Learn Mandarin - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

just saw the changes in requirements for the new hsk seems like i have a much longer way to go than i thought before i can attempt hsk 1

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1 year ago


can someone give me tips/resources for learning radicals in mandarin? everything i find just confuses me further. should i be learning them early on or wait until i know more characters?

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1 year ago

looking for mandarin show/movie recommendations plsss

i currently watch street dance of china and used to watch the chuang series but i dont know how to branch away from the competition/survival shows

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1 year ago

Since my first term at my new school is over and I have above the required gpa I am finally eligible for study abroad!!!

I submitted my application for the program yesterday and have already been conditionally accepted to go by my school as long as i’m accepted into the program.

and the country i applied to is….. 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁


the program is in taipei specifically, and on a university campus. if accepted ill also have a chance to visit tainan and taitung.

i’d be going for about 2 months over the summer for an accelerated/intensive mandarin course. it’d be the entire intermediate level (= CHN201+202 in U.S. college credit). as far as I know I’d have class 5 days a week while there. i’m taking CHN 102 (upper elementary) in the spring here at home to prepare and spending my break reviewing stuff from 101 as well as teaching myself zhuyin/bopomofo.

if anyone has good resources for zhuyin, traditional characters, and/or taiwanese mandarin lmk!! im trying to find everything i can then i’ll compile a list of what was most helpful sometime during or at the end of the semester :))

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1 year ago

week 1 of studying chinese everyday in january

so ive (kinda) started over with mandarin to learn traditional characters rather than simplified, which is what i learned in the CHN101 course at my community college

this is because i’ll hopefully be studying in taiwan over the summer and that is where most of my interest is plus traditional should somewhat help with japanese as well as if i wanna learn cantonese in the future

i didnt record what i did daily so heres a summary so far

- have gotten an okay handle on zhuyin, just need practice and to learn where each character is on apples zhuyin keyboard since the site i used to learn used something else. i do like the concept more than pinyin but some of the final combinations confuse me (more on that another day)

- started reviewing my integrated chinese textbook as thats what both my old and current college use as their class resources. i bought the fluencylink (e-learning) account this time instead of the physical textbook and i looove it, its interactive, contains all the audio/video to go along and gives immediate grades on each section you complete. i did buy the physical workbook just to have in class though.

- have been taking some online classes through LTL and despite signing up/paying for group classes every class ive taken so far has just been 1 on 1 (i take them at like 3 am so i guess other people just dont sign up for those times) and have been enjoying it! online classes and tutors have made me anxious in the past and prior to this my online mandarin teachers almost never corrected my tones which i hated but these are great! i definitely feel like my pronunciation has improved but i still have to work a lot on sentence flow and tone sandhi/combinations.

- scouring the internet for taiwanese shows/movies/youtubers etc to get a feel for the accent differences and just for some listening practice (if you have recommendations lmk)

- also been going crazy looking for apps and sites that offer traditional characters as most are made for simplified/standard mandarin. i have a few that i like so far but hope to find more. i like to have a textbook to guide me through and give me structure but also various other resources to learn things that interest me or that i’ll actually talk about in daily conversation.

overall feeling pretty good and pretty excited to finally get back to studying languages and traveling.

oh and!!! i have mostly finalized what my chinese name is with the help of the teachers i’ve had so far, hence the username change as well and it is … 昕霓 ! (xīnní) i havent chosen a last name tho as im not sure if i need one atm but if anyone has ideas as to what would sound good im open to suggestions.

if anyone would want it im more than happy to post what resources ive been using, and/or what media ive been watching/liking that use traditional characters since its definitely been a little more challenging to find it all. lmk !!

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2 years ago
Alright, This Is Part 2 Of Most The Common (and Useful) Chinese Characters. Anyways, So Here Are 60 New
Alright, This Is Part 2 Of Most The Common (and Useful) Chinese Characters. Anyways, So Here Are 60 New

Alright, this is part 2 of most the common (and useful) chinese characters. Anyways, so here are 60 new characters for you! (The final 50 most common characters are coming soon for this series, we've got this!!<3)

Always feel free to send me a message or ask any questions ♡♡♡

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2 years ago
Hi! These Are By Far My Most Recommended Mobile Apps For Learning Mandarin Chinese For Beginners And

Hi! These are by far my most recommended mobile apps for learning Mandarin Chinese for beginners and advanced beginners! (Please feel free to save this image so that the text is clearer)

You've got this, I believe in you!<3<3<3

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2 years ago
AYO! It's The Final Part Of The "Most Common Chinese Characters" Series! Here Are The Final 50, But I

AYO! It's the final part of the "Most common Chinese characters" series! Here are the final 50, but I used to pen with awful ink for the hanzi this time so please lmk if you want me to redo it-

Don't give up, we've got this!<3<3<3

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2 years ago

I've just been diagnosed with chronic fatigue and for the past weeks I've just been so tired that doing some of the most simple things feel exhausting. I'm letting you know this out of frustration that I haven't been able to keep up with my chinese studies as much as I'd like to because of this fatigue. I think doing something more simple like watching some cdramas would be a better alternative to hard core study. I've never watched any asian dramas before but heard they can be helpful for language learning so I'm open for some recommendations!

Pls DM me or just lmk in the comments if you have any drama recs.

Love you all!<3<3

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2 years ago

Hello everyone!

Tomorrow I'll be starting a shiny new series of Mandarin Chinese vocab lists of your choice!

Please lmk in the comments what topics of phrases you'd like to learn.

Here are some suggestions of topics (although you're more than welcome to suggest anything else!)

Dating and friendship

Cooking terms

Asking for help

Inside the classroom

General conversation

Empathy, comfort, and feelings

Everyday phrases

Common sayings and expressions


Making plans


Food terminology

Don't give up, we've got this!<3<3<3

(This series will continue for a month)

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2 years ago
Hello Hello!
Hello Hello!
Hello Hello!

Hello hello!

Today's Chinese lesson is on some of the most common Chinese phrases; today specifically looking at some common expressions and sayings!

I should be posting more soon enough, however my energy levels are quite low at the moment so we'll see.

Study hard everyone! We can do this!<3

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2 years ago
Here Is A Mini Lesson On Mandarin Chinese Food Vocab. Just A Few Nouns And Adjectives Today But We'll
Here Is A Mini Lesson On Mandarin Chinese Food Vocab. Just A Few Nouns And Adjectives Today But We'll

Here is a mini lesson on Mandarin Chinese food vocab. Just a few nouns and adjectives today but we'll shortly be posting a big list of useful food and kitchen related terminology and phrases!

I believe in us, we've got this!

Cya again soon <3

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2 years ago
I'm Back With More Mandarin Chinese Lesson Notes! Today's Lesson Is On Making Friends And Hanging Out.
I'm Back With More Mandarin Chinese Lesson Notes! Today's Lesson Is On Making Friends And Hanging Out.

I'm back with more Mandarin Chinese lesson notes! Today's lesson is on making friends and hanging out. I thought this would be an appropriate topic as I had lunch with my Chinese friend today and many of these phrases came in handy!

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2 years ago
I've Briefly Gone Over One On The Main Reasons I Study Mandarin Chinese In The Past, As Well As Some
I've Briefly Gone Over One On The Main Reasons I Study Mandarin Chinese In The Past, As Well As Some

I've briefly gone over one on the main reasons I study Mandarin Chinese in the past, as well as some of my personal study methods, however, this post really goes into a bit more depth about my motivation and reason to study as well as a few more of my main tips and strategies that I use to study and take notes.

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2 years ago


I've been exceptionally busy the past week so I've missed you all! Going over a few essential Mandarin Chinese vocab because I realized I'd somehow forgotten to post something so important.

Happy studying everyone and good luck!!


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