JUST KILL ME - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago
You Ever Think About How Different Things Might Have Been If No. 4 Had Lead The Coup Instead Of No. 21,

You ever think about how different things might have been if No. 4 had lead the coup instead of No. 21, because I think about it a lot

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5 months ago
As Yujeong Succinctly Put, Vegaspete Walked So That KornTonkla Could Run, I Dare Say That They Sprinted.
As Yujeong Succinctly Put, Vegaspete Walked So That KornTonkla Could Run, I Dare Say That They Sprinted.

As yujeong succinctly put, Vegaspete walked so that KornTonkla could run, I dare say that they sprinted.

As Yujeong Succinctly Put, Vegaspete Walked So That KornTonkla Could Run, I Dare Say That They Sprinted.
As Yujeong Succinctly Put, Vegaspete Walked So That KornTonkla Could Run, I Dare Say That They Sprinted.
As Yujeong Succinctly Put, Vegaspete Walked So That KornTonkla Could Run, I Dare Say That They Sprinted.
As Yujeong Succinctly Put, Vegaspete Walked So That KornTonkla Could Run, I Dare Say That They Sprinted.

Maybe the beginning of Korn's 4 minutes is their own version of the vp post-credit hospital scene.

Don't mind me, there's a cliff I need to jump off from.

As Yujeong Succinctly Put, Vegaspete Walked So That KornTonkla Could Run, I Dare Say That They Sprinted.

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10 months ago

im going to have a meltdown

i have to sit in a car for 3 hours for a drive to FUCKING OHIO


i do not have my pillow(or a pillow at all)

my mother did not grab my weighted blanket for me(i could not, as i was in school)

i have NO. FUCKING. LEG ROOM. (in the backseat btw, so im suffering)

i have the worst headache and no meds

people keep trying to fucking talk to me and get pissy when i dont respond because i have my earbuds in and i keep telling them i do not want to fucking talk, yet they keep trying

the seats are so stiff and uncomfortable that i want to rip my skin off. and i cant+dont want to lay down on the seats either

i. want. to. cry.

and we have to stay at a hotel all weekend.

i fucking hate staying at hotels.

its not my room or my bed and it always smells weird and doesnt feel right, i dont have my pillow or any of my blankets this time, which usually help

i have to share a room + possibly a bed

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5 years ago


You know, I’m actually in my last year of college, and the only thing I need to do to graduate is to actually do my thesis. But somehow my dumb self can’t concentrate or muster enough courage to do it. I procrasinate so much that I just want to slap myself everyday. SOMEONE PLEASE SLAP ME AND MAKE ME DO IT OR I WON’T MOVE ON WITH MY LIFE!!!!

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8 years ago

The sky is bright, the birds are chirping. Look, the sun looks so warm and it's only six a.m.. Oh how glad I am to be awake at such hours.

Said no one ever. Literally. If they have then they're an alien or something.

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1 year ago

i must tell the moon how many times i thought of you. i must tell the stars how often i wished for your well-being. i must tell the sky how i memorized your soul before i saw you.

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2 years ago
karashti - Karashti

Record of Ragnarok “Click and Drag” game, Part 2!





Record Of Ragnarok Click And Drag Game, Part 2!
Record Of Ragnarok Click And Drag Game, Part 2!
Record Of Ragnarok Click And Drag Game, Part 2!
Record Of Ragnarok Click And Drag Game, Part 2!
Record Of Ragnarok Click And Drag Game, Part 2!
Record Of Ragnarok Click And Drag Game, Part 2!
Record Of Ragnarok Click And Drag Game, Part 2!
Record Of Ragnarok Click And Drag Game, Part 2!
Record Of Ragnarok Click And Drag Game, Part 2!

*by jealous I mean that he/she cares about you ! <3

let me know what you got, or if I should add other characters!!

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3 years ago
Slippery When Wet 3.0

Slippery When Wet 3.0

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