Jujutsu Kaisen Geto - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Took some inspo from Howl's Moving Castle, and thought this would be nice!

It's based off this image which I found cute:

Took Some Inspo From Howl's Moving Castle, And Thought This Would Be Nice!

"That's my boy!"

Took Some Inspo From Howl's Moving Castle, And Thought This Would Be Nice!

For anyone who wants to use this as a wallpaper/icon (If ur putting it as a pfp or icon, do give me credit or istg I will come after you-) <3

Hope this makes someone's day!

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2 years ago
Forget Pt.1

Forget pt.1

Suguru Geto x fem!Reader

Angst, fluff

How you and Suguru Geto got together. And the first of many parts going over a timeline of how it all fell apart. How your love grew and how it went away after the years.

Your pov

Sitting in my clans house I began overthinking about the past. I’m grateful about where I am today as clan leader, but I can’t help but look bad on the past and the certain people I’ve lost. Where did it all go wrong? I’ve been asking myself that every day since he left. What exactly happened that caused him to change. All of those promises and declarations of love and loyalty are now dust in the wind. He use to be so sweet, caring, and kind. But from what we’ve heard, he’s now killing innocent humans and any sorcerer that doesn’t agree with his ideology. The man I knew would have never killed innocent people. He would’ve done whatever he could to save them. I remember him telling me how beautiful he thought they were. Was that all a lie? I don’t know the truth anymore and I don’t know if my Suguru is still there. My only comfort now are the beautiful memories him and I shared. If I could only go back to the days where he was mine and everything was simpler…

Years Ago in Jujutsu Tech…

Coming back from a mission covered in blood and cuts was not my idea of a good day. It was a tough mission that me and Suguru Geto were suppose to go on. Except he forgot, which is strange to me because we were both told in person about it yesterday. My guess is that he found a piece of ass that caught his attention. So much for friendship I guess. I feel slightly jealous that a random person could get his attention more than his actual friends. I dismissed my anger and went to get my wounds healed. I decided not to be angry too much. He was a kind person only when he wanted to be, hell he’s one of the strongest aside from Gojo. He probably thinks it’s beneath him. What an ass.

After I got my wounds healed, I went back to my room to take a needed shower. On my way there I thought about how the mission went and what I could do better next time. I need to rely on myself and my abilities more and I need to stop hesitating. I’m to be the next leader of my clan by some miracle. My father has no living brothers or any male heirs that have his abilities and my mothers abilities, so I’m the only choice he has. I have to be perfect or I’ll disappoint my entire family.

Just as I was about to reach my room I head rapid footsteps approach me. I turned around to see who they belonged to and to my surprise the flake himself showed up. Geto ran up to me with an apologetic look on his face and a box of some sorts in his hands. I felt like going in my room and locking my door, but knowing him he’d probably stand there knocking until I opened the door. So I turned to face him and began questioning his whereabouts.

“Where the hell were you today?” I questioned

“Sorry l/n, I was out today and lost track of time.” He spoke in labored breathes

“I’m sure you did, good night Geto” I spoke turning to open my door.

“Wait, here I got your favorite candies.” He spoke

“I would have preferred if you actually showed up today for the mission we had together. No worries though I handled it by myself” I deadpanned

“Please just take them as an apology.” He pressed

“Fine, just promise me that you’ll show up next time or tell me you aren’t coming. I’d rather not rely on someone who won’t show.” I said

“Fair enough, I’m still so sorry for flaking out on you” he apologized

“You’re forgiven, good night Geto”

Just as I was about to open my door and get some much needed sleep, I felt him grab my writs and pull me into a hug. I froze as he’d never hugged me before. The only touching we had done was accidentally brushing each others hands or helping each other up during missions. It felt good to be in his arms. I’m still so mad at him but I can’t help but feel so safe. He pulled away and looked into my eyes and my told me goodnight. He then walked away to his own room that was a few doors down. I care for him in a way I don’t think I should. My feelings aren’t something I’m proud of because there is no way he would feel something like that for me. He’s more interested in girls and killing curses to settle down for one person. I’m most likely going to be in an a arranged marriage anyway. I shook off my feelings and went into my room finally getting some much needed sleep.

The next day I walked into the cafeteria and saw Gojo and Geto stuffing their mouthes with their breakfast. I got my food and joined them. I didn’t make eye contact with Geto. I felt a sense of awkwardness in the air. I ate my meal as quickly as I could do to avoid conversation, but my desires were cut short when I heard an annoying voice speak.

“Soooo y/n how’d the mission go yesterday” Gojo spoke in a sing song tone

“Successful” I responded

“Sorry about keeping Geto yesterday, he was helping me with something yesterday” he spoke

“What things?” I questioned. I noticed Geto get visibly uncomfortable, which made me slightly angry.

“Well if you must know. This girl has been calling me nonstop and so Geto here volunteered to distract her for me” he said casually

“Hey!” Geto exclaimed slamming his hands on the table.

“What that’s what you did yesterday” Gojo said innocently

“Ah, so that’s what you were doing yesterday.I guess I was right. Can’t say I’m surprised Geto. Just wish you told me the truth you ass.” I spoke harshly

“L/n I’m sorry I-“ Geto began to speak

“I don’t want to hear it Geto, just tell me next time you’re not going to take care of your responsibilities instead of lying. See you later Geto.” I said while standing up and going to the training field. I needed some time to think about my feelings and what the hell was going through that boys head. I’d never know.

Suguru Getos pov

“Shit this is the last time I do any favor for Gojo. It my fault for accepting, but he threatened to say something to L/n that I would rather say to her myself. Selfish arrogant bastard. I still don’t know why I’m friends with him. I guess it’s because him and I are the strongest. Yeah, maybe that’s it or maybe I just like his company. Whatever it is Gojo Satoru is someone I consider a friend who just so happens to have blackmail on me. I guess I better act quickly. He’d definitely say something vulgar to her and that’s the last thing that I want.” I think to myself

“Heyyyyy Suguru?” Gojo whined

“Yes?” I questioned

“You should ask her out you know.” He states

“I hate that you know I like her.”

“I’m confused on why you do. Why settle for one girl huh?” He questioned

“Because unlike you, I’m not a womanizer. At least I try not to be. And I like her, she’s a strong woman with a kind heard. She’s also fierce when it comes to killing curses. I also find her extremely beautiful inside and out. So what’s not to like?” I stated

“True I guess. You do know that she’ll be a clan leader when she gets older, right?”

“Yes I know. But I can’t help the way I feel about her. I want to feel her, know her, grow with her, and be by her side.” I spoke honestly probably saying more than I should to Gojo.

“Is it because she saved your ass that one time?” Gojo questioned

“Fuck off!”

“Whatever man, as long as your happy” he spoke honestly

“Thanks, I just hope she doesn’t hate me. She might now because of yesterday. I tried making it up to her by getting her something, but I was stupid enough to believe that would work.”

“Nah man you gotta woo her and take her out. Spoil her a little you know.” Gojo said while stuffing rice in his mouth.

“Like you know anything about that.” I scolded

“True I’m not into dating, but I do know how to woo a woman,Suguru.” Gojo spoke

“I think I can figure it out on my own. L/n and I have been friends for a long time. I just hope she feels something for me too. Anyway I’m gonna go do some training”

“Why, we’re the strongest Suguru” Gojo spoke

“I know, but there is nothing wrong with a little training. And she’s not too far behind us you know. She’s way better at physical fighting than both of us combined. We’re only strong because of our techniques. I said

“Heh true that. Don’t overwork yourself Geto” Gojo spoke

“Yeah I won’t. See ya later.” I said while standing up to make my way to the training field.

I waved goodbye to my idiot friend and made my way to the training field. I needed to clear my head and make a plan to explain my feelings to her. Even if she didn’t want to be with me like that. I wanted her to know that I would always want to be near her, to grow beside her, and to see her become head of her clan. I want to see her succeed. I never imagined I’d ever care for anyone this way. I almost want to laugh at myself for how whipped I am for this girl. Gojo was right though. My feeling started when she saved my life. She risked hers to save mine form a powerful curse when we were first years. I was strong back then, but not as strong as the curse I was fighting. She managed to kill the curse and save me from getting killed. Ever since then I’ve desired her.

After a few minutes of walking, I was almost at the training field. I planned on just doing some light exercises and working on my technique a bit. As I was walking up, I saw her. She was there too and my heart felt like it was racing out of my chest. She looked so fierce and beautiful. I couldn’t help but stand and stare at her beauty. The way she moved was like water. She was graceful yet strong. I don’t know how long I stood there like an idiot but I was taken out of my trance when I heard her call my name.

“Hey Geto what the hell are you standing there for” she yelled

“Just watching. May I join you?” I questioned trying not to sound nervous

“Yeah, if you can keep up and no cursed energy” she spoke back with a smirk on her face.

One hour later…

“I give up you win” I said said holding my stomach that she just hit with her full strength.

“I told you Suguru, you can’t keep up with me. Your ability is slightly stronger than mine. But when it comes to actual combat you are simply inferior to me.” She spoke nonchalantly

“Yeah, very true” I groaned trying to get up.


“L/n I’m really sorry for yesterday and this morning. I had no intention of hurting you.” I apologized again.

“It’s fine Suguru I already forgave you. Besides I just kicked your ass, so I’m doing much better.” She smiled which made me smile with her.

“L/n do you maybe want to go into town tomorrow? There’s this uh coffee shop I’ve been wanting to try.” I ask nervously

“Hmm, I don’t see why not. As long as your buying” she spoke

“Sure, it’s a date then” I say then realizing what I just said. I looked in her eyes to see if I made her uncomfortable but she didn’t seem fazed by my suggestion at all. She almost looked happy by it, but maybe that was my imagination.

“See you tomorrow Geto” she said waving me off with a small smile.

“See you tomorrow, L/n” I said with a small blush grading my features excited to spend the day with her tomorrow.

Forget Pt.1

Thank you so much for reading❤️ this story will have multiple parts. I haven’t decided how many yet so stay tuned. Very slow updates.

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•I do NOT own any characters except y/n•


Part 1, Part 2

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1 year ago
Forget Pt.2

Forget pt.2

Suguru Geto x fem!Reader

Fluff, slight angst. Geto tries to make it up to you on your “date”.

First Person pov

Suguru Geto was about thirty minutes late and we were suppose to meet at 5:30. He promised me last night over text that he wouldn’t be late and that in fact I would be the one late. Yet here I am waiting on his slow ass. I can’t believe that guy. I decided to leave our designated meeting spot to do some shopping for myself. If he won’t take me out, then I’ll just treat myself. No use wasting a perfectly good day waiting on his flaky ass.

“Hey L/n!!” I heard from a distance.

I turned my head to find the voice and to my actual surprise I saw Geto running full speed towards me waving his right arm in the air frantically. A few seconds later he was by my side catching his breathe.

“You better have a good reason to be late Geto”! I exclaimed to him

“I know I’m sorry. My alarm didn’t go off and I rushed here as fast as I could.” He said while taking short breaths.”

“Yeah…sure” I said while rolling my eyes

“L/n I really am sorry. I overslept and I’m being honest about that. I really do keep fucking up our friendship don’t I?” He said as he composed himself and looked at me. His hair was down and he looked tired. I guess he really needed some sleep.

“Fine I guess. Well you’re here now, so what did you have in mind to do today?” I asked him still slightly pissed that he was late.

“Well I have a big surprise, but that’s for later today. So we can do whatever you’d like until then if you want.” Geto said with a smile.

“What’s the surprise?” I questioned

“It really wouldn’t be a surprise then if I told you.” He chucked

“I suppose it wouldn’t. Alright then I guess I’m a getting a little hungry if you wanted to go get something.” I told him

“Any place in mind?” He asked me

“Yeah, let’s go to that new restaurant just a couple of blocks from here.” I suggested

“Sounds good to me L/n. Lead the way.” He said.

As we walked to our destination I couldn’t help but feel comfortable with him. He was good company when he wasn’t late or being an asshole with Gojo. We passed many different shops that I wanted to go to. I expressed my desires to Geto and he didn’t even question why I wanted to go. He seemed to like to say yes to everything. I have a feeling he’s sucking up to me because he flaked on me during our mission and because he was late.

Just as we were about to arrive at the restaurant, I noticed an orange cat in a alley way. They were a bigger cat with a long tail and a missing ear. My heart hurt for the little guy. I bent down to pet him and so did Geto. They were as friendly as could be and I couldn’t help but smile at the cute creature. Turing my head to see how Geto was doing I noticed he had a big smile on his face as well. For some reason that made me feel fuzzy inside. And a faint blush graced my features.

“Damn this cat his cute.” Geto suddenly said

“Yeah. I wish I could take it with me. I don’t think Yaga would appreciate that though.” I said in a solemn tone.

“If he never finds out I don’t think it’ll matter. Geto responded

“He’s pretty good at finding out stuff like this. Remember that time Gojo found a dog and tried to keep it?” I asked laughing at the memory.

“Oh yeah how could I forget the look on his face when Yaga told him he couldn’t keep it. I think this is different though.” He said

“How is this any different from that?” I questioned him.

“Well for one Yaga actually likes you and you’re a responsible person. Two that dog was massive and had flees and who knows why else. Three I know for certain Yaga likes cats.” Geto spoke honestly

“Okay you got me there. And how the hell did you know that he likes cats?” I asked him while petting the cat.

“I may have over heard him talking on phone with someone. And he called that certain someone kitten.” He said with a serious expression on his face that caused me to laugh.

“Yeah sure he did Geto” I responded

“Hey I’m sure this cat will be here when we get back. So do you want to head out?” Geto questioned

“Sure, I’ve been dying to try that new place anyway.” I responded getting up

After we said our goodbyes to that cat, we made our way to the restaurant. Just like before it was a quiet comfortable walk. Today was beautiful as the cherry blossoms were in full bloom and the day was warm. I loved days like this because they reminded me of my mother. We use to walk in the family gardens together when I was a child. That was so long ago. I smiled at that thought.

“Hey what’s got you so happy?” Geto asked as he put a hand on my shoulder.

“Nothing just enjoying the day is all.” I told him

“It is a lovely day.” He responded

“It certainly is.”

“Almost as lovely as you”he said in a whisper. This made me blush. I’m sure it was just him being kind to me. Yet I still couldn’t help but feel fluttery at his comment.

After a short amount of time we made it to our destination. Just as I was about to open the door, Geto beat me to it. Stating it was a gentlemanly thing to do. I rolled my eyes at his comment and walked in. The restaurant was simple yet elegant. As soon as I walked in I smelled a wonderful aroma of baked goods that a little giddy with anticipation. Geto and I then made our way to a table near a window so that we could enjoy the sun a little more. Opening our menus I noticed a lot of really wonderful dishes and baked items. Our waiter came up to as for our orders and I ordered (f/f) and (f/d) and Geto ordered a coffee and a piece of chocolate cake.

“So are you enjoying yourself today L/N?” Geto asked leaning back on his chair with crossed arms.

“Yes I think I am. I haven’t had a day where I can just do anything in a long time. My father is persistent that I do training whether I can do that I can reach my full potential.” I spoke honestly mimicking his posture.

“He sounds like a hard ass. He won’t give you shit for being here with me today will he”? He asked with sloughs nervousness in his tone.

“Nah and if he does I’ll deal with it later. It’s not like I do this everyday. Plus he thinks your strong so he won’t care that I’m out with you.” I said turning my head to look out of the window.

“We’ll me and Gojo are the strongest y’know.” He chuckled.

“I’m fully aware of that. However, I’m not too far behind you and I will surpass you in power. Or at least be able to rival you in my curse technique soon. I just need a little more time.” I told him Turing my head to look him in the eyes with a serious determined glare.

“Sheesh alright then I trust you. You have me beat with just hand to hand combat so hell maybe you will surpass me with your cursed technique. Just don’t push yourself too much.” Geto spoke reaching his hand out and giving my shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

“I’ll try but I can’t promise anything. Like you said my father is a real hard ass.” I said while softening my glare. Damn this boy he has some sort of hold on my that makes me feel so soft inside. I’m not sure if I hate it or not.

Just then our waiter came with our meals. The food was divine and the first bite left my body with goosebumps. Geto laughed at my reaction to the food, but then I teased him because he want any less funny. He had chocolate cake all over his lips. He looked like a toddler eating their first piece of cake. It was hard not to laugh. One of the strongest Jujutsu sorcerers eating like a toddler was a sight to see. After my laughter and pointing out the sugary mess he quickly wiped his mouth. A little while later Geto paid claiming it was his treat for being so late. I don’t complain one bit considering he did owe me. As we left the sky began turning a deep orange with purple, yellow, and pink all blending into the heavenly sky. The cherry blossoms looked ethereal with the sunset cascading onto them. It was truly a lovely sight to behold. I have no idea how long I stared at them but I felt Geto tap my shoulder.

“You okay up there L/N”? Geto questioned.

“Yeah I’m just fine.” I said to him. I then turned my head to look at him only to be completely awestruck. Just as ethereal as the cherry blossoms was the sight before me. Getos skin had been kissed by the wonderful colors. His eyes were glowing with radiance. He was smiling at me and I swear I had never seen a more beautiful smile than the one graced before me. I couldn’t speak all I could do was marvel at the sight before me with a raging heat on my face.

Suguru Getos pov

A goddess. That’s what Y/N L/N was at this very moment. Todays sunset was particularly beautiful. However the ways the sunsets color had illuminated her. Her eyes seemed to glow with a raging fire. Her skin was radiating a godlike glow. She as an ethereal being I swear. I’ve met plenty of pretty girls but none of them compare to the goddess that stood before me.

Her lips in this moment seemed so soft and plump. All I wanted to do was kiss her, but would that be okay? Would I ruin what little grave I had left with her? Did today make her forgive me for my shitty behavior? All of these questions came flooding in yet left as soon as they came. She was leaning in so I did what anyone would do. I leaned in too. My hand found her cheek and I could already feel her breath on my face. Time seemed to completely slow down. Our lips barely touched and I was ready to take this next step with her. And then at the worst fucking possible time I hear this agonizing voice booming behind me.

“HEY YOU GUYS!” screamed the one and only Satoru Gojo. I’m normally use to his annoying behavior. He is my best friend after all. And yet I find myself wanting to strangle him right about now.

“Hello Satoru” I say irritated and gritting my teeth.

“Hey Gojo” L/N says in a similar tone

“Well damn are you guys both in a sour mood or something?” He asked innocently

“Nope not at all” I say facing him with a slight annoyed glare.

“Alright, I was just in town and knew you guys were here. It’s almost curfew ya’know. You guys don’t want Yaga on your asses.” He joked

“We were just leaving Gojo. I could also say the same thing about you. Why are you here?” L/N asked

“If you must know I felt a little peckish, so I decided to get some mochi. I heard this place was pretty good so I wanted to come get some before curfew.” He responded excitedly

“Well, it certainly was good. Hope you have a good time bud.” I said while patting him on the back and pulling on L/N’s arm indicating I wanted to go.

“Aww alright see you guys later.” Satoru pouted.

“Yeah later” L/N and I spoke at the same time.

After we had said our goodbyes, we began walking back to our school. I guess we spent a little long in the restaurant. I just hope I have time for the surprise I had planned. Hopefully she’ll like it. And as if on cue…

“So what about that surprise huh?” She said tugging on my arm.

“We need to go to the school in order to see it. Don’t worry I think you’ll like it.” I said confidently.

“Hmmm alright. I’m sure I’ll like it. It’s not too hard to please me.” She joked

“Hehe yeah I’m sure” I chucked nervously

“It’s a shame though.” She spoke

“What is?” I questioned

“We passed that alley that cat was at and he wasn’t there. I hope he’ll be okay tonight.” She said as her head was looking at the sky.

“I’m sure he will be. If you’re that worried, we can go look for him. Although I’m not sure you’ll get your surprise tonight if that’s the case.” I told her honestly.

“It’s okay. I’m sure you’re right about him. Plus I’m pretty excited about this so called ‘surprise’” she said while doing air quotations with her fingers

“Alright then I’ll race you there” I beamed as I began running.

“What the hell Geto!!!” L/N screamed as she began running too.

Your pov

Dammit all right to hell. I just ate and now I’m running. This is not exactly what I’d call fun. But at least I’m getting some training in today. Plus the school isn’t too far from here. I’m surprised at Geto’s attitude. I never took him for the randomly racing type but I guess you can’t judge a book by it’s cover.

I won of course. Even with a head start Geto can’t beat me. His cursed energy is a little stronger than mine, but I’m a hell of a lot more skilled than he is. Still I needed to catch my breath at the gates of Jujutsu high. Eating a lot of food and then running wasn’t exactly smart. I can tell that Geto is probably thinking the same thing as he is currently hunched over catching his breath.

“So, heh, L/N follow me would ya” he said in between breaths

“Yeah sure” I said in between my own breaths.

“You beat me again it seems” Geto spoke taking the lead

“Of course I did Geto.” I laughed

“I had a good time with you L/N” he suddenly spoke in soft voice

“Me too Geto. And you know you can call me by my first name, right?” I questioned him

“Yeah, alright then Y/N.” He said looking at me. This made me melt. His eyes were beautiful and to me they were more beautiful than Gojos.

A little while longer of walking and chatting about random things we made it to the rooftop of the dorm rooms. I was confused on what kind of a surprise could be on an roof top. It was now dark with only some lights hanging by the dorm building’s door as well as the moonlight that kissed the landscape below. I noticed Geto pulling down his sleeve to look at his watch and smile.

“It’s almost time for your surprise, so make yourself comfortable.” he said

“Alright just know if you’re planning on killing me, my father will hunt you down.” I joked or tried to.

“Umm yeah I’m not gonna kill you Y/N” he deadpanned

“Good because I really don’t feel like dying yet. I’ve still gotta get stronger.” I said as I say down and looked at the moon.

“Why do you want to get stronger” he questioned

“So I can protect the weak.”

“You mean humans?” He asked

“Yep” I said emphasizing the p

“Understandable although they are the reason that we have to kill curses in the first place.” He said in a slight malicious tone.

“You okay they can’t help it. I bet if they could they wouldn’t. We have the power to stop it and I think that we should if we can.” I passionately said looking into his eyes.

“Yeah I guess you’re right. By the way we’ve got less than ten seconds until your surprise. So close your eyes.”

“For how long?” I asked him raising my left eyebrow.

“Just until I say”

After those seconds go by I hear him tell me to open my eyes. To my surprise shooting lights were gracing the sky at lightning speeds. It was such a beautiful sight. I found myself smiling at the marvel above me. I have never seen a meteor shower and I’m happy that I’m seeing one now with him. His surprise definitely was worth the wait.

“Like it?” He asked sheepishly

“Yes of course I do!” I said excitedly moving over to hug him. I have no idea why I hugged him I just felt this was the best way to hug him.

“I’m glad you do” he responded wrapping his arms around me. This hug felt just as good as the last one we shared. I didn’t notice how cold I was until I felt his body pressed against mine. It was comforting and I felt like letting go would leave me with an uncomfortable chill.

“Yeah thank you for today and you’re forgiven by the way. Today was perfect.” I said holding him a little bit harder.

“Anytime Y/N I had a good time today too.” He said as I felt him hold me harder too.

As we finally let go I looked back up at the sky to marvel again at the sight before me thankful that I get to share it with Suguru Geto. After about an hour we headed back to our dorms.

“You know we should hang out more Y/N. I enjoy your company.” Geto suddenly spoke as we reached my door.

“I agree you’re good company.” I said honesty

“Anyway goodnight I’ll see you tomorrow at breakfast.” He said with a smile

“Goodnight Geto.” I smiled back looking in his heavenly eyes

After he left I did my nightly routine and got into my bed. My thoughts were consumed by my day and how well it went. I’m glad I agreed to spend my day with him. I hope that I can spend more time with him without him finding out about my crush. That might be a bit embarrassing. As I closed my eyes I was all but consumed with thoughts of Suaguru Geto.

Forget Pt.2

Thank you all for reading. Sorry this part took a little longer than expected. Please stay tuned for the next part. And please comment I enjoy reading them💜

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•I do NOT own any characters except y/n•


Part 1 Part 2

Not too sure if I’ll continue this fic or not. Please let me know if you’d like a part 3. Thank you!💜

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1 year ago
Braiding His Hair

Braiding His Hair

Geto Suguru x GN!reader


Imagine running your ringers through is long, silky smooth black hair. Carefully undoing the nots with your fingers as delicately as possible trying not to snag his hair. Imagine taking three strands of his hair on the right side of his head and forming a small braid then tying it up with one of the hair ties on his wrist. Geto smiling contently, as he reads his favorite book that’s he’s read at least a dozen times. He doesn’t mind that you’re doing this because he knows how happy this makes you. Imagine making a few more small braid on all over his hair not caring how they looked as you really just wanted to play with his hair. As soon as you were content, you decided to take them out and attempt to put all of his hair in one singular braid. Just like before, carefully making now three larger strands and braiding them careful once more not to accidentally snag his hair. Once you’re done, you take your favorite hair tie and tie his hair making sure that the braid will stay. You give him a mirror and show him your hard work. Geto smiles bigger as he turns around and captures you into a big hug that makes your stomach flutter. Imagine wrapping your arms around him and giving him an equally as big hug. Then peppering light kisses all over his face. He returns the gesture with a kiss on your lips that’s as soft and sweet as silk. Now you feel like you’re flying with how light and wonderful you feel. Imagine him telling you how much he loves the braid and that he’ll only take it out if you do it. You laugh and bury your face in the crook of his neck snuggling into him and taking in all of his warmth. You whisper an “I love you” and he whispers that he loves you more. The night ends with the two of you cuddling and watching movies, grateful that you have each other. Imagine that Geto was serious about keeping the braid in until you take it out yourself as Gojo the next morning teases in about it and all Geto can do is smile and think about the magical night he had with you as he was excited for the next time you wanted to braid his hair.

Braiding His Hair

Thank you for reading!💜

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Click here to see what I’ll write for and HERE for my master list.

•I do NOT own any characters except y/n•


Tags :
1 year ago

excuse me for a moment, i will go and dedicate my thesis to this masterpiece

T you OUTDID yourself with this one frrrrrrrr

there are so many favorite moments that i am going bald like, full alopecia but

Excuse Me For A Moment, I Will Go And Dedicate My Thesis To This Masterpiece


and like, shoko and gojo just laying there jesus😩 i am DOWN BAD

a/n: technically a fic but too lazy to edit a header. tagging @slttygeto @crysugu @omgeto @ohmygetou @lvlybee @hyomagiri @jabamin ☆

warnings: roommate!geto, soft dom!geto, semi-public sex (the public being gojo & shoko lol), exhibitionism, praise, finger sucking, pet names, fingering, clit stimulation, oral (m receiving), reader chokes a little, cum shot, unprotected sex, riding, creampie / breeding kink, n*sfw under the cut

A/n: Technically A Fic But Too Lazy To Edit A Header. Tagging @slttygeto @crysugu @omgeto @ohmygetou

thinking about roommate!geto and having those dormitory movie nights like i mentioned in the roommate fic but now that you’re together and cuddling on the couch, gojo and shoko can’t help but playfully gag and tease the two of you — geto is smooth, always stroking your hair while his honeyed eyes only stay staring at you as they play some stupid lovey song like spandau ballet’s true in the background.

but what geto loves more than feeling your skin burn from the teasing and your soft sighs of love through your kisses is snaking his hand over your lap with the blanket that’s covering the both of you. it’s winter in tokyo, anyway, so at least you had the excuse of that over your bodies while geto teases the skin above your waistband.

“but they’re right there—” fingers clasped around his wrist as a warning. the movement is so quick the snack bowl almost topples over.

“relax...” geto lands a peck to your temple, smiling when he feels your hand loosens as soon as the warmth of his hand meets with the warmth of your cunt, “be quiet for me and i’ll let you cum.”

you hum in reply, wrapping an arm around his bicep now to stay closer to him, making a show that nothing sinister is going on under your pants and blanket. with one peek to shoko and gojo who’s engrossed with the movie (geto planned this, didn’t he?), you’re melting into the couch when an experimental finger rubs a lazy circle on your clit.

geto smiles at the way you nuzzle closer to him, hearing the whisper of a soft moan before his finger moves down, down, down, letting out a small groan when he feels that you’re already so wet.

“how’re you going to cum now, princess?” geto plays with your juices, your senses on end and wishing the fabric on you wouldn’t move so much, “you’re so wet that they could probably hear your cum drip down my hands.”

you tsk and pinch his bicep softly, “meanie. and who did this to me?”

geto chuckles, catching your lips in a soft kiss, “okay, okay. touché.”

the first push into your warm, wet pussy is phenomenal, both of your eyes closing as you squeeze around his thick finger. it reaches just like you remember the last time, mouth dug into his shirt sleeve to prevent any noise.

“second,” he whispers softly, eyes staying on the screen but not really digesting anything: he’s more fixated on the tightness of which you hang onto his side, the tightness of your walls, nudging past your folds with a second finger, “that’s it, good girl.”

geto mumbles into your hair and ignores the twitch of his cock, but he makes the mistake of pulling his eyes away from the television to you, who already has sweat lining your brow and your chin making an indent in his arm so that you’re staring up at him. your eyes are pleading, swirling with clouds of lust that suguru instinctively curls his fingers and has the pleasure of seeing your eyes widen and your mouth fall open in silence.

“doing so well, baby. you close?” geto cannot pull away from your hypnotising stare, so he holds it and finds himself getting weaker and weaker, “you’re throbbing.”

and you laugh lightly, ragged breaths leaving your person as his hands speed up just a little but like he said — you’re just too wet that they’d hear the squelch of your cunt so he continues to curl his fingers instead while your hand rubs at your clit. you’re squeezing suguru’s arm so tight your knuckles are probably white, heating up his skin with your irregular pants and whines.

your hips start to grind into his despite your initial caution and geto shoots you a cheeky smile before his fingers hit that spot and you’re making the move to moan and geto crashes his lips into yours — that gesture alone makes you cum, hands impatiently playing with your bundle of nerves as the coil in your tummy releases and you thank the heavens geto’s taking the bulk of your sounds.

“oh— just like that, sweetheart.” his voice strains a little as he lets you ride his fingers through your orgasm until you’re catching your breath, “still with me?”

you nod against his arm and sigh when his fingers leave your clenching hole; “always with you.” geto denies the flutter of his heart when you say that, pecking your forehead gently.

and all is well until you four are on your third movie and gojo and shoko are nodding off because they technically did have a tiring day ushering in freshmen today so once they knock out, geto’s surprised when your hand also travels over his body. they go over his arms, his pecs and to his torso and a single finger traces the happy trail right down to his cock and geto swallows.

“what happened to my shy girl?” he bites his lip, the dialogue on the movie now lost to him while you take the fingers that were in you before and shove them in your mouth — they still vaguely tasted like you, the websites were correct, you fear — twisting your tongue over his digits.

“gone.” you grin before you’re moving under the blanket, but not before giving your friends one last glance and they’re knocked out cold, “lemme suck your cock, su.”

suguru smiles, “slut.”

you shrug at the name; you know it’s done playfully and jokingly, “only f’r you.”

and geto hopes that’s true because when you’re the cutest when you tug off his underwear and his fat, throbbing cock slaps his abdomen from how painfully hard he was. you’re the cutest when you wrap your hands around him and even then it’s not enough to cover his length. you’re the cutest when you look up at him through your lashes and give the smallest kiss to his tip which is leaking so much pre-cum he’s a little embarrassed.

it’s a shame he had no chance of experiencing this the first time but then, he was focused solely on you and your pleasure, so seeing you between his legs now was a treat, especially the way your tongue swirls around his tip and scoops up his arousal.

“didn’t know you took dick so well,” geto breathlessly mumbles when you start to bob your head, brushing fingers through your hair and pulling the strands away from your mouth. you moan at that, squeezing his length and forcing him down your throat until—

“woah, woah, easy baby,” geto calms you down through your coughing fit and all you do is hide in his thighs, face hot.

“sorry.” is all you mutter and your lover brings you from your hiding place where there’s a pout on your face and tears lining your eyes when you’ve gagged earlier.

suguru tilts your chin up with a hand and kisses you gently, “nothin’ to be sorry bout, my love,” playing with your bottom lip and places another peck, always not being able to resist your lips, “i’ll train you next time,” that sends a thrill down to your core, “but for now, take it slow.”

“’kay,” you’re meek now, taking his shaft with more consideration but your mouth’s still as hot as ever. geto lets out a small moan, letting you go at your own pace no matter how much he wanted fuck your face. you run a long stripe up the bottom of his length, thumb playing with his tip while his eyes stay fixated on you taking him down your throat so well.

“use your hands— y-yes, fuck,” geto encourages, as you use your hands to pump the areas you’re not able to reach, the little stutters in his voice sending tingles down to your centre. “hollow your cheeks, baby— that’s righttt... mouth’s warm, huh?”

you slurp your saliva off his dick and come off, smiling at him, “yeah.”

he hums while you continue the bobbing of your head and the moans that you let out around his shaft send vibrations up his body. suguru twitches in your mouth and his thigh tenses.

“close—” geto’s moans get breathy and choked the closer he is to his high, hips bucking up into your mouth. there’s drool that drips from the corners and the sounds of your mouth being so full of his cock sends him into overdrive, “wanna— wanna cum all over your face, princess.”

you whine, the slurping and gawking noises getting faster before you’re letting his cock with a gasp, pumping him while your dilated eyes look up to him and him only. tongue out and soft, warm hands, and they all belong to you — truly the only person to get him so riled up and hard — he pulls on your hair before he spills all over your face. his seed’s so much, hitting your tongue and cheeks and you jolt slightly in surprise.

“f—fuck yesss... look s’pretty with my cum all over your face,” geto’s mouth hangs open at the sight, hips still jerking as your hands stroke and milk him until he’s got nothing left, grip loosening and then tightening when you gather his cum and then eat it all up, “attagirl.”

“you taste good, sugu,” you giggle, letting him pull you over and you take it as a sign to do away with the blanket altogether. with one more glance you now see shoko slouched over gojo and both of them drooling from the mouth; yeah you could fuck.

“that so?” geto pulls you in for a kiss, “guess i’m healthy then.”

“hm... don’t know, need your cum in me to do a proper check,” suguru’s hands fly to your hips instantly when you tease his cockhead along your folds, not even having the energy to comment on your little joke, eyes fluttering close and he stammers—

“b—baby, still sens’tive.”

you whine playfully, “please?”

there’s no answer from him when you slide down on him easily, and he sighs when his eyes open — the backlight of the television makes him think that maybe you were an angel to descend upon him, “y’know i can never say no to you, sweetheart.”

and you’re losing yourself in him after, his hands helping you ride him while you bounce on his lap. your head hangs forward, foreheads connected as your breath fans over his face. with each time his cock bottoms out of you, there’s the spill of your juices all over his torso and pelvis, entranced with your gummy walls until the shift of the two people beside you make you freeze.

they’ve both changed positions now: shoko’s head thrown back over the back of the sofa while gojo hangs over the side arm rests — you both share a little giggle and a breath of relief before suguru seizes your chin and forces you to look down.

“can’t last long, your pussy’s just too good,” your lover rasps out, your thighs burning, “so i want you watch to how you take my cock, baby.”

and you could cum from those words alone, yet you follow his orders before he starts to thrust up into you, whining right into his neck. his hips are relentless and his hands knead at your ass, eyes focusing on the way you watch your sopping cunt suck him up.

“s’good, s’good— fuuckk...” you whimper softly, chin hitting your chest as you watch the drag of his cock, in and out, in and out before seeing him twitch and your moans consist of his name only, “suguru, suguru, suguruuu....”

“almost there, cum with me sweetness,” geto groans when your body collapses onto him and he can feel your perk nipples poke into his chest, reminiscent of the very first time you thanked him for letting you room with him. how thankful he was, now. he lets you hide in his neck despite disobeying his request — you’re the only one he’d let do that — and he has an easier time ramming into you from below anyway.

it’s obscene, the slaps of his pelvis against the fat of your ass cheeks, coupled with the slickness of your drooling pussy, it’s got the both of you moaning softly into each other’s mouths before geto’s rutting into you hurriedly and messily. he continues his thrusts, fucking his cum into you until it starts to spill out the sides and you’re cumming right after when his tip kisses your cervix oh, so lightly, sending your thighs trembling and pussy fluttering.

“clenching ’round me so bad— shit, you’re cumming so much,” suguru laughs, cut off by a choked moan when your hips adjust. there’s a filthy shlick! that is sounded out when geto removes his cock from you and the mixture of your cum comes dripping out. he licks his lips when he watches it dribble out of your entrance.

“you’re so gross—” you grin, brushing the sweat-filled hair out of his face.

“like you’re not,” geto purses his lips and clicks his tongue, “sucking me off in front of friends.”

“it’s hot.”

the gears are turning in suguru’s head, and you just know you’re in for it when he picks you up swiftly, shoving your body into the sofa and he drags his weeping tip along your cum-filled cunt.

“oh yeah? let’s go till we wake the neighbours, baby.”

the next morning, you’re waking up with a pounding headache and aching legs, reaching over the bedside table (a gentleman like suguru would never leave you on the couch) before a text from gojo lights up the phone and you’re mortified.

[satoru (loser) 🧿👄🧿]: i heard u btw

A/n: Technically A Fic But Too Lazy To Edit A Header. Tagging @slttygeto @crysugu @omgeto @ohmygetou

Tags :
1 year ago



a/n: bassist!geto teaching you how to play the guitar. loosely based off this but not really connected. as requested by @alcospray 💟 i dont play bass so i just watched a whole bunch of videos for just one song - any bass players wanna correct me feel free to do so ;"). only if u look like geto tho /j. they havent say the three words to each other yet, read it with that in mind :3

wc: 2.1k


“any update from your fan?” gojo nudges him playfully as they wait for the principle of the university to introduce their band for the freshmen orientation, which, weirdly, something that the four of them never thought would happen. they sang about topics that wouldn’t normally get talked about or were shunned — politics, capitalism, authoritarianism — and yet being introduced by the principle of their place of education was quite ironic.

the bassist doesn’t hear gojo at all, not even when his best friend tries to tease him by calling you his fan. there were too many things in geto’s mind way even before this whole performance: his finals, a rival band that sought out to create false rumours about them, you.

always, you, the unexpected distracting thing that infiltrates his mind without fail. from the first night you trodded over to his dorms, opening up to him and letting him take care of you, to the many dates after. he’s taken you to cafés, watched you study way too many times, or simply let you sit through one of his song formation days.

a conscious effort to keep his distance and everything is just you, you, you, and geto is terrified. he’s never liked the kind of love with strings attached, with those mushy, complicated feelings, but no one-night stand, no quick fuck has ever made him feel the way you do.

but lately, he’s seen less of you, unwillingly accepting the principle’s offer to perform for the freshmen because he knew you were one of the group leaders ushering in the new students. at least he could try to search for you in the crowds, even getting a cheeky little text about where your group was meant to sit a week ago. he could be granted at least that when you both have been working so hard for final exams that you two could hardly see each other.

although, throughout their whole set, he sees everyone but you. he loses the bass line often, looks lost on the stage, needs to be cued in, something that never happens to the geto suguru. he’s always been a natural, and yet when it comes to you, you ruin him in the best way possible.

“hey— hey! man, what was that?” gojo slaps him on the back but it doesn’t even register in geto’s head, not really bothered by how he messed up the performance if it wasn’t for gojo’s vocals and shoko adding in her own improvisations for her parts. nanami can only shrug as he comes around to geto’s front.

“she wasn’t there, i looked, too,” nanami mumbled, tapping his drumsticks on his shoulder, “but you’re the most passionate guy i know who loves his guitars and bass lines.”

gojo has to chime in, “he’s the only bass guitarist you know, nanamiii!” and shoko pulls him back with a smack to the back of his head.

the dark-haired guy only clicks his tongue, “sorry ’bout him.”

nanami waves his drumsticks before pointing them at his face, “i know you’re obsessed with her, but i don’t wanna be a drummer if i can’t work with my bassist. sort this out before our next gig. she’s a sweet girl . . just, not when it’s at the expense of the band.”

geto only sighs in relief, landing a hand on his drummer’s shoulder.

“thank you, nanami.” the two exchange smiles before he gives a salute to his other two friends (“do you think he finally loves someone enough for him to be distracted on stage?” shoko says, and gojo gasps dramatically), heading out from the wings and down the stairs at the front of the stage where people look confused at the recent performer looking high and low for where your group was meant to be seated.

he sees not you, but rather your group leader mates who he’s at least seen pictures of, so he has no qualms about heading over to ask about your whereabouts — “the last thing she told our head group leader was that she was down with a nasty flu . . terrible fever and all. our main group leader went to her dorms to check on her and she’s unfit for doing orientations activities. we just sent her loads of soup packets and pei pa koa’s.”

geto laughs at the last part, knowing your need for sweet things. when it’s combined with a soothing coating for your throat, it’s pretty much the only thing you take when you’re sick. with a quick thanks, geto races for the campus bus straight to your dorm, the bass carried on his back rattling with his capo, chord sheets and mute nosily.

at least your annoying roommate’s gone home before school starts so it’s only you when geto knocks on the door. his knuckles rap against the wood, heart breaking when he hears your hoarse voice answer from the other side. soon, he can hear your feet moving towards the door, but it takes a while from how your body is, knocking over some things in the process.

“c-coming!” you groan out, wrapped in layers of clothing and feeling so hot you feel like you were in hell. but you aren’t expecting the sight when you open the door: your boyfriend panting, the guitar case behind him only telling you he’s come straight from the freshmen gig, the expression on his face.

“s-su!” you exclaim, both excitedly and a little worried because you didn’t want to get him sick, something you regret immediately when you go to clutch your throat.

“oh, baby,” geto brushes the hoodie off your head and brushes away the mess of your hair, “you look so pale, i— i would’ve come sooner if i knew—!”

“that’s why i didn’t tell you,” you pout, pushing away his hand gently and stepping back. it hurts to speak, but you feel like you at least need to explain your absence to him, “i was afraid you’d ditch the performance. also— don’t want you to get sick.”

suguru’s expression softens, “don’t worry about me, doll. come,” he takes one more step towards you and you feel so safe with him you don’t take a step away, “let me take care of you.”

the next hours are full of geto, a revered bassist in an upcoming band who dons long hair, piercings and has a menacing dragon down his arm alongside some boots, taking care of you. he runs back and forth between the pantry to make sure you have enough hot water, boiling hot soup to drink, enough layers to keep you warm and even calling gojo to get some tylenol from the supermarket.

“take a breather, sugu, i’m not gonna die,” you laugh slightly with a rasp to your voice, squeezing his hand as you rest against his shoulder. he’s made sure you at least have something in your stomach and enough hot water to power a hot spring, worry showing through his heartbeat when the hand he holds is still so warm.

“you’re heating up loads, baby,” geto frowns, turning his head to plant a kiss on the top of your head. he rolls his eyes when he hears it’s because you’re here. “do you want me to put cool towels on your head?”

you giggle again and cough, sniffling the mucus back up your nose, “no, it’s okay — you’d have to go to the pantry again to get water and i just want . . you here.”

suguru only hums, something akin to a melody that you don’t quite know but you’re happy to listen to his gruff voice anyway. the way he vibrates as he hums sends a calming feeling right to your body, and how he looks and feels so different from the very first time you were alone together.

he seemed so cool, passing the blunt to you and blowing his smoke into your mouth, kissing you like you’re just another girl in his roster; but right now, you were far from it.

now, not only is he still cool, but he’s also the most caring person you know and is something so far from his appearance and band: this is just one in many instances of how much he takes care of you. from the same fingers that strum upon the stainless steel, they travel miles over your body, your face like the first songs he learned on the guitar, weaving a melody and language so intricate only the two of you speak it.

silently, you feel him push you forward while he slots his legs on the other side of your body, letting you naturally rest with your back to his chest. “wanna learn?”

“i am in the most terrible state, suguru,” you whisper, reaching over to take a tissue. there, you blow your nose and clear out your nostrils until the next round, groaning softly at the grossness of the tissue.

“ohh . . but wasn’t someone saying that she isn’t dying?”

your jaw drops, “i can’t believe you would use that against me.”

the corners of your boyfriend’s lips turn up in a sly smile, “just quoting my girl. but—”

this time, he’s the one reaching over much further than you, hand clutching the neck of the guitar through the bag. gently, he settles it on both your laps, laughing when a small oof leaves your lips at just how heavy his bass was.

“i’ll do all the playing, you just mirror my movements.” with one more kiss to your temple, geto reaches around easily to play the starting notes of psycho killer. while there’s a clear layering of the lead, vocals and drums in his head, you’re just left confused by the repetitive bass.

but soon, you’re able to catch the notes that repeat over eight counts, hypnotised by the other’s longer fingers as they transition into the chorus line. it’s a little more complicated, now, descending into chords that you frankly don’t have any grasp on. one look at your face is enough to send him into soft laughter.

“okay, okay, let’s just focus on the verse.” if you weren’t feeling lightheaded from the fever before, you are now when geto curls his hands around yours, placing your finger easily on the fifth fret of the first string.

“so here . . we have the first bar of A notes, easy? then . .” he demonstrates the first four notes, plucking the strings for you before moving it down to the third fret to play the G note. a small smile spreads across his face when you slowly get the hang of it: six notes of A, two eighth notes, and then a G on the same string. geto slowly releases his left, letting you play on the melody while he helps you to pluck.

“that’s it,” still natural, it doesn’t faze geto at all to nuzzle his head into your neck from behind and to start kissing up your shoulder to your jaw, fingers still expertly plucking the string. the both of you repeat the bass line until he’s grabbing your awkward right hand and quietly, he angles your fingers so you’re following him, “you’re a fast learner.”

“i have a great teacher,” you mumble, and suguru doesn’t tell you that you just willingly kissed his jaw out of habit — because he knows you’d freak out at the possibility of getting him sick. it’s sweet, that in your delirious state you’re still acting out of admiration at the back of your mind. like the bass, loving geto feels as natural as the repetitiveness of psycho killer.

the bass notes reverberates through your bodies, just almost acting like a trance that makes your fingers falter upon the steel strings. he goes on to slowly play the chorus, stretching his fingers into weird shapes. he plays various chords, voice cracking just a bit when he tries to sing the vocals and you laugh softly.

“i just don’t have satoru’s higher register.” geto jokes, knowing you’re close to falling asleep from the way you hum and give one worded answers, so he easily takes over from you, changing it to an easy song. you let the low notes of the bass serenade you to sleep as you curl more into your boyfriend, but not before you hear a glimpse of geto’s harmonised singing to yellow.

it’s not often you hear him sing, being a bassist and all, but there is a nice edge to his voice — not quite made for vocals but you know he can do it if he tries. and even if you don’t voice it out, geto thinks the same thing. it’s similar to this stupid love thing that’s got him all tangled up and distracted, too, and he realises so many new things about himself through you.

you give love a fresh breath of life, nothing like the things suguru sings about in his unfinished demos and notebooks — multitude of things that involved you and his fucked-up perceptions and the foolishness of his parents telling him he’d find the same. you are all he thinks about when he sees the black cough syrup and he can’t stop craving the feel of your body against his.

the moment your breathing turns even and you sag against his embrace is when the strings stops and his breathing escalates. in geto suguru’s arms is the personification of something he never thought he would let into his life, yet you carry the choirs of love and acceptance so effortlessly like heath’s bass guitar solos and atsushi sakurai’s spotless vocals.

suguru’s head simply falls onto your unknowing shoulder, a small fuck that leaves his lips and a smile that he can’t contain is all he needs to know.


@mysugu @suget @slttygeto @na-t0 💟

Tags :
1 year ago

# - 𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐍 mdni

˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ — 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 : proud of your new tattoo, you go to pay only to realise you don’t have your purse on you. Luckily the artist accepts all forms of payment

˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ — 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 : tattooist!Geto x fem!reader

˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ — 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 : smut

˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ — 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒 : oral (male + fem receiving), fingering, penetrative sex, spanking/ass grabbing

masterlist | jjk masterlist | anon masterlist

"𝘖𝘸! 𝘑𝘦𝘦𝘻!"

You winced as the needle continued the relentless journey across your wrist. Squinting your eyes and puckering your lips, you snapped another selfie with your free hand. You squirmed slightly and jumped as you thumbed your phone, trying to caption "No pain no gain xoxo" across your Instagram account. Your pony tail danced side to side as you gritted your teeth from the dull aching pain of the needle. Your long legs encased in skin tight Levi's rubbed the side of the chair as you squeezed your pink glittered cell phone which constantly chimed an annoying cat meow.

"𝘍𝘶𝘤𝘬! 𝘈𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘺𝘦𝘵? 𝘐 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘯!" You squealed in protest. The tattooist gazed at you dully, as he wiped away excess ink with a damp paper towel.

"𝘕𝘰" he replied dryly. Geto, the twenty-five year old who was delivering the cruel artistic torture sat still on his black stool. His leather combat boot pressed down once more on the pedal as you tensed up again. You whimpered softly and managed to take another selfie. This time pushing your lips together and frowning. Geto hoped you didn't notice him shaking his head in disgust.

He had done his fair share of lousy tattoos, but tattooing bratty sorority girls was the worst. "𝘔𝘺 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘢𝘶𝘭𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘱 𝘢𝘤𝘳𝘰𝘴𝘴 𝘢 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘨𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘶𝘴," he thought. His long thick hair slicked back behind his ears gave him the persona of a 2000’s grunge rocker. Both of his arms were covered in dark colored art, his Black Sabbath t-shirt was ripped at the collar and his jeans were stained with grease. You gazed at him a few times, trying to remember who he looked like, then it finally dawned on you:

"Loki!" You squeaked.

"Huh?" Geto replied wiping your wrist.

"Loki, thats who, from The Avengers! You look just like him!"

"Oh, thanks?" Geto knew who you were talking about, the character from that superhero film on TV. Geto wasn't any sort of villain but he started feeling like one with his gun stabbing multiple needles into your skin for a living.

"𝘖𝘬, 𝘢𝘭𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘦𝘥, 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵. 𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨?"

“𝘐𝘵 𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘵𝘴, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘐’𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦 𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶” you flirted. He grinned and placed his black gloved hand on your forearm as his other hand shaded the rest of the letters. As annoying and prissy as you were, you were drop dead gorgeous. He wondered if you caught him staring at your cleavage flowing over your tank top, or sneaking a peak of your backside through the doorway when you bent over outside to snuff out your cigarette.

As sexy as you were, you weren’t easy to tattoo, this one should've taken an hour, tops. He scheduled you last so he could get your tattoo of "Peace and Happiness," tattooed along your wrist with a few small flowers and a heart. He'd get you out the door in no time so he could go back to his apartment, flip on the soccer game and catch at least the third period with an ice cold beer.

However, your constant stopping for "pain breaks," four phone calls and two smoke breaks later, the game was long over. His part timer left over an hour ago, making sure to flip the outside sign to "CLOSED".

So the two of you where alone, at least until you started up Instagram. Now the whole universe knew you were getting a tattoo at “𝘚𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘶𝘭 𝘚𝘬𝘪𝘯 𝘣𝘺 𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘦 𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘨𝘶𝘺 𝘚𝘶𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘶 𝘹𝘰“ Geto couldn't bring himself to rush through the final stages, he never half assed a tattoo, no matter how eager he was to reach the end. He had enough, your squealing and constant squirming was so bad, he started to think about his current career path and wondered if it was even worth it to follow his artistic dream.

"𝘏𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘭𝘶𝘫𝘢𝘩 𝘸𝘦’𝘳𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘦” He thought as he put his machine on the tray.

"𝘖𝘬, 𝘺𝘰𝘶’𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘴𝘦𝘵," Geto wiped the last bits of ink and droplets of blood from your wrist. He poured a few streams of green skin cleaner and patted it dry, "𝘛𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬”

"𝘖𝘩 𝘮𝘺 𝘎𝘰𝘥 𝘎𝘦𝘵𝘰, 𝘪𝘵 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘴 𝘴𝘰 𝘢𝘸𝘦𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦! 𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶! 𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶!“ you bounced up and down. He caught yet another quick glance of your breasts bobbing up and down along to the rhythm of your ponytail.

"𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘶𝘱 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘵, 𝘐’𝘭𝘭 𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘢 𝘴𝘦𝘤” As he put away his extra small jars of ink, a sigh of a relief escaped his mouth. He stretched his back and cracked his knuckles. "𝘑𝘦𝘦𝘻, 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦,“ he muttered to himself.

"𝘈𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘬𝘪𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘦? 𝘖𝘩 𝘯𝘰, 𝘯𝘰 𝘯𝘰 𝘯𝘰!“ You said while rummaging through your small black leather purse “𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘦!“

Geto shut his eyes and started to imagine what the hell the new issue was. His only thought could be you must have forgotten your money. "𝘚𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥𝘯’𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘳𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦, " he thought to himself.

"𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘵 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘥! 𝘔𝘺 𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘣𝘰𝘺𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘱𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘵 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘱𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦!”

Geto shook his head, "𝘜𝘮, 𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘪𝘵’𝘴 ₩150 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘰𝘰," He said while drying his hands.

"𝘐 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘐 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸. 𝘑𝘶𝘴𝘵, 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘯 𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘪𝘮"

Five minutes and three different phone calls later, Geto stood motionless in the entrance of his artist area leaning against the wall with his arms folded. He was staring at your frantic form screeching into your phone in the waiting area.

"𝘓𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯, 𝘐 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦. 𝘋𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘺 𝘰𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘵?" he said sternly.

"𝘐, 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘢𝘺 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵. 𝘊𝘢𝘯 𝘐 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘱 𝘣𝘺 𝘵𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘸 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘱𝘢𝘺 𝘺𝘰𝘶?"

"𝘐’𝘮 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘸. 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘱’𝘴 𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘯 𝘚𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘴”

"𝘞𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘐 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘣𝘺 𝘰𝘯 𝘔𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘺?“

Geto sighed, "𝘕𝘰𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺”

"𝘞𝘦𝘭𝘭, 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘥𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘥𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘯?"

A slight pause filled the air. Geto sighed, he had a few ideas of his own but he was too annoyed to find you remotely attractive at that moment. Even so what you said next quickly made his throat tighten and legs go weak.

"𝘐 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘴𝘶𝘤𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘰𝘤𝘬..." you said quietly.

"𝘌𝘹𝘤𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘮𝘦?” he said sharply.

"𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘮𝘦”

He looked away then scratched his chin, "𝘈 𝘰𝘯𝘦-𝘧𝘪𝘧𝘵𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘯 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘫𝘰𝘣? 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘴𝘰”

"𝘐’𝘭𝘭 𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬 𝘮𝘦. 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘥𝘰 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵”

Geto studied your body, eyeing your slim stomach and long legs, his cheeks grew warm and he started to turn slightly red. His heart beat fast as he blew out a slow sigh.

"𝘈𝘭𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘰 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦" He walked over to you and placed his hand on the small of your back, sliding his other hand into the front of your jeans, under your panties and stroked the softness between your legs. You dropped your purse onto the floor and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. You were about to move in to kiss him, but gasped loudly as his middle finger slid into you.

"𝘖𝘩 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬" you whispered, biting your lower lip as he inched his finger in deeper. He started to walk backwards towards the old dentist-like chair that was now converted to his one and only tattoo throne, the very same chair you had sat on for the past three hours.

He guided you along with his finger still inside you, moving you towards him while stroking his finger in a "𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦" motion. Your legs trembled as his rough palm grazed your clit all while his tattooed finger pressed and swayed inside you. He leaned back onto the counter and slipped his hand out of your jeans. You took his hand and placed his wet finger into your mouth, sucking off your own sweet juices, giggling as he smiled.

He took off his battered t-shirt as you moved your hands across his chest, then down toward his jeans. You eagerly started to unbutton his pants, reaching in through the top of his boxers. A soft groan escaped his lips as your small warm hand clutched his pulsating shaft, his jeans slid down with his boxers as you dropped to your knees and stared at his large erect cock. You put it in your mouth and started to slowly suck.

His hand draped over your ponytail as he leaned against the counter. He sighed and squeezed his eyes shut as his cock grew thicker in your small mouth. You moaned softly as you tasted his salty pre-come sliding down your tongue. You bobbed your head faster, slurping his pulsating shaft while spit slid down the corners of your mouth. You stroked his hardness with one hand fast as you rest your wet lips against the tip of his soft head. You gazed up at him with your wanting eyes before sliding him down your throat in one quick motion. He moaned loudly, swearing as his thighs tightened. You took it out of your mouth and gasped, stroking him faster as a trail of spit fell from your chin onto your heaving chest.

He stood you up and lifted off your tank top. He buried his face into your cleavage, kissing your soft skin as he unhooked your white lace bra. He sucked your pink nipples as you offered your tits up for him, whimpering as he gently bit each one. He spun you around and pressed your round ass against his cock, unbuttoning your jeans and sliding them slowly off, you slid your shoes off in the process. He grabbed hold of your ass from behind and kissed your shoulders. Walking you over to the chair, he motioned for you to sit.

You fell into the chair, clutching onto the headrest behind you as Geto pressed a button and lowered the back of the chair. "𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘧𝘺?" he asked.

"𝘔𝘮𝘮 𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺!" You replied with heavy breaths.

He spread your long legs to each side and slid them over each arm rest. He pulled away your panties to reveal your wet, bare pussy. He pressed his mouth against your pink lips as you let out a cry, running your fingers through his long hair. His warm tongue slid up and down as he squeezed your thighs. He brought your legs together and slid off your damp panties, tossing them across the room.

You now lay naked on the chair as Geto took off his boots and slid his jeans onto the floor. He knelt down against the chair and returned your legs to the arm rests, displaying your glistening wet lips for him to see. He brought his face between your legs and slid his tongue against your softness as he wrapped his rough lips around your clit and sucked.

"𝘖𝘩 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬, 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵” you whimpered and buried your hands in his long thick hair. He pressed his face against you as you pivoted your hips up and down, riding his mouth. He stopped sucking and hoisted you upwards by your ass, penetrating you with his tongue. He fucked you with his tongue as you screamed, rubbing your clit with your own fingers.

He moved back to your clit and sucked harder, sliding his warm tongue up and down as he pushed his middle finger inside your drenched pussy. He pressed against your g-spot as he grabbed a hold of your thigh and pushed you harder against his mouth.

"𝘠𝘰𝘶’𝘳𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦! 𝘖𝘩 𝘎𝘰𝘥!“ You moaned as your legs tightened and your hips trembled, you came hard into his mouth, moaning and squeezing your eyes shut as you ground your pussy onto his finger and pressed your clit hard against his tongue.

You laid on the chair with your eyes shut, your bare chest bobbing up and down as you breathed hard, your legs melted and your pussy tingled. "𝘖𝘩 𝘮𝘺 𝘨𝘰𝘥, 𝘐 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬 𝘮𝘦” you said to Geto, "𝘙𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸”

He flipped you over onto the chair and positioned you on your knees and placed your hands on the back of the chair. He brought your legs together and massaged your lower back, watching your thighs sway as you gasped and looked over your shoulder, waiting for his next command.

"𝘈𝘳𝘤𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘦," he said to you.

You pushed your ass up and arched your lower back as far as you could, "𝘓𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴?"

"𝘗𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵," Geto replied. He grabbed a hold of his hard cock and slammed it into your aching pussy. You cried out, tightening your muscles, feeling the thickness of his shaft stretching your soft wetness. He pushed hard, gripping your ass as he fucked you with short steady thrusts.

You could feel his cock go deeper with every thrust. You shrieked into the chair, squeezing your eyes shut. The one thing Geto wanted to hear was your high pitched moan, your voice breaking and whimpering with pure sexual ecstasy. He grabbed you by your pony tail and slightly pulled as he pushed his cock deeper inside of you. You lifted your head off the chair and moaned high pitched cries. "𝘍𝘶𝘤𝘬 𝘮𝘦! 𝘖𝘩 𝘨𝘰𝘥 𝘺𝘦𝘴," you squeaked as he continued to thrust his hard cock into you.

You could feel his shaft grow thicker, while his moans grew into roars as you begged him not to stop. He spanked you and gripped your bouncing cheek tightly as his shaft pulsated inside of you. He pulled out and stroked his shaft, rubbing his hard marble tip against your wet lips, teasing you while you bit down on the chair's headrest. He slid in once more, forcefully pressing deeper, thrusting hard as his black hair fell forward onto his face.

He took out his throbbing cock and wiped his long hair over his head. "𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘶𝘱," he said. You stood up with trembling legs as he laid down onto the chair, holding his cock upward. You climbed onto the chair and wrapped your legs around him as you pressed your hands down on his chest. You eased your aching pussy onto his cock and slid down, filling yourself up with his hardness.

You swayed back and forth on top of the tattoo artist, grinding him hard, bringing him deeper inside of you. He clasped your bouncing ass with one hand and cupped your swaying tit with another. "𝘖𝘩 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬, 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵" you said, riding him harder.

"𝘊𝘶𝘮 𝘰𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘤𝘰𝘤𝘬" Geto whispered into your ear. This was all that was needed to send you over the edge. Your lips tightened around his rock hard shaft as you came on top of him, gasping for breath as you squeezed your own tits.

You slid off of him and knelt on the floor in-between his legs, stroking him hard and fast. You stared into his eyes as Geto brought himself up onto his elbows to watch his own throbbing cock which was ready to erupt. You wrapped your soft tits around his shaft and moved them up and down, sliding yourself against him, encouraging him to cum on you. "𝘐’𝘷𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘵 𝘮𝘺 𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘴, 𝘐’𝘮 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘺 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵" you gripped his hardness and slid it into your mouth, slurping and sucking fast.

"𝘖𝘩 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬!" Geto groaned softly. You took his cock out of your glistening mouth and stroked it fast, guiding it along your soft tits. Hot cum splashed onto your chest, covering your breasts and neck as you milked his cock with your warm hands.

They both stared at each other breathless. Geto smiled as he pushed his long hair back over his ears. "𝘖𝘬𝘢𝘺," he said, "𝘋𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘬?"

You giggled as you reached for your phone, "𝘚𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘨𝘶𝘺!" You took a picture of Geto, sweat beaded off of his face as he shot up his middle finger in your direction.

"𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯’𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴!" she blurted, "𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘺’𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘰𝘰𝘴! 𝘠𝘰𝘶’𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘣𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘸!"

"𝘐𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺’𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘵 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘴 𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘦" Geto said as he laid back down onto the chair.

— 𝘒𝘰𝘪 𝘹𝘰

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1 year ago


masterlist | jjk masterlist | upcoming anon asks

"Come on baby isn't this what you wanted? My big cock stuffing your tight little pussy full?"

His teasing words as torturous as his cock, making you want more, making you become a needy slut desperate to be fucked and used until you couldn't think anymore.

"Please Geto, please fuck me, I'll do anything. My pussy needs you so bad!"

You whined and begged for any movement while one of his hands ran over your body and the other he kept over your hip, locking you in place, unable to squirm and move on his dick that was deep inside your pussy.

"I know baby, I feel it. Feel you clenching my cock, trying to grind your hips into me huh? Fuck I love seeing how desperate you still get for me, such a good girl f’me"

Your whimper was so soft at hearing his praise, head tilted back to rest on his shoulder and moan when he reached up to pinch your nipples causing you to shove your ass as hard as you could into his hips, needing his dick to be as deep inside you as possible.

"That's it baby, take my dick. You think you can still take it all? You're such a fucking whore for my cock aren't you?"

"Yes!" You shouted.

He shifted your legs, putting them both on the outside of his own causing them to spread as he widened his stance. You could feel the cold air hit your wet pussy, your clit so sensitive you cried out at the sensation of being so exposed.

Once more he set to running his hands over your body. Gripping your tits, grazing over your thighs so slowly as they traveled up almost touching your pussy before he passed by and had his hand over your abdomen.

"I'm right here baby. You feel me? This is where my cock is inside you. So deep and you love it." His hand pressed down as if he was trying to feel his cock from the outside. The two sensations, feeling him touch you inside and out was too much, you felt so close to cumming, so close to being shoved over the edge that your brain was drunk on the feeling. Your mouth open as you gasped for breath and whimpered when he kissed your neck.

"You've been such a good girl baby, so perfect f’me. Feels so good to be back in your wet pussy. Having you grip my cock is the best feeling. I'll keep you just like this the entire day baby. You gonna be a good girl and keep my cock warm? You gonna welcome me home the right way?" He asked.

"Yes! Please let me be a good slut for you. I need to be a good whore for you. I want to keep your cock wet with my tight little pussy! Oh my god!! Mh please!!!"

You were spiraling, needing to serve him, needing to please him and give him everything he wanted if it meant you could feel this good. Your pussy was in heaven. Your body burning and with every caress he gave there was desire for more. It felt like fire as his hands skimmed over you, you needed it to continue, for his sweet torture to not stop until you couldn't breathe.

Your pussy felt so full, so stretched and perfect, you started to cry. So overwhelming that you couldn't help but cry out when you suddenly felt his finger slide down over your clit. You couldn't stop screaming even if he didn't move his finger, just placing it on your clit, that was so sensitive and needy.

"Come on baby, cum for me. Let me feel you cum on my cock" He was being so gentile and firm, ordering you to cum and you were helpless to do anything else.

"Give it to me baby, cum all over my cock!"

You screamed out your release, grinding your hips into him and squirming on his cock as you came so hard. Your pussy squeezing his dick so tight you could hear him groan as he praised you for being such a good girl for him.

“Mm I missed your warmth s’bad baby”

Tags :
11 months ago


masterlist | jjk masterlist | upcoming anon asks

=͟͟͞͞ ⌧ 𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐋 : oh my god I’ve been gone for so long TT I’m so sorry (think of this as my comeback >:))

𝐂/𝐖 : implied afab! Reader, implies to anal (I’m not sorry).

a- aftercare, what's their aftercare like?

You best know he’s doing the upmost. After a few minutes of lying in bed (or wherever you happen to end up) he’ll make his way towards your bathroom and returns with a warm wash cloth before picking you up and guiding his way towards the bath he previously filled up as he quickly makes his way behind you, a fluffy towel placed on the heated towel wrack.

He’d let you dose off for a little while before softly waking you up so he can wash your hair and body. Don’t be surprised if you feel a slight poke to your lower back, it’s not his fault he’s got such a pretty little thing sat bare in front of him.

“‘You too tired for another round? What? ‘S not my fault you’re lookin’ all pretty f’me”

b- bodypart, whats their favourite bodypart and yours too? :

Ohohoho, your ass. Or should I say your ass and your hips. They’re just so plush and a guide of sorts as he locks his big hands on them to lead you up and down on his length. Even in mundane moments he just loves to grab onto your hips when he passes behind you or slap your ass every time you bend over to retrieve something. You go to grab the remote off the floor? Slap. You’re unloading laundry from the washing machine? Slap. You’re just minding your own business lying ass up on your bed? You’re just asking for it now.

When it comes to himself though? He’d have to say his thighs or arms/hands. He just loves to see the wet patch you leave behind after grinding yourself on his meaty thighs for only a few minutes. And he nearly goes feral from the way his hands look flat on your plush tummy, sexual or not. But he damn nearly loses his mind when he’s rutting into you and all he’s focused on is your bulging tummy and his hands softly tracing the outline of his throbbing cock.

“Look at you, d’you like the sight of my cock making you look so nice and full?”

c- cum, anything to do with cum :

You’re nearly convinced this man’s cum is never ending. Not only is it never ending but it’s thick as well. And if he’s not cumming inside, you best know you’ll be covered by the time he’s finished with you.

d-dirty secret, what's their dirtiest secret? :

His colleagues and friends wouldn’t count this as a secret considering he won’t exactly stop someone if they found out but he keeps a Polaroid of you in his wallet. Whenever he casually brings it up everyone would coo over how sweet he is until they actually come across said Polaroid only to find you in a very compromising position (with your consent ofc).

Everything on show, spread before him with his thighs either side of yours, one of your hands between your legs as the other leads a bead of his cum on the tip of your finger towards your lips and fucked out drunk eyes staring up at the camera lens. He’s just thoughtful like that, keeping a picture of his girl on him at all times.

Oh and you both also have a photo album specifically kept for nudes that sits on your shelf with the rest of your family albums.

“C’mon pretty, smile all nice now yeah? You never know who’ll stumble across this pretty picture of you. Gotta show ‘em who I’m buried in every night”

e- experience, how many times have they had sex? :

I’m going to be completely honest here, he’s had his fair share of hookups before he met you. But he wouldn’t think twice about them and he’d never even think of bringing them back his place, it would be too awkward waking up and not being able to ditch and forget so he sticks to their place, much easier and less of a mess in the long run.

f- favourite position, whats their favourite positions? :

Now this man will indulge in the occasional doggy style but it can’t beat the good fucking a mating press can provide. It just lets him get so deep and still be so close. I can imagine he’s a sucker for eye contact and this allows him to do just that while spilling the most vile words. And the way your tits bounce? It’s just the perfect position for him, what more could he ask for?

“Look at you taking me well, all dumb and fucked out, looking so pretty while I do all the work”

g- goofy, do they make jokes? :

Now this depends. If he’s had a bad day and he’s all worked up and frustrated, he just needs a good fuck (I say and he means with love, don’t degrade your worth bby) he’ll practically bend you over the nearest surface not thinking twice about the open windows, but by the ends when you’re both panting and heaving, he’ll make a small joke to lighten the mood, “well that was unexpected” or “thanks f’that doll. My own personal stress relief huh”. Other times when he feels more fluffy and sentimental, he’ll include small quips here and there, “who knew younger me would get the pretty girl in class”

h- hair, is he trimmed? does the carpet match the drapes? :

I like to think he’s completely shaved but I honestly think he has a little bit of hair, enough to coat his abdomen with a happy trail (who doesn’t like a happy trail) but mainly it’s trimmed down but still not fully shaved.

i-intimacy, how intimate are they? :

Again, this depends on his mood and/or a special event. If it’s something like your birthday? He’ll be nice and gentle but slowly work his way to being more rough but with sweet sentimental words woven in. If you happen to be in public? He’ll flirt like a teenager and like it’s his first time meeting you again which only leads to you bent over the sink in the public toilets or cramped in a cubicle with a hand over your mouth as he ruts up into you. (I’m getting off topic here). OH AND DONT GET ME STARTED ON BODY WORSHIPPING. You’ll never feel insecure again!-

Even in day-to-day life, he’ll sneak up and hug you from behind before asking how your day was (even if you were only apart for an hour max), he’d often bring home flowers of different kinds and he’d be clued up on the meanings behind them too.

“Look at these plush thighs all f’me, wrapping around my head so nice. An’ look at these tits, always so so sensitive. Love the lil’ dance you do when I so much as flick them”

j- jack off, how often are they jacking off? :

Fairy regular. Not a lot, considering he has you to come home to. So probably an average amount. Whenever he's away though he's jacking off a lot more. (That Polaroid comes in handy).

k- kink, what are their kinks? :

I don’t know if this counts as a kink but it gets him so hard when he has something that reminds him of you on him while gets down and dirty (does that make sense?), like for example he has a bracelet you gave him on his wrist made with so much thought and love while he fists your pretty pussy or when he’s just stood in line for a coffee and he looks down at the nail polish you did on him knowing where his fingers have been. He likes the thought that only he knows where they’ve been like a little secret between you both.

l- location, where would he take you? public person or private? :

Oh 110% he’d fuck you in public, no doubt in my mind. This man is a brat tamer and you can’t not agree with that. You’re acting up in public? He’ll having you whining with his hand buried deep in your pussy under the restaurant’s table. He’s the kind of guy to fuck you with the door slightly cracked open, leaving the slight chance that his roommate could either hear you or catch you in the act (he wouldn’t even stop you know it).

He does have his times though when he feels like being more private and wanting to keep you to himself, likes to take his time with you.

“Gotta be more quiet pretty girl, do’ya want someone to hear you? Whining all slutty? Is that what you want? You’d get off on that wouldn’t ya”

m- motivation, what motivates him? :

He’s a brat tamer and a chaser, strange mix I’m aware. But it just gets him so riled up when you start acting out, in public or not. He won’t think twice before bending you over the nearest surface (preferably his lap) while he makes you count until you’re too dumb to count any further.

There’s also a running theme in your relationship that keeps him wanting more. Before you were even in a relationship you’d always make it seem like you weren’t too interested in him but you’d leave hints for him to figure out so even now, in a long term relationship, you’ll both still play cat and mouse leaving his brain to haywire.

n- no, what wouldn't they do? :

Consent is a big, big thing in your relationship. He won’t do anything unless you verbally agree to it. You both even have a safe word for when things turn serious. Watersports and scat are both out the window because that’s just disgusting.

“C’mon pretty girl, use your words. Can you do that f’me? Can you use your words?”

o- oral, giving or receiving? :

This one’s a 50/50. As much as I want to say he’s a giver, I have to remind myself he’s also a brat tamer so the urge he has to just shove your head down on his girthy cock to shut you up is immense at times. But he also gets off on being covered in your cum. You could be doing the most mundane thing like catching up on your favourite tv show and he’s between your thighs lapping your essence up like it’s holy water (and boy does he need a lot of that). He’d even let you take a picture if that’s what you really want (yes please).

p- pace, how fast do they go? slow, fast? :

He’d purposefully put you in a false sense of security. Starting off slow and deep and gradually increasing faster and rougher. He’ll tease you by going slow and when you're both chasing your orgasm he starts to go faster. His words would follow as well, starting off sweet and sentimental and gradually turning dirtier and meaner.

q- quickies, are they a fan? :

Now, like I said before, this man loves public sex but that doesn’t mean he’s a big fan of quickies when doing so. Makes him feel like he’s using you sometimes and he certainly doesn’t want to make you feel like that. So he makes it up to you by going long and hard in the comfort of your own home. But sometimes it’s unavoidable, especially when he needs to leave in 15 minutes but how can he when you’ve just gotten out of the shower looking like that? And you know what you’re doing to him so of course he has to teach you a lesson right?

“Look what you’re doing t’me. Gonna make me late now cause of you acting up. What am I gonna say to the guys hm? That I had to fuck the attitude out of my girl? Is that what you want?”

r- risk, are they a risk taker? :

He'd never put you in harms way. So he wouldn't be one to take risks that could put you in danger or get you hurt somehow (like knife play etc). but he will fuck you somewhere you both could get caught. That’s just a given.

s- stamina, can they go for multiple rounds? :

Oh boy can he. In the end he has to hold you up by the hips while he continues to rut into you. He even keeps a glass of water to the side for you in moments like these. (Here’s your daily reminder to go drink some fckn water bby)

t- toys, do they experiment with toys? :

Hehe >:) you could say that yes. He once invested in vibrating panties he had you wear in public while you both walked around the mall hand in hand, it was in your best interest not to talk back to him that day. He also occasionally indulges in vibrators, bondage, butt plugs, analog beads (you get the gist). But he won’t be too pleased in toys for himself like cock rings.

But nothing can beat the feeling of his cock fucking you raw with nothing in the way, although he has sometimes double penetrated you with his cock and another toy.

u- unfair, how much will he tease you? :

He'll tease you for a good while, you'll be a whimpering and begging mess before he's even put it in you. Especially when toys are involved. He loves to see writhing and wriggling beneath him.

v- volume/verbal, are they loud? :

He's not so much as ‘loud’ but more reassuring and teasing in his words, making sure you’re comfortable the entire time. He also makes sure you know that you’re making him feel good too. Don’t get me wrong though, he groans and grunts for sure, both your moans and whimpers fill the silence in the room for sure.

“You okay baby? You holdin’ on? You’re doing so well, keep whining like that pretty. Got me acting some type’a way”

w- where does he prefer to cum? :

He loves to cum inside of you let him. Goes feral at the thought of knocking you up and watching his cum seep out of your puffy pussy before he fingers it back where it belongs. But at times where he’s not allowed, he loves to cover you in it (we all know this man cums a lot so be warned).

“I didn’t think you could possibly get any prettier, but look at you all covered in my cum. Let me take a picture so you can see for yourself”

x-ray, whats going on under those clothes? :

He’s 190cm (6’3) so I imagine him to be big. maybe like, 6.9 (😏) flacid, 7.2 hard. I also imagine him to be fairly thick but not too thick y’know? Maybe like the thickness of his own wrist (that’s probably not too good of an example but here we are). He also has a vein running across his shaft as he curves upwards. He’s not even really aware of his length either. He often thinks back to when you first saw his cock and he was slightly confused at your worried expression. Like what bae? Why so worried, I’ll make it fit.

y- yearning, what’s their sex drive like? :

I’d say Geto has an average sex drive. Not like a teenage boy where he was horny 25/8 but you both still fuck at least 3 times a day no ifs or buts, any time anywhere. Gotta close your fitness ring somehow. And you know when he’s in the mood cause he’ll snake his arms around you before they creep their way towards your tits, soon pawing at the flesh.

INTRUSIVE SIDE NOTE: Does anyone remember that post a while back where this girl had sex with her boyfriend and her parents had a notification from their watches saying they closed their fitness ring after an intensive workout? Yeah that’s you and Geto. That’s had to have happened at least once. No doubt in my mind.

z- zzz :

Geto will not sleep until you're cleaned, hair is washed and brushed out of your face, you’ve drank a full cup of water, skin care outta the way (ofc he memorised it who do you think he is) literally every single need you have has to be met will he then sleep. Once you both do eventually sleep, he has you tucked to his side or directly on top of his chest. He does often hug you from behind though, only so he can grope your tit and fall asleep in that exact position.

Tags :
11 months ago

𝐗 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒 𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 📍 mdni

— jjk men and their favorite x rated videos of you saved in their my eyes only… nsfw twitter [p⚝rn]

masterlist | jjk masterlist | anon masterlist


Gojo fucking his best friend’s sister…

Fucking your son’s best friend…

Giving Gojo his breakfast…

Gojo just wants your attention…

Gojo trying not to knock up his friend’s sister…


Geto teaching you how to please him…

Geto sending your ex a preview…

Geto taming your bratty behaviour…

You decide to give your boyfriend Geto some motivation…

Seven minutes in heaven with your crush Geto…


Fucking your professor Nanami so you don’t fail your class…

Being Nanami’s secretary has its perks…

Nanami fucking you nice and slow…

Your husband Nanami just wants to enjoy his dinner…

Nanami has better plans for movie night…


Sukuna teaching his brat manners…

Sukuna showing you his new handcuffs…

Your boyfriend Sukuna fingering you in the mirror…

Sukuna sends you a reminder while you’re at work…

Sukuna can’t stop fucking his neighbour’s girlfriend…


Toji can’t stop breeding his little girl…

Toji fingering you in a store…

Professor Toji offers a way for you to make up your grades…

Toji taking his stress out on you…

Dilf! Toji fucking you in the ass so your boyfriend doesn’t notice…


Ino stopping you from squirming…

You interrupt your boyfriend Ino’s gaming session…

Ino cumming from fucking your panties…

Ino telling his step sis to pull up her skirt…

Taking your boyfriend Ino’s cock…

Tags :
3 years ago
Honestly, If It Were My Last Day..Id Probably Want To Spend It With You Geto Suguru
Honestly, If It Were My Last Day..Id Probably Want To Spend It With You Geto Suguru

honestly, if it were my last day..I’d probably want to spend it with you — Geto Suguru

credit to : @yulicechan

Tags :
10 months ago

this made me giggle ntl hshshhssh

Another masterpiece as always Bestie ✨️ ❤️

Yello it's me again and this time I want to request a Gojo x reader but they're at a party but like Geto does an handjob at the reader as the reader tries not to moan to hard and then Gojo enters and saw the two so ...um so they end up...fucking? The reader is sandwich between the two 🫣

🔞 MDNI | Gojo x Male!Reader x Geto 🔞

TW: Handjob, sub!reader, neck kisses, double penetration, full nelson position, threesome, slight pain, praise, orgasm denial.

Yello It's Me Again And This Time I Want To Request A Gojo X Reader But They're At A Party But Like Geto
Yello It's Me Again And This Time I Want To Request A Gojo X Reader But They're At A Party But Like Geto

Satoru normally wasn't the type of man to share anything with anyone, and that included you. However, that all seemed to change when he caught sight of you and his best friend. The man hadn't been gone for long, having left to use the bathroom and grab a drink, but also having been stopped to mingle with other partygoers. Still, he never expected to see you sitting there on the sectional, hand on your mouth while Suguru's hand stroked your dick.

Now, usually he would beat the ass of anyone that did such a thing, but this was Suguru. His best friend. And, honestly, he had to admit that the sight turned him on. "I see you've been enjoying yourself while I was gone."

Your boyfriend's words caused your cock to suddenly twitch in Geto's hand, to which the raven-haired man chuckled at. "I'd apologize, but he looked so lonely without you. You don't mind, do you, Toru?"

Gojo shook his head before seating himself on your right, his hand joining his best friend's as they took turns pumping your length. The pleasure was doubled now that your boyfriend joined in, and you found it incredibly hard to keep yourself from moaning too loudly, if at all.

"C'mon," Suguru whispered. A coy smile played his lips as he pressed teasing kisses along your neck. "Don't be so shy."

"Let us hear you," Satoru chimed in. His lips mimicked the other man's, pressing against the other side of your neck as his thumb slid over your tip, smearing it with your precum. "Everyone else is enjoying the party, so no one will hear us."

Your body shivered with pleasure; your eyes having rolled back slightly as you moaned softly. "Good boy," Suguru cooed. Your hips bucked slightly at the praise, earning chuckles from both men. "Look at him, so eager."

Gojo hummed in agreement, and his hand gripped your length a little harder as his strokes increased their pace. Their lips against the skin of your neck coupled with the pumping of your cock brought forth even more pleasure, and you let out a slightly strangled moan as your abdomen tightened.

However, as quickly as the feeling came, it left, because your boyfriend and his best friend removed their hands. They had denied you to cum. Before you could say anything, your clothes had been removed and your back was pressed firmly against Satoru's chest. His strong arms slid beneath your knees, pulling your legs back to be between your head in a position that left you wide open for Suguru.

Preparation was made, with Geto, after having dropped his pants, smeared his own precum over the tight hole of your ass. The feeling of it caused your dick to twitch again, and he smirked. "You like that?" He asked. You nodded; your face flushed from the heat of the moment. "Toru never shared you with anyone, so this might be a tight fit."

Another moan fell from your lips as your boyfriend, with the help of his best friend, sank his cock into you. The tightness wasn't unfamiliar, and the slight stretch was more so pressure than pain with him. Until Suguru pushed himself inside shortly after. The stretch for that was a bit painful, causing you to whine in response, and it made Satoru whisper sweet nothings into your ear to calm you down.

Only when the feeling faded did they move. One at a time, with Gojo starting first, slowly bucking his hips up into you. It pulled a small hiss from the other man. "Fuck," he breathed out, his own hips moving at a languid pace, "I can feel you, Toru."

Satoru hummed softly in response before peppering your neck with soft kisses, which only grew sloppier as both of their paces increased. Geto's hands gripped your thighs, pushing your legs back further the harder he pounded into you. The friction from the way his dick rubbed against Gojo's was pleasurable, and the both of them inside of you had you nothing more than a moaning mess.

"You feel so good," Satoru breathed out. His pace never slowed, but his movements became sporadic as his length twitched every now and then. You could feel it, and so could the other man. "Not inside, Sugu." Only he was allowed to cum inside your ass.

His best friend huffed in irritation, but he nodded nonetheless as his thrusts continued. Satoru was the first to cum, filling your tight, little hole with his seed while Suguru kept going, fucking you through his best friend's orgasm. Until he reached his peak, causing him to swiftly pull out and shoot his load out on you, covering your chest with his essence. It was warm and sticky, enough to make you cum, too.

You were quite the little mess, with your boyfriend's cum leaking from your ass while yours and his best friend's load painted your chest and abdomen. You were like a work of art, being admired by the both of them before they cleaned you up.

Geto soon broke the silence, prompting an offer to your boyfriend to do this again. You didn't think Gojo would agree to it, but seeing as how good you all felt, and how turned on he was watching you and his best friend, he quickly agreed.

"Pick a time and place."

Tags :
1 year ago
konekobby - KoNekoBbyOtomeGf

[4:03PM] Geto Suguru

First Geto Suguro - if you haven't seen the newest season of JJK - he is one hot tamale.

Warning: explicit smut; Y/n has... an interesting curse technique; angst - spoiler . Y/n was always cast aside as her curse energy was little to none and everyone found her useless. She was merely kept in their midst solely due to being the last surviving member of her bloodline.

To her delight, she preferred that they ignored and excluded her, she cherished the moments when everyone left her undisturbed. Nothing appealed to her more than being left alone, engrossed in her books, with no interruption.

However, the higher-up was determined to maintain their control over Y/n, they were patiently anticipating the manifestation of her curse energy and technique.

“Her bloodline ends with her… surely Y/n will manifest the greatest curse technique when the time comes.”

. .

Y/n entered her apartment and hooked her keys on the rack. Under her breath, she barely murmured, “Yami yori idete yami yori kuroku, sono kegare o misogiharae.” An invisible shield immediately locks down the perimeter of her apartment.

“You shouldn’t be here,” she muttered out loud. She hung her jacket in the closet when she finally saw him emerge from the dark corner.

Geto Suguru.

She has been informed of his heinous crimes, and the substantial bounty placed on his head if he was ever sighted.

Cherry Blossom, emerged out from the wall to her left, whimpering, “he is too strong master…”

Y/n lift her hand, patting the cursed spirit on the head, “he is an old friend, sorry, I hope he did not hurt you or the others?”

Cherry Blossom whimper, “he ate Smelly…”

Y/n cast a glare at Suguru, “really?”

Suguru threw his hands up in defense, “my bad, I didn’t know he was one of your curses.”

“Guardians! We are her guardians!” Cherry Blossom shouted, before cowering and apologizing to her master for her sudden outburst.

“It is okay, Cherry. You may go back, I’ll handle him.” Y/n assured with a smile.

The blue-gray curse disappears into the wall, entrusting her master. Y/n can feel her other curse spirit friends retrieving as well.

Once they were out of her sight and presence, she cast another veil, not only for privacy but to protect any potential lurking eyes and ears that might be following Geto.

The first time Geto witnessed Y/n’s curse technique, he was dumbfounded. The shy and meek petite girl fooled everyone behind her thick-rimmed glasses and books.

Geto was assigned to a mission alone to hunt down an unknown grade curse spirit that has been spotted at one of Shibuya’s hottest nightclubs. He walked down the corridors to the private room in the VIP area. As he neared, he opened the room and found a couple inside.

It took a second for him to realize what was going on. They were fucking. The man had the woman against the wall, thrusting hard that the room echoed with nothing but her moans and skin slapping skin. Her moans could be heard even with the loud music echoing in the background.

They didn’t seem to acknowledge him or sense his presence.

It was him, Geto thought to himself, the cursed spirit. When he got the mission and read the case file that numerous women have disappeared without a trace. Now it made sense, it was a sex-cursed spirit behind the missing women case.

Geto released a weary sigh, unfastening his sleeve cuffs and rolling them up. He couldn’t help but groan inwardly, feeling the discomfort of interrupting such an intimate moment. However, just as he was about to speak, his gaze connected with the woman, who met his eyes head-on.

His eyes narrowed in confusion but quickly widened with disbelief as he recognized her before him. He couldn’t believe his own eyes at the unexpected revelation.

Y/n’s head tilted back against the wall, her mouth echoing soft moans and she pressed a finger to lips, silently gesturing him to remain quiet and standby.

Suguru blinked repeatedly, making certain he wasn’t caught in a hallucination. Yet, every time he opened his eyes, there she was: Y/l/n Y/n, the last person he least expected to encounter.

He felt his cock jolt when she smirked at him. He watched her legs wrap around the man’s waist, tightening her arms around his shoulders and whimpering loudly, “cum, cum inside me… give me your cum.”

Suguru had to look away, feeling his cheeks flushed. He was getting turned on by the second. He didn’t need to see the rest of it, he heard the man finish, groaning and Y/n crying in bliss.

Seconds later, he heard a thump on the floor. His eyes bulge out watching the man disintegrate into the air.

“What… the fuck?” His eyes couldn’t leave Y/n’s naked body as she slipped her tight dress back on. “Care to tell me what the fuck is going on?”

She tidied herself up before responding. “I took down a cursed spirit, no big deal,” Y/n said casually, walking up to him as if a few seconds ago, she had not just taken an unknown cursed spirit down by draining their cum dry.

“Wh – what?” he stuttered, caught off guard. Her small hand pressed against the pecs of his chest and they slide down to his abdomen. “Y/n…” her name came out like a choke more than a warning.

“Want to find out?” She looked up at him with eyes that made his knees weak.

“A – about what?”

“My curse technique?”

“H – how?”

“I’ll show you,” she whispered, and his eyes screamed yes.

She pushed him onto the couch and straddle his lap, her lips pressed against him while her hands worked at the belt buckle.

“Y/n,” Suguru breathed when she broke off the kiss and scoot off his lap, she tugged his briefs freeing his cock that was hard and aching. Before he could utter a word, her mouth was already wrapped around the tip. “Fuck…” he groaned, head tilting back against the couch. His eyes struggle to stay open as her head bobbed on his lap, he felt himself melting into a puddle before her touch.

That’s when he realized… she was feasting off his curse energy.

He did nothing to stop her.

Her mouth releases his cock with a pop and she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. Y/n repositioned herself on his lap, pulling her panties to the side and rubbing herself against the tip of his cock.

“Y/n,” Suguru murmured, a hand trailing up her waist to her chest. He felt himself draining by the second but he wanted to remember this moment, wanted to hang long enough to feel her pussy wrap around his cock. “Please…” His hooded eyes only followed her as she leaned closer until their lips barely touched.

Suguru quickly leaned up to kiss her, but was a second too slow as Y/n backed away with a playful smile on her lips before he could kiss her. With the last ounce of strength he had, one hand gripped her upper arm and the other snaked behind her neck, pulling her down to kiss him.

Y/n moaned into his mouth and dropped her weight, taking in his cock until he was fully sheath inside of her.

Instantly, Suguru felt a surge of energy through his body. His grip tighten around her arm and tighten the root of her hair, as he tugged her head back, breaking their kiss, his lips trail down her jaw and neck.

“Su… garu…” Y/n moaned, rocking her hips.

His grip loosened, and he leaned back and cupped her face, forcing her to look at him. Her eyes are a vibrant emerald green, a color he was sure was not her natural color.

As if he was silently evaluating her, Y/n answered him.

She began rolling her hips, gradually increasing her speed.  

Suguru’s hand move to grip her hips, guiding her to bounce on his cock, his hips were meeting hers, thrusting deep and harder. Her cursed energy surged into him, kindling a blazing power within his very being.

He craved more and more.

Y/n gasped, being flipped onto her back with Suguru peering down at her. He widened her legs and continue to thrust.

He cursed, “you feel so… fucken tight… so good…” he felt his sack pulsing, ready to cum inside her.

“Cum inside me,” Y/n begged, affectionately touching his face.

As if her words were laced with magic, Suguru came hard, his hips struggling to stop even as he shot his cum deep into her womb. He couldn’t stop, wanting to continue to feel his cock stretch out her tight pussy. Her walls flutter and squeezed against his cock, milking every last drop out of him.

Suguru finally halt his movement, breathing hard and staring darkly into her eyes. He understood her cursed technique now.

Y/n possessed the ability to not only absorb cursed energy but also enhance it, amplify one’s cursed energy through sexual intimacy.

She fueled most of her cursed energy by hunting down semi-grade 1 or higher cursed spirits. She will seduce and have sex with them, absorbing their energy through their orgasm. She had the ability to manipulate and control cursed spirits much like Suguru, the only difference is she has cursed spirits submitting at her beck and call – wanting and willing to be her servant for a bit of her energy through any sort of physical intimate gesture whether it be through a simple pat on the head or a simple caress. She receives most of her cursed energy through sexual intimacy.

Suguru has never experienced such a potent surge of energy coursing through his veins; it felt as though every fiber of his being was fully charged.

Since then, he would come to her, seeking physical intimacy from her.

“You shouldn’t be here,” Y/n said a second time, standing six feet away from him.

The wanted man stepped forward but was hit with an invisible force shield. That was another one of her specialties, she had the ability to create an invisible force shield as wide and far as sixty-five kilometers.

“Don’t be like that,” Suguru pleaded, pressing his large hands against her shield. “I need you… you’re all I have.”

“You should have thought about that before you became a wanted man.”

“I just want to be wanted by you.”

Y/n won’t deny the sexual connection she has with Suguru. It was a win-win relationship. His technique allowed her to feast and fuel on the cursed spirits he orally ingests, just as she can amplify his cursed energy through sex.

She draw back her shield and Sugar stepped forward into her safe zone. He cupped her face, while his other hand wrapped tightly around her waist. “Come with me, follow me.” His mouth hovers over hers, waiting for her reply. “Together, we can create a world… a new world…”

Y/n shook her head, “leave me out of it, ‘Guru.”

He loved the nickname she gave him, it already made his cock twitch in his pants.

“Fair enough,” he suspected her answer and respected it. Suguru does not know what the future holds and truthfully, he didn’t want her to be entangled in his plans, but he couldn’t completely let her go either. He had recently come to realize that his feelings for her went beyond using her as a mere vessel to fuel his cursed energy. Although she never voiced it, her actions demonstrated a genuine concern and care for him. “But don’t abandon me, please.”

She couldn’t even if she wanted to.

His lips kissed hers softly until she wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. Suguru easily lifted her, her legs wrapping around his waist as he carried her to her room and gently placed her on her bed.

Their clothes scattered all over in seconds as he pressed the tip of his cock to her pussy, impaling her slowly.

Neither of them spoke, silence enveloped them both, as neither had the desire to broach the truth of how this encounter could potentially be their final meeting.  

It suddenly made perfect sense to her why he had been usually gentle towards her lately, treating her as delicately as if she was a fragile flower. He held her tenderly with the hands that had killed hundreds.

“Suguru,” Y/n moaned, pressing his forehead against hers, I love you.

“Y/n,” he called her name with the same gentleness, he thrust deeply, groaning against her mouth, I love you too.

He made love to her repeatedly until the morning. She lay in his arms, pressing a kiss to his heart.

Hours later when she woke up, he was gone.

Months later, tears spill from her eyes as Gojo Satoru stood before her. In Gojo’s palms were Suguru’s black circle earrings.

Her hands trembled as she took them from his palm, her fingers closing around them.

Her other arm encircled her bulging belly, providing a secure embrace for their unborn child that nestled within.

. . .

@queenelleee @mfreedomstuff @erintaro @callmeraider @chaotic-fangirl-blog @wolffmaiden @cloud-lyy

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1 year ago

Hey you can’t have your cake and eat it too

Regardless to what his reasons are he’s the one whose been too busy for his daughter lately and this woman isn’t yours so who she brings in her house is her business. Nanami for the win-win

Hey You Cant Have Your Cake And Eat It Too


Suguru Getou & Kento Nanami

[Chapter 2] Friendly Dinner

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Pairing: Suguru Getou x f!Reader x Kento Nanami

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Suguru tries to come for dinner once a week, but he’s been slacking lately. He comes over in the afternoon but leaves soon afterwards. He apologizes to his princess, telling Sayuri that he’s just so extremely tired and he wants to go home to rest; you don’t doubt it, Suguru does look tired. 

Maybe you’re selfish, but you aren’t exactly upset about it. You know that Suguru is partially leaving to spend more time with his girlfriend but you don’t mind because you don’t want his presence around. He’s been getting on your nerves lately, the last thing you want to do is spend time with him. But of course, since he spends less time with her, he wants her to stay the night at his place more often.

You don’t like having her out of the house, but you understand that it’s his right as her father. You pack her little overnight bag, even though she has her own room at her father’s; Suguru just doesn’t have everything she needs. You agree to go out with Kento after dropping her off, so when you’re at Suguru’s door, he’s eyeing you up and down while you hug your little girl.

“Are you going anywhere?” Suguru asks, brows furrowed as he stares at the little black dress that you have on. He doubts you wore that to work, and he certainly doubts that you’ll be going back home. 

You ignore him, kissing the top of your daughter’s head, “I love you, Sayuri. Please behave.”

“Aren’t you going to answer?” Suguru asks when Sayuri walks into the apartment, you raise a brow and you think about how to respond for a moment. You know he’ll end up upset when he hears the answer, even when Kento isn’t coming into contact with your daughter. He always claims the same thing: Kento is trying to be Sayuri’s father, and it fuels him with rage.

“I’m going out to dinner with Kento.” You answer, and you watch his eyes fill with contempt. He rolls his eyes.

“Like a date or what?” He continues, and you let out a chuckle. He wouldn’t have to know if it was a date, it’s your private life which is none of his concern– Of course, he’d have to know if it’s something more serious but it’s not. Hell, you’re not even going on a date.

“If it was, it’d be none of your concern.” You choose to answer, and you choose to walk away before he can say anything else. You know Suguru won’t chase after you, he doesn’t care enough. Or at the very least, he doesn’t want to upset his girlfriend so he’ll stand back.

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“Hey.” Kento stands up from his seat to give you a side hug when he sees you. You take a seat across from him, and he serves you some of the wine from the bottle he ordered. You trust that he got something that you like, so you don’t ask any details about it. You bring the glass up to your lips and take a sip, a smile coming to your face. 

“How are you? Haven’t heard much from you.” You say. A couple of weeks after your daughter’s birthday, Kento finds himself too busy to make plans with the two of you. He goes to work and goes back home, occasionally he calls you to check up on you, but work has been consuming him. Tonight, though, he promised he’d go out with you even if he was on the brink of passing out. Luckily, he feels better than ever.

“Just busy. How about you? How’s Sayuri?” He responds, not wanting to give much details about his boring work life. There’s not much to tell, it’s not like he pays attention to the office gossip, he doesn’t care too much about the drama that goes on in the workplace.

“Sayuri is fine. I dropped her off at Suguru’s, and she’s spending the night there.” You answer. You don’t focus too much on her though, proceeding to talk about your workplace drama– It’s not something that Kento personally is interested in, but he loves to hear yours. He doesn’t necessarily want to know about what’s going on in your workplace, but you sound so excited as you spill all the details. It does sound interesting, but he doesn’t really care that a workplace romance turned into a love triangle with a dash of cheating. He’s wide-eyed when you mention, “He tried to rope me into the drama, pretty much offering to sleep with me.”

“Huh? What did you say?” Kento’s heart speeds up a bit. You’re friends, you’d most certainly tell him if you accepted. He thinks you would at least, he was the first person you called when you found out you were pregnant.

“Obviously no. I don’t want to get involved in that drama– Plus, he isn’t my type.” You answer. It makes another question rise in the man’s mind. A question that he has never really known the answer to. Your dating history has always been rather diverse, and he can’t find the similarity between all the people you’ve been with. He clears his throat, slightly changing the topic.

“What is your type?” He hopes it doesn’t come off as imprudent, and he doesn’t want to give off the wrong sign. He does like you. He likes you a lot, but he doesn’t want those feelings to be clear. He doesn’t think you like him back, and of course, he’s scared of rejection… Who wouldn’t be? Plus, a simple confession could drastically change your relationship, for the better or for worse. He doesn’t want to risk ruining your friendship.

“My type is…” You take a moment to think about it. Do you have a type? You don’t really have a type, at least not looks wise. You just knew that the man that came onto you wasn’t your type. You don’t want to help someone with petty revenge. You end up answering, “Just a man that knows what he wants.”

“So how did you end up with Suguru?” Kento’s joke is lighthearted, and it earns a chuckle from you. He continues speaking, not wanting to keep talking about the type of people you like and whatnot, it’ll feel awkward. “What do you want to eat? Did you decide on something yet?”

“Hmm… Not yet.” You begin to look at the menu, and you’ve come to this restaurant a handful of times, but you’re always so indecisive. You have to put the menu down, jokingly saying, “You can pick for me.”

“Alright.” He takes it seriously though, searching the menu for something that he knows you’ll like. You leave it to him, trusting his judgment. You’d leave your life in Kento’s hands if you could, he’s truly the only person in the world that you blindly trust.

“Speaking of romances and whatnot… Has a woman caught your eye?” You ask, curious about your friend’s love life. It’s rare to hear about him going on dates, and he rarely brings up anything about his love life. Kento chokes on his own saliva, and he takes a sip of his drink to calm down, which sparks your curiosity. “Oh my, are you hiding someone from me?”

“No! I’m not seeing anyone.” He sounds rather defensive. His brows furrow, and he puts down the menu to cross his arms. “And I don’t want to talk about that.”

“Right… Sorry, Nanamin.” You apologize. He continues looking at the menu, and you grab the bottle that rests on the table, serving yourself more wine. You clear your throat before suggesting, “How about you come over after? We can watch a movie, and not one with princesses or talking animals.”

“If I’m being honest, I’ve grown to like Sayuri’s movies.” Kento says, a smile coming to your lips.

“I’ve noticed, trust me. You almost tell her to shut up so you can hear what’s going on, even if it’s your fifth time watching the movie.” You bring up, and he becomes clearly embarrassed when you bring it up. You laugh before reassuring him, “I love the movies too. But you get tired of having the same three on repeat. Luckily the movies are Suguru’s problem tonight.”

“Cheers to that.” Kento says, and you clink your glasses together.

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“Hey…” Kento whispers, feeling the weight of your head as it falls on his shoulder. He isn’t sure what to do. He pokes your cheek, but you’re fast asleep. He isn’t going to wake you up, not when he has the strength to pick you up and put you down on the bed.

Luckily, you changed into something more comfortable the moment you got home because he certainly wasn’t going to undress you to put you to bed. He’s a bit offended that you fell asleep during a movie he picked, but he certainly can’t blame you for it. He tried to act intricate with his selection, when in reality he should’ve picked one of the romcoms that he usually watches. The movie you’re watching isn’t even that bad, he’s enjoying it at least.

He lays you down on your bed, and he covers you up with your blanket. Kento smiles, his eyes softening at your sleeping face. He has the softest spot for you, he always has. The man has always had one regret: letting Suguru get to you– He adores Sayuri, she’s easily his favorite person, but he’s watched you struggle so much the past four years, and he knows he could’ve done something to stop Suguru.

He walks back to the living room to turn off the TV and grab his phone before leaving, but he hears a phone ringing. Your own. He grabs it and sees Suguru’s name displayed across the screen. He sighs. He should decline the call, but what if it’s an emergency with Sayuri? He accepts the call, and he puts the phone to his ear, “Hello?”

“Why are you answering the phone?” Suguru’s mind immediately goes to the dirtiest place. He projects himself onto Kento, at least that’s what Kento thinks. Now Kento doesn’t know how he wants to answer. He doesn’t want to tarnish your image or make you feel uncomfortable, but Kento really wants to fuck with Suguru.

“Why do you think?” Kento responds, leaving a lot of room for creativity in Suguru’s mind. Kento clears his throat. “What do you need? She’s sleeping.”

“Sayuri had a nightmare and she refuses to go back to sleep because she needs her mommy.” Suguru says, and Kento hums, walking to the bedroom to wake you up. He ends up saying, “I’ll call you back.”

He hangs up the phone, before his hand goes to your arm. He lightly shakes your body before muttering, “Hey…”

It takes a bit more effort on his part to wake you up. He has to speak louder and shake you a bit more before you finally open your eyes. You’re confused when you see him. You sit up and you ask him, “What’s up, Kento? What happened?”

“Suguru called, Sayuri had a nightmare and wants you.” Kento answers, attempting to hand you the phone. You take it from him, and you look for Suguru’s contact. Your eyes are closing on their own as the phone rings, waiting for Suguru to pick up. When Suguru answers, a yawn leaves your lips.

“Put Sayuri on the phone.” You order, and Suguru walks over to his daughter to give her the phone. You talk her through her nightmare, asking her what it was about, soothing her, telling her that she'll be fine since it was just a bad dream. Kento sits at the edge of your bed as you comfort your daughter, and he stares off into space. A subtle smile comes to his lips, thinking of how you’re such a great mother.

You hang up the phone when Sayuri assures you that she’ll go to bed thanks to you, and you ask, “What happened?”

“You fell asleep watching the very special movie I picked, so I put you to bed.” Kento answers, making you purse your lips together. You shift to get closer to him and then you wrap your arms around him, kissing his cheek before resting your head on his shoulder.

“Sorry for falling asleep during the movie you picked, it was boring.” He chuckles at your honesty. But he appreciates it. He appreciates your embrace for a moment before standing up.

“I loved spending the night with you, but I should get going.” He says, and you follow behind him, walking him to the door. He makes sure he has everything before opening the front door, and before he steps out, he hugs you.

“I hope we can repeat this soon, I can barely have fun without you.” You tell him, and he smiles. You’ve always known the words to use to make him feel special, maybe that’s why he likes you so much. He presses a kiss on your temple before leaving.

It’s the usual way you say goodbye for each other, you don’t notice anything wrong with it; perhaps if you were in Suguru’s shoes, you’d understand why he’s so insistent that Kento likes you.

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“Do you have everything you need, Sayuri? Don’t want you to leave anything behind.” Suguru tells his daughter, who keeps looking in the mirror at her hair. Sayuri loves when Kumi does her hair, it was what she was most excited about when she knew she’d be spending the night. Kumi is so gentle with her, and she does fun hairstyles, which pleases Sayuri.

“I think.” She answers, going to her bag to check if she has everything– She doesn’t quite remember everything she needs, but she’ll certainly notice if an important toy she brought isn’t in her bag.

“I’m going to be busy, princess. I can’t rush to your rescue if you leave something important behind.” Suguru says, walking over to her room to check as well. He can’t trust a three-year-old to do everything, especially not Sayuri since she’s so easily distracted. He begins to look around the room, ensuring that everything that’s in there is something he bought for it to stay at his place, but the doorbell rings. He begins to walk to the door, telling Sayuri, “Keep checking.”

He crosses his arms when he opens the door and sees you, you wonder why there’s a frown on his face, but you don’t really ask. He seriously can’t be upset because you spent the night with a friend, can he? “Hi, Suguru. I’m here to pick up my daughter.”

“She’s checking that she has everything.” Suguru informs you, and you’re about to walk inside the apartment to help her out. It’s awkward to just stand outside while being stared down by your ex. But he blocks the entry, and you roll your eyes.

“What is it now? I know Kumi is working so you can let me in.” You respond.

“What did you do with Kento last night?” He asks, and you raise your eyebrows. 

“You can’t be serious…” You scoff. You didn’t do anything with Kento last night, but if you did, it would be none of his concern. He won’t move out of the way until you answer. “Imagine if I asked you what you do with Kumi? That’s so inappropriate. My private life doesn’t concern you.”

“Look, I don’t care how many guys you’re with or whatever you want to do, but I don’t want you to be with Kento.” He says, and you almost laugh at his audacity. 

“I fucked Kento last night, and it’ll happen more, so be ready to take care of Sayuri more often.” You lie simply to anger him, and you watch the anger overtake his expression. He’s about to speak, but he feels a tug on his pants, followed by his little girl’s voice.

“Daddy, I’m ready.” He moves out of the way, and you smile as you see your little girl. You pick her up from the floor and kiss her cheeks.

“How are you, baby?” You ask her, and she tells you about her fun night. You listen attentively, completely ignoring Suguru. You have to cut her off, telling her, “Say goodbye to your daddy, now. We’re leaving.” 

Her tiny arms stretch out, and Suguru picks her up from your arms. She kisses his cheek, and he kisses her forehead. He then tells her, “I love you, baby. I’ll see you soon.”

“I love you, daddy.” She answers. He pouts as he puts her down, but she isn’t as sad as he is when she walks to your side. She definitely has a favorite parent, and it isn’t him. 

You wave at Suguru before walking away with your daughter, leaving him with many words unsaid.

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