Korean Language - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

me: I listen to korean music :)

them: that’s weird that you can’t understand it 

me: oh i’m actually learning the language

them: don’t you think that’s a bit obsessive tho?


Me: I Listen To Korean Music :)

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6 months ago

the yes sir part was an interesting ad-lib! but I might be reading too much into a 2 word bit

Oooh, Anon, this is a great question and it leads on to other big questions about the song.

Yessir is not an ad lib though, and that's why it's important. An ad lib is done without forethought or preparation. It's a spur of the moment addition. Improv is ad libbing.

'Yessir' was not only part of the track, repeated as part of the same verse consistently, but it was considered important enough to include in the lyric subtitles.

Anon, you sent me back to the lyrics and i noticed something BIG...

This is where it gets interesting, because we know from experience that BH will leave out or change words when they add subtitles to weverse lives and tilo run episodes. It's why our esteemed ARMY translators are so valued!

And in these lyrics they did neglect something very important in my eyes. I am not much good at Korean but I have a smattering of words and I picked this up right away so i am suprised nobody else has mentioned it.

The very first lines:


여러분을 위한 harmony"

Are translated on the MV as


This harmony is just for you"

This is not at all accurate... it doesnt give any indication that Jimin is saying

여러분을 위한 harmony

Harmony for all of you (all people who are watching/listening)

Harmony for - figuratively - everyone

Thei MV translation makes it sound like he's saying this song/melody is just for you, but the English word harmony has two meanings: harmony in music and harmony in life.

Harmony is for everyone could just as easily mean

"Let's all be in harmony".

Which makes more sense in the context of

"Listen world, i'm attracted to men, and my lover is a man".

*I have checked my interpretation with a native Korean speaker

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1 year ago

🗣️ As someone who's multilingual, I often get asked the same question: "Can you teach me some curse words in [insert language]?" Maybe it's because curse words are the ultimate icebreaker, or maybe it's just human nature to be a little bit mischievous. The phenomenon has icreased since I started self-studying Korean and Chinese a couple of years ago. But hey, if you really want to learn some colorful language, I won't judge. Just be prepared for some interesting reactions if you use them in the wrong context! 😳

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8 months ago

not to be mega loser 3000 over here but the gose comeback special is so good for korean practice! i'm guessing bc it's in the style of a drama they're using simpler language but like when dino and seungkwan said "봤잖아 나 어때?" "정말로 진심을 원해?" "조용히 해" like that's a fairly easy interaction to follow w/o subs!! Yippeee

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4 months ago

i love seventeen's pet names bc cheols dog is kkuma which means bear in Japanese and wonwoos dog is seol so her full name is jeon seol which also means legend in korean and then seungkwans dog is bookkeu which means shy in korean but also has boo in the name bc boo seungkwan and dks dog is named uju which means universe and mingyus dog is named aji which im p sure is short for gangaji which means puppy in korean and and and

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4 months ago

Hey do u wanna hear something Awesome. So the hangul (korean alphabet) equivalent of 'g' looks like this -> ㄱ and the cyrillic (russian, ukranian, etc. alphabet) equivalent looks like this -> г


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4 years ago

아니요 VS 아니에요

(notes I made from a video by TTMIK)

아니요 = No

아니에요 = to be not ___ (It’s not, I’m not, she’s not, he’s not, they’re not, etc. or it’s not *something*)

>> Sometimes they can replace each other <<

Example Sentences


A : 지금 바빠요? (Are you busy now?)

B : 아니요. (No.) - simply answering no


B : 아니에요. (I am not.) - I am not (busy). It’s not true (that I’m busy)


A : 이거 먹는 거예요? (Is this food?)

B : 아니요. (No.) - again, just saying no.


B : 아니에요. (It’s not.) - could be omitting —> (먹는 거) 아니에요.


아니요 simply means no

아니에요 means it’s not or to be not

casual form :))

아니요 = 아니

아니에요 = 아니야

아니요 is FORMAL

아니 is the INFORMAL version of 아니요

아니에요 is FORMAL

아니야 is the INFORMAL version of 아니에요


video I made these notes from here


<3 el

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4 years ago

누구 VS 구가

(more notes from a TTMIK video)

누구 and 누가 both mean “who” but they are different :))

 누구 = original base for for “who”

누가 = “who” but it works as the subject of the sentence

누구 is an interrogative word (의문사) 

In order to make 누구 the subject of a sentence, you add -가 to it.

누구 + 가 ≠ 누구가

누구가 would be unnatural and wrong.

누구 + 가 = 누가 (which is correct :))

누구 + particle usually remains 누구 + that particle

It usually doesn’t change.

Like, 누구를 is still 누구를


Who made this? ↴

이거 누가 만들었어요?

(“who” is the subject of the action so we used 누가)

만들다 = to make

만들었어요 = “made”, past tense of 만들다

YOU CANNOT SAY 이거 누구 만들었어요?

It’s unnatural and could be misinterpreted as “this made whom?” which doesn’t make much sense


이거 누구 만들었어요? ❌

이거 누가 만들었어요? ✅

Who brought this? ↴

이거 누가 가져왔어요?

Who wants to do it first? ↴

누가 먼저 할래요?

⤷ You can make this more formal by adding honorific suffix -시

누가 먼저 하실래요?

Who told you? ↴

누가 말해 줬어요?

⤷ could be written as ↴

누구한테 들었어요?

from who did you hear it?

This is an example of what was said earlier, 누구 + particle remains the same

누구 + 한테 = 누구한테

누구한테 = from whom/to whom


누구 + 를

the object marker still remains

SENTENCES USING 누구 + 를 or particles

Whom do you want to invite? ↴

누구를 초대하고 싶어요?

초대하다 = to invite

초대하고 싶어요 = (I) want to invite

를 is an object marker or particle

In this case, you can drop the object marker ↴

누구 초대하고 싶어요?

Who will you invite/call for? (written differently than the previous phrase) ↴

누구를 부를 거예요?

부르다 = to call for/invite

You can drop the object marker here as well as it’s often omitted ↴

누구 부를 거예요?

Let’s say someone drew a person, you can ask:

Who did you draw? ↴

누구를 그린 그림이에요?

You can drop the particle here, too! ↴

누구 그린 그림이에요?


Who is it? ↴


Let’s say someone knocks on your door, you can ask:

Who is it?/Who are you? ↴




누구 + 가

Works as the subject of the sentence



original form of “who”

BOTH mean “who” but they can be used differently!


video I took notes from here


<3 el

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1 year ago

forgot tumblr existed hello ! im currently going really hard on studying korean for the last bit of summer before i have to deep dive into mandarin reviews. hows everyone doing?

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1 year ago

pls give online resources alternatives to ttmik, im currently using korean from zero and howtostudykorean but i need more i didnt realize my ttmik subscription expired and cant afford to get it back rn

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7 months ago

HIII im back fr this time lol here are updates on life and my studies

- did not get enough funding for my planned study abroad in taiwan sadly, BUTTTT i last second was able to get into a summer program at korea university in seoul!! (will post summer + fall schedule after this)

- ended up failing a class this semester because the listed grading system on the syllabus was apparently not what was used but its fine ill live, just need to do reallly good in the fall to bring my gpa back up (it went from 3.425 -> 3.0)

- im either switching my minor to east asian languages or dropping it all together and focusing on anthropology/archaeology in school and languages in my own time :) i already dropped the chinese minor as i dont want to continue taking courses with the single professor at my uni but still want my credits for the mandarin and japanese courses ive taken to count towards my degree if possible

- currently trying to rest during my short summer break before i go to korea so im not burnt out there or in the fall but also starting to read ahead on the classes im taking there when i have the energy

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7 months ago

finally comfirmed all my summer courses so heres the schedule!

for context: im studying at Korea University in Seoul for a 6 week semester abroad.

Period 1 - North Korea: History, Society, Politics

Period 2 - Media & Popular Culture in South Korea

Period 5 - Beginning Korean 1

im very interested to see how the class on North Korea will be, i have started some of the recommended reading as well as doing my own research & finding friends in the class and looking forward to it. definitely not a course i could ever find/take at a university here at home.

media & pop culture also super excited for bc i want to dive deeper into studying pop culture, performance art, fandom spaces and more within the realm soso bad

korean 1! i do have some korean learning and time in the country under my belt already but ive never taken an actual class (my speaking is very casual/informal bc of who/where i learned from lol) i feel like i definitely have missed or not fully understood a lot of grammar in the past also so i wanna kind restart the learning process w more structure :)

if anyone has questions abt the classes/program/study abroad/ etc lmk and ill do my best to answer !! excited to be back and motivated and study the things i love after a pretty difficult spring semester

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Language journal:

Entry 1

31 May 2023

I am learning German and Korean right now. I practise my German speaking and listening skills with elder people. I like talking with them. They are more patient and a lot to talk about, and they need someone to talk to.

For my Korean, I am using the Duolingo and Drops app to practice. I am still not very familiar with the hanguel. I guess I need more practice.

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5 years ago

Reblogging for exposure and a reminder to myself to check this out

Let's Study Korean! | 한국어를 같이 공부해요!
Hewwo fwends : D This is my first video! It isn't the best, but I will get more comfortable filming with a bit of time and I'll learn what ways I like to fil...

Hi ;; I made my first youtube video yesterday!! Not the most amazing like other videos but I did work hard on it! I’ll make more and better videos in the future but I hope you guys can support me : D

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5 years ago

아녕! I’m new to the langblr community but I’m studying Korean oWo

i’m thinking about making a langblr sideblog for learning korean and eventually greek but i might as well just do that here lmao. like/reblog if you’re a langblr studying korean or ancient greek so i can follow u 💖

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5 years ago

Intro: 아녕!

아녕, I thought I would introduce myself to the langblr/studyblr community here on tumblr. Call me strawberry. I’m a 23-year old (24 in Korea) from Canada studying Korean for fun. I was inspired by my favorite K-pop group, BTS. I have been learning the language for a couple of weeks now, using the apps Duolingo and Memrise. I plan to use this blog to track my progress as I learn, and welcome those who wish to study or practice with me, so feel free to hit up my inbox. I’ve already made a post about the progress I’ve made so far, and will aim to update every couple weeks or so for now.

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5 years ago

Tips for remembering certain characters/words/etc

I’ve been struggling with a few letters and words, and was wondering if anyone has some tips/tricks/etc to help get them to stick.

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