Life Is Strange Imagine - Tumblr Posts
[14:45] you stare as nathan prescott walks down the corridor with his head up high ignoring the occasional glare at him, you know it’s wrong when you feel an ache in your chest the second you look at his eyes.
they’re full of anger, pain and loneliness yet so dull looking, his pretty blue turned to a empty blue. the secret you harboured hurt to not spill but you couldn’t hurt him more... but it wasn’t right that you still let mark jefferson manipulate him.
“I’m sorry nathan... please hold on I’ll look for a way to help you please just wait for me, you’ll be okay” you whispered turning down the corridor passing him as the words escape you, it seemed like he heard you with how he froze before relaxing as his mood got better yet you didn’t notice
you’ll save him one way or another
[18:21] “warren, come on slowpoke!” you had called out the the science nerd as laughed but it stops as his gaze turns to a certain someone.
max cauldfield, the only one in his eyes, he would rant to you about her not seeing the hurt in your expression or the glassy eyes you displayed.
“hey do you uh-“ he rubbed the back of his neck making you sigh and inwardly sighing. “just go warren... just go” his eyes brighten up before heading to her as you scoffed, glaring at her with anger.
why couldn’t he look at you like that?! you stormed off not wanting to be near them anymore
[14:55] you silently cry as you wriggle around hoping that it’ll loosen the rope somehow yet it didn’t seem like it would, why you? yes, you knew something was wrong with mr jeffersson but not this!
mark jefferson is a crazy man who is manipulating and taking advantage of nathan prescott also where is max? she was with you but had she left you?... no that’s not fair! where is sh-
you watch as nathan is dragged out for shooting someone along with mark jefferson, wait.. why are you angry? “all you do is lie no wonder you were caught... karma’s a bitch”
you unconsciously rub your wrists for a few seconds before looking down with confusion, why did they seem sore? it wasn’t adding up... in the end you end up going through your day for a few hours before passing out randomly.
tied up, kidnapped, the dark room.....when did this happen? you remember thinking of max before forgetting so you storm up to her near the dorms. “max caulfield, I need to talk to you right now”
you dragged her off and found out she went back in time to save everyone even if it ment losing her best friend, she even told you about nathan’s voice message. you made up your mind.
you’re going to be there with max and help nathan prescott.
- The Last Of Us part 1 & part 2
- Stranger Things
~ Mike, Eleven, Will, Joyce, Jim , Dustin , Lucas , Max , Erica, Billy , Murray , Argyle , Jonathan , Nancy , Henry , Steve, Robin , Eddie , Jason.
- The Walking Dead ( both game and show )
- Life Is Strange
- Detroit Become Human
- Uncharted
- Resident Evil 7 & Village
- Emma ( 2020 version )
I have 4 requests to write and also I have some ideas waiting to be written. To those who send me requests, I just want you to be patient, don’t worry. I do my best for you and thank you all for supporting me :)