Korriban - Tumblr Posts
Lashowe: Amuse us. Make us laugh, and we just might consider allowing you to live.
Carth *whispering to Revan*: It seems like they're going to insult you.
Revan: Not sure. They're not intelligent enough to insult me.
On Korriban, in Tulak Hord's tomb
Amnesiac Revan *been poisoned and unable to move*: Look... I'm sure we can talk about this situation...
Jorak Uln: Haha... I'm sure we could! You can even try using your feminine vibes on me...
Amnesiac Revan *sighing deeply and whispering to herself*: I'm afraid a diplomatic solution doesn't work here.
Amnesiac Revan: I will immobilize you, tear you apart, rip your heart out and feed it to tuk'atas...
Jorak Uln: Well, well..
Amnesiac Revan *suddenly recalling something*: And all this I will do without anger and passion as Bastila taught me!
Bastila *through their Force Bond*: I didn't teach you that!!! Did you find out other unreliable information in another silly book you're reading???
This is kind of Part 3 from that 'unreliable book series'...

Post your top 9 Star Wars planets
Here are mine:

1. Alderaan
3.Yavin IV
4. Dantooine
5. Nar Shaddaa
6. Dromund Kaas
7. Hoth
8. Taris
9. Ilum
Concept arts from swtor you can find there:

I am huge star wars fan and hobbistic artist.
When i don't know what to draw,
I draw Sith Lords on Korriban or anything from star wars...
I have drawn a few(and more)fanarts with alcohol markers,
of my favorite dark lord of the sith, Exar Kun.
Hope you like it ;)@femurs-vectivus