Hrt Progress - Tumblr Posts
Hi, I'm 25 and debating starting male-to-female HRT. However, I'm scared that HRT won't help me at all. It seems like HRT does so little after puberty, especially by the time one gets in their 20s. I'm really scared that I'll just end up being someone in a male body, but with breasts. Is there anything you can say to someone having this fear? Thank you, and sorry, I suspect this is a silly question.
Actually, the claim that HRT doesn’t do much after puberty is a myth. I started when I was 31 years old and now I’m 35. =)

It’s never too late to transition!

[Begin image description: comic with 4 panels. Panel 1- Title: “Progress Report.” A transfeminine person named Riri undressing in a dressing rooms looks in the mirror in surprise, saying “I have boobs now!”
Caption: coming up on 6 months on HRT, I’ve already noticed some big changes.
Panel 2: 2 people are shown wearing backpacks. The first is a male presenting person looking worried, Riri pre-transition. Dark tentacles spill out of their small backpack, representing anxiety and depression. The second figure is Riri post-transition, femme- presenting and looking calm. They have a bigger backpack with the dark tentacles contained.
Caption: I cry a lot more, but I can handle my emotions so much better, instead of letting them crush me.
Panel 3: post-transition Riri, teary eyed, is in a pose implying they just stopped clutching the sides of their head. Stormclouds roll away in the background. Behind Riri is a line of test tubes, with a new sparkling pink chemical just added to the lineup. Riri says “Oh” in relief.
Caption: It feels like I finally got that one missing chemical my brain chemistry has always needed… my noisy, restless brain can finally calm down.
Panel 4: Riri smiles and hugs themself in blissful euphoria. A bandaid is on their tummy.
Caption: I was so nervous to start HRT, but I feel so much more connected to my body and my emotions now. I love the me I’m becoming. End image description]
Since beginning hormones
I would not say I am more emotional
But it is easier to experience my emotions.
Before there was a violence to them.
An intense repression which felt and was toxic.
Now I know them
Let them run their course
And possess a greater well-being.
6 months on hormones 😊
I can hardly believe it has been 6 months already. I really am thrilled in spite of all the hardships of late. Eager to see what the next 6 months bring, learning to love myself still daily.
I am now rocking an A cup / 1 in. booby size after... how many months since September 20th or some crap lol. They're still growing, and I'm happy to see how big they're going to get! C cup would be really nice!