infoglitch - that one guy who doesn't know when to SHUT UP.
that one guy who doesn't know when to SHUT UP.

I write what I want, and what I want, is rwby because I am mentally unwell. but I cover it up by trying to be ✨ F U N N Y ✨

553 posts



(I think I'm gonna phase out of my previous style and go into my normal writing style but I want yall to decide so ill put the poll in the end of this fic. Also merry Christmas everyone)

To say Weiss was incredible was a major understatement, atleast for one jaune arc. Despite the constant flash freezing she does to him he keeps trying... She didn't enjoy the constant attempts. She wouldn't nor shouldnt allow him to get to her, knowing her luck it's probably a facade. The moment he has her is the moment she gets trapped again.

Trapped like her own home was.

Trapped, Locked away and only released so others may gloat they were in her presence.

Trapped, and suffering.

But yet today, on the start of Christmas break no less. It was different. Her team, was out either with family or spending time with the other two.

Meanwhile Weiss? Weiss was in the library bored as looked for a nice book to read before stopping on... A children's book? A book made for children amongst the arsenal detailing the history of huntsman and huntresses. This... Intrigued Weiss, she grabbed it and pulled it out and read the title "the brave dragon"... Strange.

She decided to take it to the back of the library and began to read.

"a long, long time ago. A dragon who's heart was as beautiful as a diamond soon had it be frozen by the king of dragons. The once elegant and courageous dragon turned to isolation and bitterness. The humans that ones befriended it turned to its enemies with the dragon destroying it with its icy flame. The beautiful land and help cultivated was now A reduced to nothing but white hot ash. And so that dragon stayed alone and bitter. Until one day, a knight arrived to find this dragon, to require it's help, as the Greatest warrior of the knights home was gone, so the knight came to it and begged only to receive nothing but refusal and the dragons fury. Eventually the knight left causing a growing emptiness in the dragons frozen heart. Eventually the dragon would fly to the knight as it saw the knight fighting a giant bird that terrorized the people. With the bird striking the knight gravely wounding him and as the bird was about to strike the dragon would stand in its way as its heart was engulfed with flame as it forced the beast to return to its flock as unbeknownst to the dragon, it's cold heart had finally been allowed to melt. Soon after days of worrying the knight was able to finally return and thank the dragon for its bravery."

And the story ended there as Weiss was a tad annoyed for some reason. She didn't know why but something about the fact the story ended abruptly just... It bugged her. Weiss would sigh as she got back and put the book away as she noticed someone else coming through the library.. someone that should probably not be at school during the break.

One jaune arc was looking at the books in the shelves as he seemed indecisive as Weiss watch out of morbid curiosity before hearing another pair of footsteps as cardin and the rest of his flock entered and were chatting about something related to "putting fanaus bitches in their place" or whatever braindead idea they had.. which was somewhat ironic as one of the members, lark had shown attraction to a faunus. Regardless Weiss paid no more mind than what they deserved as her curiosity was now on jaune as he grabbed a book about the history of huntsmen fighting styles as he was walking toward the exit before being met with cardin.

"hey there jaune-jaune, how's your back feeling?" Cardin spoke as he had a smug look on his face as jaune just grumbled. "L-look cardin I don't have time for you and your crows, now may I please pass through?" Jaune spoke as he attempted to keep his voice steady as he tried to squeeze through before cardin put a hand on jaunes shoulder as cardin leaned close to his ear. "I dont think i feel like it. Besides.. I wanna use my favorite punching bag." Cardin spoke softly as jaunes face went pale, Weiss watched on expecting to see pyrrha show up to tell them to knock it off but so far.. nothing. Jaune stepped back and raised his fists as weiss raised an eyebrow as she didn't hear what cardin said but whatever it was jaune was preparing to fight.

"I'm not doing this cardin. I-im done with you." Jaune spoke as cardin just smiled before punching him in the gut as jaune opened his mouth shout in pain but nothing escaped his mouth.

Cardin then proceeded to grab him by his hair and kick him in the face as jaune stumbled back into a book shelf.

Weiss felt a pit in her stomach as she balled up her hands into a fist as something in her wanted to just grab Cardin and shove him into the ground. Weiss didn't know why she felt like this.. but she needed to keep her cool and wait for pyr-

"no invincible girl save you from this jauney-boy." Cardin taunted as he grabbed jaune by his shirt but before anything else could happen Cardin was flash frozen in a block of ice as his goons and jaune looked to see Weiss pointing myrtenaster at cardin as she had a scowl on her face.

"sometimes pyrrha, I worry your care for the dolt is rubbing off on me" Weiss thought to herself as she lowered myrtenaster. "Your boss will unfreeze soon. I advise you take him to your dorm and make sure he releases that dolt." Weiss spoke calmly as his goons nodded and picked up their frozen leader as he released jaune before they ran off. Leaving a confused jaune as he adjusted his posture as he stared at Weiss as he was about to say something.

"don't.. I shouldn't need to do your job of defending yourself." Weiss interrupted as her voice was cold with her turning away and walking out before arriving at her dorm as her face was red.


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More Posts from Infoglitch

1 year ago

I wanna talk about yang but I just got nothing despite her being my #1 favorite..

Maybe I'm just shallow and find her really fuckin cool. (And hot but that's kinda obvious :/ and I'm not THAT shallow I so fucking am)

Regardless have a great day everyone.

Rock on till ya drop tata mothafuckers 🤘.

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1 year ago

Branded dogma

(power system, characters, species, areas and cities)

In the world of branded dogma (or as its world is called, camakol (Ka-Ma-Coal)) each being is born with a sigil on a part of their body, the sigil takes the shape of a circle with a capital Y in it. This sigil allows a person to access the flow of magic which is composed of three primary forces (destruction, manifestation, and melding)

The flow of magic can itself not be tampered with, the amount of access a person has to it can be, this is done by a contracting with spirits, beasts, or dragons due to their higher amount of magic emitting from them. 

The Species of camakol Are divided into 7

Igniants. Spirits of smoke and ash that are volatile in both temper and personality. They use modified mechanical skeletons that are able to transform into rockets to contain their physical form less they get blown away. Constantly seeking the thrill of fire and destruction they have mainly abandoned any form of monarch and become pirates of their home land. The golden sea, mors desert.

Draknians or dragons. These beings look similar to humans minus their charcoal black skin, white hair, and their magma blood. These creatures have mastered each form of magic and have been able to merge with anything they desire to merge with. They are truly marvelous beasts of magic which is why a group of humans worship them.

Humans. Humans are said to be the children of elves after their fall. Humans are tenacious and able to grow and adapt quickly, perhaps due to the loss of their longer lifespan. Humans despite this have rather small reserves of magic, only enough for one type of their choice. Humans have made many kingdoms and some have made peace treaties with certain species. 

Jewymphs. These are spirits that compose of ice water and jewels, are species that are able to weave the flow of magic via songs. Depending on the tone they could bring ruin or joy. Hence why humans have sealed them to the bottom of the vast green sea of jadus as the queen diamux seeks to freedom from their watery tomb.

Raimei’s. These beings that descend from the ever gray clouds of their home, Atlasia are tricksters. They are led by their “gods”. Thungaking, lighragking, and inferguking. These three brothers leader species to seek out their desires of bringing joy and worship to their gods. Which has led to their friendship with humans.

Regulisers. Beings that are consumed by a permanent lycanthropy their matted fur, fangs, and claws, make them absolute beasts of might as their souls are permanently left with the power of destruction. These creatures despite their appearance, are still allied with humans.

Lyonius. These are humanoid creatures that have feline features and range in variety, from lynx, tigers, lions, all the way to calicos. These beings are rather friendly with humans and regulisers as they mingle with each species and are incredible at many forms of arts, ranging from painting, to dancing.


Ryuga: age 100 (or 20 in human years). a Draknian with amnesia. He has no memory of his last only knowing how to use his sigil as he can immediately merge with anything he desires by pumping his magic into melding as he enters his true dragon state with a enhancement due to the combined material.

Emilia: age 23. the first person to encounter ryuga as he landed in her peoples home city ashcadia. She is one of the 10 commander battle priests. She is a master of manifestation magic as she has learned how to heal her allies aswell as make her signature great sword.

Brigar: age 150.  the captain of one of the igniants fleets of desert pirates, leading the pirate crew called “the marauders” before he and his fleet parted Ways as he joins the party. A large mass of hulking Mech suit that is able to fire missiles from its hands and back as well as allowing the combustion of of brigar to be turned into a flaming shock that can be released without destroying the suit. The second form is a much smaller Mech that transforms into a rocket. Despite these two forms he actually has a myriad of the latter saved inside the former suit.

Kathy: age 21. a tiger Lyonius who's fiery passion for machinery has led her being able to create new suits from the leftover remains of brigar’s much smaller Mech suits. Her deep understanding of machinery has allowed her to use the power of the igniants to create living weapons that ryuga can use as well as fuse with. She is also the most… inept person of the party as she lacks social skills which her older sister frigit tried teach her but Kathy constantly refused. She also does cat and explosion puns… to mixed results.

The regions of camakol And their respective establishment.

The black forest, ashmia.

Description: it is unknown why the forest has its black color, what it is said that here stands the Pinnacle of human civilization. It bears many fruit ranging from bloodberries all the way to tromelons.

City: Ashcadia, the shining white citadel. 

Description: Ashcadia is if not one of the most populated cities, and home to the Church of dragmati. Over 85% of the city are participants in this religion of worshiping dragons… but the priest. He should not be trusted.

Atlamia. the collective cloudlands.

Description: of white and gray clouds that is constantly moving across the sky, some mistake the sounds that emerges from it as the call of Angels in the heavens when in truth it is from its only City Atlasia

City: Atlasia, the city in the clouds.

Description: the city of atlamia formed of the collection of Grey thunderclouds. This is home to the raimei's. It is said that the sound of thunder is in truth the drums of the nation beating their song of joy.

Mors desert, the golden sea.

description: despite this title Mors desert is nothing but a vast Sandy expanse as well as it's deep crevice filled with boiling lava. this desert holds many fossils of monsters that dare contest with its primary predator. Gorga the red wyrm.

Establishment: the marauders clutch.

Description: home to the Marauders faction of the many igniant pirate factions. Disestablishment can be found under a large fossilized claw that they use as a barrier of their permanent territory.

Establishment: the karga’s pit.

Description: found just above the deep lava filled crevice this is home to the karga’s pirate fleet as they have found a way to harvest the lava as a form of fuel to help out an extra kick to their destructive power

Establishment: the Rogers Maw.

Description: home of the Rogers pirates their base of operations can be found in the maw of a large fossilized skull. This area can be used as a safe spot due to how the routers pirates are less aggressive than their three counterparts.

Establishment: the break armadas arse.

Description: home to the Marauders rival pirate group The break Armada, their home establishment can be found under the large fossilized pelvic bone which has sadly LED them to be given many crass but well deserved nicknames.

Margmia. The forbidden expanse.

Description: a completely volcanic area but also contains extreme Flora such as the redglass trees, or the red river “margmia’s wine”.

City: vanguard, the illustrious red city. 

Description: the home of all Draknian’s. As well as the home of the study of magic. The large black spire is the centerpiece of the city as all the magic is pulled into one large white sphere of radiant magic.

The emerald sea. Jadus.

Description: this large green sea divides the lands and is home to all forms of sea beasts and leviathans. And at the very bottom lays the tomb of the jewymphs. The amethyst cradle.

prison: the amethyst cradle.

Description: forged from the large amethyst geodes is the amethyst cradle prison of the Jewymphs. it is only able to open by the hands of a human mage. And so with this the helpless people that jewymphs are locked in for eternity.

/// You have reached the crossing point. All of information from this point is beyond the understanding of the world.\\\

The unknown life of camakol.

Hidden deep inside this world there is a pit, dubbed “magnum omega”. This pit seeks nothing more than to consume everything and so hence it's children have arrived to allow it to feed

Karma's. demonic entities that wield a form of magic unknown to all which has been dubbed “fate magic”. These beings have the ability of changing the luck of a person however they see fit. Their white horns and red scales make them a clear threat to all.

Rasers. Angelic entities that wield a unknown form of magic that has been dubbed “eraser magic”. These beings are able to erase certain concepts or things out of reality, note this is NOT destruction magic, destruction magic simply damages or deconstructs things, this form of magic just.. erases things… almost as if they never existed. The Red wings and white skin causes those to Bear witness them to believe they are friendly when in truth they will erase you.

Then there is the ring master, the being who is the most “subservient” to magnum omega.

Lupin: a Draknian twisted by the power of Magnum Omega. The ones white hair has turned crimson as they're black charcoal like skin has turned ivory. They have mastered both the known forms and the unknown forms of magic allowing them to do far more than expected. Lupin may serve Magnum Omega but seeks a prize. His “other half”. None know who is referring to but he is dead set on finding him.

“Dark, darker, yet even darker. To describe such a void is to describe an abyss. An abyss that seeks to swallow everything whole. An abyss that seeks nothing more than to devour and then regurgitate. An abyss that within its stomach lays a behemoth that is fed. This void has a name… magnum omega”


I... I...

I really do, do too much. Jesus Christ

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1 year ago

Facing facts.

(wait... No. No no no no no nonononononononononononono. NO. I thought I was done with Lancaster ideas! Welp I know what I got to do)

Scene: after the paper pleasers demise. (Apologies for the absence of little I don't know their characterization)

"WHAT ABOUT YOU?! ITS ALL ABOUT YOU!" Jaunes felt the last words he never wanted to leave his lips as he stared into Ruby's eyes as she scowled with tears begining to run down her cheeks as jaunes eyes widen as he was about to say something before ruby was enveloped in rose petals. As jaune felt a pit in his stomach. He didn't notice yang yelling something as she ran off towards Ruby's direction as things went quiet with only one thought running through his head.

"what did I just do".

"I.. I'm going after her." Jaunes said as Weiss looked at him before nodding as jaune reached out. "Juniper. Let's get moving" jaune called out as juniper ran towards him as he caught her and hopped on as the two set off leaving Blake and Weiss as the two soon went after yang.

"Ruby! Ruby where are you!" Jaunes called out as juniper continued running in the direction he saw ruby go in before he noticed rose petals laying on the ground as he and juniper stopped with jaune hoping down before gently picking up a rose petal as he brought it juniper who sniffed before perking its head up as jaune hopped back on with the two continuing to run after the rose reaper.

With said reaper she found herself in a forest as she was walking through it with her slowing down until finally stopping as she dropped to the earth as she felt so low. Her mind wondering, why? Why did everything go so WRONG?! They had both relics, they evacuated, EVERYONE! so why did it all go WRONG!

She began punching the ground as she felt tears streaming down as she could feel the hard ground against her knuckles as she continued to beat and beat into it. Eventually after some time she looked up only to no indentation. Only her bloodied knuckles as Ruby soon curled up as she just wanted to vanish. To just stop being HERE. To stop getting hurt-

"RUBY! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Jaunes voice rang out as Ruby's mind went quiet as she got up her eyes red and puffy as tear strains ran down her cheeks.

"RUBY! ANSWER ME PLEASE! I just wanna talk!" Jaunes voice called out again with ruby gulping softly as she got up. She had to go-

"RUBY! Please I know you can hear me! I'm just.. I know your hurting and I want to help!" Jaunes voice interrupted her thoughts again as Ruby too a deep breath.

"GO AWAY. YOU SAID WHAT YOU WANTED TO SAY!" Ruby's Shakey voice proclaimed as we see jaune and juniper stopped with jaune peering into the forest the voice came from as he hopped of juniper and began walking towards it. "Ruby. What I said.. I didn't want to say it, especially not to you." Jaunes spoke as he began seeing a figure.

"you didn't want to say it? That doesn't change the fact you did. and you meant it." Ruby retorted as jaune winced as he knew he was asking for that.

"I... Ok maybe I did mean it, I said what I said but it was uncalled for, especially now of all times. Ruby, we're friends and right now you need your friends especially your team." Jaunes countered as the figure became more clear with the terrain slowly shifting to a bridge as jaune and ruby stood on opposite pillars as Ruby looked at him her red eyes peering into him as she clutched her shoulders.

"go away jaune.. I.. I don't want to hear from you right now. Not from you or my team." Ruby turned as she spoke with jaune taking a step onto the bridge as it was rickety.

"ruby.. even if you don't want to hear this I know you need help. After everything, beacon, Pyrrha, haven, the train to get to bullhead, atlas... Penny... You need people to talk to. You need your friends." Jaune spoke as he continued walking the bridge as it creaked with ruby turning slightly as she gazed at him.

"ruby.. despite everything.. anything that could or will happen. I still will always care for you.. your a dorky.. nerdy.. incredible and talented person who jumps into everything ready for the next adventure. Your just as much of a hero as you are a dork... Your my best friend ruby rose." Jaune continued as he soon stopped at another stone pillar that segmented the two bridges with ruby turning completely and looking at him. As she saw the bridge infront but hers was broken.

She took a deep breath. "But... What if I just.. can't anymore. What If I'm just so tired of everything and I want it all to just.. stop." Ruby questioned as jaune rubbed the back of his neck as he chuckled nervously.

"Thats.. that's probably the most human thing about this situation ruby.. it's natural your getting tired of all this. Especially in your occupation.. kinda hard not to start cracking under the immense pressure.." jaune answer as Ruby smiled softly as she took a step with a plank of the bridge appearing just under her foot as she looked at jaune.

"so.. even if I do start talking about this and being honest.. it's not gonna suddenly be all sunshine." Ruby spoke as jaune and her continued to stare at each other.

"so.. even if it doesn't fix everything immediately it's still important to be able to be honest with the people you hold close. Otherwise that problems only going to devour you." Jaune retorted as another plank appeared as Ruby took another step.

"ok.. so if I do talk about it, that doesn't mean anything though, I said really bad stuff to my team. I hurt them. I insulted them. I doubt they'll listen to anything I'd say" ruby spoke again as jaune sighed softly.

"ruby. What you said was a tad hurtful but that doesn't stop your team, especially your sister, from caring about you and seeing that your hurting, yang, Weiss and Blake are looking for you right now. Their your team. They'll listen because they know you better than anyone else." Jaune said as once again another plank with ruby taking another step as she was about halfway from the pilar.

Ruby then went quiet as she stared at jaune with him looking nervous. "W-what? Is there something I'm missing? M-maybe I should probably already apo-" "jaune.. do you.. really mean all of this?" Ruby interrupted jaune with a question as jaune looked at her.

"ruby.. you'd know if I didn't me-" "I want to hear you, say it." Ruby interrupted him again as jaune looked at her before sighing. "Ruby. I mean every word that I've said to you with nothing but absolute honesty" jaune answered as Ruby smiled as two more planks appeared as Ruby walked across leaving only one more step.

"ok.. one last thing. How do you exactly.. feel about us after... everything." Ruby asked as she looked at jaune as jaune felt as if he knew what this was about.

"ruby... Are you sure you wanna be progressing us, right now?" Jaune questioned as Ruby looked at him. "Jaune up to this point of this conversation you have done nothing but make up to me and quite frankly butter me up." Ruby spoke as she scratched the side of her cheek as she blushes a little bit with jaune blushing aswell.

"..gods I can't believe I'm in the body of a grown man acting a hormonal teenager still.. ruby ill be honest. It's only now that we met back in realizing.. I'm very much into you. But a this point dating is gonna be put back a little due to one, my age, and two the ever looming war." Jaune spoke bluntly as Ruby just smiled. "I'm ok with waiting, besides I'm finally 19 remember. It's not like your an adult dating a kid. But regardless of that.." ruby spoke as one last plank appeared as she took one last step until she was on the pilar as her jaune hugged.

"it's good to see you alright ruby." Jaune spoke with ruby simply chuckling as we close out with the scenery returning to normal as yang, Blake, and Weiss ran into the forest before seeing the two hugging as yang simply looked at Ruby smiling softly.


(i think this is a suitable girth for all of you, well Atleast anything that comes out of me. Enjoy. Also this may not be a permanent writing choice. Just depends on the poll. Regardless enjoy everyone.)

Rock on till ya drop tata mothafuckers 🤘

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1 year ago

Heart on fire: spark.

Yang woke up as stretched before hoping out of bed and noticed... Her teams form was empty. Guess she probably overslept. She soon got dressed and made her way down to the mess hall as she saw something not surprising. Jaune frozen in a block of ice as a very frustrated Weiss was eating her eggs.

Yang: what VB do this time?

Thats when yang noticed a box of chocolates that ruby was devouring. With Weiss glaring at the red reaper.

Weiss: you have no idea if bad timing do you dolt?

Ruby: what? Jaune spent L50 on this for you. And I don't feel like having good things go to waste. You want some pyrrha?

Pyrrha: o-oh thank you ruby but I'll have to decline and also Weiss I wanna ask you something.

Weiss raised an eyebrow as pyrrha whispered into her ear before Weiss went red in the face.

Weiss: t-thats very bold of you pyrrha. Let's discuss this in my teams dorm.

Weiss got up as her pyrrha left with yang just sitting at the table.

Yang: Blake how much you wanna bet-

Blake: oh their already doing it.

Yang: oh right you can hear em.

yang then stared at the still frozen jaune as she sighed.

Yang: VB probably is gonna have the shock of his life

Ren: he's still conscious. So he just saw everything.

Nora: yep. Atleast now he's not gonna be frozen in ice anymore... Hopefully.

Yang: well look on the bright side next time he'll keep his c-

Blake: yang. Don't even finish that joke.

Yang: oh come on it's funny.

Ruby: yang. No offense sis but I think you can hold off on the jokes for today

Yang: you sure? Alright then. and tell vb good luck with the reveal

Yang got up and began walking as Blake perked up and looked at her questioningly

Blake: and what leads you to say that?

Yang just shrugged as she continued walking

Soon the lewd moaning of Weiss was heard and gauging from the height the sound was coming from. They were doing it on Ruby's bed... Lovely.

To describe how jaune felt could be summed up In one word... Humiliated. he felt so stupid for all the attempts he made for Weiss. Jaune wanted to just bury his face in the dirt as he groaned into his hands. That's before a knock was heard on his teams door as he got up and opened it and was immediately met with a bag being handed to him... Well more of.. thrown at him.

As he caught it he saw one familiar yang xiao long.

Jaune: oh hey yang. Uh what do you need? And why did you throw a bag-

Yang: we're training lady killer. So pack a towel and extra clothes because I'm gonna make you sweat.

Jaune went wide eyed as yang had a grin on her face before jaune responded with a smile on his face as he nodded.

(feel free to continue this if you want everyone.)

(and sorry my writing is probably shit, really tired at the moment)

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1 year ago

I swear animating the fight scene is gonna be the death of me.

I Swear Animating The Fight Scene Is Gonna Be The Death Of Me.

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