Mr Knight - Tumblr Posts
deadpool 4 pitch:
two hour drag show of just wade in his suit with the normal drag over it
each outfit has a different name
peters the only one there in his spider suit bc he was under the impression it was a team red meeting
the bar and restaurant is fully staffed (they don’t know why)
wade is tipping peter while he (wade) preforms
Dear Fanfiction Community
How would one write an X Reader, having never written nor read an X Reader? Is there specific rules? I want to write about the readers hobbies and skills, but would it be easier to just make it an oc?
Please help, I’m desperately in love with most of the Moon Knight system and I want to write some fanfiction to get out my feelings

I was recently gifted some Funko Pops and bought a few too. I enjoy taking pictures of them and adding backgrounds in Gimp to make wallpapers to use on my laptop.
Top to Bottom:
James “Bucky” Barnes (Winter Soldier) x Sam Wilson (Falcon/Captain America): I adore them together ever since they were stuck in the blue VW Beetle.
Freddie Mercury and Mr. Knight (Steven Grant): I don’t ship them…although I am sure they could have a bunch of fun if they so choose too lol. I don’t normally get single Funko Pops. My friend got me Freddie for Cmas last year and I wanted Mr. Knight from Moon Knight. Since they were the only single Funko Pops on the shelf, I put them together lol. I plan to add Bruno from Encanto soon.
Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington (Stranger Things): Like everyone, I fell in love with Eddie during season 4 of Stranger Things. Then I kept seeing fanart on Twitter for Steddie…and I fell hard. Add in some AMAZING AO3 stories and I was hooked. is your light on? by Adure Summary: "Tell me a secret." Steve says and Eddie shakes his head."Why would I do that?""I'll tell you one." Eddie looks intrigued, smirks in his direction. "A secret for a secret? Okay." He looks up. "You go first." (Steve always noticed Eddie. He's been there on the peripheral, easy enough to ignore. Until he's standing right in front of him, unavoidable. And then they collide over, and over, and over)
Imagine being Steven’s wife and he is so possessive over you that he won’t share you with Marc even though he knows how in love Marc is with u. Steven would taunt Marc by fucking you in front of the mirror, making sure Marc is watching how Steven is making you feel good.
Dissociative Identity Disorder/ Other Specified Dissociative Disorder
In October of 2022 watching Moon Knight because Cinema Therapy did a video about it saw a bit and was like well I have Disney plush and its Oscar Isaac, (Poe) so let’s watch it. Little did I know our life will change after that. I Alice don’t remember watching Moon Knight the first time or watching The Making of before watching the Series. The only think I Alice remember is episode 2 but it’s a 3rd person prospective. I remember right before and after watching the series and for 2 weeks having non stop panic attacks and not know why. Some of the thoughts I do remember like, “this happens to me all the time”, “Other people experience this” “I don’t have DID because I don’t have Amnesia but other than that it’s all relatable” “This is how I experience being Trans or having an OCD voice” (being Trans is real what I’m referring is the body looking like someone else and me thinking that’s what it meant to be Trans, only time feeling Dysphoria) and searching “Is it possible to have DID and no Amnesia” “Is it possible to be Autistic and have DID” “How Steven and Marc interacts with each other, well that’s too relatable” “Have to show this to my mom because I can finally explain what I experience” watching DID channels to look more into it and every video, every article, every post. The more and more I read, the more and more was like umm “So all those weird things that happens, and I don’t tell anyone even my therapist at that time because If I say it out loud what’s happing they will think I’m weird and the fact that we brushed it off all as having Autism, other people experience theses, what?” but still being like “I don’t have this because I don’t have Amnesia” (Later in November finding out OSDD-1b and still being like nah TW: my trauma isn’t that bad, now knowing more about it and being like that happened what ohh:) and in October started to look like Steven Grant and me being like “Well this is normal, It’s the phase where I look like someone else”, (because this happens with different people) it happened in July of 2022 with Neal Caffrey from White Collar, felt like was about to happen but didn’t (Now we understand that Steven is either was a Fragment that turned into an Alter as he was figuring out his identity or he was an Alter but didn’t really identify with a particular look yet and was trying figure himself out, because this reminds me especially of high school, well I couldn’t control what I was saying when getting excited (but now with a British Dialect, which I Alice can not control, or feeling things for guys but at the same time not since young) and it happened with Isaac Kalder in high school and he was the first Alter that I Alice was able to see and similar things happens with him, rewatching The Devil Inside and My Virtual Escape from McJuggerNuggets on YouTube later after knowing DID/OSDD being like “Oh my, did not realize, how much Isaac was Passive Influencing us” Literally how he talked, walked, songs that he listened to how he handled his depression or when someone triggered him. In 2019 I Alice feel bad about this now, threw all of the clothes that he bought (except one), stopped listening to songs that he liked, stoped watching TDI and MVE (even though gave us comfort) because was like every time I look like him. I’m sad, I feel dysphoric, I want to look like him, to the point I Alice was forgetting what the body looked like and forgot the body’s biological gender or forget that Alice is a thing, depression, which caused him to go dormant until 2021 where I started to hear him from the inside but with his voice) (Sorry🙁). and also TDI is like an accidental representation of DID because I remember now rewatching (the first time I Alice do not have those memories just remember right before and after, when TDI was out but not MVE, just like Steven absorbed those feelings) TDI when the split happened because a lot of stressful thing happened at that time, being like well I can relate to Jesse because he switches with his characters that he has from his childhood and can’t control what’s happening.
And in December still not think I have OSDD-1b but thinking maybe I’m just really autistic so I don’t understand my emotions at all, “Is there any similarities between TDI/MVE and Moon Knight” and the amount of things that are similar was like “wtf”, and later rewatching Moon Knight and getting told why they related to Moon Knight other than the DID symptoms and well yeah. The amount of things in Moon Knight that tides into our childhood is actually astounding especially Steven, which make sense, when watching a movies, series your brain lights up the same way as if it were happening, (TW: my leading theory before I knew this was a thing was, the stuff that happened when younger that’s how we reacted, felt and those same brain frequencies were getting turned on:)
Difference and similarities
btw there are other Alters just talking about Isaac and Steven and well Alice/Ashla.
Isaac Kalder
Similarity: Identifies like 90% with his source
Difference: His age is 19 and the source he’s 18, I think it’s because I Alice always wanted an older brother and now the body is 19 so he’s like a month older, I always saw him as an older brother even before knowing about the System)
Similarity: Identifies with the look, name, dialect, how he carries himself, body cadence, just more romantic (finding these thing along the way being like why do you do that, I guess that’s a different thing from your source that’s cool and rewatching it being like oh that’s where that quality cam from)
Difference: He’s more like Episode 5 when Steven (MCU) is comforting Marc and now he’s more confident in himself, basically after Season 1. It’s like instead of (TW warning: the trauma that happened to Marc, Steven and Jake it’s replaced with what happened to us. also he’s a Subsystem (For us an Alter in a Alter) mostly because of flashback that happened fair recently and yeah, all those flashback kind of went to Steven and he kind of split with Llewyn Davis from Inside Llewelyn Davis, that was confusing when it was happening, now Steven is more bi they kind of passive influence each other sometimes but when triggered Steven kind of goes inside and Llewyn kind of comes out. DEPRESSION, Steven and Llewyn are kinda figure things with Isaac where if Llewyn feels more the same way which when the split happened Llewyn did absorb the liking guys thing more:) (our Steven is more Romantic I guess the feeling of love)
Alice/Ashla (Biological Female but doesn’t really identify with that mostly so I guess I’m Non-Binary, still figure things out, I do like woman though no question about that)
Love Star Wars and Moon Knight and Disney and McJuggerNuggets content. It’s rare for me to feel like Alice but when I do it feels weird, higher voice etc so kind of go by Ashla just like that name mostly because it’s a SW thing.
It make sense that we have a lot of fictives, Autism and because of it have hard time connecting with people and understand peoples actions and only able to relate, and understand fictional characters, or since younger only having emotional comfort from fictional characters, and love everything about film from filming it, acting, voice acting editing, sound design and want to do those things we want to do, we all like different aspects of the Film process
Consent forms:
Alice/Ashla: I agree to publish this
Steven/Llewyn: Yeah sure. We agree to this s***
Isaac: Okay
1. His pain is *chef's kiss*
2. He's a protector/defender type character
3. He keeps angsting over the same thing for three godammed seasons
4. The next avengers movie
5. Me and the Devil by Soap& Skin
6. We both are eternally guilty
7. They make sure to talk about his disability respectfully (from what I've seen)
8. They keep shipping him with his toxic ex
9. Absolutely, would be the best roommate
10. Would love to, such a kind and caring person as well as protective of the people he's close to
11. Hell no, he never has partners for long, and if they stay, their mostly bed-buddies (in cannon)
12. I like to think he's bisexual
13. Devils horns
14. Law school aesthetic
15. And they were roommates (iykyk ig)
16. His toxic futhermuckin' ex, like why even
17. Him x (one of the main enemies of S2)
18. His best friend of many, many years
19. Him and his cop friend have a very interesting relationship
20. And they were roommates (same guy)
21. N/A
22. Good: ocx(the guy) romance
Bad: poorly written oc. This is just supposed to be reader/writer insert x (this guy) smut
23. When he's with his besties
24. Wife in the married dead couple from beetlejuce
25. Then: huh, a ton of people are obsessed over the quality of this show and that guy cool lookin'
Now: He's my little meow meow
26. Q: Who would you like this character to team up with
A: Moon knight/Mr Knight/ Dr strange
Guess who, I'd be interested in who you think this is
Send a character + one or more of these question IN THE INBOX. Don't reply on the post!
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
11. Would you date this character?
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
23. Favorite picture of this character?
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Ma’am, that is my emotional support traumatized man in his 40s

They both are babies boys to me ✋

He's so cool



khonshu really stole steven's suit looks hot though
[spoilers for Moon Knight episode 5]
Marc and Steven are BOTH dead, just at opposite ends of the spectrum. Meaning that if one is definitely coming back somehow (Marc), the other is just as able to get back to the living. Mr Knight isn’t just some character that disappears. He’s the later character development of moon knight in the comics. We’ve yet to see Mr Knight really do his thing.
I just really hope that Jake gets his ass in gear and saves this situation before his soul is destroyed in Duat.
Moon Knight

Marc Spector

Marc <3

Hood On or Hood Off?
Here is my own Moon Knight au, where I make Steven even more badass here! I'm really proud of this!