Help This Man - Tumblr Posts
Very Important, please read!!

Hello, everyone! This is my friend, Yazid. @wesonga-01 He’s like family to me! He is just the kindest man I’ve ever met. He owns an orphanage in Buguri, Uganda, that homes around 52 children. He is the caretaker, teacher, and minister, and works jobs to pay the rent. I’m also taking up work right now to try and help raise funds!
The problem is, they’re really struggling to afford rent or food at all right now. Yazid’s brother passed away last night, and he is devastated. It’s been a really hard time on everyone in the orphanage from the loss.
That said, he could really use our help! You guys saved his life when he had malaria, and he could really use help right now to get through this dark period!
cashapp and venmo: savegodprovides
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help! It means the WORLD. Also, If you donate, I’d happily make you a kandi or drawing in thanks!
Also, if you’re willing to help me spread this post, please DM me!!
Don’t give me ideas
Can we talk about how Bruno’s gift is actually extremely traumatizing?
please don't skip!!

please help this little dude. in the description he talks about how his grandmother is in the hospital and that he wants top surgery because his dysphoria really hurts him. he says,
"Hello, I am currently 15 years old and I need a life-saving surgery. The only issue is that it’s 10,000 dollars, which my family does not have. Therefore I ask you to donate if you can, out of the kindness of your heart. My grandmother is in the hospital right now and I don’t think my dad could take it if I were to die as well.
For context the surgery I am speaking of is Top Surgery. I am a transgender boy. Trans people have been shown to have a high likelihood of committing suicide if unable to transition, therefore Top Surgery is a life-saving surgery. My personal gender dysphoria has made me suicidal in the past, and I worry that if I am unable to get surgery, I may become suicidal once more."
please reblog this.
Important Edit: hes not gonna be able to get the surgery at 15, hes saving up to get it at 18, sorry for any confusion
(reblogging so hopefully more people see this)
please don't skip!!

please help this little dude. in the description he talks about how his grandmother is in the hospital and that he wants top surgery because his dysphoria really hurts him. he says,
"Hello, I am currently 15 years old and I need a life-saving surgery. The only issue is that it’s 10,000 dollars, which my family does not have. Therefore I ask you to donate if you can, out of the kindness of your heart. My grandmother is in the hospital right now and I don’t think my dad could take it if I were to die as well.
For context the surgery I am speaking of is Top Surgery. I am a transgender boy. Trans people have been shown to have a high likelihood of committing suicide if unable to transition, therefore Top Surgery is a life-saving surgery. My personal gender dysphoria has made me suicidal in the past, and I worry that if I am unable to get surgery, I may become suicidal once more."
please reblog this.
Important Edit: hes not gonna be able to get the surgery at 15, hes saving up to get it at 18, sorry for any confusion
Callisto: Penelope, you’re like an angel with no wings.
Penelope: So like…a person?

All transactions are Paypal only
To give you proper credit, provide a link to your Tumblr when sending your request.
You reserve a slot by paying upfront after I accept your request.
Please provide VISUAL references for your character. (A current full body reference.)
Complex designs might modify the price.
Pose references aren’t required, but it would be very helpful for me.
No NSFW. Pinups are negotiable.
You can request characters that aren’t yours as long as you let me know where they’re from so I can give credit properly.
Got an idea for a character you’d like drawn? Interested in seeing your pre-existing character being given my personal spin on their design? Well, now’s the time to see it happen!
all rules for regular commissions apply with a few additional ones
If you want me to make character from scratch, I’ll need a shot description of them along with reference pictures to help me get an idea of what you’d want them to look like.
For original characters, you may use the design for personal use as long as I am given proper credit.
If you want to request someone else’s character, you’ll have to get permission from them first.
EDIT: You can contact me via tumblr messenger or for placing an order

~".. Are you fckn yandere or something?"~

• It looks like he's completely lost his mind...for lack of love
• It seems to me that this is exactly what it would look like if his mental illnesses took over him