Insurgent - Tumblr Posts
This is originally from a comment I posted on r/autisminwomen on a post asking why autism is celebrated in media but not in real life. However, I really really like my answer and wanted to post it here, ESPECIALLY since I talk about divergent so much on my blog. So, here you go:
I think part of the reason I really liked the divergent series so much is because tris's voice in the books is so... Autistic??? I can agree that the book isn't... The best piece of literature ever.... But I think that there's some part of me that will always love that book because it made me feel weirdly normal.
(Oh and while we're at it for 2012 dystopian ya novels - katniss from the hunger games was just an autistic slay.)
But back to divergent. I think this is also why people didn't like the books and (in my opinion) acted like they were worsely written than they were. People are happy to accept autistic characters/autistic coded characters in an act of performance and weird savior fantasy. But, when someone actually has autism (or a character is portrayed with more realistic, less "black and white" autism), this weird internalized ableism comes out in a very subconscious way. I remember hearing about a research article talking about how nts subconsciously notice autistic people almost immediately by a sense of uneasiness or "uncanny valley". People are all too happy to watch the guy on atypical and infantilise him to the point of feeling like they're rooting for a kid in a coming of age movie, but are very happy to jump on characters like Devi in Never Have I Ever for being "too weird" and "too grown to be acting that way".
The celebration for autism in media is a show. The more you realize it, the more you notice it.
Rewatching divergent, insurgent and allegiant because why not. (He's so hot)
scary boyfriend skills
o final da saga divergente foi uma bela bosta, vou ter que ler os livros agora pra ter um final digno (se eu tiver spoiler do final, vou ficar puta)

tobias "four" eaton | lost in the fire by the weeknd & gesaffelstein
Four - (NSFW - headcanon)

A = Aftercare
Four and you are usaully to tired after all the work and sex to clean each toher up, Four does usually clean you up though cause he is sweet (kind ;D lol pun)
B = Body part
Four didn’t use to be happy abut his back (ya know with all the wip scares from marcus being a horriable farther) Four loves his hips because when he pins you up against the wall ( anywhere;) ) you can’t move. Four lloves your colarbones he likes to bite them and suck on them exspecailly when you have to go trian initiates the marks show through your shirt ;)
C = Cum
Four usaully just cums on your stomach, you both love each other but you both don’t know if you want to bring a kid into the factions yet
D = Dirtysecret
Four secretly wishes sometimes he could just take you then and there in the trianing rpoom cause the way your body moves when helping initiates
E = Experince
No one really has alot of experenice considering the way the factions are run, but Four is really good and sweet but you two have alot of fun ;)
F = Favorite postion
G = Goofy
You both sometimes laugh but its not because the other is doing something wrong its usaully becase someone was looking for one of you
H = Hair
Four kinda grooms down there and not
I = Intimacy
Very , Four and you are very inimate
J = Jack off
Four doesn’t ever really
K = Kink
You guys don’t really have any kinks , sometimes you guys tie eachother up but not really anything else
L = Location
sometimes in a closet if you can’t wait to get home other wise almost eveywhere in the arptment
M = Motavition
Four just loves to love you and it sometimes pisses Eric off that Four is the one that got you so theres also that
N = No
He won’t do anything with you if there is a chance you could get hurt like seriously hurt
O = Oral
Four loves doing it because he can tease you anywhere with his fingers and he loves eating you out, you love when he does ;) , Four loves when you give him oral but he perfers to use oral as a way/form of teaseing you
P = Pace
You guys go slow and fast
Q = Quickie
You both don’t normally have quickies but he does give you alot ;)
R = Risk
You guys do bondage sometimes but the big risk is when you guys are so intimate and in the moment that Four doesn’t pull out
S = Stamina
3 rounds
T = Toy
not really anything
U = Unfair
Fours teasing is sometimes relenatless
V = Volume
Four groans alot and moans if you move the rightway agianst him
W = Wildcard

X = Xray

Y = Yearning
Like for himself is like a 5 but for you from him is like a 7
Four falls asleep pretty fast normally when you sleep near him but he stays up to protect you and watch you with adoration
Eric - (NSFW - headcanon)

A = Aftercare
Eric cares if your ok but he doesn't really cuddle he does though wrap a very protective arm around you
B = Body part
Eric loves your head because you're at perfect height to kiss it all the time, He also loves your boobs, when you show cleavage, plus he likes to mark them and stuff his face with him, Eric loves his arms obvious
C = Cum
Eric likes to cum on your lower back
D = Dirty secret
He cares about you more than he leads on, he would like to have sex in the training room where initiates can hear
E = Experience
Eric is pretty experienced
F = Favorite position
Speed bump
G = Goofy
Not really many goofy moments
H = Hair
I = Intimacy
Eric is more intimate than you expected
J = Jackoff
He jacks off when he wants you but doesn't want to ask
K = Kink
He loves when you call him “sir”, and he likes 24/7
L = Location
His place or yours anywhere in them
M = Motivation
Your smile, and when you fight it turns him on
N = No
Some kinks Eric won't do because he's not comfortable with it
O = Oral
Eric loves to finger you, he loves when you give him BJ’s because you do it so well
P = Pace
Eric is usually fast and hard, but he does go slow and soft when he shows you how much you mean to him
Q = Quickie
You guys have quickies often but Eric likes time to tease you
R = Risk
Eric teasing you under the tables at meals, Breathplay
S = Stamina
Eric can go about 2-3 rounds just depends
T = Toy
handcuffs, rope
U = Unfair
He teases you everywhere he can and is relentless
V = Volume
He groans a few times
W = Wildcard

X = X-ray
Eric is ;)
Y = Yearning
His is like a 7-8 out of 10
Z = Zzz
He pretends to sleep sometimes then watches you when your asleep and strokes you back up and down and then clean’s you up
Dating Four would include . . .

! Him watching you
! Him watching over you
Being overprotective
! Once your not an initiates anymore him kissing you
! You both have a lot of alone moments
! Eric watching over you and making sure that your ok because you're the only person he somewhat has as a friend
! Four asking you to move him in with him
! Training together
! Him helping you through your fears
! You helping him through his
! Eating together
! Having a Hand almost always on your lover back
! If anyone tries to mess with you they are in for it
! Training new initiates together
! Four surprisingly getting jealous when you hang out with Eric
! Kissing in dark hallways
! Him Not liking how close Eric can get to you
! Anyone messes with you they have you, Four and Eric to worry about
! Them tolerating each other for you
Dating Eric would include . . .

! Him not talking to you at first
! Suddenly him helping you through initiation
! Getting close
! Him glaring and beating up any initiates that talk bad about you considering you're at the top of the board
! Him being shocked that your at the top of the board which is what drew his attention to you
! You look innocent but you can kick even Fours ass (he’s impressed)
! Which stays between you too
! Eric trying to find out what happened because you and Four have inside jokes about it but you both won’t tell him
! Eric being very overprotective
! Him being possessive
! Eric pulling you into extreme make-outs out of nowhere
! Always having an arm around your shoulders or on you some how
! Him trying to keep you and Four apart
! You telling him that he can’t keep you from your best friend
! You not talking to him because that conversation ended with an argument
! Him apologizing to you and Four (you made him apologize to Four)
! No one messing with you unless they want to get beat up by you, Eric and Four
! Them tolerating each other for you
Should Be Happy - Four
Four x Fem!reader
Eric x sister reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 307
Summary: brothers should be happy for their sisters to have good guys

“Y/n, your brother already hates me I can’t make you late to help him out with the initiates to.” Four said trying to get up out of bed. Which is not easy since Y/n is a cuddler.
“Correction you hate eachother. It’s not one-sided.” Y/n stated as she poked him. Then Y/n decided to get up and get dressed to, since he does have a point about being late.
“Still” Four nod’s
“Hmmmmm! Walk me?” she asked turning to face him fully dressed, biting her lip.
“Y/n-” Four shook his head
“Pleeeeaaasssseeee” Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck rocking on her feet.
Four rolled his eyes and sighed neither him or Eric could ever say not to her. “Fine. I’ll walk you.”
“Good” she smiled leaning up to kiss his cheek
^ ^ ^
“Your late” Eric said with crossed arms as he saw Y/n enter the training room. Late.
“Sory” Y/n muttered under her breath as she came to stand right next to him. Watching over the initiates.
“Did the stiff keep you” he grumbled adjusting his position.
Y/n scoffed and leaned down to tie her shoe “oh cut the crap, Eric.”
Eric shook his head, squinting his eyes at a couple initiates “I can’t like you being with him”
“Well too bad, because I love him. He loves me so deal with it.” Y/n stood up straight and turned to face her brother. “You should be happy that I’m with Four.” Y/n stated
“Whys that?” he gave her a disgusted look
“Because out of everyone he’s gonna treat me with respect. And that’s what you should want for your little sister.” she gave her brother a pointed look, crossing her arms. All Eric could do was grunt annoyed at his sister. Because he knows she’s right.
Divergent Masterlist
Main Masterlist
by @chloe-skywalker
* = Requested

{ How They Hug You ~ Baby Driver
(put this here cause it has no imagines and the actor is also in these films.)
Four / Tobais Eaton:
~ Should Be happy (ft. Eric)
- Dating Four Would Include...
- NSFW Four Headcanon
Eric Coulter:
~ Worried About Whats To Come
~ Why Do You Care?
~ A Safe Feeling *
- Dating Eric Coulter Would Include...
Why Do You Care? - Eric Coulter
Eric x fem!reader
Four x sister reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 694
Summary: Y/n has a concussion and doesn’t want to rest, will Eric be able to persuade her? But even if he does why should he care? He hates her brother.
Divergent Masterlist

“What are you doing here?” Eric asked, slightly irritated that he had to come down to the training area again today.
“I’m training. What does it look like?” Y/n stated not even turning to look at the annoyed leader. She just continued on punching the punching bag.
“Why are you training right now?” he asked, taking another step into the huge room.
Y/n shrugged, changing her stance before continuing on. “Because I want to and I can.”
Eric sighed, done with her answers to his questions. He walked over to her with heavy, loud steps. “You have a concussion. You shouldn’t be doing much of anything right now.”
Y/n didn’t stop before hearing his words which just pissed Eric off so he reached out and grabbed her bicep to physically stop her movements.
“Why do you care?” Y/n glared at him as she asked the question. Not even bothering to struggle in his grip.
Eric growled her name “Y/n-”
“No, Eric. Why do you care? You’re always giving me shit and you hate my brother. So why do you give a damn?” Y/n shook her head, cutting him off. Y/n ripped her arm out of his hold, staring at him right in the eyes.
“Your brother irritates me.” Eric grumbled narrowing his eyes at the y/h/c-ered girl in front of him.
“Oh, no shit.” she tipped her hand letting out a scoff.
“But” he interrupted looking off in the distance. “You don’t.”
“What do you mean?” Y/n asked, now intrigued and confused. Especially at the fact that he wouldn’t look at her.
“If I tell you will you come rest?” Eric bargained looking her in the eyes with raised eyebrows.
“Will you actually tell me?” she questioned back matching his expression.
“Yes” he growled back, staring at her waiting for her response.
“Fine.” Y/n nodded in agreement. It wasn’t a bad deal, plus she was very interested in what he had to say. Y/n wanted to know his reasoning for caring about her or at least so he says.
With her now in agreement Eric gave a curt nod and grabbed her hand. At first Y/n didn’t know where he was leading her but once he turned them down a specific hallway she knew where they were going.
“You gonna tell me now what you meant earlier?” Y/n asked while looking around the blonde Dauntless leaders apartment.
The two stood across from each other in the makeshift living room just staring at each other. Eventually Eric spoke shifting foot to foot. “I’m not good with words and you know that.”
“Then show me.” y/n suggested Y/n holding her arms out to her side.
Eric nodded at her suggestion, he even had the best idea on how to prove it. Eric strutted over to her in the short distance between them and grabbed her, pulling her into his body. Reaching up and cupping her cheeks bringing her into a rough but slow kiss. And Y/n kissed back. The two fell back onto the couch, conveniently Y/n fell onto Eric’s lap.
“I care about you. If it isn’t obvious now.” Eric said with a tilt of his lips up into a smirk. He was giving her a look that y/n had never seen on him before, it almost seemed like love.
“It is. I care about you too, just FYI.” Y/n smiled at him, resting her hand around his neck.
“I figured by the way you're holding tight to my shoulders and neck. And you kissed back.” he stated holding onto her waist and back tightly. Beyond happy to finally hold her the way he’s wanted to for years.
“Shut up” Y/n scoffed with a laugh leaning down once more to connect their lips.
“Now as much as I’d love to continue this, and you know I would.” Eric pulled away, giving her a very knowing look with a hint of lust. “Our deal still stands. You need to rest.”
“Seriously?” Y/n asked with raised brows in shock, confusion, and annocance.
“Yup.” Eric smiled triumphifully.

-Eric Coulter
Knowledge: Prologue, pt.1, pt.2, pt.3, pt.4, pt.5, pt.6, pt.7, pt.8, pt.9, pt.10, pt.11