Klope - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

It's 2023 and people still believe Klaus loved anyone more than Hope, aka the one person who made him feel unconditional love and is canonically, said by him, a lot of characters and the producers, the person he loved and cared the most about.

Is the same with Hayley towards Hope, and Caroline towards the twins.

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1 year ago

It’s honestly so weird to me how many KC, CK, and KH stans jump through hoops to justify their “Klaus loves x girl more than Hope” arguments. As if their ship isn’t valid unless they can prove Klaus loved their fave over his own child. Do they not feel a bit odd trying to compete with a infant/toddler/teenage girl for Klaus ROMANTIC/SEXUAL affection??? They act as if Hope herself gave af about who Klaus was dating/actively went out of her way to sabotage any of his ships.

Because while the writing for Klope is very (and I mean VERY) iffy, the one thing that remained constant for all 5 seasons was that there’s no one he would choose over Hope. Joseph said it, the writers said it, Klaus said it, and even multiple characters in the show (Cami and Hayley included) said it.

They're the same people who excuse his or any Mikaelson's behavior, so I'm not surprised.

I'll start with saying that there is no one Klaus could ever love more than his daughter, no one: not Caroline, not Cami and certainly not Hayley. If you don't agree you're just delusional and haven't watched the show, because The Originals is constantly throwing in your face how Hope was the only thing and person Klaus couldn't live without.

Granted, they had no time together at all but Klaus adored her. Saying any woman would come before her is stupid, and while Klaus is impulsive and has done things that could have prevented them from being together (him dying for Cami in season 2 aka giving his own life for her, biting Elijah when Hayley was pregnant aka putting his unborn child in danger, and etc) she has always been his first priority.

"My daughter, my heir, you're my heart" "Because you've helped me feel something that I never thought was possible: unconditional love" "She's my heart and soul" "You are all that matters to me" "Because you are my peace. And I regret a lot of things, but I don't regret a single moment I spent with you. I love you so much" Klaus said all those things to Hope and yet people believe she was second in his life??? Like, what.

Hayley and Cami were definitely important persons in his life, but they would never be as important as Hope. Klaus "allowed" every single thing that Hayley did because she was the mother of his child and he couldn't harm her, not only because Hope would hate him but also because his family wouldn't allow it. I mean, even the episode of her wedding is more about Klaus and Hope that is about Hayley herself. He was terrified of anyone other than him being Hope's father, and Elijah noticed.

"Elijah: Just listen to yourself! Fueled by your delusions of persecution! Think, Niklaus-- if you kill Jackson, the wolves will descend into chaos. You're acting out of fear, terrified that Jackson might be a better father to Hope.

Klaus: Do not bring the child into this.

Elijah: Your child arrived here today, her security strengthened by those wolves that would defend her, and you would jeopardize that alliance? Niklaus, you yourself have mentioned that had you been raised by Ansel, you might have been a better man. Now, perhaps, a better man has entered Hope's life, and having seen that, you are shaken to your core."

And then he proceeded to get jealous about Elijah spending time with Cami. Like, all of season two is Klaus not wanting Hayley to marry Jackson because he knew he was a better man than he could ever be and he could be an even better step father to Hope, of course Klaus didn't want that to happen. And he eventually agreed, because his love and need to be with his daughter was bigger than his fear and etc. And it's something Hayley agreed on: she married Jack because she wanted to, but mainly because her kid could be back home.

Or in 2x12, his whole fight with Jackson was basically him whining and being jealous because he got to met Ansel, his biological father aka the man Klaus had always wanted in his life. And his argument/fight with Hayley just proves my point:

"Klaus: Well, allow me to make this simple for you-- under no circumstances will you divulge any family secrets, especially none that would endanger our child!

Hayley: Except it's not that simple, Klaus. You saw what Finn did. He's growing more powerful by the day. Right now he controls over half of the wolves. This marriage could change that.

Klaus: The outcome of your strategy is not worth the risk it imposes on our daughter."

"Hayley: Klaus, think. We could have a whole army of super-wolves who could protect Hope as one of their own.

Klaus: Hope doesn't need a wolf army! I'll protect her myself! And an easier time I'll have of it, too, without you running off sharing secrets with every motley member of your werewolf brethren.

Hayley: Damnit, Klaus! This is our chance! We can bring her home. We have to at least consider this!

Klaus: I have considered it, and I have deemed it absurd. And in this matter, there is no one above my decree, not even you."

It took three seasons for them to be able to even stand each other, not to talk about the fact that Klaus was cosplaying as a single father for months demanding Hayley came to apologize to him, knowing she was in potential danger. And well, he was in fact flirting with Caroline while being aware Hayley was kidnapped and suffering, so let's not lmao.

It's the same thing with Cami: she was well aware she wasn't Klaus's light and yet she asked him in her deathbed to be the light for Hope and stuff, to let go of his anger and he swore to always carry her with him and etc, and it was clear he did but Hope was still his main priority and the one he loved the most. And Camille loved Hope a lot, Klaus and Hayley and actually all the Mikaelson siblings knew her and were aware about the impact she had on Nik.

Klaus and Caroline are something like a wtf, because when it comes to them the writing for both characters just disappears. But well, Klaus did some decent things for her but he never actually changed until Hope was born (he was forced to tho, but that's another conversation) and Caroline was aware of that. She trusted him with her twins and Klaus with his daughter, and they had a mutual respect in The Originals because they had grown in their own personal ways.

Caroline, Cami and Hayley are all very different women who managed to leave a mark on Klaus, but they weren't even in the top of three persons he loved the most. Hope was the first one, Rebekah the second and Elijah or perhaps himself is the third, not his love interests.

People need to stop being mad about the fact that a daughter is the most important person to a father 💀

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1 year ago

Every Klaus ship is taged here, because this wasn't exactly anti, just stating what's in canon.

Klaus loved Hope the most, that's what's in canon. It's said by himself, producers, characters, and every single person who knew Klaus well enough. Not trying to start a fight because that isn't my goal at all but your proof isn't that consistent, I'm aware Klaus has bad writing but the thing that remained of his character through all the seasons was how Hope was his everything. Ignoring all the dialogue and choosing to focus in only actions (like three actions at that) to lift your ship is quite strange.

I think you believe I'm implying Klaus didn't love Hayley at all when that's not the case: I'm aware he did, they were family after all (or the closest thing a non related person could get to be a Mikaelson) but that love wasn't romantic.

"Your biggest proof is dialogue", yeah, and your biggest proof are scenes, scenes in which my dialogue is constantly repeated so I wonder what that means. I never said Klaus would let his family die for Hope, he's codependent on them and that has been shown in every argument they had. And Klaus putting Hope and Hayley in danger in 1x7 wasn't a surprise, he had been accused by both Elijah and Hayley of only wanting his daughter for her blood and the chance to make more hybrids after also putting said woman and baby in danger episodes prior by trying to choke her to death, so of course he would be self-destructive and try to kill them both: in my opinion, he didn't give a damn about either of them yet, he just acted like an asshole because he hates when people talk shit about him. I don't think Klaus started to love Hope and Hayley until a few months into her pregnancy, as he was absent for most of it and they were bickering 24/7 and also his daddy issues. Elijah and Hayley were the right ones in here btw, not Klaus, in case this came as an attempt to justify his actions.

Klaus was also ready to rip out Hope from Hayley's womb in the chance of her survival, being well aware Hayley would die. Elijah had to physically stop him, while Klaus said he wouldn't lose the baby. And it's not a surprise Klaus stayed with her body: the witches said they would kill Hope the second she was born, then they murdered Hayley the next moment and broke his neck. It was probably a few minutes before he woke up, crawled towards Hayley and Elijah came in: it is what their whole conversation suggests. Especially because those witches were in the cemetery, where Klaus would face all of them.

I can't say much about season five. Klaus coming back to the city is what Hope intented, and he didn't seem mad at all after learning she had kidnapped Hayley: he gave her a slight reprimand and said he knew it wasn't what she intended to do, despite the fact that her actions were wrong no matter what. And he didn't approach Hope unless necessary, he said he would leave New Orleans the second Hayley was found. Correct me if I'm wrong because I don't remember much from last season, but Klaus had to physically approach Hope to hurt her and he always left as soon as he could: I do think however that in New Orleans was raining blood and stuff because of him being there.

I don't think he hated Elijah as much as he pretended to though: I'm pretty sure he did try and he did to an extent, but not forever. Klaus did fight his brother for wanting to die for him, saying he wouldn't kill him and more stuff. He had been forced to accept it after Elijah took a fragment of Inadu, and it's pretty clear they had rekindled towards the end of the show because Klaus loved his brother no matter what.

But it's clear we're not gonna agree on this though.

It’s honestly so weird to me how many KC, CK, and KH stans jump through hoops to justify their “Klaus loves x girl more than Hope” arguments. As if their ship isn’t valid unless they can prove Klaus loved their fave over his own child. Do they not feel a bit odd trying to compete with a infant/toddler/teenage girl for Klaus ROMANTIC/SEXUAL affection??? They act as if Hope herself gave af about who Klaus was dating/actively went out of her way to sabotage any of his ships.

Because while the writing for Klope is very (and I mean VERY) iffy, the one thing that remained constant for all 5 seasons was that there’s no one he would choose over Hope. Joseph said it, the writers said it, Klaus said it, and even multiple characters in the show (Cami and Hayley included) said it.

They're the same people who excuse his or any Mikaelson's behavior, so I'm not surprised.

I'll start with saying that there is no one Klaus could ever love more than his daughter, no one: not Caroline, not Cami and certainly not Hayley. If you don't agree you're just delusional and haven't watched the show, because The Originals is constantly throwing in your face how Hope was the only thing and person Klaus couldn't live without.

Granted, they had no time together at all but Klaus adored her. Saying any woman would come before her is stupid, and while Klaus is impulsive and has done things that could have prevented them from being together (him dying for Cami in season 2 aka giving his own life for her, biting Elijah when Hayley was pregnant aka putting his unborn child in danger, and etc) she has always been his first priority.

"My daughter, my heir, you're my heart" "Because you've helped me feel something that I never thought was possible: unconditional love" "She's my heart and soul" "You are all that matters to me" "Because you are my peace. And I regret a lot of things, but I don't regret a single moment I spent with you. I love you so much" Klaus said all those things to Hope and yet people believe she was second in his life??? Like, what.

Hayley and Cami were definitely important persons in his life, but they would never be as important as Hope. Klaus "allowed" every single thing that Hayley did because she was the mother of his child and he couldn't harm her, not only because Hope would hate him but also because his family wouldn't allow it. I mean, even the episode of her wedding is more about Klaus and Hope that is about Hayley herself. He was terrified of anyone other than him being Hope's father, and Elijah noticed.

"Elijah: Just listen to yourself! Fueled by your delusions of persecution! Think, Niklaus-- if you kill Jackson, the wolves will descend into chaos. You're acting out of fear, terrified that Jackson might be a better father to Hope.

Klaus: Do not bring the child into this.

Elijah: Your child arrived here today, her security strengthened by those wolves that would defend her, and you would jeopardize that alliance? Niklaus, you yourself have mentioned that had you been raised by Ansel, you might have been a better man. Now, perhaps, a better man has entered Hope's life, and having seen that, you are shaken to your core."

And then he proceeded to get jealous about Elijah spending time with Cami. Like, all of season two is Klaus not wanting Hayley to marry Jackson because he knew he was a better man than he could ever be and he could be an even better step father to Hope, of course Klaus didn't want that to happen. And he eventually agreed, because his love and need to be with his daughter was bigger than his fear and etc. And it's something Hayley agreed on: she married Jack because she wanted to, but mainly because her kid could be back home.

Or in 2x12, his whole fight with Jackson was basically him whining and being jealous because he got to met Ansel, his biological father aka the man Klaus had always wanted in his life. And his argument/fight with Hayley just proves my point:

"Klaus: Well, allow me to make this simple for you-- under no circumstances will you divulge any family secrets, especially none that would endanger our child!

Hayley: Except it's not that simple, Klaus. You saw what Finn did. He's growing more powerful by the day. Right now he controls over half of the wolves. This marriage could change that.

Klaus: The outcome of your strategy is not worth the risk it imposes on our daughter."

"Hayley: Klaus, think. We could have a whole army of super-wolves who could protect Hope as one of their own.

Klaus: Hope doesn't need a wolf army! I'll protect her myself! And an easier time I'll have of it, too, without you running off sharing secrets with every motley member of your werewolf brethren.

Hayley: Damnit, Klaus! This is our chance! We can bring her home. We have to at least consider this!

Klaus: I have considered it, and I have deemed it absurd. And in this matter, there is no one above my decree, not even you."

It took three seasons for them to be able to even stand each other, not to talk about the fact that Klaus was cosplaying as a single father for months demanding Hayley came to apologize to him, knowing she was in potential danger. And well, he was in fact flirting with Caroline while being aware Hayley was kidnapped and suffering, so let's not lmao.

It's the same thing with Cami: she was well aware she wasn't Klaus's light and yet she asked him in her deathbed to be the light for Hope and stuff, to let go of his anger and he swore to always carry her with him and etc, and it was clear he did but Hope was still his main priority and the one he loved the most. And Camille loved Hope a lot, Klaus and Hayley and actually all the Mikaelson siblings knew her and were aware about the impact she had on Nik.

Klaus and Caroline are something like a wtf, because when it comes to them the writing for both characters just disappears. But well, Klaus did some decent things for her but he never actually changed until Hope was born (he was forced to tho, but that's another conversation) and Caroline was aware of that. She trusted him with her twins and Klaus with his daughter, and they had a mutual respect in The Originals because they had grown in their own personal ways.

Caroline, Cami and Hayley are all very different women who managed to leave a mark on Klaus, but they weren't even in the top of three persons he loved the most. Hope was the first one, Rebekah the second and Elijah or perhaps himself is the third, not his love interests.

People need to stop being mad about the fact that a daughter is the most important person to a father 💀

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10 months ago

I'll always wonder how Hope felt about her father's relationship with Elijah, especially after her mother died.

For a time, Elijah was responsible for Hayley's death in her eyes, and no one will convince me this wasn't Klaus’s doing. He had spent half of season five brooding because his brother erased their memories, erased him, and repeatedly put their broken brotherhood over his own daughter. Klaus didn't have Camille or Hayley any longer, he didn't have Elijah specifically, who is the person he has the most codependent relationship with in the series and him lashing out because of it quite literally endangered Hayley's life even more.

Marcel pointed it out; he was lashing out because in his eyes, Elijah no longer loved him and had given their family up and that was clouding his judgment, something they couldn't allow with Hayley's life on the line. So it's just very ironic Hayley ended up dying, with only Klaus and Elijah conscious to see it, because by this logic, Klaus clearly told Hope her uncle hadn't saved her mother's life.

It is very much in character for him, especially because Klaus was acting hostile around his brother whenever Hope was around, so I wonder how she felt when she witnessed him quite literally running into his arms the moment Elijah got his memories back and they finally found common ground. Was she bitter, angry, hurt? This is the same man that was visiting Elijah constantly for seven years because he couldn't stay away from him, despite knowing it could potentially endanger his daughter, yet managed to ignore Hope perfectly fine for five-six years.

Of course, Hope eventually managed to find common ground with her uncle as well, but I don't think she actually realizes how screwed up the relationships in her family are, mostly because her family abandoned her and the ones who actually would do anything and everything for her are dead. Especially for a child as young as her, no fifteen-year-old teenager would ever understand why her father chose her "mother's killer" over her own feelings and over her own dead mother.

Because damn, it would hurt me so badly if my father claimed I was the person he loved the most, yet the one he couldn't live without and the one he constantly prioritized over me was his own brother.

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8 months ago

How do you think Klaus’s and Hope’s relationship would be like if he was still alive?

I know that when he died, they had a good relationship - but to me, after everything Hope had went through, I don’t find that really realistic. Honestly, if he had survived, I think Hope would be pretty resentful towards him. He did abandon her for years (he could’ve called, texted, or something but he chose to let Hope believe that he didn’t love her). He put her at risk multiple times so he could see his brother while pretending Hope doesn’t exist and ignoring all her calls. He flirted with Caroline while Hayley was in danger. He made Hope believe that Hayley’s death was all Elijah’s fault.

And I’m not trying to deny that growth Klaus had throughout the series. I do think he has changed in some ways. But at the end of the day, he’s still Klaus. He’s still controlling, possessive, and manipulative. He still harbors this secret desire to be the loved the most by everyone around him. He was threatened every time Rebekah dated someone he didn’t seem ‘worthy’. He greatly disliked the fact that Elijah chose to erase his memory and shacked up with some Nazis (mostly because Elijah erased HIM and didn’t love him anymore). He absolutely hated that Marcel fell in love with Rebekah (not because of any normal reasons like Rebekah is his aunt and literally watched him grow up - but because he didn’t love Klaus the most anymore).

I can see him being possessive and monopolizing all of Hope’s time/attention to make up for the years he lost and because he wants her to love him more than anyone else. Which is why I disagree when people say that he would love Lizzie/Josie/Landon/ or any of Hope’s potential love interests. He wouldn’t outright kill them like he he did with Rebekah’s lovers (as I said, he did grow throughout the series), but he definitely wouldn’t embrace them into the family with open arms. At best, he would be standoffish. At worst, he would be one of those annoying creepy parents that tell their child’s boyfriend/girlfriend “I’m the number one person in their life. I loved them first.”

Honestly I’m trying to think of a time when Klaus actually accepted one of his siblings love interests into the family. Marcel and Hayley don’t count. He literally adopted Marcel as a son. He raised Marcel and brought him into the family before Marcel and Rebekah got into their sick little relationship. He first accepted Hayley (not because of Elijah) but because she was the mother of his child and then because he actually grew to like her. But other than Marcel and Hayley, I don’t think he was ever really that welcoming to any of his siblings’ girlfriends/boyfriends. Maybe Keelin? But did Keelin and Klaus even talk?

So, yeah, Klaus wouldn’t disapprove of Hope’s relationships whether it romantic or platonic. But I don’t think he would encourage it or embrace any of Hope’s friends as family. I do think he would fuss and throw a tantrum if Hope prioritized any of her relationships over him. Wasn’t he jealous of the mere idea of Hope liking Elijah (someone he loves and obviously views a family)?

Honestly, if he was still alive, I don’t think Hope and Klaus would have a good relationship. With her resentment towards him for the years of abandonment and his role in the death of her mother, Hope would probably prioritize her friends/school over her relationship with her dad. And I think Klaus, with his jealousy and controlling tendencies, would have a major issue with Hope prioritizing anything else over him.

If the show had good writing Hope would absolutely resent him at first.

I think a good part of why Hope forgave him in canon in season five was because she was gonna die at first, and then he was the one who would die and she was grieving enough, she had already lost her mother a week ago and I dont think she wanted her father to die having a bad relationship with her. She was in pain, she was vulnerable and she knew she was never gonna see her father again, so she chose to let go from all their issues and just spend their last days together.

But it's just so bad developed. I believe Hope resented Elijah not just because of his "part" in her mother's death, but because of how much Klaus loved him as well. Hope was begging for the attention that Elijah didn't want and yet received every single day just by existing, and even her mother was clearly still hung up on him. How would that make a little girl feel? Imagine you grow up hearing stories about your loving uncle, who continously prioritizes family, only for him to turn around, force himself to forget all of you, leave your mother and your father unable to fully move on with their lives and the moment you finally see him again after almost a decade, he hasn't only "killed" your mother, now he's gonna take your only living parent - the one who had no problem ignoring your existence because he was too busy staring at his brother playing the piano - with him as well.

Hope knew Hayley was still in love with Elijah even years after their breakup, her mother basically asked her in the afterlife to tell her uncle she still loved him, her own father endangered everyone in New Orleans, including herself and her kidnapped mother, just because Elijah broke his heart: he did not care he was driving both of them closer to their deaths, his brother had hurt him and he needed to make everyone around him pay, his own daughter included.

In my opinion, Klaus’s priorities have always been very obvious:

Klaus himself


Whatever love interest he feels like entertaining at the moment/Rebekah

His other siblings/Marcel = Hayley, in case he's seeing them as family at the moment

And yes, in that order. Klaus didn't know how to parent his child now that Hayley was gone and Elijah dying no matter what, and most importantly, he didn't want to. He only knew what Hope meant to him, not who she was (which, personally, infuriates me. If you're gonna create a show centered around a magical baby who shouldn't even exist in the first place and the insane maniac who happens to be her father, at least make her father get to raise her).

The Originals being centered around Hope was, in my opinion, a big mistake. Her existence wasn't a problem for me (if anything, I would make her first appearance later in the show, season three/four, perhaps), but for a show called The Originals, the Mikaelson sure don't appear a lot. I think that's the biggest problem people have with the show, not the Mikaelson being out of character, which is ironic, in my opinion, considering only klaroline and kalijah stans seem to believe that.

In the universe's canon, I just can't see Hope having a stable relationship with any of her paternal family, her father included, had he lived. I'm not saying they would've been constantly fighting, but I do think it would be a constant fragile line in their relationship where Hope would just try to ignore how much he hurt her during her early life, only for them to get into a fight about it, and then go back to ignore it. If Hayley had lived or been resurrected, I see Klaus and Hope's relationship being kinda the same as what I stated, perhaps slightly more sour, perhaps not, because I certainly see Hayley being mad at Klaus for being so careless with her life.

I personally believe Hayley and Cami wouldn't have allowed anything of what happened to the family in season five, Elijah and Klaus practically switched personalities, all the klayley and klaroline moments were so obviously meant for Camille and her relationship with Klaus, Caroline was absolutely out of character, and everything was very rushed and poorly developed.

Thanks for the ask!

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3 years ago

🥀𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐛𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧🏡 !¡

💌𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙥𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙜𝙪𝙮𝙨☃️


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2 years ago
Klaus + Hope Icons
Klaus + Hope Icons
Klaus + Hope Icons
Klaus + Hope Icons
Klaus + Hope Icons
Klaus + Hope Icons
Klaus + Hope Icons
Klaus + Hope Icons
Klaus + Hope Icons

Klaus + Hope icons

Klaus and Hope deserved much more time together, Hope deserved more time with her father who became good for her and klaus deserved more time with his daughter, see her growing up and becoming an amazing women, as she did. Klaus's sacrifice was beautiful but they could've found another way...

Like or reblog if you save any pic!¡

Enhanced quality + texture here.

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4 years ago


The Originals - Alternate Ending: The Missing Arc
The Originals - Alternate Ending: The Missing Arc
The Originals - Alternate Ending: The Missing Arc
The Originals - Alternate Ending: The Missing Arc
The Originals - Alternate Ending: The Missing Arc
The Originals - Alternate Ending: The Missing Arc
The Originals - Alternate Ending: The Missing Arc
The Originals - Alternate Ending: The Missing Arc
The Originals - Alternate Ending: The Missing Arc

The Originals - alternate ending: “The Missing Arc”

The same finale, but with one last twist that changes everything.

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3 years ago
My Dearest Hope,
My Dearest Hope,

My dearest Hope,

I do not know how this will find you. As a child full of wonder, a teenager full of opinions, or as a woman with the world at her feet. I write to tell you I love you, and to explain that in our family’s darkest hour, I was called upon to save my siblings, and so I did.

Please do not mourn me, whatever pain I endure, I do so in service of those I love. My sole regret, is that I will be away from you.

Be good to your mother. I draw comfort knowing that she will protect you. And I know she will not rest until our family is united.

Until then, my sacrifice will allow you to grow. To become the beautiful daughter I can now only imagine. Please remember you are the legacy this family has always desired. The promise we fought to protect.

You are, and always will be, our Hope.

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3 years ago

peter maximoff would be very good friends with hope mikaelson

maybe it’s the trauma of barely having a dad. ever

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