Last Names - Tumblr Posts
Surnames are just as important as given names. So, I compiled a list of the websites I use to find my surnames.
English Surnames
Dutch Surnames
Spanish Surnames
Scottish Surnames
German Surnames
Italian Surnames
Irish Surnames
French Surnames
Scandinavian Surnames
Welsh Surnames
Jewish Surnames
Surnames By Ethnicity
Most Common Surnames in the USA
Most Common Surnames in Great Britan
Most Common Surnames in Asia
girls reach a certain age and start resonating with their nickname more than their full name.
~ my friend Jae.
Imagine Your OTP
Imagine Person A goes to a cafe where they write your name on a cup and instead of asking for their first to be written they order it as (Mrs./Mr. Person B).
(If you want this it can be before they’re married and Person B happens to be in the cafe or just walks in and hears this.)
Last Name HCs (plus some ethnicities)
-Lego dear god JUST GIVE THEM LAST NAMES. gosh it was so awkward when they were just addressing Olivia as 'Heartlake City's very own Olivia!' in s2ep2.
-I'll do the OG girls first, then the new gen. I know different HCs exist out there, so these are the ones I use personally.
Also I took some inspiration from"
but I didn't directly copy.
[OG Girls]
Mia Cavalla
-The og post found Mia's name to have an Italian origin, but I wanted a slightly different name for my own AUs. hence, Cavalla, which (should) mean mare in Spanish (this is the doubt of a person using google) Mia is likely Italian-American, as the post theorises.
Stephanie Azure
-The colour of Stephanie's minifig eyes in the reboot are azure, hence what I put for her last name. I just found it cool and little me spent too long staring into the eyes of a plastic doll TvT
Olivia Guerrera-Cielo
-as Olivia's parents are divorced, likely her name is double-barreled. Guerrera means warrior and is pretty much taken from the post, but Cielo means 'darling' and even though it doesn't have ties to her intelligence like the previous post's HCs did, I thought it was sweet. Olivia is likely Mexican American.
Emma Ari
-Ari is apparently a common surname in the US, it's pretty, it fits Emma, and that's it.
Andrea Chanson
-so this one isn't actually tied to her ethnicity. 'chang' is how the chinese character for 'sing' is pronounced, so as someone who is Chinese this was more a small private tidbit to me. I took away the 'g' and added 'son', a common thing found at the end of American surnames.
[The Next Chapter]
Autumn Cavalla-Caputo
-as we never see Autumn's other parent, I decided to go with divorce being why. hence the double-barreled surname. Caputo is the surname that Mia had in the original post, and it means someone who is very determined and unwavering. younger me from years ago didn't like how it sounded and that's why Mia ended up with Cavalla in my drafts, but older me likes it more now and hence Autumn gets it.
Aliya Abara
-Abara is a fairly common surname, and while there are many meanings from different countries the Abara surname originating from West Africa means 'spirit'.
Leo Ramirez
-I was very, VERY tempted to go with Valdez. but alas, if I did so, my drafts would be impossible to filter as a fanfic writer still using only one master document for EVERYTHING. But him having Valdez would be SO FUN HAHA
Olly Evans
-may Potter fans strike me down. Evans is a common British surname, and Olly is canonically British.
Paisley Bauer
-Paisley is canonically German. Bauer is a German surname meaning 'peasant/neighbour'. I thought the neighbour part would tie in alright with Paisley and Olly growing up together. I also just like how her name sounds.
Nova Mercury
-Originally I went with Campbell, but decided against it because Nova deserves to have a PLANET. hence Mercury.
Zac Moreau
-Moreau is a French surname meaning 'dark skinned' or 'black'. It's an actual surname. (And Zac is French.)
Liann Qiang/Qiáng Huā Liàng/强花亮
-As someone who is Singaporean Chinese (what I also HC Liann as) I have two names, one English, one Chinese. Liann Qiang/Qiang Liann is her English name, and Qiáng Huā Liàng/强花亮 is her Chinese name. 强 [qiang] means strong, and is her family name, 花 [hua] is means flower, and is part of her name, 亮 [liang] means bright, and is the last part of her name. So overall translates to 'strong bright flower' and yes in that order. Chinese is weird like that. (Huā doesn't really go at the end of names, any name using the Huā word pretty much guarantees the Huā will be at the front. So even though Huā Liàng directly translates to 'flower bright' the real meaning is rearranged into 'bright flower'.)
Some edits were made at a later date!
Question, does anyones native language has a directly badass last name?, like, there is a guy i'm my school who's last name is "verdugo", literally, executioner
On the one hand, I love that every combo of my name is still available to me as a Gmail address. On the other hand, I wish it was harder to Google my middle school track and field photos.