The Detective - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Ro & Matt as cat girl x dog boy<333

How I remember Ro & myself as The Detective fictionkin/factkin?


[PS, I don't ship them, this is just how I remember our relationship. I love them as siblings irl cuz Stephanie and Ollie<3]

Ro & Matt As Cat Girl X Dog Boy

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10 months ago

Awww! I loved reading this! These are lovely headcanons 🥰 J and Eddie and the Detective are so sweet. I love the bonds shared over your height difference. I ship y'all so hard. It's always a pleasure to read your stuff! ☺

Height Difference Headcanons

Pairing: Heath ledger joker x reader, The Detective x reader, Eddie Munson x reader

Genre: Fluff, self-insert 

Summary: What J, The Detective, and Eddie’s relationships with a short reader would be like.

Warnings: Light swearing.

Word Count: 945

Notes: When I say short I mean 5ft 4in/~162.56 cm or shorter. I’m 5ft1.75in/156.845 cm, so this is self-indulgent for me Also, HUGE thank you to @jslittlebirdie for helping me with this!


He’s 6’1” (~185cm)

Expect him to call you lots of nicknames. 

Some nicknames include (but are not limited to): Little one, shortie, little bunny, little *anything*, half pint, little y/n, etc.

If J sees that you’re having trouble reaching something, he’ll get it for you, but he’ll want to have a little fun with you before handing it to you, teasing you playfully as he holds it just out of your reach.

“C’mon, almost there, bunny. Hehe, aww, you’re doing well…. Almost there, toots.”

Expect affectionate mock sympathy as you struggle to get it.

“J, I can kick your shins!”

“Aww, but you won’t.”

“Try me!”

“A little fight in you. I *like* that.”

J’s a lovable asshole.

He will (after rolling his eyes in feigned annoyance) carry you around or give you piggyback rides.

He finds your height endearing.

“You’re so little…”

If he sees you climbing up to reach something, J will be so pissed, because he cares about your safety. He will give you The Look.

“You could’ve fallen.”

“But I didn’t.”

J acknowledges that you can handle yourself. You’re an adult, you’re your own person, and he won’t baby you or talk down to you ever. But he does feel slightly more protective of you due to your height. 

“I don’t want my little bunny getting hurt.”

If you want to boop his nose, depending on his mood he’ll either bend down to make it easier for you or he’ll make you reach for it. 

When you kiss, J is more than willing to accommodate you both. He finds it adorable when you stand up on your tiptoes to reach him. He’ll finally bend down and giggle at you. 

His hugs almost completely engulf you in the best way possible. 

J loves you exactly as you are. He wouldn’t change a thing about you.

If you’re happy with your height, he is all for it.

If you feel bad or insecure about your height, he’ll do whatever he can to help, trying to make you feel better about yourself.

“But, uh, I think ya look beautiful just the way you are, bunny. Being your size is actually wonderful, at least ta’ me.”

If you steal borrow his clothes, they’re huge (relative term) on you. 

“Bunny… s’that, uh, mine?”


If you use a top-load washer, he will giggle loudly when he sees you almost all the way in it.

J sometimes forgets how short you are. Let’s say you’re in his way. He doesn’t give it much thought. He casually manhandles you sometimes. He just grabs you and puts you on the other side of him. 

He’s not above using your head as an armrest.

Or ruffling your hair.

If you tell him you’re fun-sized, he will cackle loudly. 

All of this to say, J loves you so *so* very much, even if he doesn’t say it. You mean everything to him. Nothing could ever change that.


The Detective:

He’s 5’11” (~180.34 cm)

Likes to point out when an object is (significantly) larger than you.

He finds your height endearing.

HUGS!!! Expect lots of hugs. Especially bear hugs.

He will not belittle you, baby you, or talk down to you in any way about your height.

If anything, he really loves you and cares about you, and wants to help you. Especially if you can’t reach something. If he feels you need help, that’s when he steps in. Again, he respects your space. 

He knows you’re your own person and he understands that, but sometimes he feels a little bit more protective of you. Then again, he’s generally more protective after his time in Everlock.

If someone looks over you or does not acknowledge you, he will stick up for you, if you’re comfortable.

The Detective sometimes feels nervous or worried about the idea of losing you in a crowd or not being able to find you.

He adds “little” to his pet names for you.

If you’re comfortable, he says you’re “small but mighty”.

The Detective wants to remind you that being small is a strength, not a weakness

 He loves you so so deeply, no matter what.


Eddie Munson:

He’s 5’11” (~180.34 cm)

He finds your height endearing.

He will affectionately refer to you as a hobbit. It's just a fact. 

And you can expect LOTR references at that point.

“Would you like me to find you a box?”

If you share his love for LOTR, expect more references. And if not, that’s totally fine too! Eddie truly does not mind.

Eddie likes to bend down and give you little cheek kisses followed by a little sudden “mwah!” to make you giggle.

Eddie is very playful with you.

He thinks your height is “metal” (his words).

If anyone teases or upsets you because of your height, he is livid. Eddie is super protective of you. Absolutely no one is bullying you or picking on you, *especially* not because of your height. 

Eddie cares a lot about his loved ones, especially you. Because you’re shorter than him, he always has an arm around you when you’re out together. 

He always keeps an eye on you so you don’t get lost. He’s thought several times about tying a balloon to your bag or wrist so he can see you from far away. When he brings it up, you burst out laughing. You love his playful nature. 

Eddie also loves giving you piggyback rides and he’s even suggested trying to carry you around with you sitting on his shoulders if you’re comfortable with that. 

“Shit, you’re adorable.”

Eddie loves you regardless of your height. You mean everything to him. He couldn’t ask for a better partner.


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2 years ago

So Batman first came out in 1939 in The Detective Comics (DC). Jim Gordon has been working with him just as long. Robin was introduced the following year.

Gotham exists within a weird time dilation due to the Clock King. It explains the meshing of different decades and their technologies throughout Gotham. It explains the weird time skips.

The reason people don't really go to Gotham is the overwhelming feeling of wrongness. (Gothamites have a hard time leaving for the same reason, trying to correct the time differences makes most of them feel ill). Batman's no-metas-in-Gotham rule isn't due to his hatred of metas (his best friend is a meta and so is one of his kids), it's because he had no idea if their powers will try to correct the time dilation (that would cause a doozy of issues in infrastructure and frankly more issues than it's worth)

Batman has been Batman-ing since 1939 but due to time shenanigans he is still about the same age.

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5 years ago
FATHER BROWN Aka THE DETECTIVE (Dir: Robert Hamer, 1954).

FATHER BROWN aka THE DETECTIVE (Dir: Robert Hamer, 1954).

The second big screen outing for G K Chesterton's fictional detective Father Brown, adapted from his 1910 short story The Blue Cross.

Roman Catholic priest and amateur detective Father Brown (Alec Guinness) pits his wits against elusive master criminal Flambeau (Peter Finch), intent on stealing a priceless cross from the clergyman.

Originally exhibited in the UK as Father Brown, the movie is now more widely available in prints bearing its US title The Detective. A glance at Father Brown’ s cast and crew and one would be forgiven for thinking this Columbia Pictures release was an Ealing Studios production. Director Hamer is reunited with his Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949) stars Alec Guinness and Joan Greenwood, whilst Ealing alumni Peter Finch, Bernard Lee, Sidney James and Cecil Parker all feature. However, any similarity between this lightly humorous detective story and an Ealing comedy ends here.

Languishing part way between comedy and mystery, the movie straddles both genres without a firm footing in either. Never reaching the witty heights of Kind Hearts and Coronets and not quite exciting enough to convince as a thriller. It ambles along nicely enough but lacks the narrative twists and turns that would have elevated the story above the mundane. Thelma Schnee and Hamer's screenplay never quite manages to over come the source material's inherent quaintness and at times threatens to become unbearably twee.

Alec Guinness is excellent as ever here, once again immersing himself chameleon like in the role of Brown. He is matched by the equally impressive Finch in a rare comedic performance for the actor, albeit not one especially played for big laughs. The rest of cast are, unfortunately, somewhat underused in what is largely a two-hander between Guinness and Finch.

Father Brown is good movie, but can't help but feel a little bit of a disappointment considering the talent involved. It is still worth a watch, if only for the excellent performances from its leading men. Not quite a classic, but a high quality time passer nonetheless.

Check out my blog JINGLE BONES MOVIE TIME for a longer review of Father Brown. Link below.
Jingle Bones Movie Time

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6 months ago

The first thing I want to announce first is the release of my two Wander Over Yonder comics as episodes...The first episode is called"The Worst Nightmare Ever!",and the second episode is called "The Detective"...The second:In honor of Halloween I want to make an animation based on the episode"The Heebie Jeebies"and draw a couple of drawings with my characters...That's all for me...Hugged everyone!💋

@firecurls-27 @nightmaretherabbit @zibiscusloon @hey-imma-fangirl @yuki-arts-2nd @justphoenix3 @alexandrart873 @2194teddy @skystarsstuff

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7 years ago
Are We Going To Talk About The Fact That The Detective Begins Narrating In The Second Part Of WKM?

Are we going to talk about the fact that the detective begins narrating in the second part of WKM?

I'm partial to the "Damien is Dark" theory, but this seems too significant to ignore. What if this isn't Dark or Wilford's origin story--what if its The Host's?

The detective does seem particularly compelled towards dramatization...

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