Honestly...... Yeah..... - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

your 20’s are for desperately running from your childhood while also constantly reliving it

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5 months ago

I'm sorry but fucking the same person over and over, learning their kinks, their hot spots, how to turn them on instantly, where they like to be touched, licked, kissed, exactly how they like to cum is so much better than having lame sex with different people every night

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tiktok has ruined my creative purpose (everyone's attention span is so short that nobody likes my writing style that is akin to that which was prevalent in the victorian era and widely celebrated)

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1 year ago

I’m glad we’re all in agreement that Astarion and Gale shouldn’t have abs. Everyone seems to be roughly on the same page regarding what body type Astarion should have instead. However I’ve seen a few people saying Gale should be skinny cuz he’s a nerd wizard and I’m here to tell you (politely) that by majority vote you are wrong this man is chubby.

Ignoring the fact he’s just been holed up in a tower w his cat and books for a good while and mentions how he enjoys wine and cooking; he’s literally the character that eats magical items and you’re going to look me in the eye and tell me he should be skinny???

Like sure all that walking around and combat with Tav would probably make Gale lose a little bit of weight and ‘supplying’ Astarion with blood would help him put some weight on but neither of them would spontaneously spawn the stereotypical bodybuilder/ model abs they have ingame.

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6 months ago

Stray cat breaks into Lynx’s enclosure at zoo


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1 year ago

twitter limiting the amount of tweets you get to read per day is ridiculous but if tiktok limited the amount of videos people got to see per day it would be the biggest win for mental health since ssris

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10 months ago

“what’s the song of the summer” ?? it’s DANCING IN THE DARK by bruce springsteen for the 40th year in a row

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Honestly what makes Stein a good execution of the mentally unwell mad scientist trope is that unlike your Rick Sanchez types who would scoff and debunk a cheerful character's optimistic worldview as cringe and naive he actually enjoys their presence and values that quality in other people

like he's realistic and acts as a voice of reason but doesnt revel in dashing anyone's hopes and dreams (unless it's spirit but that's just what they do to each other, and even then it's mostly taking the piss and not too serious)

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2 years ago

Pop culture reduces It's a Wonderful Life to that last half hour, and thinks the whole thing is about this guy traveling to an alternate universe where he doesn't exist and a little girl saying, "Every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings." A hokey, sugary fantasy. A light and fluffy story fit for Hallmark movies.

But this reading completely glosses over the fact that George Bailey is actively suicidal. He's not just standing there moping about, "My friends don't like me," like some characters do in shows that try to adapt this conceit to other settings. George's life has been destroyed. He's bankrupt and facing prison. The lifetime of struggle we've been watching for the last two hours has accomplished nothing but this crushing defeat, and he honestly believes that the best thing he can do is kill himself because he's worth more dead than alive. He would have thrown himself from a bridge had an actual angel from heaven not intervened at the last possible moment.

That's dark. The banker villain that pop culture reduces to a cartoon purposely drove a man to the brink of suicide, which only a miracle pulled him back from. And then George Bailey goes even deeper into despair. He not only believes that his future's not worth living, but that his past wasn't worth living. He thinks that every suffering he endured, every piece of good that he tried to do was not only pointless, but actively harmful, and he and the world would be better off if he had never existed at all.

This is the context that leads to the famed alternate universe of a million pastiches, and it's absolutely vital to understanding the world that George finds. It's there to specifically show him that his despondent views about his effect on the universe are wrong. His bum ear kept him from serving his country in the war--but the act that gave him that injury was what allowed his brother to grow up to become a war hero. His fight against Potter's domination of the town felt like useless tiny battles in a war that could never be won--but it turns out that even the act of fighting was enough to save the town from falling into hopeless slavery. He thought that if it weren't for him, his wife would have married Sam Wainwright and had a life of ease and luxury as a millionaire's wife, instead of suffering a painful life of penny-pinching with him. Finding out that she'd have been a spinster isn't, "Ha ha, she'd have been pathetic without you." It's showing him that she never loved Wainwright enough to marry him, and that George's existence didn't stop her from having a happier life, but saved her from having a sadder one. Everywhere he turns, he finds out that his existence wasn't a mistake, that his struggles and sufferings did accomplish something, that his painful existence wasn't a tragedy but a gift to the people around him.

Only when he realizes this does he get to come back home in wild joy over the gift of his existence. The scenes of hope and joy and love only exist because of the two hours of struggle and despair that came before. Even Zuzu's saccharine line about bells and angel wings exists, not as a sugary proverb, but as a climax to Clarence's story--showing that even George's despair had good effect, and that his newfound thankfulness for life causes not only earthly, but heavenly joy.

If this movie has light and hope, it's not because it exists in some fantasy world where everything is sunshine and rainbows, but because it fights tooth and nail to scrape every bit of hope it can from our all too dark and painful world. The light here exists, not because it ignores the dark, but because the dark makes light more precious and meaningful. The light exists in defiance of the dark, the hope in defiance of despair, and there is nothing saccharine about that. It's just about as realistic as it gets.

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5 months ago

no one talks about the immense guilt you feel when you get a new hyperfixation, especially when you were only fixated on the previous thing for a short bit of time

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10 months ago
-don't Tell Stelle She's Hot-why?-she'll Snap Out Of It Immidiately

-don't tell Stelle she's hot -why? -she'll snap out of it immidiately

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7 months ago

There's something magical about loving women. It's like finding poetry in the simplest moments—gentle touches, soft laughter, and the comfort of knowing you're seen. Whether it's the warmth of a stolen glance or the joy of sharing late-night talks, every moment feels like a soft melody.

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Please tell me the most unholy thoughts you've had about Richard, please also include photo references if possible :)

I've been thinking about this ask since I first saw it, I absolutely loved writing this! Thank you so much <3

So of course when it comes to this man I rarely have normal thoughts, but these may be some of my most unholy ones. Before reading this, please remember you asked for it!

1. Have him use me as his footrest

While I honestly wouldn't have him on anyone actually step on me because it would hurt, I still have a huge thing for knee-high boots. And on those legs they look particularly good. So I would gladly get on all fours and let him (possibly while wearing only boots) put up his feet on my back.

Please Tell Me The Most Unholy Thoughts You've Had About Richard, Please Also Include Photo References

2. Breastfeeding

Just how much man could make a woman wish she could be breastfed by him? He is a lot. And my love for his titties is no secret, so I'd love to curl up in his lap and show them some proper love.

Please Tell Me The Most Unholy Thoughts You've Had About Richard, Please Also Include Photo References

3. Bending him over the kitchen table and fucking him

Pretty self explanatory. I chose the kitchen because it feels practical. Unfortunately there is no visual evidence of Richard being bent over any surface but I think this gif will do. Or you could just look at any picture of him honestly.

Please Tell Me The Most Unholy Thoughts You've Had About Richard, Please Also Include Photo References

4. Riding his belly

I'm not kidding when I talk about it. I would gladly straddle his lap and start riding his beautiful belly in a way that rubs against my clit, and everything there is bouncing and jiggling. I don't think any penis should even be involved, and it's not the focus here anyway. Look how good his belly looks when he's sitting and it's contained by a tight vest, imagine how even better it would look free of restrictions.

Please Tell Me The Most Unholy Thoughts You've Had About Richard, Please Also Include Photo References

And I can just imagine him being there like this while I do my thing.

Please Tell Me The Most Unholy Thoughts You've Had About Richard, Please Also Include Photo References

5. Making out with his belly button

Sounds kinda gross but I'd love to do it. His navel is the perfect shape and also seems to be the perfect depth for a making out session. Also the skin around it looks so soft and smooth and my grabby hands would have access to many things in the area.

Please Tell Me The Most Unholy Thoughts You've Had About Richard, Please Also Include Photo References

6. Burying my face between his thighs and making him squeeze them

I could die of asphyxiation, but I'll take the risk. I could avoid it by making him loosen the grip from time to time so I could give a lot of kisses (and little soft bites if he allows it) on those beautiful thicc thighs.

Please Tell Me The Most Unholy Thoughts You've Had About Richard, Please Also Include Photo References

7. Eating his armpits out

Another thing that sounds kinda gross. Mind you I don't enjoy armpits on everyone, but his are *chef's kiss*. Smooth, soft and thicc like the rest of him. Maybe smelly too, but I'll take it. Sweaty for sure but hey, a girl needs to get her mineral salts intake from somewhere.

Please Tell Me The Most Unholy Thoughts You've Had About Richard, Please Also Include Photo References

8. Tying him to the bed only to kiss and worship him all over

This is unholy only because of the tying, but honestly I'd do it only so he couldn't protest and stop me from worshipping his beautiful gorgeous body. I don't want to do anything else with him tied, just showering him with love and appreciation. He's perfect and he needs to know it.

Please Tell Me The Most Unholy Thoughts You've Had About Richard, Please Also Include Photo References

Thank you for reading my essay on how this man makes me absolutely feral. Still, I won't shut up about it in the future.

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5 months ago

I’m suffering again guys <- experiencing the horrors of being bisexual in fandom spaces.

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4 years ago

guess who my favourite character is

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