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Can you name a Thai BL starting with every letter of the alphabet?

Started doing this challenge earlier, but I'm excluding the drama's I've already seen.

I know it's almost possible to do this challenge with bl (except for the x), but what about when it's strictly Thai bl?

I have not been able to find a J, K, Q, X or a Z yet (I have already seen kinnporsche, so that one's out).

Thought it might be a fun challenge for everyone as well.

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1 year ago

I'm watching me, my husband and my husband's boyfriend. I'm only two episodes in. WHAT IS HAPPENING RN. I'm invested cuz the show is good but I'm also very lost LMAO

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1 year ago

"I'd like to poke the void."

This is a phrase that my fandom bestie and I came up with a little while back.

Now for context: I am 25, neurospicy, an introvert and didn't go to college. My bestie (we'll call her Este) on the other hand is 24, an extrovert, and went to school for dramaturgy*. (We're both theater kids, became friends because we're both fans of 5SOS and unlike a percentage of most fandoms WE ARE SELF AWARE, HAVE TOUCHED GRASS AND RESPECT OUR IDOLS AND REALIZE THAT THEY ARE HUMAN BEINGS.) I digress.

Over the years we've gone down COUNTLESS rabbit holes, analyzed and overanalyzed lyrics and MV's and had many, MANY discussions on the inner workings of fan culture. These conversations often start with a random, weird ass question like:

"Why TF is Luke drinking a GALLON OF MILK in the Motion MV??"

"I'd Like To Poke The Void."
"I'd Like To Poke The Void."

Or me rambling about the Cinematic Universe that Stray Kids has through out their MV's and losing my shit over the chronological timeline and how it relates to the storyline.

"I'd Like To Poke The Void."

Or her talking about the names in the Hunger Games and why they were chosen.

"I'd Like To Poke The Void."

The conclusion to these were:

"Luke is portraying a sense of innocence in the MV. We often associate drinking milk with children (we can all probably remember a parent telling us to drink milk so we grow up big and strong!) By showing him drinking milk it's relating him back to that innocence."

Her giving me a crash course in the types of storytelling including chronological and basket weaving ST. And giving explanations on how prequels and sequels work in context to a story, etc. (I have the notes somewhere, yes I took actual notes. This is all paraphrased off of memory.)

And I don't remember the conclusion for the names, but she did point out that it was odd for the Capitol to choose these kinds of names.

All that to say: we have hour long, in depth discussions about things that seem pointless out of context.

Going back to "I'd like to poke the void."

As i was writing this I snapped her asking for examples of "void pokes" we've done and she ended up giving me the perfect definition for this phrase.

"I'd Like To Poke The Void."
"I'd Like To Poke The Void."

“I need to rant and ask questions, please play devils advocate if you feel so inclined.”

In grade school and high school I was definitely seen as the weird kid because I would be obsessed with different things and just know a lot of random facts and reasons for things. As I've grown up I've definitely learned to embrace that more and find other people who don't just accept my obsessions but they GET them and encourage them. Even if Este has NO IDEA what I'm talking about (insert tangent about the use of the phrase "take off" in these specific SKZ MV's) she'll still listen and be a person that I can do critical thinking with and who will challenge my ideas and make me stand for them or alter them as needed.

In short, be a fangirl. Find your Este. Learn lots of stuff about lots of things. And never stop poking the void.

*Dramaturgy is a sociological perspective on identity that employs a theatrical metaphor to explore issues of identity formation and reformation. As such, dramaturgy assumes a place, a moment, and an audience to whom the identity is being presented.

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1 year ago

My favorite thing about the Chen Yi/Ai Di ship is, while Ai Di is the pastel/bubbly/pocket sized one, HE’s the brooding tsundere. Chen Yi is the biggest sap and romantic and will get the matching couple items and throw around sweet words at the drop of a hat. But Ai Di can’t do a single nice/romantic thing without some offhanded excuse, will drop everything and run away the moment any feelings become reciprocated, and any ounce of romantic affection has to be pulled out of him like a tooth (he’s the most affectionate friend though)

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1 year ago

The way Amagi is nervous about what's going to happen to Takara but Takara only cares because Amagi cares and you can see how much Takara is trying to be the right person for him.

And now Amagi is telling the sweetest lie to try to cover up for Takara so he can stay popular when I have the feeling that Takara would rather not even try with that.

Tanaka is specifically targeting Amagi because he can sense his weakness, because he knows he can use this against him, because he knows he can manipulate him.

Oh man, the way Tanaka assumes that Takara is cheating on his girlfriend with Amagi and then Takara, as I predicted, just willingly outed them because he's in love and a bit stupid but he had to make Tanaka understand and that was the only way.

Because Tanaka was messing with Amagi because he thought this was just a toke between them, he thought it was nothing more than just a moment and so he could manipulate Amagi into sharing a moment with him only to discover that that wasn't a moment it was so much more.

Katori is the sweetest boy who gives advice and Tanaka is just losing his mind as he realizes what he should have seen and didn't.

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10 months ago

If you’re not watching CityBoy_Log you’re missing something SPECIAL!

They have a LOT of EPISODES!

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7 months ago

Addicted Heroin รักร้ายนายเสพติด | EP.1 [1/4]

For those who don't know yet. Addicted Heroin available on YouTube with Eng Sub.

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2 years ago

Is it just me or do I get the Alpha approaching an omega vibe from this scene?

First Impressions
First Impressions
First Impressions
First Impressions

First impressions

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6 months ago

I am reaching episode 6, and I am not 100% sure what I am watching, but I still want to watch it.

Like... what have they done? What is happening? Why is the tall one always so pale and vampire-like, but the other reminds me of something akin to a hobbit?

Do I keep going or not?

One has magic-ninja skills, and the other has a for-rent sign where his brain should be, but he is cute as a button, so it's okay...


Nothing I enjoy more than two main characters who think they are in completely different genre shows. Huaien, in his serious Chinese drama, complete with political intrigue, backstabbing, and more princes than anyone can keep straight, while Xiaobao is in slapstick romcom with sexy hijinks. If either of them spend too long in the same scene, they are shocked SHOCKED by the story developing around them. Murder! Aphrodisiacs! Assassins! Wound tending seduction! Highly competent sidekicks! Wildly incompetent sidekicks! Unexpected feelings! Unexpected feelings with DIMPLES!

Nothing I Enjoy More Than Two Main Characters Who Think They Are In Completely Different Genre Shows.

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2 years ago

my fav shows and movies of all time:

Princess and the Frog

My Fav Shows And Movies Of All Time:
My Fav Shows And Movies Of All Time:

The Walking Dead

My Fav Shows And Movies Of All Time:


My Fav Shows And Movies Of All Time:


Honorable mentions;

- History: Trapped (bl web series)

- Cherry Magic

- Parasite (k movie)

- Girl From Nowhere

- Alice In Borderland

- Extracurricular (k series)

- Strangers From Hell

- Squid Game

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2 years ago

okay I was on youtube yesterday and I was watching a bit of History: MODC and I’m wondering where tf the fandom went. ITS LITERALLY ONE OF MY FAV BL’S AND I DON’T SEE YALL NOWHERE. WHERE ARE YALL HIDING

Okay I Was On Youtube Yesterday And I Was Watching A Bit Of History: MODC And Im Wondering Where Tf The

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2 years ago

BL Series I have watched/ following this year

2gether & Still 2gether (BrightWin are super cute.)

Tales of 1000 Stars (EarthMix are adorable, I fell in love with them in this series)/ Cupid's Last Wish (really interesting premise and Mix shine)

Not Me (OffGun honestly I love them)

Cutie Pie (ZeeNunew are charming, also MaxNat great couple)

History 3: Trapped (Love it. Both couples are great)/ History 4: Close to You (I liked the Main couple.)

Star & Sky Series: Sky in Your Heart (JoongDunk are a very delightful couple) & Star in My Mind (felt very similar to Tales of 1000 Stars but very cute.)

Unforgotten Night (HOTTTTTTT)

Vice Versa (So charming, Sea & Jimmy adorable couple. We NEED a season two with OhnNanon side of the story!!!!)

Eclipse (I just finished it. Super cute)

Love in the Air (I love both couples but especially PraSky

I already ship KimChay

I have KinnPorsche, Theory of Love, Cherry Blossom after Winter, and We Best Love: No.1 For You on my watchlist.

Send me recommendation of Series to watch

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