Fatphobia - Tumblr Posts
You’re kidding me right. Wanting to stay in shape is in no way hateful or cruel; you’re just taking things to personaly. Also if all your friends are striving not to look like you, they are not the problem. you are

You must not know what revolutionary means It’s not like there weren’t fat people before now

The act of simply enjoying life as a fat woman is revolutionary. Everyone expects you to hate yourself and to be full of a desire to meet their imagined level of adequacy. When you actively refuse to loathe your body and your life, you draw the line in the sand. You demonstrate that you will not allow yourself to be dehumanized and controlled.
Thank you for this common sense.
It is not “fatphobic” to be charged more for large clothing. It is not “fatphobic” to suggest weight loss. It is not “fatphobic” to help someone realize how much they overeat. It is not “fatphobic” to talk about nutrition. It is not “fatphobic” to encourage a healthy BMI. It is not “fatphobic” to dismiss the “genetic obesity” lie. It is not “fatphobic” to dismiss the “starvation mode” lie. It is not “fatphobic” to suggest following a lower calorie diet. It is not “fatphobic” to dismiss any and all fat logic and enabling behavior. It is not “fatphobic” of your doctor to correctly assess your health and suggest weight loss if you are overweight or obese, or for them to deny performing a surgery due to your weight. Doctors are held liable and obese patients are high risk.
You are healthy at a healthy size. Not all sizes are healthy.
Being fat is not healthy. Call it what you will- fat, overweight, obese. BEING FAT IS NOT HEALTHY. EVER. Stop encouraging others to overeat. Stop encouraging others to neglect their bodies. If you sell people the lies you’ve been selling yourself all you’re doing is promoting self harm, a slew of dangerous health complications, and early deaths.
If you’re happy with yourself, keep your fat logic, delusional concepts, and lies to yourself. Dig your own grave, not the graves of others.
You do realize that most normal people think being anorexic is just as unhealthy as being overweight or obese and view them in the same light. The only difference is that most people talk to people suffering from anorexia in a more sensitive manner because they are usually suffering from other mental health issues that cause their anorexia such as feeling unloved or unwanted; however, fat people eat a lot and never attempt to exercise hard to manage their weight and get upset when people love them and feel “oppressed” when they are too fat to fit in an airplane seat or sit in regular chairs.

-My Own Worst Enemy
-Fasts for 48 hours
-Constantly smoke cigarettes for weight loss
-Overdoses on laxatives
-Purges by regurgitation
Fatphobes: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Fat girl:
-Eats the reccomend amount of calories
-Eats healthy food
- Literally just eats one pizza
Fatphobes: God you’re so uNheAlThY!!! Why don’t you eat a fucking salad, fatty!!
^^ Shit like this is one of the primary reasons why weight loss eating disorders exist in the first place
I'm so fucking frustrated that every time I look up stuff like 'plus sized top surgery' on google I still get skinny twinks shoved down my throat and making me feel worse about my results that don't fucking look like that (shocker: fat person has different results!). I'm trying to see if a revision will actually help or if I'm just stuck with what I have because of my body type, and I can't fucking do that because suddenly fat transmascs don't exist! fucking christ give me a break
'fun' fact: you can starve to death and be fat the entire time. this piece of information saved my life, so i'd like to share it as widely as possible.
there's a common misconception that starvation will necessarily make you emaciated, and that if someone is fat they must be getting enough to eat, or an excessive amount.
this just isn't true. fat is an organ, not an inert storage of 'excess' calories. the old idea that gaining weight is caused by taking in more calories than your body needs, and its corollary that reducing caloric intake will automatically result in weight loss, is simply not true. the human metabolism is just way more complex than that.
one thing that can commonly happen is that, faced with repeated or long term caloric deficit, the body chooses to prioritize fat accumulation over other things in hopes of assuring survival. this can occur due to food insecurity, eating disorders, illness, dieting, or other factors.
caloric deficit can sometimes cause weight loss, certainly. but not in everyone, and not in the long term. 95% of dieters, for example, regain the lost weight and often more in addition. the science overwhelmingly supports this, including studies created by people who were trying to find long term weight loss methods. intentional weight loss is impossible in the long term in most cases, and the methods people use to attempt it are harmful to their health.
so yeah. whether due to anorexia, food insecurity, illness, or anything else - a person can be starving and still fat. or become fat(ter) due to repeated or ongoing caloric deficit, or both.
you can be fat and need a feeding tube, though medical fatphobia often makes medical professionals insist otherwise, to fat people's detriment or death. people can starve to death while fat.
anti-fatness is not just body shaming.
anti-fatness is discrimination. anti-fatness is having next to no legal protections for being discriminated against. anti-fatness is being denied housing, jobs, receiving less pay and promotions (legally) because of your size. anti-fatness is being denied access to clothing, seating, transportation, and other human rights because infrastructure has been designed to exclude you. anti-fatness is less likelihood of receiving a fair trial. anti-fatness is dehumanization. anti-fatness is being denied necessary surgeries, but not surgery that amputates the digestive tract with the intent to starve and shrink you (it doesn’t work either). anti-fatness is mutilation. anti-fatness is being subject to torture devices that bolt your mouth shut. anti-fatness is being told by close friends, family, and professionals that you are better off living with an eating disorder or other life-threatening illness. anti-fatness sells you starvation as a guaranteed opt-out of oppression, but doesn’t tell you that bodies will always regain weight to survive. anti-fatness blames and punishes you for failing at an achievement that is quite literally impossible. anti-fatness is a $90 billion dollar industry. anti-fatness is being denied gender-affirming care. anti-fatness is being barred from in vitro fertilization and reproductive healthcare. anti-fatness is being barred from adopting children. anti-fatness is being removed from your loving parents because they couldn’t make you thin. anti-fatness is intentionally starving your own baby so they won’t get fat. anti-fatness is disproportionately high suicide rates. anti-fatness is being killed at the hands of medical neglect and mistreatment. anti-fatness is the world preferring a dead body over a fat one.
This weekend I was told a story which, although I’m kind of ashamed to admit it, because holy shit is it ever obvious, is kind of blowing my mind.
A friend of a friend won a free consultation with Clinton Kelly of What Not To Wear, and she was very excited, because she has a plus-size body, and...
I wish I'd known earlier what I know now after reading this.
Celebrities have everything tailored to fit them. Everything! But they never speak about it.
They do, however, speak about the diets, workouts, natural this and that. But actually looking good in that outfit, the secret is tailoring.
And we never hear about it.
I want you to think about the consequences of this. Too hard? That's cool, just read the article
For the thin individuals with eating disorders and body dysmorphia that are trying to use those are shields in the notes: Your mental illness is not an excuse for you to harm other people nor does it prevent you from being called out on it. Acting like you are a variation from these statements simply because you are ill is not only bullshit but also dangerous. Large sections of your communities are known for openly attacking and harassing fat people to the point where nearly every fat creator I've seen who choose to show their face on social media has had people use their images for pro ed accounts with the most vile comments added in. You all do not get to act like you being ill excuses you from the vile shit I’ve seen some of you say to fat people or the damage your words have on the fat people around you. If you want to not be called out by this post and posts like it, actively try to be better and start treating fat people with respect.
thin people calling themselves fat negatively is so malicious... especially in front of fat people
Shout out to the fat people whose relationships with their parents are permanently scared due to their parents’ constant badgering about their weight and size, and to those who were told time and time again that the insults and harsh remarks they got as children were just their parents trying to care for them/ were made from a place of love.
You did not deserve any of that, and they shouldn’t have held their love over you to make it seem like tearing you down was okay. Their “good intent” doesn’t remove the damage it caused you and it doesn’t make what they did okay in the slightest.
Can we for once get some media where the plus size person doesn’t go on a whole weight loose journey to prove they have a right to be loved and to exist. It’s not the “compelling, uplifting story” yall think it is; It’s literally just fatphobia and telling fat people that unless they loose weight and keep it off that they aren’t worth being around. Do better
Something I honestly hate is when I am looking for books with a plus-size main character, and when I finally find a story that looks like it works, all the art for the "plus size" character is just a skinny woman. Like come fucking on, now.
I am begging thin people with EDs to actively work on their fatphobia. Being mentally ill doesn't give you the right to say the most violently rancid things to fat people as if they aren't humans as well.
Thin artists will be like: “I have a great idea to show this character’s moral decay”
and you turn around and it’s just the character but fatter
me: so there's this guy, a bit shorter than me, feisty
evil me: mexican, exotic, I dig it
me: *side eye* yeah, he's cute, also he's not skinny - he's been doing a lot of dancing and sports. there's some meat on those bones, and a soft tummy to boot
evil me: to hug and cuddle?
me: *nodding* to hug and cuddle. now that I think of it, he has a bit of love handles, and fat rolls if he sits in this specific way, just like me
evil me: *gasps, pointing at me* fat rolls?! love handles?!! fat!! fat!!!!
me: n-no, wait, this guy's not fat
evil me: yeah, he's cute
me: *squinting* ...and he is built pretty much like me?
evil me: yeah, pretty much the same
me: *still squinting*
evil me: except you're fat
me: *exasperated gasping*
I work at a daycare with infants.
One of our baby girls is fat, in the 99th percentile for her age. She is super cute and sweet. Lately, she has been sick with various breathing issues, so she has been reluctant to take her bottles. Normally, she’ll take 4 ounces of formula at lunch and 8 ounces in the afternoon. Today, I was lucky to get to her take 5 all day.
There was a substitute covering a lunch break in my classroom today. We emphasized to her that we need to keep trying to get the baby to drink her bottle until she finished it. She said, “Why are you guys so worried about taking her bottle?”
My coworker replied, “That’s where all her nutrients are. She needs the nutrients and the water.”
To which the substitute replied, “But she’s so fat. She doesn’t need it.”
Thin privilege is a small, pretty baby getting better childcare because the caretaker doesn’t think she’s too fat to be allowed to eat.
it’s also fucked up that fat people literally fear going to the doctor for anything because they know the first thing out of their dr’s mouth no matter what their ailment is, is gonna be “lose weight lol” broken leg? lose weight. rash? lose weight. whooping cough? lose weight binch!!!!! like we get it. but can you just write my prescription you bitch so i can go eat a salad and not call you again until im about to die of the plague????

Hey did you know that you can’t escape fatphobia even after death? The article talks about how these donated bodies are used for first year anatomy students to study the body, and how the 'perfect' body for that should be 170-180 pounds.