Rwby Volume 9 - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

I'm gonna rewatch RWBY now (again), thanks to you

Guilty as charged! LMFAOAOAOA go do it i already watched the volume nine for like three times now mostly the last episodes hxbshxhahs ITS JUST PERFECT AAAAA (the ost has me on chokehold)

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6 months ago


Casey my queen πŸ‘‘πŸ™‡β€β™€οΈπŸ™‡β€β™€οΈπŸ™‡β€β™€οΈπŸ§Žβ€β™€οΈπŸ§Žβ€β™€οΈπŸ§Žβ€β™€οΈπŸ§Žβ€β™€οΈ

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2 years ago

Not Jaune going from cute "baby boi with trauma" to "dilf" bro😭😭

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2 years ago

If Summer fell into the Ever After. . .

And the Curious Cat has similar powers to Ruby. . .

And C.C protects Ruby with their life. . .

Meh, probably a coincidence

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1 year ago
Waited An Eternity For This Moment
Waited An Eternity For This Moment
Waited An Eternity For This Moment

waited an eternity for this moment

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1 year ago

The Red Flags of Ruby's Suicidality Throughout The Volume

It should be obvious, but this short essay will cover heavy subjects of suicide, so if you're uncomfortable with this subject matter please don't read this.

The Red Flags Of Ruby's Suicidality Throughout The Volume

The first red flag was in episode 4, where Ruby contemplated erasing her current self due to her failures, after talking to her 'past self'.

The Red Flags Of Ruby's Suicidality Throughout The Volume

This gets reinforced by the lyrics of Trapdoor, which is about how worthless and unneeded Ruby feels.

One common mindset among suicidal people is this: what if I'm useless? What if my friends don't need me anymore? What if they don't care about me? What if I'll keep ruining everything? Would the world be better without me?

Suicidal people are usually full of self-loathing and blame.

Even in the episode 7 fight Ruby felt useless after seeing C-PTSD red flags (they're not Neo hallucinations because she didn't see the Schnee manor grounds struggle with hacked Penny). In her eyes, the others are fighting well without her, so she's useless.

The Red Flags Of Ruby's Suicidality Throughout The Volume
The Red Flags Of Ruby's Suicidality Throughout The Volume
The Red Flags Of Ruby's Suicidality Throughout The Volume

Another set of red flags is snapping at your loved ones, pushing them away and driving yourself into isolation. We see ALL these in episodes 7 and 8, with Ruby snapping at her friends and running away, and even pushing Little away.

And on top of it she feels like her friends don't care, the world is against her, etc. which is YET another red flag.

(Massive disclaimer that this is NOT anti WBY and they, especially Yang, tried to reach out to her throughout the volume.)

I'd like to mention that if your loved one attempts and you tried to help but couldn't do it, it is NOT your fault. We're not all experts and we try our best, so do not ever blame yourself for these things.

The Red Flags Of Ruby's Suicidality Throughout The Volume
The Red Flags Of Ruby's Suicidality Throughout The Volume
The Red Flags Of Ruby's Suicidality Throughout The Volume

It's not uncommon for suicidal people to refuse help, and on top of it Ruby has always been selfless to self destructive levels.

The Red Flags Of Ruby's Suicidality Throughout The Volume
The Red Flags Of Ruby's Suicidality Throughout The Volume

And the last thing, her self blame over her loved ones dying. While Penny and Pyrrha were apparitions, they still reflected her self blame. And Little dying? The final straw.

So her suicide attempt in the end was being built up all volume.

All I can say is that I hope Ruby somehow gets rescued and also recovers from her mental health problems because JESUS CHRIST.

This was a bit hard for me to write, especially as someone with BPD and frequent suicidal tendencies. This topic hits hard for me. However, I'm not an expert and this post shouldn't be taken as gospel. There may be details even I missed, so feel free to add your own observations.

And remember that if you are suicidal as well, you're not alone. You'll always have people who care about you, and resources to help out.

How to cope with suicidal thoughts
How to cope with suicidal thoughts
Suicidal thoughts can be distressing. We've put together this page to help you cope or stop these thoughts and where you can get additional
Suicide Prevention
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Learn about suicide prevention, including helpline numbers, warning signs, risk factors, treatments and therapies, and resources for more in
Comprehensive list of suicide and emergency hotlines around the world. Includes additional hotlines and links to in-person care.

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1 year ago

Something about RWBY having creation myths within creation myths within creation myths

Something about how even the smallest acts of kindness or bravery create larger impacts than you anticipate

Something about how change is constant and inevitable, how it's never too late and never the end

Something about how it's ok if you lose your way, there are others there waiting to help you find a way back to who you want to be

Something about how you don't need to be someone else to be worthy, you don't have to change at all, you're you and you are loved because you're you

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1 year ago
I Have No Idea Where These Came From But WHOAAAAAA Summer Rose Early Concept Designs??? :0

I have no idea where these came from but WHOAAAAAA Summer Rose early concept designs??? :0

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1 year ago
"Can You Imagine What That's Like, To Be Completely And Utterly Failed, Time And Again, By Someone Who

"Can you imagine what that's like, to be completely and utterly failed, time and again, by someone who meant the world to you ?"

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1 year ago
I Love You, Just The Way You Are.

i love you, just the way you are.

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1 year ago
Are You Ready To Admit The Truth? That The World Would Just Be Better Off Without You?

β€œAre you ready to admit the truth? That the world would just be better off without you?

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1 year ago

Biiig CW for suicide. And flashing lights. And Volume 9 spoilers. Otherwise a bop tho

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2 years ago

I stayed up till 4:30 in the morning for a minute of footage that gave me no answers and only more questions.

And I honestly could not be happier about it.

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2 years ago

Okay so I know a lot of people are proposing Summer as the narrator, but that just doesn't sound right to me.

For one, the voice just sounds a little younger than I would've expected summer to sound.

For two, I'm unconvinced they'd reveal summer in a teaser rather than leaving it for a big moment in the show itself.

And three, the actual wording of the narration seems to ve talking about the story of the girl who fell through the world (while obviously drawing a parallel for us, the audience, to Ruby), and who would know that story in the ever after if not Alyx herself.

So yeah, I think the narrator is Alyx not Summer, no I do not have any strong evidence for that claim. It's purely vibes based atm.

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2 years ago

Alright it's 5:30 in the morning so I'm gonna make one more post of my thoughts about the teaser then go to bed... and fail to fall asleep because I will still be thinking about it.

So the opening shot of Ruby in the fog room, we see her shake her head slightly suggesting she's talking, also she's seemingly by herself, so either the team doesn't reunite until a ways into the volume or Ruby is separated from the others. Might be some sort of personal trial thing? I've heard in another post that apparently the island reacts to their emotions so maybe this is just what happens when Ruby finally breaks down? it summons this... ominous fog.

The next scene is from the last teaser, and unless we are getting scenes of what's going on back in remnant it will likely be the opening scene of the volume. Not much to say here.

Then the crazy m.c. escher-esque bell tower and butterfly. The view outside the tower windows make it seem like the structure is horizontal, but differentsides don't match up, and the butterfly's movement says vertical. So clearly some trippy shit going on here. Can't quite make out what the pattern is inside the grid at the end of the structure is, but it kinda looks like a raised dias with a set of stairs leading up to it.

The next scene has Ruby holding one of penny's summoned swords. So if they made it down here then its possible her body did too, which... is unpleasant to think about given the general fuckery of this place. Crwby don't do us dirty with some kind of zombie penny please.

Then Ruby looking shocked in the forest with the mouse, I'm guessing this is fairly early on and she's just seen something that's made the otherworldliness of this place land for her.

Followed by a shot of the team on a cliffside overlooking some absoultely bonkers terrain. This could actually be a shot directly following from the last one and this view is what has Ruby shocked. We have the world tree, a hexagon of big glowing mushrooms, some smoking geyser/volcano rock formations, a floating island, some icy peaks and weird columns off in the distance, and oh yeah, fucking candyland apparently. If the terrain responds to their presence then Neo is definitely somewhere in the candy zone. We've also got a red area that reminds me of forever fall and a purpke area that kinda looks like a town covered in shadecloths that are partially hidden by the cliff and trees. So... a lot of ground to cover.

Then we've got a knight with armour seemingly reminiscent of Jaune's standing in flames. Is it jaune? Maybe, he doesn't appear anywhere else in the trailer. Definitely framed like a bad guy though. So either it's someone else or we're getting evil/corrupted jaune this volume.

Then this weird horned masked guy standing in what looks like a tree structure with glowing mushrooms around, some kind of village maybe? Also the figure has some kind of armour, shell, or exoskeleton over sinewy tissue. Not much to work with, but the stance, twitchy movement and the horns do remind me of the god of darkness a bit.

Neo looking feral in the rain and using her semblance on herself, though the scene cuts off before you can tell what illusion she's making. The terrain looks purple and rocky I don't think we've seen that so far in the trailer, so she might be in a very different area.

Someone with a bandage around one leg walking from the beach following another (likely Ruby's) set of footprints. A lot of people are saying Alyx and I'm inclined to agree mostly because they looked quite human, unlike a lot of the stuff we've seen so far, and I don't have any other good guesses except neo in disguise, abd why would she bother disguising herself if no one's there.

Then we get a montage of things asking what.The mouse talks, there's soneone with a crown, a chesire cat creature that said fuck you I'm gonna have my own artstyle, something with three eyes lurking in a pile of leaves, a lady in some kind of metal exosuit, and Ruby standing over someone (or something? We hear a what here too, but she closes a lid, so maybe whoecer spoke did so from a different place than Ruby's eyeline. That or she's locking someone in a trunk, which... normally I would say she wouldn't do, but hey she's under a lot of stress, who knows) off screen with death in her eyes. Too brief to be able to tell much about each of these. Though the exo-suit lady looks to have something to do with jaune/the knight from earlier just because they appear to be in the same place surrounded by fire. If not the person on the beach then this would be my next guess for Alyx, and it turns out she's maybe not gonna be as helpful as we hoped. No Idea why Ruby's so pissed off, but I guess that depends on who/what she's standing over.

Then we get shots of each of team Rwby and the trailer ends.

All in all, I have very few answers here. Team Rwby definitely seems to cover a lot of varied terrains, but whether they're doing so with intent or just searching remains to be seen. Jaune might be having a horrible time this volume as some kind of corrupted enemy, or that could be something completely different and they just decided not to show him in the teaser.

I have no idea, but writing all this down instead of having it rattling around my brain will hopefully help me sleep better.

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1 year ago

I am not prepared for the possibility that we're gonna get to see Ruby have an actual full conversation with some dream/vision/memory version of her mother.

I am even less prepared if we then get a post credit scene of Summer in whatever state she's in now, back on Remnant.

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