High Thoughts - Tumblr Posts

been high for 2 days, here are my thoughts

- [ ] when you have ears

- [ ] when you have toes

- [ ] what if my feet spontaneously combusted

- [ ] you know when you pull an Anna and turn into ice

- [ ] these fishes couldn’t even serve cunt if they knew how to spell it

- [ ] i love getting possessed by the devil

- [ ] you know when the back of your head disappears

- [ ] what if your tongue was three feet long

- [ ] AaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAA

- [ ] you sound like and out of tune viola

- [ ] the floor is a great place for the hobos to make love - Aidan

- [ ] when you pee somebody else’s pants

- [ ] ejaculation patterns

- [ ] can you jizz after death?

- [ ] i’m gonna queef on you

- [ ] man lessons with Garrett - Jen

- [ ] asbestos hands

- [ ] penile implants

- [ ] i 🤍 men who could fold me in half

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4 years ago

A twist on a fairytale: Thief Cinderella

Cinderella's stepmother and step sister's are always flaunted their money till they spent it all and started using Cinderella as a servant. What if Cinderella thought that if she stole money for them maybe they would treat her better. So Cinderella goes once a week into town to steal money and keep her family happy, they were able to hire another maid who became Cinderella's best friend. Once the night of the ball arrived she was able to go with her stepfamily to steal from nobles. Cinderella stole from many nobles but the Prince caught her trying to steal from him. He demanded her to accompany him for the ball and tell him why she stole money. She tells, Stepfamily gets punished, Cinderella slowly heals with the Prince, the get married, the live happily ever after

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7 months ago

I wonder if Mirio ever just gaslights bugs and disappears when they go to bite him for shits a gigs 😂

BUGS: oh yeah let’s get a cheeky snack😋

MIRIO: lol not today you mozzysnackers😃

I Wonder If Mirio Ever Just Gaslights Bugs And Disappears When They Go To Bite Him For Shits A Gigs

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3 years ago

Being in a constant state of worry for everyone but myself helps me to avoid my own problems. I know I need to focus on me, but that sounds like a terrible idea.

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4 months ago

I should do slutty eyeliner tomorrow so he can ruin it 💕

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5 months ago


I just realized i lost all my amazing cum tributes you guys and gals sent me on my old acct too 😭 fuck you tumblr

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1 year ago

Romantic partners are like jobs. You apply, get interviewed, and it turns out they still didn't want you. Everyone is single, but not a single one wants me.

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1 year ago

A Moment of Paranoia

Just got a stuffed bear from Amazon (China), and because of racist political propaganda, I thought about the possibility of it having a listening device inside it. I then think…that’s impossible. I begin to hyper fixate on the still balled up clumps of stuffing inside it. Beginning to suspect one of the clumps could be a listening device. Hyper fixate and spend an hour separating the clumps into small bits until they are less than the size of a device. Am satisfied. Rethinking my believed knowledge of the suspected size of a listening device. Become even more wary of the bear.

A Moment Of Paranoia

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4 months ago

Thoughts While High^tm

Identicle torsion

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10 months ago

I wish I had someone to bring me a plate of cheese and crackers right now🍃🌙

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10 months ago

There are some places that are magical and that I can escape to


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10 months ago

my version of casual is crawling into their skin and absorbing their organs 🍃🌙


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10 months ago

I pray to the Goddess that my partner is Kind,

Respectful, and Deep🫀🫁

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10 months ago

what kind of things do boys make art about🛸❔

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9 months ago

-500 dollars in my bank account but I looks FINE in my True Religion Jeans 🩵🪽❕

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