Gosh Darn It. - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

That Feeling When You're Mentioned In A Post...

But it's deleted before you see it!!!

(Thanks anyway @gagney) :)

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6 months ago

And then it comes back later. Like, if the moss is slippery, you find yourself unable to climb that stalagmite. If your sword is broken, you get some small metal chips to throw at enemies. People speedrun this game choosing the hardest options possible.

Ooh I just got an idea. It's not text-based, as I initially assumed, but more like an RPG. When you enter an area or talk to someone, a text box pops up, and you can see the area or your character change as you choose the options.

The moss becomes green after you choose the option. The old man's smile loses his sincerity as you choose the option.

This could be really good.

game idea where you choose and influence your own narrative by picking adjectives

"An old man walks up to you. His smile is [Toothy]/[Wide]/[Forced]."

"Your sword is [Sheathed]/[Drawn]/[Broken]."

"[Green]/[Luminescent]/[Slippery] moss clings to the side of gray rock."

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6 years ago

Please listen before all the good authors are gone and give up. Love you guys and the effort and the time you take to write into these magical pieces that bring us so much joy. 

I try to comment every chapter... even though I feel bad I cannot say a lot about a lot of details sometimes, I have found that just continuing to leave notes and writing the author a long combined note about the whole thing bringing me joy goes a long way. Do this for them, because they do so much for us.

Fan fiction reviews

Imagine you have a coworker who likes to bake. Every week, they bring in a batch of delicious, homemade cookies and leave them in the break room. Next to the plate of cookies is a sign, “If you like my cookies, could you please just leave me a note and tell me what you like about them? The more feedback you leave about what you like, the more incentive I have to bake.” A hundred coworkers walk by and take a cookie. One person leaves a note. “Great cookies! Bake some more soon!”

The next week, once again there are cookies in the break room with the same sign. Once again a hundred people take a cookie and only one person leaves a note. “Nice! More soon!”

Week Three- Once again, a hundred people take a cookie. No one leaves a note.

Week Four- One hundred people take a cookie. No note.

Week Five- There are no cookies. Someone leaves a note. “Where are the cookies? I loved them. Please, please bake some cookies.”

Week Six- There are no cookies. Ten people leave notes. “I miss your cookies. They were my favorites. I loved the chocolate chips. My friend really liked the way you had almonds in the cranberry ones.”

Week Seven- Motivated by the wonderful notes, the baking coworker stays up late to bake the best batch of cookies they have ever made. That week, a hundred people take a cookie. No one leaves a note. 

The co-worker gives up baking for their colleagues.


Please, if you like the fan fiction that you are reading, let your authors know. Stories are abandoned for a myriad of reasons, but it is very, very hard to stay motivated when you receive no positive feedback. If there is a story that you like, whether it is a completed one or a work in progress, please leave an up-lifting comment or review. By doing so, you’re providing that writer with motivation to spend their time and energy creating more stories for you.

And that way, you both win!

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11 months ago

Oh, right. How did I forget the iconic

dang it

friendly reminder that it’s canon that percy cusses like a sailor.

friendly reminder that, when she’s stressed, annabeth does too. (often in ancient greek lol)

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5 months ago

Given the fact that a fair of the SCPs are threats on an "entire world" to "the whole goddamn multiverse" kinda level, any being capable of commanding them to fuck up this one specific country and have there be relatively no collateral damage is really not one I'd like to mess with.

On the other hand, I did name this blog after tea.

On the OTHER other hand, it was also named such due to my annoyance at the brits for, well, pretty much everything pre-1900 and a fair bit of stuff since then.

Yet still, not all British people are actually bad and there are some critters in the database that do things I would not wish on my worst enemy. As long as the decent people are given notice and time to evacuate, you have my wholehearted support

Will 3280 be making an appearance?

Okay who's on who's side, me Vs Britain

All SCPs are automatically on my side by virtue of me being their god, and anything to do with fate is on Britain's side cause they god of fate

Anyone else we should list?

Me: SCPs

Britain: Fate

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8 months ago



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2 years ago

Steve always felt like an outsider.

He knew from a young age he was different from the other kids. The other kids in his class giggled about kisses and cooties, Steve had no desire for these things. The other boys in his class didn't look at the other girls and want to wear their pretty dresses. The other kids didnt sneak into their mom's bathroom and put on lipstick.

The other kids weren't different.

As Steve grew up he felt even more different. Tommy had a girlfriend now, Steve got one because Tommy said he was a queer otherwise, Steve's dad taught him he didn't want to be one of those.

Steve felt nothing when he was kissed, the girls were nice but the only thing he liked was the lipstick they'd leave behind on his lips.

Maybe he was queer, he whispered as such to Tommy one night, Tommy kissed him, he felt nothing.

"Maybe you just need to find the right girl."

Maybe Tommy was right.

Nancy Wheeler should've been the right girl. She was perfect, smart, kind, beautiful. He loved Nancy but he still felt nothing when she kissed him, maybe Nancy was right, he was bullshit, he couldn't even love right.

Steve loved Robin, Robin was different to Nancy maybe she was the right girl. She wasn't but Robin would use Steve to practice painting nails and let him borrow her sweaters. Robin gave him soft pink Chapstick and told him mascara made his eyes look pretty. Robin told him it's ok to feel like a girl sometimes cause sometimes they felt like a boy. Stevie felt like herself with Robin.

Eddie was different, he wasn't a girl but he made Stevie feel alive. Not at first though. Steve hated him, thought he was stealing her kids. Then he saved Dustin, then they talked a lot in the hospital, then Eddie stayed with him while he recovered, then Eddie kept staying, then months past then Stevie had a nightmare, then Eddie called him Stevie and Steve corrected Eddie that it was a Steve day and all Eddie did was smile and nod, then they started sharing a bed cause they felt safer that way, then Steve woke up one day and he felt the feelings everyone had told him about for years.


Steve wasn't broken she was just different. Kissing Eddie felt right that morning and every morning after.

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