Hatchetfield Universe - Tumblr Posts
Sometimes even sleazeball’s get lucky.

+ Bonus:

Hi take an old goat man doodle I realised I never posted 🐐💛

(Also I’d like to blame credit @kirchefuchs for being the initial inspo behind me drawing Ted with goat features.)
There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t think about the fact that this part of the official Time Bastard script was cut out of the YouTube Video.

Tick Tock, Teddy-Bear.

Ted and Tinky sketch but it’s that one Jesus painting.

your puppet drawing of the spankoffski bros changed my life!! oh em gee i love those fucking guys
could you perhaps…make puppet Charlotte…to complete the family 🥺🥺?
“Well if I’m going to die, I’m gonna go out doing the thing I love. Screwin around with another man’s muppet.”

I saw people talking about how Ted would own so many patterned button ups and had the AWFUL realisation me and this man would share a closet.
(Also long haired Ted propaganda be upon ye)


Best thing about being able to draw is that I’m allowed to doodle stupid things.

Tinky brainrot hours.

Discord sketch requests- Take Emma and Ted with glasses.


Go wild with this pic lads.
Also you guys are so welcome for me asking btw xxx
Would you guys still love me if I told you this was my 100th Ted drawing 😔

Happy gay month. Can’t believe everyone in Hatchetfield is gay.

…..I wish there was more context then there actually is 😭

But uhhh…I may or may not have drawn the catalyst drawing

Tedsune Miku, Scraggsune Miku, Petesune Miku, and some fuckin goat all show up at con - A brawlsune commences
@raftersomefood @yourlocalabomination @ricky-mortis
List of Starkid characters I have some form of involvement in being Mikufied (mostly by starting the Mikupocolypse):
[This list will be added to as more appear]
- Ted Spankoffski (x2)
- Peter Spankoffski (x2)
- T’noy Karaxis/Tinky (x2)
- Nibblenephim/Nibby
- Bliklotep/Blinky
- Pokotho/Pokey
- Wiggog Y'wrath/Wiggly (x2)
- Dan Reynolds
- Peanuts the Hatchetfield pocket squirrel
- Paul Mattews
- Emma Perkins
- Tom Houston
- Jane Houston (as the car)
- Richard Lipchitz (x2)
- Max Jägerman
- Grace Chasity
- Duke Keane
- Miss Holloway
- Gary Goldstein
- Officer Bailey
- Wilbur Cross
Honourable mentions
- Benji Scragtowski/Scrags (x2)
- Agent Curt Mega
- Owen Carvour
- The banana peel
-Mysterious Analog Input Amplifier/M.A.I.A.
And you could add to this list! Draw your fav as Hatsune Miku today!!!
Pov: I’m showing you my fav little guy (He’s a misogynistic asshole who murked two people)

Lords in black Yeah’s for the Twitter users. Go wild with them.

I’d like to formally apologise to Joey Richter for once again working up the courage to interact with him on Twitter.

To further prove my point, may I present this beautiful artistic rendition made by @cowardlykrow

Hi take a Pete because I have nothing else to offer at the moment.

Yes these are Starwars patterns.