I Just Want To Hug Him - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

Here's a young specimen...

Here's A Young Specimen...

I miss his younger days...makes me wanna replay the first one! 😝

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8 months ago

Though Lovers Be Lost - Part 4

Alistair looked around numbly, unsure what to do with himself now he was home. Usually he'd come through the front door, strip off his coat and jacket, then he'd text his partner to get a rough idea when he'd be home, before saddling into the kitchen to start dinner. He would usually be in the process of washing up when he'd hear the front door. Usually James would walk in, whistling some tune or other, dump his coat and jacket on the bannister, then come in and snake his arms around Alistair's waist and press a kiss to his neck. 

He wouldn't be doing that tonight. Or ever again. 

The front door fell closed behind him and Alistair just stood there, staring at the small dark hallway, tears burning his eyes. It was almost like walking through a dream, except it was actually a nightmare. 

Dropping his keys into the small dish James had picked up from a car boot sale ten years ago while visiting his brother in Yorkshire, Alistair let out a shaky breath and shuffled along in the direction of the living room. 

He'd have to tell James's family he realised as he dragged himself through the dark. He'd have to sit in their living room and feed them whatever bullshit cover story Merlin had come up with, and pretend everything was fine. That his world wasn't falling apart alongside theirs. 

He'd only met them a couple of times, and it was always in the guise of being James' friend. His brother knew the truth, Alistair thought, but James had always said his parents wouldn't understand. That they were old fashioned. Alistair hadn't really minded, because they had their life in London. 

He minded now through, as he conjured the future conversation in his mind. Part of him was tempted to send Merlin or someone else to deliver the news, but he knew deep down he'd never forgive himself if he did that. James had always said he wanted him to do it, when the day came. 

A lump formed in Alistair's throat and he crumpled onto the couch, proud that his legs held him up long enough to get there. Once seated, he dropped his head into his hands and let the pain rip through him. Tearing out of him in agonising sobs.

When he finally raised his head, it was to find a set of brown eyes looking up at him, and he swallowed frantically against the lump. The old German Shepherd took a step forward and set her head in his lap, obviously sensing something was wrong. 

Reaching out, Alistair combed his fingers through the dog's coarse fur, sighing. “He's gone, Cher.” He whispered, voice breaking. “It's just us now.” The tears started again, the 

dog whining out her own heartbreak.

They remained like that for a while, wallowing in their grief until the doorbell echoed loud and sharp through the flat. Cher leapt to her feet and hurried to the door, clearly hoping for a miracle, while Alistair remained where he was, intent on ignoring whoever it was. 

The bell rang again, and again. By the third time, Alistair knew whoever it was wasn't going to leave. So, with a weary sigh, he got to his feet and dragged himself out to the door. 

He didn't bother checking the security camera, or palming his weapon. If someone was there to murder him, they could fucking have at it. 

Yanking the door open, he groaned, a wave of frustrated anger rising up inside him. “Fuck off.” He spat and attempted to slam the door closed. Only Harry was having none of it, and pushed back against the door.

“I brought scotch, care of Merlin.”

Alistair reached for the bottle, snatching it from Harry's grip. “Tell him thank you.”

“Al, come on. You shouldn't be alone right now.”

Alistair sighed. He knew he was being unfair. It wasn't Harry's fault James had fucked off and gotten himself killed, but he couldn't douse the anger. “Please Harry, just…”

“No.” He said firmly, “You know the rule.”

Alistair stared at the other man, the anger slowly seeping away. That damn rule. The stupid agreement they’d made almost two decades ago. With a resigned sigh, Harry turned on his heels and headed back into the living room. Leaving Harry to close the door. 

He grabbed two glasses from the drinks cabinet and dropped back down on the sofa while Harry made himself comfortable on the armchair. He poured them both triples and shoved the glass at Harry. Lifting his own, he slumped back into the cushions and took a large gulp. 

They sat in silence for almost ten minutes before Alistair’s rough voice cut through. “It's all your fault, you know.” He said with a thick layer of anger. 

“Excuse me?”

“That he's dead. It's your fault.”

Harry frowned, “How do you figure that?”

“You know he's been trying to outdo you for years.”

Harry's sigh proved he was very aware of James's jealousy. “That's hardly my fault.” Harry muttered dismissively. 

Alistair huffed, “You could fuck up once in a while.”

Harry stared at him, brow arched. “Merlin would say I've fucked up plenty of times over the years.”

With another huff, Alistair dropped his gaze to Cher, who'd climbed up next to him on the sofa. Usually, he'd order her off, but he couldn't care less about the state of his furniture tonight. 

“Do you have an idea for his replacement?” Alistair asked, eyes fixed on the dog. 

“Not really.” Harry replied quietly, “Merlin gave me a pile of suitable candidates, but…”

“But none of them meet your high standards.” Alistair scoffed with a hint of irrational bitterness. 

Harry frowned at the tone, “Exactly.” he took a long sip of his drink, eyes never leaving Alistair. “What about you?”

Alistair let out a long slow sigh, “I promised to put Roxy forward if ever there was an opening, but…” He swallowed the lump building in his throat, “I'm not sure I can.”

“I understand.” Harry muttered, “But putting her forward doesn't mean she'll get through.”

Alistair raised a brow, “She'll make it.” He said with conviction. “She’s been training for this since she was a teenager.”

Harry raised a brow, “How much does she know, exactly?”

“Just that I work special operations. She thinks it's a branch of Military Intelligence.” 

“Does she know about James yet?” Harry asked gently.

Shaking his head, Alistair stared at his glass. “She's going to be heartbroken. I think she loved him more than I did.” His voice broke on the last few words. 

“So, there's a chance she won't want the job,”

Sighing, Alistair shook his head, “I wish that were true. - God sake, can we stop talking about work and just get drunk. Please.”

Harry smiled, leaning forward with his glass outstretched, “By all means.”


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2 years ago

The fact that Ricky didn't know people made a whole fucking movie, and banking, on his and Billy's trauma is mind blowing to me. And it's the whole first movie in the second one so you know it'll be played out the same way. His parents dying, Mother Superior's abuse, Billy snapping and killing people, the two shootings, and then Billy dying infront of him. Like imagine you're on a date with someone at the movie theater and you just find out the movie you're watching is about your messed up life 3 minutes in. It's fucked up

Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2 (1987) // Dir. Lee Harry
Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2 (1987) // Dir. Lee Harry
Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2 (1987) // Dir. Lee Harry
Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2 (1987) // Dir. Lee Harry
Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2 (1987) // Dir. Lee Harry

Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2 (1987) // dir. Lee Harry

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1 year ago

he’s literally so pretty. He’s so handsome. He’s so cute. He’s so sexy. He makes me feel sane. He makes me want to explode.

Probably one of my favorite pics of changbin because look at him.... he's so ethereal.

Probably One Of My Favorite Pics Of Changbin Because Look At Him.... He's So Ethereal.

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7 months ago

I want to find someone who loves me as deeply as I love him.

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1 year ago
Whar Do U Mean This Not Murderin Drone I Draw Other Stuff Too
Whar Do U Mean This Not Murderin Drone I Draw Other Stuff Too
Whar Do U Mean This Not Murderin Drone I Draw Other Stuff Too

Whar do u mean this not murderin drone… i draw other stuff too 🤯🤯🤯

Dogday from the hit game popee playtiem. Don’t care for the gaem, but I liek tha orange dawg.. I gave hims LEGS back🤯🤯‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

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6 months ago
Happy Birthday Dylan!!! I Am Proudly One Of Your Hundreds Of Spirit Wives. Love You And Hope You Are
Happy Birthday Dylan!!! I Am Proudly One Of Your Hundreds Of Spirit Wives. Love You And Hope You Are

happy birthday dylan!!! i am proudly one of your hundreds of spirit wives. love you and hope you are having a good time in hell <3333 it's strange to miss someone you've never really known, but I do.

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6 months ago

I wish that they hadn’t given up on Klaus’s costume design for S4. I have no issues with sweaters, but at least make them neon. He can wear warm comfy clothes and but at least give them personality

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6 months ago

See!!! You get it!!! I have so many opinions on the different costumes used throughout the show (especially after designing things myself) but S4 Klaus was devastating

I wish that they hadn’t given up on Klaus’s costume design for S4. I have no issues with sweaters, but at least make them neon. He could have worn warm comfy clothes and but at least give them personality

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10 months ago

I just... he had a little sister that he loved more than anything. he followed thea around like a lost little duckling. he was in love with his best friend and it almost destroyed him. he uses pain to both punish himself and stave off panic attacks. he survived five years of brutal torture and abuse by the skin of his teeth. his parents sold him. his little sister is dead. he wants to burn the house down. he cannot cook or shop for himself. he hates his old teammates. he loves his old teammates. he quite possibly loves his new teammates even more. he frets for the safety of people he barely knows. he's terrified of water, of being bitten, of being hurt again. he laughed when his worst abuser was dethroned and beaten and then tried to kill himself in solidarity.

he's finding reasons to live, day by day, one step at a time. a cool evening breeze, rainbows, open roads, friends.

he is jean moreau. he knows his place. he will endure.

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2 years ago

//little side post while i get replies done in the middle of doing Arkham Origins, but

something i think i never really realized i loved so much about Riddler and the dynamic he brings is just how much his obsession to prove himself better brings about his downfall. there are many things that can be said about Edward Nygma, but he is ABSOLUTELY one hundred percent as smart as he claims to be. He is an absolute genius and that's not even up for debate.

the horrible part is that Eddie cannot perceive a world where there is anything beyond intellect - he is the biggest believer in brains over brawn, without realizing what that entails. he takes it to an extreme, because all his life he has felt belittled, especially by his father. being a genius isn't good enough. he has to be the best. and you know what? so does Bruce.

Bruce doesn't ever truly try to tell Eddie that what he's doing is stupid, or that he's good enough and that he respects him, because that may just be too easy. Bruce has an addiction to his work, and even if he will never admit it, I firmly believe there's a large part of Bruce that LOVES Eddie's riddles and games. For Bruce, they really ARE the "amusing diversion" that Eddie claims they are.

The biggest difference, however, is that while Bruce indulges in his pride, he has worked hard to hone not only his mind but his body as well. he doesn't suffer the same need to participate in these intellectual contests as Eddie does, though he does enjoy them. It's the difference between knowing when to stop, versus having it define your life.

Another tragedy is Edward's need. It's a psychological compulsion to KNOW, not just to be better. One of the questions he asks most is "how did you do it". And then his obsession over the "how", over how somebody could possibly outsmart him, drives him mad.

he will scream out that none of this was how he planned. he will insist that the batman cheated, that there's no way he could have done it. he will sob and screech to the high heavens and to everyone in arkham, asking how the bat could have possibly escaped his traps.

and he keeps going. because he has nothing else.

ultimately eddie is one of the most tragic figures in my honest opinion. also, most of my knowledge of him admittedly comes from the arkham games, the animated series (specifically "Riddler's Reform), and Matt Reeve's The Batman, so i apologize to my beloved eddie specialists ( @riddlethat and @brokentoys ) if this comes off as weird.

idk i just. really like him as a character.

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2 years ago

Omfg I have the biggest crush on Steven and Marc rn

And Oscar Isaac obvs.

Steven is just so cute and I want to smother him in snuggles and fluffy blankets. Marc could just fucking rail me I’m not even kidding. Although I’d give him a hug too tho but yk I can’t wait to see what Jake is gonna be like

How is it that they are played by the same person, they are in the same body and get the complete opposite? The unparalleled beauty of DID. I understand that it’s obviously not easy, having people just sort of switching in and out of the same body. That sounds kind of tiring but there’s beauty in it too. So much beauty 💙 and I think so far Oscar Isaac is doing a good job of showing that. anyway just some random thoughts of today lol

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