, term of endearment
Shut yer pus - Scottish way of saying hush up, not literally referring to genitalia
Does a bear shit in the woods - kinda like a sarcastic response of “duh.” Whenever you’re asked a question. Hard concept to explain but I hope it’s not just me who got this from their southern mama
no bigger than a minnow in a fishing pond - comparison of size
Author’s note: AAAAAAAA I DID IT. I wrote my first fic. Oh my god. I’m so tired but I hope everyone loves this as much as I did. Please go listen to the song as well. It’s “Before He Cheats” by Carrie Underwood
General Taglist (comment to be added) : @glossythor @banana-beans-police
also thank you for the support for the series: @fruitsa1ad
"oh hello hello hello, did you miss me?"

well this is a wonderful sight? Yes I'm back, reborn and newer then ever! For now sadly I shut down my MCYT phase. Its been years and I feel like I have moved on.. now onto questions.. >>>>>> "Where did the 'Little bird' fic go?" Sadly, deleted. I know how much you guys loved it but I will make new content for now. >>>>>> "What type of content?" >>>>>> COD! and mostly big masked men ;)) >>>>>> "I'm a minor can I come in?" No, sorry dear but minors are blocked. please unfollow me IF you are a minor, although i know i do not have all the time to check through all of my followers for a child hiding in between, i will be blocking any if i find one(although most of my content will be SFW I still wont allow minors into my blog. thank you!) >>>>>> "COD? which characters?" Task force 141 KorTac And some others if you ask nicely ;) LOVE, Sweetheart.