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All the gridded moths/butterflies in one place and labeled in image. If you use them for anything please give design credit (and also @ me because I would like to see). Intended for personal use only. I was putting which flags each insect was in the tags previously. Here they all are in the image and down here in the text for clarity. First image: Bisexual, Pansexual, Trans Asexual, Nonbinary, Androgyne Lesbian, Intersex, Neutrois Agender, Genderfluid, Gay (mlm) Second image: Demiboy, Gendervoid, Pangender Deminonbinary, Demifluid, Cassgender Demigirl, Achillean Diamoric, Sapphic Third image: Aromantic, Polyamorous, Omnisexual Genderqueer, Demisexual, Demiromantic Polysexual, Aroace, Maverique Bigender, Abrosexual, Xenogender Fourth Image: Basic Rainbow Pride Progress Pride Intersex Progress Pride

Part2 scenes for Season 2 I'm nervously excited for!
I cannot express how much this scene means to me.

Can we just appreciate how wise, thoughtful, caring and feeling the Heartstopper characters are?
The deepest conversation I had with my friends at their age, was which was the best Powerpuff Girl.
A pan-cake! (Sorry for the cringy pun!)

🎂 💖💛💙
Story Idea
Setting- Some far off fantasy realm idk
Characters- A genderfluid witch, a pansexual princess, an aro noble woman, and a bisexual thief
Plot- Aro noble woman is being forced to marry someone, she goes to witch for a way out. On her way she meets the princess who’s on her way to see the witch for a date. When they get there they see the thief who is looking for a spell to give him immediate wealth-it’s the only way to court the cartographer’s son. The thief steals something of value from the princess, so the witch turns him into their familiar(lesson learned- don’t steal from the witch’s girlfriend). The witch and the princess decide to help the noble woman. Together they go on a quest to meet a scholar so that they can give the noble woman a way out of the marriage.
guys I picrewed them

Gender-fluid witchÂ

Aro noble woman

Pan Princess

Bi thief (with his familiar ears)

+ the cartographer’s son (he’s not a main character but whatever)
Story Idea
Setting- Some far off fantasy realm idk
Characters- A genderfluid witch, a pansexual princess, an aro noble woman, and a bisexual thief
Plot- Aro noble woman is being forced to marry someone, she goes to witch for a way out. On her way she meets the princess who’s on her way to see the witch for a date. When they get there they see the thief who is looking for a spell to give him immediate wealth-it’s the only way to court the cartographer’s son. The thief steals something of value from the princess, so the witch turns him into their familiar(lesson learned- don’t steal from the witch’s girlfriend). The witch and the princess decide to help the noble woman. Together they go on a quest to meet a scholar so that they can give the noble woman a way out of the marriage.
So sweet! <3

VIDEO: Lesbian Proposes Dressed As Blaine Warbler, Glee-ful Musical Number and Adorableness Ensue
The idea of a Katy Perry song and the show Glee being involved in a wedding proposal seems a bit…
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