Brunhilde - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

My opinions and rating on early ror characters design. Credits @perplexedhare for the images!


My Opinions And Rating On Early Ror Characters Design. Credits @perplexedhare For The Images!

-i literally screamed "awoop, jumpscare" when I saw their designs ☠️☠️☠️

- IM SO GLAD THEY CHANGED OMGGGGG (especially on goll, cause why they gave her A LITERAL BIKINI???)

- Hear me out on Brunhilde...

- Kay let me be honest, I personally hate her design generally cause of the fan service but my gay ass is literally screaming rn.


-is generally so much better.

My Opinions And Rating On Early Ror Characters Design. Credits @perplexedhare For The Images!

- I actually quite liked the small flower details ^^^

So goll rating is 0/10 and 4/10 (only adding the four because of the flowers cause I love flowers)


My Opinions And Rating On Early Ror Characters Design. Credits @perplexedhare For The Images!

- I personally prefer the current one tbh.

- I like it, but it doesn't wow me.

- He lowkey reminds me of Zoro.

- It felt like a Oni more than a Thor to me.

General rating for thor is a decent 7/10.


My Opinions And Rating On Early Ror Characters Design. Credits @perplexedhare For The Images!

- it's it okay I have a mix feelings about this one?

- I like it but also lowkey kinda dislike it?

Things I like about his design :

- his design has alot of peacock resemblance.

- his jewellery and the details.


Things I dislike about it :

- his hair I think?

-I feel like it lowkey kinda messy for me. Maybe it's better if it was let go.

Shiva early design rating is a 6/10 for me.

My Opinions And Rating On Early Ror Characters Design. Credits @perplexedhare For The Images!


- tbh I can't tell if she is wearing clothes or not

- her earlier design kinda look like eve

- but I like the details like the pearls and those fabric around her

Overall its a 5 for me.

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2 years ago

For the autistic fans of Shuumatsu No Valkyrie/Record Of Ragnarok: Brunhilde is autistic and that's why all the human fighters she has choosen are autistic too.

Buddha's also autistic (and the valkyries. And Thor. And Hercules. And Zerofuku. And Hades. And Beelzebub)

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1 year ago

So last night I got this idea for a Valkyrie x Fem!reader fanfic while listening to willow [moonlit witch version] and it's going with the reader singing the song.

Now, you must be thinking, "Ari, that song says 'that's my man' like 13k times?!"

Yes, and that's the thing.

The plot is that the reader was growing up in a homophobic home (very much like mine) and for every mistake or achievement, she was tied to this idea that she needs to do/don't do it to get a 'man'

So after she meets Brunhilde, and that's during her depressed Ragnarok era, the plot goes with the song, but the 'That'd my man' line is an ironic-sassy response to her lifetime of being told to get a man :)

I think I might write it, it sounds fun to me, what do you think?

So Last Night I Got This Idea For A Valkyrie X Fem!reader Fanfic While Listening To Willow [moonlit Witch

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6 years ago

Kong: Nothing in life is free.

Thor: Life is free.

Val: Adventure is free.

Bruce: Knowledge is free.

Loki: Everything is free if you take it without paying.

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6 years ago

“I wanted to make fun of stupid people while I get drunk; my two true passions. “-Valkyrie

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6 years ago

Valkyrie: while you where being heterosexual, I studied the blade.

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6 years ago

Val: Wait, Bruce. Is that a hickey?

Bruce: What? No. It’s just a mosquito bite.

Thor, walks in:Hello everyone!

Korg: Oh, hello mosquito.

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6 years ago

Thor, holding a picture of Bruce: Have you seen my husband?

Val: Not since yesterday. Is he missing?

Thor: Oh no he’s fine. He’s reading right now, but I just want people to look at him. Isn’t he perfect?

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6 years ago

Bruce: Thor texted me “your adorable” so I texted him back and said “no, YOU’RE adorable."

Val: And?

Bruce: And now we’re dating. We’ve been on six dates. All I did was point out a typo, but I like him so I’m not gonna say anything.

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6 years ago

Val: I hate going to the kitchen and realising I'm the only snack in the house

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6 years ago

Bruce: I'm having a problem with this person.

Val: Kill them.

Bruce: No.

Val: Then I will kill them FOR you.

Bruce: NO!

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4 years ago

Ragnarok Netflix

So, Hilde is going to have a connection with the Valkyries, aye? Otherwise, it is just a wasted opportunity... 😕

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1 year ago

Record of ragnarok- Taking a walk/hike

Hlokk-“Jack.. can you carry me up the rest of trail my legs hurt!!”

Jack-“of course darling. Let this be known though I reminded you to wear hiking shoes.

Hlokk-“It’s about the aesthetics and looking good..besides since I have you it’s all good.”

Qin huang- “I understand completely. I must make note of this to remind my palace staff to provide proper transportation in all situations.”

Shiva- “You never stop talking about how you’re royalty.. Get over it.”

Qin-“Oh really mr I am the strongest and most relevant god in India and I have good dance moves! Make way for the king!”

Buddha- “Raiden, do you think it’s annoying when they just never stop arguing? I do. They need to be chill and find nirvana with me.. true inner peace.”

Raiden-“You cant forget about snacks too.”

———— -They both chuckle and fist bump———————————

Thor- “Lu, I’m going to sprain an ankle soon I bet.”

Obviously picking up on the suggestion he swiftly picked up Thor

Thor-“I could get used to this.”

Lu bu-“Your perfectly capable and more than strong enough to walk without injury but anything for you!”

Sasaki-“should we just run up to brunhilde and follow her instead of trailing behind these.. well bozos?

Poseidon-“I concur. It will take forever at this rate.”


Brunhilde- “Greetings boys, after trekking up this mountain for train- I mean a fun outing, We are here! The field of flowers with a hot spring, cottage, and waterfall. Enjoy it..”



Shiva-“You guys can’t forget about me!”


With a massive splash the boys undress and ease their way into the hotsprings.

“Lets visit the waterfall kojiro, I can even show off my abilities there.”

“only if you make a rainbow.”

-hlokk- “Jack this field of flowers is beautiful.. truly takes my breath away.”

“These flowers can’t compare to your beauty.. my eyes are for you.. would you like a rose and some tea?”

“YES DARLING.. you treat me so well jack.”

-… Thor- “I know your not a man of so many words and neither am I but what about this cottage.”

Lu bu-“I don’t know about you but that bed looks pretty good right now..”


Brunhilde-“I would say this was a successful miss- day out. I might as well join in on the hot springs as qin has made his way over there… and been dragged in.”



“I guess boys will be boys.”

-A/N- (Lol it’s short but this is what I believe a day out would look like. I hope you enjoyed!!)

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2 years ago
karashti - Karashti

Record of Ragnarok “Click and Drag” game, Part 2!





Record Of Ragnarok Click And Drag Game, Part 2!
Record Of Ragnarok Click And Drag Game, Part 2!
Record Of Ragnarok Click And Drag Game, Part 2!
Record Of Ragnarok Click And Drag Game, Part 2!
Record Of Ragnarok Click And Drag Game, Part 2!
Record Of Ragnarok Click And Drag Game, Part 2!
Record Of Ragnarok Click And Drag Game, Part 2!
Record Of Ragnarok Click And Drag Game, Part 2!
Record Of Ragnarok Click And Drag Game, Part 2!

*by jealous I mean that he/she cares about you ! <3

let me know what you got, or if I should add other characters!!

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8 months ago
I Had To Draw Her.

I had to draw her.

Brnnhilde, 1936

“Brünnhilde”, 1936

Library of Congress

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