Hellsing Headcanons - Tumblr Posts
Update on the Anderson fight Wolverine.
Blades Of A Bless Beast is the title. Anderson's mission is going to a bar... Pub... Whatever because the bartender has a secret in the basement, his brother turned into a ghoul. Logan is a good friend of said bartender and is guarding the ghouls brother the bartender asks Anderson if he can bless his brother and see if god can find a cure. Anderson says that there is no cure and that the ghoul would have to die. Logan stepped up and says thats not going happen.

In no way is this my art but this is the pic that inspired what i’m working on.

Anderson: With the power and the word of his lord, our god almighty i shall punish the wicked and pray that your soul of sin will be forgiven.... Amen! Logan: Look bub, are you going to keep thumping that book or are you going to fight. Anderson: No rest for the wicked blessed blades cutting down yet another beast...
The anthem of the black and red
If anyone knows the game Earth Defense Force (EDF) I made the lyrics for the tune of this little ditty so watch the vid THEN look at the lyrics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRmES6IJk_o We came to save this land from any undead ghoul attack. Gold, red, and black we ware gladly upon our back. Killing unholy monsters we surely have the knack. The Hellsing house we serve! Our bullets run through bodies leaving many, many holes. Kill counts reaching numbers that will break our current goals. Take us from the inside we will dig up any Moles. The Hellsing house we serve! Challengers blood and guts we will gladly spill. You can beat us down but you will never break our will. If you don't like what we do then go and take the pill.
The Hellsing house we Serve! Come and join our ranks, an go and spread the word. Protecting queen and country people say that's just absurd. We don't number in the thousands, but the name you now have heard. The Hellsing house we serve! "Quite that Shit!" "Uh ok. How about this?" For one century Hellsing has been just in stories. But in the here and now we have many real enemies. Buy Integra's words we have the might to bring them to their knees. THE HELLSING HOUSE WE SERVE!!
Blades of a blessed beast
For those who don’t know, I am trying to make a fan fic that is going to be a fight Alexander Anderson vs The Wolverine. The out line of this is done and i’ll being doing the things like they tough in school. Rough draft, second draft edits and then final draft. But i would like to thank motivation, for leaving my ass to crash and burn.

"You don't wanna do this..." "Oh, but I do. I really do. Seeing you using your unholy knives, I’ll show you what a sword of divine punishment can do. " As a mad man smile from ear to ear, Anderson lets his newly blessed and sharpened bayonets slide down his sleeves holding them firmly in his hands. Holding up his fists he shows the paladin, as the six adamantium plated claws grown from the spaces between his knuckles, blood from first four men stained then. "These aren't knives bub."
So....Yeah here is a thing.
So when i hop back in the writing train for Blades of A Blessed Beast the whole this with be put on wattpad and here in tumbler. The writer of will @thelastmoonwalker https://www.wattpad.com/user/thelastmoonwalker <----- Wattpad stuff The only thing I have on my wattpad now is VERY cringe fanfiction I did about Michael Jackson, Adam Lambert. And the cast of NCIS all the way from 2012 And my self insert of my that I named Bart Simpson... Yup thaaat’s a thing. So PLEASE go laugh at it PLEASE I hate it too!!

Alexander Anderson... And Maze Hughes..... Now hear me out on this, with the dumb head canon that I am now obsessed with. They are bothers, same father different mothers right. Anderson grows up his normal orphan back story Anderson's birth mother dies and his father remarries and has another kid, Maze. The dad dies, and now he has a half brother and step mother, now step mother leaves with baby Maze and abandons Anderson. Maze, grows up to be a dog of the military. Anderson. A servant of God. Hughes find out from his mother that he has a half brother, and decides to get back in touch after all this time. Anderson gets a letter from Maze saying that he’s his little brother. They make plans to finally meet each other. But Maze dies before they can. BOOM YES< I”M DONE! SO GOOD!
Blades of A Blessed Beast Update!!
Chapters one and two are down and done. My BF and I are currently working on chapter three, it’s been a bitch with him working and me not wanting to write anything. But that flow is back baby and Mama Teggy getting shit done slowly but surely! If you want to or haven’t already go fallow me on Wattpad, to read some of the other shit storms I wrote back in 2012 when I was in the Adam Lambert and Michael Jackson fandom. And please laugh at them like I did cus cringe https://www.wattpad.com/user/thelastmoonwalker
Alucard: Look at our master she stands tall showing she has no fear! Sares: She must be scared but if she is, shes hiding it well... Too well, Integra stands there like a mountain, an acting force. I wonder what shes thinking as she stairs into hell. Integra: (Thinking to herself) God... I really need to pee
I’m bring it back since i’m seeing like a shit ton of Arthur stuff... Plus i’m proud of this peaces work i did
Arthur Hellsing Headcannon
My headconnon of Arthur Hellsing, Father to the great Integra Hellsing. In this I will try to go as deep as in can into this character based off the anime and my interpretation on him, and his life. Now Arthur at a young age was a ladies man and a heavy drinker as show in the last episode for Hellsing The Dawn, yet still very capable of doing his job as the Hellsing family head at that time. But this is where the interpretation comes in, sometime between 1945 and 1977 (Integra’s year of birth) he had contracted some kind of cancer it seen far fetched yes, but it make sense. With Arthur have a lot of money he was able to catch it very early, with treatment the cancer was put into a state of dormancy, After He got the all clear from his doctors he fell back into his old habits thus meeting Integra’s mother, now on the official Hellsing wiki as far as I know there is almost nothing about her backstory, her family, even her name all that’s given is her Indian ethnicity and that she was a women of the night.Arthur must have just knocked her up at the age of 32 it seemed like Arthur had no intention of becoming a father. So I assume that I Integra’s mother contacted him or spoke in person and told him the she was pregnant. That moment is when Arthur Hellsing changed his whole aspect on life, he was a respectable man, so those nine months he took care of her, and watched the new life grow,in that time he took his job with every bit of honor and pride making a great name of Hellsing. Soon After a very healthy and happy baby girl was born. Arthur holds his daughter in his arms his pride and joy, and takes a pitcher of Mother and baby the only picture seen in episode ten of the original Hellsing TV show in his desk, Yet that’s it nothing else of Integra’s mother she died shortly after, Most likely from a brain hemorrhage, why. Because it’s a common way to died suddenly, very suddenly. I don’t think that Arthur was in love with this women but he was grateful. Arthur and this women never married. Leading anoble to have a battered child whom was an unplanned pregnancy. That where Richerd come in (and it’s like the lion king) Riched is the next, and Integra comes in and on Arthur’s death bed he name her next head of the family. You get the jist, now to Arthur’s death, Arthur had Integra homeschool walter and himself being her teachers, Arthur taught his daughter EVERY. SINGAL. THING. That he knew about that hellsing family and it’s mission from god, that includes Alucard as well also sown in episode ten, he would spend time with her drinking tea and talking, Before Integra turned twelve Arthur’s cancer came back and this time in was terminal, and he didn’t have long. What could he do he didn’t want Integra the worry, so he didn’t take any treatment hiding it well from his little girl. And it eat at him like an animal as cancer dose, and that day with Integra he went on knowing his body couldn’t take it anymore and he collapsed right there. This part has become personal to me because I love my dad, he is my whole universe, and there isn’t a day that goes by where he’s not trying to teach me something about life and being an adult, right now he’s 59. And now i’m starting to think that the time I have with his will end not anytime soon thank god, I but know how Integra felt seen that man that he look up too, that was her rock, her everything just fall to the floor dying right in front of her.She screams Walter and a few guards bust in the room and she there in the floor next to him in shock, helpless, not knowing what to do. Walter rushes to her and holds her and the guards pick Arthur up and call a doctor. You can imagine Integra crying or hard hot tears pain in her chest and all choked up. Arthur’s last words to her “Remember Integra, be gloryus.” Arthur Hellsing might not be my favorite character but the story about him that I paced together about him make him a good one. And I’m sure that wherever he ended up, he is very proud if his pride and joy, Integra Fairbrook wingates Hellsing.
Ok so i know Hellsing is Hellsing so logic goes right the fuck out the window but, in the UK police officers, bobbies, law reinforcement what have you, can’t have guns right, like they only have teams that have them? Look i’m from the US and you know how we are over here. But Seras with and gun in the beginning and Hellsing shouldn’t have guns at all if we look at it by the law.
AU were Integra dies and Arthur has to face Iscariot and millennium
Short Hellsing Fics
Hello my little sugar cubes. So.... *sigh* I’m open for writing stuff for just Integra, Alucard, Seras and Anderson. Safe for work for the moment so I can look at how I can do this. With this place being a booty hole about the steamy stuff i’d feel like i’ll be stepping on egg shells. This will be a once and a while thing I’ll take 4 to 5 from you loves and try my best. I’m doing this for fun, why not you know. I do work and I am visually impaired so what I put out will take a bit.
Hellsing Origins: Integra Hellsing
She slept in his arms warped in a bundle a fluffy white blankets Arthur sat in a leather chair holding her with him in the study the company of Sir Island and Sir Penwood. “So what happened to it’s mother?” Islands asked. He stood at the wall of bookshelfs at the back of the room simply browsing. Arthur grunted reaching over to the small table at his side picking up his glass of bourbon and taking a swing. “She came in gave her to me and left.” “And you’re sure it’s yours?” “Yes Huge 100%.” Pinching the bridge of his noes Islands sighs deeply turning to Arthur. “Keeping it then.” “Fuck you, I may be an alcoholic blackguard, but i’m not a monster... Yes I am. I’ll raising her as a man should, she will be next in line after me. And If you call my daughter it one more god damn time I will rip your world a fucking sunder.” A dark shadow falls on Hellsing face, Islands eyes widen a bit as he walked over to Penwood and sat down on the same sofa that he was. Penwood couldn’t take his eyes off the baby a smile from ear to ear. “May I Arthur?” Peneood asked reaching out his arms. Hellsing stands letting Penwood hold her his eyes instantly well up with tears. “Oh for God sake you’ll more crying then she does.” Arthur bites walking over to his very large very full liquor cabinet. “Does... She have a name?” “Well n-no not yet.” “You have had this baby three days Arthur and not given her name!!!” Islands yells. “Look I’ve been a bit busy trying to get things for the kid!” Arthur yells back The loud sudden noes shocked the baby awake her face grows bright red as she being to cry Penwood starts to panic as Walter walks over picking her up and calming her down. “I’d have you refrain from doing that while she in the the room sir.” Penwoood wipes the tears from his eyes. “How about the name of the nanny that rise you Arthur.” “Fairbrook? Well maybe but not as a first name I never liked the old coot though. Windgates after my grandmother she’d come to me praying and hoping that i’d have many many children.” “Last name Van Hellsing of cores.” Islands puts in. “Weeeellll maybe leave out the Van Hellsing’s are only called that because of the novel it’s not really in my family name.” “She holds the Integrity of your family so why not.” Penwood shrugs. Arthur opens a bottle and filled his glass again. “Humm, Alright then Integra it is. Sounds nice, fits on important paper work, she was born on British soil so problem solved.” He Walks over to Walter who had just gotten Integra back to sleep a smile pulls at his lips. “Ha ha Integra Hellsing! What you think lads.” Islands wipes a hand over his face.“Just be sure to teach her right Arthur. Don’t be like your father. And for the love of all that is good don’t turn her into another you.” Hellsing give a hardy laugh again. “Oh who knows shes a Hellsing she’ll grow to be just as good looking as me Ahahaha!” “Ugh you Idiot...”
luke and baskerville. this is taking me out.
Discussion #1
"I still see the same spirited young woman I met fifty years ago, Your Majesty. In fact, to my eyes, time has made you even more beautiful, Your Highness."
so fucking precious. they were the only two people within that room during this moment and no one else mattered. i loved their bond in this scene, and the way he sighs calmly when her fingers wrap around his face — almost as if he was saying "finally." he's such a charmer with his words, and so incredibly sweet for still finding the beauty in olden flesh, reassuring elizabeth that she had absolutely nothing to worry about regarding her appearance.
same thing could be said about the moment he returns thirty years later, telling integra that he saw nothing wrong with her when her hair was fading gray and her skin crinkling. he most likely felt passionate about her even greater, especially after witnessing her eyepatch, adoring her ability to withstand a life-changing blemish all the while he was absent. ( i always admired how integra took that bullet from major like it was NOTHING. one of the baddest bitches in anime hands down. ) and the moment when he addresses walter, calling him and his new vampiric body ugly and telling him that he looked much better before he committed his betrayal.
this made me create a headcanon that alu always finds the beauty inside of his significant other's insecurities, no matter they be wrinkles, stretch marks, cellulite, acne, love handles, scars, etc. basically all things that society's standards deem hideous as if they aren't natural or humanly. alucard appreciates humanity and its attributes to an extent, so i don't see him being bothered whatsoever over someone else's physical self-doubts or self-hatreds. i imagine him instead taking the time to remove his glove just to gently trace over and feel his partner's stretch marks and/or scars, telling them, "You worry so much over how you look, but to me, my dear, these are the very features that make you who you are, and you dare be ashamed of it," referring to their individuality and uniqueness. this is quite similiar to what he tells the Queen, right? because that is the kind of person he is deep down. he's so respectful and mature when it comes to matters concerning those he cares about.
this is personally why he's my main comfort character as well, because i have my own insecurities ( we all do ) and the fact that he finds beauty in something that many do not, i feel so much better about not only myself, but loving this man in general lmao. he definitely has his own insecurities, being that he views himself as nothing more than a monster, not only because almost all of the enemies he encounters are literally throwing that into his face 24/7, but that he regrets his past decision on becoming one. this also leads me into creating another headcanon where he adores receiving assurance from his partner. telling him occasionally here and there that he's handsome or beautiful in their eyes, though he may refuse to believe it more often than not, would let him know that not everyone cowers in fear at his mere presence and finds him to be this disgusting, rancid beast. he would feel accepted. welcomed, for once.
and that's another thing; he's just such an appreciative character. for example, in ova 10 when he feels himself disappearing after absorbing schrödinger, he begins to reminisce his previous death as he looks on and admires the sun — the sun is a symbolic piece in this entire series to me, because it represents what he turned his back on during his time as a human, officially declaring him a creature of the night. you would think that he ( a vampire ) no longer cares for the sun, and he even claimed to hate it and its light, but towards his final words, he states, "And each time I think . . . how lovely that sunlight, which I forsook so many centuries ago . . ." which affirms that he still finds beauty in the earth's nature and in life itself despite what he is and what he's been through. that is another example of his humanity prying through his well-believed "monstrosity."
hirano did an absolutely amazing job in fabricating his ambiguity and behaviors. this version of dracula is unlike most of any version's psychology and morals. i could go on and on all day conversing the depths of alu's mindset and his view on humans in particular, but i'll save them for more future discussions!
[ also. i understand that him and the queen have simply a close friendship and that he praises anyone's growth into old age regardless, but i also love to think that he was lowkey flirting with her here LMAO. like his expression in the picture below. i would internally melt if he looked at me like this, oh my lord. there is something about the look in his eyes that is so titillating. ]

Hi! Would you mind writing Vladcard paired with a (black) POC during his time as a prince? Or at least headcanons? There's barely any representation and he deserves a dark skinned queen to spice up his life for once lmao NSFW and SFW are fine!
hey, babe! it's hilarious that you ask this because i've been spending my free time writing an alucard x poc oc smutfic that's probably never going to get done because of my absolutely shitty adhd LMAO. i unfortunately don't have the time to whip up a full-on story right now, so yes, i'll happily give some headcanons! you can use these to put into a possible story of your own if you'd like!
as i myself am originally from africa ( 🇬🇭 ), these headcanons will more so be based on cultural and physical features from there rather than other places across the globe! these can always still apply to black beauties from america, the caribbeans, etc! i hope that's okay!
( written in 3rd POV instead of 2nd ! )

• upon when they first met, he was mesmerized by her appearance. during his time as a human, afro-romanians rarely existed and his country was fairly homogeneous, the characteristics, practices and physical elements of others alien to him.
• seemingly mischievous was the subtle lift at one corner of his mouth when he bowed and took her hand softly into his, placing his lips against the back of her palm, "i've never seen such a color of skin as deep as yours, draga mea. it is uniquely beautiful, without taint or blemish. from where have you resided?"
• within many regions of western africa, women dress in a traditional accessory named waist beads. vlad has to hold himself back everytime he watches his s/o undress in front of him, cherishing the way each bejeweled string coils around her stomach and rests atop flared hips. it grew to be his most favorite of things that he could witness again and again, finding it remarkably sexy.
• waist beads are also not meant to be seen by the public eye and are to be hidden underneath clothing, only available to the man of whom they are married on sensual nights. vlad receives a powerful wave of pride and possession over her from this rule, knowing that he is the only that can see her in this way. him and him alone.
• lips. especially when they are plump and begging to be kissed or tugged between his teeth. he is obsessed.
• though he does not favor the sunlight, he cannot help but appreciate the way it glitters her skin bronze underneath an evening.
• he is an adventurous man, and from his interest for her and getting to know more about her heritage, he often emphasizes wanting to visit her homeland.
• it comes as no surprise, but he loves when she is robed in the color red. he thinks the contrast of her skin and the garment makes the color much more vibrant. sometimes, though, he will playfully tease her that she cannot pull off the color as well as he does.
• he is purely an ass man, groping at the ass, hips and thighs during sex. the bigger, the better. he has absolutely no negative views on the thickness a woman's body harbors in general, as long as he has something he can hold while pounding them senseless, those fingers will practically mold into the flesh.
• eye contact is a must for him. it is so intimate. hers may simply be the darkest shade of brown to where the pupil is unseen, but to him, that only means that they are able to reflect so much more.
• that being said, the headboard slamming against the wall is nothing in comparison to the "look at me as you take my cock." that growls from his tongue as he feels himself collapsing further into ecstasy. failure to comply or shying away only results in him roughly grabbing her chin and forcing her to do so. "ah, don't you go into hiding now, my love. i want to see the look in your eyes when i fill you up."
• there is most likely always a half-empty goblet of red wine sitting beside his share of the bed. he no longer cares for the mess that will proceed afterwards when it comes to her, grabbing the cup and slowly tilting it above her nude torso. the drink pours against her skin and he is quick to bend down and use his tongue to lick every curve, occasionally nipping the underside of her breast, abdomen, and underneath her navel. some of the wine has been absorbed into the sheets by then, but that will be left for his servants to clean.
• speaking of servants and his shamelessly risk nature, there were multiple times where his cum dressed the floors and bedsheets during the rather rare moments he chose to pull out of her. he merely watched as one of them pried back the comforter and gasped at the white mess that rested in the middle of it. holding in his amusement? never.
• servants, in fact, don't catch a break. if one is to walk into his bedroom unannounced and in the depths of sex with his s/o, he disregards their presence and continues to fuck them as if they aren't there. the servant quickly folded a hand over their sight and muttered an apology before closing the door after their exit. though his partner is embarrassed, he is the complete opposite. "perhaps now they have learned the value of what it means to knock, hm?"
What's a favorite HC of yours on Hellsing?
PURRING. purring. purring. purring. purring.
all hellsing vampires have the ability to purr whenever they are elated or relaxed and it's canon idc. they have no control over when it occurs either. they can be in the middle of talking and it will start to rumble in their chest.
• i like to think that the more relaxed alucard is, the more prominent the vibration and volume from his purr becomes. imagine walking inside the basement to see him napping within his throne and all you hear are the echos of his loud ass purr throughout the empty space. that's probably what luke heard 0.3 seconds before rudely smashing his door in ova 2.
• alu also purrs in enjoyment of when blood, killing or a worthy opponent is involved, of course. one is probably unable to hear it over the sounds of bullets being fired, people screaming, chaos ensuing, but the second all of that dies down, his purr is all that's left to hear lmao. i love to think that this exact scenario happened during and after all of his kills at the hotel in ova 3. all of the horrific and twisted up corpses everywhere, but then there's just . . cute kitten noises in the corner. definitely brightens the mood LMAO.
Seras Victoria
• this girl is most likely always purring. she is so bubbly.
• whenever she receives praise from either alucard, integra, or walter, there she is, purring. she becomes overly joyful. pats on the head will without a doubt intensify the volume of it.
Luke Valentine
• luke is able to purr, but these are on rare occasions, since jan is aggravating the shit out of him 24/7.
Jan Valentine
• jan's purrs are absolutely obnoxiously loud, as loud as his foul mouth, but he can't help it. he's most likely always content because he refuses to give a fuck about anything that goes wrong in his undead life. ( hc created with @namelesscoward1 just yesterday PFF )
• luke has thrown a book at his head for purring so loudly. he missed, but he still got his point across. "would you keep it down?! i can't hear myself think with all of your racket!"
• sex? definitely gets him purring. the sight of big titties or a nice ass? definitely gets him purring.
• jan becomes ridiculously excited at the mere thought of death and guns. during previous millennium missions with his brother, his purr was noisy enough to completely give away their hideout position.
Rip Van Winkle
• give or take this woman to a few live operas and you will never hear the end of it.
• like seras, she has childlike characteristics. because she's so cheerful, i imagine her always being unable to silence her purrs as well.
• though, if you want to silence them, simply mention alucard's name. that will get her quiet real quick.
Tubalcain Alhambra
• I can totally see this man beginning to purr simply because you agreed to play a game of cards with him, especially when he's winning.