James Answers - Tumblr Posts
To Camille and anyone else who would like to answer: have you ever been on a roller coaster? If not, would you like to someday?
Camille: I have! They’re so awesome!! Back home in Texas I used to go to Six Flags Fiesta Texas with my brothers every summer. It was always a blast! My favorite ride was the Krypton Coaster!
Thomas: None of us have done any coasters yet, but I really really want to! Percy doesn’t seem to want to try it but Emily has said she’d ride one or two with me!
James: Absolutely yes. 100%. Though I don’t think Ed would be all that interested…
Gordon: Camille has hinted at us going to an amusement park in the past, Henry and Hiro opted out entirely. I admit, it does sound exciting to try.
Thomas: Plus you could snuggle your girlfriend when she gets scared.
Camille: Oh, I don’t get scared.
Gordon: That’s not what Midas has told me. According to him, you cried on your first coaster.
Camille: Shhhhhhh! Don’t listen to my brother, he lieeeesss.
To Edward and James What's your favorite type of game to play.
James: Well, if you must know… 😏
Edward: Behave yourself, James.
James: Fine, fine. Ed and I like to do escape rooms, if that counts for a game. We do them often with the other couples, but sometimes as a team.
Edward: If that doesn’t count, we both like to play more classic games like Phase 10 or Uno.
James: Apparently I’m not allowed to play Monopoly anymore…
Edward: When you always want to be the banker… and cheats.
James: I do not cheat!
Edward: 😄 If you say so, Jamie. If you say so.
For any couple who wants to answer: What’s your favorite quirk of your partner?
Edward: James snorts when he laughs really hard. Especially if he’s tickled.
James: Edward!! 😳
Edward: What? I think it’s cute.
James: You’re embarrassing me…
Hiro: I catch Henry talking or singing to his plants on occasion.
Henry: They thrive when spoken to.
Hiro: It’s very affectionate. It speaks volumes to his tender heart.
Henry: Hiro… 🫣 I like it went he calls me flower..
James: Hey! I didn’t get a turn!
Gordon: Should’ve spoken up sooner.
Camille: Gordon blushes on the tips of his ears when I compliment him. I think it’s super cute. 😊
Gordon: … … …
James: Hey! It’s happening now!
Gordon: Don’t you have somewhere to be, James?
James: 😁 Nope! Edward sometimes talks in his sleep and says the goofiest things.
Edward: Anything you find cute about Camille, Gordon?
Gordon: …
Camille: …?
Gordon: I don’t share that sort of information online.
Camille: 😊 Fine by me.
James: His ears are still red..
y’all know how to play any instruments?
James: Does Edward count as an instrument?
Edward: Why am I getting married to you?
Camille: I know a little piano, but that’s it.
Gordon: We work on a very busy railway and are up early till the day is through. We don’t have time for that sort of thing.
Percy: But we can whistle!
Camille: I guess that kind of counts… It does make a noise.
Thomas: Does it though?
Percy: Well, I like to think it does!
Congratulations Edward and James!! What was your favorite part of your wedding day? ❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙
Edward: Thank you kindly! 😊 I believe my favorite part was watching James walk up the aisle. I had promised myself I wouldn’t cry and I ended up anyway. He was so handsome, I’m getting teary just thinking about it.
James: Ed…
Edward: What? You were so beautiful!
James: I think I really enjoyed feeding him that slice of cake-
Edward: That was a fun moment.
James: -at the hotel 😏
Edward: 😳😳😳😳😳😳 JAMES!!!!
James: Hahahaha! Just kidding. It was fun serving the cake slices at the reception.
*puts hand on James’ shoulder* Hey, you need to calm down. I know your worried about Edward but you need to calm down. Edward wouldn’t want you to panic, would he? I swear we will find who did this and we will get our revenge, but we can’t do that if you keep freaking out here. I promise everything will be ok.
James: *Hyperventilating* I… I know… he’s just everything to me… we just got married… He’s everything to me… my husband… he’s my husband…! *trying to remain calm*