Hotrod - Tumblr Posts

so uh.... lets be real about that pre-matrix height difference huh. cracks me up a little tbh
When you wanna draw robots but get lazy so you end up with cats in helmets.

So this is my custom version of Ultra Magnus. It’s based on Fans Hobby Naval Commander but with G1 inspired colors and with Kingdom Ultra Magnus Head.
If you thought that Frutiger was forgotten, don't worry, he will return, just give me time and I will bring content about him and his crazy things!

Cherry: @msonjar
Pastille: @a-shy-girl
HotRod: @radicalrainbow
Frutiger: me
“What? They started it and my daddy has always said, if someone wants to start it, finish it even better.” One more look was shot over her shoulder at the group before her full attention was on Bo. That attention started at Bo’s chest, bare and on full display, and she had to really focus to make herself look up and into his eyes with a dazzling grin. “Alright then, truth or dare, hotrod?”

He was just about to comment something teasing and mischievous, something along the lines of my eyes are up here, when she shot him a grin that had him a little weak in the knees. His back collided with one of the barstools. “Dare,” he responded, looking over his shoulder and ordering them two shots of... whatever was served in this wizard bar. “Hit me.”

I've been scratching the itch of mundane Transformers content by making these.

Hey, I’m back!! I have redrawn my humanformer version of Rodimus Prime! He’s back and he’s a candycorn!

I drew my favorite babygirls
This is for the Bumblebee x WindBlade shippers out there

Made this back when the trend was big!
If i could transfromers cast, maybe
Autobots; Optimus Prime, ultra magnus, hotrod, Transmutate, Ironhide, WindBlade, Ratchet, Chromia, hubcap, and as a 6th ranger Megaplex
Decepticons; Megatron, Starscream, Soundwave, Lugnut, Knock-out, Blackout, Flamewar, Blitz-wing, the beastwars2 starscream duo (Here named Nacelle (the small 1) and skyquake (the other 1), both are female), and the dark clone Nemesis Prime
is good casts?

Check out our nesmwest episode of Like, Love, or Destroy here: This week, we delve into the stoic machines that are the Autobots and give rise to our favorites, while damning those that weaken our defensive. If your more of a fan of the Decepticons, stay tuned next week as we evaluate the maniacal mechanisms of malice then! #mochcreations #transformers #lordmoch #serafina #dustyone #pendodragon #autobots #optimusprime #sentinelprime #omegasupreme #rodimusprime #hotrod