HOLY SHIT THIS IS SO COOL!!!! - Tumblr Posts

Nour my beloved <3 @runningwithscizzorz made such a gorgeous Lamb design!!! (feat. pre and post crusade bloodstains) I took a lot of liberties with the embroidery lol
One of my fave capes, very fun to wear!
Listen. I have a vision.

I dont have the time to make an actual good sketch but hopefully you get the idea.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Do unto others what they did to you. Do unto others as what I taught you to.
Actual banger
I posted it on YouTube, I would be happy if you support it :)
Fun little thing about medieval medicine.
So there’s this old German remedy for getting rid of boils. A mix of eggshells, egg whites, and sulfur rubbed into the boil while reciting the incantation and saying five Paternosters. And according to my prof’s friend (a doctor), it’s all very sensible. The eggshells abrade the skin so the sulfur can sink in and fry the boil. The egg white forms a flexible protective barrier. The incantation and prayers are important because you need to rub it in for a certain amount of time.
It’s easy to take the magic words as superstition, but they’re important.
hello, i'm new to the rq/transid community! this may be a bit much for me to open with (i haven't even made an intro post yet...) but i'm thinking about transhateful identities and labels, so consider this a coining post. there is probably something already out there that is similar to or just like this, but i think this suits how i identify closest so i thought i would share anyways!
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Trans__vicious - a way to format transharmful terms regarding transhateful identities, particularly when one is truly outraged or vitriolic towards the source of their hatred
Can also be used with cis/tris/null, and other prefixes, or no prefix at all
Perma/superseveri prefixes are intended to be implied, but you can add them if you like the specificity!
Transambulatovicious - a term that describes someone who identifies as, wishes to be, or feels they should be filled with hatred towards others who are ambulatory/can walk
Cisrailvicious - a term that describes someone who is filled with hatred towards railroads, trains, and locomotives
Solarvicious - a term that describes someone who has some connection with being filled with hatred towards the sun
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use these freely if you like them and coin your own -vicious terms/make any flags if it feels right to you! good faith is both requested and assumed!

see no evil

The Wood Sprite in Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio
exactly 2 years ago I made my first dialtown fanart, and yes it was oliver lol

reblogs are appreciated, thanks! ^^

HAPPY 999 WEEK!!! planning on doing album cover redraws for all 10 days :-)
(I have days 3, 4, and 10 drawn atm, and I am like 90% sure I'll finish everything else on time!! which would make this the first extended art challenge I've ever completed lmao 😭 really excited for day 10 especially, it's a song-character correlation I've had in my head for YEARS!!)
for notes on this: it really pained me to draw Ace in this album cover tbh bc I ADORE The Normal Album/The New Normal and Ace is 👎👎👎 but the third track on this album, Laplace's Angel, fits him pretty well so I felt like I had to use it for him!! (it could also make for a decent Akane song tbh... definitely fits Ace more though, with how angry it is)
I've been trying to experiment with brushes + artstyles with these redraws, and I think this turned out okay. there's a grain brush I used for a lot of the lighting that I really liked, and I think I'll try using it more in the future. also I think I did a pretty okay job replicating the text in the album, especially comparing it to day 3's text which I lowkey butchered 💀 (conceptually that redraw looked so much better in my head...but it turned out decent so I'm not too eager to redo the whole thing lol)

In the blood
Family portraits of Trellis and his parents.
WHOO ok I managed to eke this out before August ended, fulfilling my monthly goal of at least making one polished piece. YAAYY