It's So Wholesome - Tumblr Posts

This was supposed to be a warm up sketch. Instead we get a wholesome, vulnerable hang out moment between Oisín and @cyanide-latte 's Wei Renqiao. Thanks, muse

drew my fave boys for odaiba day!
aussie bus drivers interacting when passing each other on the road>>>>
Alrighty, guys, here's my day-late Lloyd birthday one shot I whipped up as quick as I could. It's set mid season 2 because I wanted it to be lol. hope y'all enjoy it because I enjoyed writing it! (~2.5k words).
Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon had never particularly cared for birthdays. He hadn’t had one horrible one that had changed it all, he hadn’t had one spectacular one that made it all worth it, he simply hadn’t had much of a birthday at all. Darkley’s didn’t celebrate such things; birthdays had been largely ignored since they didn’t contribute to the ultimate goal of villainy. Besides, it wasn’t like Lloyd had any friends there to celebrate with anyways. Acts of kindness were seen as acts of weakness and therefore few and far between. He knew his father would have tried to celebrate if he could, but being trapped in the Underworld and turning more evil each day made any sort of quality time difficult. And of course, Lloyd didn’t even remember his mother and had only started to get to know her recently. So, needless to say, Lloyd’s birthdays over the years had never mattered much; he spent them alone because it was the only way he ever had.
Unsurprisingly then, he didn’t bring up the meaning of September 22nd to the other ninja when the day came. Besides, Lloyd wasn’t even sure exactly how old he was turning. It would’ve been his tenth birthday, but now… he wasn’t exactly sure what age he was. So no point in celebrating anyways. Only his mother and maybe his Uncle Wu knew the meaning of today, and so far Lloyd hadn’t seen either of them.
Lloyd had been sitting at the table in the Bounty as he was contemplating all this, staring off into space. He flinched slightly when he felt a tap on his shoulder.
“Hey, Kid, I’m going into the city to run an errand. Wanna come?”
Lloyd glanced up at Kai and said, “Thanks, Kai, but maybe I should stay in today.”
Kai’s dimples showed when a slight frown tugged at his lips. Lloyd shrugged at the fire ninja who had become an older brother to him.
“Aw, come on. It’ll be fun. Let’s go. You don’t have a choice, we’re going.”
“Hey, why’d you even bother asking if you’re gonna make me go?” Lloyd protested. “Besides, I don’t have to listen to you.”
“Pretty sure you do actually. I’m older and cooler. C’mon, you’ll have fun.”
And looking at Kai’s earnest, prideful grin, Lloyd couldn’t help but agree to follow his older brother. As they left, Kai told Cole they were leaving, and next thing Lloyd knew, they’d left the Bounty behind.
“Finally,” Jay groaned after Cole had spread the news of Lloyd and Kai’s departure. “That took forever with Lloyd sleeping in so late today.”
Zane and Cole stood side by side in the kitchen, largely ignoring Jay in favor of pouring over a recipe book.
Nya replied, glancing up from the box of decorations she’d set on the table, “What matters is Kai got him out of here. Cole, Zane, how's it going?”
“Just trying to determine the cake flavor Lloyd would most prefer.”
“I’m telling ya, chocolate!”
“Cole, that’s the flavor you would most prefer,” Zane answered icily.
Nya interjected, “Well, what’s the sweetest one?”
Cole argued, “It’s cake, they're all sweet.”
“We could ask Misako what he’d like,” Zane offered.
Nya protested, “Like she’d know! We’ve practically known Lloyd longer than she has!”
The two ninja and samurai continued to bicker on like this for a while as Jay sat unusually quiet.
“Oh I know!” Jay interrupted suddenly, standing up from the table he and Nya were seated at and walking to Cole and Zane. “Bake him the one with all those colorful sprinkles in the middle! Oh and we can put pieces of candy on top!”
Zane, Cole, and Nya all shared a look.
Cole muttered, “Can’t believe Jay had the best idea.”
“Hey!” Jay whined. “ I have great ideas!”
Nya, moving to stand next to Jay, said, “Aw, lay off him. We need to get started, we only have a few hours before they’ll be back.”
Zane and Cole kicked Nya and Jay back out of the kitchen since neither of them were trustworthy when it came to making anything more than toast. Instead, as Cole and Zane got started, Jay and Nya began to sort through and put up the meager decorations they had.
Wu and Misako sat quietly in the Bounty. Misako’s hands were steady, her movements precise as she wrapped the gifts from the ninja, Wu, and her. The steadiness of her hands masked the trembling within.
But Wu knew her well enough to see right through this.
“You are worried, aren’t you?” He said after a while.
Misako sighed and answered, “Of course I am. I haven’t spent a birthday with him since the first couple. I haven’t been the best mother as the ninja have made abundantly clear, especially Kai.”
“They are… protective. Do not take it to heart if some of them are still warming up to you. You telling them what today was is a step in the right direction. And your son has forgiven you.”
“I know… but all those years apart. I wonder if he and I will ever be close.”
“Only time will tell, Misako,” Wu reassured her, his gift wrapping as precise as his sister-in-law’s. “For now, know that things are better than before.”
Misako nodded, and they both fell silent once again.
Kai and Lloyd wandered the streets of Ninjago City, and Kai couldn’t help but grin. It had been a while since just the two of them had spent quality time together with all the life-threatening adventures eating up their time.
“So, what do you need to pick up from town?” The younger of the two asked.
“Hair gel,” Kai answered quickly, just as he had practiced… also it was true.
Lloyd laughed, rolling his eyes as Kai rebutted, “Hey, hair this great takes effort you know!”
“Yeah, we’ve all seen how many hours you spend on it in the bathroom,” Lloyd teased.
“What can I say? I’ve got priorities. Someone on this team has gotta have great hair.”
The two walked to the general store, grabbing from the shelf the biggest container of Kai’s usual hair gel brand they could find.
“Hey, you know while we’re here, Kid,” Kai offered. “You should look around! Need anything?”
Lloyd shrugged and said, “I don’t need much, I mean—”
Kai had not so subtly been leading them to the candy aisle after grabbing the gel and asked, “Nothing at all? You sure? My treat.”
Now growing suspicious but unable to resist, Lloyd grabbed a bag of suckers and a bag of gummy candy. Smiling smugly at the delight on his younger brother’s face, Kai paid for the hair gel and the treats.
“So, back to the Bounty?” Lloyd asked, popping a gummy into his mouth and then offering the bag to Kai.
“Well, we’re already here. Might as well stay and enjoy the city while it’s not being attacked, right? How about we go to the arcade?” Kai said as he took a piece of candy for himself.
“You suck at video games though.”
“Hey! Sorry I don’t spend the hours Jay does on gaming to get good at ‘em. I can still enjoy it!”
With a mischievous grin that reminded Kai of his brother’s youth, Lloyd teased, “Oh, that’s right, you spend those hours on your hair!”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Kai answered, ruffling Lloyd’s hair affectionately. “Let’s go, alright?”
Unsurprisingly, Lloyd was better than Kai at pretty much everything they played, the younger of the two gloating the whole time. As Kai looked at his younger brother, beaming with pride, moving from game to game with childlike wonder, laughing at Kai’s many mishaps, Kai couldn’t help but be happy too. He knew Lloyd’s life hadn’t been easy. He’d been the one to comfort Lloyd when he awoke him in the middle of the night due to nightmares. He’d hugged him while he cried. He’d looked after him when Lloyd didn’t have anywhere else to turn to. Kai knew better than anyone how hard it was for Lloyd to maintain his hope and sense of optimism. But he’d be there to fan the flames and to keep that hope alive.
In moments like these, the fire ninja practically glowed with pride. Because something about seeing his little brother this happy fulfilled him like few things ever had or maybe ever would.
Grinning ear to ear, Lloyd walked side by side with Kai to where the Bounty was anchored.
As they came upon it, Kai said smugly, “See, told you we’d have fun. Aren’t you glad you ran errands with me?”
“Yeah… I am. Thanks, Kai. I probably would’ve stayed inside the whole day if you hadn’t forced me out. Sometimes… even though it doesn’t always bother me, today’s hard. It usually is fine, but I guess it was affecting me more than I realized.”
Kai slowed his climb into the Bounty, asking slowly, “Today’s hard, huh?”
“I mean, it’s a little lonely usually. But I’m really glad you spent the day with me, Kai, even if I didn’t tell you that today mattered.”
Kai and Lloyd now stood outside the door to the kitchen and dining area of the Bounty, the ship unusually quiet.
“Lloyd, I know what day it is. And I assumed with everything you told me about how you grew up before we took you in that it hasn’t been the best. But I—we—were hoping to make this one a good one.”
“Wait—you knew? And what do you mean ‘we?’”
Kai opened the door, and Lloyd’s eyes widened at the table laden with gifts Misako and Wu had wrapped, the horribly crooked decorations Jay and Nya had put up, and the lopsided cake Cole and Zane had baked and decorated. His breath caught when he saw them all there: Zane, Jay, Cole, Nya, Misako and his Uncle Wu—his family.
In a way that was clearly rehearsed but still horribly out of sync, everyone gave a slightly mis-timed, “Happy birthday!”
Cole stepped forward, showing Lloyd the cake he and Zane had worked so hard on. Lloyd didn’t miss the flour still on Zane’s shirt or the smear of frosting on Cole’s jeans.
“My apologies that the letters are smushed,” Zane said as Lloyd took in the sight of the barely frosted cake with its crooked “happy birthday Lloyd!” that he could barely make out. “I made the mistake of letting Cole do it.”
“I think it looks great, and hello, all cakes look good!”
Lloyd looked at Kai, who set his hand on the younger ninja’s shoulder as his green eyes welled with tears.
“You did… all of this? For me? I didn’t even tell you it was today!”
“Misako told us,” Nya answered as Lloyd looked at the mother he barely knew.
Misako nodded and said, “You deserve to have at least one be special, and I knew your friends would want to make that happen.”
Nya added, “Hope you don’t mind all the sneaking around we did to surprise you.”
His arm now around Lloyd’s shoulder as tears began to trickle down the green ninja’s face, Kai reassured, “We love you, Kid.”
Lloyd hugged Kai tightly and then looked at his family.
“Thank you all… this is the nicest thing I think anyone’s ever done for me.”
“That’s because for once, Kai’s right,” Jay said with a grin. “We love ya! Now are you gonna open your gifts or what? We spent good money on those!”
Lloyd laughed, wiping his eyes as Kai led him to sit at the table. He opened comics and candy and clothes and knick-knacks. Each one was so thoughtful—the comics were all ones he’d mentioned liking, the candy his favorite flavors, the clothes just his size and style, the knick-knacks similar to what he’d described wanting to decorate his space in the Bounty with ages ago. His favorite gift by far though was one his mother presented, a framed picture of everyone present at the celebration. When Lloyd opened the frame, he saw the back of the photo had been signed by everyone and was covered with kind words.
Kai lit candles on a cake that tasted much better than it looked. Admittedly, when Lloyd blew out the candles, he did make a wish—he wished his father were there too. It would’ve been the only thing that made the day perfect. But he was surrounded by such love and warmth, his father’s absence only truly bothered him at that moment.
He celebrated and laughed with the others for many hours, but at the end of the night, Wu presented one last gift: a letter that Lloyd quickly tore open.
My dear son,
I know that destiny has torn us apart. I know that I am not with you. I know that one day—someday soon even—we will fight. This is all undeniable.
But that day is not today. I’m sorry I cannot be by your side. The evil inside me grows stronger every day, and I don’t want you hurt if things were to get violent between me and the others. Instead, I offer you this letter.
I love you, Son. Happy birthday. Know that September 22nd ten years ago was the greatest day of my life.
-Your father
“How did you get this?” Lloyd whispered, clutching it tightly.
Wu answered, “Worry not about that. What matters is that my brother is still there despite the venom. And that is the man who wanted you to see that.”
Lloyd nodded, at a loss for words as he held the letter close to his chest.
Kai ruffled Lloyd’s blonde hair, saying, “We all love you, Kid. Things aren’t perfect, but hey, as long as they’re better than before, right?”
Lloyd couldn’t help but smile as he took in the sight of his loved ones and said, “Way better than before. Nobody’s ever done anything like this for me.”
Nya smiled and said, “Well, you’re family now. That’s what we do for each other.”
The celebration ran a little longer, but soon people began to head to bed, to rest.
And as he went to bed himself, Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon thought that maybe he did care for birthdays. He hadn’t had one horrible one, but he had one spectacular one that made it all worth it. He had friends—a family—to celebrate with, who made it all worth it. Acts of kindness were no longer a sign of weakness in his life. His birthday did matter, and he knew he would never spend another alone. Even as their destined battle drew nearer, his father had tried to celebrate in the way he could. His mother had returned and shared the day with the others to make this all possible. So, needless to say, Lloyd’s birthday did matter, and he wouldn’t spend another alone.

This definitely made me smile
Shhhh…. They’re busy recharging and being in love

Egg Festival, Year 1 🌷🥚🍡
Gonna be posting some of my stardew gameplay since im having so much fun with it! if you don't want to see it just block the tag "kasey plays sdv". otherwise, pls enjoy my lil farmer iris and all her shenanigans :D
A Payback

A continuation? I bet you didn't expect it!
I couldn't just leave the little story I made end on just one comic-
So, here's a second part to this!
Looks like Aven got a higher ground this time~

And what a suprise! The gambler's eyes sparked bright once more!
>>PART 1<<

hawke and anders can have a lil a treat.
Me finding out that the reason my dad is so passionate about cooking is because he grew up with his mum making incredible food and then left home and had to teach himself to teach as good as his mum


Page: 72!
First Page — Previous Page — Next Page (20th Aug)
Read the Prequel Starliner first on Tumblr, or Comic Fury!
Read Legacy on Comic Fury Here!
Character pages
Bowling Alley Sounds