End Bodyshaming - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

One day we will be able to look into a mirror without wanting to break it.

One day we will look at our hands without wanting to break them as well.

One day we will stop comparing our breasts and behinds to those around us.

One day we will examine our stretch marks and rolls and think of them as a beautiful creation.

One day we will hear someone call us by our given name and it will not hurt us.

One day we will examine our biology and not think life would be easier if it were different.

One day we will listen to "The Body Terror Song" by AJJ and not sob, only listen and feel connection.

One day we will feel powerful and comfortable in skirts and other feminine things that now only make us feel less than.

One day we will be able to look at ourselves and say "I love you. I forgive you."

One day we will accept ourselves in the way we do others: unconditionally.

One day we will be whole again.

One day we will recover.

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1 year ago
Been On The Hunt For Some Kick Ass Platforms For A While Now, Which Has Proven Difficult When You Try
Been On The Hunt For Some Kick Ass Platforms For A While Now, Which Has Proven Difficult When You Try
Been On The Hunt For Some Kick Ass Platforms For A While Now, Which Has Proven Difficult When You Try
Been On The Hunt For Some Kick Ass Platforms For A While Now, Which Has Proven Difficult When You Try

Been on the hunt for some kick ass platforms for a while now, which has proven difficult when you try not to throw money to just any company and you have freaking massive feet. So when I found these platform American Eagle sandals at the thrift for four bucks I knew my time had come. So some locktight, painter's tape and half a bottle of white fabric paint later, here we have it! My reason for exiting my house at all in the summer! Seriously though, so obsessed with how these turned out.

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1 year ago

Wouldn't it be such a shift of perspective for fatphobes if they could see what goes on in our daily lives as plus sized people?

I'm over here trying to convince myself it's okay to eat lunch and that I don't have to hide my food from my family members. My 120lb home girl? She just had pasta, a hot dog, a piece of bread and half of a bagel.


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1 year ago

Fat people don’t have to hate their bodies. Fat people are allowed to think they’re beautiful, sexy, hot, cute. Fat people do not have to punish themselves because you can’t comprehend that they are happy. 

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1 year ago

What's some unconventional things that you find attractive? Things that don't fit the typical beauty standards: hourglass figure for women and muscular/tall build for men. Clear skin, blonde hair, blue eyes, small waist, etc. Or things that don't fit the standard for that particular sex, for example, finding a woman with broad shoulders attractive or a man in makeup.

I think it would be good for people with those traits, things they may have been shamed for, to have a reminder that people out there think they're sexy.

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1 year ago

I'll go first. For context, I'm a straight female.

There's nothing more attractive to me than a straight man with features, style, etc that are more typically associated with women. Corsets, slender arms, curvy figures, skirts, makeup, piercings, long hair, slender hands, soft shaved skin, painted nails, short frame, fishnets, timid personality, gentleness, softness... there's nothing like it. Femboys are some of the sexiest mother truckers God put on this green Earth.

One of the most attractive things about it is the confidence in and knowledge of oneself. The ability to go out in public wearing what you feel best in, fully knowing people are gonna think all kinds of wild and untrue things about you... and not changing. Refusing to adjust for society. Not selling out. Remaining true to yourself and making a stand for your individuality. Now THAT is hot.

What's some unconventional things that you find attractive? Things that don't fit the typical beauty standards: hourglass figure for women and muscular/tall build for men. Clear skin, blonde hair, blue eyes, small waist, etc. Or things that don't fit the standard for that particular sex, for example, finding a woman with broad shoulders attractive or a man in makeup.

I think it would be good for people with those traits, things they may have been shamed for, to have a reminder that people out there think they're sexy.

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1 year ago

I. HATE. This. Mentality.



Can we denormalize congratulating people for loss of weight without even ASKING if the weight loss was intentional? Can we denormalize commenting on others' bodies in general? IM SO SICK OF IT.

Crazy I saw this post... my teacher and I were chatting after class today. She asked mid conversation if she could make a comment about my appearance. I told her that was fine and she proceeded to say "I've noticed this year you've gotten leaner" and then waited for my reaction. I responded "Yeah! I was trying to lose about 30 pounds, I achieved it." THEN my teacher gave her thoughts about it.

If you're going to talk about others' bodies, this is how it should be done. First, be sure they're comfortable hearing the comment or having the conversation in general. Then make a NEUTRAL observation on the loss of weight and see their reaction. Determine whether it's a positive or negative development in their life first. Always.

You never know when you could be fueling the fires of an eating disorder when you were just trying to give a compliment.

I once lost about ten pounds from sickness. When I went to tell my aunt the bad news, I didn't get past the first sentence before she congratulated me. I had to inform her that I lost the weight because I couldn't stop throwing up.

Thin privilege is assuming weight loss is a universally good thing.


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1 year ago

Why. Are. These. People. Doctors????

Background: for the past 2 years or so I’ve been dealing with some health issues, that have progressively been getting worse. I’ve been tired all the time, sleeping for 12 hours isn’t enough, weak, had pain in all my joints and muscles (top to bottom), when I get home from work I lay on the couch until I get the strength to get ready for bed, and my most noticeable symptom is weight gain. Over the last 2 years I’ve gain almost 100 lbs in bursts, meaning I’ll gain 50 lbs in 3 months, 2 months later I’ll gain 70 lbs in 4 months, etc. obviously this isn’t normal and I needed medical attention.

Experience with doctors: over the past 2 years I’ve gone to about 5 doctors for these issues. They’ve refused me blood tests because these are all “symptoms” of weight gain, completely ignoring that my weight gain is a symptom. I even had a doctor refuse to treat me until I lost 75 lbs, he literally said he would even give me antibiotics for an infection if I didn’t lose weight! The same guy also told me “of course your joints hurt, you’re getting fat.”

Then, about 6 months ago I started getting horrible, can’t get out of bed, crying all the time depression and decided to seak mental health services. My psychologist is wonderful (we’ve talked about fat phobia and she told me she knows sometimes bigger people are worried about talking over these issues with her because she’s tiny, but she always tries her best to reassure us she is not a bigot and wants to help no matter what - she’s the best). My psychologist thought I could use some meds, so she referred me to a psychiatrist, who is also amazing and probably the best doctor I’ve ever been to. We started talking about mental and physical symptoms and he asked me why I hadn’t been to a doctor about the symptoms I was having, I told him the story, he became visibly angry, and said those people shouldn’t be doctors if they don’t want to help people! The psychiatrist tested my blood for everything, I had to give 5 tubes. Last week, after 2 years, I got the results. It turns out I have a significant vitamin D deficency, which cause all of these symptoms, both physical and psychological. All I needed were supliments that you can buy anywhere. I’ve only been taking them a week and I already feel amazing, including less hungry, no sugar cravings, and way more energy.

There are good doctors who will treat you, unfortunately some of us have to live with horrible pain for years before we can find them. I can’t help thinking that if I had started at 100 lbs instead of 180, I wouldn’t have had these problems getting treatment.

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1 year ago

One of my extremely beautiful and plus size coworkers told me yesterday that she doesn't work around food because of her weight. She knows how she will be perceived by others if she works in restaurants, so she avoids it.

She also didn't get good grades in highschool. Not because she was incapable of achieving them, but because she was too capable. My coworker knew if she tried her best, she would have won an award, and that was a negative in her eyes: It meant walking across the stage and everyone staring at her. Judging her.

She told me her dream was to go to culinary school... but she didn't want to be the fat girl in culinary school. Because she knew how that would be perceived by others.


I am fat and confident in that fact. Anti body shaming patches are on my crust items. Shoes, pants, jackets, you name it.

Yet even I think twice about attending food related events; even with my dearest friends, who are some of the farthest from fatphobic people you will ever meet. Even though they have never shown a single sign of judgment towards my body type, I still feel unsafe.

Fatphobia stifles the potential of those it affects. It is as much of a virus as racism. When are we going to start treating it as such?

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1 year ago

A lot of well meaning thin people just don't see it because they're not looking for it. So it's our job to point it out.

Literally being skinny and becoming more educated in fat liberation is like opening your third eye and you cant go back. Like you start noticing shit you never did before.

Go into the character design tag and look at how many characters are skinny and compare them to how many characters are fat. Go watch several movies see if the fat character is rich or is food obsessed or if theyre the tank or dumb or the comic relief etc. Im not even looking for these it just became blatantly obvious at some point and theyre everywhere

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1 year ago

As a fat punk, I can confirm that I NEVER consider if my clothes are "flattering" when I buy em or put em on. Doesn't even cross my mind. I don't know what that word "flattering' MEANS anymore and I'm SO glad I don't.

Don't dress to be thin and don't dress to fit an invisible "beauty" standard. I dress every morning with the intention of looking like a supervillain and absolutely nothing else. Who's with me?!

but like it's so punk for fat people to wear clothes that are deemed "unflattering" for fat people. In fact the next wave of punk fashion should be all people emphasizing their fat. Cut outs where the fat folds. Seams, belts, cuts, and patterns that hilight the fat instead of hide the fat of people of all sizes. Radical acceptance of fatness

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1 year ago

To all my fellow alt freaks dressed in crust jackets and fishnets on their way to ruin the family Thanksgiving, I salute you. Remember to eat whatever the hell you want, and if anyone judges you, eat them too. Have fun!

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1 year ago

Hey everyone! I have a big favor to ask.

I need you to report someone.

One of my posts about the toxicity of fatphobia stereotypes was recently reblogged by a user called @/lagoonadelrey. In the post I was expressing the difficulty of others not taking disordered eating habits seriously unless you're skinny. Her response was "cuz u eat plenty and it shows w ur fat."

Upon a closer inspection, her ENTIRE PAGE is DEDICATED to the demeaning of fat people. Even admitted that in one of her reblogs. Her response to my post was tame in comparison to others. People sharing their insecurities online and her replying things like "yes because you're a fat bitch and no one will love you."

As both punks and Christians in this community (sometimes both😉)... I'm sure I don't have to tell any of you that it's our responsibility to put an end to hate speech.

If we can get enough people to report her, we can stop the possibility of an already insecure person's mental health being further crushed by the hateful, unintelligent, cruel babble of an uneducated and indoctrinated individual. Here's a link to her page:

Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. It's where your interests connect you with your

Reblog the hell out of this!

Let's end fatphobia!

@fatphobiabusters @thisisthinprivilige @oncealoseralwaysaloser @safety-pin-punk @when-you-cant-think-of-anything @purplebehittindifferent @prunpplee @funnyartthingz

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1 year ago

Can we take a moment to address the fact that fat people aren't allowed to have a type or taste unless it's other fat people?

If a person with an "acceptable" body type (thin, midsized or muscular) is typically most attracted to another one of these "acceptable" varieties of body that isn't their own... for example a thin person having a type for muscular people... it's normal.

It's just a preference, right?

If anyone with one of those "acceptable" body types listed above is attracted to fat people, it can either be seen as odd or cute. Toxic attitudes towards it range from:

"Aw, I love that you look for personality!" to "Seriously? Look at you! You could do so much better, don't settle for less!" to "Good for you, giving them a chance anyway!"

Even if some of that sounds positive, it's all horribly fatphobic. Not healthy. Not equal. Yet, for the most part, being attracted to fat people when you aren't fat yourself isn't seen as a huge issue or really discussed at all. People might just tell you that you're selling yourself short or have bad taste.


If you're fat, all those rules change.

Into muscular builds? Skinny bodies? Midsized frames?

"That's not fair, how do you expect him to stay in shape and be sexy for you when you don't even try to take care of yourself? You would swallow him. He deserves someone who keeps themselves as trim as he is. You should be with someone more your size."

Just because I'm fat, that doesn't mean I suddenly lose all capacity for taste as to what I'd prefer my partner to look like. I'm not less worthy of having a partner I'm attracted to. I don't deserve less say or lose rights to my opinions because of my body type.

I'm attracted to skinny men. That's my type.

That doesn't mean I wouldn't go out with a fat guy or a muscular guy or a midsized guy. Doesn't mean I think fat guys are ugly or muscular men are gross. I'm generally not particularly inclined to other builds rather than thin ones, but if he was sweet to me and checked all my boxes, I would totally go out with him! Without hesitation! Despite his body type.

No one is ugly for their appearance. "Ugly" is something inside you. I don't think that shallow. Fatphobes? They're who's truly ugly.

And racists, sexists, punkphobes, etc.

But still... generally... I have a preference.

It was okay for you.

Why not for me?

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1 year ago

This year we're not doing weight loss resolutions. No new fad diets or miracle workout programs, no magic pills, and definitely no bariatric surgeries. This year we're listening to our bodies, and more importantly we're loving our bodies. We do not need to be smaller to be worthy of that.

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1 year ago

Everyone should take the time to read this- but especially thin allies in the body positivity movement to end fatshaming who sympathize but haven't experienced fatphobia directly. Great insight into the mindset of fat people who want to be healthy, but have bad relationships with food that have been pushed on them by society.



This is my half of “Unhealthy”, an essay comic double header with the lovely and talented Sarah Winifred Searle. She and I both wrote about our personal experiences as overweight ladies with eating disorders, and her story is breathtaking! You can buy a physical copy of the book here: https://topatoco.com/collections/abby-howard/products/ah-unhealthy

Or buy a digital PDF here: https://abbyhoward.itch.io/unhealthy

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1 year ago


I don't post about it much, so most of my followers probably don't know, but I'm currently working on a novel with intent to publish and have been for the past few years. When I was initially doing my character sketches in the beginning, my main goal was to avoid toxic, overdone stereotypes- specifically punk phobic and fatphobic ones. And to avoid the godforsaken "all the main characters are traditionally hot" syndrome.

The result of this is four plus size characters:

Ken; an athlete whose kindness gets taken advantage of.

Hyro; an opinionated nerd and fierce leader.

Akari; a caring emo girl with a mentally unwell boyfriend.

Hibiki; a seemingly lazy bum with a secret.

Is there a bummy, dislikeable fat character? Yes. There's also multiple lazy thin characters, including Jin who is traditionally sexy and attractive. It's all about fair representation and equality.

I have three alternative characters and not all of them are mentally ill or unstable or pagan or self harmers. In fact, Akari is none of the above. She's gentle and sweet.

My main character, Youko, is not aggressive and sassy and sarcastic as has become the one-size-fits-all for female protagonists. She's quiet, talented, insecure, and autism coded. Her possible love interest, Tomo, is one of the most average looking characters.

Gotta say, as a fat person and a writer, one of the most healing things I've done is writing fat characters of my own and giving myself the representation I never got to have. My two favorites are: a stereotypical 80's/90's skater guy who calls everyone "dude" or "bro" and fucking loves classic rock and has fluffy bleached hair that always covers his eyes and he's kind of got Bill and Ted vibes, I'm just realizing.

And a chronically ill lesbian whose weight is viewed as super positive because it's a sign she's recovering from her most recent bout of illness and she's artsy and passionate and geeky and her girlfriend absolutely adores her soft, round face because it reminds her of the moon.

We need more fat characters who get to be more than just The Fat Guy, I don't get why people just seem to refuse to give their OCs actual human traits and instead revolve everything around their fatness and how funny or bad it is to be fat.

I'm glad to know there are people who are actively working on bettering the miniscule positive fat representation we have in media currently. I especially love when people make fat characters who are the opposite of all of the stereotypes and tropes forced on us. The athletic character being a fat person whose body has stayed fat all these years, a fat video game character who isn't forced to be a tank, the fashionista character is a fat person who grew up having to sew their own clothes and now is a sewing master with the best sense of style on this side of the Mississippi river. The fat person with an eating disorder who actually gains weight in recovery, the popular girl in school who's fat and not the bully, a love interest who isn't stick thin for once. I hope you continue to write fat characters you enjoy!

-Mod Worthy

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1 year ago

I hate the world we live in.

Thin privilege is better pay, particularly if you're a woman.

Thin women are paid more than fat women -- tens of thousands more by some estimates. This means thin women are valued as if they had more years of education and experience than fat women. To be at parity wages with thin women, fat women need to be much more educated (almost two years more education than thin women) and experienced (about three years more experience than thin women).

Researchers trying to determine why, have discovered that fat women are more likely to work in physical jobs and less likely to work in public-facing jobs than thin women. Public-facing jobs are generally better paid. Discrimination against fat women in public-facing jobs, like upper management and performance and waitressing and modeling and sales, could be the reason fat women on average make so much less than thinner women.

The most pay on average nets to relatively thinner women--about a 22 on the outmoded BMI scale.

Finally, take a gander at this absolutely devastating graph that shows a significant negative relationship between BMI/body fat and income for women from the St Louis Fed (2011):

Thin Privilege Is Better Pay, Particularly If You're A Woman.

This is thin privilege---massive, obvious, thin privilege.


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1 year ago
My Version Of The Google Autocomplete Series Started By The Militant Baker, Which Is Based On The UN

My version of the “google autocomplete” series started by The Militant Baker, which is based on the UN Women ad campaign.

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