Jimin X Oc - Tumblr Posts - Page 3
Dangerous | Chapter Two: Extra Practice

Genre: Enemies to Lovers, Bad Boy!Jimin, Bartender!Reader, College AU
Pairing: Jimin/Named Reader
Rating: M
Chapter Warnings: mentions of erections, suggestive actions/language

You'd gone through every pair of shorts and tank top you owned, but nothing seemed right. You wanted to dress to impress for your first dance class. You had been lucky to get into the class in your last quarter of sophomore year. Most people had to wait until their junior year, but you'd managed to beg the professor for an override, promising you would perform well. It was the class that determined whether or not you would be accepted to your university's elite dance program.
You finally settled on a pair of black shorts and a pink Puma tank top. You laced up your shoes and headed to the campus which was only a short walk away.
Your phone vibrated and you looked down to see a text from Ye-jin wishing you luck on your first day. She didn't go to university with you, she had already completed cosmetology training and was working at a hair salon downtown. Part of you wished that you could've gone to college with your best friend, but Ye-jin was happy and doing what she loved.

You arrived at the studio and felt your adrenaline rise. While you were often in the empty dance studios after dark practicing your own routines, but walking in seeing the other students excited you. You took a spot near the front of the class, near two girls who were obviously friends. They were talking and you sat down cross legged as you waited for the professor to show up and the class to start.
"Can you believe he's the T.A.?" one of the girl's asked the other.
"I know," the other girl said. "How could we get so lucky to get Park Jimin as our T.A. for the intro class."
His name echoed in your eardrums and you resisted the urge to whip your head to the side and ask the girl if she was serious. Park Jimin was a common name. There were plenty of Park Jimins, like the girl who hosted After School Club. Park Jimin could be anyone.
Your worst nightmare was confirmed when Park Jimin walked into the room. He wore a pair of black ripped jeans and a black T-shirt, a silver necklace caused his T-shirt to crease perfectly, showing his defined pecs.
You weren't the only one who noticed the boy. Everyone in the class seemed to be taking in his presence. If they weren't running their eyes up and down his body, they sat awed, as if he were some sort of God. You figured he must be pretty good in order to get the T.A. slot for the class, the few spots usually went to the seniors with the highest rank in the department. The students probably had reason to be awed.
He caught your eyes then. You tried not to react, but watching as his dark puppy eyes turn into hungry lion ones, made it hard to look away. His lips slightly upturned into a smirk and you found yourself shifting uncomfortably in your seat as you remembered the way his lips had kissed you and the way they trailed over your skin. It seemed he knew the train your thoughts were taking and he quickly licked his lips, another smirk crossing his plump lips. It happened in a flash, so quickly that you were sure no one else noticed.
The professor came into the room; a woman with bobbed hair and a perfect body. You couldn't help but notice how Jimin's eyes flit over her quickly.
"Hello class," she said. "I know you are all very excited to get dancing, but we need to go over a few things first. She glanced over at Jimin and motioned for him to come to the front of the studio. "This is Park Jimin. He will be assisting me this quarter. I would befriend him, he's currently the top student in the department and will be a great resource as you choreograph your audition piece throughout the quarter."
She went on to describe how at the end of class auditions would be held for those wanting to enter the department. Your heart beat quickly as you tried to think about what you would do for your audition. "Anyway, I'll allow Jimin to introduce himself quickly, as I'm sure he probably has more to say."
Jimin waved awkwardly, a blush across his cheeks. It was a different side of Jimin, but you felt the tension in your body released when you heard the shy tone in his voice.
"Hi," he said. "I'm Jimin, I don't really have much more to add than not to be too nervous about your audition and I'm always available for extra practice." His voice deepened and he looked right at you as he spoke the last two words. Bad boy Jimin was back.

"All right, we're going to start with something you're probably already familiar with--hip hop!" The professor turned on the music and started dancing, expecting you and the rest of the students to follow along. Jimin started out at the front dancing the routine next to the professor, and you had to admit, he was good. Okay, he was amazing. He got into the routines, his facial expressions and hand gestures adding in extra style and finesse.
After running through the routine a few times, Jimin left his spot at the front and began walking around the room. He walked up to a girl to your right and wrapped his arm around to place his palm on her stomach while scooting up behind her.
"Move your hips like this," he said, rocking his hips back and forth. He was practically grinding on her and she seemed not to mind, her head lulling back onto his shoulder. The professor seemed not to notice or didn't mind, but your eyes never left the boy as he walked up to another girl, placing his hand on the small of her back. "Straighten your back."
It continued with varying degrees of contact. While his advice was helpful, it seemed his way of giving it was more than friendly. He caught your eyes more than once, but often pulled away quickly.
You felt an arm wrap around your waist and looked up in the mirror to see Jimin's eyes meeting yours. You continued with the routine even though it became more difficult. His hit breath teased your ear before he spoke.
"I see you watching me," he whispered. "Feeling left out, baby girl?"
You nearly let out a yelp when you felt his hard on pressing into you. The blush and the way your eyes widened seemed to be enough for Jimin because he released his arms from around you.

Class ended and everyone was collecting their gym bags and water bottles. You dried the sweat off your forehead with a towel and finished off your water. You felt eyes on you and looked up to see Jimin watching you.
You shot him daggers and looked away, though you still felt his gaze on you and didn't even have to look up to know he wore a proud smirk on his face.
Jimin eventually left the studio and you began the walk back to your apartment despite the fact you were exhausted. Your neck was stiff and your legs hurt, but you knew it wasn't from the dance class, Jimin's antics made you want to punch that beautiful face of his.
You were reminded of when you were sixteen, what he pulled that night was part of the reason you liked him back then. He was an insufferable flirt, and even if you didn't want to admit it, watching him seamlessly flirt still made heat erupt between your legs.
You smiled as an idea came to you and you fiddled in your bag as you searched for your cellphone. You scrolled through the contacts and clicked on the person you were looking for.
"Hello?" his voice said, sounding a bit gruff.
"Hey Jungkook," you said. "Would you want to help me out with something?"
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Dangerous | Chapter Three: Alley Cat

Genre: Enemies to Lovers, Bad Boy!Jimin, Bartender!Reader, College AU
Pairing: Jimin/Named Reader
Rating: M
Chapter Warnings: jealousy, innuendos

"So, you're telling me you Facebook stalked Jimin and found out where he works and you want me to take you there just so you can use me and make him jealous?" Kookie's words came out in a rush, that even though you knew the boy well, you had trouble following.
"So, you're not going to help me?"
"I never said that," Jungkook said, his eyes darkening. "I'm just wondering if it's worth it. Jimin really doesn't like it when his friends interfere with girls he's into."
"Jimin's not into me," you said. "At least not in a serious sense. He never was and he never will be. I'm doing this all for simple revenge. He deserves a taste of his own medicine for once."
Jungkook's brow furrowed as he pondered your words. "You got him back to your place, right? Jimin doesn't just go back to random girl's apartments. He typically prefers his place. He must have really trusted you."
"I trusted him once, too."
Jungkook cocked his head to the side curiously--considering the thought--his mouth slightly open. Despite knowing what happened between you and Jimin when you were sixteen, there seemed to be part of Jungkook that still liked Jimin. In fact, it seemed that way with everyone. You were the only one who knew Jimin's true nature, or at least was willing to call him out on it.
"Jimin doesn't really like his friends interfering with his girls."
"I'm not one of his girls."
Jungkook smirked. "You don't get to decide that, baby."
You rolled your eyes. You didn't care what Jimin considered you, he broke your heart and humiliated you. He'd probably done the same to countless other girls after you. Park Jimin needed to learn a lesson and you were eager to teach it to him.
"I'll do it," Jungkook said.
"Really?" Your eyes widened, unsure of what could've possibly changed his mind. But, if you were being honest, you didn't really care.
"Yeah, if nothing else, it will be an entertaining evening."

The cafe Jimin worked at wasn't far from the university and you were happy when Jungkook agreed to walk.
"You know, this is kind of unhealthy, right?" Jungkook said, his hands in his pockets. "Like, I mean, getting revenge in the first place kind of was. But, you got your revenge now. I don't see why this all has to continue?"
You glanced down at your sneakers and sighed. "Kookie, are you going to help me or not?"
"I already said I would, Inna. I just want to make sure you know what you're doing." He stopped, grabbing your wrist lightly. "I know I'm just some guy you went on a couple dates with once, but I don't want to see you end up hurt again. After—" Jungkook paused to avoid saying your exes name.
"But, I'm in control this time, Kookie. Jimin's only some fun. Once I've succeeded, I'll move on. Really, it's not like I'm actually interested in the guy."
Jungkook's eyebrow arched and he released your wrist and slowly began down the sidewalk again.
"So, how will you know when you've succeeded?"
"When Jimin confesses to me," you said.
"Wow, you're really going to destroy him, aren't you?"
You shrugged. "That or I'll get bored eventually." You caught sight of the cafe's sign just over a block away. "There it is," you said. "Put your arm around me."
Jungkook obeyed and rested his arm loosely over your shoulders. You took the tips of his fingers in yours and fiddled with them as you two approached the entrance.
"Just be careful, Inna. I don't want you to yourself on this process."
You laughed as if he'd just said the funniest joke you'd ever heard. You caught sight of Jimin's eyes flicking towards the entrance when he heard your laugh. His eyes caught yours, but soon darkened when he caught sight of Jungkook attached to your side.
"Oh Kookie, you're so silly. That'll never happen."
One of Jimin's coworkers greeted you and led you to a booth. You and Jungkook sat down across from each other and glanced at the menus. You felt Jimin's gaze on you and uncrossed your legs, allowing your right leg to slowly glide up and down Kookie's calf, causing the pant leg of his jeans to ruffle slightly.
His eyes widened and his face turned a bright shade of red. You suddenly remembered why you and Jungkook hadn't worked out. He was a little too innocent for you. It wasn't that he didn't understand sex or was even a virgin, sex was just a bigger deal to him, as it had once been to you. You didn't want to be the one to ruin that.
"Sorry," you whispered. "He's watching."
Jungkook nodded, careful not to flirt too much back. While he had agreed to this, he still wanted to remain friends with Jimin and you, and flirting with you could spell the end of both friendships. Despite your failed romantic endeavor, you and Jungkook still got on well as friends and the two of you had taken care of each other numerous times after multiple nights out. You trusted him, thus, you didn't want to betray the trust he'd put in you.
"Hey," Jimin said, coming up to your table. "Are you guys ready to order?" His voice was nearly monotone and his eyes were flat, not even looking your way.
"Kookie, are you ready?" you asked, using your best flirty voice. You almost couldn't stand the sound of it yourself, but when you saw Jimin's shoulders stiffen, you couldn't help the smirk that tugged on the corners of your lips.
"I'll have an iced Americano," Jungkook said.
Jimin wrote down Jungkook's order before turning to you, his eyes finally making contact with yours. He looked pissed, but after the stunt he'd pulled in class that day, did he really expect you not to retaliate?
"Hm, I'm not sure. Is there anything cherry flavored on the menu?" you asked, looking up at Jimin through your eyelashes.
His eyes widened in surprise and you noticed his gaze wander down to your red lips and to your red painted fingernails. You smirked as his eyes narrowed.
"Nothing," he said. "Sorry."
"Hm, that's a shame. I've had a particular taste for cherry lately." Your eyes flit to Jungkook before looking back down at the menu, even though you already knew what you wanted.
"She'll have the same," Jungkook said, the words coming out all at once, as if he'd been stifling them back for hours.
Jimin nodded and walked away from the table. You watched him leave, noting how much his work uniform flattered him. The white button down with the sleeves rolled up to expose his toned forearms along with the black jeans that hugged his hips.
"Ah, I see. You like when he's pissed off," Jungkook said, his eyebrow arched.
"That's ridiculous," you said, although the stirring in your stomach contradicted you.
"Is it?" Jungkook crossed his arms and sat back against the booth, his tongue brushing the side of his cheek.

"Can I borrow her for a few minutes?" Jimin asked. He was no longer wearing the apron and his hair was ruffled. You'd heard his boss telling him he could go home and you'd felt oddly disappointed.
Jungkook had barely muttered an affirmative when Jimin took hold of your wrist and pulled you out the door of the cafe and into the nearby alleyway. You lips formed a question, but your back was against the brick wall before you could get it out.
Jimin's dark eyes met yours. His other hand rested on the wall beside your head, while the other still held your wrist, although his grip had loosened.
"What--the fuck--was that?" he asked, his voice deep and tinged in anger.
"What do you mean?" Your voice sounded as innocent as you could possibly make it. "I was just out with Jungkookie. I don't see what the big deal is."
"The big deal is that you and Jungkookie already called it quits. It's the only thing keeping me from going back in there and teaching him a lesson."
Your breath hitched and for the first time you questioned whether or not what you were doing was a good idea. Jungkook was one of Jimin's best friends, yet, he was willing to break that off just because you were flirting with him and he happened to play his part extremely well.
"Don't you dare hurt, Kookie! God, Jimin, this is so stupid. You think just because I'm a woman that I'm just gonna fall straight on my knees for you! You just don't like when I'm unaviliable, because god forbid I wand to be with someone other than you."
"Inna, I'm not--." Jimin's eyes softened.
"You know what? I'm gonna date all your friends. That's what you hate, right? Me being just out of your reach?"
"Besides, I've seen your friends at the club. I saw the way they looked at me. Every single one of them wants me and you know it. You know that I could have my pick of any one of them."
"Inna!" Jimin finally interjected. His hand tightening around your wrist. "Do you hear that?"
You stayed quiet and for the faintest moment you could hear what sounded like a tiny mew. You glanced back at Jimin who released your wrist and you two seemed to come to a silent agreement to search for the source of the noise.
You crept down one end of the alley while Jimin took the other, trying your best to step quietly as not to scare it off. The mewing grew louder as you neared a dumpster, you peered around it and found a small gray kitten crouched behind it.
You reached out to the kitten and it allowed you to pet it immediately. It's eyes were open, but the kitten couldn't be more than a couple months old.
"I think he's been abandoned," you said, scooping the kitten into your arms. It was barely larger than your hand and fit perfectly in the crook of your elbow. You took off your jacket and wrapped the kitten in it.
"Hold on," Jimin said, running back into the cafe. It took him only a couple minutes to come back holding a jacket and a small bowl of milk.
"Jungkook can give us a ride back to my apartment, so we can get him warmed up."
"Jungkook already left," Jimin said, trying not to allow his amusement to reach his eyes. "But, I can give you a ride back."
"The motorcycle will be too cold for him."
"Wear my jacket and zip him up in it. And, we'll put him between us."
You nodded, putting on Jimin's jacket and zipping the kitten and your jacket into it. You walked to Jimin's motorcycle and climbed on. You leaned against Jimin slightly, so that the kitten would benefit from his body heat, but not so much that you'd squish him.
"All right," you said. "Let's go."

"Welcome to your new home," you said, as you unlocked the door to your apartment and unwrapped the kitten from both yours and Jimin's jackets.
"I thought I'd get to keep him," Jimin said, going straight into the kitchen and warming up the milk.
"I'm the one who found him! Plus, look, he already loves me." You pointed to the small gray mass that had worked it's way underneath your shirt. "You can't take him now."
"Well, at least he's got good taste," Jimin said, coming back out with the warm milk and setting it near your feet.
Your face heated at Jimin's comment and you averted your eyes down to the kitten. You tried to coax him out, but he seemed to like the warmth you provided.
"Do you mind going and getting some blankets for his bed?" you asked. "I don't want to disturb him."
Jimin nodded as you told them they were in the hall closet. You laid down with the kitten still tucked beneath your T-shirt and rested your head on one of the throw pillows. The excitement and turn of events leaving you exhausted. You noticed just before you fell asleep that you were still wearing Jimin's jacket, but you didn't care, you pulled it around you and the kitten.

"Are these okay?" Jimin asked, walking back into the living room carrying an armload of blankets. When you didn't respond he looked over to see you asleep with his jacket pulled around you, a little lump near your stomach where the kitten was curled up against your skin.
He smiled as he threw one of the blankets over you. He left the rest on the dining room table. He looked around for a pen and paper to leave a note, finding one on the coffee table across from where you slept on the couch.
He smiled at the cute way your brow furrowed in your sleep as you stirred. Jimin's wandered back to your threats in the alley. Were you really going to date all his friends? His chest ached at the thought of you flirting with his friend group, none of who you deserved. The thing was you were right about his friends being into you.
The night he saw you at the club he'd seen all of his friends checking you out as you poured their drinks. Their gazes lowering down to your cleavage or admiring the curve of your body in your tight dress. Some seemed more interested than others, but even Jungkook couldn't help but throw a gaze your way.
He finished his note and attached it to the TV remote like the last time he left your apartment. His hand hovered over your hair, hesitating to touch you. He eventually smoothed your hair back lightly.
"Take care of her, kitty."
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Dangerous | Chapter Four: Pirouette

Genre: Enemies to Lovers, Bad Boy!Jimin, Bartender!Reader, College AU
Pairing: Jimin/Named Reader
Rating: M
Chapter Warnings: mentions of career ending injury, psychosomatic symptoms, instance of sexual harassment/assault

You (8:58am): Mochi?
Jimin (8:59am): What? He looks like a Mochi :)
You (8:59am): I thought I'd name him after one of the greatest dancers of all time."
Jimin (9:00am): Park Jimin? ;)
You (9:02am): No, you ass, Janet Jackson. Isn't Jackson an adorable name?
Jimin (9:03am): I still like Mochi better. I have a friend named Jackson.
You (9:03am): Does that mean I'll have to hook up with him, too?
Jimin (9:04am): 😒
You (9:05am): Oh hey, I still have your jacket. Do you want to meet up before class so I can give it back?
Jimin (9:06am): Just bring it class, baby girl
You (9:06am): I'm going to kill you one day and feel absolutely no remorse
Jimin (9:07am): 😘

Jimin's jacket was tied around your waist as you entered class. You'd gotten there a bit early, hoping you could simply leave his jacket on the bench. However, he was already there when you entered, sitting on the very bench you'd planned to leave his jacket on.
He was dressed more casually this time in a pair of basketball short and a black tank top. You could make out the muscles of his chest and stomach easily, making you remember the night you'd taken him back to your apartment.
"See something you like?" he asked.
You pulled yourself out of your haze and realized you'd been staring. Instead of blushing, your gaze hardened and you reached for the jacket and untied it.
"Here," you said, holding the jacket out to him. You refused to meet his gaze as he took it from you and set it down on the bench.
"Thanks, just let me know if you ever need it again," he said, and you could hear the smirk forming on his face. You knew some of your other classmates were watching you, their gazes watching as you shrugged off your own jacket.
"How do you know, Jimin?" one of your classmates asked, as you joined the line up in front of the mirror.
"We went to high school together."
The girl's face lit up. "Oh, really? Was he always so hot?" The girl's face immediately flushed as she realized Jimin was still in the room. He looked over at the two of you and smirked.
You didn't want to admit that Jimin's plump lips and toothy smirks still did something to you. But, instead of allowing Jimin to get the satisfaction of your blush, you turned back to your classmate and shrugged. "If you're into his sort, then I guess."
The girl seemed surprised, but before she could reply, the professor walked in and almost immediately the music started.

You rested your foot on the ballet barre and leaned your body down against it and then repeated for the other side. It had been a long time since you'd been in a real dance studio with ballet barres and you couldn't help but to begin one-legged plies, your right leg resting on the barre and parallel to the floor.
You'd stayed after class and taken one of the empty studios to practice in. While you had enough room in your living room, it was much easier to just stay after and use the mirrors to focus in on your lines.
The music was soft, but you still didn't hear the door open and close. It wasn't until you felt his fingertips on your waist through the thin fabric of your T-shirt and his hot breath on you ear, did you realize Jimin had sneaked into the studio.
"Hey Inna," he said, as if he wasn't currently running his right hand down your waist, coming to a stop on your thigh that was still parallel to the ground.
"Hey Jimin." You didn't mean for your voice to shake, but between your aching muscles which were begging to move from the current position and Jimin's hand which massaged your skin, you couldn't help it.
"What did you mean earlier when you were talking to Eun-ha?"
"What do you mean?"
Jimin's eyes darkened. "You know what I mean, Inna. When she asked about me in high school. Cause, if I remember correctly, you were pretty into me."
His lips came close to the skin on your neck then and you almost wanted them. You wanted him to nip at the skin and bring his tongue down on the mark.
"Mmm, but you weren't into me."
"How do you know?"
You scoffed and pulled your leg off the barre and way from Jimin's hand. You spun to face him. "You made it pretty fucking obvious, Jimin."
You turned towards the door, ready to just end your practice early, but you were stopped when Jimin grabbed your waist and lifted your butt onto the barre, your back against the mirror. He stood between your legs, his hands still resting on your hips.
"Jimin, what are you doing?"
"Who says I'm not into you now?"
"Are you confessing to me?" you asked, a smirk crossing your lips. You were taller than him in this position and it made it easy to reach over and run your hands through his already messy and sweaty hair.
"No," he said. "Just thought you might let me fuck you against this mirror."
You laughed and pulled at his hair slightly. "Try again, baby boy."
Jimin's gaze hardened and he backed away from you, allowing to hop down from the barre. He looked slightly disappointed, and you tried not to laugh. Did he seriously still act like the boy in high school who became pouty when a girl didn't sleep with him?
"How's Mochi?" he asked, his voice small as he moved to the far side of the room where your phone was plugged in. He switched through songs again he came to one that seemed to suit him. He'd chosen a slow, classical song you didn't really dance to anymore.
"Jackson's doing fine. My friend is checking up on him today since I had to be gone most of the day."
"Can I come over and see him sometime?"
You nodded. "Of course, he's half yours."
Jimin beamed and his eyes followed you as you began again at your plies. While you didn't have your ballet shoes anymore, you could still do nearly a proper job barefoot.
"You did ballet back in the day, right?"
You nodded.
"Did you forget your shoes? I didn't know you went anywhere without them." He chuckled slightly, remembering a very different version of yourself.
"I don't have them anymore, Jimin."
His face fell. "Why?"
You took a deep breath. "My Senior year I was the prima ballerina at the ballet school. I premiered as the lead in the Winter ballet. And, there was an accident." You winced remembering the sounds as your Achilles snapped and you fell onto the stage. You knew it was the end then, you may never dance again, and your tears hadn't been from the pain, but from the reality.
"I haven't been able to do ballet since," you said. "I can do the basic stuff, but anytime I try to do anything advanced, it hurts. I try again every once in a while, but--"
"That doesn't make any sense, Inna. An Achilles injury should affect all your dancing, not just your ballet."
"I know, Jimin," you said. "But, I've given up. It's okay."
His face was pouty again. "You know, for the audition piece, if you were to do a ballet routine, with that story, I don't think they could say no."
"Jimin, I don't want to get in on pity."
"It wouldn't be pity though. It'd show how strong and dedicated you are. I could help you."
"Doctors and physical therapists have tried to help me, Jimin. I'm lucky that I was able to dance again in the first place."
"Just trust me, Inna. I think you can do this. Try something."
Jimin cleared room for you and you hesitantly got into form to perform a pirouette. You began to spin and almost immediately pain shot from your heel up your leg. You fell and felt the air leave your lungs. You wanted to sob, but couldn't find the oxygen to do so. Instead, your cries came out in small heaving breaths.
Jimin was at your side almost immediately, one hand on your back and the other buried in your hair.
"I'm sorry, Inna," he said. "I shouldn't have made you do that." He shushed you as he pulled your form into him. You let him as his warmth was comforting as you felt the throbbing pain begin to subside. "I promise I'll help you. I promise."

The club was pretty dead, which wasn't surprising considering it wasn't the coveted weekend shifts. You'd made a a few bucks in tips, but nothing that was going to help pay your rent. You only had an hour left of your shift and you fully planned on getting on the dance floor when it was over.
You cleaning glasses when you saw Jimin and his gang walk through the entrance; and for once, you were smiled when you saw him. The seven men gathered around the bar and each took a seat.
"Hello boys," you said, your voice taking on that not-meaning-to-be-sexy-but-also-totally-meaning-to-be-sexy quality that tended to get you more tips. "What can I get you tonight?"
"Just give us a round of beers," Jimin said.
You nodded and handed them around. "Don't get many college students here during the week. Out celebrating anything?"
"It's Hobi's birthday," Jungkook said, sipping his beer, and motioning over to another guy in the group.
You glanced over at who you assumed was Hobi and your eyes widened in recognition. Jung Hoseok. He had graduated the year before at the top of the dance program. Jimin had replaced him in that respect.
"It's your birthday?" you asked.
He nodded, looking you up down.
"Well then, you're entitled to at least one drink on me. What'll it be, handsome?"
He glanced at the menu for a second before ordering a cocktail. You made his drink and handed it to him. He smiled, a blush still slightly evident on his cheeks.
"You know, I think I recognize you." You heard Jimin clear his throat, having obviously having taken notice of the way you were leaning over the bar. "Were in the dance program at the university?"
Hoseok nodded, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "Yes, I just graduated last year."
"I'm trying to get into the dance program right now," you said. "Any tips?"
"I can't really say without seeing you dance."
You glanced over at the clock on the cash register. "As it turns out, I'm off in a half hour," you said. "If you're willing to wait for me, I'll show you something."
The boy nodded, finishing his drink and setting the glass back down on the bar. He shot you a smile before

When the next bartender came in, you were immediately on the dance floor. It wasn't hard to find the group of guys, huddled somewhat near the middle. Hoseok and Jimin were gaining the most attention and you couldn't help but notice the way they played flawlessly off each other.
"Hoseok!" you said, trying to gain his attention over the music.
He caught sight of you and smiled, dancing his way over to you. You couldn't help but crack as smile as his smooth arm movements ended in his arm around your shoulders.
"Jimin's been telling me how good you are," he said.
You glanced over at Jimin who finger waved at you with a small smirk on his face. You suppressed the urge to roll your eyes.
"I'm sure," you said. "What else has Jimin told you about me?"
"Nothing bad, I can assure you," he said.
It wasn't long before you and Hoseok were dancing together. You were showing off more than usual. Normally when you danced with a guy, it was less about your actual skill, and more about flirting. But, with Hoseok, you could do a little of both.
Sometimes you found yourself simply showing off your moves and others you found yourself grinding against him. You'd caught Jimin watching you a few times, his eyes dark and his demeanor beginning to change under the influence of alcohol.
Jimin and a few of the others eventually disappeared. You weren't sure if they'd left or not, but you were having such a good time with Hoseok, that you didn't care.
The DJ was playing a slower tempo song--although you could still easily dance to it--when you felt a hand encircle your forearm and pull you away from Hoseok.
"Hey!" you said, your eyes widening when you caught sight of your ex-boyfriend. "Chul-soo, what are you doing?!"
"I think I should be asking you that question," he said, his voice deep. It sent a shiver down your spine. "What was that little stunt you pulled last time?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Leaving with Park Jimin! Did you sleep with him?"
You didn't answer.
"I always knew you weren't over him," he said. Chul-soo pushed you back against the wall, hard. You wanted to cry out in pain, his fingertips were surely going to leave bruises. "I never thought you'd stoop so low. Was I the only one stopping you from being such a slut?"
You looked past him and into the crowd, hoping someone would notice your teary eyes and the way you'd kicked off your heels. You wished Ye-jin was there. She would help you.
"Hey!" you heard someone yell and Chul-soo was pushed away from you. "What's going on here?" Hoseok looked your ex up and down before turning to you. "Is everything okay?"
You shook your head. The boy you'd come to know as happy and joyful turned and his gaze was warm. "I don't know what this is about, but I think it's best if you leave her alone."
"Look, I don't know who you are, but this is really none of your business."
"I think it is," another voice from behind you said. You turned to see Jimin. His hair was slightly damp and falling over his eyes, which felt like daggers. Your ex seemed equally angry, but he was distracted.
"Hobi?" you asked, trying to keep your voice as small as possible. "Can you walk me home?"
He nodded and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. You glanced back at Jimin who's eyes softened momentarily as he watched you walk away. As much as you hated to admit it, you wished his and Hoseok's positions were switched. But, that didn't mean he needed to know that. You laid your head against Hobi's bicep as the cold air hit your face.

"Hey Jackson," you said, finding the kitten curled up on the couch. "I'm sorry mommy was gone all day." You stroked the kitten's fur and he purred loudly.
You glanced over at the coffee table where Jimin's note from the night before still sat.
You and Mochi looked so cute curled up in my jacket --Jimin x
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Dangerous | Chapter Five: Maraschino

Genre: Enemies to Lovers, Bad Boy!Jimin, Bartender!Reader College AU
Pairing: Jimin/Named Reader
Rating: M | Minors DNI
Chapter Warnings: use of derogatory language toward women, alcohol consumption
A/N: I've discontinued using the graphic dividers because I'm lazy and it's been a while since I posted and I don't want to have to hunt for it. Therefore, the original dividers will be used.
Pabo: Don't forget about Mochi's vet appointment.
Pabo: Check your door before you leave 😘
You had almost forgotten about Jackson's vet appointment that you had scheduled a week before. You'd told Jimin he could come since the kitten was half his, but your stomach churned. Other than class and dance practice, you didn't really associate with Jimin on campus, and if your ex or the wrong person were to see, it could mess up your plan for revenge or cause problems like the night before.
You're ex's words still echoed in your head. You knew it shouldn't matter what he thought of you or what he called you, but it still hurt. It shouldn't matter that you enjoyed sex, casual sex, even, or that you enjoyed the attention you got when you wore a short dress or a tight skirt. It was easy not to think about when you got what you wanted, but as soon as someone you used to care about so much looked down on you for those things and called a name you usually embraced, it hurt.
You left for class in yoga pants, a sports bra, and a jacket thrown over the top. You shut your door and turned around to lock it, noticing two Ziploc bags taped to the door and a sticky note stuck between them.
You smiled, remembering Jimin's text. You peeled the sticky note off the door:
A treat for Mochi and a treat for Mommy
He'd drawn a small heart and smiley face after the note and indicated which bag was for you and which was for the kitten. However, looking at them it was obvious which was yours. One bag was full of cat treats and the other full of hard candies. You took one of the red candies and popped into your mouth. Cherry.
You entered the classroom and noticed it mostly empty except for a few students huddled in a group in the back and Jimin setting up mats around the studio. He looked up as soon as he heard the door. He smiled but was sure not to linger too long.
You quickly stuck out your red stained tongue causing him to smile. You could tell he held back laughter as he ran his hand through his hair, his smile only growing wider.
"What're the mats for?" you asked.
"You'll have to wait and see," he said, cocking an eyebrow.
You rolled your eyes and noticed as the rest of the class began filing in. You took your spot in the class, despite not being assigned a place to stand, everyone always fell into the same places. The instructor came in a few minutes later.
"Hello class," she said. "Today we're going to be doing something a bit different. For some of you, this will be familiar, but for others, this may take you out of your comfort zone. Regardless, part of being successful in the dance world is trusting in your team and your partners. So, today we are going to do some trust exercises, so partner up."
You looked around as everyone in the class grabbed onto a partner. You looked towards the girl next to you who had asked about Jimin--Eun-ha--but she had already paired with the girl on her other side.
"Now, there's an odd number, so one of you is probably without a partner," the instructor said, her eyes sweeping through the pairs before landing on you. "Ah, Inna." She waved her hand over at Jimin. "Jimin will be your partner."
Jimin walked over to you. He held a smug look on his face and he looped his arm through yours, brushing his fingertips over the skin of yours lightly.
"All right, the first exercise is an easy one, the trust fall," the instructor said. "Take turns falling backward and catching each other."
You turned to Jimin. "All right, fall," you said.
He laughed and turned around. "Are you sure you can catch me?"
"Shut up and just do it," you said. "Let's just get it over with."
You held your arms out and Jimin fell towards you. You caught him with your arms locking through his armpits and his head falling against your collarbone. You were used to these kinds of trust exercises from your ballet days. They were standard in the beginner's classes and often when working on a show when tensions are high, you'd all run through them again.
You helped push Jimin back to his feet. He turned to face you, a large grin taking up the majority of his face. "You trust me, babe?"
"To do a trust fall? Sure. Otherwise? Not an ounce."
"Ah, come on, I didn't beat up your ex last night for nothing."
Your entire body stiffened and you stood frozen. Did he really hurt Chul-soo? Your eyes looked down at his knuckles which didn't look terribly bruised. You hated your ex. You wouldn't care if he disappeared and you never had to see him again, but the thought of Jimin beating him up brought back the memories from high school of Jimin's black eye and bruised ribs and that Chul-soo didn't come to school for a few days he and Jimin fought back then.
"Okay, the second partner should be going by now," the instructor said.
You shook away the thoughts and Jimin's concerned glances and turned around. You held your arms up and began to tip back on your ankles, feeling your toes leave the floor and slowly, ever so slowly, you began to fall. Your eyes closed and you felt as Jimin's arms came under your own and catch you.
Your head rested against his shoulder and you felt his breath against your scalp. He slowly helped you back to your feet, but his hands lingered on arms and his lips brushed against the top of your ear.
"See? You can trust me." His voice was raspy and rough, but so hushed you could barely make out the words.
You scoffed and pushed him away. Yet, you felt a small pull in your stomach that maybe, just maybe, his words were true.
"Hey beautiful," Jimin said, leaning against his motorcycle and holding his spare helmet in his right hand. "I should write your name on this." He held the helmet up to you and you took it and strapped it on. "You're the only one who wears it."
You rolled your eyes as Jimin climbed onto the motorcycle and started it. You got on behind him and wrapped your arms around his middle. Once you were secure, he kicked up the kickstand and drove towards your apartment.
You weren't sure what it was about a motorcycle that made you feel so free. You could rest your head between his shoulder blades and feel like you were the only two people in the world. The wind that swirled around you isolating you from the rest of the world.
It only took a few minutes to reach your apartment. Jimin followed you up and waited for you to unlock the door. Jackson was curled up on the couch asleep, but as soon as you opened the door, his head popped up and he meowed in greeting.
"Hey buddy," Jimin said, immediately throwing himself down on your couch and touch his noses with the kitten.
"I'm going to go change. I'll be just a second."
He hardly acknowledged you as you walked back to your bedroom and changed into a different pair of leggings and a sweatshirt. You placed a few treats in the pocket to reward Jackson after the vet and to make sure he stayed in your pocket on the way there.
You walked back toward the living room and heard Jimin talking to the kitten softly. "You're taking care of her, right, Mochi? I can't be here all the time, so I need you to make sure she's all right." You felt your chest tighten and walked into the living room.
"Hey," you said. "I'm ready."
He nodded and picked up Jackson, the kitten slumping happily over his palm. He handed the kitten to you and you placed him in your sweatshirt pocket where he curled up against your stomach. You kept one of your hands inside the pocket and allowed the kitten to chew lightly on your fingers.
You walked back down to Jimin's motorcycle and climbed on, this time careful not to crush the kitten, but also ensuring that the kitten couldn't climb out during the ride.
"I think I'm gonna keep my hand in so that he can't fall out," you said.
"No," Jimin said. "I don't want to risk you getting hurt. Just make sure you stay close to me and he should be all right."
"Jimin, I'll be fine. It's not a long ride--"
"Just be careful. I really shouldn't ride with you on this thing."
You rolled your eyes and secured one of your arms around his waist while you kept the other one in your sweatshirt pocket.
Jimin took off slower this time and you noticed he braked sooner and slower. Jackson stayed in your pocket, nearly asleep between yours and Jimin's bodies.
"He appears to be fairly healthy for a stray," the vet said, her hands ran over the kitten's body and peered at his teeth. "He does look a little malnourished, but it's likely he was abandoned or orphaned. It's nothing a little love can't fix."
Jackson--unlike any other pet you'd before--didn't seem to mind to mind the vet's poking and prodding. He only mewed a little during his vaccinations and even purred as the vet did her examination.
"Looks like this little guy was lucky you two found him when you did," she said. "We'll keep him here for a couple of days to monitor him and prep to neuter him." You nodded, swallowing back your worries. "You can come pick him up in a few days. We'll make sure he's perfectly comfortable."
You nodded and gave Jackson a few goodbye pets and the treats he hadn't already eaten. He nudged the back of your hand and you felt it hard to pull away from the kitten.
You were startled out of your thoughts as you felt Jimin's hand on the small of your back. He gave you a sympathetic look before petting Jackson.
"We should get going," he said. "We still have to practice tonight."
You nodded and left the little kitten with the vet. You clung to Jimin a little tighter as he drove back to the university.
You approached the final dance studio, although felt your heart sink as you heard music. All of the studios were being used.
"It's full," you said, walking back down the hall to Jimin. You shrugged your shoulders, your lips pouting out slightly.
Jimin sighed and reached into his pocket. You heard the rustling of keys and watched as he flipped through his keys until he came to a small silver one. "Come on," he said.
You followed him down the other side of the hallway and to an older part of the building. The building with all the studios had recently been remodeled and so there were a few abandoned dance studios in the basement of the building, but they were normally locked.
"Since I'm the T.A., I have access to the old studios," he said. "Since I'm required to always be available."
He unlocked the door to one of the studios and held the door open as you walked in. He followed you in and turned on the lights. The studio smelled a little dusty but was still in good condition, other than a few dents in the floor.
You headed to the corner of the room to plug in your phone.
"Wait," Jimin said. "I wanna do something different today."
He took hold of your wrists and led you to the center of the room. He sat down and you did the same. He pulled out a bottle of alcohol from behind him and two shot glasses.
"Where?! Jimin, have you had those the whole time?"
"It doesn't matter," he said. "What matters, is that for me to be able to help you, we're going to have to work through some things. You can still go on with your little revenge plots, I don't care, but you need to trust me enough for this."
"So, what's the alcohol for?"
"Answer or drink," he said.
"Jimin, you still have to drive…"
"I don't have a reason to go home tonight. Do you?"
Without Mochi at your apartment, there was no reason for you to go home. Your outfit was appropriate for the next day's dance class and it wasn't like you hadn't stayed out all night before classes before.
You shook your head and Jimin proceeded to pour you both a glass. The alcohol he'd chosen was a cinnamon flavored whiskey you were surprised he'd like at all. The orange liquid settled in the shot glass and you were surprised as Jimin took a shot immediately. He poured himself another shot and set the bottle back down with a soft thud.
"All right, who should go first?"
"I will," you said. "Are you attracted to me?"
"Yes," Jimin said, his voice cutting through the air. "Don't waste all your questions like that."
"Why do you let me see Mochi?" he asked.
"What do you mean, Jimin? We found him together. It's only right."
"But, you hate me?"
You sighed, downing you shot and refilling it. "That was two questions."
"Why are you so nice to me?" you asked.
Jimin's eyes softened for a moment before he took the shot glass and tipped it back.
"Why do you still care about what happened?" Jimin asked.
"You were my first boyfriend, Jimin. I don't know, I was deluded and naive and you took advantage of that. Why--why did you do it in the first place?"
Jimin sat still for a moment, his eyes stuck on your face. "I don't know," he said. His voice cracked and barely there.
"That's not an answer, Jimin."
"I know, but I really don't know why I did that."
"Just drink."
He obliged and took a shot. While you knew Jimin had a fairly high alcohol tolerance, you could see the flush beginning in his cheeks.
"What happened between you and Chul-soo?"
You immediately took the shot. There was no way you were going to explain everything between you and Chul-soo. The cheating, the toxicity, the jealousy that turned to resentment. You'd dated Chul-soo for years, and yet, you were happiest without him.
"I tried to look for you, you know? That night after you ran off, I looked for you for hours," Jimin said, his flush getting worse. "Where did you go?"
"Jimin, I--"
"Just drink," he said.
You did, this time the whiskey didn't go down as smoothly, the burn in the back of your throat becoming scalding. You felt your own neck and cheeks heating up. You hardly ever got flushed, but this time, you weren't sure if it was from the alcohol, or from the game.
"Why are you doing this? Surely, you had girlfriends after me," you said. "Why do you care about me so much?"
Jimin didn't answer, but rather, scooted closer to you. He took a shot, keeping eye contact with you. He threw the shot glass aside before his hands were cupping your cheeks.
"Can I kiss you?"
Your eyes widened at the question, but before you could even think about answering, your lips had already done it for you. "Yes."
His lips landed on yours for the first time since the night you first spotted him the club. He tasted like cinnamon and alcohol, you were sure you tasted the same. Within a minute, your back was on the floor and Jimin's hips were pressed against your own. His hands were balanced firmly on the floor on either side of your head.
He pulled away, his eyes tired and his lips swollen. Jimin brought one of his hands to his hair and pushed it back, before bringing back down and wiping his thumb over your lips.
"You should go home," he said.
"Jimin, I thought we were just going to stay here all night?"
"I changed my mind. Come on."
"No, Jimin, you're not driving. Let's just walk back to my place. You can crash on the couch."
When you woke up the next morning, Jimin was gone. This time there was no note left or any evidence he'd even been there, other than the crumpled up blanket on the couch. All he left was the slight swelling of your lips and a small ache in your chest that you wished would go away.
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Dangerous | Chapter 10: Cherry Sours
Genre: Enemies to Lovers, Bad Boy!Jimin, Bartender!Reader College AU
Pairing: Jimin/Named Reader
Rating: M | Minors DNI
Chapter Warnings: smut, jealousy, piv sex
You knocked on the door of Jimin's apartment, a tote bag slung over your shoulder, and hair still clinging to your face from dance practice. Jimin should still have one more class to TA, which should give you enough time.
"Hey Inna," Jimin's roommate, Taehyung, said, opening the door, his phone in his other hand. While you'd never formally met Taehyung, he'd gone to a neighboring high school and occasionally showed up at football games and dances at yours. "So, what exactly do you need my room for?"
"Uh--" you said, your eyes shifting across the doorway as you entered through it. "It's kinda hard to explain. But, I just need it for tonight and I'll wash your sheets."
Taehyung narrowed his eyes. Although there was no malice, only curiosity and suspicion. You watched as he pocketed his phone. "I think whatever this idea is, it isn't a good one."
"Oh, it definitely isn't," you said, setting down your bag on the couch. "But, I can't let our relationship continue like this. I need to cut it off. Rip it off like a Band-Aid."
Taehyung's eyes softened. "You know he likes you, right?"
You played with the handle of the tote bag. "I know."
"Then, why are you doing this, Inna? I can tell you like him too."
Something about the melodic lilt of Taehyung's voice brought the tension in your shoulders to its fullest height. "Because he would eventually get bored with me. I might be different than I was back when we dated in high school, but not that much. I'm still that nerdy, boring girl who works too much."
A silence fell between you. Taehyung pulled out his phone again, checking the time. "I have to go to work. Just be wrapped up by midnight."
Jimin came home around an hour later. You sat on Taehyung's bed scrolling through your phone. You'd thought that you had at least another twenty minutes, but the class must have ended early.
You grabbed the tote bag and ruffled around until you found the vibrator. Thankfully, it shouldn't be too loud, although you didn't really care if Jimin heard. That was, actually, the point.
Listening as he kicked off his shoes and the soft moans falling from his lips. You knew he was massaging his own shoulders and stretching out his legs just like you would whenever you came home from practice.
You remained fully clothed out of respect for Taehyung but were thankful that you chose to change into a skirt. Turning on the sex toy, you parted your legs. A moment of hesitation stalled your movements.
Would this affect Jimin's and Taehyung's friendship? Taehyung was the one you knew would hurt Jimin the most. His longest friend. The only one who didn't seek you out or play into your little game. Until now, at least.
Finally, you brought the vibrator to your clit, a moan leaving your lips before you could stifle it. You knew this wouldn't be enough to get your off and your mind remembered back to the practice room where you and Jimin kissed.
Your heard Jimin just outside in the short hallway that conjoined his and Taehyung's rooms. There was no way he couldn't hear your panted breaths and lustful whines.
Removing one hand from the toy, you reached down and fished out a small packet of lube. You kept in your palm, unsure if it would be necessary yet.
"Taehyung," you said, your voice clipped and full of desperate breaths of air. Exaggerating the moans was something you were used to, your ex-boyfriend had preferred when you were vocal, even though you generally weren't.
You felt Jimin's presence hovering outside the door, two small shadows beneath the door alerted you that he was closer than you thought.
"Fuck," you whispered, your back arching against the sheets and your hand beginning to lose grip. Your lips tried to form Taehyung's name again, but they could only remember the warm and almost shy feeling of Jimin's kiss.
As you approached orgasm, sweat forming at your collarbones, your moans became less controllable. Curses falling from your lips without warning. The worst one of all coming just as you did, "Jimin."
Your eyes closed for a moment and when you opened them, light flooded in from the hallway. Curling around the figure of the man whose name just fell from your lips as if you'd summoned a demon.
"I fucking knew it," he said, reaching between your legs to throw the vibrator aside before falling on top of you. His mouth smashed into yours, his hands coming to rest on each of your cheeks. "I heard everything"
His lips moved down to your neck, the same gentle fluttering as before. Everything moved in slow motion and you barely realized when both your hands met in Jimin's hair.
"No," he said. "On the phone. Taehyung called me while you were talking."
You stopped, your legs untangling from his and your fingers falling slack. "What?"
"Let's not ruin the moment," Jimin said, his voice deep and full of rasp. You didn't want to think about how he might be feeling, or how you felt. You just knew you wanted to feel his lips on you again. "Do you want me or not? Tell me, right now, Inna."
"Yes," you said. "Yes, I want you. Fuck, I hate that I do."
Jimin didn't waste time. He pushed your shirt up over your head. His lips trailing downward quicker and quicker.
"Jimin," you said. "We're in Taehyung's bed."
"And?" he said, his lips on the skin of your stomach as he looked up at you. "You already promised to wash his sheets."
You laughed, though it didn't ruin the mood. Your giggles made Jimin smile, his expression making all the blood rush downward again. He seemed to notice and your back arched as his hands finally dipped between your legs.
"Don't--don't stop, Jimin," you said, your voice already cracking. "Please."
"I won't, baby. Not this time, I promise." His voice was hushed, a promise to himself as much as to you. "You sure you want this? I don't want you to regr—"
You silenced him with your lips. You didn't care if you came to regret it. A part of you needed to do this, needed to know how it felt to have Jimin this way.
And then you realized. Fuck.
"Jimin," you said, pulling your lips away. He looked at you with dilated pupils and messy hair. It made you smile. "Do you want still want this? After everything?"
You'd purposely flirted with his friends, made out with them, tried to make him think you were having sex with his best friend. He deserved the first time you left him high and dry. But did he truly deserve these last few months of constant rejection?
"There's nothing you do that would make me not want you, Inna." Jimin reached up and interlocked on of his hands through yours as his lips reconnected.
When his tongue pushed its way past your lips, you heard the clink of Jimin unbuckling his belt. With a swift movement, he pulled it through his belt loops and off his jeans.
"You're so fucking slow," you said, giggling as your hand swept underneath the hem of his T-shirt and over the firm muscles. The thing you loved about Jimin's body is that he took good care of himself.
You remember back in high school during that month you dated how he would skip lunch. How you'd call him and he was at the gym, just as he had been two hours before. Now, it was obvious he had found a balance. One it was obvious had spilled over to the rest of his life.
Jimin laughed at your whining and threw off his shirt and pulling down his jeans in one go. Just in his underwear, he now looked to undress you. His hands wrapped around to unzip your skirt and pull it down.
You didn't waste any time, deciding to help him by discarding the rest of your undergarments. Reaching for him, your lips found one another's again.
You closed your eyes, relishing in the day sweet taste of Jimin's lips. Coffee with the familiar burn of whiskey as if it still lingered on his lips from that first night you saw him again.
Jimin's hips moved against your own as he lined up and pushed inside you. With a whine, you reached up to clutch into his shoulders.
"Fuck, Jimin," you said, every word punctured with a breath. Moans fell from your lips of their own accord.
"God, it's so nice to hear you finally moan my name," he said. "You don't know how many nights I've dreamt about this."
His hands came to rest on your hips and you felt his cock twitch inside you as his pace grew faster and tougher.
It had been a while since you'd had sex, so you were a little more sensitive than usual, writhing around on the sheets. Taehyung's sheets. The thought only riled you up more and your own pace grew to match Jimin's.
The two of you didn't last long. Years of pent up frustration and tension finally coming to a head. You relaxed, breathless against the bed as Jimin fell on top of you. He steadied himself with his elbows, careful not to put his full weight on you.
"I want to tell you so many things," he said, resting his head against your breastbone as he looked up you. "You're so strong." His lips fluttered over your skin. "Gorgeous." Another kiss. "An amazing dancer and I already know you're going to get into the program." Kiss.
He paused when his lips came away from your skin. His dark eyes swirled like freshly poured whiskey. You'd never seen him look more beautiful. Lips swollen, hair sticking up in different directions, none of his clothes in sight.
"And I think I've fallen for you, Inna." You knew these words were coming, but it still felt as if he had lifted you above his head during a performance and dropped on the hard stage floor.
He sensed your uneasiness. Jimin's fingers quickly coming to massage your hip. "I know you're not ready, Inna. And that's okay, I'll wait until you are. I want to give you a reason to trust me."
You looked at him. Looked through him like he was a microscope and you were trying to find the deadly bacteria hidden below him. But you found nothing. Only the boy who broke your heart five years ago, admitting that he liked you.
You should feel on top of the world. You should feel like walking on air. But you only felt like you had tricked him.
Jimin knew you well enough not to take your silence personally. He wrapped you in his arms and turned so that you were resting on his chest. You let yourself enjoy the warmth, trying to ignore the thoughts racing through your mind.
"Finally," Taehyung said. "I'm glad to see you two lovebirds finally fucked. But I'm dead tired and would appreciate it if you got out of my bed."
You moved to get up, but felt Jimin's arm tighten around your waist. He pulled the sheet up as it had slipped down over your shoulder, almost exposing your breasts to Taehyung.
"You really sure you still want to sleep here?" Jimin asked. He was much more awake than you, a smirk crossing his face as you felt his foot brush against your leg.
Taehyung rolled his eyes. "I'm taking yours then."
The other man left the room and you felt Jimin shift beside you, nuzzling his nose against the back of your neck. You slow began to wiggle from his grasp and the sheets, standing up to find your discarded clothes.
"I really should be going," you said. Finding your clothes you began to redress, not able to look back at the man still lying in bed.
"Stay with me, Inna. Please."
"I need to feed Jackson," you said, your voice quiet, but matter of fact and unwavering. "I'll see you later."
Doubt over your decision swirled in your stomach. There was no doubt that you wanted nothing more than to stay in that bed, in Jimin's arms. But, he didn't deserve his love after everything you'd done.
You were just as bad as sixteen-year-old Jimin. Probably worse because you were a fully grown woman taking revenge on a man for something he did to you as a teenager. Maybe he deserved it the first time, but he certainly didn't deserve it the second, third, or fourth times.
Yet, he stilled loved you. He didn't need to say it for you to know. The way he looked at you was enough.
"Wait," Jimin said. He'd managed to put back on his jeans and was throwing on his T-shirt as he chased after you. "Let me take you home. It's late."
"No, it's okay, Jimin. I'll be fine." Before you let him object, you walked out of the apartment and down onto the street below.
"Jackson!" You walked inside and dropped your keys and your purse on the coffee table. "Kitty, where are you?"
Normally, Jackson would come trodding out when you came home, or he was already asleep on the couch. Yet, this time, he was nowhere to be found.
You walked into the kitchen and grabbed a can of his food. Opening it, you continued to call. Your mouth went dry when the kitten still didn't come.
One last tactic to coax Jackson out had you reaching for his bag of treats. You shook them and called his name a few more times. You even tried calling him Mochi since he seemed to respond to that too whenever Jimin used the name.
Your legs carried you to the bedroom. The bathroom. The hall closet. No kitten to be found.
Panic rose in your body. Your breaths hampered and your eyes growing wide. It was then you remembered how you'd left the door open longer than usual when you left.
Jackson was gone.
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Dangerous | Chapter 11: Blossom [Final]
Genre: Enemies to Lovers, Bad Boy!Jimin, Bartender!Reader College AU
Pairing: Jimin/Named Reader
Rating: M | Minors DNI
Chapter Warnings: missing cat, references to insecurity/regret
A/N: I finally got this series fully posted! Thanks for reading and I hope you all enjoy the last chapter.
The world stood still. You pulled the covers back on your bed, opened every cupboard, pulled all the clothes from your dresser drawers. Jackson was not in your apartment.
Cursing to yourself, tears pricked out from the corners of your eyes. If you hadn't been so focused on the plan, so determined to make Jimin hate you once and for all, maybe you would've noticed the little kitten slipping out the door.
When your head stopped buzzing like an attacked beehive, you found yourself on the floor of your bedroom, surrounded by your clothes and shoes. Grabbing the nearest pair of sneakers, you put them on and threw on a jacket.
It was beginning to get dark, twilight starting to settle in across the city. Panic rose in you once again, Jackson could be nearly anywhere by now. Found by a friendly passerby, in an alleyway like where you found him, or worse, hit by a car or chased by stray dogs.
The fear of what you would find caused your arm to go limp when you grabbed the doorknob, legs frozen to the floor.
Jimin managed to get out of bed and make himself dinner. His mind full of you. He couldn't forget the way you felt underneath him, the sound of your hitched breaths, and quiet curses.
You were beautiful and his head hurt from the way you'd left. He should've expected this. And really, he deserved it. His biggest mistake was letting you go, tricking you, and humiliating you.
He realized it before you came back into his life that night at the club. Jimin realized it almost immediately. Watching you run off into the woods, seeing the realization and hurt cross your face nearly simultaneously.
"Fuck," Jimin said, the memories of driving around that night coming back to him. He remembered that he circled that patch of woods until he was almost out of gas and it was three in the morning.
Jimin had no idea how you managed to get home. He still felt a lump in his gut at the thought of you walking all that way. He ran a hand through his hair, glancing at his phone as it lit up with an email notification.
It was nearly two am, but it was from the Dance Department. The audition results.
Jimin fumbled as he reached for his phone. Not since he was the one waiting for the results did he care so much. He knew your name would be there, it had to be. Even if you never talked to him again, there was nothing he wanted more than for you to get accepted into the program.
While the TAs got to provide written arguments for who they believe should be accepted, it ultimately came down to the professors on the panel. Jimin had seen the way the judges nodded during your performance, the few notes about mixture of style.
He opened the email and scanned the list of names, smiling when he noticed yours among them. Jimin wanted to call you, wish he could see your face light up when he told you the news, but you were probably asleep by now.
Just as he was about to place his phone down, thinking he should probably go to bed, his phone rang. Your name lit up the screen.
"Inna?" he said, his voice wary.
"Jimin, I came home and I can't find Jackson anywhere. I think he might've gotten out. And I don't know what to do. What if he got hit by a car? Or what if he's cold and scared somewhere? I—"
"Are you still at your place?" Jimin asked, already beginning to throw on a pair of jeans and a T-Shirt. Your voice was laden with sobs, cracking with already shed tears.
"Yes," you said. You sounded so small and Jimin felt a pang in his chest.
"I'm on my way. Just stay put, okay? Don't go looking for him alone. I'm gonna bring Tae, too."
Jimin was tempted to stay on the phone with you. He didn't trust that you weren't already hitting the sidewalk and going down strange, dark alleyways in search of your beloved kitten. But, he needed to round up some help first. Starting with his best friend and roommate.
"Wake up," Jimin said, pulling the covers off Taehyung. He'd insisted on sleeping on the couch after coming back to find the two of you in a rather compromising position with the smell of sex in the room.
Taehyung looked up at his friend with tired, confused eyes. When he met Jimin's, he knew something was wrong and got out of bed.
It turns out Jimin had reason to worry about you hitting the streets on your own. When he hung up after promising to come, you didn't have time to explain that you already stood a block away at the entrance to an alleyway.
You were familiar with this particular alleyway. It was on the way between the bar where you used to work and your apartment. Carrying a pouch of treats, you shook them, rattling them like maracas.
"Jackson," you said, your voice high pitched and soft. You tried to hide the shake. "Kitty, kitty. Where are you?"
You expected him to go back to a place similar to where you found him, an alleyway or dumpster. Even though Jackson had begun to fill out since you'd adopted him, he will still small and would be able to squeeze into places he may not be able to get out of.
A dog barked and the cold reality of the night air ran down your spine. There were quite a few stray dogs in the area or dogs that owners watched haphazardly. Jackson would never be able to outrun one.
Tears pricked at your eyes and you felt pathetic. You hated crying and it seemed to be the only thing you were good at these days. Walking out of the alleyway, you caught site of Taehyung's huge, tan car driving at a definitely illegal speed towards your apartment.
You ran back out on the sidewalk and Jimin seemed to notice you as you watched the car come to an abrupt stop about a block away.
Parking along the street, you started walking towards the car and watched as Jimin and Taehyung climbed out. Jimin looked wide awake, his eyes widening as they caught sight of your tear laden eyes and messy hair. Taehyung, on the other hand, looked barely awake, his eyes still half closed and he wore a pair of silk pajamas with slides.
"I told you not to go out on your own," Jimin said, his hand immediately coming to your shoulder. "Are you okay?"
You nodded, though the way you shouldn't meet his eyes proved differently. You weren't sure whether it was the embarrassment from earlier that night, or that you didn't want him to see the worry and hopelessness that took over your features.
"He's been gone too long," you said. "He could be anywhere now."
"Hey, you know Jackson. He gets scared on his own. I doubt he wandered off too far." Jimin wrapped his arms around you and brought you to his chest. You felt his hands leave your body as he motioned for Taehyung to look around. "I've called in some help. It shouldn't take them too long and with everyone's help, we'll find him, love. Don't worry."
He placed a small, barely there kiss in your hair. You felt a rush of cool night hair suddenly pierce through your clothes, causing you to lean more into Jimin's embrace. Despite having been in his arms just hours before, it felt different. It felt like you were two people wax molds of one another.
You didn't start out fitting together. Two blocks of wax that required a little warmth and a little pressure to bend this way and that, eventually coming to match each other.
Calming down, you started the search again, walking back towards your building to search closer to home. Jimin was right. Jackson wouldn't have wandered far on his own.
Jimin lagged behind you. You occasionally heard his soft calls as the two of you paused at alleyways or peaked under parked cars. But otherwise, he was silent.
"Inna," he said, eventually. "Have you seen the audition results yet?"
You stopped. The city was silent around you. Not even a distant siren or car horn could be heard. You shivered, rubbing your bare legs together. You hadn't even changed before you noticed Jackson was missing. Throwing on a flannel, you'd run out the door.
"No," you said, having not remembered they come out that night. You'd been too wrapped up in your plans to get revenge on Jimin and then later on, too wrapped up in Jimin to remember.
"Do you want me to tell you if you got in?" he asked.
"Is this really the right time for this, Jimin?" Your voice rose an octave and you felt your nose becoming congested at the thought of crying once again.
"You got in."
It felt like an earthquake was splitting the sidewalk beneath your feet. You should feel happy. You do feel happy. But it is fully eclipsed by your worry for Jackson, the embarrassment you feel after walking out on Jimin. You tore your gaze away from him and continued in the direction you were going previously.
"Aren't you happy?" he asked. His hand flew out to grip your elbow with a feather light touch.
"How can I be happy right now, Jimin? I just want Jackson back. I want to stop feeling—everything."
Jimin's dark eyes softened in the same way he'd looked at Jackson when you found him in the alleyway.
Jimin's phone rang. He answered it, seeing it was Namjoon who had come to help search. Few words were exchanged before Jimin held out his hand and nodded in the opposite direction.
"They think they found him," he said. "But they need us to confirm."
Your heart soared. Taking Jimin's hand without a thought, you ran in the other direction. It was only just over a block away, but the two of you were catching your breath as you saw three of the men Jimin had called in to help.
It was a little funny to see all of them together outside of the club. Namjoon looked tired but was the only one who had bothered to completely change out of his pajamas. Taehyung stood beside him, a little more awake than when you first saw him. Finally, Hoseok was the furthest away from you and the deepest into the alleyway, greeted you with a smile. You wondered if he had even gone to bed yet, considering the easy smile and the lack of bags under his eyes.
Taehyung held something in his arms and you recognized the form of a kitten. You approached him and your stomach sunk as you saw the kitten. It was obviously not Jackson. The kitten was gray like him, but was a tabby.
"It's not him," you said. You fell to your knees allowing the ground to scrape them. You didn't care. You felt Jimin reach to catch you, but it had been unexpected and you nearly brought him down with you. "We're never gonna find him."
Your hands covered your eyes and your breaths splintered between sobs. Jimin crouched to comfort you. Even though his arms felt like the warm blanket you so desperately wanted to fall into, you pushed him away.
"Jimin, I—I can't do this. I think I'm falling for you too and I don't deserve to."
The words tumbled from your mouth. You didn't care that the other guys were there. In fact, they hardly seemed surprised, more caught up in the charms of the other kitten.
"Who says you don't deserve it?"
"Me," you said. Your tears were drying, unable to produce anymore. "I've played a dangerous game with you and I never intended it for it to be like this. I thought I could just rile you up. Make you hate me as much as I used to hate you."
Jimin examined your face. He didn't say a word though, his plump lips firmly shut.
"But in the end, I just ended up hurting myself. And you. And now we've lost Jackson because of my obsession with getting back at you."
The other three guys came running into the alleyway. Jungkook, Yoongi, and Jin all had sweat on their brows.
"Was it him?" Jungkook asked, looking down at you.
It took only a curt shake of your head for him to understand. You stood up feeling the blood leak from your knees and onto your shins.
You knew you were a mess. You could only imagine the way your hair was falling out of its bun and your bloody knees looked.
"I need to get out of here."
"Inna! Wait!"
Jimin grabbed your wrist before you could leave, turning you around to face him.
"You need to stop running away from things that scare you." He reached up, moving stray hairs off your face. "I can still see you're the same girl from all those years ago. Thinking that running away will make me forget about you."
Your body felt like it melted into the cement. You felt every point where his skin touched yours. He looked sincere, his face beginning to look wary in the early morning hours.
"It won't, Inna. Nothing will make me forget about you."
You lurched away from him, stumbling out onto the sidewalk with a similar swagger to the guys at the club that used to drink too much. Your movements were too quick, they were futile in preventing from running straight into a man on the sidewalk.
You fell backward onto your ass. The man wavered, but didn't fall, intently focused on not dropping what was in his arms. His face was handsome and vaguely familiar. Maybe he used to come into the club?
"Jackson?" You heard Jimin ask.
"Jimin?" the man asked, turning towards Jimin.
As you stood up you heard a familiar mew. Your eyes darted to the tabby kitten that Taehyung still held, but it slept peacefully in his arms.
Part of you didn't want to believe in fate like this. That things were pre-determined and meant to be. But, a sense of relief passed over you as you lunged for the gray kitten in the man's arms.
"Uh, yeah? That's me," the man said, giving you an odd look as your approached him and attempted to scoop the kitten from his arms.
"No, dude, she's talking about the kitten. He's, uh, also named Jackson."
"Oh," the man said, releasing his hold on your gray kitten. Jackson climbed to your shoulder, resting his head in the curve of your neck. He purred.
"Jackson found Jackson," Hoseok said, laughing.
"This is why I wanted to call him Mochi." Jimin came towards you, smiling at the looks of content on both your face and the kitten's. "But someone is stubborn and now he only responds to Jackson."
"Hmm," was your only reply. The exhaustion was beginning to wash over you now that you had Jackson back in your arms.
The rest of the guys were chatting with Jackson and you overheard him say that he found him in an alleyway outside some club. You smiled and closed your eyes. If it weren't for the cool air you could've fallen asleep right there.
Jimin reached up to pet Jackson and pressed his cheek against the kitten's back. "I'm glad we have him back."
The voices of the guys faded away as they walked down the sidewalk. It was just you and Jimin now.
"Did I really get in?" you asked.
Jimin's eyes looked just as tired as your own. It seems the adrenaline had been the only thing keeping him going too.
"Yes," he said. "You do."
"Do they not like when the beginners date the upperclassmen?"
Jimin's eyes narrowed at your question. "I don't think so. Why?"
"Just asking."
And then, you kissed him.
You realized the danger Jackson had found himself in. Risking getting hit by a car, kidnapped by a well meaning stranger. All to go back to the place where he found his family.
The danger you were in when you ran out onto the streets in the middle of the night to find him. When you trusted your ex-boyfriend too much. The danger of playing with someone's fragile heart.
It was a little awkward with Jackson between your chests. Your lips met at a weird angle and you almost knocked noses before meeting his lips. Yet, kissing Jimin felt like the safest thing in the world.
Previous | Masterlist
Black Wolf (kth)

Summary: The dossier on your target is dismally thin, a couple of pages mostly about The Black Room, a rumored facility located deep in the Vietnamese jungle that trains children to become deadly weapons. You're looking for a chameleon, a man known as Kim Taehyung along with a host of other aliases. You consider yourself good at your job, but in the end, you don't find him. He finds you.
This has been a long time coming so I hope you like this indulgent Black Widow Taehyung fic! Ft. Loki!Jimin and WinterSoldier!Yoongi because I think they're neat for plot points
Warnings: Violence, blood, knife fights, shooting, mentions of hospitals and death, childhood trauma (briefly mentioned), smut, some degradation, oral (both m and f receiving), cumplay, unprotected vaginal sex (wrap it up folks), lots of sexual tension
Word Count: 15995 (I used to be in the Marvel fandom I have a lot of feelings)

You blink once, twice, but it doesn't help the fogginess that's taken over your vision. You sigh and close your laptop.
The room is filled with pictures of the same man: a lean body and half hidden face, coming out of a convenience store, something like a smirk at the mouth as if he knows you can't get a clear shot from the CCTV footage if he keeps looking down. There's almost as many crime scene photos pinned up next to those pictures. Whenever he is sighted, death follows. Always someone high up in society, a political figure, sometimes an athlete, sometimes an organized crime boss. Men. Women. Never children.
You absently rub the inside of your wrist, over a raised scar he'd given you five years ago. You still don't know how you got the drop on him. You wonder if maybe it was the other way around and for some reason, he decided not to kill you.
It isn't like you'd heard him. No, he'd been utterly silent, like a shadow. You hadn't seen him, either, not that you would have had time to react if you had.
It was almost like you felt him, some change in the air around you.
No time to draw your gun, all you could do was reach inside your leather jacket and pull out your knife, slicing through the air before you could think, your heart pounding.
The knife bounced uselessly off an arm gauntlet, nothing like you've ever encountered, too lightweight to be Kevlar but maybe stronger.
That's when you'd seen him.
You'd been looking for the Wolf a year at that point, and in all your research you'd imagined what he would look like.
For one thing, you'd thought he'd be older.
He looked younger than you do, boyish smirk and all. The bright red hair that was slicked back from his forehead looked soft and clean.
You'd imagined he must be handsome, given that you'd referred to him as a honeypot assassin, often his victims are found in general states of undress. You couldn't have imagined how handsome, how sharp the line of his jaw, half smirk on his face. Everyone's type.
"Hello there, little bird."
When he spoke, the tip of his knife was so close to your throat that you'd swear you could feel the vibration of his baritone through it.
You were holding him back or at least you think you were, but from how relaxed his stance is, you think it's likely he's letting you hold him back.
Panicked, you tried to remember your training. Keep them talking.
"Bird?" You croaked out.
The Wolf gives you just the slightest tilt of his chin. "Flitting around, here and there, taking your pictures."
He knew you'd been tailing him. Probably knew your name, your age, your family's names. You'd built his profile, you know how he worked.
"I just wanted to talk to you," you started, and his eyes narrowed just a split second before you pushed him back as hard as you could and ducked, narrowly avoiding the slash of his knife.
You scrambled backwards and he kept coming, and you didn't even know he'd cut you until you felt the blood trailing down your arm.
“Shouldn’t lie, little bird,” he warned, and you knew he could move faster than this, knew he was holding back for some reason, but if you could just get to the street then your partner could see you and-
The Wolf’s knife was a silver flash in the dark and it was at your throat again, his other arm caging you against the alley wall.
“I know your name!” You blurted out, desperate, and his dark eyes widened in shock. He doesn’t move away but he doesn’t cut you either, so you keep talking.
“Kim Taehyung. Born in Daegu, given up by your mother hours after labor. Presumed dead at 10 hours old.”
“How do you know that?” He demanded, voice raspy, but then your partner shined a flashlight down the alley, called your name, and the Wolf dropped his knife, vaulted over your partner, and disappeared into the night.
You’d needed ten stitches to close the wound he’d given you, but you know it could have been much worse.
That had been years ago, and there’d only been these little glimpses of them. You’re the only agent that’s gotten that close, though, so you stay on the case. He gives you just enough to keep you chasing him through Korea, Japan, China. Right now, you’re at a motel in Los Angeles because he’d been spotted outside a club, or at least that one side of his face had been.
You’d been here three days with very little sleep and no other sightings. It’s time to hang it up and go to bed.
You flop down on the hard, motel bed and think that your agency could spring for a nicer hotel before sleep overtakes you.
It feels like thirty seconds before you wake up and you can’t breathe.
Kohl rimmed dark eyes look down at you, one large hand clamped over your mouth.
He half smirks at you. “Hello again, little bird.”
Taehyung’s first memory is of a 10x10 cell with a folded mattress in one corner and a thin blanket. He remembers being hungry and food being slid in through a tray, ramen and beef and he eats as if he’s never eaten before.
Maybe he hasn’t. He doesn’t remember.
He doesn’t know how long he was in his cell but all he can remember from that time is a low, gravelly voice through the chute.
“Eat up, kid.”
Sometimes the voice would tell him stories (mostly war stories that somehow had a happy ending), and sometimes the voice would just grunt, tell him to eat. Taehyung could always sense him outside the door, though, as if he were guarding him.
Eventually, he gets to meet the man with the voice, but for the longest time, he doesn’t know his name. They just call him The Soldier.
Taehyung doesn’t know how old he is but the Soldier always seems wise, so much older than him. As Taehyung grows, though, the Soldier doesn’t get any older. His face remains the same as does his gravelly voice and the mechanic whirring of his prosthetic arm.
Breakfast is first, then training. So much training. With knives. With guns. With sticks and bats and with just their fists. The Soldier oversees all of it and he’s sparing with praise but he always seems to have a bit for Taehyung, even if it’s just a nod or a slight smile on his full mouth.
When Taehyung’s cell seems to grow smaller because he’s grown taller, become a man, The Soldier attacks him the second he steps out of the cell, and Taehyung gasps, ducks and spins as he’s been taught to avoid attack. The Soldier doesn’t stop coming, doesn’t change his face, dead serious and silent, until finally Taehyung tackles him around the waist, takes him to the ground, with all the others watching in awe.
The Soldier doesn’t try to get up and Taehyung stays there, holding him down, for a long moment, panting. The Soldier leans up to whisper in Taehyung’s ear.
“You’ve earned my name, kid. I’m Min Yoongi.”
Taehyung doesn’t know what that means, doesn’t know the secret that really is, until years later.
He hasn’t seen Yoongi or the black room in three years now, working for whoever pays the most and avoiding contact with any other agencies, especially yours. It rankles him that you’d been able to find him, been able to find out his name of all things. Taehyung himself hadn’t known his name until he was out of the Black Room, after the rebellion. Someone had sent him his birth certificate and death certificate in an unmarked envelope.
Possibly the same someone who had outed his location to you. Possibly the same person who had sent a burn notice to his agency.
Taehyung had woken up when his hotel window had slid open. Whoever had done it must have thought they were being quiet but they were an amateur, the sound waking him immediately.
Taehyung slid off the bed as if he didn't have bones, and when the intruder had one foot on the floor, Taehyung stood up and took him by the knee, hanging him over the fire escape.
The intruder yells but the sound is lost among the sounds of the city and the wind.
"Who sent you?" Taehyung yells, over the wind, because now it doesn't matter that someone might hear him, the whole hotel is a wash, he'll have to bolt without scrubbing the place, they'll know where he was but not where he's going.
The intruder yells something and Taehyung can't make it out but then he sees the foam trailing in the air he scoffs and let's go of the intruder's foot.
He's dead before he hits the ground, has burst a cyanide capsule with a back tooth. Taehyung knows now (or thinks he knows, as he finds out later), who's after him.

"Please," you whimper, tears forming in your wide eyes, and Taehyung removes his hand only for you to draw in a deep breath and he clamps his hand over your mouth again.
"Ah, ah, little bird."
He's smiling, almost fondly, and your heart is battering your chest plate because that's almost more frightening than a hard stare.
If he wanted to kill you, you'd be dead already, your inner voice reminds you, and you start to breathe slowly through your nose, knowing this is true.
You try your best to keep calm and eventually he removes his hand. You don't scream, and when you try to sit up, he moves away from you, but only slightly. He looks calm and unbothered but he's stiff, tense, and you know that you don't have time to reach for your gun, which you keep just under your bed.
"Why are you here?" You ask, and it comes out like a croak.
He shrugs, and it does nothing to lessen how tense he looks. "Had some free time."
Your eyebrow quirks up. "Oh? Thought you'd spend it with an enemy?"
Taehyung pouts, and it's truly frightening how cute he looks, disarming and boyish, no more dangerous than the young men you'd fallen into bed with in college.
"We aren't exactly enemies, dove. I'd call us...colleagues."
"Hm," you respond, and look around the room. He's shuffled your papers around your desk and you wonder how long he'd been in your room without you waking, how that was even possible.
"What were you looking for?"
"Maybe I just wanted some company," he responds, shifting on your bed to lean toward you.
His face is inches from yours, as if he might brush his mouth against your lips, but you know he's more likely to draw his knife while you're busy staring at his pout.
Dangerous, how handsome he is, how charming. The very definition of a honeypot assassin, drawing the marks in like flies.
"Wouldn't think you'd have too much time for love," you say dryly, and he laughs, an open, happy sound that shocks you.
"Oh, little bird. That's what I'm hired for the most."
He nods. "Love or hate, it's all the same in the end. Can't have one without the other. Wives who want their husbands dead, husbands who can't stand seeing their wives with other men."
"Have you ever been in love?" You ask, shifting toward him this time, one of your feet dangling off the bed, hoping to distract him.
His mouth crooks in a half smile. "Oh, about a hundred times."
He's looking at your mouth and you lean in closer before darting your hand down to the floor.
He grabs your wrist before you get halfway there. He doesn't twist, his hand strong around your wrist but not hard enough to leave a bruise.
"Come now, little bird. I've used that trick a hundred times." He chides, smiling as if you're old friends and he hadn't tried to kill you previously.
"Why are you here?" You demand, your voice shaking in spite of yourself.
Taehyung sighs, as if inconvenienced by the question. "I need your help," he says finally, tone soft, and of all the things you'd thought he'd say, that wasn't in the realm of imagination.
You keep pushing him even though he's a killer, even though you know he could decide to end your life at any moment.
You think it might be because you feel as if you know him, after all these years researching him. The company that you work for wants to imprison him, use him for their own goals, but maybe deep down you want to help him.
"I've been burned," he says, flatly, and your eyes widen in shock.
It isn't exactly true, but so little of what Taehyung says is.
He doesn't need your help. The Black Room and to a better effect, Yoongi, had taught him above all else, self sufficiency. A burn notice means that instead of half the world trying to kill him, most of the world is, and while that makes things harder, it isn't impossible to do alone.
But you know things about him. Lots of things. Things he himself hadn't known until he was an adult, like his real name.
"How..what could I possibly-" You stammer out, and it's really quite endearing how your eyes keep widening.
"You know my name."
He points at you, as if you've just won a prize. "You know my history."
"Just bits and pieces, you're a spy, a lone-"
He rolls his eyes. "Wolf, yes, I know. I tired of the Black Wolf moniker very quickly. It's a bit dramatic, don't you think?"
"Yeah, you're not dramatic in the least," you drawl, and Taehyung's eyes snap to yours, a smile stretching the corner of his mouth.
It feels odd, this smile, one of the first genuine ones in years.
"Are you making fun of me, little bird?"
"I wouldn't dare." Your eyes don't match your words. You've even relaxed just a bit, no longer poised as if to go for your knife or strike him over the head with a lamp.
"You can help me."
"Help you...what? Hide out?"
Taehyung scoffs. "No. Help me find out who burned me."
He stands up and stretches and your eyes follow his every move.
"Why does it matter?"
"I have to kill them, of course." He smiles at you quizzically and you swallow hard.
Taehyung thinks that if fear had a smell it'd be pungent, like sweat. It doesn't though, at least not to human senses, and for all his training Taehyung is after all, human, not the fabled Black Wolf he's been called. Fear has a feeling, though, hanging in the air. Fear has a look, a slight widening of the eyes, wrinkle in the forehead, excessive swallowing.
Fight or flight response.
Which will you choose?
You stare at him for a moment longer.
"Do I have a choice?"
"You always have a choice, little bird." Taehyung draws his knife, now, and the air feels heavy with your fear. He flips it idly in one hand, catching it by the hilt once, twice, three times before you answer.
"What do you need me to do?"
You go into work later that day as if you hadn't spent the night with the Black Wolf, the very man you'd sworn to bring in.
You could talk to your superiors, tell them what happened, but something tells you that he'd find out, that maybe he'd be taken in but not before he'd slit your throat in your sleep, leaving you there for the hotel manager to find.
You take all your files on the Black Wolf and while you’re leaving the office your coworker puts his hand on your arm.
Well. Not coworker. Boss, you suppose, or what passes for it.
"Is everything all right, Agent?"
There's a rock in your throat, fear making your heart race.
You nod, hurry towards the elevator.
"We appreciate what you do for the organization." He says in response, and your heart lurches as the elevator moves.
You’ve always known that your job isn’t one that you walk away from. It seems more clear than ever that one wrong step could lead to your disappearance.
On your walk back to the apartment where the Black Wolf was waiting for you, you think about how there is no one to miss you. You're an orphan and you were never able to find your siblings, even though you tried when you came of age.
You wonder if everyone who works for the organization is replaceable.
Taehyung isn’t in your hotel room when you arrive and you’re not sure if you’re relieved or concerned.
As you walk toward the bed, he swoops in through the window and you stumble backward, a scream turning into a squeak in your throat.
He’s dressed in a white t-shirt and gray sweats now, barefoot so that he doesn’t make a sound when he jumps down onto the carpet. He’s barefaced, even a little bit of stubble on his chin and jaw but no less attractive. You have no idea where he’s gotten the clothes, and you’re still trying to catch your breath when he smiles at you, tilting his head in that way he has. It’s alarmingly disarming.
“You’re still here,” you gasp out, and his smile turns to a frown.
“Of course I am. You haven’t helped me yet.” He slips past you easily, his shoulder grazing against yours as he rifles through the minibar, pulling out a handful of the fun sized Snickers and tearing one open with his teeth.
You take in a deep breath, your heart rate finally changing from hummingbird to somewhat human.
“I still don’t know how you expect me to find--”
“You’re good at your job, little bird. You found me,” he says easily, giving you a big smile before opening another Snickers with his teeth.
That’s that, you’re off on a lead that you’ve had for months, a lead about who might have leaked the Black Wolf’s birth certificate.
You head there in the car that you’ve rented, leaving the world’s most notorious assassin sprawled in a robe on the hotel bed and you trying to avert your eyes.
“Don’t leave the room,” you warn.
Taehyung had scoffed at you. “Of course not.”
You have a gun taped to your lower back, the handle just slung into the back of your jeans, but you’re hoping you won’t have to pull it when you see the shadow of a man on the street. It’s nearing dusk and the streetlights have just come on. You pull up several feet behind the shadow and keep your hands free as you walk toward the building, just a small post office where the birth certificate had been postmarked.
You slow just a bit right before you reach the alley where the shadow is coming from, but it’s perceptible enough because you find your wrists pinned above your head in a flash, your back pressed against the brick. He’s so close, almost intimate, and when you look up you recognize the wide brown eyes.
He winks at you, wearing a black mask and a hoodie.
“You scared the hell out of me!” You hiss, and he chuckles but he’s still got you pinned with one hand, chest pressed against yours.
“You’re not very quiet,” he scolds, and then his head ticks just barely to the left, and he leans down closer to you. “Pull the mask down and kiss me,” he orders, voice barely above a whisper, releasing your wrists.
Taehyung rolls his eyes and tugs his mask down, pressing his mouth to yours, just barely gliding his tongue over your bottom lip. You gasp, your body instinctively leaning toward him before you pull away and push at his chest.
“Don’t be so cold,” Taehyung complains, staggering backwards as if drunk. “I was only an hour late.”
You finally realize what’s going on when a group of men make a wide berth around the two of you, thinking that you’re a couple having an argument on the street.
When the coast is clear, you feel like you can finally breathe again.
You yank the post office door open a little harshly, unsure if you’re angry or just sexually frustrated. The man had tried to kill you five years ago, and here you are feeling flushed from a kiss.
“You taste good,” Taehyung murmurs in your ear as you approach the post office boxes lined up on the wall and you nearly stumble.
“I thought you were staying at the hotel,” you mutter, eyes scanning the wall. You find the post office box you’re looking for and do a quick dust with a portable fingerprinting kit. You’d tried to explain that you wouldn’t get much from this, that it might have a hundred fingerprints on it, but Taehyung had insisted.
You’re about to tell him this again but when you turn around after putting the kit away in your bag, he’s standing at the doorway, pretending to fill out a change of address form.
Your heart begins to hammer in your chest. You’re no world famous assassin but you are trained to know that something’s wrong, that someone is watching you, maybe both of you.
Your hand itches to reach for your gun but you wait.
Sure enough, about a minute later a man walks into the post office. He walks toward the back wall, where you’re standing, and you turn and try to brush past him.
“Excuse me,” he mumbles, and you think you’re in the clear until you hear the ding of the door as someone else comes in. A woman wearing a mask and sunglasses, at dusk. You pull your gun just as Taehyung tackles the man next to you, pressing him up against the wall and the woman reaches for something in her purse and you bark at her to keep her hands up.
You move toward her slowly, training your eye and gun on her so that she can’t move away.
She seems familiar to you but you can’t quite place where and you get closer she starts to back away to the door.
“Don’t let her get away, little bird,” Taehyung calls to you, his voice calm, almost lilting. “She’s our canary.”

Taehyung doesn’t care what kind of interpersonal politics are going on in the company you work for, but he knows you don’t seem much like a spy. You’re quiet, of course, stealthy, probably good with firearms instead of knives like he is, but it’s your attitude.
You’re upbeat, almost...trusting. You don't flinch when he comes toward you, don't jump when he calls your name, or more often, "little bird." If you're a bird, you're one of those unafraid pigeons in the common square, coming up to anyone who might offer a bite of bread.
You’re wary around him, but not afraid, and that concerns him. He’s not sure why, exactly. It isn’t as if he couldn’t slit your throat and leave you bleeding out in your hotel bed. That was, after all, his plan after he got the information he needed.
Somehow, though, your lack of fear is a bit...intoxicating. Even just moments ago, when he’d had you pressed against the wall and could so easily slide his knife into your side, right into your liver just above your ribs, you hadn’t flinched. You’d kept your eyes on his.
Maybe not a pigeon at all, more like a hawk with your sharp eyes. Maybe that’s how you’d gotten hired.
Sure enough, when he picks out the woman who looks like she knows things, you get her arms behind her back, shove her towards him and he holds her while you tug out a zip tie from your bag and tie her hands.
“Look in my back pocket,” the woman gasps. “I have an identification card. I work for-”
Before she can finish, you tug the ID out and your eyes widen.
“They told me to follow you,” she says.
“She’s lying,’ Taehyung says, like he’s bored, and draws the woman’s hands higher up her back, straining her muscles so that she cries out.
“I know,” you answer, and he’s surprised, although he doesn’t show it.
Not showing emotions unless you can use it for your own gain is rule number one of the Black Room, and he’s learned it earlier than most.
“Not about who she is,” you continue. “Or where she works.”
You pace around them, watching the woman intently, and Taehyung finds himself oddly attracted to you.
It isn’t as if he’s immune to such things, he’d had his fair share of dalliances that he enjoyed despite it being a means to an end, but he’d never found himself attracted to anyone in the midst of a mission that wasn’t solely a honeypot mission. You’re easy enough on the eyes, the curve of your body meant for a hand at your waist, your eyes fringed with black lashes that you look up at him under with those shrewd eyes of yours. Taehyung feels alarmed at being distracted by this feeling, this attraction, and he shakes his head a bit, realizing where he is, what he’s doing.
“We can’t do this here,” he rasps, nodding toward the dead man on the floor and you startle, as if you were also distracted, only by finding out the truth rather than attraction.
Taehyung leans down, whispers in the woman’s ear, presses a blade against the base of her spine. “If I cut you deep enough, you’ll never walk again. So don’t do anything stupid, yeah?”
To her credit, the woman he’s been thinking of as the canary doesn’t make a peep as he leads her to the car, but he doesn’t move the blade until he’s thrown her in the backseat.
“What are you going to do to me?” She asks, voice shaky, in the elevator, and she’s either really afraid or a good actress. Maybe both.
Taehyung shrugs, but you answer for him.
“Nothing. You just have to be honest with me.”
Taehyung doesn’t believe you’re lying, but, again, maybe you’re a better actress than he knows.
He tosses the woman on the bed and she wiggles to flip over onto her back, scrambling up against the headboard.
“Why were you at that post office?” You demand to know, taking a step toward the bed. You don’t have any weapons on you, but you seem a bit intimidating nonetheless.
“I told you, I was told to follow you-”
You strike her across the face and it makes his dick twitch in the hotel gift shop sweats he’s wearing. It’s a little distressing.
The canary cries out but softly, as if she knows better. “I...I was supposed to meet someone,” she admits, and a line of blood runs from her left nostril.
“Who?” You ask, and Taehyung sits down in the office chair, watching you with pointed interest, not that it would show on his face.
“I can’t-”
Another strike across the face and Taehyung wants to groan.
“Some canary,” he comments. “Not much of a singer.”
“Okay, okay, stop hitting me!” The canary yells, looking more angry than afraid now. “Someone paid me half a million dollars to deliver a package. All I had to do was drop it off at the door, but my partner wanted to go inside since you guys were in there, wanted to kill you so there weren’t witnesses.”
“What package?” Taehyung asks, sitting up now, no longer distracted.
“I don’t know. It was heavy, but I wasn’t supposed to look in it. I dropped it at the front door.”
Taehyung curses his own worry about being burned and you being distracting that he hadn’t noticed it. It will surely be gone now.
“He’ll come for me, you know.” The canary says, smiling now, and Taehyung realizes her fear and anger both were an act all along.
“Who?” He asks, standing up to look out the window. It’s closed and locked tight, ever since he’d slid his way inside.
The canary smiles wider. “You’ll see.”
As if she’d caused it to happen, the fire alarm starts to go off, ringing impossibly shrill in Taehyung’s ears and he curses.
“Leave her,” he tells you and you start to protest until he takes your upper arm and drags you toward the stairwell.
You open your mouth and he thinks briefly that he wishes there was time to kiss you again before he puts a finger to your lips to make you be quiet, opens the stairwell door and shoves you inside before closing it and putting his back against the door.
He can hear you banging on the door but he drowns it out, listens for the sound of footsteps that he knows are coming.
If he’s right (and the Black Wolf always prides himself on being right), the man he’s looking for and might be the cause of all of this, of why he’s hiding out in a two star hotel instead of at one of the apartments he has scattered across Seoul, will be heading straight for the hotel room. Straight for the canary.
Sure enough, thirty seconds later there’s still no smoke and he sees a man in a trenchcoat heading toward the door of the hotel room.
Taehyung springs out from the doorway of the stairwell and pushes the man against the wall, taking him by the collar. Taehyung is shocked when he sees the man’s face, having seen it all over the news just a few months before.
“Ooh,” the man says, laughing a little. “Like a bit of rough trade, do you?”
“Loki,” Taehyung accuses, shoving him up against the wall again although the man has made no move to slip away or fight back.
There’s just the hint of a flash of something like anger in Loki’s eyes, something anyone but Taehyung would have missed.
“I don’t go by that name anymore. Call me Jimin.” His eyebrow raises slightly, still making no move to escape. “You’re the Black Wolf, right? Surprised to see you here.”
“The hell you are,” Taehyung growls, and pulls him close only to shove him back against the wall harder.
Jimin groans and laughs. “Rough trade indeed. I only heard a friend of mine was in trouble.”
“Jimin?” There’s a call from the hotel room, the canary that you and Taehyung had left tied up on the bed.
There’s another flash, nearly imperceptible, across the god’s face, concern this time.
“Loki Odinsson cares for someone other than himself?” Taehyung taunts, and this time the god slips out from under Taehyung’s arm, shoves the taller man against the far wall.
“I told you. That’s not my name,” he hisses, and then he’s gone, a twist of black smoke in his place.
Taehyung curses and runs into the hotel room, and Jimin is there, releasing the woman on the bed. She puts her hands comfortably around her neck but Taehyung manages to grab the god around the waist, pulling him backward to offset his balance, and as soon as the two separate, Taehyung has the woman pulled up against his chest, a knife at her throat.
That’s when you make it into the room, your cheeks red and your hair flying out of your ponytail, looking angry and confused in equal measures. You take in the scene and freeze.
“Now now, wolfie,” Jimin says calmly, but there’s a tightness in his features, rage or fear or both. “What good is all this conflict? Just let go of the girl-”
“Give you what’s yours?” Taehyung retorts, pressing the tip of the blade into the woman’s throat. She makes a whimpering sound in the back of her throat, something Taehyung has to tune out in order to do what he needs to do. He’d never liked killing women, never liked killing at all, really, but it’s what he’s best at, what keeps him alive and keeps food in his mouth, a roof over his head.
Jimin shrugs. “She’s useful to me. If you kill her, it would greatly inconvenience me.”
“Is that so? Maybe I want to inconvenience you.” A small line of blood starts to trickle down the woman’s throat.
The god stands there for a moment, throat working. “What, then? What do you want from me?”

You have absolutely no idea how you got roped into a road trip with a rogue agent, the Black Wolf, and a fucking trickster god, but here you are, sitting in the backseat with your gun pressed into the agent’s back.
She goes by Star, apparently, although you’re sure that’s not her real name, and she’s been the bane of your existence this whole ride, constantly trying to get away, once even opening the car door and trying to roll out on the interstate.
She finally calms down when Loki (Jimin, you remind yourself, he gets awfully pissed off when you or Taehyung refer to him as his given name), turns his head to smile at her.
“I know it’s not the best situation, pet, but stay calm for me?”
It isn’t an order, more like a request, and Star relaxes, nodding a little.
Taehyung drives like an absolute maniac and you can’t imagine how this is good for any kind of stealth mission, but you make it to one of his so called safe houses in under two hours that way, him throwing a tarp over the car and parking it in the garage so that you all can get into the house.
He’s warned you to never take your eyes off Star, she had been after all, the canary, just like he said, so you take her into the bathroom and keep the gun on her while she glares at you.
“You even have to watch me pee?”
You shrug. “Since your boyfriend is literally a god, seems smart to keep an eye on you at all times
She washes her hands, averting her eyes. “He’s not my boyfriend.”
You don’t respond, it’s none of your business what weird shit they have going on, but you assume Taehyung must think that Jimin has something to do with why he was burned, given how insistent he is.
You take Star into one of the bedrooms in the large safehouse, keeping your gun on her at all times, and she just shrugs and starts to watch television.
You can’t help but wonder, despite knowing that it might not be pertinent to your current situation.
“How did you end up involved in all this?”
Star gives you a look. “It doesn’t matter. It has nothing to do with this.”
“You don’t know that.” You shoot back.
“You can put down the gun, you know. He’s not gonna come in here unless he thinks I’m in real danger.”
“Why does he protect you?” You ask, unable to stop being curious. You suppose it’s a lifetime of being in a job in which you have to find out information, ask a lot of questions. Or maybe just because you’re hoping you’ll find out how to help Taehyung and he’ll get out of your hair.
“Why does the Wolf protect you?” Star asks.
You scoff. “He doesn’t.”
“Could have fooled me. He slit that guy’s throat because he was trying to shoot you, earlier in the post office.”
“He didn’t…” You pause, flustered. “He didn’t do that for me.”
Star shrugs. “Suit yourself.”
The Black Wolf has only ever protected himself and his own interests. He hasn’t been protecting you, but using you to get information about what’s happened to him, why he’s been burned. Right?
You slowly lower your gun when it seems that she won’t be running out of the room any time soon, and your eyelids grow heavy.
Jimin is doing his level best to appear calm, but Taehyung has been trained in the slightest expressions and body language, and the god is tense all over, shoulders stiff.
“How do I know that the girl is safe?” He asks.
“She’s safe,” Taehyung assures him, sitting down across from him.
Jimin frowns. “And I’m supposed to just believe you?”
Taehyung shrugs. “If you want to keep her alive, you don’t have any other choice.”
“I don’t know what you want from me.”
“The truth. Tell me why your girl was at the post office. Tell me what she was looking for.”
“She was looking for me. I told her that I would meet her there.” Jimin says easily, and Taehyung watches his face but it could just be a half truth instead of a whole truth. Usually, if people are telling part of the truth, they don’t bely on their face that they’re holding back. At least, the good liars, and all the press would indicate that Jimin is possibly one of the best liars.
“Who burned me?” Taehyung asks, leaning forward in his seat.
Jimin blinks. “I have no idea. Didn’t even know it had happened until you threw me up against that wall.”
Taehyung glares at him, but it doesn’t appear as though he’s lying.
Jimin finally sits back in his seat, seeming more relaxed, and it makes Taehyung frown.
“That girl of yours, you care for her?”
Taehyung scoffs. “I barely know her.”
“But you love her?”
Taehyung makes eye contact with the god across from him, repeating the words his trainers had drilled into him most of his life.
“Love is weakness.”
“We all have weaknesses, wolfie. Man and god alike.”
Jimin stands, brushing off some invisible speck of dust from his black trenchcoat, and Taehyung doesn’t move to stop him.
“It’s been fun, really it has, but it’s time I be going.”
“I don’t think so,” Taehyung scowls, but before he can get to him, the god has disappeared, leaving behind only those tendrils of black smoke.
Taehyung curses and runs toward the other bedroom, but all he sees is that you’re asleep in the chair and Star and Jimin are gone.
He’s full of rage, suddenly, because he’s been displaced from the solitary life he’d known and because you look almost cute with your head thrown back on the chair, full mouth parted, and he kicks your chair hard enough to scoot it slightly across the hardwood floor.
You wake with a start, standing and automatically pull your gun and then it’s all reflex, he gets your hand behind your back to make you drop the gun and you let out a surprised cry even though he hasn’t hurt you.
“You couldn’t do one thing I ask of you,” he growls into your ear and you buck in his arms, propelling yourself forward so that you get out of his grasp and turn to face him.
Your face is puffy but your eyes are flashing.
“I have done everything you asked me to, and I don’t owe you a goddamn thing! You broke into my hotel room and-”
“Because you were stalking me!” He shoots back.
“I was doing my job!”
Your chest is heaving with anger, cheeks flushed, almost like you would look…
Taehyung takes a couple of steps toward you and you circle around him instead of backing up and he feels a rush of heat through his body as you stalk around him like a predator instead of being afraid.
“You don’t give a shit about anything but yourself, Kim Taehyung.”
His name on your lips makes him startle a little. It’s not one he’s heard very often, since he prefers to keep his true identity to himself, going by a big list of other aliases when he has to blend in.
“Of course I don’t,” he scoffs. “That’s how you survive.”
“I don’t want to just survive. I want to live my life,” you retort, and he laughs and it sounds bitter even to his own ears.
“You? Living? Holed up in shitty hotel rooms across the country looking for people who do your job better than you do?”
Your anger slips just for a moment, a microexpression, but Taehyung catches it. It’s something like hurt and he takes another two steps toward you.
“Admit it, chickadee. You’re no better than I am. We’re both alone.”
“You know, for all the time I spent ‘stalking’ you, I had no idea you’d be like this.”
“Like what?” He’s close enough to kiss you, now, to see the way your tongue wets your lips before you speak.
“I knew you were a killer. I knew you were ruthless, seductive...but I never knew you were such an asshole.”
Taehyung chuckles, takes the final step toward you so that your breasts are almost touching his chest.
“What’s wrong, little bird? You want me to seduce you?”
He half expects you to strike him across the face, to shove at his chest, but instead you lean up just slightly, just barely brush your lips against his and he draws in a breath through his nostrils, leaning down toward you instinctively.
“I think you want me to seduce you,” you murmur, dropping your head to press a soft, wet kiss against his collarbone and Taehyung lets out a moan, puts his arms around your waist.
That’s when you shove him hard, both palms on his chest and he stumbles backward, caught off guard for the first time in years.
“Too bad.”
You storm out and lock yourself in the other room while Taehyung stands there staring at the space that you occupied seconds ago.
It’s another few moments before he curses and sits down on the bed and that’s when he sees it: a piece of paper, folded intricately into a swan.
It says, simply: Daegu.

The next morning, you wake up to Taehyung humming softly, sitting on the chair next to your bed and you scramble upright, pulling the covers up over your body.
“Wouldn’t have pegged you as the type to sleep nude, chickadee,” He drawls, raising one thick eyebrow, and you groan.
“It isn’t even daylight.”
“I knocked first, but you must be a heavy sleeper. Had to pick the lock.” He holds up a bobby pin and then grins and sticks it into his back pocket.
“You’re a fucking maniac,” you mutter, and start to get out of bed.
He just keeps sitting there and you turn to look at him.
“Get out!” You yell, throwing a pillow in his direction and he ducks it, still grinning.
“You’re grumpy in the mornings,” he chuckles as he walks out, closing the door behind him.
You take your other pillow and put it to your face to scream into it.
The Black Wolf is the most infuriating, possibly insane, and most attractive person you’d ever met, and you’re sure that by the end of this, you’ll be just as crazy as he is. The night before, everything in you had wanted to melt into him when he’d put his arms around you, if only because the rage inside you would probably be helped by primal hate sex.
It isn’t as if you’re any kind of prude or virgin, far from it, but you don’t make a habit of sleeping with men who murder for hire. It’s been quite a while since you’d been able to sleep with anyone, given the nature of your job and what you’d been doing to find Taehyung in the first place.
Your eyes widen as your thoughts circle back to your job, and you pick up your phone and wince at the three voicemails and ten text messages.
Taehyung bangs on your door again and you cry out.
“Wheels up in ten!”
“Oh fuck off,” you mutter, and when he knocks again you yell it and you hear him laughing through the door.
You call your superior, a man you only know as Francis, and he picks up on the first ring.
“Where the fuck have you been, Y/n?”
You could tell him now. You could tell him that you’ve been taken by the Black Wolf, have Francis send in a team to extract him, but that also means that if Taehyung were listening by the door he’d probably kill you before he got the words out. There’s a code you could use, but you’d be surprised if there were any code that Taehyung didn’t know, given his background with the Black Room.
Instead, you make up a story about having to have your appendix out and needing some sick leave, and in the end, Francis buys it.
Maybe you’re a better liar than you’d thought, or maybe when you got back home Francis would…
You stop that train of thought in its tracks. You have to focus on the tasks at hand and that’s 1. Surviving this road trip with an international killer, and 2. Not making out with said international killer.
Which means you have to find who burned him, and fast, before you give in to your baser impulses or he decides he doesn’t need you anymore.
You get dressed in a simple patterned jumper and Taehyung smirks at you.
“Look at you, chickadee. You look good enough to eat.”
“Where are we going?” You demand, and he hands you the slip of paper.
It’s a three hour drive this time and you spend the first thirty minutes of it in silence while Taehyung drives.
“Jesus Christ don’t you ever listen to music?”
Taehyung frowns. “Sure I do. Sometimes.”
You flip on the radio and he hums along with one of the tunes in a surprisingly clear baritone.
“You seem almost human sometimes. It’s weird.” You comment.
Taehyung snorts. “Is that supposed to be a compliment?”
“Nope,” you respond.
He turns his head to stare at you for so long he slightly runs off the road slightly before righting the steering wheel.
“You may be the most infuriating person I’ve ever met,” he says. “And I’ve met a lot of infuriating people.”
“Is that supposed to be a compliment?” You parrot back at him, smiling, and he groans as if put out but his mouth turns up at one corner, as if he’s hiding a smile.
Since the god has given Taehyung no more information than the city itself, he picks the most expensive hotel in town, pays with cash and he only carries a small duffel bag that must be stuffed with money and weapons.
You have no idea where he’s getting clothes, and at this point you’re afraid to ask.
At least he gets a suite so that you have your own room. You’d have expected the romcom trope of the hotel only having single rooms available, but in this, at least, you’re lucky.
“I’m going out to run an errand,” Taehyung says as soon as you sit your bag on the bed to unpack.
“What? You can’t-” You turn around, and he’s already walking out the door, waving at you as he closes it behind him.
You let out a long groan and contemplate screaming into the pillow again but decide against it, opting to take a long shower instead.
You’ve just barely put on your robe when Taehyung bursts into your room.
“I found something,” he says, words quick and almost excited, an emotion you’re not familiar with when it comes to him.
You turn away quickly to cinch the robe sash around you but he’s barely paying attention, his energy oddly nervous.
“I was just walking around, surveying the area,” he says, as if this is something normal people do when they’re in a new city. “I came across these apartments - a shithole, really, but I slid in behind someone that got buzzed in to check the mailboxes.”
You pause and perch on the edge of the hotel bed, watching him pace around the room almost in awe.
“There was a name there, a name I knew.” He looks at you sideways, as if he can’t reveal the name. “Someone that I...that I worked with. I think he has something to do with this.”
“Then we need to find him?” You ask, slowly.
Taehyung shakes his head vehemently.
“No. No, we can’t ask him. He’s not…” He lets out a frustrated breath and sits down on the bed next to you, his thigh against yours and it makes your skin feel hot.
“So what do we do next?”
“We wait until nightfall, go back, see if we can find someone that wants to talk to me about it. It’s mostly a retirement area. Elderly people love me.”
You stare at him in disbelief.
“I’m very respectful,” he explains, and you burst out a laugh before covering your mouth.
You stand up and head to your closet but Taehyung keeps sitting on your bed.
You start packing your things back into your suitcase and Taehyung frowns at you, calling your name softly. It’s unusual, hearing it instead of “little bird” or “chickadee.”
You turn to look at him. “You won’t need me now, right? You’ve got your lead, you’re a lone wolf or whatever. I can go home.”
Taehyung keeps frowning and stands up, walks up behind you.
You freeze with your hand on the closet door.
“You think you’re in control here?” He murmurs against your ear and it makes you shiver but it also makes you angry.
“No, I’m well aware that I’ve been being held hostage for weeks.” You snap. “But I’m tired and I want to go home.”
You turn around to face him, looking up at him. There’s a moment where you’re struck by how beautiful his eyes are but you won’t be fooled by a pretty face.
“Kill me or let me go.” You demand.
“There’s no third option?” Taehyung asks voice softer than usual, and he doesn’t move, so close to you that if he did decide to kill you he’d have a knife in your ribs before you could take another breath.
“What third option?” You ask, and that’s when he slowly raises his hand, as if you’re some wounded animal that might bite him, and traces his index finger along your cheek.
“You could stay and help me.”
“Why would I do that?”
Taehyung swallows, his eyes searching your face.
“Because you were right.”
You don’t speak, waiting for him to continue but his hand is still on your face, his thumb brushing the underside of your jaw and it’s hard to think about your next move.
“I...I am human,” he admits, as if it physically pains him to say it. “I feel things, just like you do, and this is...this might be...my family. Where I come from.”
“And where do I fit in?”
Taehyung sighs, presses his forehead to yours and something in you swells as if you might burst.
“I don’t know yet. I just know that you do. Fit in, I mean.” He almost stammers the last part and you’ve never heard him be unsure of his words.
You open your mouth to say something, you’re not even sure what, and then he tilts your chin up, covers your mouth with his, slow and deep and you make a noise into his mouth, your hands going to the buttons on his shirt instinctively.
He moves his hands to your ass, lifting you up, and your legs, traitors that they are, go around his waist automatically.
There’s this alarm in your brain that keeps getting fainter and fainter as he kisses you, slow and deep and thorough, as if there’s all the time in the world.
He presses against you, moves his mouth down to your throat and leaves wet kisses down to the tops of your breasts, pausing only to shove aside your robe and run his thumbs across your nipples while he catches your mouth again.
Taehyung, quiet all this time, lets out a low groan against your ear that makes you gasp into his mouth and rock your hips against his, feeling him hard and thick against you.
It goes quicker after that, he picks you up and pivots you to the bed, covering your body with his and pushing your robe apart impatiently, leaving kisses down your body until you’re trembling.
Those alarm bells have silenced, now, replaced with need and a growing pressure in your stomach. You can’t help moaning when he parts your thighs and then spreads your lower lips, staring at your pussy as if it’s some delicious meal he’s about to devour.
He doesn’t just eat you out, he buries his face in you, inhales you before licking the flat of his tongue against your entrance and up to your clit, no teasing.
Your hips buck and your hands go into his hair and for all his control he moans against you when you tug on his hair, buries his face deeper, sticking his tongue just barely into your entrance before replacing it with a long finger.
He breathes in through his nose, stiffening his tongue to flick across your clit, looking up at you and you arch your back when he adds a second finger, crying out.
“Taehyung,” you gasp as you hurtle toward your orgasm, but he doesn’t answer, curling his fingers inside you to hit just the right spot and you cover your mouth when you cum, your moans muffled against your hand.
He lifts his head as you’re still clenching around his fingers but he doesn’t stop pumping them in and out of you, his chin covered in your slick.
He frowns, licking his lips, and leans forward, his fingers going deeper inside you and making you cry out again. He circles your wrist and tugs it away from your face.
“Don’t hide. Wanna hear you,” he rasps.
“Fuck me,” you plead, and you’ve never been one to beg but you’re so hot all over, you need more even though you’re bucking against his hand.
“Patience, chickadee.” He says, calm now, focused on your face.
You groan in frustration when his thumb just barely brushes your clit and lean up to kiss him, tasting yourself on his tongue and he makes a sound in the back of his throat like a growl when you shift to bite down on the base of his throat.
“Just gotta have it, do you?” He asks, flirty but he’s not smiling, eyes dark with lust and you bite back a sigh of relief when he moves his fingers from you to unbuckle his belt, shoving his pants down his ass to reveal his cock, standing curved against his tight stomach.
Thicker than you’d imagined (and you’ll admit that you had imagined), bigger than you’d imagined and you’ve never been a size queen but your mouth waters just a bit.
“Gonna keep being a tease or are you gonna put that thing to use?” You taunt, feeling empty now that his fingers are gone.
Taehyung smirks briefly and then goes serious again, his hands rough on your thighs as he yanks you to the end of the bed.
“If I had more time, I’d shove it down your throat,” he mumbles. “Make you choke on it.”
“Not a punishment,” you gasp as he teases your entrance with the head of his cock.
Taehyung chuckles. “I guess it wouldn’t be, not for you, little bird. You’re an eager thing, aren’t you? Cock hungry.”
“Yes, fuck, hurry up!” You moan, rolling your hips up so that just the tip of him slides inside you.
Taehyung hisses and his grip on your thighs tightens as he rocks inside you, slow at first but only for a moment before he’s fucking you hard and rough and dirty, just how you’ve always liked it.
“You hate me but you wanted this, didn’t you?” He asks, his gaze flickering from where he’s fucking you to your breasts to your face. “Wanted me to fuck you so hard you’d forget your own name.”
“You wanted to fuck me,” you shoot back, but it’s in a strangled gasp as he fucks you harder, rocking you forward on the bed only to yank you back by your thighs or hips, whichever is easier.
Taehyung grunts. “I did,” he admits. “Wanted to know how your cunt tasted the first night we met.”
You’re so close to your orgasm you’ve lost the ability to speak, your eyes rolling back in your head as you arch up beneath him.
When you come down, he’s slowed inside you, rolling his hips now instead of the jerky rhythm he’d had before.
You focus on his face, aftershocks of your orgasm making you shudder.
Taehyung crawls onto the bed, managing to mostly stay inside you as he leans down to kiss you, slow and thorough like before and this time it’s a different kind of pressure, building slow from your throat down to your cunt.
“Jesus fuck you’re tight,” Taehyung growls against your mouth. “I’m close.”
You open your mouth to speak but he kisses you harder, his teeth nipping at your bottom lip, starts to fuck you hard again and you’re cumming and then he’s pulling out, grunting as he paints your belly and breasts with cum.
You look down at yourself, shocked at what has just happened, at how you’ve just been fucked (very well) by an international assassin.
You expect Taehyung to disappear into his room but he doesn’t, leaves only to go to the bathroom, bringing back a warm, wet towel that he cleans you off with, surprisingly gentle.
He sits on the edge of the bed for a long moment before you touch him on the shoulder.
“Stay?” You ask, and you can see by his side profile that he’s smiling a little.
“Aw, chickadee, you want to cuddle?”
You scoff and fall flat on your back on the bed.
“It’s aftercare. Don’t get it twisted.”
Taehyung shrugs and removes his shirt and you can’t help staring at the expanse of his back, seeing the white scars across his lower back and when he lies down, a circle of scarred flesh on his lower abdomen, a bullet hole, it seems.
Taehyung catches you staring.
“Not as pretty as my face, huh?”
You shake your head, shifting on the bed to put your head on his chest. “Just wondering who did that to you.”
He shrugs. “Don’t remember most of them.” He runs his finger across the bullet scar. “Just this one.”
You stare at his face but he doesn’t turn to look at you and so you focus on the clench of his jaw.
“How’d you get that one?” You ask when he doesn’t explain.
“A friend,” he says simply, like it doesn’t matter, and you don’t ask again, resting your head on his chest again and his heart is beating too hard.
It’s alarmingly easy to fall asleep like that, listening to his heartbeat slow and his breathing, and you think you must be dreaming when his hand drops into your hair, smoothing down the strands.
“Little bird,” he murmurs, in what must be your dream. “I’m not sure I was human until I met you.”

Taehyung wakes up just before dawn, like clockwork, like always. They’d unlocked the doors of the cells in the Black Room at 5:30AM, and he’s conditioned.
He’d always wanted to be the first out of his cell, the best student, especially when The Soldier was training them.
Taehyung had been 16 when the Soldier stopped showing up for training, and 20 the last time he’d seen him, in a black mask, hair hanging loose, and absolutely nothing in his eyes.
A sniper rifle bullet makes no sound, and Taehyung was off his game when he’d recognized The Soldier, and spent three weeks in the hospital with his liver bleeding.
Since then, he has tried not to think about it. Not thinking about things has always been how he’d gotten through his life, pushing everything dark and useless to some hidden locked corner of his mind.
Last night, he’d seen the soldier’s name. His real one. Min Yoongi. On a mailbox in Daegu, of all places. This of course, means that Jimin knew a lot more about Taehyung’s burn notice than he let on, but Taehyung had never been one to hold a grudge.
He hadn’t expected for this to become a journey about finding out his past. He didn’t even know he was interested in finding out about his past.
He’d been happy. Hadn’t he?
He sits up on the edge of the bed and you whine before rolling over, tugging the blanket around you in a burrito, only tufts of hair poking out the top, and it makes him smile.
Taehyung wasn’t lying when he told you that you made him feel human. Of course he’d always felt things. Anger, betrayal….fear.
Fear, most of all. The first memory he has is being so afraid he can’t breathe, sobbing so hard doubled over in a cell.
The Black Room had not turned him into a perfect assassin. He isn’t sure such a thing exists. Except for The Soldier with his dead brown eyes, stalking toward him as he’d scrambled backward, bleeding into his stomach, part of his liver severed by the bullet.
Taehyung shakes his head to rid himself of the memory, locking it away again. He’d felt anger at first, with you, because you’d gotten into his life in a way that no one else had. You’d known his true name, after all, something that he hadn’t even known most of his life. He’d felt interest, that’s for sure, because you’re beautiful and smart and wily, things that he values in himself. He hadn’t felt fear until you’d been attacked at the post office, and even then, he wasn’t sure why.
It isn’t as if he’d never felt desire for a mark, but that’s all they were. Marks.
You’re something else, and he has to admit to himself that it’s not just about your skills anymore. It isn’t that he needs you anymore, he’s gotten the information he needs. He wants you around, likes having someone to bounce ideas off of, go on road trips, hide out in hotels with room service.
Taehyung realizes, slowly, that the thing he’s felt most of his life isn’t fear after all, but loneliness.
He stands at the doorway to the bathroom, watching the tufts of hair he can see of you, hearing the way you snore lightly, for longer than he should.
Taehyung is gone when you wake up, the spot where he’d been still warm from his body.
You order breakfast, two plates just in case, having flashbacks from the night before that leave a blush on your cheeks.
You’ve really gotten yourself into a mess.
Something inside your chest aches when you think about his hand in your hair, the way he’d said “little bird” softly, instead of mocking.
You groan and plop down on the bed.
You wonder if he’ll find what he’s looking for and then you’ll never see him again.
You wonder if he’s gone already, after all there’s nothing he’s left behind that he couldn’t replace. That’s what he does, after all, gets the job done and disappears like smoke.
You don’t even have a way to contact him. There’s a burner phone that the two of you have been using but it’s at the hotel, sitting on the desk.
You’ve been sitting there trying to figure out how to feel about everything for a couple of hours when there’s a knock on the door.
When you look out the peephole there’s a bellboy standing there and you frown, wary.
“Sorry to bother you,” he calls. “Just bringing fresh towels.”
He is holding towels, after all, so you open the door, and when he looks up his face changes, smile turning wicked.
The towel is pressed up against your face before you can scream and everything goes black.
You come to inside a pitch black room. You’re tied to a chair and your mouth feels like cotton.
“Fuck,” you try to say, but it comes out slow and slurred.
“There you are,” the voice comes floating through the darkness and you recognize it, although you’re not sure from where. There’s footsteps and you’re not sure you’ve ever been more afraid in your life.
Instead of a punch to the face though there’s just a light touch on your tied hands.
“What do you want with me?” You ask, willing your voice not to crack.
There’s a lilting laugh and that you recognize.
“I don’t want anything to do with you, darling. I want your wolf.”
You hold back a laugh that’s more of a sob but it’s a near thing.
“You think he’s going to come for me?”
The lights come on, so bright that you shut your eyes before opening them again, looking into Jimin’s handsome face, with a familiar wicked smile.
“I know he will.”
Taehyung spends the early morning scouting the apartment complex, and he finds information even easier than he’d thought he would. Old men like to talk, and their wives like to feed him and talk even more, going on and on about how handsome he is and asking why he isn’t married himself.
Turns out that The Soldier had been some kind of war hero half a century ago, and Taehyung assumes it must be a grandfather or great-grandfather until one of the old women shows him a picture.
“He took up with that girl after she….” the old woman pauses and lowers her voice, as if telling him something scandalous. “After she was in the family way.” She must see the look on Taehyung’s face so she shakes her head and explains. “Couldn’t have been his, she was six months gone before she ever moved here. He was real sweet with her, though, never let anyone say an unkind word about her. Him and his buddy, they kept her fed and sheltered up until she had to go away.”
“Away?” Taehyung asks, fascinated, and the woman’s husband grunts at him when he misses his turn at dominoes.
“To have the little one, of course,” she says, as if Taehyung might be some kind of idiot.
Taehyung just nods, dumbly, finally playing his hand.
“What happened to her?”
The old woman sighs. “Poor thing died in childbirth, I believe. I was young at the time, and if you want to know the truth….” She leans down to whisper in Taehyung’s ear. “I had my eye on the Min boy myself, so I asked around about it. Never heard what happened to the baby, but there’s a place nearby that takes in young ones that need homes. You could try there.”
Taehyung stands up abruptly.
“Thank you, ahjumma,” he says gratefully, and bows, apologizing to the older man for ending the game prematurely as well.
It isn’t as if Taehyung is surprised, exactly. After all, he’d come face to face with a god recently, so the fact that his old friend might be some kind of immortal doesn’t shock him. What does shock him is that he might have known Taehyung’s mother, might have something to do with why he’d been burned.
In fact, there are a lot of strange things afoot. He hasn’t been attacked by anyone from The Black Room despite a burn notice, and of course he’s careful but he hadn’t expected them to give up so easily just because he left down or wasn’t staying in one of his normal areas.
It’s only a couple of blocks to the church, a sign that reads: Safe Haven above the double doors.
He finds out without much difficulty that there are records of the babies brought in, and gets a copy with a sob story about being orphaned.
It might, after all, be true.
His name is on the tenth page from 1996,and he finds it while riding in the cab on the way back to the hotel.
Kim Taehyung, male, arrived December 30, 1995. The young man who brought him says he was born a few hours before and his mother has passed on.
There’s no more information than that, and Taehyung huffs out a frustrated breath as he keeps searching through the document on the way up the elevator.
He knows something is wrong before he ever reaches the door.
There isn’t much amiss, but he doesn’t miss any small detail, and there’a a plant turned over by the window in the hallway of the hotel and it’s cracked enough that he can feel a breeze come through.
Taehyung doesn’t pause, heads to the door as if everything is normal but when he opens it, he draws his knife before stepping inside.
There’s clear evidence of a struggle and he isn’t sure why his heart is in his throat until he gets to the bed where a single sheet of paper has been weighed down with a stone.
In the same handwriting that had brought him here, there’s simply an address.
Taehyung spends an inordinately long amount of time stalking around the hotel room. This is clearly a trap, clearly set by the god who obviously knows all about Taehyung’s burn notice. Taehyung had already been fooled once, something that hadn’t happened to him since he was a boy. Not only is it obviously a trap, but it’s a trap that’s been deliberately set because Jimin believes that Taehyung will come for you, believes that Taehyung has some kind of feelings for you.
Taehyung had already been through this with himself more than once, about how he does feel something, about how he’d always felt things, maybe even more deeply than most people. However, his training had taught him that making decisions based on feelings doesn’t result in survival, and Taehyung had always survived. No matter what.
Even when the only friend he’d ever had shot him in cold blood, even when he was bleeding out on the pavement he managed to break The Soldier’s left tibia with a side kick and scramble beneath a car, hiding until he felt strong enough to get away. He hadn’t even hesitated.
Now, his feet want to carry him to an address where a god with unimaginable powers is waiting for him, all because of a person he barely knows.
Taehyung keeps remembering you this morning with your hair poking out of the blanket, the way you grunted as you rolled over in it. He keeps thinking of how you looked right into his eyes, arching up beneath him, how you were never afraid.
Taehyung doesn’t dare walk the ten blocks to the address but calls a cab after suiting up, all black leather which has the benefit of looking good as well as serving as a kind of armor.
The cab driver raises an eyebrow at him and Taehyung gives the older man a dazzling smile that seems to disarm him.
Taehyung is uncharacteristically antsy, and that’s nothing new given he’s felt that way since the burn notice, but he feels as if he might explode if he doesn’t get to you soon. He’s not even sure that he’ll survive this, given he has no idea what the god wants from him, but he’s determined to take someone down with him.

You can’t seem to stop crying and finally Jimin rolls his eyes.
“Please stop your blubbering, it’s giving me a migraine.” He pinches the bridge of his nose with his fingertips.
“You should just kill me,” you say, your voice strong instead of breaking despite your tears. “He won’t come. It’s been hours.”
Jimin tilts his head, smiling slightly at you. “You think I don’t have someone at the hotel room to make sure he does come, in the event that I’m wrong?” He pauses, picking some invisible lint off his shirt. “But he’ll come.”
He looks different like this, no trenchcoat, just a white button up shirt and black slacks, hair freshly washed instead of slicked back with product. He looks...almost handsome. Almost human.
“I keep telling you, he won’t!” You cry out. “He doesn’t need me anymore, you gave him what he needed.”
“I did. But yet he’ll still come.” Jimin says, determinedly. He ticks his head toward the metal door of the cell and you hear a man’s cry of pain and a woman’s scream. “Ah, here he comes now.”
Jimin opens the doors wide and Taehyung strikes at him and manages to land a slice across Jimin’s forearm before he pivots, shaking his finger as if to admonish the taller man.
“Ah ah, wolfie. You know how I feel about violence, but I’ll slit her throat before you can even start to untie her.”
Taehyung flips his knife over and Jimin laughs.
“You might be good with that, wolf pup, but I’ve been practicing knife play since before your grandmother was at her mother’s teat.”
Jimin brings out a knife of his own, longer than Taehyung’s with an intricate handle.
“Should I show you how good I am at throwing it?”
“Taehyung,” you gasp but he doesn’t even look at you, likely gauging the distance between the knife and your throat a few feet away.
“You think I came for her?” Taehyung laughs and you hang your head, not wanting to look at him.
Jimin smiles and it’s less mirthful than patronizing. “Of course you did.”
“I told you. I’m not weak.”
“And I told you, everyone has weaknesses.” Jimin tilts the knife toward you as if to point at you. “And she is yours.”
“You’re wrong,” Taehyung insists, and all you can do is sniffle.
You were stupid to ever let your guard down, to ever let him inside you, inside your heart like some kind of easily entranced mark of his. You’d read all about him, about how he works, how he plays sweet and seductive in equal measures, gets people to trust him before he strikes. One case you’d studied, he’d courted a woman for nearly six months before killing her, draining her of all the information he needed before simply slitting her throat in an alleyway. How could you have thought you were different? He’d used you to get to Jimin, to find out what he’d needed to know, and he’s only here to hear the rest.
Jimin turns to aim the knife at you and you gasp out Taehyung’s name, pleading, as if that will save you.
“What do you want?” Taehyung barks, and Jimin slides his knife into the back of his slacks and comes to stand behind you, his hands lighting on your shoulders while you cringe.
“Did you find out where you come from?” Jimin asks, looking at Taehyung almost shrewdly.
“Wh-what?” It’s only the second time you’ve ever heard Taehyung stutter.
“It’s important,” Jimin drawls, “to find out where you come from. Who you are.”
“I...I found out where I was born, yes.”
Jimin nods. “It took me a very long time to find out where I came from, you see, so I wanted to give you that courtesy before I took your life.”
You feel lightheaded from everything that’s happened but you scream when you hear Jimin’s words and his hands tighten painfully on your shoulders.
“Hush now. I might let you live if you keep quiet.”
“I thought you didn’t like violence,” Taehyung says, almost desperately, and Jimin sighs.
“I don’t. But it is sometimes necessary. For example, it’s necessary when someone is trying to imprison you, or kill you.”
“I’m not going to kill you. I don’t even know how to kill you.” Taehyung pleads.
You don’t know why Taehyung seems to be going to bat for you, what possible good it could do him, but you’re grateful, looking up at him with wide eyes.
“Oh, not you, wolfie. Well, not just you. You couldn’t do it on your own, you see. Barely anyone could. But my brother is part of some team building exercise....” Jimin rolls his eyes. “And he can really hold a grudge.”
“A team?”
“A team of elites, I’ve heard. Soldiers. Mutants.” He smiles. “Assassins.”
“I’m not part of any team. I work alone.”
“For now you do. But they’ll come to you. I have someone to take care of, now. Someone to protect. So I can’t let that happen. Congratulations! You’re the first on my list.”
Jiimin spreads his hands as if offering Taehyung some kind of prize.
You’re trying to figure out if you can kick over the chair, give Taehyung some kind of distraction, when Taehyung says something you would have never believed he’d say.
“I won’t put up a fight if you let her go.”
Jimin laughs as if absolutely delighted.
“Wonderful! We can avoid violence altogether.”
“No!” You yell. “Don’t you fucking dare, Kim Taehyung!”
“Before you kill me,” Taehyung says calmly, not even looking at you, “I have a request.”
Jimin tilts his head. “Fair enough. What is it?”
“Untie the girl and indulge me in a bit of knifeplay.”
Jimin looks at you and then back at Taehyung for a moment, and then shrugs, moving to untie your hands and feet.
“As you wish.”
As soon as you’re able to stand you rush to Taehyung but he grabs you by the wrists, avoiding your eyes as he shoves you out the open door.
“No--no, Taehyung, you can’t, he’ll kill you--” You babble, sobs tearing from your throat and you’re not even sure he can understand you.
“Go,” Taehyung says and his face is serious but his voice is strangled. “Run, as far as you can. As fast as you can.”
“No!” You struggle in his grasp but his grip on your wrists is like a vice. “No, you don’t understand what he can do, I spent years studying him-”
You can see Jimin juggling his knives behind Taehyung, calmly, as if he’s barely having to think about it and you try to rush Taehyung again.
Taehyung shoves you again, harder, and you stumble backwards, almost falling.
“Survive,” he orders, and starts to shut the door as you stand there, trembling all over. He pauses, looks at you and his eyes are wide and dark and unbelievably, a little wet. “But stay human,” he finishes, softly, and slams the door.
You try to open it again but it’s been locked from the inside and you pound on the doors, screaming his name, shoving your shoulder against it, but it won’t budge.
Just as your voice is starting to give out, someone bursts through the front door of the abandoned building and a large man stalks toward you, wearing some kind of...cape?
You wonder if you’re going delirious from being dehydrated and held hostage all day until he gets closer and he speaks to you.
“Excuse me, maiden,” he says, smiling politely, before he rips the steel door off its hinges.
When you scream in surprise, he turns to you.
You are frozen in place in shock for a few moments and all you hear is a brief struggle and Jimin cursing in a foreign language before the bigger man comes out with Jimin gagged, carrying him by his collar.
“Don’t worry,” the big man tells you as he comes out. “I’m just here to retrieve my brother, and it looks as if your man will live.”
Just like that, he’s stalking out the door with Jimin barely even struggling, seemingly defeated, and you finally snap out of it and rush into the cell.
Taehyung is slumped against the wall with a hand to his stomach, and his outfit is black but you can still see the blood streaking down the leather.
You rush to him and he gasps out your name, moving a blood streaked hand to your hip as if to check you for injuries.
“You’re all right?” He gasps, and you’re grateful that his voice or breathing don’t sound liquid.
“Taehyung, please tell me you brought the burner phone, we have to get you to a hospital--”
“No hospitals,” he says vehemently. “Shallow cut across the abdomen and a couple of broken ribs. Are you all right?”
You stare at him, crying, for a second before you lean down and kiss him, hard and sloppy because you’re so upset and everything has been so crazy, but the taste of his mouth is something you were sure you’d never taste again.
You look around the building, it’s obvious that Jimin had been using it as some kind of safe house, what with the custom steel cell, but there’s no clothing or bandages, it seems to have been cleared out.
With your help, Taehyung walks with you to a drugstore a couple of blocks away. He waits outside while you bring him bandages and buy him a sweatshirt so that it covers the blood enough that you can use the burner to call a cab.
“We can’t go back to the hotel,” Taehyung says, voice strained with pain.
“Obviously,” you groan, worried and upset, but you keep a tight hold on his hand in the cab.
“Sorry, chickadee,” Taehyung gives you a half smile. “Guess you’re good at your job, after all.” He gives another address to the cab driver, another nice hotel in the area. He must have scoped a few out before deciding on one.
Taehyung shoots back a few mini bottles of vodka and asks you to retrieve a bottle from his duffle bag, taking a pill that you’re positive isn’t aspirin before you start to stitch him up.
It’s certainly not the first time you’d done it, having been trained for this when you first started the job, but it’s the most shaky your hands have been. He ends up finishing the rest himself and you sit back in the chair, emotionally and physically exhausted.
“So what now?” You ask tiredly. “You take off again?”
Taehyung looks at you and it’s almost a glare. “I didn’t take off in the first place.”
“You always take off,” you shoot back.
“I just nearly got my guts spilled on a dirty floor to save your life, and you think I’m just going to fucking take off?” His voice is eerily quiet.
“Isn’t that what you did?” Your voice seems small, now, uncertain, and there’s this boil of emotions in your stomach that are almost making you nauseous.
“No! I went to scope out the apartments, I-” He pauses, sees you staring at him incredulously and points at the bed where he’d thrown down the folder. Suddenly, your work brain switches on, that part of you that’s inquisitive, that loves to solve a mystery and you pick up the book, flipping through it until you find his name and then flipping through the rest. When you reach the end of the book, there’s a note there, newer than the rest of the pages in the folder.
It has his name on it in block letters.
You hand it to him wordlessly and he looks down at it as if it’s a snake that might bite him.
“Go on. Open it,” you urge, and he crumbles it, tosses it on the floor.
You scramble to pick it up and give it back to him but he just sits there, shirtless and bandaged, eyes rimmed with kohl liner, and won’t take it from you.
When you finally drop it onto the floor again, he takes your wrists and pulls you toward him.
You squeal but you don’t struggle, letting him pull you into his lap.
He sighs out a breath against your throat when you’re seated, facing him, and it makes gooseflesh break out along your skin.
“Taehyung,” you say, softly, although you are trying to scold him. “You’re hurt, we need to-”
He cuts you off by planting a kiss at the base of your throat, soft, barely brushing his lips along your skin.
“You’re one of the only people alive that knows my true name,” he comments, words soft and slow, from the alcohol and painkiller or just from exhaustion. “I like hearing you say it.”
“Taehyung,” you repeat, and he makes a pleased sound in the back of his throat. “That letter might tell you what you’ve wanted to know, who put out the burn notice, so that-”
Taehyung cuts you off, again, by pressing his mouth against yours and it’s almost hesitant, this time, not like he’d kissed you before, slow and deep. It feels like your first kiss, not just with him but ever, how he breathes out softly against your mouth, how his arms tighten around you, fingers interlocking behind your back as if he wants to keep you here.
You pull away and press your forehead to his so that you can look at him and for the first time it isn’t just that blank face of his, that mask, and he looks open and soft and vulnerable, eyes big and dark and somehow...earnest.
You’re crazy for thinking that Kim Taehyung, The Black Wolf, could ever be earnest, but here you are.
“I don’t care who burned me,” he reveals. “It doesn’t matter anymore.”
You open your mouth to speak but he shakes his head and you close it, waiting for him.
“You told me that I wasn’t human,” he starts, and then pauses. “I guess I wasn’t sure I was either, until recently.” He looks away from you, down to the side. “Until I met you.”
“I didn’t-”
“No, you were right. It’s always been about surviving, for me. The first memories I have are being taught how to survive, how to kill, how to give myself over to every base instinct that I have.” He looks back up at you now and his eyes are wet but clear, he is’t as drunk as you would have assumed. “But I feel things, Y/n.”
Your eyes widen in surprise, you think that’s the first time he’s said your name.
“Of course you do.”
He continues as if you hadn’t spoken and his gaze is so intense you almost want to look away.
“I feel everything, fear and loneliness and pain and…” He pauses again, as if the words are difficult to say. “Love.”
You can’t help the tears that well up in your eyes. “Don’t say that. Don’t say that if you’re just going to take off and-”
“Just let me say this,” he pleads and his arms tighten around you again as if he’s afraid you might move away.
You go silent but your chest hurts, something like fear rising in your throat because you’ve never thought about what it might be like to fall in love, certainly never allowed yourself to think of how you might be falling for him.
“I’m not sure what love means, really. I’ve been trained to cover up those kinds of feelings, and God knows I’ve never felt what it’s like to be loved. I’ve been living my whole life just trying to get to the next day, the next job, and I didn’t realize until meeting you how fucking lonely it is.”
“What are you saying?” It comes out in a hoarse whisper.
Taehyung laughs and it seems genuine instead of mocking like the other times you’d heard it.
“I don’t know. I’ve never...done this before. I’ve never felt this way about anyone. When I found out that you’d been taken, every part of me said to run, to get away from here so that they couldn’t come after me instead, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t wait to get to you. I was so afraid that something had happened, that he’d hurt you…”
You put your hand on his face and he turns into it like a cat looking for affection and it makes your heart skip.
“I’m okay,” you promise. “You saved me and you didn’t have to, and I’m grateful, but you don’t have to say all this, you don’t have to pretend-”
Taehyung shoots his gaze to yours. “I’m not pretending. I’m not pretending for the first time in my life. I have feelings for you. I want you with me. I don’t know what that means because I’ve been spending my whole life hiding every emotion I have.”
He shifts back in his seat suddenly, wincing only slightly in pain.
“But I’m a fugitive. I don’t even exist according to the government, so I can’t ask you to-”
“Neither do I,” you say quickly. “I’ve been working for my company for most of my adult life and been scrubbed from any archive. I’m pretty sure they’ll figure out that I’ve defected any day and come after me. I’m dangerous.”
Taehyung has the ghost of a smirk on his lips. “Dangerous, huh?” He leans forward to kiss along your throat. “Maybe I like a little danger.”
You moan softly before pulling back, wiggling to get out of his grasp.
He lets you go with a pout and you brush your hair back from your face, sitting on the edge of the bed instead across from him and taking a deep breath.
“I won’t deny that I feel something for you,” you say, and he breaks into a smile, a real one and it’s something to behold, big and open. It nearly takes your breath but you manage to continue.
“But I don’t really know what love is either,” you admit. “I’ve never been with anyone more than a few weeks and it was usually just for sex.”
“So you’re saying we’re both fucked up and we’re both in constant danger?” Taehyung asks pointedly.
You laugh a little and nod.
Taehyung smiles again. “Guess that means we’re made for each other.”
“Does it?” You ask, your smile faltering.
Taehyung moves as if to get on the bed and then grimaces, holding his ribs and you bite your lip.
“Wait, don’t...I’ll help you.”
“Chickadee. Y/n,” he whines, his arms out to you and you’d never expected to be in this position, with one of the world’s most notorious assassins asking you to cuddle.
You dodge his arms and move your hands to unbutton his pants, yanking the leather down until kneeling to remove them.
“What are you doing?” Taehyung asks, curiosity peaking in his tone and you laugh.
“Stop asking so many questions and let me take care of you,” you demand, putting your hands on his thighs to spread them, moving a hand to kiss at his hip bone.
“Ah,” he breathes out and strokes your hair for a moment before you move his hand, putting it back on the arm of the chair.
“Think of this as a trust building exercise,” you tease.
Taehyung chuckles low in his throat but keeps his hands on the arms of the chair, watching you as you dip your head to run your tongue along his balls.
His dick is thick, even half hard, and when you wrap your fingers around it, he moans softly to encourage you. When you take the head into your mouth he hisses and braces his hands on the arms of the chair.
You only tease for a moment because he’s cursing and whispering your name and because you’ve wanted him in your mouth for longer than you’d like to admit.
By the end there’s saliva on your chin, you’re taking him so deep, and he shouts when he cums down your throat, his thighs trembling under your hands.
“Little bird,” he gasps, after, breathing in shallow breaths to not hurt his ribs. “I knew you had a mouth on you, but-”
You burst out laughing and he grabs at you to pull you into his lap again but you shake your head.
“You should lie down. When the booze wears off you’ll be sore all over.”
You help him onto the bed but he pulls you down with him despite your protests.
Taehyung palms across your ass but you slap at him gently.
“You need to rest,” you insist, and eventually, he does, watching your face as his eyelids start to droop.
You fall asleep more quickly than you would have imagined given the night’s events.
Taehyung doesn’t pick up the letter from the floor when the two of you start to pack your things up, but you do, smoothing it out and sticking it in the side of his duffle bag where you know he’ll find it.
It’s in another hotel room in another country when he finds it while you’re sleeping, and sits in the bathroom on the edge of the tub while he reads.
Hey, kid.
I know it’s been a while since we spoke, and first of all, I want to apologize for shooting you. As I’m sure you’re aware, I wasn’t quite...myself.
I came looking for you when I was myself again, but you were in the wind. Not that I was surprised. I taught you that, after all.
Nevertheless, I got more years on you than you can imagine, so I tracked you down. Saw you living in hotels and studio apartments, saw you working marks and staying hidden, just like I taught you.
I’m sorry that’s all I taught you. There’s so much more to this world than killing and fucking and being alone, Taehyung.
I didn’t mean to sic that god on you. That was just a side effect of me leaving clues. He picked them up and went after you. I knew you could take care of yourself, but I sent that big brother of his to be sure.
I sent your birth certificate out so that you’d know your real name. Names are important, you know. More important than survival, really. Names stay even when we’re gone.
I guess by now you’ve found out that I knew your mother. I’m not your father, it wasn’t like that with her. She was whip smart, just like you, but too sweet for the world she was living in. I thought at first that you were too sweet, too, that the world would just eat you up, first time I saw you. I was wrong.
You have her eyes.
As for the burn notice, you’re smart enough to know that was me, too. I
didn’t do it to harm you. I did it so you could be free, Taehyung. When you grow up in a place like The Black Room, when you’ve never known anything else, been trained by liars and killers (myself among them), you don’t get to experience life, not how it really is.
What you get to experience is loneliness and emptiness, and that’s not enough.
Freedom means feeling things like heartbreak and longing, but it also means feeling things like happiness and love. It’s taken me a long time to realize I might deserve that, despite all the wrong I’ve done.
I think you deserve it, too.
Your friend,

Taehyung doesn’t read you the letter, still wiping tears from his eyes when he brushes his teeth, but you hug him tightly enough to make him groan from the pain in his ribs, anyway, reading his face.
Turns out, you’re good at that, too.
You’re standing in the lobby of the hotel waiting for a cab to the nearest port when you bite your lip and look at him.
“What do we do now? What comes next?”
Taehyung looks at you, and grins.
“For the first time in my life, I have no idea.”
Turns out, not knowing what comes next is the fun part of living, and Yoongi turns out to be right. Freedom is worth any price.
early morning shit guys
#supremesex #
Pretty, (not so) Innocent Girl | JM (R.) - one shot🔞

♦️Genre: SMUT
♦️Pairings: JewelleryMaker!Jimin x Reader
♦️Ratings: R. 🔞 (18+ content)
♦️Warnings: Explicit Content, fingering (f!Receiving), oral (f!receiving), Dom!Jimin, SubbyReader, Shy!Reader, Jimin is a little shit in this, edging, over-stimulation, kissing, kinkyy, cursing, slightest fluff(?)
♦️Word count: +4.3K
Jimin loves to tease the pretty, innocent girls. He loves to prove to them that they are in fact, not so innocent.
(A/N): this is the result of a random thought I had while watching Jimin’s vlog recently lol
“Looking for something in particular?”
Keep reading

Vipers and Dragons
Summary: Jimin belongs to the dangerous, opposing Mafia clan of the Dragons. Y/N belongs to the vipers. What happens when their paths cross?
Genre: smut, light angst, fluff.

Matcha Tea
Pairing: Jimin x Althea (OC)
Synopsis: Althea never had Matcha before. Jimin is sweet enough to take her to a spot he knows.

Konnie's Kafe was the name of the shop Jimin walked hand in hand with Althea. The spot was owned by a sweet Arab woman who Jimin met at one of the many food truck festivals in the city. The shop was a minimalist but modern decore. Tables were stacked toward the front of the restaurant, and the behind the counter is where the bar was.
"It's gorgeous, the lighting is perfect." Althea spoke to her phone camera. Documenting the experience as she usually did with new things she tried. In the camera, the ceiling light gave her a golden-hour look. Skin was poppin!
"Oooo, look at the flavors." Althea flipped the camera to show the blackboard calligraphy hanging above the bar. Cream-colored pendant lights hung above the cash register, and oil paintings of floral and matcha herbs sat behind the light. Little things that, as an interior designer, she loved to pick up on. The air was clean, the furniture was warmy. She could see herself here frequently.
Jimin figured he would try something new. Deciding to join in on the experience of trying something new with Althea. He tilted his neck, letting out pops as he internally figured out what to try.
The matcha and white chocolate combination caught his eye.
Konnie came out of the backroom. Her cheekbones are high as she smiled at the customers.
"What can I get for you all?"
Jimin looked over to his left to see if Althea was ready. She was too caught up in her monologue to notice the social cue Jimin was giving her. With a loving hand, Jimin wrapped his arm across her shoulder, his face coming into view of the camera. He looked at Althea through the camera.
"Ready to order?"
"Yes, sorry. Can I get the tropical matcha, mama?" Jimin read the flavor description.
Matcha, coconut, and mint leaves.
"I would like the midnight matcha." Konnie punched in the orders on the POS system.
Jimin handed Konnie his card before she announced the total. Swiping the card, Jimin thanked her before following Althea to a table. As part of the decor, a flippable hourglass was in the center of the table. Althea rambled, talking about nothing in particular.
In record time, Konnie delivered the drinks to the table. Jimin watched Althea's pupils dilate in real time. Althea's tropical drink had a paper and toothpick tent hanging off the corner of the cup. Brown sugar on the rim appeared like sand, really selling the beach vibes.
"It's gorgeous!" Althea lifted the cup. "Jimin try." She turned the straw toward his mouth.
"You haven't even tried yet yourself." Jimin laughed.
Konnie, watching the two, smiled. Althea reminds her a lot of her bubbly granddaughter. A soul who was experiencing her first life. She was so open to exploration that it was nearly impossible not to love her.
Sipping the drink, Althea pondered. "ten out of ten!"
"Drink your drink, baby." Jimin picked up his drink, enjoying the new flavor he had tried. He gave Konnie a thumbs-up. She smiled, leaving the couple to enjoy their beverages.
In seconds, the sound of air passing through a straw. Jimin, not even a quarter through his drink looked at the empty glass in amazement.
"It was really good." Althea shrugged, tapping her mouth and applying a fresh layer of gloss on her lips.
Jimin x Black OC Headcannons
Pairing: Jimin x Althea
Synposis: A little intro to Althea Evans, and her relationship with Park Jimin

Jimin/Althea: These two met in a modern sense through a dating app. Jimin reached out by swiping up with a cute pickup line on Althea's profile, and the interaction went as such.
Jimin: Hi! :)
Althea: Hey ;)
Jimin: May I take you out?
Althea: You don't even know me??
Jimin: Will you let me ;)
It was history from there. Jimin wasn't creepy or overtly sexual like some of Althea's previous matches. Althea was a verified user and not another catfish nightmare. Neither side had anything to lose.
Jimin/Althea: Their first date was at an art museum. It contained many classic pieces, making it the perfect place for a photoshoot, which is exactly what ended up happening. Jimin brought his Polaroid camera, snapping pictures of Althea. She had a natural beauty and an overall jovial spirit. She was constantly smiling, her eyes big with wonder. She just carried herself in a carefree manner. It was new to Jimin, a good kind of new.
Jimin/Althea: He keeps one of the pictures that he took of Althea on their first date on the back of his phone case (of course, once they became official). Another event that also didn't take long. Althea quickly saw that Jimin was a very decisive man. If he wanted something, he thought of a game plan on how to get it.
Jimin/Althea: Althea is the type of girlfriend who prefers a public relationship to a private one. She has Jimin's initial in her Instagram bio, and her one public picture is one of Jimin and her cuddling in bed. Jimin is lying on his stomach, his head turned into her chest. Althea is cheesing at the camera frizzy curls on top of her head. The caption is anticlimatic, with a red heart and Jimin's Instagram tag.
"Jimin, come get in my picture." She calls out to her boyfriend. She smoothes out her business trousers. They are getting ready for a grand opening to show support to a mutual friend. Althea puffed out her lips, doing a slight slight duck lip.
Jimin didn't look at the camera, only his girlfriend. Her space became his. His nose touched her cheeks, and he took a deep breath of the floral perfume. Jimin turned his eyes to the camera.
"Smile." Althea posed.
Jimin just looked at the camera and then his girlfriend. In a moment, he slides his tongue up Althea's cheek. Delivering a wet lick.
"Ewwwww Jimin." Althea laughed, saving the video as a treasured memory.
Jimin/Althea: Althea is the first woman Jimin has dated who is his height. Back in his younger days, (late teens- early twenties) he had a strict rule on his partner's heights. It empowered him being the taller one in the relationship. It felt good being the one to make the 'short' jokes instead of being on the receiving end.
But the moment he realized how nice it felt to make eye contact without having to look down was a new feeling. She loved it. It was one of the ways he felt he could connect with Althea. Their eyes had conversations of their own.
It's their world, everyone else is just living in it.
Jimin/Althea: Despite trying her hardest, Althea has a concise attention span. She cannot sit for long periods of time, and long trips are a true test of her patience. She has to get up to stretch her legs or something. Being stationary for too long allowed her thoughts to take control. Which wasn't always a good thing. Hence on the flight to meet Jimin's parents, Jimin packed a stack of playing cards. For the duration of the flight, Jimin taught Althea all sorts of card games.
Jimin/Althea: They are proud pet parents to eight Betta Fish. Two of the fish were apart of a yearly tradition at the state fair. The other six were the babies of the two state fair fish. Sometimes Althea will call up Jimin to update him on the little lives of their babies in the tank.
Jimin/Althea: Jimin got Althea hooked on Korean reality TV shows, specifically Single's Inferno.
"Jia is pulling everyone. Gimme your game card sis."
Jimin rolls his neck at Althea's comment.
"Whatt. It's true."
Every release of a new season they binge it all in one night. It's that bad.
Jimin/Althea: Jimin was mildly impressed to see how high Althea's spice tolerance was. He enjoyed cooking some of his favorite Korean dishes for her, but he tended to stray away from the spicy ones until he watched Althea chow down some gumbo made at her Nana's house in New Orleans. The dish was delicious, but it easily removed two layers off Jimin's tongue. Jimin was a new shade of pink after eating the meal.
Althea, unbothered and unfazed, fixed herself another helping. Not a bead of sweat in sight. Not even a glass of water by her side. She teased Jimin on the flight back home.
Jimin/Althea: Althea takes more pictures of Jimin than Jimin takes of himself. She has a natural gift for capturing the moment. She's had to buy extra gigabytes of storage just to keep up with their relationship, which has been one year. When she is apart from Jimin and can't come to the phone. She scrolls through her many pictures, cheering herself up.
Jimin/Althea: The best compliment Jimin has received from Althea is that he heals her inner child. Take it he was fixing her tea for her sore throat, but the statement caught him off guard. Often, compliments have been focused on his good looks, dance capabilities, or excellent music taste (self-proclaimed). But rarely is he recognized for his emotional soft side. He grew a different level of appreciation for Althea that day.
Jimin/Althea: Not a drinker. She tried in once after her cousins snuck it over at her Nana's house,but she gagged at the awful taste. In college she experimented a little bit with wines, tequila, vodka, and other spirits, but never really saw the hype. Now she chooses to remain abstinent from alcohol. Making her a great DD for Jimin and his friends.
Althea's Bio
Full Name: Althea Irene Evans
DOB: April 28th (26)
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: 5'9
Figure: Slim
Hometown: Lafayette, Louisana
Education: LSU (Louisana State University- Baton Rouge)
Degree: Architecture *Honors
Career: Architecture + Interior Design
Amina Evans (half-sister) 11
Anhai Evans (half-sister) 8
Althea's Mood + Vibe + Aesthetic

[Althea + Jimin Together Vibe]

The Other Side - Part 1

Fandom: BTS Pairing: Park Jimin x OC (Amelia) Genre: Fluff/Angst Word Count: 1.6k Words Warning: Slight drinking, making out, nothing much explicit in this chapter. Note: (18+) Additional chapters contain heavy angst and sensitive topics. If you can’t handle problematic issues, I advise you to not read any further.
Summary: Despite her brother Taehyung’s disapproval of dating one of his friends, Amelia can’t keep herself away from the charming guy she met at his birthday...
Part 1 - Part 2 - More to come

“For you, I will be new every day ‘Cause it’s boring to have the same thing, right?” - Filter by Jimin
My brother Taehyung’s birthday was the worst day of the year for me. Don’t get me wrong. I loved Taehyung more than anybody in this world. For that exact reason, I could never refuse his request for a birthday party in our house.
I was the kind who hated parties and Taehyung, on the other hand, liked them very much. Furthermore, my presence in that party was a must for Taehyung to actually enjoy it. So, I would always end up being a weirdo trying to communicate with his friends whom I met once a year. Since Taehyung loved making a lot of friends, every year, I would meet some new people too.
Today the party seemed to be going for an eternity. The loud music was unbearable after a few hours. I was done making small talks with most of his friends. I needed some break as I felt my social battery was running out. I needed to find Taehyung.
I groaned in frustration searching for my brother in the crowd. I decided I was old enough to leave his annoying party any time I wanted to. After all, it was my house too. I could go anywhere I wanted. So, I headed for the rooftop.
Surprisingly, there was another person present whom I didn’t notice at first. I yelped in surprise when he cleared his throat to gain my attention.
“I’m sorry.” He said, “I didn’t mean to startle you.”
A blonde guy wearing sunglasses, even though it was night, approached me. I realized that I had never met this person before. Thinking he was a new friend of Taehyung, I tried to talk nicely. But, to be honest, I could do with some alone time instead.
“It’s okay!” I said, “I don’t think I know you.”
“I’m Park Jimin.” He said, “I’m Jungkook’s friend from college. I believe you’re Taehyung’s sister, Amelia, right?” I nodded. But my mind was occupied with the thought that he was Jungkook’s friend.
If I had an enemy, it would be Jeon Jungkook. Jungkook and I went to school together. But we never got along. There was a history of endless fights and arguments between us. Some of them ended up with me crying out in frustration and Jungkook getting some serious talk from my overprotective brother. Nonetheless, they were still close friends.
Jimin suddenly chuckled, “I’ve heard quite a lot about you.”
I tried to smile. If he had known me through Jungkook, chances are, he didn’t know anything good.

A few cups of drinks were making my mind blurry. I started to find the stranger really attractive. I wasn’t even listening to what he had been saying. But his voice was pleasant to my ears. My mind was full of thoughts that seemed too wrong.
“Hello!” Jimin snapped his fingers in front of my eyes and I came back to reality. He wetted his lips before saying, “You haven’t been listening, have you?”
I shook my head honestly. He laughed as if he found it adorable. He took off the glasses and stared directly into my eyes.
Oh God! If looks could kill...
“I think you’re a little too intoxicated to ignore my charm.” he said. Without realizing I nodded in affirmation, making him laugh even more.
Oh God! His eye smile...
Then, he suddenly stopped. His stare was quite serious this time. He wasn’t fooling around anymore. I could feel the tension rising in the air. It seemed like there was an invisible string pulling me closer to this guy. I leaned a bit closer to him. But he didn’t move.
He half whispered, “Are you sure about this?” I nodded again.
Then, he leaned in to kiss me. It was a soft one at first, but gained momentum as soon as he got my approval. During our heated making out session, my mind had gone off to a completely different world. There was nothing I could think of other than him.
But soon Jimin let go of my lips and pulled back. A soft whimper left my mouth. Jimin just chuckled in return and shook his head.
“I don’t want you to regret anything once you’re sober.” He said.
I opened my mouth to say something but decided against it. It was already awkward enough. I didn’t want to embarrass myself further by saying something which would prove how desperate I was to have him.

Taehyung and I were only a year apart and he was the oldest. Our father was never in the picture and our mother died the year I graduated high school. Both of us ended up not going to college. Money was not a problem. We were pretty well off as mother had left us with a big house and a huge backyard of a flower garden. I worked on them and sold them in our personal flower shop which was quite famous in town. Taehyung, on the other hand, did whatever he was comfortable with at the moment.
Taehyung had lots of friends. But I only had him. And he was aware of it. But he didn’t mind. Even though he had many friends, both male and female, he would always forbid me to get a little too close to any of his male friends. I never complained either. Because, most of them were like Jungkook, whom I absolutely despised.
But I felt different this time. This Jimin guy was really messing with my mind. Ever since the night, I couldn’t shake his thoughts away. I felt a little guilty for keeping such a secret from my brother, to whom I had always confided everything.
“This is never going to happen again.” I would tell myself. But little did I know how wrong I had been.
Apparently, Jimin shared a mutual feeling and there was nothing that could stop him from coming back to me. So, coming back to me he did. But at the worst moment possible.
Ding Dong
Taehyung forbade me to get up from the dining table as we were having supper at the time. It was unusual for us to have a visitor so late. So, Taehyung went to check it himself.
“Is Amelia home?” I heard a not so unknown voice spoke and my heart skipped a bit. I knew that Taehyung was as shocked as me because he didn’t say a word in reply.
The stranger continued, “I’m Jimin. I hope you remembered me from the party. I came here with Jungkook.”

It turned out that Jimin had some important business in town. But unfortunately he was too late to catch the evening train. He hadn’t brought his car. Furthermore, he was not in the habit of riding a cab late at night. He tried calling Jungkook but he was out of town. He also informed Taehyung that he had an opportunity to become my friend during his birthday party. So, it seemed like he had no other choice but to ask us to let him stay at our place.
Taehyung didn’t seem to be believing any of his words. But he agreed to let him stay for the night. Only at one condition; Jimin was to share the bed with him. It is necessary to include that we had two spare bedrooms for guests.
I had never felt so uncomfortable while having dinner at my own house before. Jimin looked like he was having the best moment of his life; enjoying the food and appreciating it often. I nodded in between but tried not to say anything and let Taehyung join the conversation. Jimin was acting differently, almost in a child-like manner. I tried to avoid eye contact with either of them as Taehyung kept eyeing us suspiciously throughout the whole dinner.
After a while of chatting about nothing, we were all off to bed. But my brain had no intention of letting me sleep. Instead, it was replaying the night of my brother’s birthday. I wondered if this was the same flirty Jimin I had encountered some weeks ago.
Hours later, I walked out of my bedroom in frustration. Instantly, I was grabbed by my shoulders and I yelped in surprise.
“Ssh!” Jimin let go and whispered, “It’s only me!” I nodded in recognition. He looked at me carefully and a wide grin spread on his face.
“What?” I asked, surprised at his unusual behavior.
“Thank God!” He said with relief, “You didn’t forget about me.”
I laughed at him, “What made you think I might forget you?”
Jimin frowned at my taunting, “Why? You were hella drunk that night. I bet you can’t recall what we did.”
I blushed really hard this time. Of course, I remembered what we did. But I was in no mood to discuss that embarrassing event. Jimin had definitely seen me blushing. His cute face suddenly turned mischievous.
“Can you recall it or should I help?” he smirked. Now, this was the Jimin I was talking about.
Before I could shut him up with a slap on the head, I heard movements ahead of me. Both of us froze. Our eyes grew larger at once.
“Fuck!” Jimin whispered, “Your spy brother is awake.”
I ran straight to my bedroom and shut the door quickly. My heart was beating up to my throat. I could hear a conversation outside which made me smile like an idiot.
A deep voice asked, “Oy! What are you doing there?”
A cute one replied, “I think I might have forgotten the way to the bathroom.”
A moment of silence before a really angry tone spoke, “If you’re trying to make an excuse, Park Jimin, go for a better one next time.”

Next >
My Masterlist
The Other Side - Part 2

Fandom: BTS Pairing: Park Jimin x OC (Amelia) Genre: Fluff/Angst Word Count: 1.7k Words Warning: Drinking, foul language, mention of kiss, this chapter doesn’t deal with any major triggering issues. Note: (18+) Additional chapters contain heavy angst and sensitive topics. If you can’t handle problematic issues, I advise you to not read any further.
Summary: When Amelia and her bestie have an encounter with the duo (JiKook), they seem to develop a love and hate kinda relationship...
Part 1 - Part 2 - More to Come

Are we doing business? Or do you hate me? - Danger by BTS
“Do you want a drink?” I asked.
“I would rather have another ice cream.” Tara replied.
I rolled my eyes, “Do you even eat anything other than that?”
Tara was my best friend since grade two. We had our ups and downs, but were never separated permanently until Tara decided to live in the city to attend college. But whenever she came back to town we would hangout like we were kids again. This time, she came to visit the seasonal festival and I was determined to have the best night of my life.
I paid for the snacks and added to the stall keeper, “We’ll have ice cream and Cheetos too.”
“Two bottles of beer, please.” I heard someone beside me. We both looked at each other at once and I wished I didn’t have.
“Hey! Crybaby! How are you? Oh, hi there, Tara! Didn’t know you were in town too. So, you girls were having a little get together or something?”
Yes! It was no other than Jeon Jungkook. Just looking at him made me want to punch his face. I put on a fake smile over my gritted teeth and spoke rather mockingly, “How are you, big teeth?”
Jungkook chuckled and replied, “The bunny’s doing great. Thank you.”
“And so are the Barbies.” Tara snapped before pulling me away.
“Hey! Wait for me.” Jungkook called. We saw him taking his beers and paying hurriedly before sprinting towards our direction.
“Is he serious, right now?” Tara whispered to me in annoyance.
Jungkook whined, “C’mon! We met after a long time. And you didn’t even talk to me at Tae’s party. ‘Cause you were too busy drooling over Jimin.”
“Excuse me!” I asked, offended. Jungkook was really testing my patience.
“Who the hell is Jimin?” Tara asked, unaware.
“I’m Jimin.” Suddenly someone spoke beside us.
I looked at him in disbelief. My immediate thought was that he was perhaps stalking me. But then, I remembered that Jimin was a really good friend of Jungkook. So, it wasn’t unusual that he came to his friend’s town to attend a festival.
“Amelia!” He turned to me with a faint smirk on his face, “We meet again.”

“So, you’ve been talking about me with Jungkook?” I inquired Jimin as soon as we were left alone. Tara went to the bathroom and Jungkook was taking an important phone call.
“To be honest,” Jimin chuckled, “you’re the only thing I’ve been talking about these past few days.”
Jimin really knew how to flatter because I could tell that my face went red. But it wasn't time to give in to his seduction, especially when I was supposed to be angry at him.
"So, you guys are really having some fun talking behind my back, huh?" I retorted.
"You are indeed fun to talk about, I won't lie, but…"
I didn’t let him continue whatever he was going to say next. "Listen, I'm not interested in wasting time with you. I don't know why you'd approached me that night. I don't know what Jungkook has been telling you and whatever you're telling him in return. All I know and want you to be clear about is that I’m done encountering you. If you still don't let go, you'll have to deal with Taehyung."
Jimin laughed at my speech which only added fuel to my anger. "Well, one thing is true, then.”
“And what’s that?”
“You complain a lot to your brother, like a cry-baby."
Had it been Jungkook, he would have earned a slap across his face by now. I breathed out through my mouth to avoid doing something stupid. But someone spoke loudly beside me, "who the hell do you think you are, speaking like that to my best friend in front of me?"
"Oh, I'm sorry…" Jimin was yet again cut off.
This time, Tara angrily started to rant, "our night's already ruined. Thanks to your asshole friend. Now don't get me started on you. Don't even think you have any chance with my girl just because you're…"
"Tara," I immediately interrupted, "let's get going. It's no good fighting with them. We should know better since our previous arguments with the other asshole."
"Yeah, whatever!" Tara turned along with me.
"I'm staying in town for a few days." Jimin yelled behind us as we were walking away from him. "Don't hope to never see me again. 'Coz who knows! You might."
I grunted in frustration while Tara asked, "want me to go back and kick him in the balls?"

"Why do all the good looking guys have to be assholes?" Tara sighed one day.
I raised my eyebrows, "which assholes are you referring to?"
"Whom do you think?"
"Umm…" I thought for a while, "I know for once, Jimin is attractive and also, turned out to be an asshole like his friend. Who else do you mean?"
"I mean," Tara replied, "his friend that you just mentioned."
If Tara had said that she was pregnant, I would have been less surprised.
"What the hell, dude!" I couldn't mask my disgust, "How can you find Jungkook attractive? I knew your taste in men was trash but him?"
"Oh, thank you very much." Tara argued, "Mind you, I didn't say he was attractive. I only said 'good-looking'. And I believe I added that he was an asshole. So, he doesn’t really fall under the men of my taste. By the way, aren't you the one attracted to assholes? As far as I know, it wasn't me who made out with one of them."
I was flustered by her reply. "Hey, that was… a mistake. I was… I was drunk." I stuttered.
Tara started to laugh. I couldn't believe she was bullying me for kissing Jimin. Maybe, I shouldn't have confided in her everything. Especially the part where I said I actually enjoyed making out with him.
"You're mean!"
I stood up and walked out of my room to the living room only to find that Taehyung was having a blast with his friends. And the friends in question are none other than my life long enemy, Jungkook and my most recent crush, Jimin.

Turns out Jimin was a sneaky bitch. Somehow he managed to manipulate Taehyung into thinking that it was his friendship that Jimin was after all along and he had nothing to do with me. He also added that there was a girl in his city that he was seeing. Taehyung didn’t seem to have any problem with being friends with him since he didn’t pose an immediate threat of becoming someone closer to me. Now, my brother was having the time of his life chatting with the two people I couldn’t even bear to talk with.
Both me and Tara listened to all the bullshit for a while and then decided it was time to leave. “We’re going out!” I said to my brother, “Want me to get you something?”
“Nope!” His reply was short.
“Well, enjoy, I guess!” I muttered under my breath and headed out with Tara.
“Wait!” Jimin ran out of the house behind us.
Tara moved in between and asked, “What do you want?”
“I wanna talk with Amelia!” Jimin replied casually.
“Why?” Tara pressed further, “Isn’t it Tae whom you’re after?”
Jimin looked irritated, “Can you please give us some space for a moment?”
“What do you need a space for? I thought you had a girlfriend. Why? Aren’t you loyal?” Tara kept on going.
“Are you just going to enjoy this?” Jimin looked at me helplessly.
I simply shrugged my shoulders in reply. Jungkook came to his rescue. “Hey, Tara! Wanna know what the whole college is talking about?”
Tara’s face went red, “Jeon Jungkook, I swear I’m going to kill you if you did anything funny!” And she stormed away inside the house along with a smirking Jungkook.
“Hey…” Jimin started but I cut him in between.
“Is there anything important that you wanna say? If not, please go bother someone else.”
“You didn’t even let me start!” he pouted.
I frowned at his words, “Your pretense of being a cutie ain’t gonna help you now.”
Jimin turned serious and asked, “What’s up with you? I can’t seem to read you right. One minute you’re so into me, the next minute you won’t even look at me? Is Tae the matter?”
“Nope!” I answered truthfully, “It’s you! You’re the matter.”
“Will you at least tell me what I did wrong since the last time we met?” Jimin asked gently.
I thought for a while before saying, “Why do you even care? I’m only an inside joke between the two of you.”
Jimin started nodding his head as if he just realized something very basic, “So, Jungkook’s the matter, huh?”
“No!” I denied.
“Oh, dear!” Jimin laughed, “Do you realize how long it had been since you were in school? Seriously? Are you still holding a grudge over those silly fights you had with him? Are you still that petty?”
I huffed in annoyance, “Go on. Tell me more about what else he had told you about me.”
“Nothing but all the good times that he had with you.” Jimin said with a smile.
“Amelia!” Jimin shook me by the shoulders, “Jungkook always talked about you and Tara as if you were his only friends in high school. Yeah, he mentioned the fights and all. But at the end of the day, he still considers you his friends. The time when I confessed to him about you, the only thing he said was that I was diving in for some adventure. And it wasn’t even said in a bad way. He really ships us with all his might.”
I kept blinking at him in disbelief. Surely, Jungkook wouldn’t talk all nice about us let alone calling us his friends. What is Jimin trying to do here?
At that time, Tara came out yelling at Jungkook behind her, “Grow up, rabbit faced!”
“After you, bitch!” A boiling red Jungkook yelled back at her.
Tara took my hand and pulled me away from the house. “Just ignore him. He’s a bit upset, you know!”
“What did you say for him to act like that?” I asked.
“Nothing much!” Tara shrugged, “Just reminded him how desperate he was.”
“Desperate for what?”
In reply, Tara just let out a laugh.

< Previous || Next > (Coming Soon)
My Masterlist
Kalon | Pt. 1
Beauty that is more than skin-deep.
Jimin x staff!reader
Summary : you have been working at hybe for/with BTS for a few years and have become great friends with them. Suddenly Jimin starts acting different with you and you can‘t help but get upset because you secretly have a crush on him:(
Genre/Tropes : angst, jealousy, friends to lovers (more like idiots to lovers tho), painful blindness of the two..
Word count : ~800
A/N: Hello my sweet readers I am back! For this fic the reader has a specific appearance (so sorry if feels not all inclusive).The reader is a bit taller than jimin and medium sized (not skinny but not plus size) with some curves and a soft belly<3 I hope you enjoy reading this! Leave comments with suggestions if you’d like <3
Series masterlist<3
No one could have prepared you for where you are now. The day you moved to Korea you couldn‘t even dream of being close friends with BTS, sitting closely in a cozy cafe while it lazily rained outside. But this is your reality now. The seven booming voices roar with laughter as Jungkook does another one of his impressions bringing you back to your marvellous reality.
It’s around 6 PM so the skies are still bright but the chill from the rain is evident in the air. An entering customer swings the door widely allowing a gust of wind right in your direction. A chill runs down your body, arm hairs rising to preserve your heat but an involuntary shudder still shakes your body. This might be a slight fault of your own considering the cream short sleeved oversize t-shirt that you were wearing but you did have a black turtleneck underneath (though it was quite thin..)
“Hey are you cold?” Jimin’s hushed voice grips your attention. You turn your head to him, slightly shaking it.
“No..no.. I’m fine…” you stutter out trying to avoid his soft gaze as heat begins rising to your cheeks.
“Y/n I saw you shaking.. just.. here you should take my hoodie, it’ll keep you warm” Jimin shuffled around putting his hands on the hem of his hoodie ready to take it off when you softly swat his hand away.
“Really it’s okay, I’m not cold at all..” You give him an unconvincing smile, allowing yourself to fully flush as you turn to your other side listening to a very passionate story that Namjoon has conjured from his vast literature adventures.
But your mind drifts off…
The heat in your cheeks is embarrassment. Oh how you wished to be engulfed by the silky material of Jimins hoodie that still radiated his body warmth. You’d sell your soul for that actually…but… there is a problem disarming you completely before him. Jimin might not be the skinny boy he once was, he sports a muscular frame now, but no matter that an insecurity that you’d simply not fit in his clothes stops you.
It is common for tannies to share clothes between one another and sometimes you also become an unwilling recipient of this ‘friend love’ as they call it.
Thanks to that you are painfully aware of the fact that you’re bigger than most of these boys (having seen the sizes of their clothes), only ever letting yourself accept clothes from Namjoon or your best friend Seokjin.
“WAH!” Jin’s loud exclamation makes seven heads turn to him. “Y/N HOW CAN YOU SIT THERE AND SHIVER LIKE THAT- here put this on now!” Jin removed his hoodie in seconds pushing it into your hands.
You knew there was no way to say no to ‘mother’ Jin so you slipped on the hoodie not even trying to put up a fight. The warmth instantly made you relax and melt in your seat a sleepy smile now adorning your features as the comfort set in.
While you were feeling comforted you were blissfully unaware of a scowl on a certain someone’s face…
Jimin was looking at you with his eyebrows furrowed also stealing some glances at his hyung. He could feel green jealousy causing a great pang in his chest. His mind was running a hundred miles per hour trying to decipher why not only you refused his hoodie but accepted Jin’s without a second thought…
Yes Jimin was no stranger to the close relationship shared between you and Jin. Nevertheless that didn’t make him any less jealous of the occurring situation. He could feel his head heating up from the sight of you nestled snuggly in his hyungs pink hoodie. It should be his hoodie! The one he offered you first! He noticed you shivering first! Just why didn’t you take his hoodie…
Jimin ran his hand through his hair trying to bring himself back to the conversation he was having with Taehyung though his mind was still running miles around you.
When the clock struck 11 PM and Yoongi wouldn’t stop whining about going to sleep you all said your goodbyes before getting into two separate taxis.
The ride home was quick and before you knew it your back was against the soft pillowy mattress and your eyes shut entering the kingdom of dreams.
On the other side of town seven boys had just filtered through their dorm door and now laid in their respective rooms with clear minds. But one could not close his eyes so easily. Jimin could not let go of what happened this evening. His eyes drifted around the celling trying to make out a reason, but to no avail, he was stuck without an explanation before sleep finally took over his restless mind.
Kalon Masterlist^^
Kalon | Pt. 1
Kalon | Pt. 2
Kalon | Pt. 3
Kalon | Pt. 4
Kalon | Pt. 5
Save Me (OT7)
Requested by michelle on Quotev <3
a/n: so this is my first time posting something on here; I typically write on Quotev lol. I really hope you’ll enjoy it :)
Pairing: OT7 x hybrid!OC
Genre: mafia!BTS, fluff, hybrid!au
Word Count: 2.5k ish
Summary: Bangtan Sonyeondan, the toughest mafia in South Korea. Ruthless, skilled, and emotionless. That is, until a hybrid changes their view of life completely.
The seven men were in the shadows, watching, waiting. One on the roof, sniper at the ready. Four on the ground, knives or pistols cleverly concealed within sleeves. One in a tree, fiddling with his earring as he carefully observed, waiting for the signal.
The last stood boldly on the docks, lamplight glistening on his silvery hair. The waves gently lapped against the soaked wood. A small smirk played on his lips as he glanced at his watch.
Another man appeared. The first looked up in mild surprise. “Didn’t think you would show up, Moore.” His tone was smooth and charismatic, and he spoke in English.
The other scoffed, stepping forwards. He eyed the Korean in front of him. “Don’t play nice, Kim. Where’s the package?”
The first—Kim—remained where he stood. “Moore, we made a deal. Give her to us first.”
Sighing, Moore raised three fingers, and two men came out from one of the ships with someone between them. She cried out when they threw her on the ground.
A soft gasp could be heard from the roof, so soft that only the ones on the ground below him could hear it. One of the men in the shadows tightened his grip on his knife, his knuckles turning white. Oh, how he longed to sink his blade into Moore’s throat. But that could wait. Yes. That could wait.
“Now the package.”
Kim sighed heavily and handed Moore the box. “There’s a lot in there. Be careful.” He tapped his ear twice, and the man on the roof lowered his sniper. “Let’s go.”
At the signal of Kim, one man stepped forwards, taking the girl in his arms.
Moore’s men raised their eyebrows or widened their eyes in surprise as five others slithered out of the dark corners, following Kim out.

Min Yoongi didn’t like to show that he cared. He didn’t like to show that he worried. In fact, he didn’t like to show anything at all. So when he returned back to base with two bullet wounds and a young girl protectively clutched in his arms, you could imagine the others’ surprise.
Yoongi was very good at what he did. He was an assassin, and one of the best at that. He could lie for hours on a rooftop, waiting for the perfect shot. His fingers would grow cold around his weapon and his leg would fall asleep, but his victim would always be dead in the end.
His mission was to take out the ‘illegal experiment’ that a scientist had created. But when he finally caught a glimpse of the beautiful girl with black silky ears and tail and dark, sorrowful eyes, his fingers refused to pull the trigger. He had lain there, shaking with internal struggle.
She was his mission.
But she looked so sad.
He had to obey his orders.
But had she ever seen the light of day?
Yoongi had finally thrown down his sniper and slipped through an open window. He ran down the hallway. A guard fired at him, his leg taking the bullet. Yoongi gritted his teeth and dived for the open door, grabbed the protesting girl, and emerged with only another shot on the same leg.
Namjoon hadn’t been very happy at first. While Yoongi’s wounds were tended to by Taehyung, Namjoon had lectured Yoongi for a solid thirty minutes.
Yoongi still didn’t really know why he did what he did. But all he knew was that none of them regretted it in the end.

Aera POV
Three months ago
I cracked my eyelids open, groaning softly. My limbs hurt all over. Where was I?
I looked around. I was in a plain white room, a pair of medical gloves thrown carelessly on the table beside me. My ears pressed against my head as I hissed softly, the strange atmosphere making me distressed.
”Ahh, you’re awake.” A young man walked in, smiling gently at me. “How are you feeling?” Everything about him felt soft and clean, his eyes crinkling pleasantly as he smiled. He smelled like vanilla.
“Who are you?” I asked quietly.
“Jimin. And you are?” He pulled on the gloves and gestured to me. “May I?”
I bit my lip, tensing up but allowing him to carefully examine me. “I-I’m Experiment 309.”
Jimin frowned, looking at me in kind sympathy. “They didn’t give you a name, did they?” When I shook my head, he smiled again. “I’ll call you...Aera. It means love, you know.”
I didn’t feel particularly loving or loved, but I nodded again.
”You seem to be pretty healthy,” Jimin continued, carding his fingers through my hair and peeking into my ears. I hissed when his fingers caught on a tangle. Noticing, he pulled a comb from a drawer and combed my hair until it was smooth.
Despite myself, I began to purr quietly, relaxing and slumping forwards. He giggled from somewhere above me, brushing away my baby hairs from my face.
“I’ll go get the others,” he finally said, breaking the silence. “Stay here, Aera.”
Six other boys filed in behind Jimin ten minutes later, talking amongst themselves. I recognized the scent of the one who had rescued me; the short, pale one in the back with feline features to rival my own.
“So. Experiment 309.” One finally spoke. He was breathtakingly intimidating, tall and unbothered.
“Aera,” Jimin cut in, glaring at his hyung. “Her name is Aera.”
The youngest smiled discreetly at his toes, bright teeth appearing in a cheeky grin.
I eyed all of them carefully. “Yes?”
”You...aren’t supposed to be here. In fact, you should be dead.” The first man glared at my savior, who looked coldly back. “But, now that you’re here, you can’t leave us. Welcome to Bangtan Sonyeondan, Aera.”
A few of them looked at him in surprise. He shook them away. “I’m Kim Namjoon. Seokjin here—“ he motioned to a stunning man with broad shoulders—“will give you the guidelines on how everything works. Break rules and we will not hesitate to kill you. Is that clear?”
Shaking slightly, I nodded silently. “Yes, sir.”
“Good.” Namjoon clapped Seokjin on the back. “I trust you all will get to know each other soon enough.”
Jungkook POV
Present day
“Noona,” I said softly, peeking into Aera’s room. She looked up, a bright smile gracing her features.
“Hi Kook.” I joined her on the bed and stuck one of her earbuds in my own ear. I grinned when I heard Yoongi’s piano track playing. Aera had been with us for about a month now, and we had all grown much closer.
Although we might be a tough mafia, most of us were gentle and quiet on the inside. Taehyung and I loved photography and art, Namjoon adored nature and museums, and Seokjin loved cooking. Jimin and Hoseok spent a lot of their time dancing, perfecting their moves, while Yoongi’s best friend was his piano.
Aera spent a lot of time with us, practicing in the shooting range with Yoongi or wrestling with me. She had definitely grown stronger both physically and mentally in the past few weeks.
Namjoon had wanted to make sure she could fend for herself, and the others agreed. But all of us liked it most when we cuddled in a heap, playing with Aera’s hair and smoothing her tail.
I had to admit that I was starting to fall in love with the cat hybrid. And perhaps the hyungs were too. I had seen, in a split second as the tv screen flashed across the dark room, the look in Yoongi’s eyes. A moment of longing and tenderness in his dark, stoic face before his eyes clouded with a cranky scowl, batting Tae away.
Aera’s soft purring pulled me from my thoughts. I looked down, smiling fondly as she picked at a thread on my shirt, her head against my shoulder. “Jungkookie,” she said cutely, looking up at me with innocent eyes. “You’re really warm.”
My heart fluttered. “Thanks noona.”
The door opened and Taehyung came in, strapping long knives to his legs and arms. “Come on, Kook. Hyung’s got another shipment in.” He smiled at Aera, his mouth in a big boxy shape.
I sighed heavily, not wanting to leave the safe, happy bubble that was Aera’s room. “I’m coming, hyung.”
Aera watched the both of us, worry swirling in her onyx eyes. “Be careful,” she said, standing up to hug Tae. He patted her head gently, dropping a peck on her cheek.
“We’ll be back in a minute, Aera,” he reassured her.
She nodded, turning to me. I reddened when her lips brushed my cheek for a brief moment. “Don’t be reckless, Jungkook,” she reminded me gently.
Aera followed us downstairs, hugging each of the hyungs tightly. Yoongi grumbled under his breath, his cheeks a rosy pink as Aera kissed his cheek and embraced him. Namjoon and Jin exchanged a teasing smile.
“Don’t lose your temper too easily, Jimin,” Aera told him. He grinned and placed his hands on her shoulders.
“Since when have I ever done that?” Jimin teased, but he blew a kiss to the girl on his way out the door.
I lingered for a moment at the door, turning back to look at Aera. She smiled comfortingly and waved. I returned the gesture before finally following the others out the door.
Yoongi POV
We headed back home, talking amongst ourselves. We had successfully delivered the shipment of drugs to our client unscathed, except for Jungkook, who had received a slash from a knife.
“We’re home!” Hoseok called, but there was no Aera waiting by the door. The house suddenly seemed dark and foreboding as we entered.
“Aera?” Jimin yelled, looking around.
“I’ll check upstairs,” I said, glaring at Jungkook. “You stay put.” I bounded up the marble staircase and burst into Aera’s room, expecting a slumbering girl.
I choked, my heart stopping when I saw the rumpled covers, torn curtains, and smashed picture frames. My breath caught in my throat as I bent to pick one of the frames up. It was a photo from the day that we took Aera to the beaches. We were all ruffled by the ocean breeze and dripping with saltwater, but huge smiles were plastered on our faces. Aera was in the middle, with Jin’s and Taehyung’s arms around her waist.
Emotion rarely got the better of me. But I felt a choking, swelling feeling in the back of my throat. My eyes and nose stung with a strange numbness, and a drop of water speckled the broken glass.
I was crying.
The great assassin Min Yoongi, emotionless, quiet, deadly, strong. Crying like his heart would break.
I stood there for a long time, tears streaming down my face in an endless torrent. Aera, sweet Aera, love.
I loved her. Yes. I’d finally come to realize that.
And I’d be damned if I didn’t do everything in my power to get her back.
Three days later
“Hyung!” Taehyung bounded up the stairs and into my room. I looked up from the piano, my fingers halting in their mournful melody. Biting my lip, I shut the piano and let my hands fall to my sides.
“Yes, Tae?”
He frowned, sitting next to me on the piano bench and placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. “Hyung, you-you look terrible.”
He was right, I thought, looking at my reflection on the shiny piano lid. My eyes drooped with exhaustion, I hadn’t brushed my hair in the past three days. An overall look of shabbiness and hopelessness. “I miss her,” I whispered with the tiniest sigh.
Taehyung shook me slightly. “Come on, Yoongi-hyung, Namjoon-hyung has something to show us.”
I reluctantly followed my dongsaeng downstairs to the meeting room. Namjoon and the others were sitting in a circle around the table, Jin’s arms filled with papers. Hoseok was furiously typing away at his laptop.
“There you are, hyung.” Namjoon sent me a smile that I tried to return. “We have a lead on Aera.”
I felt as if I had been dosed with cold water. “W-What?”
“We found her. Another mafia got her. American.” Hoseok spat out the last word as if it was a curse. “We contacted them. They want drugs from us before we can get her back.”
I balled my fists. “Let’s get her then. What are we waiting for?”
“We have to steal some from the dealer in Busan.” Jimin high-fived Jungkook. “That’s where we’re coming in handy. Let’s just say we’re basically locals in that area. We’ll be able to walk in and out with no suspicion.”
“Let’s get it!” Jungkook cheered, springing to his feet.

Jimin POV
“SHIT!!” Jungkook screamed, diving to the ground just seconds before the grenade went off. I cursed under my breath as well, grabbing the younger’s hand and tugging him to his feet.
“Let’s get the hell outta here,” I growled, shoving the package into my large pocket. Jungkook hurled a knife through the air, successfully hitting his target. The man spluttered, clutching his stomach as he fell to his knees.
We had managed to sneak into the shady store, and I had tried my best to distract the female at the counter. I had bent over the counter, biting my lip as I stared at her through hooded eyes. Jungkook had extracted the package from underneath another box, and had just made it out the door when she saw him, slamming an alarm under the counter.
Jungkook and I had to flee, pursued by guards. We had tried our best to shoot them while running, but one of them had thrown a grenade.
Taehyung was waiting with a car at the entrance of the alley, and we leapt in. “Go go go!!” I screamed, opening the window and shooting one more man between the eyes. There was a spray of blood as he fell on his back.
There was silence in the car before we all burst out laughing. “We did it, hyung,” Jungkook said breathlessly, grinning at us.
Two days later
We showered Aera with kisses and hugs the second she was with us. “We were so worried,” I told her, grasping her small, bruised hand in mine. “Yoongi-hyung cried a lot.”
Yoongi’s cheeks turned a bright red as Aera turned to him in surprise. “I-I wasn’t. I mean, I was, but I was just-“ he was cut off when Aera flew at him, throwing her arms around him and kissing him. He responded with passion, cupping her face in his hands and kissing her back.
She finally pulled away, running to Namjoon and kissing him next. Aera embraced each of us, finally coming to me.
“Gonna give me a kiss, baby girl?” I asked. She grinned and reached for me, pressing her soft lips on mine. I smirked, placing my hands on her waist. “I love you.”
“Love you all,” she mumbled, burying her face in my chest.
“My turn,” Taehyung whined, and we all laughed.

PAIRING : Jimin x OC
TROPE : Supernatural(?) | Doctor-patient relationship (this taboo relationship 💀) | Dark Romance
DISCLAIMER : This story is a work of fiction. The description of the BTS members in this story does not reflect nor portray them in real life. Everything in this story only fits in imagination and does not apply outside of imagination.
RATING : 16+
WORD COUNT : 769 (for teaser)

SUMMARY : It was unprofessional of you to fall for you patient and for your patient to fall for you back? You have the deuce to pay. But what if that’s what Jimin has been planning on? For you to fall for him.

AUTHOR NOTE : this story had a youtube version for it in my channel but i decided to post it here too. this version is rewritten and hopefully is better than the original one </3 i cringe so hard while rereading the old one ngl.. there were just so many errors I felt like throwing my computer away. but anyway, teaser is picked out by @leemien <3 proofread by one and only, grammarly 🪧 if you see mistakes, no you dont :)

“My darling…”
That voice again.
You get vibrations as the nickname rolls out of his plump lips so pleasantly. It’s like honey to the ears. You feel the need to run and melt in his arms.
You realise something is wrong.
The pull isn’t too magnetic and strong so you quickly snap out of it and try to focus on Jimin instead of losing to your innermost thoughts and subconscious.
“(Y/N), we got Lia now, let’s leave fir—”
Jimin lets out a growl, a very threatening one. He shoots a glare at the male doctor, Dr. Hwang— His glare sends away a warning.
Take her away and I’ll rip your head off your neck.
He wants nothing more than to kill everyone who tried to take her away from him. You turn to the threatened doctor. “I need to handle my patient, Dr. Hwang. If you..” You glance at everyone that’s present in Jimin’s room, camping at the door and the hallway, witnessing the scene.
“If all of you could please kindly return to your respective works or doings just now and do not enter this room.” You say apologetically. You bow deeply as you continue. “I’m truly sorry for the inconvenience I have caused.”
Once everyone leaves, you exhale. You didn’t notice how suffocating it was when the people crowded the room until they all finally left. You breathe in deeply before turning to Jimin.
“Did you just use your ability on me?” You throw your accusation as you send him a glare.
“You wanted to leave me…” He murmurs but you hear him.
You sigh and rub your temple out of frustration. Frustrated because a) you made a mistake, a careless one at it, b) Jimin uses his ability on you. You don’t say a word as you just stand on your spot. You glance at your wrist and it has passed the pick up time at the cat hotel.
Now you have to call Maya to extend the time.
You tap both of your cheeks 2-3 times as if to pull yourself together “Let’s get you back to sleep hmm?” You send him the best smile you could pull out of your now fatigue body.
But Jimin isn’t having it.
“N-No! You’ll leave me!” He protests. “You’ll be gone once I open my eyes the next day.”
“I’m staying until you fall asleep? How does that sound?” You suggest. “Of course I’ll be gone once you wake up next morning, Jimin. I can’t spend the night here.”
“If you’re not sleeping then I’m leaving. You’ll see me walk away from you right in front of your two eyes.” It’s an empty threat. If Jimin doesn’t want to sleep willingly then you’ll have to give him his sleeping pills. After the stunt he just pulled, he needs sleep.
You most certainly didn’t expect Jimin to take your threat seriously.
“No, you’re staying with me, darling.”
He’s doing it again.
But this time he’s putting more force on his voice. His voice is so enchanting to your ears that it makes your legs weak. Jimin laces his voice with enchantment to attract you to him, to pull you to him without him having to lift a finger. Just a roll of his tongue.
He is using his ability on you.
“Come to me, (Y/N),” Jimin calls out in a sing-song manner, making your feet move subconsciously, you are being pulled to him like a piece of magnet attracted to another. You try your hardest to not fall and succumb to his alluring voice as you fight with your subconscious.
Jimin sees the way you try to fight off his calling. You are fighting so hard for a fight that’s one sided. Jimin could easily use his ultimate weapon and have you immediately in his arms but maybe he enjoys seeing you struggle. Your struggle is worse than futile.
It’s all fun while it lasts. You had your fun—going against him— now let him have his fun.
Jimin stares at you as he opens his mouth. He rolls his tongue to enunciate his siren song.
No mere human can stand a siren song.
The dangerous song entices you in every mean and way, his immaculate syllables lace with irresistible temptation as his voice starts to ring on her head, probing your head. Jimin is taking over your mind. Every word only seems to heightened the enchantment and dullen your senses.
The last syllables roll out of Jimin’s lips as the song comes to its end and you are finally in his arms.
“Exactly where you belong, darling.”

idk if i should make a taglist for the full ver. but if you want then lmk :) send an ask or comment! xo

All rights reserved © 2021 kthyg. Do not copy, translate, modify or repost without permission.


PAIRING : Jimin x OC
TROPE : Supernatural(?) | Doctor-patient relationship (this taboo relationship 💀) | Dark Romance
RATING : 16+
DISCLAIMER : This story is a work of fiction. The description of the BTS members in this story does not reflect nor portray them in real life. Everything in this story only fits in imagination and does not apply outside of imagination.

SUMMARY : It was unprofessional of you to fall for you patient and for your patient to fall for you back? You have the deuce to pay. But what if that’s what Jimin has been planning on? For you to fall for him.

AUTHOR NOTE : this story had a youtube version for it in my channel but i decided to post it here too. this version is rewritten and hopefully is better than the original one </3 i cringe so hard while rereading the old one ngl.. there were just so many errors I felt like throwing my computer away. but anyway, beta read by @leemien !! <3 (and @/Tess) proofread by one and only, grammarly 🪧
WARNINGS : This story deals with mental illness, trauma, contains dubious situations that some readers might find it disturbing and triggering (if you have a problem with this then my story is not for you) and quite a number of inaccurate and made-up information about certain things just to fit in the story. (i did make some research to try and make this makes sense ㅠㅠ)

DEDICATION : To my baby twin, happy birthday <3

The smell of a hospital.
Sterile, generic and sometimes overwhelming.
It still feels overwhelming even after years—Well, three years, to be precise—of your career as a psychiatrist. It has always been your dream and goal to cure—or at least help people with mental illnesses and psychological disorders.
You are not mentally ill or have any mental health issues, at least you think you don’t. It’s your surroundings that make you pursue this path.
Mom had severe depression when she was alive. She got better after getting married to Dad but it didn’t last long. After a few months into the marriage, she started being the way she was before marriage.
Aunt told me Mom was abused by their dad, my grandfather. She escaped his grasp when Dad proposed to her and finally got married to her, taking her away from her own dad.
Your heart aches for your mother.
All the pain she went through. The dark thoughts that always cloud her mind, influence her negatively.
Mom always told me that I’m the only reason why she’s still holding on.
But maybe after holding on for so long, she decided to finally let go.
Let you go.
She’s free from any pain, at least.
Your heels click along the dreary hallway, you are doing your usual task; giving prescriptions to the patients in this hospital and doing some rounds around the building. Yes, just the usual.
You have a quite good reputation in this hospital.
Asclepius Hospital, Psychology and Psychiatry Specialist. A private hospital.
You get along with your patients rather quickly and easily. One of your patients once said,
“You have a very attractive aura around you. You are approachable and I just feel like I can tell you almost anything. Something in you just attracts me, makes me trust you and actually have faith in you..”
What she said almost sounds unreal but then again you never know. If that’s what they felt about you then you are more than glad to continue providing those.
It was from your first ever patient. A young female adult, 20 years old. She had suffered from eating disorder, insomnia, severe depression and substance abuse problems. She was hospitalised here for about 6 months. It has been to hell and back but she survived with enough willpower and support.
You stop in front of a metal door with a slanted knob.
Patient 7959, the board reads.
NAME : Park Jimin
DESCRIPTION : Depression and Insomnia
HEAVY WARNING : This patient possesses the ability of a Siren.
NOTE : Anything regarding this patient, please contact Dr. (Y/N) first.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
You take in an amount of oxygen as you feel the air turns suffocating making it hard to breathe. It’s always like that— You would be lying if you think you’re not afraid to confront your patients.
You always are.
The thoughts of what the patients might do if they lose control all of a sudden— Her facade would break down if that ever happens. But for now, you shake the nervousness off, this is part of your job and the risk in the profession itself.
You bring your hand to knock on the metal door. You hear a faint ‘come in’ and it’s your cue. You twist the slanted knob as the metal door gapes open and you make your way in.
Upon entering, you immediately spot the young man, Jimin, sitting on one of the couches. You give him your signature smile as you put down the tray that you are carrying, full of medications that you had brought from the outside. You settle down next to Jimin on his couch.
Some patients have the privilege to design their own room according to their preferences with safety measures and procedures taken of course. The supervisor will make sure that all settings and functions are anti-ligature. Whereas the case of patients with serious mental illness was put in a padded cell until it’s the right time to give them their own room— their own to design.
Jimin’s room is simple. The walls are painted in black and the floor is covered with black wooden tiles. He arranges his double bed to be on the very corner near the shatter-resistant window. The room is complete with an all-together kitchen, bathroom and living room.
The design of this room is like the one he had back at home, he said.
As you settle down next to him, you ask, “How are you today, Jimin?”
“Good,” he mumbled. “B-but that doesn’t mean I’m healed right..”
It wasn’t a question. It was like a protest, denial.
Jimin doesn’t want to leave your side even when he’s healed. You were his saviour and it will remain like that. You are his saviour.
You don’t miss Jimin's sickly infatuation for you but you block him out and deny it just like he’s denying his health. Not really denying his health. Indeed, he is sick and in need of a doctor’s attention but he’s refusing to get better just to not have you taken away from him.
A few months ago, you started a game with Jimin and now you can’t end it.
You just smiled at him. “That’s why I’m here to give your prescriptions,” You stand up on your feet and take the prescriptions. Jimin’s eyes follow you until you settle down again on your previous spot.
You look at him and ask, “Do you still have trouble sleeping at night?”
Jimin nods.
You continue asking more questions such as relating to his health, what he did today, the food, any improvements. After finishing the little question and answer session, you put down your clipboard and start giving various types of pills for him. Jimin swallowed each pill with success.
Setting the tray aside, you walk towards Jimin’s bed and pat it as a signal for Jimin to lay down. It’s his bedtime— His favourite time, he claimed.
You tuck him under the soft duvet. Your fingers run through his hair, massaging his scalp. Jimin hummed and closed his eyes. He loved the feeling; the warmth that you provide for him, he wants to keep it forever...
He wants to keep you forever.
10 minutes passed and Jimin’s eyelids started to get heavy and heavier. His cat-like eyes slowly started to close and finally shut, drifting off to sleep.
Since he fell asleep, you assume his body is worn out and tired and finally shuts down. His body usually lasts for 2-3 days without sleep. You gave him sleeping pills but not every day. You don’t want him to depend on the pills.
Caressing his hair for the last time, you get up from the position you are in and tidy up the tray of prescriptions.
Your extra duty for this specific patient is to tidy up his room. It’s an extra duty because it’s not your usual work. Usually, the nurses would clean the patient’s room. In Jimin’s case, he dislikes the fact that people other than you come into his room and clean it up.
He doesn’t like anyone other than you in his personal space.
You have no problem with the extra duty since Jimin is quite easy to handle now that he’s asleep. Just as you are about to walk to his bathroom, your pager buzzes, indicating a call from the higher-ups.
You quietly moan in exasperation. “Really now? What’s so important that you can’t wait until tomorrow morning?”
You scan the room quickly before thinking of a solution. The higher-ups building is metres away from patients’ building. Your shift will end in a few minutes which is approximately 20 minutes from now. The walk to another building is going to take about 10 minutes more or less. You need to get off your work sharp since you have to pick up your cat that you had left at the cat hotel this morning before it closes.
You look at Jimin who’s fast asleep on his bed and the pager that keeps on buzzing in your doctor coat’s pocket. “I’ll get Lia to clean up the room.”
You make up your mind and quickly pick up the tray and head straight to the door.
It was a careless mistake of you to do so.
You’ve never skipped your duty of cleaning Jimin’s compartment.
Jimin doesn’t like anyone else other than you in his comfort zone…
But, he is sleeping.
And just like that, you left his room.
Upon hearing the door shut, Jimin’s eyes flick open—Almost immediately.
He was never asleep.
He had a fucking Insomnia. He is so close to sleeping, to finally rest his mind but the moment he doesn't smell, feel your presence and scent, he blinks his eyes open faster than when he was closing it.
Jimin had three ways to fall asleep and only three which are a) he waits for his body to shut down on its own which usually take 2-3 days maximum, b) sleeping pills, you don’t actually restrict sleeping pills usage on him, when he desperately needs it, you’d give it, c) you.
He needs you by his side so he can fall asleep.

You close Mr Yang’s office door as you sigh.
“I can’t believe this,” You tuck your hands in your coat’s pocket as you walk down the hall to go back to the patients' building.
Check Lia and Jimin, change your clothes and pick up your cat. You glance at your watch that is hugging your wrist.
Great, you have 5 minutes before your shift ends.
“God,” You bring your hands up to your face as you rub, trying to freshen yourself up. “I ran all the way to his office just to him with his wife eating each other out,” You huff.
It’s not all bad though, Mr Yang gives you a great piece of news.
The director of the hospital pages you to let you know about a deal he had struck with another hospital. They offer you to work at a known and famous hospital in another province in South Korea.
Asclepius is as known and famous as the hospital mentioned, you think. You had asked Mr Yang, why did he offer this deal to you and not to others.
“I’ve sent in 4 résumés to them, Lia’s, Jaemin’s, Beomgyu’s and yours, along with records of patients. They’ve reviewed all of them and they said all of them are satisfying. This might sound biased but they wanted me to offer this to you first.”
You can accept it or reject it. It’s up to you.
“If you’re rejecting this offer, only then will I pass this deal to the others.”
Well, if you decide to stay, Mr Yang would be more than happy— To have the best doctor one could ask for but if you decide to go, it’s fine too since it would establish a great relationship with the hospital. Both decisions are beneficial to him so he doesn’t mind.
“Evening, Yuri,” You greet your subordinate, Yuri, a young Japanese girl. She’s a mental health nurse.
Yuri raises her head upon hearing your voice, she greets you back with her cheerful voice. You expect Lia to be here too but you don’t see her. “Where’s Lia?” You ask her.
“Oh, she’s still in Jimin’s room.”
You frown. ‘She should be back by now. It wouldn’t take long to clean Jimin’s room since there’s not much of a thing…’
“Weird… She should be done in less than 10 minutes,” You say to no one in particular but Yuri hears you as she agrees.
You turn on your heels to go to Jimin’s roo—
A feminine high pitched scream echoed throughout the hallway of the patients’ rooms, leaving all of the nurses and doctors present in shock. They all froze in their place thinking that it might be that one of the patients loses control or is having nightmares and manic episodes.
Yuri seems to know what you are thinking about as she voices your thoughts out loud. “But, we don’t have a female patient on this floor, Dr. (Y/N)—”
“Dr. (Y/N)!”
You turn to the familiar voice. “Aerin?”
Aerin is the head nurse of this hospital. She’s around her 40s.
“Aerin, where is Li—”
You are cut off by the panicked Aerin. “Lia, she is—” Her pupils are dilated with fear as she tries to regain her speech ability.
“Aerin! Calm down!” You grip her shoulders. You try to calm the panicking girl but to no avail, she is too scared to the point where breathing becomes difficult for her, her body shaking in fear. Having no other option, Aerin grabs on your wrist and leads you somewhere.

You hear a faint masculine voice as you and Aerin step closer to a certain patient’s room. Jimin’s room.
Then, it hits you.
Lia… Jimin…
Your eyes widened as you finally grasp what’s wrong. How could you be so stupid to really let Lia take over your duty? God, why didn’t you consider the possibility of Jimin waking up while Lia is cleaning? You have the deuce to pay after all this.
You practically run to Jimin’s room. The screams seem to be attracting other nurses and doctors as they trail behind you and Aerin. You open the metal door, the loud sound coming from the door fills the silence in the room. The scene in front of you is enough to send shivers down to the spine.
Jimin is choking Lia.
He’s on top of Lia as his hands grip Lia by her neck, pinning her down to the floor.
Jimin never ever uses his strength on people.
Even when someone other than you steps into his zone, he’ll only threaten them from afar. It could mean only one thing…
Lia touches Jimin.
“Jimin, let go of Lia...” Dr Hwang says softly.
It doesn’t make Jimin’s grip loosen, if anything, he tightens it causing Lia to let out a choked yelp. The doctors and nurses are trying their best to persuade him but it is to no avail as he tightens his grip at each persuasion they make.
Can’t they see that each syllable they throw at him causes his grip to tighten?
A hush escapes your lips. The room quickly falls to a pin drop silent. The only sound that is still audible is Lia’s harsh breathing. Jimin’s grip starts to loosen as the room grows quiet and quieter. As his grip loosen enough for air to fill in her lungs, Lia breathes in greedily.
“Jimin..” You call out for him in a sing-song manner, slowly approaching the two.
You are cautious of your steps as you continue. “Jimin, let go of Lia’s neck..” Your voice is stern, something that you rarely use on your patients. Jimin doesn’t move as if he’s frozen on the spot. He neither tighten nor loosen his grip on Lia.
“Jimin,” You finally step in front of him, a few centimetres away. “Let go of Lia’s neck,” Your voice is two times sterner than before but you still keep your tone low. You know better than to raise your voice. Jimin’s sense of hearing is sensitive when he’s using his inhuman strength.
Upon hearing your voice grow sterner, Jimin lets out a low growl.
Seeing that Jimin didn’t budge at all, you contemplate something. You have no other choice but to use this card against him. You’re not sure if it’s going to work or not but trying doesn’t hurt.
“If you don’t let go of Lia’s neck, I’m telling the authorities to send you to another hospital, Jimin.” Your voice is thick with seriousness.
You thought it’s not working but the snap of his head shows that it works.
His head finally snaps towards you, trying to meet your eyes.
Finally meeting your eyes, he immediately let go of Lia’s neck, moving to wrap his hand around your wrist and pull you to his embrace, not wanting you to leave him but you are faster. You move back a few steps, deliberately avoiding Jimin’s touch as if he is the fire that would burn you.
Lia looks up at you with teary eyes. You send her a swift tilt of head to signal her to escape quickly. Lia obeys, running to her friends all while gasping for air to fill her lungs. You are going to ask her for details later.
“N-No..” His voice trembles, thick with fear. Fear of losing you. “You can’t leave me, (Y/N)…”
“My darling…”
That voice again.
You get vibrations as the nickname rolls out of his plump lips so pleasantly. It’s like honey to the ears. You feel the need to run and melt in his arms.
You realise something is wrong.
The pull isn’t too magnetic and strong so you quickly snap out of it and try to focus on Jimin instead of losing to your innermost thoughts and subconscious.
“(Y/N), we got Lia now, let’s leave fir—”
Jimin lets out a growl, a very threatening one. He shoots a glare at the male doctor, Dr Hwang— His glare sends away a warning.
Take her away and I’ll rip your head off your neck.
He wants nothing more than to kill everyone who tried to take her away from him. You turn to the threatened doctor. “I need to handle my patient, Dr Hwang. If you..” You glance at everyone that’s present in Jimin’s room, camping at the door and the hallway, witnessing the scene.
“If you guys could, please kindly return to your respective works or doings just now and do not enter this room.” You say apologetically. You bow deeply as you continue. “I’m truly sorry for the inconvenience I have caused.”
Once everyone leaves, you exhale. You didn’t notice how suffocating it was when the people crowded the room until they all finally left. You breathe in deeply before turning to Jimin.
“Did you just use your ability on me?” You throw your accusation as you send him a glare.
“You wanted to leave me…” He murmurs but you hear him.
You sigh and rub your temple out of frustration. Frustrated because a) you made a mistake, a careless one at it, b) Jimin uses his ability on you. You don’t say a word as you just stand on your spot. You glance at your wrist and it has passed the pickup time at the cat hotel.
Now you have to call Maya to extend the time.
You tap both of your cheeks 2-3 times as if to pull yourself together “Let’s get you back to sleep hmm?” You send him the best smile you could pull out of your now fatigue body.
But Jimin isn’t having it.
“N-No! You’ll leave me!” He protests. “You’ll be gone once I open my eyes the next day.”
“I’m staying until you fall asleep? How does that sound?” You suggest. “Of course I’ll be gone once you wake up next morning, Jimin. I can’t spend the night here.”
“If you’re not sleeping then I’m leaving. You’ll see me walk away from you right in front of your two eyes.” It’s an empty threat. If Jimin doesn’t want to sleep willingly then you’ll have to give him his sleeping pills. After the stunt he just pulled, he needs sleep.
You most certainly didn’t expect Jimin to take your threat seriously.
“No, you’re staying with me, darling.”
He’s doing it again.
But this time he’s putting more force on his voice. His voice is so enchanting to your ears that it makes your legs weak. Jimin laces his voice with enchantment to attract you to him, to pull you to him without him having to lift a finger. Just a roll of his tongue.
He is using his ability on you.
“Come to me, (Y/N),” Jimin calls out in a sing-song manner, making your feet move subconsciously, you are being pulled to him like a piece of magnet attracted to another. You try your hardest to not fall and succumb to his alluring voice as you fight with your subconscious.
Jimin sees the way you try to fight off his calling. You are fighting so hard for a fight that’s one-sided. Jimin could easily use his ultimate weapon and have you immediately in his arms but maybe he enjoys seeing you struggle. Your struggle is worse than futile.
It’s all fun while it lasts. You had your fun—going against him— now let him have his fun.
Jimin stares at you as he opens his mouth. He rolls his tongue to enunciate his siren song.
No mere human can stand a siren song.
The dangerous song entices you in every mean and way, his immaculate syllables lace with irresistible temptation as his voice starts to ring on her head, probing your head. Jimin is taking over your mind. Every word only seems to heighten the enchantment and dulled your senses.
The last syllables roll out of Jimin’s lips as the song comes to its end and you are finally in his arms.
“Exactly where you belong, darling.”
“S-stop…” You whine. “Jimin, you promised me not to use your ability and the siren song on m-me anymore!” You scold him despite being in a vulnerable position and state. His arms are still wrapped around your body. His tight grip is the only thing that keeps you in the reality because his singing is making your grip on the reality loosen.
“And you promised to not leave me,” Jimin says, his voice thick with malevolence.
“You started a game but too bad you can’t end it…” Jimin chuckles as he traces his fingers across your drowsy face.
“It’s my game now, darling.”
He kisses your forehead. “Sleep with me today..”

A few months ago.
Your office is tainted with a rich perfume smell.
The usual coffee and woods smell is now mixed with Chanel’s perfume and it’s not a pleasant smell. At. All.
How many sprays did she put on?
“We have reached a conclusion,” You hear Mr Park’s voice.
“We will put him in this hospital until he gets cured or at least gets better…” Mr Park announces his—and his wife’s—decision.
“If he does get cured,” His wife sarcastically emphasises a hypothetical situation.
If you could, you would kick her out of your office. Immediately. Mrs Park has been nothing but a bitch throughout this appointment. You can see the dislike she had for her son but it is not necessary for her to publicly express it. Since you can’t kick her out, you ignore her as you continue detailing about his son and you jot down every information possible.
Mr Park is a big shareholder of this hospital. You’ve heard rumours saying he’ll take over this hospital soon—Not like you care at all, but what intrigues you is that people said that he got married to his current wife because of a deal, not out of love.
Oh god, you should mind my own business, (Y/N).
Once the talk comes to its end, you clasp your hands together. “Alright, if that’s your decision, I will do my best to help your son,” You say with a professional voice.
“If that’s all?” Mr Park and his wife take it as their cue to stand up and leave. You bow your head at them. Mr Park acknowledges your bow as he mirrors your action. His wife hastens out of your office.
It isn’t a few minutes later and the couple is already gone out of the radar— leaving his mentally sick son alone. You notice him sitting on the chair next to your office’s door. You approach him.
The parents didn’t even tell her that their son had inhuman abilities.
And unfriendly.
And also, obsessive.
“Hey,” You greet him. “Morning!”
He’s aware of your presence but doesn’t make an effort to reply. You wait, just in case but he just seems disinterested so you continue. “What’s your name?”
What a way to strike a conversation. What doctor doesn’t know their patient’s name? Screw that, you just wanted him to talk to you.
He stares at your face with his dark eyes. “Jimin.”
“And your age?”
“Okay, great!” You smile at him but he doesn't even spare you a glance as he keeps his gaze on the board in front of him that is pinned with all sorts of medical information. You heave a heavy sigh.
This is going to be tough.
This is your game.
To make Jimin talk to her was the first task of the game.
To make Jimin trust her was the ultimate task.
And once Jimin is cured,
It’s game over.
Or so you thought.
“Let’s bring you to your room, Jimin,” You tell him. “Come!” You hold out your hand for him to hold but he simply stands up and stares at you with an empty gaze.
Okay… Awkward.
Retreating your hand, you pat your thighs and stand on your feet as well as you escort Jimin to his room. Heat crawls on your face out of embarrassment and maybe humiliation too. You sigh, probably humiliating the shit out of yourself is one of the many ways to get Jimin out of his shell. If no one is going to make the first move then who?
“Okay!” You clasp your hands together to get his attention. “For a starter, your room will be empty. You get to decorate it according to your preference. Once we finish decorating your room, you’ll move here. For the time being, you’ll stay in the ready and available room.”
His father specifically asks for this privilege.
“Do you have any questions?” You turn to him. You study his face for any reactions but this guy remains with his stoned face, cold and emotionless.
“Well, alright. Let me show you your temporary room.”

Three weeks have passed and you are finally done with Jimin’s room. You barely get enough sleep with the loads of work that are suddenly shoved up to your face almost at the same time. The room would have been done within 2 weeks or less because of Jimin’s simple and minimal preferences.
In the time spent of three weeks, you surprisingly get along with Jimin. His reaction gets slightly better than the first time they interacted. If his reaction before is just a nod and a shake of head then now he starts to use more words.
“Do you like it? Do you want to change anything?” You ask, your voice thick with hopefulness—hoping he’ll like the room— and concern. You’re worried if by chance the room isn’t up to his preference and him not reacting when you are showcasing his newly designed room.
The interior is fully based on Jimin’s preference but he doesn’t detail things like the position and arrangement of certain furniture which made it fully your problem to solve.
Different from your thoughts, your effort actually makes his stomach flutter and his heart fills with warmth. To witness such a human cares for him so much when not even his parents care for him.
But he doesn’t want to believe that you actually care about him.
It’s probably an act or just because it’s her duty, her obligation. She didn’t do all this out of willingness. He tells himself.
He decides to ease your worry. “It’s fine.” It came out as emotionless speech.
Upon hearing his words, you sigh in relief.
It takes days and hours to design his room. You try to finish it as soon as possible, you push some negotiable work for another day just to finish Jimin’s room. You squeeze your brain out to generate ideas for Jimin’s room that made you sleepless at night and the overload works too. You’ve seen the way Jimin was slightly uncomfortable with the ready and furnished room so that’s why you rushed everything.
The dark circles are visible around your eyes, you don’t have the time to cover it up because you are so excited to show Jimin his room but it doesn’t matter now that Jimin is satisfied with the result.
Jimin notices the dark circle under your eyes. He has seen how hard you work just for him and it makes his stomach flutter once again. Jimin studies your current look, your hair is slightly dishevelled because you are rushing to get him right after the room is done. Despite your busyness, you still look after Jimin with great care.
‘No, it’s just part of her work.’
But Jimin would be lying if he said he doesn’t enjoy your company. He loves having you with him in the boring room. You constantly try to strike up a conversation with him and he would just sit and stare, giving little to almost no reaction at all— That was at first. As you continue visiting him, doing the same thing and new things with him every day, he slowly starts to open up to you.
“(Y/N)?” A masculine voice interrupts the two of you. “Are you done with your patient?”
“Jaemin,” You simper as you see him at the door frame. “Yes, I’m done here.” You scan the room one last time before making your way towards the door.
‘Don’t go’
You freeze your steps as you feel your coat is being pulled. Turning around and pouring all of your attention on Jimin—the one that pulled your coat. You are surprised by his out of character action. You look at Jimin with knitted eyebrows.
‘Yes, only keep your attention on me.’
‘Fuck, what am I thinking? It’s just an act— An ac—’
Your voice brings him back to reality. He doesn’t notice that his grip on the hem of your coat is tightening for each passing second.
Jaemin lets out a cough as he says. “We’re getting late now, (Y/N).”
You turn to him and back to Jimin. “Is there anything you need, Jimin?” You ask softly, voice lace with concern. Jimin stares at your face, contemplating with his mind.
Why doesn't he want you to go?
Why does he feel a slight of anger knowing the fact that you are going to leave with that guy?
He is developing an infatuation with you.
“Don’t go,” He whispers ever so quietly.
A progress!
You have always prioritised your patient so of course, you would listen to Jimin’s request rather than having lunch with Jaemin. You turn to Jaemin. “I’m sorry, Jaemin... My patient comes first. Ask Lia to accompany you for lunch, okay?” You try giving him suggestions. “I’m really sorry!” You pout to express your sorrow.
“You promised, (Y/N),” Jaemin sighs and folds his arms on his chest.
‘Can’t this man see how tired (Y/N) is?’
“I know…” You whine at him. “Only this time, please?”
Jimin clutches harder onto your coat. He could see that you are contemplating; you feel sorry and guilty for breaking the promise but you are needed by your patient. You could just decide to go and have lunch with Jaemin and come back to Jimin after lunch but—
He had no choice now.
Jimin suddenly staggers to his feet as he retreats a few steps back, hands gripping on both sides of his head. Whimpers escape his plump lips. He weakly falls on his knees.
“Jimin!” You gasp as you rush to him. Jimin immediately clings onto your body. He wraps his arms around your waist as he lets his head rest on the crook of your neck, slyly inhaling her scent.
“My head hurts, (Y/N)…” He groans in pain. Obviously faking it.
He sends an intimidating glare to Jaemin. The guy somehow manages to pick up the signal that he’s not welcome in Jimin’s zone.
“My patient needs me, Ja—” You turn to Jaemin but only to see no one at the door frame.
Shrugging it off, you caress Jimin’s head. “Come, let’s get you to bed, Jimin.” You guide Jimin to his bed when suddenly he starts to whisper something in your ear. He is singing something— a song.
“What song are you singing, Jimin?” You ask while still guiding him to his bed.
Jimin doesn’t answer you as he continues singing the song ever so softly. Your mind starts to feel hazy for no reason and your senses are clouded. It feels like someone else is now controlling both your mind and body. Your body loses all strength and clings onto Jimin out of reflex.
“J-Jimin, why do I feel…” You breathe heavily as you cling on Jimin like he is your last lifeline.
You feel your body heating up as Jimin makes your body burn with pleasure from only his touch.
“Sleep, my darling..” He muses into your ears.
Even though every movement is against your will but your body and mind have been begging for a break and you know better than to go against it so you succumb to the tiredness, you believe you’re succumbing to the tiredness instead of whatever weird feelings you just felt. You fall asleep in Jimin’s arms immediately all while Jimin is still singing his siren song.

Your eyes flutter open. The sun hits directly on your face making you groan. You dodge the sunlight as you snuggle into your pillow. You have work in a few but you just can’t help to get some more sleep.
You feel a vibration coming from under your pillow and a giggle follows soon after.
Pillow? Does a pillow can giggle…?
You immediately get up but to no avail, you are trapped in a pair of strong arms.
“Stop,” A voice mumbles groggily
You bring your hands to your face as you rub your eyes and blink several times before you get a clear vision of who’s caging you at the moment. You could make out the fluffy dark locks, plump lips and a cute nose.
It’s all too familiar…
Your eyes widen as your brain finally recognises the owner of the body that’s wrapping securely around you. Out of reflex, you immediately push away, creating enough momentum for you to get away and end up falling from the bed.
“Ahh…” You groan, half regretting and blaming your reflex.
“Are you okay?” You hear the oh-so-familiar voice. You look at the owner of the voice. Jimin is already looking at you with concern and worry clear on his face.
“I’m fine,” You simper. “Thank you…”
“How did I fall asleep here?” You start as you stand on your two feet. “And most of all… with you?”
You unconsciously emphasise your last sentence out of pure curiosity. How could you fall asleep in a patient’s room? You know you are done for if the higher-ups get to know about this.
Your words sting Jimin. He feels like poison just invades his system. Your words are venomous.
“Do you hate it…? Sleeping with me,” He asks quietly, his voice is thick with sadness and disappointment.
You brush dust or any dirt off your long coat before you walk to Jimin and pull his hands into yours. His hands are soft and cold.
“No, I didn’t hate it. I’m just asking how I ended up in your room and bed. I can’t remember what happened,” You explain carefully, your thumbs rubbing his hands in a circular motion.
You’ve seen the hurt expression Jimin had just now. Maybe your words come out a bit harsher than intended. You get the urge to pull him into a hug but you decide against it so instead, you hold his hands.
“You looked very tired yesterday. So, I used my ability to make you fall asleep…” He clarifies. “You always help me with my insomnia so I just want to repay your kindness.”
He uses his ability only to make you come to his arms because he’s jealous. You falling asleep is just an excuse but it’s worth it for you too. Your body needs a rest so he has been so kind to provide it for you.
But you need not to know about it. It’s a secret he’ll keep until he dies.
“Ability?” Your voice is thick with confusion as you ask.
“I possess the ability of a Siren.” He tells you. “But I am no Siren, to ease your worry.”
Jimin tells you of his ability such as having the power to lure anyone with just a roll of his tongue and the words that will come out are laced with enchantment. His touch can make anyone feel pleasure though only sometimes. He also says that he can read minds but he hasn't mastered the ability yet.
It didn’t shock you that much. You are aware of the universe you’re currently in. Supernatural is a normal thing now. You’ve met with a vampire before though the first impressions weren't very nice.
“Why didn’t your parents tell me before?” You ask, you try to hide your frustration. His parents shouldn’t leave any detail about their son and this isn’t just any detail. This is an important detail.
Upon hearing about his parents, his gaze darken and he immediately let go of your hands. Of course you notice the change of demeanour when you had mentioned his parents. You mentally note that he doesn’t like talking about his parents.
“I’m sorry,” You breathe out an apology. “I shouldn’t have mentioned your parents.” You pull him into a hug. This time you didn’t think twice. Parents can be a sensitive issue.
Jimin returns your hug. “No. It’s okay.” He whispers. “Do you want to know about my parents?”
“If you’re comfortable and fine with it, yes.”
Jimin takes a deep breath before he speaks. “My father got remarried. The woman you saw that day? She's not my mother. My mother died a few years ago when I was 6 turning 7. Mom died because of some illness. A few years after Mom’s death, Dad got remarried. His wife ever liked me in the first place. I have had depression and insomnia since Mom died,” He buries his head in the crook on your neck, inhaling your scent which somehow calms him.
“Dad never makes time for me after Mom’s death. He’s too busy dealing with his work.” His voice is hard with hate for his father.
“My insomnia gets worse as every night I had to deal with their sinful sounds invading my ears, my peace and my calmness. I already have a hard time sleeping without my mother’s warmth but they just made it harder,” You could hear his sniffles. You bring your hands to caress his back and tighten your hug to keep him from slipping away.
Hugs are the best medicine.
All those sleepless nights must’ve stressed the shit out of him. The fact that his parents pushed him away instead of helping him and most importantly, his father was the one that made the decision—Of course, with the devilish whispers of the little bitch devil, his wife—It pushes him into a deeper pit of depression.
He had no hope— He had lost hope on them. He knew he couldn’t rely on anyone else anymore after that. He wanted to beg and cry at his father but he thought it was a useless act. He’s a nuisance for them.
Jimin doesn’t realise beads of tear start to escape from his eyes. All he knows is that the hug made him feel alive.
“Promise me that you will not use your ability on me ever again, Jimin,” You whisper softly into his ear. “I will come to you whenever you need me.”
“Do you promise not to leave? Never ever leave me?”
“Yes, I promise.”

The moment your eyes blink open, you rush out of Jimin’s room without him noticing—Maybe he did notice but you couldn’t care less. You know yesterday’s issue gets into the ears of the higher-ups as you wake up to a message from Jaemin saying you are called for a disciplinary meeting.
You know your career is in jeopardy.
Quickly striding to your locker to fix your attire, hopefully no one is aware that you had spent the night in Jimin’s room. You really hope no one did. As you step in front of your locker, you open it and see a full set of new and unused clothes. You had stored some clothes in your locker back then just in case you would need them and you truly didn’t expect you need them for this reason.
You change your clothes, fix your hair and put on some makeup to cover up some flaws. You slip into your doctor coat and close the locker.
You make your way towards the higher-ups building. As the elevator arrives at your destination, you stride towards the disciplinary meeting room. It’s funny how you are always here to evaluate doctors that are being called for disciplinary action to be taken but now you are in their position.
“I’d never expect to meet you here as the one that needed disciplinary action, (Y/N),” A voice comes from your back. “You were an excellent doctor but I guess everybody makes mistakes, right?”
Her words aren’t meant to sass you.
“Mrs Min,” You greet her with a smile.
Mrs Min was your mentor back then when you were in your residency. It was years ago and now she’s a clinical manager while you are a director of your department.
“I’ll try to talk to them so your punishment will be lighter,” She pats my shoulder.
“No, please don’t, Mrs Min. I’m willing to take any punishment,” You tell her. You are never a person to avoid punishments— Not like you ever get one before but still.
Both of you stride towards the disciplinary hall. You see four chairs are placed behind a long glass table which you assume are the seats for Mrs Min, Dr Gyu, and Jay. You don’t know the last chair is for who.
Your seat is in front of them.
Mrs Min settles in her place as Dr Gyu and Jay stride into the room. Trailing a few metres behind them is someone you didn’t expect.
Mr Park.
Why is he joining the disciplinary process?
Patient’s father? Yeah, that.
The disciplinary action meeting starts as they bombard you with questions such as why this why that. You remain calm throughout the session. You know it’s your fault so you didn’t try to prove yourself— Not like you have anything to prove.
“Alright,” Mr Park starts. “We conclude that Dr. (Y/N) will be suspended for a week, seven days starting from tomorrow. Although you are suspended, coming to the hospital is allowed. You are restricted from doing any of your duties is all.”
While the disciplinary session is going on, you finally remember and pinpoint why Mr Park is here. He’s not here just because he’s the patient’s father, he’s the next CEO in line. You’ve heard that he has gotten a big share of this hospital and is soon to be expected as the CEO.
“Any objections, (Y/N)?” Jay asks. You reply with a no and they nod in acknowledgement.
“Okay, that concludes everything,” Mr Park declares. “Dr. (Y/N), I hope this matter won’t happen again in the future.”
After that, they all leave the room. Mrs Min comes to you and gives you a hug before leaving. You return the hug with equal tenderness.
“Thank you, Mrs Min.”
“No problem, Hon. Just don’t let this happen again, hmm?” She pats your back. “I want your record to be clean.”
You chuckle. She breaks the hug and leaves the room.
“(Y/N)?” A manly voice calls you.
“You are more than welcome to visit us during your suspension period, I hope you know that?” He tells you.
“Of course I would visit you guys,” You tell him with a smile.
You walk towards him who’s a few feet away sling your arm on his shoulder in a friendly manner. “I know you’re worried about handling a whole week without me but don’t worry, you’ll be able to handle it. You got Jaemin and Lia.”
“You really read me like an open book, huh,” He shakes his head as he lets out a breathy laugh.
“Yes, you got me, Gyu,” Jaemin suddenly comes out of nowhere and sling his arm on Beomgyu’s free shoulder.
“God, make a sound will you?” You and Beomgyu speak at the same time.
The three of you walk out of the room when suddenly a cough distracts you. You stop on your track causing the other two to follow suit. You turn and find Mr Park standing a few metres away from you and your colleagues.
“I would like to have a talk with Dr. (Y/N),” Mr Park speaks with a cold voice.
He sends an intimidating glare on Beomgyu whose arm is on your shoulder. He gets the warning and immediately drops his arm. Jaemin and Beomgyu quickly bow at Mr Park and leave the room. Leaving you alone with Jimin’s father.
When Mr Park thinks everyone is out of the radar, he starts. “As you can see, Jimin is my only child,” You nod. You know about it since it’s stated in your patient's information file.
“I need him to take over my legacy.”
“So, one day he will be back to normal right?” He asks with a hopeful tone.
“Mr Park,” You pause and walk closer to him until you’re a few feet away from him. “Jimin’s condition isn’t a too serious one. He could’ve gotten better if you decided to give attention to him, bring him to the counselling and not put him in a mental hospital. His depression isn’t severe.”
“You and your wife left him here like he’s never your son.”
You don’t care if you appear rude right now. It angers you in some way as the memory where he and his wife left his son faster than they arrived filters back. After months of taking care of Jimin, you are sympathetic to your patient. That’s why Jimin becomes your primary patient.
“It was never my decision to put him here—”
“Then, who?” You cut him off. “You’re the father. His father.”
“Or you probably think it’s okay to put him here because he’s not normal? Because he has the ability of Siren?”
The room fell into a deep silence.
“So, you knew it already.” He sighs.
“Sadly, yes,” You tell him. “He even used his abilities on me.”
“What did he do?”
“He sang this certain song, used his enchanted voice on me… stuff like that.”
Mr Park’s eyes widened but you didn’t catch that. Jimin got the ability because of his father. It runs along with the Park generation. Every first son of each generation will be gifted with that ability. Siren Song is only used to lure someone you truly desire. If it was a normal occurrence, they would use their enchanted voice.
Simply speaking, Siren Song is like a meaningful gift to give to a person. The fact that Jimin uses his Siren Song on you could only mean one thing…
He’ll talk to Jimin about this later.
If it’s really what thought of then he will do anything for his son’s happiness to make up for his mistake— abandoning Jimin. Now that Jimin has found his love, as a father he will protect his son’s happiness. He doesn’t want Jimin to lose another happiness after his mother and love from a father.

It’s lunchtime now.
Jimin hadn't seen you since last night. So when he hears a soft knocking on his door, he gets excited. He couldn’t stand another hour without you. You left him too quick to his liking this morning. Since it’s lunchtime, he has the chance to see you again or he would go berserk.
He woke up to see his side of the bed was empty. His arms holding and grasping over nothing but air. It was a blissful night for him, to finally be able to sleep but to wake up without his darling irritates the shit out of him.
He wants to keep you by his side.
“Come in,” He tells you who’s behind the door.
Much to his dismay, it isn’t you. His face darkened. It is his father.
“Jimin,” His father calls him out but doesn’t like it. He doesn’t want to hear the person who he had considered as a father, only to abandon him in this place calling his name. He scoots further away from the older man.
It is finally the time for him to meet up with his son. As much as he pushes away his son because of his new wife— the one that Jimin has never acknowledged as his mother— He still needs Jimin to take over and run his legacy.
Marrying another woman is just a strategy to get a big share of this hospital. Now that he has been announced as the next CEO, he files a divorce with Mrs Park. That woman was caught cheating so he uses that as his advantage. MrMrs Park knows she’s cheating behind his back. He only keeps her around for the sake of getting what he wants.
“I already divorced that woman.” He says coolly. “Let’s have a father-son talk?”
“I don’t want to.”
A sigh escapes the father’s lips. Pure coincidence, you walk into Jimin’s room. You knock a few times before coming in but Jimin didn’t reply so you make your way in and only to be greeted by another person, Jimin’s father.
“Mr Park? What are you doing here?” You ask, confused and surprised by his sudden visit. He didn’t even contact you beforehand.
You put down the tray of foods and medications you are carrying on top of the small kitchen counter. You see that Jimin is being hostile towards his father. You look at the older one, as you rephrase your question again.
“Why are you here, Mr Park?”
“I need to talk to Jimin.”
“And I don’t want to and I have nothing to talk to you about,” Jimin didn’t miss a beat. He detests his father that much.
You sigh. You have no time for father and son drama. “Why don’t you listen to him first, hmm?” You direct it to him as you unwrap the cling wraps that are covering the food.
“I don’t want to,” He pouts as he walks towards you to hold you again. The desire to touch you all over again is too strong.
“Talk to him, Jimin. After all, he’s still your father…” You tell him as you cup his face to make him look at you. “After you’re done talking with him, I will give you your lunch and prescriptions.”
Jimin contemplates before he nods. “Fine.”
Mr Park, on the other hand, is impressed by how easily you had handled his son. But it looks like you have way more control than Jimin. It shouldn’t be that way.
“I will leave you both to talk,” You excuse yourself.
You could hear the disapproving noise coming from Jimin but you ignore it. “Behave, Jimin,”
“Don’t be too long. Jimin needs to take his medicines before 1 PM,” You tell him with a smile and disappear behind the door.
As soon as the door shuts, Jimin turns to his father, gesturing to him to sit down. Once he’s seated, Jimin starts. “Speak.”
Heaving a sigh, Mr Park clasps his hands together and looks at his son’s dark orbs. “I need you to take over this hospital,”
“I was planning on giving my share of this hospital to you. You will manage this hospital and I will manage the one back in Busan.”
“Take over my legacy and be happy with (Y/N).”
“H-How did you—”
“I approve of your liking towards her and I will do anything to give you back your happiness to make up for all those years you’ve suffered in the darkness,” Mr Park’s tone of voice is apologetic. Truly showing his son that he wants to do his best to make him happy again.
Jimin is shocked by the sudden change. He couldn’t utter a string of words after what his father had told him.
From the other side of the door, you peek through the door but you couldn’t hear what their conversation was all about but you could see that Jimin is crying and hugging his father.
Well, the game is coming to its end it seems. Jimin is going to be discharged soon to take over this hospital.
One thing was yet to settle—
The deal Mr Yang had offered to you.
Jimin is going to leave soon. Why do you feel a tinge of sadness in your heart at the thought of him leaving you and leading a brand new life with his father? Are you attached to him? Is that it?
This isn’t good.

“Who’s gonna go inside Jimin’s room?” Yuri asks.
Your suspension starts today and that leaves all your duties for them to handle.
“For sure, I won’t be going inside there again,” Lia says.
Silence fills their usual hangout spot for the nurses and doctors which is the information counter, only the sound of Yuri clicking the keyboard’s keys, Beomgyu’s scribbling on his paper is the only audible sound.
“You guys are so lost without (Y/N),” Jaemin suddenly appears from another hallway with a clipboard and a pen wrapped around his finger. “Is this a sad party?”
“Shut up, Jaemin. We know you are lost without (Y/N) too,” Gyu says. “Don’t think we don’t know about your little crush on her.”
Jaemin’s face reddens, making them laugh at him. The male doctor had a little crush on you but he doesn’t want to admit it. It’s obvious but you’re too blind to see the sign.
“Guys, I was asking?” Yuri groans. “Who’s going to take over Dr. (Y/N)’s patient, Jimin, during her suspension period?”
“Oops, I’m out of this,” Jaemin smirks.
“Sure you are, Jaemin. Leave then,” Aerin scolds him as she narrows her eyes on him but then she continues preparing patient’s prescriptions on the medical trolley.
“Morning, guys.”
They turn to the sound of your voice and Lia immediately jumps from her spot and pulls you into a hug.
“(Y/N)!” She squeals. Letting out a small laugh, you hug her with equal excitement. You turn to your confused colleagues.
They know the fact that you could come for a visit even during your suspension period but they did not expect her to come so early in the morning. They wait for you to speak.
“Oh,” You chuckle. “I’m here to discuss some matter with Director Kim, that’s all,” You see the disappointment that washes over their faces after you had said that.
“Might as well hang out for a bit with you guys, I guess?”
“Yey!” Yuri squealed.
“But let me talk with Director Yang first, okay?” You turn on your heels but stop as you remember, “Oh, Jaemin and Beomgyu, please follow me too. I think you guys are the first that needed to be notified about this matter,” You tell them and walk towards the elevator.
“I’ll decide later who will take over my patients during my suspension period,” You say that to your other colleagues.

“Are you sure about this, (Y/N)?” Jaemin asks as soon as the three of you leave Director Yang’s room.
“Yeah. I’ve been thinking about it before” You tell him calmly but Jaemin isn’t having it. The news of you transferring hit him like a truck.
“And you didn’t even tell any of us?” He argues.
“Jaemin, stop it,” Beomgyu says. “Her decision is final and we have to respect it, it’s her choice. Why are you so angry about it anyway? It’s not like she was forced to be transferred to another hospital, she was offered.”
Jaemin heaves a heavy sigh before speaking again, this time a tad bit calmer. “What about Jimin?”
“What about him?” You raise an eyebrow at him.
“You know how he’s too attached to you. How will he react if gets to know that you’re transferring?”
You shrug, you’re not obligated to give him the answer anyway. You walk out of the building to return to the patients’ building.
Jimin will be fine with the news. He had other things to worry about such as his future position as the CEO. He’ll get over you even before you realise it. All he needs right now is his father’s support.
Reaching the information counter, you immediately notice Yuri and you walk towards her. “I will handle Jimin for today. I got permission from the higher-ups since it’s my last day” You tell her as you grab a pen from the counter and fill in the duty form.
“What?” Yuri’s eyes widened at your statement. “What do you mean last day? Aren’t you just being suspended?”
“Well, yes, I am suspended but after the period ends, I will start working at another hospital. In another word, I’m transferring to another hospital.”
After a few sad sessions with your colleagues, you finally preparing to do your duty. You didn’t bother to change your attire; the white translucent blouse covered with a black off-shoulder crop top and paired with a black long skirt— It was decent enough and you’re here only to attend to Jimin, not your other patients. Following closely behind you are Lia and Aerin, they’ve heard the news of your transferring too.
“Here you go, (Y/N),” Aerin hands you the tray of Jimin’s meals and prescriptions. “Thank you, Aerin,” You take the tray and smile at her softly.
“Sometimes I really envy you, (Y/N),” Lia suddenly says. Letting out a small chuckle, you turn to Lia. “And why is that?”
Lia shrugs, she folds her arms and rests her face on top of her open palm. “I don’t know. I just envy you in so many ways.”
That earns a giggle from you and Aerin.
Once you’ve arrived at Jimin’s room, you bid your goodbye to the two women, Lia and Aerin, as they head towards your other patients’ room. You knock on the door and wait for Jimin’s response. Once you’ve heard a faint ‘come in’, you twist the knob to allow the door to open.
Jimin softly calls for you but a frown creeps on his face as he sees you not in your usual attire—with your doctor coat. “Why aren’t you wearing your coat?” He asks as he pats the space next to him, gesturing to you to sit beside him.
“I forgot to wear it,” You tell him that as you unwrap the food and bring it to the small coffee table near the couch. You set the tray down and sit next to Jimin.
“Can I hug you, (Y/N)?”
You look at him with a frown, caught off guard by the sudden question. Jimin takes your silence as a negative reaction. “Nevermind, I was just…”
“No, no,” You stop him. “Come here.”
Spending time with Jimin or just being with him has been a daily routine for you. You didn’t notice this before but you are attached to him now. You love each second you spend with Jimin.
Pulling you by your forearm, Jimin engulfs you in a hug which makes you melt almost instantly in his arms. You wrap your arms around his neck as you inhale his scent. His sweet cologne. It somehow smells sweet instead of how you would usually describe a man’s cologne— manly scent— but Jimin’s scent is sweet and it makes you… tipsy?
“You smell nice…sweet, Jimin,” You slur. Your body is clinging harder on Jimin. He caresses your back in a circular motion. Your mind becomes hazier and hazier at each second and each scent you inhale.
Why are you getting the same effect when Jimin uses his ability on you? He barely speaks. You try to break the hug but Jimin only tightens his grip around your body.
“I heard you’re transferring, darling.”
You gasp as you pull your head from his neck. How did he know about it? You don’t have the time to think about it. More importantly, he uses his ability on you again. His touch.
You grasp on his biceps in attempt to push him away, as much as you love spending your time with Jimin, you made it clear that you detest when he uses his ability on you.
“Why are you leaving me?” He sounds angry but still, his voice is laced with enchantment, clouding your coherent thoughts.
“Should I sing my Siren Song to you all day to make sure you will stay with me forever?”
You freeze in your spot. If you had to choose, you’d rather not have Jimin taking over the control you had of your body and mind. It’s not much of a difference when Jimin only uses his enchanted voice but his Siren Song is deadly. While the latter, you can still process what’s happening and still fight it whereas his song will make you completely on his mercy.
“No…” is the only thing you manage to say.
Jimin only hums, taking in your scent down to his lungs. He loves to see you looking so submissive with his touch. Everything about you attracts every cell in his body.
“Should I seal the bond?” Jimin muses. He never stops using his enchanted voice. Each of his words coats with more and more enchantment, making it more enticing for you.
“Bond—?” Your voice comes out as weak and soft.
“Don’t worry about it (Y/N),” Another manly voice interrupts you.
Dad? Mr Park?
Mr Park walks closer to the two of you but keeps his distance because he knows his son doesn’t want anyone near you and that includes himself, his father.
“He meant the mating bond between the two of you,” He explains— as if your current state of mind allows you to properly think about his words. His words fall on deaf ears.
“I can choose anyone to be my mate and I picked you,” Jimin whispers into your ears with that oh-so-sweet voice. He then nuzzles his nose against your cheek. “My father heard the news of you transferring to another hospital, so I asked him to cancel whatever deal Mr Yang made you sign.”
“I can’t lose you,” His lips trails from your cheek down to your jawline making you squirm out of the pleasure as you feel his lips on your heated skin. He leaves a trail of soft kisses down to your neck.
“This is our new beginning, darling,” He pulls his face from your neck as he takes in the way your eyelids are heavy, your cheeks are heated, you sinful lips. Your skin feels warm against him. He enjoys every second of having you in his arms and he is definitely satisfied with the view he’s witnessing right now.
“We will be happy with each other,” He traces his finger on the side of your face as he removes a few hair strands from your face.
“I’ve already got you discharged, Jimin. The car is waiting outside. I’ll be waiting there. Seal the bond quickly,” His father says before leaving the room.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this, darling,” He confesses. His thumb is playing with your lower lips. He leans forward and captures your lips into a kiss. His lips are soft on top of yours. He starts to kiss you at a slow pace, not rushing at the slightest.
He has all the time he needs.
The moment you feel Jimin’s soft lips on your, you’re a goner. A complete utter goner. The scent that is filling the air is dulling your senses. You couldn’t think of anything but the kiss and that’s exactly what Jimin wants. Your attention is solely on him and the kiss.
You let out a moan and Jimin takes it as his chance to invade your mouth. His tongue dances with yours as he devours you, claims you hungrily. His hands roam on your back, tracing your spine and he places his hands on your hips. Your hands are locked around his neck.
What seems like forever, Jimin finally pulls away from you—Much to your dismay— and you are left breathless. The kiss had stolen your breath. Jimin sees the way your chest is rising and falling at a fast pace. He licks his luscious lips when he sees the want in your eyes. Your lips are red and are begging to be sucked and kissed all over again.
Jimin picks you up and locks your legs around his waist.
As much as Jimin wants to continue devouring you, he needs to get you out of the hospital while you’re still in this state, at his mercy and so submissive.
He places a kiss on top of your forehead and your nose before he pushes your head to rest on his shoulder. He walks towards the door. He takes one final look at his room and smirks. He had planned everything for this day. He walks out of his room and just as he expects, it’s empty.
He told his father to make sure the whole floor department is empty so that he could walk away with you without worrying others might see—Not like he cares but it’s for the better— Also to make sure he doesn’t bump into any of your colleagues, especially Jaemin.
He will finally say goodbye to this hospital and greet a new chapter of his life with you.
“You’re mine now, darling.”
Bond has been sealed and there’s no escape now.

If you enjoyed reading this, please consider liking it or reblogging it. It means so much to me!
Feedback is always appreciated and helps me to improve myself! Do not send hateful comments or asks.

Taglist : @minshookie29 @mangminnie

All rights reserved © 2021 kthyg. Do not copy, translate, modify or repost without permission.

ghoul. — (folders)

“No one should be on his level when it comes to you.”
Jimin doesn’t like what he discovered in your computer.


pairing : jimin x reader
rating : G
genre : tokyo ghoul au, soulmate au - but my own version (i’ll add more later)
disclaimer : this story is a work of fiction. descriptions of the BTS members in this story does not reflect nor portray them in real life. everything in this story only fits in imagination and does not apply outside of imagination.
warnings : nothing except for cold and petty jimin.
word count : 1.4k+

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note from winter 💌 :
i don’t have the will to write a full length story atm so i’ll stick with short drabble to kick start this series (it wasn’t meant to b a series but i made a whole arse characters profiles analysis so it’d b a waste to not make smtg big out of it 🤞🏻)
the idea to write this au popped up when i was rewatching tokyo ghoul and i thought how about bts x tokyo ghoul au AND soulmate au????? 🤔 and this was born
im thinking of releasing two drabbles (which means another one drabble) for this series before i cook up the main story or maybe never 😄 and just continue make a short chapter that has no solid story plot.
andd if u have watched tokyo ghoul, you’ll know the setting and all but in this series it might not be 100% the same as the original.
just a heads up, this will be a yandere story, maybe soft one or otherwise, it depends on the characters + my writing is rustyy so don’t mind me ;’)
💌 what is winter listening to? : impurities & antifragile by le sserafim, nxde by (g)i-dle, cry for me by twice (PLS I KNOW THESE ARE SO UNRELATED BUT IM OBSESSED W/ THEM)

dedication : to myself.

“(Y/N),” Jimin’s voice.
Upon hearing your name, you raised your head to the direction of the door. Jimin didn’t knock but his full figure was already in your office. He didn’t have his coat with him, leaving him with black turtleneck and black cargo pants.
Rephrase; black sleeveless turtleneck with black gloves that covered up until his elbows and black cargo pants that have been stained with blood but barely any rips.
He probably just got back from a mission.
“Investigator Park,” you greeted. “How can I help y—”
“Yoongi wants to see you.” He cut to the chase.
“Investigator Min?” You repeated with a hint of confusion. “Did he say anything else? For me to bring something?”
Yoongi rarely asked for your presence— ever since that day. He avoided you like a plague. The only time you and him were breathing in the same room was whenever Namjoon held meetings of senior investigators, that, too, he never looked at you or even direct any question to you.
“No.” Jimin answered curtly.
As if…
As if you would actually go meet with Investigator Min with nothing in hand. Grabbing your suitcase, you bowed to Jimin. “Thank you. I’ll be going now,” and left your office.
Jimin watched as you walked hastily to Yoongi’s office. You were always ready to comply to any order from Jimin. Maybe because he was your superior, but you have always been compliant to him since day one. Perhaps you felt the need to make him proud. He felt something akin to pride.
He walked over to your desk. Your desk was messy; paperwork were scattered all over the table, reference books, supplements, and newspapers. He was confused as to why you have so much paperwork when you were a ghoul investigator, not a bureau investigator. As a ghoul investigator, you were already an active one, paperwork became unnecessary for you. Never have you ever skipped, reject or failed a mission in your time of career as a ghoul investigator which was something worth to be boastful about, but you were very humble.
Not wanting to mess up the paperwork even more, he avoided touching it. He diverted his attention to the flashy pen drive that was plugged into your computer. The pen drive was impossible to be overlooked.
It was said flashy for a reason.
Iron Man’s hand pen drive… He scoffed.
It was the pen drive you had since you started training to be a ghoul investigator at the Ghoul Investigator Training Academy.
He knew of it because the two of you were very close during the training period. He had enrolled in the academy a year prior before you. But even without all that, Jimin and you had known each other for a long time. The two of you went way back since kindergarten but lost contact when that tragedy occurred; the day his parents were killed was the day you last heard of him but reunited when you decided to join the Ghoul Academy.
He stole a glance at the monitor in front of him. The monitor was displaying your file explorer. You once showed your file explorer to him; there was a folder named after his name, but that was long time ago. He had guessed that you probably have around a thousand of folders for everyone you know because it was a weird habit of yours. You created a file for everyone – if that was actually possible.
It is possible it seems. Your file explorer was the living proof.
The folder under his name was filled with pictures and documents. He concluded that every other folder contained the same. Jimin has always known that you have a deep interest in photography, so he had let you take pictures of him anytime as long it doesn’t disturb his or your line of work.
You take good photos.
You once told him that the pictures you captured represented your eyes. You never fail to praise him of his ethereal beauty. If you ran out of words to describe his beauty, you would use the pictures to tell him. It has been going on since the old days.
Indeed, you take magnificent pictures.
But to know that he wasn’t the only person you took photos of stirred something deep inside him.
There were folders for Rosé, Lisa, Sunoo… Your close friends, of course.
Namjoon, Taehyung,…
Namjoon, the Chief Director of Division 1, the division you and Jimin were working under, which explained why you have his name in your compilation of folders, but it was mostly text files and documents. That man seemed to have a soft spot for you, but it was uncertain because one day he was affectionate to you and the other day, you were nothing but a worthless piece of trash or shit that he stepped on.
As for Kim Taehyung, he was nothing but a superior to you. You rarely interacted with him because he worked under another division but at times you would try and talk to that quiet man.
Although Taehyung was nothing of a quiet man. Jimin knew his soulmate.
Jin, Hoseok,…
Your other close friends. You and Jin became good friends because of the same rank the two of you shared. Given the amount of time you interacted with Jin daily, it would be impossible for a friendship to not been established.
Jin was a sweet and caring young man, and you were literally the carbon copy of him in terms of personality.
Hoseok was once very close to you and Jin, but his excessive promotion from Special Class to High Rank led him to be very busy, especially with his current rank, Chief Director of Division 2.
Next, Jungkook.
The number of files you have under Jungkook’s name was as many as Jimin’s, but he didn’t give it any mind because you and Jungkook came from the same clan and maybe grew up together hence the two of you interacted a lot. You were an indirect descendant of the Jeon clan.
Originally, you were – and still, – an Arima, but the death of Arima Kishou, the one-eyed king, marked the end of the clan as the final will was passed down to a non-descendant, Kaneki Ken. You were still young when Arima Kishou died and when you were taken into the Jeon clan.
Lastly, Yoongi.
He scoffed when he saw the number of files under Yoongi’s name.
Less than 50 files.
Apparently, you weren’t so fond of this one soulmate of his. He didn’t know if you were avoiding Yoongi, or he was avoiding you, but the two of you wouldn’t talk to each other unless it was work. Even for work matters, it was rarely to never for the two of you to speak to each other. Although Yoongi was one of your superior, he was never an option for you to refer to. You’d always go to Hoseok, Namjoon, or Jin.
Jimin continued scrolling your folders until he found an unnamed folder. It was named but not with a name. It was symbolised.
A star symbol.
He didn’t hesitate to click on the folder, but he wished he did and didn’t click on it.
It was a folder filled with pictures of you and Investigator Kim Mingyu.
In other folders, there were only pictures of the owner’s name, or anything related to the owner, but in this folder, there were pictures of you. Lots of it. Of course, in Jimin and Jungkook’s folders there were pictures of you, but it was less than the number of their pictures. The ratio was 1:10.
In this star symbolised folder, however, the ratio was 1:1. Adequate amount of your pictures and their pictures, as well as pictures of three people; you, Mingyu, and Xu Minghao from Min clan.
From the looks of it, your pictures were taken by either two of them, Mingyu or Xu Minghao. Yoongi loathed the latter, and Jimin might jump into the hate train as well.
You looked breathtaking as usual. Jimin ended up looking through the whole folder. The pictures were lovely. A few pictures of couple poses here and there. Jimin would’ve cooed at them if it weren’t for the fact that it was you and another guy. He didn’t care if it was Jungkook, even Jin because they were his soulmates.
Whatever that he owned, his soulmates owned it too.
And he owned you.
Call him petty or whatever. Petty was his middle name.
His hand reached out for the mouse and dragged it until the cursor reached certain a button.
The ‘X’ button.
“No one gets a better treatment from (Y/N) than me.”
Without any remorse, he left-clicked the button and left your office.
‘File(s) has been successfully deleted. ’ The message on your screen read.

All rights reserved © 2022 kthyg. Do not copy, translate, modify or repost without permission. Feedback is very much appreciated. It keeps me motivated! Send me an ask !!

ghoul. — (training) (m)


“I like it when you’re under me. The only place you will ever be is under me.”
Jimin and Jungkook decided they wanted to have an unplanned training session with you.

pairing : yandere jikook x reader
rating : M
genre : tokyo ghoul au, soulmate au, violence
disclaimer : this story is a work of fiction. descriptions of the BTS members in this story does not reflect nor portray them in real life. everything in this story only fits in imagination and does not apply outside of imagination.
warning : infliction of pain on woman (oc).
word count : 3.2k+

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note from winter 💌 :
ok real note 📝
maybe i like jimin being rough. haha like
💌 what is winter listening to? : 28 reasons by seulgi

dedication : to my sleep demon, you can fuck off now. ive written your shit down.

Another day at KCCG, Korea Commission of Counter Ghoul, the second branch of CCG that originated from Japan. An everyday reminder when Jimin stepped into the KCCG building. The logos of CCG and KCCG were designated next to each other looking very alike except that KCCG has an additional letter ‘K’ before the CCG. The emblems were blueish black in colour and an animal akin to a bird spreading its wings was embedded at the centre of the emblem respectively, and a few deep curves and details to make it look elegant.
“Jimin hyung.” A voice called.
He turned to the voice. “Jungkook.” His soulmate.
“Why the hard face?”
“The only thing that is hard right now is my dick, so if you don’t have any plans to help soften it down, then I suggest you go back to your office before I fuck you right here.”
“Vulgar,” the younger hissed. “I’m your superior. How dare you speak to me that way.”
“An inferior in bed,” Jimin mumbled nonchalantly.
“I’ll give away your mission in 1st ward to Investigator Rosè,” Jungkook retorted.
“I needn’t worry because she’s not fit for the mission, and you need Joon’s approval for that. 1st ward has always been assigned to me.” He said calmly.
“Namjoon hyung gives me green light for everything, so–”
“Gyu.” Your voice interrupted their conversation. It wasn’t too loud but given that their sense of hearing was very acute, even your softest voice could reach their ears.
You entered the building and with delighted steps, you skipped your way towards Kim Mingyu, Ghoul Investigator of Special Class. Jimin’s gaze followed your figure until you reached the male investigator. Jungkook didn’t miss the hard gaze but instead of asking what was wrong with Jimin, he found himself staring hard at your figure too or the situation.
Since when were you close with Mingyu?
“Good morning, lotus.” Mingyu greeted you with a soft, subtle kiss on the crown of your head.
“Morning,” you smiled, handing over a coffee to him. “Where’s Minghao?”
“Late as usual,” he sighed before taking a sip of the coffee, thanking you after. “Overslept maybe.”
“It’s fine, we can wait.” Sipping a bit of your coffee, you fished out a small device from your pocket. The device was a sphere in shape and floating. You let it float in the air as pressed the button on the device.
“You got a new SfereX?” Mingyu asked.
“Yes. The old one was destroyed during the mission at the 2nd ward.” You sighed.
As soon as you pressed the button, a hologram flashed in front of you. The technology inside the device resembled a laptop or tablet but an even more compact version. As the system loaded you to your home page, you pressed the reminder calendar.
“Today we have a training session with Minghao…” You spread your fingers as the hologram zoomed onto the details of the session. “Focusing on hand-to-hand combat.”
Mingyu nodded. “He needs that very much.”
You slapped his shoulder lightly. “Give him a little credit. He’s not that bad. He’s just so used to the use of weapons.”
Mingyu was about to speak up but as his eyes narrowed a bit over your shoulder, he noticed two figures approaching.
Two figures that, if possible, he always wanted to avoid.
“Ah, good morning, Director Jeon, Investigator Park.”
That caught you off guard.
Upon hearing your childhood friend’s name, your body went rigid, and your mind flew back to when you discovered that half of your files in the star folder were gone after you returned from Investigator Min’s office. You don’t have proof that it was Jimin that deleted your files. Of course, you could walk into the security room and check the CCTVs, but you went against that idea because as much as you wanted to fight for your justice, you knew Jimin would do anything and everything to deny your claim.
Quickly turning around, you bowed. “Good morning.”
Jimin zeroed his attention on you as he spoke. “Training session with me and Investigator Jeon at combat room 2. In 5 minutes.”
“But I have–”
“Are you defying your superior, (Y/N)?”
Your eyes flickered at the sudden use of authority. “No, that’s not it…”
Mingyu saw the hesitation in your eyes as you struggled to find the right word. Maybe it was due to the difference in rank and the intimidation Jimin held because you were not one to hesitate. “Park, she has a scheduled training session with me.” He emphasised the word ‘scheduled’. “Please be considerate and respectful of others’ time.”
“Investigator Kim,” Jimin turned his body to fully face him. His face was devoid of emotions. “Before anything, (Y/N) is under me. Whatever changes made are effective immediately regardless of your opinion.”
“It doesn’t change the fact that you are disturbing my line of work by messing up my schedule, Investigator Park.” Mingyu refused to back away.
“That’s enough.” Jungkook finally voiced out.
He has been standing next to Jimin all while his gaze was on you. Breaking his intense gaze, he continued. “I instigated the training session. I believe you won’t have any problem with me doing so, right, Investigator Kim?”
A muscle in his jaw twitched. “If you’re trying to use your rank and force me to submission, I’d suggest you stop, Director Jeon.”
“Kim Mingyu.” You could see Jimin’s jaw tightened as soon as he let out the stern call.
You really didn’t want to ruin anyone else’s morning especially yours. “Gyu, it’s fine. We can reschedule.” You told him.
“It’s not fine. This doesn’t only affect me,” His eyes that were on the two guys in front of him were now on you. A wave of pity – or maybe concern – was seen. “But it also affects you.”
You knew what his next sentence would be.
“(Y/N), how–” How long are you going to tolerate being stepped on by these bunch of fucked up higher-ups?
And you didn’t have it in you to respond to that question yet.
“The training will take 2 hours at most. I’ll be available by noon and you’re free at that hour too.” You pinched the hologram after checking the reminder calendar and clicked the button to switch off the device.
“Moreover, your student has yet to arrive, no?” Jungkook directed his question to Mingyu. “Technically, I can take up (Y/N)’s schedule at this very moment because her scheduled training appears to be delayed. It gives literally anyone the right to take it up.”
Jungkook raised a hand to cover his lips albeit not fully, he let Mingyu see the condescending smirk through the gaps between his fingers. “Teach your student to respect other people’s time before teaching us. That’s very hypocrite of you.”
He didn’t wait for Mingyu to even breathe another word as he turned on his heels and made his way to the assigned combat room.
“Let’s go.” Jimin called on you.
Keeping your head low, you responded. “Yes, Investigator Park.”

You entered the combat room after having your clothes changed. It seemed like you blended in quite well with the room. Your combat attire was white overall as well as the room, both wall and floor. The combat room is empty but not fully empty as there were flower beds. White flowers. You have no idea why it was the way it was.
As you made your way to a bench, you unwrapped the bandage you had brought over from your locker in the changing room to wrap your hands. The clicking sounds of a door closing reached your ears. Jungkook stepped into the combat room. Spotting you on the bench, he smiled as he approached you.
“Quite a scene just now, don’t you think, (Y/N)?” He sat next to you, mirroring your action with a bandage of his own. “A bit too early to my taste, I’d say. But very refreshing.”
Of course, it’s refreshing for you.
You practically wrecked your brain trying to find the appropriate answer to give out in response. Giving up, you could only muster up a tight smile and continued bandaging your hands. You subtly glanced at his hands as he finished wrapping up his hand.
Well, that’s quick.
After glancing for a bit too long, you noticed his bandage matched his outfit. Black. You looked at your unfinished wrapping.
Just as you were about to resume your wrapping, Jungkook’s hands came into the frame. He gently pulled your hand so that it was closer to him and easier for him to wrap up for you.
“Uh, I can…” You pulled your hand away slowly. “Do it myself.”
He seemed to frown upon your action as he pulled your hand back to him and resumed. “I know.”
Jungkook sure was efficient and quick in his action. He finished wrapping up your both hands in under one minute. All while holding your hand as if you would break if he put even the littlest pressure. You had the time to study his face.
There were significant features of his that remained the same or maybe matured a bit, but it didn’t stop you from going back to the old days you shared with Jungkook. Back then when you were first brought to the headquarter of the Jeon clan, you knew of no one. Not even the person that brought you there. At that time, Jungkook was the only child you saw. If only calling him a child was right. Given that he acted and behaved nothing like a child.
Face hard, back straight, and hands balled into fists on both his lap.
And quiet.
You had not heard his voice until your third week there.
“That brings back memory, huh?” Jungkook tilted his head as he stared at you. “Your eyes are showing a hint of nostalgia.”
The closed proximity and intense staring.
The mysterious coffee eyes. His eyes were still as dark and deep as you first saw. Unlike you, Jungkook's eyes were unreadable. As if his eyes were disconnected from the brain and lived on their own.
He was defective.
But you learned to understand Jungkook by studying his body language instead. That, too, wasn’t as easy. Jungkook mastered the art of concealment. He hated being vulnerable.
Or he forced himself to hate vulnerability.
The Kishou and Jeon have something in common.
Their ruthlessness was known to the world.
Growing up as a Jeon meant survival. Only the best made it until the end. Jungkook was a direct descendant of the Jeon clan and the future that soon would lead and continue the Jeon clan. He was trained to be the best. As for an indirect descendant like you, your training was much more lenient given the fact that you were a Kishou.
Jungkook was trained mentally, spiritually, and physically. Trained to be zero.
Zero weakness.
But after the death of the Jeon clan's former leader, you could see Jungkook finally breathed.
You turned away to break eye contact. “Yeah…”
He hummed before he brought one of your hands to his lips, kissing your bandaged knuckles. “It’s not a good thing, sweetheart.”
You stared at him in shock.
“You’re a Jeon.” All said with a smile and gentle thumb brushing.
I’m a Kishou.
Another sound of the door clicking open resonated around the room, making you immediately pull back your hand. Jimin walked into the room with graceful steps. He was wearing the same combat attire as Jungkook. Black. Your hands were itching to grab your SfereX and snap a picture of Jimin really quick.
Jimin was ethereal. You would never be tired of telling that to yourself.
In terms of physique, Jimin’s build is lean with enough muscle in the right place. The difference in body proportion between Jimin and Jungkook was visibly huge, but their strength was at the same level. Maybe even a level greater than Jungkook.
“We’ll do hand-to-hand combat today.” Jimin announced.
“Sounds fun to me.” Jungkook grinned.
“Let’s start with one on one before the other joins in for 2 against 1, shall we?” Jimin suggested.
You agreed pliantly with a soft yes.
Even if you had disagreed as if Jimin would listen to you.
“One on one with me, (Y/N),” he declared as he strode to the centre of the room. “Are you ready?”
The only word you’ve said for the past few minutes. Yes.
Still having the gentleman in him, Jimin urged you to do the first take before he pitched in. The two of you got into position with hands up into fists just above chin height and feet opened shoulder width apart.
Jungkook’s remark heralded the start of the fight. “Start.”
You didn’t start with your fist instead your knee found its way to kick Jimin’s face. But of course, it took more than a simple movement to injure The Park Jimin. He easily dodged your attack. In return, Jimin charged with his fist, targeting your face which you managed to avoid.
The attack and defence continued until Jungkook announced his presence in the fight. You were against two of your superiors. Two of them hated losing. You didn’t dare to make any first move as soon as Jungkook joined in, so instead, you waited for them to charge any attack.
Jungkook seemed to see right through you as he advanced first. He fired a punch but instead of dodging it, you blocked it. His firing was too quick that you didn’t have the time to avoid it.
But it was a grave mistake.
Jungkook smirked before he continued firing punches to your defence. It was only a matter of time before one of his punches would reach your face. He cornered you to the wall at each punch. You took the opportunity to use the wall to send Jungkook flying back with your feet pushing on his chest and your back on the wall as support.
You didn’t realise how small your intake of oxygen was until you found yourself gasping for air after throwing Jungkook off. It happened all too fast, but you were sent flying to the other corner of the room.
By Jimin.
“Don’t let your guard down, (Y/N).” Jimin reprimanded.
You were quick to get back on your two feet. “I wasn’t–”
Had you not focused on your left, you would’ve been crushed. You made a beeline towards another safe spot before Jungkook practically crushed the wall.
His form of payback was crazy.
“Yes, she wasn’t, Jimin,” he pushed back his hair, showcasing his defined jawline. “Or else she would’ve been crushed like this wall.”
You believed in your hand-to-hand combat skills.
But you don’t believe them in hand-to-hand combats.

Jimin’s grip on your hair was unforgiving. As if his life depended on the tightness of the tug. Your eyes were filled with tears from the burn on your scalp. He trapped your body as he sat on your back, one hand tugging on your hair and the other resting on his crouched knee.
“Weak as ever (Y/N).”
You grunted in response.
“That’s why you’re always under me and forever will.” Jimin enunciated each word clearly, drilling them into your brain. “So, remember your priorities: me before anyone and anything.”
“That is enough, Jimin.” Jungkook stood in front of you with hands in his pocket, looking down at you. The stinging pain on your scalp affected your ability to open both eyes fully, only one of your eyes was opened as you tried to look the superior in front of you.
“You’re getting way too soft on her, Kook,” Jimin pouted. “That’s why she fails as a Jeon.”
“I’m a Kishou.” You hissed.
A new bruising and unforgiving pain started on your scalp and the cause was Jungkook. His movement was so fast that you didn’t get to comprehend the moment he crouched down and replace Jimin’s hand with his own.
“Kishou clan ended long time ago, sweetheart. Stop being delusional and be grateful the Jeon clan even took you in. You’re a Jeon, so live up to it. Do not sully the good name.”
He let go of your hair and stood to his full height. Jimin’s hand found its way around your burning scalp yet again but instead of inflicting more pain, he surprisingly massaged your scalp and even stroked your hair.
The door flew open, gracing the room with the presence of another two Special Class investigators and another one Associate: Min Yoongi, Kim Mingyu, and Kim Seokjin.
Your eyes were quick to fall on your partner’s figure.
“Gyu,” you whispered softly with utmost gratefulness.
But your gratefulness was short-lived as the bruising grip on your hair returned and stronger. Jimin pushed your face to meet with the floor.
“Jimin!” It was Jin’s voice.
“Shh, Jin hyung,” this time it was Yoongi’s voice. “They are in their training session. We mustn’t disturb them.” You can hear the smirk in his voice, honestly.
“The training session ended 2 minutes ago. Release her, Park.” Mingyu said.
You were sure Jimin was trying to plant your face into the ground. Might as well your whole body. The pressure he put was enough to make you imagine so. Whimpers fell from your mouth involuntarily as you felt the pain was too overbearing that it had already exceeded your limit.
Jimin let go of your hair harshly and the weight on your back disappeared. You stayed in your position for a few seconds and only raised your head when you heard another clicking sound of a door which indicated that Jimin has left the combat room.
Jungkook was still standing in front of you. When you tried to stand up, he quickly got to your level and tried to offer a hand.
Keyword: tried.
“Ah, Jungkook.” Yoongi tutted. “You can go freshen up. Mingyu will take care of her.”
Before Yoongi even finished his sentences, your attention was stolen when you heard footsteps approaching you. The next thing you knew, Mingyu was already next to you, helping you to get off the ground.
“I believe it’s appropriate for me to assist my student until the end.” Jungkook said.
He glared at the hands that were touching you, and with a deep and dangerous voice, he enjoined. “Get your hands off her, Kim.”
But Mingyu was unfazed.
“It is, Director Jeon,” Yoongi agreed. “But Director Kim urgently asked for your presence. 2nd ward has been attacked by a group of unknown ghouls. You might want to resolve that quickly.”
The Investigator of Special Class strode towards the changing room with Jin hot on his trail.
“Rather than to waste your time on…” Yoongi moved his cold gaze to you. “Her.”
Jungkook stayed on his spot for a good few seconds before he abruptly stood up and headed towards the changing room with big steps. Yoongi has a victorious smirk on his face as he casually followed Jungkook into the changing room, followed by Jin who sent you a look of pity.
You wished for the day to end already.
Before you have the chance to even be sucked into your hole of darkness and self-loathing, a hand reached out to stroke your head. It was Mingyu. He helped you to get into the correct posture and placed you in his arms. You didn’t put up any fights to protect your pride – not like there was any left. It was trampled on by your two superiors – and rested your head on his chest.
Before the darkness consumed you wholly, you heard a familiar voice calling for you.
It wasn’t Mingyu’s.
It was Minghao’s.
And then all your sense shut off.

All rights reserved © 2022 kthyg. Do not copy, translate, modify or repost without permission. Feedback is always appreciated! It keeps me motivated and helps me improve myself. Send me an ask <;3