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O- Verbs in Chinese

Here are some of the most commonly used O-verbs in Chinese!

Obey - 服从 (Fúcóng)

Object - 反对 (Fǎnduì)

Observe - 观察 (Guānchá)

Obtain - 获得 (Huòdé)

Occur - 发生 (Fāshēng)

Offer - 提供 (Tígōng)

Open - 打开 (Dǎkāi)

Optimize - 优化 (Yōuhuà)

Order - 命令 (Mìnglìng)

Order (at a restaurant) 点 (Diǎn)

Organize - 组织 (Zǔzhī)

Originate - 起源 (Qǐyuán)

Overcome - 克服 (Kèfú)

Overflow - 溢出 (Yìchū)

Overhaul - 检修 (Jiǎnxiū)

Overheat - 过热 (Guòrè)

Overlook - 忽视 (Hūshì)

Oversee - 监督 (Jiāndū)

Overthrow - 推翻 (Tuīfān)

Owe - 欠 (Qiàn)

Own - 拥有 (Yōngyǒu)

Outline - 概述 (Gàishù)

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Class shenanigans #6

Or in other words how I could have failed my speaking exam.

My speaking teacher decided to create a separate groupchat for our speaking class so that the material wouldn't get all mixed up, and she sent me a request to add her on wechat, so that she could add me to the groupchat. I added her back, but she didn't add me to the chat so I thought she'd add me later and forgot about this matter.

But as it turns out she didn't, and now less than a week away from the exam I started worrying because most of the information such as the exam time, content etc. was being shared exclusively in the chat so after class I asked her about this issue.

Turns out she thought I didn't add her back (I did) because she didn't recognize my username (my actual non-chinese name), and my profile picture, which was of this cheeky smirking cat 😭

It ended up being resolved, with me joining the groupchat but it's just a tad hysterical that all this was because of my profile picture.

Moral of the story: If you don't use your actual picture and insist on having smirking cats as your profile pics, use a name that everyone else can recognize.

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Yangs (扬) vs Changs (场) vs Tangs (汤)

These can get confusing, so here are some of the most common words that use this radical 昜 explained.

场 (chǎng)

A measure word for sports or leisure activities e.g. 一场足球比赛

A large place such as an open space, a field or a venue e.g. 会场 (a conference hall)

畅 (chàng)

An adjective meaning smooth or at ease or free from worry

A surname

玚 (cháng)

An old word (rarely used nowadays) meaning jade used in sacrificial ceremonies.

肠 (cháng)

Intestines or sausages

汤 (tāng)


Hot or boiling water

A surname

杨 (yáng)

A willow but it's more close to it's scientific name poplar in meaning

A surname

扬 (yáng)

To raise something e.g. 扬手

To toss or throw something up

A surname

炀 (yáng)

A literary term for smelting or melting something

旸 (yáng)

Sunshine or a rising sun

飏 (yáng)

To soar, fly or float

疡 (yáng)

A medical term for sores or an ulcer

钖 (yáng)

An ornament on a horse's head stall (oddly specific)

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Update: I will be taking the HSK4 exam in September at my home university, as I can do HSK and HSKK separately or not do the HSKK at all, which is not an option at my exchange uni here.

Considering my past attempt, I think leaving the HSKK part alone for the foreseeable future is for the best, as my nervous system is unlikely to withstand another computer on-campus speaking exam.

Pondering whether or not to re-take the HSK4 exam (without the speaking this time) since I failed to meet the passing mark by around 10 points last time and I refuse to believe that the past few months of studying wouldn't be able to give me that boost.

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The totally normal feeling of buying an iced tea on a humid dizzy day from my chinese university's family mart whilst they have an old 2010s BigBang song (blue i think?) blaring in the background, instantly transporting me 9 years back to warm summer evenings listening to exactly the same music drinking a similar tea.

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P-Verbs in Chinese

Most commonly used verbs starting with P in Chinese!

Participate - 参加 - cānjiā

Perform - 表演 - biǎoyǎn

Persuade - 劝说 - quànshuō

Plan - 计划 - jìhuà

Play - 玩 - wán

Point out - 指出 - zhǐchū

Prepare - 准备 - zhǔnbèi

Present - 展示 - zhǎnshì

Prevent - 防止 - fángzhǐ

Produce - 生产 - shēngchǎn

Promise - 承诺 - chéngnuò

Protect - 保护 - bǎohù

Provide - 提供 - tígōng

Publish - 发布 - fābù

Pull - 拉 - lā

Push - 推 - tuī

Put down - 放下 - fàngxià

Pay - 付款 - fùkuǎn

Practice - 练习 - liànxí

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The 青 characters

Here's another post explaining the difference between characters with similar radicals, so here's a quick guide to 青!

请 (qǐng) 1. To ask, request 2. To treat (someone to a meal etc.)

清 (qīng) 1. To clean,clear

青 (qīng) 1. Green/blue color 2. An abbreviation for young people 年青人

情 (qíng) 1. A feeling, emotion

晴 (qíng) 1. Fine, clear e.g. Clear weather

静 (jìng) 1. Quiet, peacegul

睛 (jīng) 1. Eye, eyeball

猜 (cāi) 1. To guess, suspect, speculate

精 (jīng) 1. Energy, spirit, essence

靖 (jìng) 1. This also means quiet, peaceful but it's a more older form. 2. A surname

腈 (jīng) 1. Nitrile, acrylic

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The 佥 Characters

A quick guide to the different characters using 佥!

脸 (liǎn) 1. Face 2. The front part of something e.g. a shop 3. Self-respect

险 (xiǎn) 1. Insurance e.g. Health insurance, car insurance 2. A place difficult to access

验 (yàn) 1. To check, test or inspect something e.g. a blood test, to check a passport

剑 (jiàn) 1. A sword, dagger or sabre

检 (jiǎn) 1. To check, inspect or examine something

签 (qiān) 1. To sign something e.g. a contract, a document

捡 (jiǎn) 1. To gather or collect something

俭 (jiǎn) 1. This is an adjective meaning frugal

睑 (jiǎn) 1. An eyelid: Upper eyelid - 上睑 Lower eyelid - 下睑

佥 (qiān) 1. This character isn't really used that often, but in classical Chinese it's used to mean together

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Q-Verbs in Chinese

Most common q-verbs (not that many!) in Chinese!

Quantify - 量化 - liànghuà

Quarrel - 吵架 - chǎojià

Quash - 镇压 - zhènyā

Quench (thirst) - 解渴 - jiěkě

Question - 提问 - tíwèn

Quilt - 绗 - háng

Quit - 放弃 - fàngqì

A job - 辞去 - Cíqù

School - 退学 - Tuìxué

Quote - 引用 - yǐnyòng

Quell - 平息 - píngxī

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R-Verbs in Chinese

Most commonly used verbs starting with R in Chinese!

Race - 竞赛 - jìngsài

Rage - 发怒 - fānù

Rain - 下雨 - xiàyǔ

Raise - 提高 - tígāo

Rank - 排名 - páimíng

Reach - 到达 - dàodá

Read - 读 - dú

Realize - 实现 - shíxiàn

Rebuild - 重建 - chóngjiàn

Recall - 回忆 - huíyì

Receive - 接受 - jiēshòu

Recognize - 认识 - rènshi

Recommend - 推荐 - tuījiàn

Recycle - 回收 - huíshōu

Redeem - 赎回 - shúhuí

Reduce - 减少 - jiǎnshǎo

Refer - 参考 - cānkǎo

Reflect - 反映 - fǎnyìng

Refuse - 拒绝 - jùjué

Regret - 后悔 - hòuhuǐ

Regulate - 调节 - tiáojié

Reinforce - 加强 - jiāqiáng

Rejoice - 庆幸 - qìngxìng

Relax - 放松 - fàngsōng

Rely - 依靠 - yīkào

Remember - 记得 - jìde

Remind - 提醒 - tíxǐng

Repair - 修理 - xiūlǐ

Repeat - 重复 - chóngfù

Replace - 替换 - tìhuàn

Reply - 回复 - huífù

Report - 报告 - bàogào

Request - 请求 - qǐngqiú

Require - 需要 - xūyào

Retire - 退休 - tuìxiū


Learning material (revise) - 复习 - fùxí

A book - 评介 - píngjiè

Ride - 骑 - qí

Ring - 响 - xiǎng

Rise - 上升 - shàngshēng

Rotate - 旋转 - xuánzhuǎn

Ruin - 毁 - huǐ

Rule - 统治 - tǒngzhì

Run - 跑 - pǎo

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S-Verbs in Chinese

(Reposting this again because something went really wrong with the editing, my apologies)

Most common Verbs in Chinese starting with S!

Satisfy - 满足 - mǎnzú

Save - 保存- bǎocún

Say - 说 - shuō

See -见 - jiàn

Seek - 寻找 - xúnzhǎo

Sell ​​- 卖 - mài

Send - 发送 - fāsòng

Serve - 服务 - fúwù

Settle - 解决 - jiějué

Scan - 扫描 - sǎomiáo

Scrape -刮 - guā

Shake - 摇 - yáo

Share - 分享 - fēnxiǎng

Shoot (a weapon) - 开枪 - kāi qiāng

Show (a performance) - 表现 - biǎoxiàn

Shrink - 缩小 - suōxiǎo

Shut (a window, door) - 关闭 - guānbì

Sing - 唱 - chàng

Sit - 坐 - zuò

Sleep - 睡觉 - shuìjiào

Slide - 滑 - huá

Stand up - 站起来 - zhàn qǐlái

Start - 开始 - kāishǐ

Stay - 留 - liu

Steal - 偷- tōu

Stick - 贴 - tiē

Stop - 停止 - tíngzhǐ

Stretch - 伸展 - shēnzhǎn

Strike - 打击 - dǎjí

Study - 学习 - xuéxí

Succeed - 成功 - chénggōng

Suffer - 受苦 - shòukǔ

Suggest - 建议 - jiànyì

Supply - 提供 - tígōng

Support - 支持 - zhīchí

Suppose - 假设 - jiǎshè

Survive - 生存 - sūngcún

Swear (to pledge) - 发誓 - fāshì

Sweat - 出汗 - chūhàn

Sweep -打扫 - dǎsǎo

Swim - 游泳 - yóuyǒng

Symbolize - 标志 - biāozhì

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The 母 Character

Another character breakdown, and this time it's 母!

母 (mǔ)

Mother 母亲

Used for some female relative e.g. 祖母 (paternal grandma)

Used to specify female animals e.g. 母牛,母象,母马

每 (měi)

Every, each e.g. 每天 everyday

海 (hǎi)

A big lake or sea 大海

Many people, a large crowd 人海

毒 (dú)

A toxin or a poison or a venom

An adjective, poisonous/venomous e.g. 毒蛇 (a venomous snake)

A cruel person

A verb, to poison something/one

梅 (méi)

A plum. Apparently 李子 (also plum) is used more often in northern China, and 梅子 in the south.

Plum flower or a plum blossom, the national flower of China (fun fact!) 梅花 (méihuā)

敏 (mǐn)

Quick, agile

Quick-witted, smart

悔 (huǐ)

To regret, feel remorse

霉 (méi)

Mould, mildew

An adjective - mouldy

A verb - to go mouldy/bad

莓 (méi)

A berry e.g. 草莓 (cǎoméi) a strawberry

酶 (méi)

An enzyme

珻 (méi)

Fine jade

痗 (mèi)

A literary Chinese verb meaning to get ill from anxiety or worrying

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T - Verbs in Chinese

Tackle (an issue) - 处理 (chǔlǐ)

Take - 拿 (ná)

Talk - 说 (shuō)

Target - 瞄准 (miáozhǔn)

Teach - 教 (jiāo)

Tell - 告诉 (gàosù)

Terminate - 终止 (zhōngzhǐ)

Testify - 作证 (zuòzhèng)

Thank - 感谢 (gǎnxiè)

Think - 想 (xiǎng)

Threaten - 威胁 (wēixié)

Throw - 扔 (rēng)

Tie - 系 (jì)

Tighten - 紧 (jǐn)

Tolerate - 容忍 (róngrěn)

Touch - 触摸 (chùmō)

Train - 训练 (xùnliàn)

Transfer - 转移 (zhuǎnyí)

Transform - 转变 (zhuǎnbiàn)

Translate - 翻译 (fānyì)

Transmit - 传送 (chuánsòng)

Travel - 旅行 (lǚxíng)

Tremble - 颤抖 (chàndǒu)

Trigger - 触发 (chùfā)

Trust - 信任 (xìnrèn)

Try - 尝试 (chángshì)

Type - 打字 (dǎzì)

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U- Verbs in Chinese

Unbuckle - 解开 (Jiěkāi) Uncork - 开瓶 (Kāi píng) Uncover - 揭开 (Jiēkāi) Underestimate - 低估 (Dīgū) Undergo - 经历 (Jīnglì) Underline - 强调 (Qiángdiào) Understand - 理解 (Lǐjiě) Undress - 脱衣服 (Tuōyīfú) Unfollow - 取关 (Qǔguān) Uninstall - 卸载 (Xièzǎi) Unite - 团结 (Tuánjié) Unleash - 发动 (Fādòng) Unlock - 解锁 (Jiěsuǒ) Unplug - 拔掉 (Bádiào) Unsubscribe - 退订 (Tuìdìng) Unwind (relax) - 放松 (Fàngsōng) Update - 更新 (Gēngxīn) Upgrade - 升级 (Shēngjí) Use - 使用 (Shǐyòng) Utilize - 利用 (Lìyòng)

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9 months ago

The difference between Taiwanese Hokkien and Mandarin Chinese
The difference between Taiwanese Hokkien vs Mandarin Chinese.

Taiwanese Hokkien vs Taiwanese Mandarin. 

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1 year ago
Dress & Details | C.1890s | Britishor French
Dress & Details | C.1890s | Britishor French
Dress & Details | C.1890s | Britishor French
Dress & Details | C.1890s | Britishor French
Dress & Details | C.1890s | Britishor French
Dress & Details | C.1890s | Britishor French

Dress & Details | c.1890s | British or French

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2 years ago

#resources - websites/tools/etc for art specifically

#save - websites/tools/etc for other general life stuff

#🎨 - paintings and fully rendered art

#art - other art (sketches, comics, wips, not fully colored/rendered)

#advice - advice for general life

#art tips - advice and tips for drawing itself

#cooking - recipes, kitchen tips, etc

#insp - more art I like

#✏️ - cool writing tidbits

#reminder - nice reminders for life :)

#animation - includes both cool animations and animation tips/refs

#mandarin - tips to help me study mandarin

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5 months ago

The 然's

突然,虽然,忽然. and the other 然's can often get mixed up, so here's a quick explanation of some of the most common ones!

突然 (Túrán): This means suddenly or unexpectedly

居然 (Jūrán): This kind of means suddenly, but more in the sense of "surprisingly" or to suggest disbelief at something that happened.

忽然 (Hūrán): This also means suddenly or unexpectedly, but it has a more stronger connotation.

既然 (Jìrán): This is a conjunction meaning "since" or "now that"

既然the weather is great, let's go out!

既然 you aren't busy, let's go watch a movie.

不然 (Bùrán): This means "otherwise" or "or else";

You should study, 不然 you won't do well on the exam.

虽然 (Suīrán): This means although or even though.

虽然 I'm not good at singing, I still like to go to the karaoke.

当然 (Dāngrán): 当然 means certainly or definitely and can be used as a reply:

Can you help me with A? 当然!

自然 (Zìrán): This can mean nature or naturally.

China's 自然 is very beautiful.

She speaks Chinese 得很自然.

仍然 (Réngrán): This can mean "still" or "yet".

I仍然 haven't read that book.

依然 (Yīrán): Similar to 仍然, this also means still" or "yet" but it's usually used in more formal and literary works, whereas 仍然 is more often used in spoken language.

果然 (Guǒrán): 果然 can be used to mean "indeed" or "as expected"

This movie is 果然 interesting.

竟然 (Jìngrán): This is an adverb used to suggest surprise or something unexpected.

He竟然forgot her birthday.

显然 (Xiǎnrán): This means "clearly" or "obviously".

This soup 显然 hot.

偶然 (Ǒurán): This means "accidentally" or "by chance".

We 偶然 met at the same cafe.

How many other 然's do you know about? Drop a comment!

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