Good Teacher - Tumblr Posts
I. HATE. This. Mentality.
Can we denormalize congratulating people for loss of weight without even ASKING if the weight loss was intentional? Can we denormalize commenting on others' bodies in general? IM SO SICK OF IT.
Crazy I saw this post... my teacher and I were chatting after class today. She asked mid conversation if she could make a comment about my appearance. I told her that was fine and she proceeded to say "I've noticed this year you've gotten leaner" and then waited for my reaction. I responded "Yeah! I was trying to lose about 30 pounds, I achieved it." THEN my teacher gave her thoughts about it.
If you're going to talk about others' bodies, this is how it should be done. First, be sure they're comfortable hearing the comment or having the conversation in general. Then make a NEUTRAL observation on the loss of weight and see their reaction. Determine whether it's a positive or negative development in their life first. Always.
You never know when you could be fueling the fires of an eating disorder when you were just trying to give a compliment.
I once lost about ten pounds from sickness. When I went to tell my aunt the bad news, I didn't get past the first sentence before she congratulated me. I had to inform her that I lost the weight because I couldn't stop throwing up.
Thin privilege is assuming weight loss is a universally good thing.
Shoutout to my middleschool english teacher who let me give her an informational essay on lime jello because she heard a kid at lunch tell me no one wants to hear about my jello facts. First time anyone ever read one of my essays on my special interests