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O- Verbs in Chinese
Here are some of the most commonly used O-verbs in Chinese!
Obey - 服从 (Fúcóng)
Object - 反对 (Fǎnduì)
Observe - 观察 (Guānchá)
Obtain - 获得 (Huòdé)
Occur - 发生 (Fāshēng)
Offer - 提供 (Tígōng)
Open - 打开 (Dǎkāi)
Optimize - 优化 (Yōuhuà)
Order - 命令 (Mìnglìng)
Order (at a restaurant) 点 (Diǎn)
Organize - 组织 (Zǔzhī)
Originate - 起源 (Qǐyuán)
Overcome - 克服 (Kèfú)
Overflow - 溢出 (Yìchū)
Overhaul - 检修 (Jiǎnxiū)
Overheat - 过热 (Guòrè)
Overlook - 忽视 (Hūshì)
Oversee - 监督 (Jiāndū)
Overthrow - 推翻 (Tuīfān)
Owe - 欠 (Qiàn)
Own - 拥有 (Yōngyǒu)
Outline - 概述 (Gàishù)
Class shenanigans #6
Or in other words how I could have failed my speaking exam.
My speaking teacher decided to create a separate groupchat for our speaking class so that the material wouldn't get all mixed up, and she sent me a request to add her on wechat, so that she could add me to the groupchat. I added her back, but she didn't add me to the chat so I thought she'd add me later and forgot about this matter.
But as it turns out she didn't, and now less than a week away from the exam I started worrying because most of the information such as the exam time, content etc. was being shared exclusively in the chat so after class I asked her about this issue.
Turns out she thought I didn't add her back (I did) because she didn't recognize my username (my actual non-chinese name), and my profile picture, which was of this cheeky smirking cat 😭
It ended up being resolved, with me joining the groupchat but it's just a tad hysterical that all this was because of my profile picture.
Moral of the story: If you don't use your actual picture and insist on having smirking cats as your profile pics, use a name that everyone else can recognize.
Yangs (扬) vs Changs (场) vs Tangs (汤)
These can get confusing, so here are some of the most common words that use this radical 昜 explained.
场 (chǎng)
A measure word for sports or leisure activities e.g. 一场足球比赛
A large place such as an open space, a field or a venue e.g. 会场 (a conference hall)
畅 (chàng)
An adjective meaning smooth or at ease or free from worry
A surname
玚 (cháng)
An old word (rarely used nowadays) meaning jade used in sacrificial ceremonies.
肠 (cháng)
Intestines or sausages
汤 (tāng)
Hot or boiling water
A surname
杨 (yáng)
A willow but it's more close to it's scientific name poplar in meaning
A surname
扬 (yáng)
To raise something e.g. 扬手
To toss or throw something up
A surname
炀 (yáng)
A literary term for smelting or melting something
旸 (yáng)
Sunshine or a rising sun
飏 (yáng)
To soar, fly or float
疡 (yáng)
A medical term for sores or an ulcer
钖 (yáng)
An ornament on a horse's head stall (oddly specific)
Update: I will be taking the HSK4 exam in September at my home university, as I can do HSK and HSKK separately or not do the HSKK at all, which is not an option at my exchange uni here.
Considering my past attempt, I think leaving the HSKK part alone for the foreseeable future is for the best, as my nervous system is unlikely to withstand another computer on-campus speaking exam.
Pondering whether or not to re-take the HSK4 exam (without the speaking this time) since I failed to meet the passing mark by around 10 points last time and I refuse to believe that the past few months of studying wouldn't be able to give me that boost.
The totally normal feeling of buying an iced tea on a humid dizzy day from my chinese university's family mart whilst they have an old 2010s BigBang song (blue i think?) blaring in the background, instantly transporting me 9 years back to warm summer evenings listening to exactly the same music drinking a similar tea.
P-Verbs in Chinese
Most commonly used verbs starting with P in Chinese!
Participate - 参加 - cānjiā
Perform - 表演 - biǎoyǎn
Persuade - 劝说 - quànshuō
Plan - 计划 - jìhuà
Play - 玩 - wán
Point out - 指出 - zhǐchū
Prepare - 准备 - zhǔnbèi
Present - 展示 - zhǎnshì
Prevent - 防止 - fángzhǐ
Produce - 生产 - shēngchǎn
Promise - 承诺 - chéngnuò
Protect - 保护 - bǎohù
Provide - 提供 - tígōng
Publish - 发布 - fābù
Pull - 拉 - lā
Push - 推 - tuī
Put down - 放下 - fàngxià
Pay - 付款 - fùkuǎn
Practice - 练习 - liànxí
The 青 characters
Here's another post explaining the difference between characters with similar radicals, so here's a quick guide to 青!
请 (qǐng) 1. To ask, request 2. To treat (someone to a meal etc.)
清 (qīng) 1. To clean,clear
青 (qīng) 1. Green/blue color 2. An abbreviation for young people 年青人
情 (qíng) 1. A feeling, emotion
晴 (qíng) 1. Fine, clear e.g. Clear weather
静 (jìng) 1. Quiet, peacegul
睛 (jīng) 1. Eye, eyeball
猜 (cāi) 1. To guess, suspect, speculate
精 (jīng) 1. Energy, spirit, essence
靖 (jìng) 1. This also means quiet, peaceful but it's a more older form. 2. A surname
腈 (jīng) 1. Nitrile, acrylic
The 佥 Characters
A quick guide to the different characters using 佥!
脸 (liǎn) 1. Face 2. The front part of something e.g. a shop 3. Self-respect
险 (xiǎn) 1. Insurance e.g. Health insurance, car insurance 2. A place difficult to access
验 (yàn) 1. To check, test or inspect something e.g. a blood test, to check a passport
剑 (jiàn) 1. A sword, dagger or sabre
检 (jiǎn) 1. To check, inspect or examine something
签 (qiān) 1. To sign something e.g. a contract, a document
捡 (jiǎn) 1. To gather or collect something
俭 (jiǎn) 1. This is an adjective meaning frugal
睑 (jiǎn) 1. An eyelid: Upper eyelid - 上睑 Lower eyelid - 下睑
佥 (qiān) 1. This character isn't really used that often, but in classical Chinese it's used to mean together
Q-Verbs in Chinese
Most common q-verbs (not that many!) in Chinese!
Quantify - 量化 - liànghuà
Quarrel - 吵架 - chǎojià
Quash - 镇压 - zhènyā
Quench (thirst) - 解渴 - jiěkě
Question - 提问 - tíwèn
Quilt - 绗 - háng
Quit - 放弃 - fàngqì
A job - 辞去 - Cíqù
School - 退学 - Tuìxué
Quote - 引用 - yǐnyòng
Quell - 平息 - píngxī
R-Verbs in Chinese
Most commonly used verbs starting with R in Chinese!
Race - 竞赛 - jìngsài
Rage - 发怒 - fānù
Rain - 下雨 - xiàyǔ
Raise - 提高 - tígāo
Rank - 排名 - páimíng
Reach - 到达 - dàodá
Read - 读 - dú
Realize - 实现 - shíxiàn
Rebuild - 重建 - chóngjiàn
Recall - 回忆 - huíyì
Receive - 接受 - jiēshòu
Recognize - 认识 - rènshi
Recommend - 推荐 - tuījiàn
Recycle - 回收 - huíshōu
Redeem - 赎回 - shúhuí
Reduce - 减少 - jiǎnshǎo
Refer - 参考 - cānkǎo
Reflect - 反映 - fǎnyìng
Refuse - 拒绝 - jùjué
Regret - 后悔 - hòuhuǐ
Regulate - 调节 - tiáojié
Reinforce - 加强 - jiāqiáng
Rejoice - 庆幸 - qìngxìng
Relax - 放松 - fàngsōng
Rely - 依靠 - yīkào
Remember - 记得 - jìde
Remind - 提醒 - tíxǐng
Repair - 修理 - xiūlǐ
Repeat - 重复 - chóngfù
Replace - 替换 - tìhuàn
Reply - 回复 - huífù
Report - 报告 - bàogào
Request - 请求 - qǐngqiú
Require - 需要 - xūyào
Retire - 退休 - tuìxiū
Learning material (revise) - 复习 - fùxí
A book - 评介 - píngjiè
Ride - 骑 - qí
Ring - 响 - xiǎng
Rise - 上升 - shàngshēng
Rotate - 旋转 - xuánzhuǎn
Ruin - 毁 - huǐ
Rule - 统治 - tǒngzhì
Run - 跑 - pǎo
S-Verbs in Chinese
(Reposting this again because something went really wrong with the editing, my apologies)
Most common Verbs in Chinese starting with S!
Satisfy - 满足 - mǎnzú
Save - 保存- bǎocún
Say - 说 - shuō
See -见 - jiàn
Seek - 寻找 - xúnzhǎo
Sell - 卖 - mài
Send - 发送 - fāsòng
Serve - 服务 - fúwù
Settle - 解决 - jiějué
Scan - 扫描 - sǎomiáo
Scrape -刮 - guā
Shake - 摇 - yáo
Share - 分享 - fēnxiǎng
Shoot (a weapon) - 开枪 - kāi qiāng
Show (a performance) - 表现 - biǎoxiàn
Shrink - 缩小 - suōxiǎo
Shut (a window, door) - 关闭 - guānbì
Sing - 唱 - chàng
Sit - 坐 - zuò
Sleep - 睡觉 - shuìjiào
Slide - 滑 - huá
Stand up - 站起来 - zhàn qǐlái
Start - 开始 - kāishǐ
Stay - 留 - liu
Steal - 偷- tōu
Stick - 贴 - tiē
Stop - 停止 - tíngzhǐ
Stretch - 伸展 - shēnzhǎn
Strike - 打击 - dǎjí
Study - 学习 - xuéxí
Succeed - 成功 - chénggōng
Suffer - 受苦 - shòukǔ
Suggest - 建议 - jiànyì
Supply - 提供 - tígōng
Support - 支持 - zhīchí
Suppose - 假设 - jiǎshè
Survive - 生存 - sūngcún
Swear (to pledge) - 发誓 - fāshì
Sweat - 出汗 - chūhàn
Sweep -打扫 - dǎsǎo
Swim - 游泳 - yóuyǒng
Symbolize - 标志 - biāozhì
The 母 Character
Another character breakdown, and this time it's 母!
母 (mǔ)
Mother 母亲
Used for some female relative e.g. 祖母 (paternal grandma)
Used to specify female animals e.g. 母牛,母象,母马
每 (měi)
Every, each e.g. 每天 everyday
海 (hǎi)
A big lake or sea 大海
Many people, a large crowd 人海
毒 (dú)
A toxin or a poison or a venom
An adjective, poisonous/venomous e.g. 毒蛇 (a venomous snake)
A cruel person
A verb, to poison something/one
梅 (méi)
A plum. Apparently 李子 (also plum) is used more often in northern China, and 梅子 in the south.
Plum flower or a plum blossom, the national flower of China (fun fact!) 梅花 (méihuā)
敏 (mǐn)
Quick, agile
Quick-witted, smart
悔 (huǐ)
To regret, feel remorse
霉 (méi)
Mould, mildew
An adjective - mouldy
A verb - to go mouldy/bad
莓 (méi)
A berry e.g. 草莓 (cǎoméi) a strawberry
酶 (méi)
An enzyme
珻 (méi)
Fine jade
痗 (mèi)
A literary Chinese verb meaning to get ill from anxiety or worrying
T - Verbs in Chinese
Tackle (an issue) - 处理 (chǔlǐ)
Take - 拿 (ná)
Talk - 说 (shuō)
Target - 瞄准 (miáozhǔn)
Teach - 教 (jiāo)
Tell - 告诉 (gàosù)
Terminate - 终止 (zhōngzhǐ)
Testify - 作证 (zuòzhèng)
Thank - 感谢 (gǎnxiè)
Think - 想 (xiǎng)
Threaten - 威胁 (wēixié)
Throw - 扔 (rēng)
Tie - 系 (jì)
Tighten - 紧 (jǐn)
Tolerate - 容忍 (róngrěn)
Touch - 触摸 (chùmō)
Train - 训练 (xùnliàn)
Transfer - 转移 (zhuǎnyí)
Transform - 转变 (zhuǎnbiàn)
Translate - 翻译 (fānyì)
Transmit - 传送 (chuánsòng)
Travel - 旅行 (lǚxíng)
Tremble - 颤抖 (chàndǒu)
Trigger - 触发 (chùfā)
Trust - 信任 (xìnrèn)
Try - 尝试 (chángshì)
Type - 打字 (dǎzì)
U- Verbs in Chinese
Unbuckle - 解开 (Jiěkāi) Uncork - 开瓶 (Kāi píng) Uncover - 揭开 (Jiēkāi) Underestimate - 低估 (Dīgū) Undergo - 经历 (Jīnglì) Underline - 强调 (Qiángdiào) Understand - 理解 (Lǐjiě) Undress - 脱衣服 (Tuōyīfú) Unfollow - 取关 (Qǔguān) Uninstall - 卸载 (Xièzǎi) Unite - 团结 (Tuánjié) Unleash - 发动 (Fādòng) Unlock - 解锁 (Jiěsuǒ) Unplug - 拔掉 (Bádiào) Unsubscribe - 退订 (Tuìdìng) Unwind (relax) - 放松 (Fàngsōng) Update - 更新 (Gēngxīn) Upgrade - 升级 (Shēngjí) Use - 使用 (Shǐyòng) Utilize - 利用 (Lìyòng)
The difference between Taiwanese Hokkien and Mandarin Chinese
Taiwanese Hokkien vs Taiwanese Mandarin.
Please reblog, I'm curious

Divination/moodboard for Lady Xuannü 🐰🪷
#resources - websites/tools/etc for art specifically
#save - websites/tools/etc for other general life stuff
#🎨 - paintings and fully rendered art
#art - other art (sketches, comics, wips, not fully colored/rendered)
#advice - advice for general life
#art tips - advice and tips for drawing itself
#cooking - recipes, kitchen tips, etc
#insp - more art I like
#✏️ - cool writing tidbits
#reminder - nice reminders for life :)
#animation - includes both cool animations and animation tips/refs
#mandarin - tips to help me study mandarin
The 然's
突然,虽然,忽然. and the other 然's can often get mixed up, so here's a quick explanation of some of the most common ones!
突然 (Túrán): This means suddenly or unexpectedly
居然 (Jūrán): This kind of means suddenly, but more in the sense of "surprisingly" or to suggest disbelief at something that happened.
忽然 (Hūrán): This also means suddenly or unexpectedly, but it has a more stronger connotation.
既然 (Jìrán): This is a conjunction meaning "since" or "now that"
既然the weather is great, let's go out!
既然 you aren't busy, let's go watch a movie.
不然 (Bùrán): This means "otherwise" or "or else";
You should study, 不然 you won't do well on the exam.
虽然 (Suīrán): This means although or even though.
虽然 I'm not good at singing, I still like to go to the karaoke.
当然 (Dāngrán): 当然 means certainly or definitely and can be used as a reply:
Can you help me with A? 当然!
自然 (Zìrán): This can mean nature or naturally.
China's 自然 is very beautiful.
She speaks Chinese 得很自然.
仍然 (Réngrán): This can mean "still" or "yet".
I仍然 haven't read that book.
依然 (Yīrán): Similar to 仍然, this also means still" or "yet" but it's usually used in more formal and literary works, whereas 仍然 is more often used in spoken language.
果然 (Guǒrán): 果然 can be used to mean "indeed" or "as expected"
This movie is 果然 interesting.
竟然 (Jìngrán): This is an adverb used to suggest surprise or something unexpected.
He竟然forgot her birthday.
显然 (Xiǎnrán): This means "clearly" or "obviously".
This soup 显然 hot.
偶然 (Ǒurán): This means "accidentally" or "by chance".
We 偶然 met at the same cafe.
How many other 然's do you know about? Drop a comment!