Jughead - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago
Who Would Break Up With Him?
Who Would Break Up With Him?

Who would break up with him? 

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7 years ago

No wonder on why the Cooper women fell for these men:

No Wonder On Why The Cooper Women Fell For These Men:

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5 years ago

Ego // Sweet Pea (part 1)


first imagine for sweets <33333 did this in honor of Riverdale s4 coming out ehehehehe also this is from the pov of sCaRLEtT bc I really like that name eheheh

As a serpent, she had an ego just like all of the other members. When Scarlett Calahan’s dad died the day she turned 13, FP was quick to follow James Callahan’s (known as JC) orders and she became a serpent.

Only, Joaquin, FP and Jughead were the only ones who knew that her dad died. FP told all the Serpents that he was diagnosed with alzheimer and that he should be left alone.

Scarlett had an amazing group of friends, until that fateful day. Her, Fangs, Sweet Pea, Joaquin, and Toni were that group of friends that everyone wished they had. When JC died, she moved to the Northside, enrolled in Riverdale High for freshman year, and abandoned her group of friends. She was taken under the wing by Fred Andrews, per se FP’s request. Because her and Archie were the same age, they got along quite nicely. Archie wasn’t bothered that she came off as rude sometimes, or that she had a massive ego and was quite the pessimist. He was, however, bothered by the fact that she was a Serpent.

“I just don't understand,” Archie had shrugged one day, sitting on his bed doing homework while Scarlett sat across from him, staring at that stupid football poster on his wall. “How could you be apart of a gang that’s so... violent?” He had said it like he was disgusted. And he was. Disgusted that a girl he was so in love with was in a gang, full of drugs, murders, and thieves.

“Dad’s request, Arch. I don’t mind, though. It makes me feel like I’m in control of something.”

She continued to show up to Serpent meetings and sometimes special occasions, if necessary. She fit in nicely in the corner, observing. On rare occasions, Tall Boy noticed her and gave her a smile.

Of course, even after she moved to the Northside, Joaquin was always in contact with her. On Fridays, when he wasn’t at the Wyrm, he’d climb up to her window and she’d tell him about her week. Sometimes during meetings he’d slip in the back with her.

At school, she didn’t have very many friends. Archie and Jughead, of course, but they all usually stayed clear of each other during school. Betty was very much creeped out by Scarlett, so that meant Kevin was too even though he was dating her best friend.

By the middle of sophomore year, everyone had found out that Scarlett was a serpent. She didn’t bother to hide her serpent jacket, and wore it to school. Josie started talking to her more, probably to use her as a charity case.

Cheryl, who was okay with her before, began the shaming as soon as she found out. All Scarlett could do was clench her fists and squeeze her eyes shut to avoid a fight, but one too many times that didn’t work.

One by one, everything crashed. She was accused of Jason Blossom’s death, found out her best friend and FP were partly responsible for Jason’s death, found out Mustang was found dead in a bathtub, and Joaquin had to wish her a tearful goodbye before he left town for good. Fred was shot, she spent days in the hospital, and the Black Hood was born.

“So, a little birdie told me today was your first day at Southside High? How’d that go?” Scarlett asked, finding Jughead typing on his computer at Pop’s.

Jughead looked up, smiling at Scarlett. “It was... interesting. Place is a shit show, I feel bad for all of them.” Jughead shrugged. Scarlett laughed softly, not expecting anything more from the Southside.

“Yeah? How was lunch? No Ghoulies messed with you, right?” Scarlett piled on the questions, narrowing her eyes. Jughead snorted, shaking his head.

“Sat alone. This girl named... Toni Topaz? You probably know her. Anyways, she showed me around and invited me to sit with her and the serpents since my dad’s one. I said no, and blah blah blah. Day went on and I met uh... some very interesting people.” Jughead explained.

“Yeah?” She raised her eyebrows. “Yeah. I know Toni. Who’d you meet?” Toni had since brushed her off after she left the Southside. She remembers one time, just a few months after she cut them off, she was walking back to the trailer park to talk to FP, and Toni slammed her against the wall and slapped her.

“You think you’re so cool, ditching us for Northsiders huh? Were we really that bad? Stupid bitch, you may be a serpent by tattoo now but you’ll never be a serpent by heart.”

“This one guy, he asked me about you. His name’s Fangs I think? He seemed like he genuinely cared. Then, Toni cut him off before I could say anything and told him to shut up. This other guy, Sweet Pea rolled his eyes. Sweet Pea’s a real jerk, got mad at me because I wouldn’t hang out with them after school.” Jughead said.

Her heart jumped at the mention of Sweet Pea. She’d always had a huge crush on him when they were younger, and even now sometimes she found it hard to get him off her mind. She hadn’t talked to him or seen him since before she left unexpectedly. On another note, The fact that Fangs asked about her too surprised her.

Her phone dinged, and she picked it up only to find Fred messaging her that Archie was going to be with friends tonight and that he was almost done making dinner if she wanted some.

“Hey, Jug, I gotta go. But... will you do me a favor?” She asked, sliding her phone in to her pocket. Jughead hummed in response, looking up at her. “Tomorrow, you know, if Sweet Pea gets his head out of his ass, would you ask him about me?”

Jughead furrowed his eyebrows, but nodded nonetheless. I waved goodbye to him and then left, hopping on my motorcycle and going home, thoughts of Sweet Pea in my head.

Not but a few days later, Archie’s video of the Red Circle spread around and the red dot painted on white t-shirts everywhere began to make her feel sick. She had voiced her opinion to Archie, who completely brushed it off. The first red Circle meeting was held at their house, where Scarlett stayed in the kitchen and did her homework, since she had nothing better to do. She also just wanted to eavesdrop on them.

Then, there were people at the door. Veronica walked in to the kitchen, breaking Scarlett from her trance. “Um, Scarlett? Your... buddies are here. And I think they want to cause trouble.”

Cause trouble my ass, Scarlett thought. If only Archie could use his brain, this wouldn’t be happening right now. She got up, walking down the hallway to where everyone was crowded around the front door.

She pushed past everyone, joining Archie. “No, Scarlett-” Archie started, but was cut off by a tall black haired hottie she didn’t recognize.

“Calahan? This is the fucking idiot you’re living with? I thought Jones was lying.” He scoffed. Then, she recognized him.

“Sweet Pea?” She mumbled. He stared at her for a second, then looked back at Archie.

Before she knew it, they were all outside. She watched, with slight pride. She’d never doubt the Serpents’ pride.

After a while, she began to feel like something was going to go wrong. She saw Dilton bend down, pulling something out of his pocket.

“Oh hell no.” She grumbled. She ran over to him, tackling him to the ground. Then, she groaned in pain and felt Dilton do the same. The knife had sliced them both. Then, a gunshot rang out. She sat up in pain, seeing Veronica with a gun in the air and the Serpents racing away in their bikes.

Dilton was helped up by Reggie, and Archie grabbed her and helped her inside. Scarlett could tell Archie was pissed, so she didn't say anything to him when he stormed out of her room.

“Did you guys really jump Dilton Doiley and Scarlett? She’s a fucking serpent.” Jughead stormed out to the courtyard at Southside High during lunch. He approached Toni, Fangs, and Sweet Pea who all looked at each other.

“Where’d you hear that from, Jones?” Toni scoffed, crossing her arms.

“Archie.” Jughead responded plainly, looking between all of them.

“No,” Fangs shook his head. “The idiot stabbed himself, and when Scarlett tried to stop him from stabbing Sweet Pea, he stabbed her too.” 

Sweet Pea’s eyebrows raised in surprise, unaware of this. Of course, somewhere down inside his black heart, he had a soft spot for Scarlett. That spot was covered by a hard shell though, especially after she left them for some stupid Northsiders and thought she could remain a serpent.

“Um.. speaking of Scarlett... How is she?” Toni asked carefully. Jughead sighed, shrugging. “No one really knows these days. Not even me or Archie. Used to talk to Joaquin, but ever since he left... not really.” He explained.

“She was still talking to Joaquin? He never said anything about her.” Fangs said, looking at his friends. Toni shrugged, confused too.

“Um.. she’s coming to my trial tonight. If you guys wanted to see her.” Jughead added. Toni nodded and looked at Fangs. Sweet Pea only scoffed, mumbling something under his breath.

Scarlett found herself standing in the corner at the Wyrm, like always. Just this time, she didn’t have Joaquin making unnecessary, hilarious side comments. As  if someone was reading her mind, a tall figure appeared next to her. “Didn’t know you actually came to events like these.” Sweet Pea scoffed. She rolled her eyes.

“I’m a serpent, whether you like it or not, Sweet Pea.” She snapped back, not bothering to look at him, and lose her whole I’m-a-bad-girl facade.

“That’s where you’re wrong, Calahan.” The tall boy replied. He stepped closer to her, and she only straightened her posture to show him she was just as tough as him. “You may think you’re a serpent because of your jacket, or your tattoo, but you’ll never be a serpent by heart. How could you be, if you ditch the people that need you the most? Your own family? If you never show up to the meetings, mingle with the enemies, you could never be a serpent.” Sweet Pea said, in his slow, deep, intimidating voice.

Scarlett snickered, stepping closer to him. They were chest to chest. “Honey, you’ve got me all wrong. I’ve been here the whole time. Maybe not the same school, but I’ve been at all the meetings, all of the important events, hell, I was there when you were initiated, I was there when Toni was, I was there when Fangs was. You just didn’t see me. And, don’t assume things if you don’t know the whole story. You think you know shit, but you don’t. Get your head out of your ass.”

“I should be the one saying that to you, Calahan. You think you’re hot shit, prancing around with the Bulldogs, pretending you don’t know us. You ditched us for crying out loud! And not once did you explain, or even say bye! This is the first time I’ve seen you in 3 years, for gods sake!” He yelled.

I rolled my eyes, pushing past him and walking out of the bar. I could hear his footsteps behind me, and before I knew it, I was being turned around and my lips were pressed against the one person I’ve been dreaming of kissing since second grade.

i think this is really bad ahahahah i didn’t edit it oops

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5 years ago

Ego // Sweet Pea (part 2)


thank u for all the love on part 1, never thought that would pop off SKFGHH i suck at writing. also, me being the dumbass i am, realized that at the end of part one i switched from 3rd pov to 1st. SORRY I WAS SO SLEEP DEPRIVED SKFHFHFH which is why this part will be in first person so I dont make that mistake.

warnings: swearing

recap: Scarlett Calahan’s father died the day she turned 13. she was forced to become a serpent and move to the Northside and attend Riverdale High. she was accused for Jason’s death, and had to watch her best friend Joaquin leave town for good. jughead transfers to Southside High and meets a few familiar people. Scarlett sees sweet pea for the first time during bulldog vs serpents since 8th grade. sees him again at the wyrm and they get in an argument before he kisses her.

part 1

It felt weird. Sweet Pea’s lips on mine. His lips moved fast but passionately against mine, and he was surprisingly gentle for such a violent human being. 

Before I could kiss back, he was pulling away. “God damnit, Callahan. Get lost, go find your Northsiders, or whatever. You’re confusing me.” Sweet Pea sighed, leaning against the brick wall.

I wanted to gape, and stare at him, but my ego got the best of me. “Sorry, Sweets. Am I too irresistible?” I asked, pouting and batting my eyelashes.

He flipped me the bird. I just snickered, and started to walk to my bike. “Hey, Callahan.” He called out.

I turned around, waiting to see what he had to say. “Don’t disappear on me again, please.” Sweet Pea said in a casual manner, but I could hear the emotion in his voice.

I sighed, nodding. “Of course, Sweets. Have a good night, tell Jug I said congrats.” I smiled softly, hopping on my bike and driving back to the Andrews’ residence.

“Big day, huh?” I asked Jug once he let me inside the trailer. “You nervous?”

It was the day of Jughead’s final trial. The most painful, by far. Girls didn’t have to do it, and instead did the serpent dance. Since I was so young joining the Serpents, I did not have to do it.

“You could say that.” Jug responded, rushing to get all of his stuff. “We should go outside, they’re supposed to be coming soon.” He continued.

I nodded, following him out the door, surprised when I saw Archie getting ready to knock.

“Archie,” Jug paused, not sure how to tell him that it wasn’t the right time. Archie’s eyes met me, behind Jug and he looked between both of us.

“We’ve gotta talk, Jug.” Archie sighed, looking up at him.

I pursed my lips, walking down the steps to meet Archie. “Now’s not a good time, Arch.” I told him, watching Jughead search for the Serpents anywhere near them. “You need to leave. Like... right now. Go.” I pushed his shoulders, but he didn’t budge.

I cringed when I heard Sweet Pea’s voice. “What the hell do we have here?”

Jughead walked up, while I kept Archie back. “He was just leaving, alright?” Jughead replied, walking to Sweet Pea. The other Serpents showed up behind Sweet Pea.

“Wait,” Archie shook his head and took my hands off his shoulders. “You’re friends with these thugs? You too, Scar?” He scoffed, looking between Jug and I.

I rolled my eyes, sighing. I met eyes with Sweet Pea, and noticed the black eye. Wonder how he got that. But he did look really good, like really, really, really good with that leather jacket and intimidating look on his face. His facial expression didn’t change, so mine didn’t change either. We stared at each other until Archie connected the dots.

“You’re joining the Serpents?” Archie asked in disbelief, squinting his eyes. I clenched my fists, resisting the urge to smack him upside the head. What an idiot.

Sweet Pea looked away from me, and turned his head to Archie. “If he survives,” He shrugged, smirking slightly. “And go ahead, and call us thugs one more time.”

Sweet Pea walked forward, but Jug stopped him. “Jughead, these are the guys who attacked me! And Reggie, and Veronica, and Dilton! Your friends!” Archie reasoned, lying straight through his teeth.

“Look, is that why you came here? To warn him?” I scoffed, stepping up. Archie looked at me, shaking his head. His jaw clenched and he looked back over at Jug.

“No,” Archie replied shortly. “I came here to tell you to stay away from Betty. She doesn’t wanna see you anymore.”

My eyes widened, and I held back a gasp. That was never something Betty would say. Even if it was true, she would never send Archie to break the news. I watched the whole break up fiasco happen, not even noticing I was standing next to Sweet Pea the whole time, our shoulders touching.

“Tell Betty I got the message,” He spat, clenching his jaw.

Archie gulped, and nodded. “Yeah,” He replied, before walking away.

Jughead turned around, tears brimming in his eyes. “What?” He yelled. “Did you enjoy the show?”

Sweet Pea chuckled from next to me, shaking his head. “The show hasn’t even started.”

Later that night, I joined the Serpents to watch Jughead’s final trial. I decided to stay in the dark, so I didn’t have to see Fangs or Toni, or anyone else who decided to hold a grudge on me. I could see Jughead about to walk, and Sweet Pea at the front with Toni next to him.

Sweet Pea was a natural born leader. He had the personality. I did too, though. Maybe if everything didn’t happen, I’d lead everyone. I didn’t want to admit it, but he’s probably doing a better job then I ever would, just causing chaos everywhere.

It was painful, watching Jughead groan in pain every time he was pulled back and hit. When he made it to the end, standing in front of Sweet Pea, I saw the glimmer on Sweet Pea’s fist. He had brass knuckles.

He raised his fist, and in an instant it collided with Jug’s face. He fell right to the ground, and I sucked in a breath. When he got up and shook Sweet Pea’s hand, I sighed, relieved. I got up, and walked forward.

Jug saw me and hugged me. “Good job, Jug. I’m proud of you.” I told him. He smiled at me, the best he could, at least.

“What is she doing here?” I heard Toni ask. I rolled my eyes, pulling away from Jughead.

“Don’t get your panties twisted, Topaz. I’m a serpent too, I have to be here.” I snapped, crossing my arms. Toni scoffed, turning towards me completely. For such a tiny person, she had an intimidating bark. No bite, though. 

“You aren’t a serpent just because you wear the jacket and have the tattoo. You see, Scarlett, Serpents are family. We stick together. A Serpent never betrays it’s own.” Toni fumed, stepping closer to me. I didn’t cower, though. “You left us, and you didn’t even give a reason. Didn’t say goodbye... nothing. You broke one of the serpent laws, so you shouldn’t even be a serpent in the first place.”

I tilted my head, consuming my anger. “Look, if I had a choice, I’d still be here. I’d still be going to Southside, I’d still live in the trailer park, I’d still be friends with you guys. But I can’t.” I mumbled, watching her shoulders fall. I looked around, seeing everyone staring at us. I caught eyes with Jughead and he nodded slightly.

“I should go. Congrats, Jug.”

Only a few days later, chaos erupted again. I was in my room, staring up at the ceiling. Sometimes, I just laid here and talked to my dad. Or, tried. It made me feel better though.

Maybe I could’ve hung out with Josie right now, but she briefly mentioned a party some “Nick St. Clair” guy had threw the other night and they all got in trouble for consuming jingle jangle. Idiots, I had thought. At least Betty was smart enough not to take it. Now there was a meeting being held at Betty’s house, right next door. I wanted to go, see what would happen but Fred told me to stay behind.

I sighed, deciding to go get something from Pop’s. I threw on my jacket, only to get a call from Josie telling me Southside High was about to be raided by her mother and Sheriff Keller.

Let’s just say, Sweet Pea and Toni weren’t the only ones arrested that night.

(this is where part 3 was supposed to start, ALSO.

the last time I wrote I forgot to click save, and I had already written almost all of part 3 and had a vv detailed Southside raid and drag race, but since those are gone and this has to be done soon i dont have time to write it again 🥺🥺 so sorry

this skips to episode 2x10, where Southside comes to Riverdale High heheheheheh enjoy

I sat in the student lounge with Kevin and Betty, munching on a bag of hot Cheetos. I watched Archie and Veronica stumble in, making out. I gagged, ready to get up and leave when Principal Weatherbee came over the speaker. Over the past month, I grew closer to Veronica, Betty, and Kevin thanks to Jughead and Archie. Betty learned to like me because she knew I was close to Jug and Archie convinced Kevin and Veronica that I was nothing to worry about. I’m not sure how true that was, though. It did feel nice though to finally fit in, but I still longed for the core 5- me, Fangs, Toni, Sweet Pea, and Joaquin.

“Students of Riverdale High, this is your principal speaking. E-mails have been sent to your parents, but effective immediately, Southside High School is shut down.” Principal Weatherbee’s muffled voice said. My head shot up, and my heart rate increased.

“And its students will be transferred to other schools in the district, - including this one.” Gasps were heard all around the room, and the talking began. I could barely hear Veronica trying to calm the other students down.

When everyone quieted down, Archie sat down. “Wait.. what does that mean?” He asked, looking at everyone.

“It means Jughead’s coming back. It means the Serpents are coming.” Betty replied, seemingly in a trance.

“Are you sure you’re ready for that, Betty? And what about you Scarlett?” Kevin asked, looking between the two of us.

“Of course, Jug and I are fine.” Betty brushed it off, then looked at me and repeated the same question.

I gulped and shrugged. “I wish I could be buried alive right now.” I told them, before getting up and walking off.

The possibilities ran through my brain. Could Toni and I mend our friendship? Would Sweet Pea and I talk about the kiss we’ve ignored since it happened? 

The questions kept coming, and it was kind of overwhelming. All I knew is that I was scared shitless for tomorrow though, but I’d never show it. Serpents never cower.

The next day, Archie had to pull me out of bed. Literally. He threw clothes at me, and told me I had to hurry to get ready or else I wouldn't have a ride.

I threw my pillow at him, only for him to throw it back at me. I watched him leave my room and reluctantly got up, looking at the clothes. A red crop top and mom jeans, that I had made my own rips in. It would do, I guess. I threw on the clothes along with a pair of fishnets. I paired it with my Serpent jacket and my precious, scuffed up Doc Martens that I’ve worn everyday since freshman year.

I spent the remainder of my little time to put on some mascara, eyeliner, and lipgloss. If I had to face Sweet Pea today, I would be facing him in style.

When we got to school, Archie made me go to the “registration desk” where Veronica was standing.

“Scarlett, please, help us out. Will you show some of them around? You know them the most, so just take up your old friends and give them a tour.” Veronica pleaded, shaking my forearms. I rolled my eyes. She didn’t understand the guilt I felt and the anger they felt at me.

“You don’t understand, Veronica. They all hate me.” I shook my head, adamant on my decision.

“Gosh, then make them not hate you! You’re charming, Scarlett. I’ll buy you Pop’s!” She smiled, trying to suck up to me. I grumbled, knowing that people always sucked up to me when they wanted me to do something. And damn me for it working every time.

“F-fine. You owe me a lot though, Lodge. I won’t be forgetting about this any time soon.” I narrowed my eyes. I was now going to bring this situation up every time she tried to ask me to do something.

Veronica only gave me a grin before turning to Archie. I sighed, walking to the lockers and leaning against them. Kill me. Kill me now.

Everything I unintentionally avoided for 3 years, was now coming back to bite me in the ass.

My questions from yesterday appeared back in my brain. How would things be with Toni? Toni took it the hardest out of all of them, I think. After all, we were best friends. She was like a sister to me.

And the kiss. Oh, the kiss. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it ever since it happened. I wondered if Sweet Pea felt the same way. I knew we needed to talk about it eventually, but if he felt the same way, that would make the conversation so much easier.

I was beginning to understand people’s confusions about me. I was such a confident, intimidating girl when you first meet me but once you really get to know me, I worry a lot. And by people, I mean Archie and Jughead. They’ve broken down my walls, kind of, and seen how much of a wreck I could be and it “boggled their minds” how I was able to put up such a facade.

By the time I snapped out of my thoughts, I was shocked to see a crowd of black leather jackets. Veronica was speaking about her stupid registration table, but as my eyes trailed over each Serpent, I found a specific raven haired one already looking at me. Sweet Pea and I locked eyes. He didn’t look away, so neither did I. When I raised an eyebrow, a challenge, he just smirked.

My insides turned but my heart slowed a bit. At least it wasn’t that awkward with Sweet Pea. Before I could lock eyes with Toni or Fangs, Veronica was interrupted by Cheryl and Reggie stomping down the stairs. I resisted the urge to clench my fists.

“Stand down, Eva Peron,” Cheryl’s voice rang out loudly, making everyone go silent. I watched Veronica and Archie share a glance. 

“Cheryl, no one invited fascist Barbie to the party.” Veronica sighed. Such a Veronica thing to say. I could thing of a million things better to say. Such as, sinking my fist into Cheryl’s face.

“Wrong Veronica, no one invited Southside Scum to our school.” Cheryl retorted, stealing a glance at me, which made me clench my fists. She crossed her arms and turned to the Serpents. “Listen up, ragamuffins. I will not allow Riverdale High’s above average GPA to suffer because of classrooms that are overcrowded with... underachievers.” I caught Josie and Kevin look at each other, speaking with their eyes. “So please, do us all a favor and find some other school to debase with your hardscrabble ways.” She added, a smile on her face.

Toni stepped up, like I expected. “Why don’t you come over here and say that to my face?”

“Happily, Queen of the Buskers!” Cheryl cheerfully replied, stepping closer. Archie left my side and stepped in between them.

“Okay... guys, everyone, can we just put aside our Northside-Southside differences apart and start over?” Archie asked. I scoffed, the attention turning to me.

“Oh how the tables have turned, Red Circle.” I rolled my eyes. I was still furious with Archie about the whole thing. How could he say that when a few weeks ago he was pulling a gun on them?

“Mm, you don’t speak for the Bulldogs, Andrews. And need I remind you, these greaser-snakes showed up at your place trying to kick your ass.” Reggie added on. 

Sweet Pea shoved past everyone. “Happy to finish what we started.” He growled, only to be held back by Jughead and Fangs. He and I locked eyes once again. I was the first one to break it when Veronica spoke up.

“God, I am so over the toxic masculinity in this hallway right now.” She scolded, using her hands to express. Principal Weatherbee then showed up, dismissing everyone. Cheryl, Reggie, and their entourage were the first to leave and then the other students, besides the leather-clad people in front of us and the “welcoming” committee.

Weatherbee eyed us all before turning around and heading back to his office. “Okay! You guys will be missing most of your first period for a tour. There are several of us around, please pick who you would like to go with.” Veronica called out, grinning and clapping her hands together.

I had barely any time to process what she said before Sweet Pea was walking over to me. Followed by Fangs and Toni. “Callahan,” Sweet Pea nodded. I smirked at him, looking at the other two trailing behind him.

“Sweets,” I greeted. “Toni, Fangs.” 

Before I even finished, Fangs was launching himself at me. He threw his arms around me, hugging me tightly. “I can’t believe you left me with these idiots, alone, for 3 years.” Fangs scoffed. I laughed slightly.

“Me? The idiot? I think I should be saying that to her.” Toni scoffed, looking over at me. We locked eyes, and just from the way she looked at me, I could tell she was going to warm up to me.

“Well, I’m not sure what Veronica said in her speech, I tuned her out. So welcome to the shit show we call Riverdale High.” I sighed, turning around and starting to walk down the hallway. I could hear them trailing behind me.

“Are you kidding? This is the best thing that’s ever happened to us. Computer lab, text books, toilets that flush. You guys have doors on your stalls, right?” Fangs ranted. I nodded and he cheered. I heard Sweet Pea’s slight chuckle as I led them to the Gymnasium.

I’m not exactly a tour guide, so I just showed them what was inside before moving on to the next important places. After that was all over, we stood in the exact same place we started out in.

“So-” I started, only for Toni to cut me off.

“Scarlett, be honest. What’s the real reason you left the Southside?” Toni blurted out, narrowing her eyes at me.

Fangs elbowed her, giving her wide eyes. She obviously wasn’t supposed to bring this up. Sweet Pea didn’t say anything, just stared at me, waiting for an answer.

I swallowed down the lump in my throat and kept up my facade. “I don’t think school is the place to talk about this.” My tone made it clear I didn't want to talk, so I only asked them for their schedules.

“Cool. We all have chemistry first period, so let’s roll.”

It felt like a million years until lunch arrived. I had my first 2 periods with Sweet Pea. Chemistry and English. I was eager to escape his stare. As soon as the lunch bell rang, I was ready to sprint out of my classroom until the teacher held me back.

So, I was in there for another 10 minutes before I sped to the student lounge. I found Sweet Pea, Toni, Fangs, Veronica, Jughead, Kevin, and Josie all there. Jug, Fangs, and Toni were taking up the chairs while Sweet Pea and Kevin were spaced out on the couch.

I pushed past other people to get over there. Sweet Pea was the first to notice me, and once he did, he gestured for me to sit next to him. I was pleasantly surprised, and suppressed a grin.

I dropped my bag, sitting on the arm rest. But Sweet Pea grabbed me and pulled me down to sit right next to him, practically on top of him, and I yelped. Sweets laughed, throwing an arm around the couch behind me. I felt Veronica, Josie, and Kevin’s eyes on me but decided to ignore them.

“Well, as I was saying, I’m Veronica Lodge.” Veronica smiled.

“Of the Park Avenue Lodges,” Jughead added on playfully, and him and I shared a grin.

“Toni. Topaz.” Toni shook Veronica’s hand, feeling slightly uncomfortable when Veronica complimented her name after.

Josie introduced herself and Kevin. Fangs recognized Kevin immediately, from Joaquin. The thought of Joaquin made my heart clench, but I let it go.

“You looked very entertained in English,” Sweet Pea mumbled. I only slightly heard what he said, and even though I wasn't looking at him, I could tell he was smirking. During English, I fell asleep twice. Sweet Pea woke me up once, which surprised me, and the second was by the teacher, hence the holding.

“Not my fault.” “I could argue.”

“Then do it.” I challenged, turning my head to look at him. I raised an eyebrow and he just smirked at me.

“Nahh, too lazy.” He replied, taking a bite out of his apple. I tried to fight off the grin, but it was already there. It felt good, really good, to have Sweet Pea back. It felt just a little bit like the old days.

“You guys!” Weatherbee yelled, startling me. We all looked over, and sure enough, he was looking directly at us. “Yes, you, come with me!”

We all got up, following him out to the hallway where there was a huge snake spray painted on the floor, over the school logo. And, there was a smirking Reggie. Of course.

“Which of you defaced our school seal with this... graffiti?” Weatherbee scoffed, pointing at the poorly drawn snake. His eyes switched between the 5 of us with Serpent jackets on. I rolled my eyes.

“This,” Reggie gestured to the floor. “is what they do, Principal Weatherbee. They tag their turf.” Reggie looked at me and smirked, crossing his arms. A challenge. Hm. 

Weatherbee sighed. “Effective immediately. No gang behavior of any kind will be tolerated at my school. As of this moment, no more Serpent jackets.” We all yelled out protests, but his voice overpowered us. “No more Serpent jackets! All tattoos are to be covered. Possession of any gang paraphernalia whatsoever will lead to immediate suspension. Are we clear?”

My blood was boiling. I clenched my fists. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sweet Pea’s shoulders tense up.

“That’s all.” Weatherbee turned on his heel and walked away.

Everyone else walked away, but I stayed. “You know, Reginald.” I sighed, walking over to him. “I see right through you. Your little act. And for what? You’re afraid someone’s better than you, for once?” I fake pouted. He pursed his lips, crossing his arms.

“Let’s get this straight. I’m better than you. Always have been, always will be. That's why you’ve had it out for me since day 1, huh? I have everything you don’t. Looks, personality, class, courage, I could go on. You’re just a coward.” I spat. “How would everyone feel knowing you were scared shitless and just a centimeter away from losing your spot on the basketball team, huh?” I smirked.

He turned around and walked away, leaving me standing there, smirking. Then, I turned back around and walked to the student lounge.

Later on, after school, I was surprised when I found myself at the White Wyrm with Jughead, Toni, and Sweet Pea. I was sitting on the counter, playing with the straw on my drink, while Jughead sat next to me. Toni was sitting on a stool and Sweet Pea was playing an arcade game.

I didn't bother listening to Jughead’s conspiracies. I was off in my own world, blanked out.

“So, are you going to tell us?” Toni nudged me, bringing me out of my daze.

“Tell you what?” I asked, noticing Sweet Pea stop playing his game and turn around.

“Why you left.”

I gulped, squeezing my eyes shut. You knew this was going to happen. Just come out and say it. They won’t hate you, will they?

Stop being a pussy and just say it.

“Um, before I say anything, just please know, none of this was my choice.” I sighed, avoiding Sweet Pea and Toni’s eyes. I looked over at Jughead and he nodded.

“It was just after my 13th birthday party. I got home after the surprise party at the Wyrm, and my dad was dead on the floor, 3 bullets in his stomach.” I reminisced, the image still fresh in my mind. I don’t think I could ever get rid of it.

“I didn’t know what to do, except for call FP. He came over immediately, and as if he already knew this was going to happen, he went to my dad’s closet and dug out a letter, for me. He told me in the letter that he wanted me to go through the Serpent initiation, and as soon as I became an official serpent, that I had to move in with Fred Andrews and start going to Riverdale High because he was no longer in the Southside to protect me from the Ghoulies, the ones that killed him. He told me he didn't want me to have as much contact with you guys anymore, so I obeyed.” I finished, playing with my fingers.

“I thought your dad had alzheimers.” Toni called out. I shook my head.

“That’s what we told everyone, so everything wouldn’t go up in flames with the Ghoulies.” I shrugged, swallowing another lump in my throat.

“So... we were mad at you all these years for nothing?” Sweet Pea asked.

“Not for nothing. I’d be mad too if I were you guys. I just hope you forgive me.” I mumbled, still feeling pretty sheepish.

Less than a second later, Toni’s arms were around me. I hugged back, missing the feeling. It felt nice to have my best friends back. When she pulled away, she smiled at me. I looked over at Sweet Pea and he gave me a small smile.

The next day, it took a while to find an outfit to wear without my leather jacket. Since my tattoo was on my shoulder, it wasn’t that hard to find a shirt that would cover it. I chose a snake print skirt and a black crop top. Serpents can dress nice too, sometimes. Of course, I still decided to wear my boots.

When I got to school, I went to the lounge, where I knew at least a few people would be. Walking through the doors, I immediately noticed Reggie and a few other bulldogs. I rolled my eyes. Great. But further into the room, I saw Fangs, Toni, and Sweet Pea.

I walked over, cautiously. Fangs saw me and gave me a smile.

“We filled him in,” Toni commented. I gave her a smile and nodded, looking over at Fangs.

“Sorry, that we all assumed. Even though I wasn’t even mad at you.” He winked, making me laugh.

“Um, sorry about the whole thing with Reggie. He wasn’t like this before, I swear.” I sighed, looking at Reggie over my shoulder. He was already looking over at us with a menacing glare.

“A bulldog with a lot of bark but no bite. A lot of those around here, huh?” Sweet Pea deadpanned. I looked over at him, shrugging. “Yeah.”

“Oh my god,” Toni mumbled. Our heads snapped to her only to find her looking at the door. I turned around, seeing Jughead walking in.

It took me a few seconds, but then I realized he was wearing his jacket. And Reggie looked ready to kill. “Oh, hey guys. What’s up?” Jug asked, looking over at Reggie then to us. We all watched carefully as he walked over to the vending machine calmly.

“Take it off.” Reggie said simply. Our heads snapped back to him. Jughead froze, and Reggie got up. Sweet Pea and Fangs stood too, ready to intervene.

We all walked over. “Take off that jacket, rat boy.” Reggie repeated. I grabbed Sweet Pea’s wrist, stopping him from going any further. He looked at me and I gave him a glance before looking at Jughead, who sighed. This was going to get bad, fast. But I wanted to see what Jughead was going to do first.

“Oh, Reggie.” Jug smirked. “I don’t think you know what this jacket means. Because you have no sense of honor. Or history, or loyalty.” Jughead was cut off by Reggie shoving him, and I let go of Sweet Pea’s wrist. Him and Fangs immediately ran over as a fight broke out. I took a step forward, but Toni grabbed my hand and made me stand next to her as we watched.

“He’s so hot when he’s angry.” I murmured, my eyes following Sweet Pea. I could see Toni’s smirk out of the corner of my eye.

“Sweet Pea told Fangs about the kiss. Who told me. I expected it, anyways.” Toni added. I looked over at her. “Girl, his mind has been on you since the day you left. He’s so in love with you.”

I looked back over at Sweet Pea, who had the upper hand on one of the 3 bulldogs. I decided not to say anything.

I heard Veronica’s voice before I saw her, then she was calling out to Weatherbee. I rolled my eyes.

“Here we go,” I groaned, and then we were in the principal’s office.

I was sat in between Sweet Pea and Reggie. I was sitting as close as I could to Sweets. I was afraid if I was even an inch closer to Reggie, I’d catch a disease.

“You all have a week’s detention for fighting.” Weatherbee decided. I clenched my fists, looking over at Sweet Pea who looked just as annoyed as I did. Weatherbee then walked over to Jughead, who was against the wall. “But I made myself clear to you, Mr. Jones. Take off that jacket right now, or you’re suspended.” I watched Jughead carefully. I knew he had no intentions of wavering, so I wasn't surprised when he walked out. Reggie nodded, not surprised either.

Then, Weatherbee pulled out those ugly, Riverdale uniforms. Here we go again.

part 3 will most likely start at the end of 2x10 with the club. this part was way less hype then I wanted it to be because of all the stuff I lost when I was stupid and forgot to save the draft! if I wasnt so stupid you’d be getting a detailed Southside raid where Scarlett gets arrested with sweets, fangs, and toni, and the drag race! part 3 will be better im sure of it and there will be more sweets and Scarlett

tags: @madaboutlili , @iamaunicorn4704 , @cvvlxx-deactivated , @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e​ , @jenjay15​ , @spookygirl666​ , @meliv99​ , @alexa-playafricabytoto​ thank u guys for reading! it means the world and sorry this took so long to write u prob forgot about everything that happens <3 (like 3 months yikes)

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6 years ago
For Jughead With Themes That Are More Punk/involving Wings, Specifically Condors.

For Jughead with themes that are more punk/involving wings, specifically condors.

I hope you like it!

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2 years ago

jughead "limp noodles" jones

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6 months ago

Books Power The Mind - Jughead Jones

Jughead x Fem!reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 139

Requested: @mcasks - Hey! Could I have a Jughead imagine for a girl with Long Brown hair, & glasses, serious & philoshied & loves to read & go to the book store with Jughead. Thanks!

A/N: I kinda make things where you insert yourself so I’ll still do that with the hair. I made if short and sweet since I couldn’t really think of a plot. Thank you for requesting. Hope you enjoy.


Riverdale Masterlist


Books Power The Mind - Jughead Jones

“What are you reading Y/n/n?” Jughead said as he came over to his girls booth at Pop’s.

Y/n turned to show him the title of her latest book. Smiling as her Juggie sat down right next to her rather than across from her.

“What are you up to today Juggie?” Y/n asked putting her back down to give Jughead her full attention. Taking off her glasses and setting them down on top of her book.

“Just spending time with you.” He shrugs a shoulder and wraps his opposite arm around her shoulders. “You wanna head back to the trailer?” Jughead asks brushing her y/h/l  y/h/c  hair back so he could see her face clearer.

“Sure.” Y/n nodds packing her stuff up. Totally ready for a night in with her boyfriend.

taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97

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2 years ago

Being with comic Jughead feels so safe. I know I can't actually be with him--he is a fictional character after all--but i find such comfort in him. Maybe its the fact that he was a character I grew up with, or one of the first aroace characters I found out about. Maybe his complete lack of attraction. His love for food maybe. Even in the versions where he is with someone supposedly romantically, its still there. So comforting. So calm. So happy. I just want to be friends with him forever.

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2 years ago

Blame the show, they made him amataromatic and allosexual

quitting the tournament because you guys voted for a platypus over jughead. i hate you all /j

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5 years ago

Lost and Found ~ Jughead x reader


Part 2  Part 3  Part 4

Word count: 1,359

Warnings: none that I can see

Summary: The reader isn’t living with her parents any more and is looking for a place to crash. She meets Jughead.

A/N: This takes place during the first season, around episodes 4 to 7.

Looking around the small and dusty little hut I collected the last few of my belongings, stuffing them into my backpack. Lately I was living in this old and abandoned hut on the outskirts of Riverdale. It was hidden by a grove of trees so that it wasn’t easily visible from the street that led by. I really liked the place, it was quiet and peaceful, a safe haven of my own, but no matter how idyllic it was I had to move. Over the years of being abandoned and not taken care of the building, it had become rather unstable. Just a few days ago when I left for school I was almost hit on the head by a loose roof tile. So I finally made the decision to find a new place.

Walking over the little table under the old glass window I reached for the picture that was lying there. I sighed when I saw it. It was a photo of me and my parents. It was already bent from being carried around without a frame. The last time I saw my family must’ve been almost a year ago. We had a huge fight about morals and how my dad should get a grip on his life which ended in me deciding to leave. I wouldn’t live in a household where alcohol was drunk like water.

After finally being finished I carefully sneaked out of the shed not wanting anyone to see me. I hadn’t told any about my living situation and I wanted to keep it that way. The pity. Seeing it in their eyes whenever they set them on me – I hated it. It was not like I was a damsel in distress. I knew exactly what I was doing and I did not want or need their pity. To be completely honest, I actually kinda enjoyed my new lifestyle – moving from one place to the next, never knowing where I would end up or what I would discover. It was fun. Adventurous. Thrilling. Exciting. Reminiscing about everything I’ve experienced so far, I made my way to the best diner in town.

When I arrived at Pop’s I entered and ordered a coffee. Receiving my drink I moved past the tables and sat down at one further away from the door. I often came here. I loved sitting in silence and observing all the different customers. Sometimes it were just teenagers hanging out after school, trying to forget all the stress exam season held for them. Other times it were families with annoying children crying for desert. Once in a while I even saw a few Serpents quickly passing by.

This time when I looked up I noticed that most booths were empty as it was already late – the sky outside quickly darkening. The closest booth that was occupied was a few tables down on the other side of the aisle. Sitting there next to the window was a guy my age, wearing a grey crown shaped beanie, on the table in front of him there was a laptop. He had raven, slightly curly hair and mesmerizing light blueish-green eyes. His eye brows furrowed in concentration as he focused on the words he was writing.

I had seen him around a few times, mostly in school hanging out with Archie, Betty and the new girl – Veronica Lodge, the popular raven haired girl. His name was Jughead Jones.

Although he was friends with them, was a part of their group he was an outsider. He was different, dressed differently, had a different view of things. Being quiet and keeping to yourself, like he often did, didn’t make you popular – didn’t make people like you.

And believe me I know what I’m talking about. For I too am an outsider. I am the girl in the back of the class, the girl that everyone forgets about. The quiet one that has no friends. Normally I enjoyed going more or less unnoticed that way I didn’t have to spend my time with talking to people or something like that. But sometimes I hated being that girl. Sometimes I just wished I could be like Betty and Veronica, be ‘normal’ - whatever exactly that was.

I was ripped out of my gloomy thoughts by the waitress asking whether I wanted anything else, so I ordered another cup of coffee. When the woman went to get my drink I focused back on Jughead. He was still concentrated on the text he was writing, still typing in the separate letters with such a passion I hadn’t seen with anyone in a long time. Wondering what he was writing I kept observing his actions. He seemed so mysterious, that was what I liked about him.

When my order arrived I thanked the lady and reached for my backpack and took my sketchbook and a pencil out. I liked sketching, it was sort of therapeutic, it helped me sort my thoughts and I often came up with good ideas. In hope of getting an idea of where I could stay next I started drawing the handsome boy I had never actually spoken to.

Once in a while when Jughead looked up from the monitor he caught me starring at him. Replying with a look of suspicion he then turned back to his work. It was obvious that he didn’t trust people easily.

After a few silent hours sitting there with my pen in hand, I had finally thought of a place to go and was on my way to the only more or less safe place I could think of at the moment – Riverdale High.

The next morning I awoke in the stuffy little room I found at school. It was located towards the front of the school near the entrance. The supply closet wasn’t really used any more – at least I hadn’t seen anyone ever enter the room and the dust that had collected on the shelves supported my theory.

Still tired I stretched and bumped my hands on the rather low ceiling. 6:00 am – it felt like it was a lot earlier than that. I had to get dressed and ready before school started, so I moved over to my back pack and took out my clothes. Grabbing my grey jeans and black long sleeved shirt in one hand and my toothbrush and some other toiletries in my other hand I made my way on to the main hallway.

Recalling the where the showers were situated I remembered that the women’s showers were located on the far end of the building while the men’s were right around the corner. I knew I should take the long way to the female one but who am I kidding here, it’s way too early in the morning, I was lazy and I was the only person here at this ungodly hour. So my decision was pretty obvious and therefore quickly made.

I turned the corner to the boy’s tiled facilities and stopped dead in my tracks. Unlike I expected I actually wasn’t the only person here. There, standing only a few feet in front of me, he was.


When I walked in he looked up at me in surprise only to meet my shocked expression. Jughead was standing at one of the sinks, a toothbrush in his mouth. He was shirtless, only wearing grey pants with his typical suspenders. I had to admit that he was definitely good looking, more muscular than I would’ve suspected. His head wasn’t adorned by his signature grey hat – I had never seen this much of his gorgeous locks. After spitting out the foam and rinsing his mouth he leaned on the edge of the sink.

I was still rooted to the floor watching him cautiously. “What are you doing here?”, he questioned raising an eyebrow. At that question I crossed my arms defensively in front of my chest. “I could ask you the same”, I replied defensively. Silence answered me. Of course he wouldn’t. So I gave in, “I’m crashing here. Got a problem?”, and carried on to the showers without waiting to hear his reply.

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5 years ago

Lost and Found Part 3 ~ Jughead x reader


Part 1  Part 2  Part 4

Word count: 1,162

Warnings: none

Summary: The reader isn’t living with her parents any more and is looking for a place to crash. She meets Jughead. 

A/N: This takes place during the first season, around episodes 4 to 7.

The next day I avoided him at all costs. I even got up an hour earlier than usual just so I wouldn’t have to meet him. I needed the time to sort my thoughts.

I just couldn’t stop thinking about the kiss. I knew it was just a one time thing, this would never happen again, so my heart should stop fussing about it. But it wouldn’t. Every time I thought of the intimate moment we had or a picture of his captivating face with his alluring smile appeared before my inner eye my heart started to ache.

The thing was I didn’t like getting attached to people, especially to people who did not reciprocate the feelings and it was clear as crystal that Jughead Forsythe Pendleton Jones III did not reciprocate those feelings. So I had to ignore and forget about it.

Attachment wasn’t something I was big on. Not being attached meant being free, being able to do what I wanted. It made moving on – both emotionally and physically – so much easier. One didn’t have to consider whether one’s decisions would hurt anyone that one loved. I had even considered moving to a bigger town/city after graduation hoping to pursue my dream of becoming an artist. So no, commitment and attachment weren’t on the top of my list of things to-do. And the way Jughead reacted showed he didn’t want to be bound to anyone.

Having finished that train of thought I started to replay the events of the evening before in my mind. Maybe I just imagined that he leaned in. Oh god, if I did that I just made our whole acquaintanceship awkward. If that is what truly happened I could just slap myself, I thought facepalming.

Man, the moment was so cliché, it was almost kinda cringey. I had probably seen too many of these stereotypical romantic kisses on TV and in movies that my head made me think that he had inched closer, that this was my romantic moment. God, that’s so embarrassing! I wish it never happened – well, a part of me does. It is better if I don’t act on my feelings and act like everything is normal.

And that was exactly what I did. The following days I pretended that nothing had happened. When we saw each other in the hallways we subtly nodded at each other but further than that we didn’t show pay the other anymore attention just like we always did.

After our situation had cooled down some more we started hanging out more often. I made him go to Pop’s with me to eat dinner together instead of spending the time alone. It felt like we had finally become friends although Jughead still sometimes seemed like he was avoiding me and was hesitant around me but it was getting better and we opened up to each other – talking about our situations at home and our dreams and hopes.

A few days later during school time I was frantically searching for my dark haired, green eyed companion and found him sitting in the student lounge with his other friends. Leaning casually on the door frame I watched them laughing and talking together for a few minutes. When Jughead noticed me I pushed myself off of the door frame and slowly made my way towards the group sitting on the chesterfields in the centre of the room.

As I approached his facial expression showed his confusion and the rest of his gang watched me in surprise. A few feet away from him I nervously said: “Hey, Jug, could I talk to you for a moment? Outside?” while avoiding his friends’ gazes. “Uh... yeah... sure”, he stuttered and followed me out into the hallway which was more or less deserted.

“So... what did you want to talk about?”, my friend asked casually leaning against a locker. “Well... the thing is I have a slight problem”, I replied while cautiously looking around whether anyone else was listening in on our private conversation. Jughead cocked his head in interest and worry. “You know the place that I crashed in... well, someone must’ve found it and told Weatherbee ‘cause Mr. Svenson was told to raid out the place.” His eyes widened in disbelief. “Really?!” I nodded. “Oh shit! What happened to all of your stuff?”, he asked aghast. “They put it into the Lost and Found box but I already got it all back and put in my locker.”

“So they know that you stayed here?” “No... god no! I told them story about constantly losing things. They bought it.” Jughead exhaled deeply like he had held his breath most likely fearing for his own safety even though I was somewhat hoping it was for my sake. “Can I help you in anyway?”, he questioned. “That’s really nice of you but I’m fine... I just wanted to tell you that I won’t be staying here any longer.” “What?!”, he exclaimed shocked making some students glance at us.

“Shh”, I hushed him and made him lower his voice. Jughead muttered an apology. “I’ll leave as soon as school’s over. That’s why I wanted to let you know now.” It hurt seeing his seemingly painful expression – if I wasn’t imagining that as well – the corner of his lips lightly pointing downwards and his eyes wide. “You can’t! Where will you go?” Trying to lighten up the mood with a soft smile I answered: “I don’t know yet but I’ll figure it out. I always do. It really will be too suspicious if I stay here as well and anyway I saw Mr. Svenson lock the door to the storage room earlier.”

“Please (Y/n), at least stay the night. Then tomorrow we can figure it out together”, he begged me standing up straight. It was so unlike him to plea for something and I couldn’t stop myself from hoping that it was only because of me. His sea green puppy dog eyes didn’t help me with my refusal so I gave in. “OK, fine.”

As Jughead went back into the student lounge I stayed behind resting against one of the classic blue lockers caught up in my thoughts. That’s when I heard Veronica Lodge speak up. “So, you and that outsider girl?” “Her name is (Y/n)”, Jughead corrected her. I knew I shouldn’t listen, this surely wasn’t a conversation meant for my ears but as soon as my name fell from his lips drew my interest.

“What’s going on between the two of you?”, she asked suggestively and full of curiosity. “N... Nothing.” It hurt hearing him say that. Technically it was true. There was nothing between us. We hadn’t even spoken the words ‘friend’ or ‘friendship’ towards each other. With a pang in my heart I quickly left not wanting to hear more of the conversation. Although my heart still ached from Jughead’s short answer earlier today I kept my promise and spent the night in school.

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5 years ago

Lost and Found Part 4 ~ Jughead x reader


Part 1  Part 2  Part 3

Word count: 1,362

Warnings: none, I think

Summary:  The reader isn’t living with her parents any more and is looking for a place to crash. She meets Jughead.

A/N: This takes place during the first season, around episodes 4 to 7.

When I woke up the next morning I was lying in my sleeping bag in the small room under the stairs that Jughead occupied. Next to me I heard the slow and steady breathing of the aforementioned boy who was only partly covered by his own sleeping bag. He was still sleeping soundly, his hand was lying next to my body – stretched out like he was reaching out debating whether to connect it with my body. It took all my willpower from taking it into my smaller hand. After all I didn’t want to wake him from his peaceful slumber.

I enjoyed studying him in this state. I hadn’t seen him this relaxed before. He always wore that brooding look and the lost-in-thoughts frown of his. Turning onto my side so I was facing the boy beside me I continued observing him – he had such a gorgeous face, such enthralling jade green eyes and those cute little birthmarks that I adored. And not to forget/start on those strong lips? which were currently faintly turned upwards into a soft unconscious smile. Oh those kissable lips – they made my pulse speed up just by thinking of them and what they would feel like on mine. Oh god, I should stop thinking of him like this.

Man, I knew I had feelings of some sort for him but not like this. This was becoming far more than just a short lived crush on an attractive boy.

It couldn’t go on like this. I should leave. Today after school would probably be the best, but I couldn’t tell him. If I do he’ll try and persuade me to stay. If he does so my resilience would just crumble to dust. I didn’t want to hurt him. Presuming I stayed I wouldn’t only hurt myself by pining after him I would also hurt Jughead by sticking around him with all of my mess. I couldn’t and wouldn’t burden him with my emotional baggage. Even if it hurt him when I leave that pain will subside and it would be less painful than if I stayed.

So my decision was made. I would leave this evening after school, I would leave him a note on his sleeping bag in which I would apologize for not telling him in person and then I would slip into the most likely already dark evening and find somewhere to stay the night.

It was an hour since I walked out of the school building with all of my things. Wondering whether Jughead had already found my letter I rounded the next corner. What would he do when he had read  those handwritten words? Would he just ignore the fact that I left and confront me tomorrow in class? Or would he come looking for me? I was kinda hoping for the latter ‘cause in the dark and cold I started to regret my decision. Some fear started to rise in me especially now that I was on the south side of town.

I had never really been to the other side of the tracks. I grew up on the Northside, up until a while ago I had lived with a typical, happy white picket fence northsider family. This change in scenery originated from the fact that I needed a place to sleep. Lately I hadn’t seen any abandoned buildings around the Northside, I didn’t have any friends I could sleep over at and there was no way in hell I could afford to spend a night at one of the extremely fancy and expensive hotels.

So I had scratched all of the little money that I had left together and had gotten on my way to one of the cheap, dingy motels in the part of town that was despised by so many people.

From the distance the red neon sign of the motel was clearly visible, the parking lot beneath it empty. Just as I reached the parking lot I picked up quick footsteps behind me. My heart sped up. Please, don’t let it be one of the Serpents or even worse one of the Ghoulies. I wasn’t able to defend myself against one of the gang members.

“(Y/n)!”, I heard a familiar voice call my name. Stopping dead in my tracks I turned around and there he stood – Jughead – the only person I hoped to see. Out of breath he supported himself by hands on his knees, doubling over gasping for air. I stood there, observing him and waiting for his next move. I feared that if I made the first move I would make things awkward again, as at the moment I trusted neither my words nor my actions.

Finally able to breath air normally, Jughead walked over to me. “How did you find me?”, surprise filled my voice. “I just had a feeling”, he answered shortly taking a step closer. Scanning my face trying to figure out how and what I was feeling he then continued: “Why did you leave?”

It was such a simple question and I knew he was already aware of the reason but it was so much harder to say it to his face. Part of my brain wanted me to just run into his arms crying, apologizing and asking him for forgiveness. The stronger, more rational and less emotional thinking part of me immediately pushed that option away. “I’m sorry, but I had to – I still have to. You read the letter”, I broke the silence my eyes starting to tear up. Jughead’s gaze softened as he saw my teary state and he took a step towards me. Now there were only a few feet of empty space left between the two of us.

“You know it’s better for the both of us.” And with that I turned away walking towards the entrance of the reception area. I didn’t get very far. After a few steps I was stopped by a tug on my wrist. I turned around to Jughead and pulled my wrist from his grip.

“No, no I don’t know that”, he said determined. “Jug, I can’t.” I tried to leave again but like the first time the boy in front of me held me back. This time he held on tighter and I didn’t pull away. Looking up at him I saw his eyes big with plea.

“Please... please stay, stay for me.” His softly muttered words made my heart jump. Sighing I responded:  “I really don’t want to hurt you.” “You could never!” Looking nervously down at his feet he let go of my wrist and anxiously scratched the back of his neck before he continued with a whisper: “I... I love you, (Y/n).”

After those few words everything was silent. Jughead shyly looked up at me to see my reaction to those three meaningful words. I was shocked. Never had I expected – not even considered – that the boy I was crushing on might return those feelings. After a few seconds in silent shock a smile started to make its way onto my face and I carefully took Jughead’s hand into mine.

“Well... I don’t know what to say”, I told him softly. Jughead embarrassedly looked away. “I’m... I’m sorry I made this awkward but... but I had to tell you”, he said slowly pulling away but I held on to him which made him turn around to me again.

Now it was my turn to blush and be nervous. “You know what... I think I’m in love with you too.” With those words his eyes widened in surprise not having anticipated my response. Then a smile crept onto his face as he pulled me close.

He gently caressed my cheek with his hand making me blush even more. As I looked up at him I got lost in his beautiful green eyes that swallowed me like the waves of the ocean. He slowly leaned in. Closing my eyes I leaned in as well.

And we kissed under the moon and the stars – and yeah, under the red glow of the neon sign advertising a cheap room for the night.

I felt like I was lost but finally found.

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5 years ago
Cigarette Burns // FP Jones (on Wattpad) Https://my.w.tt/QJAD4jmBf1 'Smiling, I Put The Smoke Between

Cigarette Burns // FP Jones (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/QJAD4jmBf1 'Smiling, I put the smoke between my lips, cupping the cigarette in my hands as it lit, ready to burn a hole into my youthful lungs. The taste, the exhilarating feeling of the nicotine in my throat made me feel warmed, and as if I knew what I was doing here. At least I would have one thing in common with the bikers, that I was a smoker.'

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