Mtmte Rodimus - Tumblr Posts

Testing out new brushes №2 :)

Snow bots au @keferon Rodimus, i love him so much! 🔥
Rodimus x Professional!Reader Pt. 1
The first part is from Reader's POV and the second will be from Rodimus' POV.
Part 2-
Part 3-
Hot water beat down on your back as you rested your head on the shower wall. Everything ached. From your toes to your scalp you felt like one massive bruise. It wasn’t uncommon for you to get back to your quarters feeling drained and tired. Ever since the Lost Light had taken on human crew members your hands had been full, especially following your commander's death. A day that still weighed something fierce on your heart. You’d had to step up- despite the fact that you hadn’t been next in line to lead at all. There had been too much panic, too much grief, and you had done what you had always done in the face of terrible personal tragedy and chaos. You’d buckled down and taken over. Somehow that had led to you being promoted as the human liaison to the captain of the Lost Light. It was an honor certainly but it was something you struggled with. All that responsibility on your shoulders, Commander Jameson had grown livid when the promotion had passed over him and went to you instead. His contempt and judgment was yet another thing that weighed you down. He made it clear that he had little to no respect for you or your new position. It had led to endless fights over the tiniest things that shouldn’t have been fights in the first place.
Sighing heavily you blinked past the water running down your face. The need for actual running water on the Lost Light had been Commander Hennis’ first petition when you’d come aboard and after her death it had only been right for you to continue that petition. You were grateful for it. Slicking your hair back you took another moment to simply breathe. One deep breath in and then the slow exhale. Shutting off the spray you blindly reached for your towel. Wrapping the soft fluffy thing around yourself you relished its warmth as you stepped out of the tub and into the slightly cooler room. You cursed when you realized you’d left your sleep clothes on your bed. Stepping into the main portion of your room you froze, the blood draining from your face so quickly you almost felt light headed. Clutching the towel tightly to yourself you straightened up immediately. Shit, you were way too underdressed, your hair was still wet and tangled, you were wearing a towel.
“Captain!” You resisted the urge to salute if only because you feared losing your towel. Rodimus froze, optics wide as he glanced down at you. Jesus, you could die of mortification.
“I-,” His voicebox made an odd sound you could only describe as a radio dial, “I didn’t realize you were here.”
“I thought to get an early night, Sir.” Oh you just wanted to curl into a ball and die. This was so unprofessional. God, you even planned your own pajamas to be professional in case of an emergency. Why did he have to walk in now? Why did you forget your clothes on your bed? You glanced at your folded clothes and felt a new mortification rising when you realized you’d done like you usually did and placed your underwear on top. Your very nice, lacey, underwear that you rarely got the chance to wear and only decided to wear tonight to make yourself feel nice. As a secret little pick-me-up that only you would know about. The red stood out starkly against your grey sweats and space program t-shirt, the clothes far too professional to even consider what you might be wearing underneath. Even the sports bra you’d chosen was cute with its little lacey front and tiny decorative bow. As if sensing your mortification you could only observe in horror as Rodimus followed your gaze to the clothes you’d plainly laid out. If it were even possible it was as if he froze and locked up more than previously.
Was- was he blushing?!
Your face was officially on fire you were simply going to kill yourself. Anything to escape the mortification. Your co-captain, your liaison partner, knew what you were going to wear to bed and he’d been around human culture long enough to understand exactly why you might have been embarrassed. Grasping at straws like it was all you could do, you tried to regain control of the situation.
“Ahem,” You cleared your throat drawing his attention back to you, “Was there a particular reason you were coming into my quarters Captain?”
Rodimus straightened up quickly his grip on his holopad tightening.
“Ah- yes. There was- well… Ahem. To be honest-,” He was stammering, god you were never going to live down the embarrassment, “I wanted your opinion on a transfer I’ve been considering.”
“A transfer?”
“Yes. One of the humans here.”
That wiped the embarrassment straight from your system. Technically Rodimus could transfer whoever he wished at any point so long as Megatron signed off on said transfer. It had been an unspoken rule since Commander Hennis’ and since your own tenure that all human transfers were to be decided by the human liaison. For Rodimus to even consider transferring a human without giving the full reigns to you must have been serious.
“May I ask the reason for transfer?”
“Insubordination.” The way he said it left little room to question. His voice was grave and serious in a way you rarely heard from your usually compassionate companion. Clearly this was not a decision he had made lightly.
“And the crewmember?” You asked after a moment when it became clear he was not going to elaborate.
“Commander Jameson.”
“What?” You asked the question slipping out before you could help it. To say you were shocked was an understatement. You had thought that Commander Jameson had been wise enough to keep his displeasure and insubordination pointed towards you and you only.
“I think it would be best for both the crew and for Commander Jameson himself if he were placed with a different vessel.”
“My apologies then Captain, I had thought that Commander Jameson had merely been targeting me due to the promotional passover that occurred following Commander Hennis’ passing. I hadn’t a clue that he’d been lashing out towards other higher-ups. Please allow me to talk to him and discuss these matters, I shall ensure he keeps his issues with the chain of command solely with me.”
“That’s the problem!” Rodimus shouted, waving his arm through the air. You jumped. “He shouldn’t be treating you that way in the first place! You received the promotion because you earned it. Your crew would have been killed if you hadn’t made the calls you did and kept a level head. While Commander Jameson was too busy trying to prove himself you were putting in the actual work. You brought your crew together, you led them into action, you pulled them through that dark time. Not him! I am tired of hearing his baseless complaints about your leadership. You’ve gone above and beyond what was expected of you for the sake of your human crew and your cybertronian companions!”
You could feel the flush traveling from your cheeks all the way to your shoulders the flattery soothing a sore spot you had been nursing for a while now. But still, despite Jameson’s clear dislike of you, you had a duty to him as his superior.
“I understand that Rodimus and I thank you for your conviction of my skills,” You replied soothingly, adjusting your hold on your towel, “However, I have a duty to my crew. Commander Jameson’s grievances are with me and me alone. Outside of that he has followed all his orders from other officers to a perfect T. Unless there are incidents I haven’t been informed of..?” You trailed off waiting for a reply.
“... No. He’s followed orders from other crew members well enough.” Rodimus admitted begrudgingly. You offered him a sincerely sympathetic smile.
“Then I owe him the chance to discuss options with me first before the call is made for him. If he wishes to transfer then I will be happy to have him transferred, but if he wishes to stay then that decision should be respected as well.”
That was clearly not what he wanted to hear. Rodimus’ expression turned stony, every bit the captain he had to be instead of the mech you had gotten to know.
“Please let him know that if he fails to follow your direct orders again he will be transferred regardless.” His voice was cold, a sort of anger that sent chills down your spine. You’d never heard anything like it. From Megatron you might have been able to keep the surprise off your face but from Rodimus? The change was too intense not to show your shock. “I’ve transferred the documents to you for review. Good night.”
Just like that he was gone leaving you standing there shivering from the cold in your towel wondering what had gotten into the normally sunny optimistic mech. Swallowing nervously you shuffled towards your pajamas and got dressed. Everything would have to wait until the morning but already anxiety was beginning to set in. What would you do about this? What could be done to fix it? If you didn’t know him so well by now you would have thought Rodimus was angry with you, but you knew that despite what had happened his anger was directed towards Jameson. With a deep breath you sat on your bed and tried to relax. You’d get this sorted out just like you always did. It would be fine. And then you could talk with Rodimus about why it had upset him the way it did.
Rodimus x Professional!Reader Pt. 2
Warnings: Kinda smutty?? Possessive feelings.
This is from Rodimus POV.
Part 1-
Part 2- Here
Part 3-
Rodimus liked to think he’d done well in getting close to his human liaison, especially after what had happened with Commander Hennis when the humans had first come aboard the Lost Light. She had been a well respected woman, no nonsense, she had reminded him of Megatron in a way with her complete command over her crew and the clear experience she had had. It was a tragedy that he hadn’t had the time to get to know her the way her crew had before they were ambushed. She’d given her life to protect her crew and give them the chance to get away and in that chaos where her co-commander had floundered a new face had taken charge. You had been a bit of a nobody in the sense that while your crewmates knew you enough to be friendly you had faded into the background to follow orders. It was a little funny in a tragic kind of way to learn that you’d been part of a space program that was never supposed to see combat and had been put into Commander Hennis’ crew at her own request. He hadn’t had the chance yet to learn the story on that. But he had seen you rise up to take charge when everything had fallen into chaos. You used your own connections to the crew to help them first as a sympathetic shoulder and then as a voice of reason when it became clear that under Commander Jameson your crew would mutiny. Rodimus and Megatron had seen how Commander Jameson had been more concerned with humiliating challenges of authority than getting his own crew out of the firing line of your enemies, had seen you dutifully guide and assure your crew of a direction- taking suggestions and working to work with your crew as a unit instead of an outright authority. You had been the leader the crew had needed in the time of Commander Hennis’ passing. Which had made your promotion as the technical human captain and liaison to Rodimus obvious.
Unfortunately Commander Jameson had disagreed.
Rodimus hadn’t had much to say about the commander before your promotion. He was rude only in the way a former drill sergeant was, he wanted to be obeyed without question, but he also did his job to a remarkable degree. At least so long as you weren’t the one giving the orders. He argued and questioned you on everything and worst of all, you simply let him. Treating his complaints and questions as genuine no matter their absurdity. Your professionalism only served to anger the commander more as you failed to rise to the bait. It only proved their decision to promote you was the right one as your attitude towards Jameson had made the crew feel safe enough to approach you with concerns they felt were trivial. Sometimes they were, or other times they were genuine issues that wouldn’t have been caught had you not made yourself so open to your crew and the crew of the Lost Light. Despite not being a fan of overly professional types your warm demeanor had made it hard for Rodimus to hold any annoyance with you. You were no Ultra Magnus, which was for the better he supposed. Which made Commander Jameson’s constant complaints and accusations against you all the more annoying. Everything you did didn’t seem good enough to the man, he argued against your continued authority like Rodimus would change his mind just to prevent a further headache or fight. Instead it only made Rodimus all the more aware of you and your apparent inability to reprimand Commander Jameson’s insubordination. The more he argued with the commander the more he felt possessive of you. It had caught him by surprise at first, that swell of possessive fury when he’d walked in on the commander yet again arguing against some decision you made as you patiently explained yourself. He might have continued to keep out of it if he hadn’t noticed a tiny detail when the commander had finally stormed out to do his job, your hands were shaking. A fine tremble you hid by putting them in your lap and straightening your posture from where you sat at your desk, taking deep breaths in before releasing them slowly. When you’d opened your eyes, before you had noticed Rodimus was even standing there, you had looked exhausted and teary-eyed. All of it gone the minute you blinked and saw him standing there. That image had stuck with him like a plague as he continued to watch the commander make an ass of himself.
Which was why he had already drawn up Commander Jameson’s transfer. Convincing Megatron to sign it had been laughably easy. All he had needed was your signature and then he wouldn’t have to fight the urge to wring the human’s neck. When he had heard the human crew was partying it up at Swerve’s he’d assumed you’d be with them. You liked to keep on friendly if still professional terms with them and if invited you had yet to turn the offer down, using it as a chance to ensure your crew got to their own quarters safely after drinking away their troubles. He hadn’t wanted to trouble you or potentially ruin your night with the documents and had simply planned to transfer and leave the documents in your quarters for when you eventually made your way back to your room to sleep.
Entering your room had been easy, as captain he had clear access to all rooms aboard the ship and that included his fellow captains. He didn’t even hear the water in the bathroom running as he made his way to where you had propped up your datapad. It was then that the bathroom door slid open and he was left to freeze where he was standing. Just like before you had that tired expression on your face, the only difference being a vague contentment you must have felt about heading towards your bed. At least until you finally saw him. You straightened up immediately, the flush to your cheeks caused by the heat of your shower draining away. Water trailed down your skin in distracting rivulets, the towel stopping at your upper thighs and pulled tight around your body. You’d begun clutching it like a life line as your eyes blew wide.
“Captain!” You sounded breathless. Most likely from surprise but Rodimus couldn’t help the shiver that wanted to wrack through his frame. Heat pooled in his face as his fans kicked on faintly to cool him off. He knew his optics must have been blown wide.
“I-,” His voicebox turned static as he attempted to ignore the way your towel left so little and yet so much to the imagination. “I didn’t realize you were here.”
“I thought I’d get an early night, Sir.” Your voice was bashful and Rodimus was taken aback by the way his frame had heated at you calling him ‘sir’. Your eyes darted to the side and he watched as something akin to horror flashed quickly across your face before your eyes darted back to him involuntarily. His optics followed your line of sight and he froze, joints locking in place. There were your usual drab pajamas, he was more than familiar with them as you often wore them to bed and would come barreling out of your room in them should an emergency pop up that left you little time to dress. But that wasn’t what had made him freeze and lock up. No. It was what was on top of your standard sleepwear that had his mind going in multiple directions at once. His optics had seen the lacey set of panties first, a cute lace trim with mesh cutouts along the sides that would give someone an uninterrupted view of your thighs save for the lace, the cute little lace trim that made an almost guiding arrow to where your valve would be if you were wearing them. He meant to look away but had only succeeded in further short circuiting his brain when he saw the bra. It had the same lacey frills- though there was more volume to the frills than with the panties- down the front and he could see the rather cute bows that were stitched to the straps giving it the illusion you could unravel it and find-
Oh Primus.
He knew his face must have been flushed, his fans barely able to cool him down as he couldn’t even tear his eyes away from the set.
“Ahem,” You cleared your throat pointedly and he cursed himself mentally for staring, “Was there a particular reason you were coming into my quarters Captain?”
He straightened up so quickly it was a wonder his plating didn’t creak as his grip tightened on his holopad begging for strength.
“Ah- yes. There was- well… Ahem. To be honest-,” He was stammering and he couldn’t stop. Looking at you wasn’t helping with the way the towel had slowly begun to slip and he was certain if you dropped it any restraint he thought he had would be gone. “I wanted your opinion on a transfer I’ve been considering.”
“A transfer?”
“Yes. One of the humans here.”
Just like that you were back to being professional. Even still wearing nothing but a towel you managed to exude an air of control. Luckily for him just the thought of Commander Jameson was enough to kill any arousal he had for the situation. Though he wasn’t sure if the possessive annoyance that name evoked in relation to you was any better.
“May I ask the reason for transfer?”
“Insubordination.” He replied, unable to control the flat rage that Jameson had evoked in him.
“And the crewmember?” You asked. He wanted to scoff, it was obvious who he wanted to go. The rest of your crew had done well to integrate and even better to get along and follow orders. There was only one person it could have been and your apparent ignorance made that annoyance flare up all the more.
“Commander Jameson.”
“What?” You asked the question clearly slipping out before you could stop it. Why were you so surprised?
“I think it would be best for both the crew and for Commander Jameson himself if he were placed with a different vessel.”
“My apologies then Captain, I had thought that Commander Jameson had been merely targeting me due to the promotional passover that occurred following Commander Hennis’ passing.I hadn’t a clue he’d been lashing out towards other higher-ups. Please allow me to talk with him and discuss these matters, I shall ensure he keeps his issues with the chain of command solely with me.”
“That’s the problem!” Rodimus shouted, waving his arm through the air. You jumped. “He shouldn’t be treating you that way in the first place! You received the promotion because you earned it. Your crew would have been killed if you hadn’t made the calls you did and kept a level head. While Commander Jameson was too busy trying to prove himself you were putting in the actual work. You brought your crew together, you led them into action, you pulled them through that dark time. Not him! I am tired of hearing his baseless complaints about your leadership. You’ve gone above and beyond what was expected of you for the sake of your human crew and your cybertronian companions!”
To his amazement he realized you were blushing, the flush traveling from your hairline down to your chest and Rodimus had to swallow back all the dangerous thoughts he wanted to voice at the sight.
“I understand that Rodimus and I thank you for your conviction of my skills,” You replied soothingly, adjusting your hold on your towel, “However, I have a duty to my crew. Commander Jameson’s grievances are with me and me alone. Outside of that he has followed all his orders from other officers to a perfect T. Unless there are incidents I haven’t been informed of..?” You trailed off waiting for a reply. He hated the fact you were making a valid point, that he didn’t have a list of grievances a mile long to present to you other than his utter contempt towards the commander.
“... No. He’s followed orders from other crew members well enough.” He admitted begrudgingly. You offered him a sincerely sympathetic smile that had the possessive feelings he was trying to valiantly to push down bubbling up like acid.
“Then I owe him the chance to discuss options with me first before the call is made for him. If he wishes to transfer then I will be happy to have him transferred, but if he wishes to stay then that decision should be respected as well.”
He fought back the urge to scowl. If he had it his way Commander Jameson would be taking a surprise trip out of the nearest airlock.
Rodimus x Professional!Reader Pt. 3
Warnings: This one is definitely smutty.
This is entirely from Rodimus POV.
Part 1-
Part 2-
“Please let him know that if he fails to follow your direct orders again he will be transferred regardless.” His voice was cold. Far colder than he’d ever wanted to use with you. “I’ve transferred the documents to you for review. Good night.”
He left your quarters quickly after that, the anger on your behalf feeding into the possessive hunger seeing you in such a state had caused. If he had stayed longer he feared what he might do as it was Rodimus stumbled into his room in a daze, the sight of your pretty red panties seared into his mind along with a still lingering emotion of possessive rage. Did you even realize it was the same red as his paint? Did you wear the pair often? His mind jumped to the times he had to sit through boring meeting after boring meeting with you, had you been wearing those panties then? That bra? His fans kicked on at the thought. The mental image of you in the lacey fabric had him groaning in arousal. He knew it was wrong, that he shouldn’t, but his hand found his interface panel latch without a thought and soon his spike was pressurizing at a near alarming rate. Servos wrapped around the base of his spike Rodimus hissed and sighed. He could see it in his mind’s optic, you bent over his desk while he was glossa deep inside you. Crying out for him so prettily, little pleas of ‘sir’ and ‘captain’ and ‘Rodimus’ falling from your lips. Mind too far gone to even worry about that sorry excuse for a commander. Those panties pooled around your ankles as your legs shook. You’d be so tight around his spike, he wasn’t even sure it’d fit. Just the tip might be all your body could take and it was that thought that had his hips jerking in arousal. Would he have to fuck you in his holoform? Would you like his holoform? He’d used it so rarely but when he had humans had seemed to think he was attractive. Attractive enough to hit on at least. He bit down on his lip to stifle a particularly loud groan at the idea of his holoform fucking you in the backseat of his alt-mode like those old Earth movies liked to show. Your pretty valve- there was a human word for it but his mind was too far gone to come up with it- snug around his spike with your legs wrapped around his hips. The moan that left him at the thought of your eyes all teary and hazy from lust and pleasure bordered on pornographic. Would you claw at his back? Beg him to fuck you against his own seats? Rodimus turned his optics back online abruptly realizing he was still leaning against the door of his room jerking his spike like an adolescent sparkling having their first dirty fantasy. Venting erratically Rodimus shuffled towards his berth and flopped down on it. Propping one leg on the berth and the other on the floor he let his helm fling back against it with a clang. Servos finding his spike again offlined his optics to the thought of you riding his holoform, still wearing those panties and bra. The panties had been pulled to the side so he could thrust his spike into you and the bra had been pushed up so he could mouth at your chest. He could taste the sweat on your skin, feel the burn in his scalp when you tugged his holoform’s hair. A new thought came to him unbidden as his overload neared. The fantasy changing to him watching you shamelessly rut against his spike like an animal in heat. His spike is big enough you’re able to wrap your thighs around it for leverage and the pressure and feel of your skin against his spike has his hips stuttering. You mouth at his tip, sucking and licking like its all you can fixate on as your body grinds and grinds and grinds against his spike. Your eyes meet his as you swallow what little of his spike you’re able to and start humping his spike hard and fast. Its over as quickly as it began. Rodimus overloads all over his own servos and hand your name barely bitten back as his hips undulate of their own accord. Even his valve gives a gush of transfluid as it throbs with want. His entire body seems to spark with that arousal. He’s still ridiculously turned on but the fantasies his mind wants to feed him now are far worse than his previous indulgence. He locks them away quickly, never to see the light of day again.
That Rodimus x professional!reader that you recently posted was SO GOOD like omg- please please write more rodimus x readers, I’m begging
Just for you anon I have a SUPER short drabble! Thank you so much for the compliment and I hope you like this just as much!
The best part of having a cybertronian ride was the fact you didn’t actually have to do any driving. Which was great at the moment as you snoozed on and off in the passenger seat. Rodimus’ holoform was doing a magnificent job of pretending to drive while Rodimus himself had been slowly lowering your seat back as the intervals between ‘on’ and ‘off’ began to grow longer. You’d been up since dawn, having had to make a dash for it when your home had been targeted by the government. It had been pure luck you’d gotten a warning in time to throw some shit into a couple bags and skip town. Now the sun was sinking and so were your eyelids.
“You good?” Rodimus asked, his holoform turning to look at you.
“Yeah, sorry.” You fought back a yawn, “Not much of a conversationalist right now.” You joked, already sinking lower into your seat. The fans slowly turned to you, the heat kicking up a notch. He was doing it on purpose, you were sure of it. Rodimus laughed at your sleepy glare- more of a pout than anything.
“Don’t give me that look, you need sleep.” He told you, holoform reaching over to poke your nose. You let out a tired laugh of your own.
“And you don’t?”
“Nah. I got plenty of rest.”
“You’re going to crash the minute we reach the base aren’t you?”
“Yep!” He replied cheerfully. With a shake of your head you smiled.
“You’re terrible.” You told him plainly.
“Only for you.” He teased leaning over towards you. His holoform smiled, too perfect teeth in an unblemished face. Artificial perfection verging ever so slightly into uncanny valley. It was true his holoform was attractive, it bore as striking a resemblance to him as possible, but you preferred Rodimus as he was. The cybertronian with more heart than brains. Still, you knew what he wanted, and so you leaned towards him.
His lips were warm, lips a buzz as if you’d placed them against the old box tv you had at home. That pressure faint but firm for the brief moment that you kissed before pulling away. It was chaste. Just a quick press of lips before his holoform turned back to the road as if he were a real person and not a hard light hologram your boyfriend used to fool people. Giving up the pretense that you were even trying to stay awake you adjusted your jacket and closed your eyes, the heat lulling you to sleep with the comforting purr of Rodimus’ engine.

is this joke too old? oh well here it is
a side note: i hate drawing tyrest !

Hey, I’m back!! I have redrawn my humanformer version of Rodimus Prime! He’s back and he’s a candycorn!
Hey, I was thinking of a oneshot request for MTMTE Rodimus, Megatron, Drift, Whirl, Tarn, Shatted Glass Optimus Prime and Bayverse Ironhide with a Cybertronian S/O who can transform into a weapon (and it depends on what weapon she turns to, depending on who the character she is with). I was thinking it could be a female S/O as well, to make it easier for you cause I'm aware that's a lot of characters lol. Thank you, have a good day/afternoon/night 🤗
oo this is a cool request! this was very fun to write especially since one of my ocs also transforms into a weapon..And I had to exclude Megatron and Ironhide since I sadly don't know how to write for them too well :(
Also I'll be uploading the oneshots separately so that the characters are easier to find and for organization purposes :D hope you don't mind. This post includes Rodimus and Drift
MTMTE Rodimus x Cybertronian!reader

Whenever danger sets afoot on the Lost Light or any other alien planet the crew makes a stop at, Rodimus is immediately looking at you with begging optics. Every time, you would sigh and know exactly what he meant.
Today was one of those cycles, the Lost Light had to make a stop at some random alien planet. According to Ultra Magnus and your significant other, the planet belonged to a bunch of techno-organics that weren't too welcoming to cybertronians. Or rather, which you learned too late, they weren't welcoming to any intruders.
"Alright, alright listen everyone! We're under attack, this planet is apparently defensive against us, but we'll be fi-" Another explosion ringed in the background. "we'll be fine!" Rodimus announced this to the whole crew, which were itching to fight or hiding within the ship.
"We're all gonna die!"
Someone in the crowd yelled, which led to more of the crew muttering to each other and doing the exact opposite of what Rodimus wanted. His optimistic smile faltered as he sighed. You were at his side, as always. You placed a servo on his shoulder in a comforting way.
"Hey, it's alright. We should go help out there though, system's scanner says they're closing in. How about we go protect the crew, yeah?" You said with a smile.
Rodimus seemed to perk up at this. Suddenly, a knowing grin crept onto his face. 3..2..1.."Does this mean...?" His striking blue optics stared down at you expectedly. There he goes. You sigh but nod your helm.
"Yes Rodimus. I'll turn into my alt mode.."
Rodimus was the only bot you trusted enough to wield you in your alt-mode, which happened to be a rather cool-looking plasma rifle. With temperatures reaching to a scorching amount, you and him easily plundered through your attackers. Techno-organics and heat don't mix well, you learned. By the end of it, the nearby location was a nasty mess. But hey, at least you protected the Lost Light in an incredibly badass way. It's not every cycle they see a femme that can turn into a rifle and melt away at her enemies. Rodimus was proud of you, to say the least. He couldn't have a better/more badass conjunx.
He still holds you as you enter the Lost Light once again, to continue on your journey before the planet's inhabitants call for backup or something.
"Can I transform back now?"
"Hmm, nope. I need to make an announcement first, remember?"
"If you drop me again, I swear to Primus Rodimus..."
He groans, you were never going to forgive for that, were you?
MTMTE Drift x Cybertronian!reader

Early on when you embarked upon the Lost Light, you had quickly befriended the third-in-command. You happened to bond over your love for bladed weapons and swords, combat in general. As you got closer, those feelings for each other grew. You were so trusting of him despite his past, despite everything. And yet...he didn't know what your alt-mode was. You had mentioned to the crew and himself that you took the form of a weapon. When asked what kind, you kinda said it depended and left it at that. It wasn't until today that he just had to know.
"Y/N, sweetspark?" You heard your conjunx ask a your side. Currently, you were both in his hab suite, reading some old cybertronian literature Drift recommended. You lifted your helm from the datapad and let out a short hm?
"I never mean to intrude, but I'd still like to see your alt-mode..." HE asked rather cautiously. To be fair, it's not that you were ashamed or anything of your alt mode. However, the mode you chose truly depended on who er...handled you during combat. You have been with Drift for a while, you decided it wouldn't hurt to trust him enough for this. So you sat up from your spot and placed the datapad down.
"Okay, okay Drift. Here we go.."
Your alt-mode depended on your conjunx, gears and metal turned into place as your t-cog worked out its form. Not a second later you fell into Drift's servos, his optics widened as you finished transforming. He thought you were a sniper rifle or some type of gun, he never imagined you transforming into a beautiful and intricate blade. And there you were, on his servos. He would so much compare you to the Great Sword, powerful and he would give his absolute spark to you.
He'll admit, it's a bit trippy to be with a talking sword but he wouldn't change it for a thing. A soft smile made its way onto his face
"Thank you, Y/N."
Ok so it is implied in my mind that any human on the lost light would be zippin around on roller skates. And when on roller skates you can theoretically hold onto the back of a vehicle to ZOOM ( = skitching = skate + hitching.) So THE QUESTION IS silly little headcanons for a human reader skitching w Rodimus / Tailgate / Swerve my beloved / anyone w a vehicular alt mode? Idk I just thought that would be fun :3
new uh, format I think. hopefully, this works. anyways this was really fun and they're a little short bc I struggled writing something different for each one, but I'm very happy with it
[ human!reader
post includes: Rodimus, Tailgate, and Swerve]
MTMTE Rodimus
oh you're gonna have to hang on real tight
when you said zoom, that's exactly what this guy is gonna do
tries to get you to do tricks as you're skitching, did not go well the first time (he skid to a stop you crashed face-first into him)
after that he was a lot more careful and gave you a heads up
He still tries to get you to do tricks though, you both impress the rest of the crew quite often
It quickly became this favorite thing to do after the first time, constantly coming up to you and transforming with a "need a ride?" and happily agreeing when you're the one to ask him.
Probably gets a little jealous when you ask someone that isn't him
Expect a lot of close calls but he would never get you hurt on purpose, Ultra Magnus begs you to wear some kind of protective gear
MTMTE Tailgate
Originally hesitant when you asked him, are you sure you want to go with him? What if you get hurt, he'll never forgive himself??
After plenty of reassurance though, he agreed and found it quite fun
Laughing and giggling as you two travel along the halls together, very cute 10/10
Cue Cyclonus watching you two with intrigue, zooming away with wide smiles on your faces, he too tries to hide a small smile at the scene
something tells me he drives in little circles to be silly
If you get hurt somehow he starts panicking and accidentally transforms back to pick you up and ask if you're okay. The only problem is that he forgets you were still attached and you go shooting up into the air
very normal and civilized skitching buddy but will zoom through the LL if you ask him to
MTMTE Swerve
He desperately wishes you could deliver drinks with him around his bar while skitching, how cool would it be if you two just drove around and handed bots their drinks one after the other?
So excited though, also has a lot of fun as you join him and cruise with him around the ship
He for sure convinces you to be silly around the ship, messing with Magnus or other bots and just as quickly leaving the room unnoticed
I think he also accidentally transforms while you're still holding onto him. You're like, screaming as you hold onto him for dear life and he keeps turning around in circles trying to find you (you swinging around and begging for him to stop moving)
Despite all the silly shenanigans, he still obviously goes out of his way to make sure you're safe and comfortable.
Probably tells you about the latest drama or stories as you're cruising around to keep you entertained, also because Swerve tells you everything
Angst Mtmte Headcanons with Rodimus, Swerve, Tarn, Ratchet? Either human or cybertronain s/o works!
Their s/o and them get back from a fight. Everything’s fine and they’re like celebrating. But little do they know their s/o has been hiding a fatal injury 😈
HII THANK YOU FOR BEING PATIENT WITH YOUR REQUEST! Sorry this took like a month...anyways this was a very fun ask ngl. But also this is an absolute nightmare for Ratchet in like, every single one of them besides Tarn, my bad. Just stop dying, Y/N
[ cybertronian!reader CW: angst, death, near-death, injuries, i think you get it
post includes: Rodimus, Tarn, Swerve, and Ratchet]

(can you tell i like this gif?)
The enemy was defeated, a couple of injured crew members were rushed to the med bay, but all was good now. The danger has passed. Rodimus bore a look of exhausted but relieved contentment, both of you have emerged unscathed from the ordeal.
Except…you held a servo to your side, your face scrunched up when you tried to walk but brushed it off to your lover that you were sore from the fight.
"Do you really think it's a good idea to go without a checkup from Ratchet?" Rodimus asked, his face betraying his concern. "We had one hell of a fight back there, and I don't want you getting hurt and putting that stunning frame of yours in danger," he managed to smile, but the worry was still obvious in his expression.
“I’m fine, just a little sore is all. I’ll just disengage my pain receptors and I’ll be a-okay” you forced a smile.
That you did, but it didn’t stop you from feeling other symptoms besides pain
As soon as his attention was turned away from you, you took your energon-stained servo off your side, revealing an open wound. It was small, and should usually bleed slowly, but this time it threatened to be a big deal—it was connected to one of your main fuel lines. You glanced at the bots celebrating around you, some missing due to attending their friends in the med bay after the fight.
Ratchet had better things to focus his efforts on, and you saw others far worse off than yourself. You clung desperately to the tiny hope that you would still be standing when all the others were healed. Feeling suddenly unsteady, you leaned against the wall for support, your vision beginning to blur. Come on, not now! You willed your legs to move forward as you made your way toward Rodimus and the rest of the bots he was addressing. You’ll last a little longer.
By the time Rodimus notices you’re horribly injured, it's already too late. You're in his arms, the spark inside you weak and flickering as a large amount of your energon leaves a trail from his racing form. He desperately rushes you to the medbay, his servos shaking and trembling as he pleads with Ratchet to save your life. His voice grows louder as he begs for a miracle, primus help you
“You have to help her, you have to help her!”
The light has gone out from your optics, your spark hums quietly. When Ratchet takes your vitals, he gives Rodimus a look. And oh, he knows what that look means.
He’s angry, he’s upset, he rushes to hold you one last time. He should have realized earlier, he should’ve taken you to Ratchet even if you said you were fine. He should’ve.
It was one of those battles where everyone was needed; you and Swerve had to look out for each other. You two weren't the toughest or biggest fighters on your team but hey, by the end, you two managed to help out in some way.
Why not host a small celebration at Swerve’s? Most of the crew was already there, having a drink or chatting. You stayed behind to get checked up by Ratchet but promised Swerve you’d join him soon after.
After the full-fledged battle, you felt dizzy and tired, but you figured it was just due to your extreme exhaustion. Little did you know, there was a malfunction in your inner circuits that had been spreading quickly, rapidly shutting down your functions. If you were well enough to think clearly and logically about the situation at hand, perhaps the malfunction would have horrified you more than it did… However, with the malfunction putting an extra load on your thoughts and movements it became very difficult for you to think straight. You must have been hit by something, but you don’t even remember what.
Ratchet asked if you wanted to call Swerve, but you said no. You didn't want to worry him. But then again, your spark panged at the thought of never seeing him again, of never getting to say goodbye. Time was running out and at this point, all you had left was the ability to message him through your communicator.
The minibot rushed as fast as he could to see you, but when he arrived and saw the state you were in, his spark sank. You were hooked up to all these machines that seemed to be the only thing keeping you alive. But at least you were still conscious, thankfully
“Oh, oh…y/n why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve, we could’ve…why?”
“I didn’t want to worry you.”
“Oh..y/n..” tear coolant(?) comes out of both your optics.
“Nonono wait, can you please hel-” The look on the medic’s face was enough to answer his pleas. There was nothing that could be done anymore.
“Swerve” you muttered, your servo reaching out. “It’s okay.”
The minibot grasped your servo tightly, his desperate grip conveying the understanding that this would be the last time he would have the chance to.
You knew being alongside the DJD was dangerous, hell, you were dangerous. The team of overly Megatron-obsessed mechs surprisingly had each other's back. You were with Tarn, too. You were basically unstoppable.
So when you felt that shot hit your chassis, and the energon quickly leaking out of your wound, you had no idea what happened. You fell to your knees in front of the deceased Decepticon traitor whom you had just seen fall right before their blast had hit you. You were turned away from your team and their delight as they celebrated his death without any knowledge of what had happened to you. As those behind you laughed and commended each other for their victory
“Did you see how they finished them off? Absolutely cruel.” Your conjunx bragged to the others. His footsteps approached when you didn’t move from your spot. “Y/N?”
Before he had a chance to witness the pool of energon forming in front of you, you quickly whipped your helm around, frantically trying to hide your dizziness by plastering a smile on your face. "Stubborn one, huh? I'll be..I'll be with you in a moment," your words slurred slightly and Tarn took a step closer. “What was that? Are you alright?”
“YES, yes, I’m just… admiring this. You know how I feel about spilled energon”. Your servo tightened on the wound as you pondered if applying enough pressure would speed up the healing process.
Tarn paused for a moment then went to place a servo on your shoulder. “That’s my-” His optics widened when he saw your servo clutched around your wound.
"What happened?" Tarn demanded, dropping to his knees beside you and examining the wound. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't want to worry you," you replied weakly, trying to hide the pain in your voice. "I thought it was just a graze, but it hurts more than I thought it would."
Tarn's optics softened as he looked at you, his hand moving to gently caress your cheek. "Just a graze…” He scoffed. “You foolish, stubborn bot," he murmured affectionately. "You know I would never forgive myself if something happened to you."
“I’m sorry,” you winced. Realization hit him like a ton of bricks - you were dying and needed medical attention immediately. His spark hurt. Despite it all, he musters up enough courage to pick you up in his arms and take you away to safety, struggling to keep his composure as he does so.
Your optics shut off, and he realized he might need to figure out his last words to you. He clutched his fists.
He would never forgive himself if a fatal injury went unnoticed, especially if you were his patient. And yet, somehow it happened
Many of the crew members were injured, and few needed urgent medical attention but you knew Ratchet would be busy.
Despite his complaints and grumbling, Ratchet had agreed to scan you as soon as he was done tending to his critically-injured patients.
You had a deep slice way too close to your spark, you were bleeding out. You were able to use a medical patch tucked away in your subspace to temporarily stop the bleeding, but it's like applying a bandage to a bullet wound a little too close to the heart.
You realized you may have fucked up when you started to feel lightheaded and your sensors suddenly weren't working so well. You limped your way to the medbay, but didn't manage to make it. You groaned as the energon seeped from underneath the patch, you slid down the wall just a couple steps away from the entrance. The last thing you saw was a blur exit the medbay and run towards you before your optics powered off.
Ratchet’s optics widened when you were carried into the medbay by a bot he had just finished working on. He took off the patch to reveal the fatal wound, he could only stand there as your spark weakly glowed underneath all your inner systems.
Why hadn’t you told him? Why didn’t he make sure? He knew your spark was too weak and wouldn’t make it but he still desperately tried to seal any area where energon was flowing from, occasionally cursing at himself when his servos would be too shaky.
“C'mon, c'mon. Primus, damnit. Don't you dare give up on me now."
He couldn't accept the truth, he held his helm in his servos when your spark completely stopped functioning.
He agreed to have a drink at Swerve’s with you after everyone was healed, just one. And now that moment would never come.

Bunch of rodimus and mags sketches (inspired by rodimags)

Part 2 Part 3

Part 1 Part 3

Part 1 Part 2