Gmmtv 2024 - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
1 year ago

i am so very serious about needing an offkrist series in 2024 with substantial interaction between their characters. pinehack fed me too much for me to forget (the friendship, starting "the jungle" together, the fight) but too little for my satisfaction and now i am starved. please gmmtv i am ON MY KNEES i want them to be a wacky comedic duo

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1 year ago

GMMTV 2024 Pt.1 Thoughts

So, after sleeping and processing that GawinKrist wasn’t fixed (don’t have anything against pairs not being fixed as a concept but I had really hoped GawinKrist would be fixed as someone who really enjoyed their partnership; though I guess I should have expected this after seeing them separated by the merch previously) I decided to rewatch all of the trailers released during the livestream and talk a bit about my feelings on each trailer.

The Interest

I’m oddly excited for this, even though it doesn’t seem like what would be my type. It’s probably a combination of finding Bright stunningly handsome and being a fan of P’Waa in general. But because of it being a film, I have no idea when I’ll get to (if ever) see it. So I’m not thinking too much about it. I’m a bit disappointed by the now more lighthearted tone of the storyline, the show being much more of a romcom than the film I expected from the mock trailer. I haven’t watched the original “Man In Love,” so I don’t know what’s closer to the original story, so I won’t comment on it. I hope this film is great – at least the cinematography looks wonderful.

My Precious (series)

I am not interested in watching this show. Feel-good first love M/F romance, specifically this sort of young people in a coming-of-age story, is not something I typically watch, and the trailer hasn’t really hooked this. I feel like I am not the target audience for this. Happy for my friend @gaiaxygang, though, seeing as I’ve heard him talk about wanting to watch My Precious for his cat (Chimon) many, many times.

Ploy’s Yearbook

More teenage love. This time, with a group of main girls named Ploy. I had “I’m Tee Me Too” flashbacks at that, actually. Seeing Aye and Mond in the cast for this had me very excited, as I wanted to see them, but otherwise, not anyone I’m overly attached to. I’ll say I’m much more excited for the adulthood part of this show than the highschool part.

We Are

I wanted a PondPhuwin romcom. I did not understand that asking for one had the monkey’s paw-esque cruel twist attached of it being directed by New Siwaj. Supposedly, this was originally a WabiSabi project. I wonder what made it turn into a GMMTV project? I find it interesting how they brought side pairs in as main pairs this series, in a large ensemble cast. This is also the engineering gayboys rep of the lineup, it seems! I saw those engineering shirts! Though this seems to focus much more on the artistic men, ahaha. I will be tuning into this for my PondPhuwin – even if I have doubts on the ability of it to both be a well-written show (director) and balance 4 main couples (though the trailer seemed to do 4 couples quite well). Anyway, this is hilarious to me knowing @gaiaxygang is a big MarcPawin + WinnySatang and also hates New Siwaj. I laughed very hard.

The Trainee

I love the grounded ensemble comedy vibe of this show. While this is an OffGun series, I feel as if it’ll also be more of a workplace show, which I find charming. Also, I am intrigued by the subplots. I’m really excited for this – it’s a Parbdee production – that’s promising! And okay, I’ll be frank with everyone, I am obviously 100% excited for this show as someone with Offgun as my ultimate favorite BL pair. They look delightful here, and seeing them finally escape college is like food for the soul to me. It’s all I wanted! And they look so adorable here. I’m definitely tuning in for this show, it’s exactly what I wanted but didn’t dare to wish for when I heard the rumors of Off and Gun in the same show. This is OffGun’s world and we’re living in it. Now can Cooking Crush start airing?

Only Boo

The lighthearted tone of this was quite interesting. A show with an idol wannabe is intriguing to me, and I enjoy it, though seeing so many people I do not recognize threw me off at first. I find the idea of not being able to date because of the contract a bit overplayed (though this could be due to me enjoying BL where one is a celebrity or wants to be such) I think I’ll be waiting to see what people say about this show before tuning in, whenever it airs, unless the official trailer really hooks me later on.


Now THAT is a show trailer! Most exciting plot GMMTV has shown us in ages, definitely from this lineup. Twin identity swap! (reminds me of Who Are You, what with Namtan, actually) A blind character! Two GL pairs! This looks so promising and is probably the newest type of show we’re getting from GMMTV. Hopefully pt.2 follows suit in really making me excited for the plot of a show. Shocking pairs, but a strong cast and premise. Honestly, this show reminded me of certain k-dramas I have watched in the set-up. Also man, that last scene. This is going to be something really special!

Peaceful Property On Sale

Such promising staff, and it’s for a show with Tay and New? I was grinning so hard. Mook is here also, and looks interesting! Jan! And I fucking love New’s character, he looks amazing, and I loved the hints at hidden depth. This may be the New character that really fully steals my heart. Tay being more shy is also killing me. That NewTay moment! Who would have ever guessed they were going to make a comedy ghost hunting show! Saw some doubts about it being a romance between TayNew, and honestly it doesn’t look like one, but I couldn't care less either way. Show looks stellar, and I love the vibes of it. I didn’t expect something like this, and I’m so hyped about it.

Ossan’s Love Thailand

I was just floored. The least expected Japanese BL remake (I’d have said almost anything before this one) and featuring EarthMix. No idea how I feel about this, so I’ll just move on.

My Golden Blood

I wanted a vampire series. Setting aside my personal feelings, I am definitely tuning into this to see how it goes. Hopefully the effects are better in the proper series. I find it charming they play basketball together (fitting to their real selves) and I find it great seeing Neo here! Honestly, though, this show is very much giving the vibe of a Wattpad book. And I could enjoy that (I did, after all, read Wattpad stories a lot when I was younger) or I could not. We’ll see. It’s definitely very interesting to see GMMTV produce a show like this. I’ll keep my hopes up.


Very cautiously excited for this series. If you know me you know I love kidnapping – which might sound weird but like it’s all about that reluctant kidnapper falling in love with the man he wasn’t meant to have feelings for. Vice versa falling for someone who kidnapped you and having to reckon with the complicated feelings that come with that, along with the consequences of everything, because there’s a reason for the kidnapping in the first place! Not very big on the cast but goddamn if I didn’t go “Man, I wish there was a kidnapping BL for GMMTV 2024. Too bad I don’t think they’d go for it,” like two days ago. So yeah, I’m excited, even if I don’t have full faith.

Summer Night

Might watch this for Phuwin, but honestly, not really feeling this. Guys who like the same girl, another highschool series where Phuwin is meant to be the “unpopular loser” type, a pretty basic premise. I’m just not very interested in the story – Phuwin is cute as hell though, and I like JDPP, so I’ll probably tune into this.

Wandee Goodday

This one looks ridiculous, and I like it. It also seems to be the overtly sexual show of the lineup, which is quite interesting. A friend-with-benefits story with GreatInn. One of the stronger comedic shows to me, and I’m interested in where it’ll go. I’m tuning in.

Highschool Frenemy

A remake of a drama I never watched. So, I feel like this is the darker highschool story of the lineup for 2024, which is interesting. Honestly, all of the darker shows in this lineup have felt like a breath of fresh air, oddly enough, mainly because of the sheer amount of lighter shows. A part of me wonders if pt.2 will reverse this feeling, or if this is how GMMTV is planning the next year to be like. I don’t have much to say on this one, might watch it, might not. I’ll just say, though, that this trailer did not hold my attention at all.

My Love Mix-Up

The moment I saw that eraser I went: oh my god it’s GeminiFourth Kieta Hatsukoi. I actually thought about this before? I was like haha, what if GMMTV picks up Kieta Hatsukoi, it would fit in, haha. And in my head I was like well it would go to GeminiFourth or something. So I’m gonna claim I was on the wavelength for this. However, I am not that excited. They could have gotten something else, I swear. And I’m not the biggest fan of the source material in the first place. We did not need another Japanese BL remake. But I guess the story does fit the GeminiFourth vibe, so we’ll see. Now I’m gonna be on edge if they ever remake Utsukushii Kare (my favorite BL of all time).

Enigma s2

Okay, so, I’ve been saying I want this every day since I watched Enigma. The vibe of the narration immediately got my brain racing, like, is this it? Then Win showed up and I was still in disbelief, but yeah! Enigma s2! We’re getting it! I am so excited to see it, and I’m incredibly curious about how it’ll go. Are they getting Bright back as the main villain? What’s Toey’s character going to be like? Is this going to focus more on Ajin’s story? What about Prim? I’m so, so excited for this one. And I hope it keeps up the level of quality s1 was on!


Enigma s2, The Trainee, Pluto, Peaceful Property


Kidnap, We Are, My Golden Blood, Wandee Goodday


Ploy’s Yearbook, Only Boo, Ossan’s Love, My Love Mix-up, High School Frenemy, Summer Night

Conclusion: I was a bit disappointed by the same-y nature of a lot of these shows. We Are particularly is a letdown in premise despite a great cast, there’s a lot of remakes (and like I’m not against remakes in general, but there’s too many and I don’t understand exactly why), and the M/F dramas seem very basic. There’s also a LOT of BL, and yet some of them are probably being pushed to pt.2 (FirstKhao, Joongdunk, Forcebook) which signals even more BL? I’m starting to wonder which of these projects will come out in 2025, because there is just so much. Anyway, if you know me you know I’ll probably mainly be waiting for pt.2 to see Krist’s project for 2024. But in the meanwhile I’m happy OffGun is as real as always, PondPhuwin is back, TayNew are in a show, and we got an interesting GL.

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1 year ago
Krist Perawat And Off Jumpol At Gmmtv 2024 Pt.1
Krist Perawat And Off Jumpol At Gmmtv 2024 Pt.1
Krist Perawat And Off Jumpol At Gmmtv 2024 Pt.1

krist perawat and off jumpol at gmmtv 2024 pt.1

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10 months ago
I Know He's My Ex. But He's The Ex I Want To Start Over With The Most. Maybe That Same Book Has A Revised
I Know He's My Ex. But He's The Ex I Want To Start Over With The Most. Maybe That Same Book Has A Revised
I Know He's My Ex. But He's The Ex I Want To Start Over With The Most. Maybe That Same Book Has A Revised
I Know He's My Ex. But He's The Ex I Want To Start Over With The Most. Maybe That Same Book Has A Revised
I Know He's My Ex. But He's The Ex I Want To Start Over With The Most. Maybe That Same Book Has A Revised
I Know He's My Ex. But He's The Ex I Want To Start Over With The Most. Maybe That Same Book Has A Revised
I Know He's My Ex. But He's The Ex I Want To Start Over With The Most. Maybe That Same Book Has A Revised
I Know He's My Ex. But He's The Ex I Want To Start Over With The Most. Maybe That Same Book Has A Revised

I know he's my ex. But he's the ex I want to start over with the most. Maybe that same book has a revised edition and ends differently or has a great plot twist.

Krist Perawat & Singto Prachaya for #GMMTV2024PART2

The Ex-Morning | GMMTV 2024 PART 2

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10 months ago

Thinking about the Mock-Trailer for The Ex-Morning

Thinking About The Mock-Trailer For The Ex-Morning

Pathapi is said to be the Best Reporter of the Year in the beginning. How. I want to know his career accomplishments so badly? I need to know how he got here!

I’ve been considering why Pathapi acts the way he does in the beginning. Has he always been like, since his university days? Or was it perhaps heartbreak and the passage of time that’s made him more like this? 

Aou is being made to play the exasperated best friend in Be My Favorite and the rival with coffee thrown on him in The Ex-Morning. Someone give both characters a raise. And a boyfriend!

I looooove the trope of the arrogant, whiny jerkass in a successful position who gets humbled. And that paired with him rebuilding his reputation with his ex-boyfriend of all people? I am so ready to see Pathapi’s character arc, and the things Tamtawan makes him do in this trailer makes me think he’ll get more in-tune with the spirit of good reporting and why it’s so important.

How does Tamtawan know and decide to come back? Obviously, he wants to help Pathapi and is still in love with him, but why did he leave? WHY DID HE LEAVE? Later in the trailer, when present-day Tamtawan leaves, it’s after he’s told “Tam. You have two options now.” What are the two options? The way Tamtawan leaves and the look on his face makes him look regretful, but what exactly is motivating him trying to leave here? Why did he leave in the first place? Does Pathapi know? His face looks half confused rather than just heartbroken!

What has Tamtawan been up to? I am intrigued.

The SOTUS reference in their university days flashback? I am obsessed. They were so sweet in that one frame, it makes me wonder how they fell in love. How different were they? How much of the same remains in them? How did they fall in love? Oh my god!

The transition from Pathapi being awkward with shirtless only-clothed-in-a-towel Tamtawan to taking his own shirt off and asking if Tamtawan has an ulterior motive to fluster him is hilarious to me. I love how forward Pathapi is here! And Tamtawan getting flustered is amazing. Oh my god, I love this trailer. It balances a comedic tone, angst, tension, etc all in one show. Can’t help but adore it.

“You’re still the same selfish jerk.” I need to know what happened! I said this above and I’m saying it again. I am intrigued.

Uni Tamtawan pulling Pathapi by his tie? I am obsessed.

The umbrella scene is both so very P’Lit and so very much a SOTUS reference, it delights me. I wonder how many SOTUS references we’ll have in the show proper.

I wonder if the car accident will coincide with the climax of the show.

That! Last! Scene! I suppose this is a scene when they’re hooking up but not properly together, seeing as they’re flirting, shirtless, and probably just had sex, but still won’t admit they still like each other. This sounds great to me.

I’ve mostly not talked about the meta elements here, because I feel it’s less about the contents of the actual trailer and more about the nature of the series as such a KristSingto RPF-type plot. Anyway, I love it. Everything about the meta of this series is perfect to me, and exactly what I wanted. This show is SO fun to think about when you know about the lore of KristSingto in real life. I’m half expecting Tamtawan to have hazed Pathapi at this point!

Side note that is not a side note: I LOVE THEIR ACTING! I love their characters!

Is this vers? I’m going to say it’s vers or Top Krist until proven wrong, because that last scene? Well. Let’s put the KristSingto into the KristSingto.

I love the small cast and the focus on KristSingto! I just need to say this. I am so excited for this comeback, in-part because it really is just Tamtawan and Pathapi’s story.

Tamtawan is supposed to mean “follow” and “sun” whereas Pathapi means earth/soil/ground. Coming off of KongArt, where Arthit is obviously “sun,” and KristSingto, who compare themselves to the sun and moon, this seems so definitely meaningful. Aof and Lit, I need to know what you’re cooking! 

The coals scene is sooooo perfect, both for the characters AND KristSingto themselves. Again bringing it back to the meta of it all, but, oh my god? This is perfect? Aof wrote a screenplay that was KristSingto RPF? On that note, I keep thinking about the idea of KristSingto channeling their feelings from the irl work-partner “break up” and it makes me go a little crazy. Especially with Krist talking about all his efforts to bring Singto back, and how he over-thought it when Singto left. And even more so seeing as they say they’re basically playing themselves.

The lyrics of the song used in the trailer are so fitting, I am now looping it and thinking about Pathapi and Tamtawan forever and ever.

I noticed that Tamtawan goes by “Tam” but did I miss it for Pathapi in the trailer, or do we get no indication of his nickname? I’m curious.

The “Begin Again” for the new Peraya Party speaks to both KristSingto and their new characters, and this is again making me go, oh god it’s true they’re just playing themselves.

I said my ideal KristSingto BL was a vers exes-to-lovers that parallels reality. Evidently, I was not alone.

Is it just me, or do the Pathapi + animals and Pathapi + soil degradation water scenes feel a lot like certain episodes of Friendship with KristSingto? Just me? Maybe it’s just Krist. I love him so dearly.

So much is revealed in this trailer, but that somehow makes me more intrigued about what is not being revealed to us?

Krist still goes for the top lip and Singto still goes for the bottom lip when they kiss. This kills me every time. I am so excited to see lovey-dovey Tamtawan and Pathapi!

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1 year ago
PYokee Continues To Feed Us Eclipse Girlies. Thanks For The Reassurance, King

P’Yokee continues to feed us Eclipse girlies. Thanks for the reassurance, King 👑

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