Independent Woman - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

being independent I guess comes with it's highs and's not the end of the world...

My brain trying to make up thousands of scenarios:

Being Independent I Guess Comes With It's Highs And's Not The End Of The World...


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2 years ago

if i see another happy couple on tiktok i’m going to burn my foot on the stove and then bathe it in pure ethanol i’m sick and TIRED of this!!!

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7 months ago

So what if I’m convinced there’s going to be an Oasis reunion? Can’t a girl dream?

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4 months ago

No tickets, but still delusional enough to fully believe that I’m going to go. How? It doesn’t matter, I just will.

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4 months ago

No one fucks harder with mind maps than I do ✊🏻

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4 years ago

Hermione Granger...

Hmm....what could be said about this Golden Girl that has not already been said. I only recently discovered my love for Harry Potter a few years ago and have not regretted it since. I wasn't allowed to watch or read it when I was younger because my parents never understood it. As always, curiosity got the better of me and 2 years ago, I started watching the movies and fell in love with the fandom. Once I fell, I really fell hard and fast. Anyways, I naturally related to Hermione Granger, because who hasn't, and started analyzing her character. Anyone who knows me, knows that I love to analyze and dissect an idea, concept or person until I feel like I have seen it from all angles and although I have not read the books yet, I will say that to me, Hermione is one of the most relatable characters I have come across so far in my life.

Now I can't say that I'm completely brilliant or top of my class all the time, but I understand her need to succeed. She needed to find where she would feel the most needed and helpful and did that mostly by studying things considered above her level or might be deemed unnecessary. Now you could say that she only did it to save her friends, but I think its another step further to believe that she really did it to be prepared for anything. Someone like that refuses to take chances and likes to be able to react quickly in a difficult situation. I understand this because I abhor feeling helpless in any situation and I imagine she does too. Fear of failure is a powerful motivator and needing to conquer what you have in front of you no matter how unmanagable the task IS something I relate to. Yes, the girl is naturally clever and brilliant, but I think it's important to note that she actually puts the time in to be better and prepared. Sometimes having the discipline and determination to do anything can speak louder than the actual results and I think that Hermione is often overlooked for this.

Another way I relate to her is finding the need to mediate, fix, and console others no matter the personal cost. I never really had friends growing up and always felt like I never fit in as I'm sure many people feel too. Because of this, I allowed my books to engulf me into my own world and managed to survive into adulthood. The friends and family I did have, also helped but it always seemed like I gave more than anyone else. Hermione's need to be able to help others often put her in countless harmful situations, but she never once backed down. I admire her bravery and loyalty to which she never seemed to run out of. There were many times she could have told Ron or Harry to do it themselves or ask someone else, but she never did. Her need to help was always overshadowing her self-preservation and as a result, her friends survived impossible encounters that would have left the wizarding world without its greatest hope. This kind of loyalty is rare and incredibly valuable. In my life, I have stretched myself thin just to make sure that my friends and family are gonna be okay even if I'm not. Hermione takes on this impossible task and, yes, you can see it weighs down on her, but that never stops her from continuing to persist when the odds are stacked against them and although I realize that may not be entirely healthy, it is something I do admire.

As I could continue to praise and admire this amazing heroine, I will say this last thing--she was human and just as insecure as the rest of us. I love it when a character is as flawed as someone you would meet in every day life and I think the same extends to Hermione. Her insecurities of failure, personal view of herself, and need to be right are major components to her character. She pushes herself to always succeed but when she doesn't, it very nearly crushes her. That's why whenever she rarely fails, she becomes withdrawn and turns her turmoil internally. There are also a few times where her looks are criticized and she struggles with her confidence. Then there are the times when someone tries to undermine her intelligence and she bristles because even though she knows the opposite is true, she still worries that her intelligence and cleverness will neve be enough. All of this is relatable in some way shape or form to all girls/women. Our insecurities are what makes us human but that does not mean that they do not exist.

I don't know if anyone will read this, but I do know that if you feel like you relate to even a fraction of any of this, you are not alone. A lot of us just don't know how to use our voice and isolate ourselves from our beliefs in favor of not having our insecurities thrown back in our face. Just know that there are people out there who feel the same as you and need help to stand up. Embrace your differences and own your personality. You are who you are and you are the only one that gets to determine what defines you in your lifetime. If Hermione has taught me anything, it is this, it's okay to be beautifully flawed as long as you embrace them as a part of you.

Sorry for my rant! I just feel the need to state my opinion every once in a while and hope I do not offend. If you do read this though, tell me what makes you admire this incredible heroine! <3

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