Sxf Anime - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

The official SxF social media continues to treat us with more clips from the CODE: White movie! This time we got one of the coolest ones so far - part of Yor's fight against Type F!

At the beginning of the clip, Yor asks who he is. When he attacks, she asks him to please stop any further attacks. After he pushes her away, he says "Is that all you've got...intruder?"

Also, for those who haven't yet heard the news, Crunchyroll recently announced a bunch of international release dates for the movie. Even though it's still over two months away, I'm really excited to finally be able to see it for myself on April 19th when it comes to the US 😀 Of course, having already read the novelization, I know everything that happens, but that doesn't hinder my hype at all!

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1 year ago

Spy x Family Animation Art Book scans - part 2

Today I'm back with a few more scans from the Animation Art Book! If you haven't seen the first page of scans I made from this book, click here. Since many of the character design pages in this book are similar to the ones from the cour 1 season 1 artbook, I'm mostly going to skip these, so be sure to check out the previous scans here and here if you haven't already!

While the main feature of the book is character and setting designs, it also contains a lot of miscellaneous, "niche" images that only briefly show in the anime but are interesting if you stop and look at them. One of my favorites is of course Loid and Yor's (fake) marriage certificate and the doctored up photos in their living room. Obviously WISE/Twilight must have some advanced photo editing technology since Photoshop shouldn't exist when the series takes place 😅

Spy X Family Animation Art Book Scans - Part 2

Next is some examples of Anya's handwriting and schoolwork, as well as the cipher she and Yor make in mission 20. It's a bit hard to make out, but it looks like she spelled her name "Ania" in the mission 4 example but maybe started spelling it the right way in the mission 24 example? As for those notes at the top from mission that Bond in the lower right corner? 😂 I can just about make out the first question on the mission 4 paper - it says "Solve if you can understand the clock." The rest says something like "When * will * two hours * effect the current time?" And it looks like her answer is..."Time"? 😅

Spy X Family Animation Art Book Scans - Part 2

In contrast, here's some examples of Damian's tests that Daybreak tampered with in mission 18. I'm not gonna bother to check if his math is correct...I'm assuming all or most of it is! I also couldn't help but notice his answer on the cake question, "How many cakes are left?" - instead of just putting "4" he writers out, "There are 4 left." What an overachiever 🤣

Spy X Family Animation Art Book Scans - Part 2

Here's a few more scribbles from Anya's notebook, but more interestingly, the Eden schedule of classes. I wonder what the class "Theme" is. And they have to share a poem every morning? I'm surprised we haven't seen one of Anya's poems yet!

Spy X Family Animation Art Book Scans - Part 2

And lastly, I wanted to share two character pages for Bond and Fiona since they're didn't feature in the previous book.

Spy X Family Animation Art Book Scans - Part 2
Spy X Family Animation Art Book Scans - Part 2

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11 months ago

Despite there being no new SxF anime planned as of now, new collabs are still popping up, along with lovely new illustrations ❤️

Despite There Being No New SxF Anime Planned As Of Now, New Collabs Are Still Popping Up, Along With
Despite There Being No New SxF Anime Planned As Of Now, New Collabs Are Still Popping Up, Along With
Despite There Being No New SxF Anime Planned As Of Now, New Collabs Are Still Popping Up, Along With
Despite There Being No New SxF Anime Planned As Of Now, New Collabs Are Still Popping Up, Along With
Despite There Being No New SxF Anime Planned As Of Now, New Collabs Are Still Popping Up, Along With
Despite There Being No New SxF Anime Planned As Of Now, New Collabs Are Still Popping Up, Along With
Despite There Being No New SxF Anime Planned As Of Now, New Collabs Are Still Popping Up, Along With
Despite There Being No New SxF Anime Planned As Of Now, New Collabs Are Still Popping Up, Along With

Since a new artbook hasn't been announced yet, I don't know if I'll ever be able to make HD scans of these images, so wanted to share them anyway!

There's still a bunch of new posts I plan to work on, just haven't had time the past few weekends (which is mainly the only time I have to work on more time-consuming posts). But they will be ready soon enough, so stay tuned~

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9 months ago

Hello! Looking for some help on a difference between the manga and anime in an earlier arc. In ch. 12 of the manga, Loid tells Yuri, "whether I had to take a bullet or a nuke, I'm prepared to give my life for her [Yor]." However in the anime it seems to be a little more dramatic, as Loid says something like "spears or meteors falling from the sky." I was just wondering if these translations were intentionally different or if the original Japanese in the manga and anime were more similar. (Writing a fic right now where this quote matters, haha) Thank you!

This is an interesting case of something getting altered in translation and altered in the anime adaptation. In the original Japanese version of the manga, he says "whether spears (槍/yari) or a nuclear bomb (核爆弾/kakubakudan) fall from the sky, I will protect her with my life."

Hello! Looking For Some Help On A Difference Between The Manga And Anime In An Earlier Arc. In Ch. 12

In the official English translation, he says "knives, bullets, or a nuclear bomb." Not sure why they changed "spears" to "knives and bullets."

Hello! Looking For Some Help On A Difference Between The Manga And Anime In An Earlier Arc. In Ch. 12

In the anime however, they kept everything the same as the original version of the manga, but changed "nuclear bomb" to "meteors."

Hello! Looking For Some Help On A Difference Between The Manga And Anime In An Earlier Arc. In Ch. 12

I can't find a screenshot with subtitles in Japanese, but if you watch the scene, you can hear him say "meteor" (隕石/inseki) instead. I can understand why they made that change, considering the sensitive subject matter of nuclear bombs, especially in Japan. You can get away with more potentially touchy things like that in manga, but not so much on TV with sponsors and a wider audience overall.

So yeah, if you want to base your fic on the translation that's most faithful to what Endo intended, it would be "spears and a nuclear bomb."

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9 months ago

2024 Updates:

Wanted to reblog this because I made some big updates to the guide:

I added Code White to the story list. There are many places in the chronology where it could fit in as long as it's after the doggy crisis arc and not in the middle of another major arc. After thinking it over, I decided it fit best before the tennis arc (I placed it right before the "bring your child to work" chapter). My reasoning is that it makes more sense for Yor to have the doubts she displays in the movie before her talk with Loid on the park bench. There's also no indication in the movie that Fiona had ever visited the Forgers before, nor any indication during Fiona's first appearance that her interactions with Twilight during the movie couldn't have taken place prior. Though it is kind of clear that the movie wants its viewers to already know who Fiona is. So again, there's evidence for and against the movie taking place before Fiona's first visit. This is just my personal interpretation looking at it from a narrative perspective.

I added the 4.5 stories from the Family Portrait novel to the list (now that I finally read it). A couple of the stories indicate where they would fit in the chronology, for example, the Eden nature class story would take place after the Stella Lake trip, and the family painting story would take place after Loid and Yor's bar date. To make it simple, I placed all the novel stories a bit before the cruise arc (since that's also around when the novel was released in Japan). But like Code White, there are many places they could fit in.

I added the bonus/omake chapters from the manga volumes, WITH the exception of ones that break the 4th wall (as of now I think that's only the one from volume 10). The majority of them can fit into many places in the timeline, though in recent volumes it seems like Endo is tying them more to the plot, as both the volume 12 and volume 13 bonus chapters are linked to specific chapters in the main story.

I added the Operation Memories video game. Being a video game, its placement in the chronology is very debatable as long as it's some time after Bond and Fiona's introductions. The game does mention a few things from the main canon, but nothing beyond season 1 of the anime from what I recall. It does seem to create its own versions of specific canon events, for example, Anya trying to sneak into Loid and Yor's rooms. But I see these more as Anya's memories she's putting into the diary and not the game copying these scenes from the actual canon.

Spy x Family Story Guide

Spy X Family Story Guide

Today I completed work on my first SxF fan project! I created a guide in Google Sheets that lists every chapter/episode in chronological order, along with other information like volume number, release dates, etc.

I know all this information can be found on the fan wiki, but my goal was to make a condensed and easily accessible series guide that doesn't require clicking through lots of pages on a web site. Hopefully someone else besides me finds such a thing useful 😅 It wasn't as easy to put together as it seems when you consider the fact that the short/extra missions are sometimes released out of chronological order, plus the fact that the anime chronology is occasionally different from the manga. But I did the best I could so I hope you enjoy! Of course I'll be keeping the guide updated as more chapters and episodes are released.

**Click HERE to view the guide in Google Sheets**

Just a few things to note:

-The guide is best viewed on a desktop, laptop, or tablet (it can work on a mobile phone but the scrolling can get a bit wonky)

-There are two tabs on the Google Sheet, the main tab that has the guide, and an information tab. Make sure to check the information tab for explanations about each column

-If you find a typo or other error somewhere, please let me know! 😃

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8 months ago

Spy x Family season 3 announced!

Season 3 was just announced at the Anime Extra Mission event that's currently going on today in Japan!

Spy X Family Season 3 Announced!

No release date yet but it's in production, so we should get more info soon!

The above image has so many hints about the chapters the new season will adapt 😃 I won't discuss what each one is here for those who aren't caught up with the manga and don't want to be spoiled (plus it's almost my bedtime now, lol). But I'm sure other people will get on it!

I'll just end this post by saying...HYPE!!!

(source here)

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8 months ago

SxF displays at Anime Expo! So excited to see the "season 3 coming soon" on this one 👀

SxF Displays At Anime Expo! So Excited To See The "season 3 Coming Soon" On This One

Also loved these displays at the MangaPlus booth!

SxF Displays At Anime Expo! So Excited To See The "season 3 Coming Soon" On This One
SxF Displays At Anime Expo! So Excited To See The "season 3 Coming Soon" On This One
SxF Displays At Anime Expo! So Excited To See The "season 3 Coming Soon" On This One
SxF Displays At Anime Expo! So Excited To See The "season 3 Coming Soon" On This One

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7 months ago

There were two panels related to Spy x Family at Anime Expo this year, with the first on Day 1 being Toho Animation's panel featuring both Spy x Family and Kaiju No.8.

There Were Two Panels Related To Spy X Family At Anime Expo This Year, With The First On Day 1 Being

The panel started with the SxF portion, with the special guests being the series director, Kazuhiro Furuhashi, and the CODE: White director, Takashi Katagiri. They also had the six SxF ThreeZero figures on the stage with them 😀

There Were Two Panels Related To Spy X Family At Anime Expo This Year, With The First On Day 1 Being

The MC asked them some questions, like what their favorite scenes were from their respective works and who their favorite character is. They also showed behind-the-scenes footage of both the Loid/Fiona tennis match in season 1, and Yor's fight scene against Type F in the movie. We got to see both of these scenes in rough animatic sketch form and then in line art form, which was pretty cool (it wasn't clear if photo/video was prohibited at this panel, but I didn't want to risk it by being caught blatantly recording these exclusive clips, lol). Then they showed off some of Anya's unused outfits from the movie.

There Were Two Panels Related To Spy X Family At Anime Expo This Year, With The First On Day 1 Being

At the end, they showed this original illustration by Kyoji Asano, made specifically for this event 😁

There Were Two Panels Related To Spy X Family At Anime Expo This Year, With The First On Day 1 Being

And that was it for the SxF part of the panel before they moved on to Kaiju No.8...and to be honest, it kinda overshadowed the SxF part, mostly because it featured two of the main Kaiju No.8 voice actors, one of which was extremely hilarious and charismatic. Plus there were a lot more segments compared to the SxF part. The interview with the guests seemed longer, they did three live voice overs, showed a pre-recorded special message from the band that performs the Kaiju No.8 opening, and then they took a group photo with the audience (and maybe something else that I'm forgetting). It seemed like the SxF part took up about 35% of the panel's time while Kaiju No.8 took up 65%. Not sure why it felt so unbalanced, but it was still fun.

Next was the panel on Day 3 for Production IG and their related studios WIT and Signal MD. Heads of each studio were there, including George Wada from WIT. Photo/video wasn't allowed once the panel started, but it basically consisted of an interview with the different guests, then trailers/teasers for their upcoming projects, then a Q&A session.

There Were Two Panels Related To Spy X Family At Anime Expo This Year, With The First On Day 1 Being

WIT is the studio that makes SxF, so I was hoping for any news about season 3, specifically if WIT would be more involved with it than they were with season 2. For those who don't know, season 1 of SxF was made by both WIT Studio and Cloverworks. But when they decided to make both season 2 and the movie in 2023, they split up the work, with WIT focusing on the movie while Cloverworks did pretty much all the work on season 2 (which is why the animation in season 1 and season 2 looks a bit different). According to this tweet, the official staff listing for season 3 is the same as season 2, meaning WIT will once again have little involvement. But despite this, they had a slide during the presentation with the season 3 promo image (preceded by the CODE: White teaser trailer, which made the crowd go wild - glad there were lots of SxF fans in the audience!) George Wada also said in regards to season 3 that they're "working hard on it."

I wanted to confirm during the Q&A if WIT would again take a backseat during season 3's production as well, but unfortunately the panel only had a few minutes left when it was close to my turn, and then they opted to pick a few random people in line for their last questions (which I thought was kind of unfair). Guess we'll just have to wait and see if anything changes with that staff listing once we get closer to season 3's release.

Overall, while Takuya Eguchi's appearance at last year's AX was more fun, it was still cool to attend this year's SxF-related panels as well. Hopefully season 3 will either be airing or close to being released at next year's AX, so we'll have even more SxF events!

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7 months ago

Japanese Linguistic Observations in Spy x Family - part 5

Part 5 - Translating humor and wordplay

Translating jokes from one language to another can be difficult, especially when the humor revolves around wordplay that's only apparent in the original language. Luckily for a comedy series like SxF, most of the humor relies on concepts that are universal to all languages, but there are the occasional jokes that require creative translation in order to get the same effect in English. What I think is the most well-known example of this kind of joke in SxF is from chapter 26, where Yuri tells Anya that "knowledge is power" during their tutoring session.

Japanese Linguistic Observations In Spy X Family - Part 5

The Japanese phrase for this is 知は力 ("chi wa chikara"). Anya mishears this as ちわわぢから ("chiwawa jikara"), which means "chihuahua power," which is why we see the image of a muscular chihuahua in her thoughts. This results in Yuri calling her チワワ娘 ("chihuahua girl") from then on. Obviously this joke would be lost if translated directly, so Casey Loe, the official English translator for the SxF manga, got creative with making it work in English. He cleverly utilizes the English expression, "the whole enchilada," which sounds enough like "swole chihuahua" for Anya to believably mistake the two. This translation also makes it so that Yuri calling Anya "chihuahua girl" later on makes sense.

Japanese Linguistic Observations In Spy X Family - Part 5

But unfortunately, because a series can have different companies working on the localization of its anime versus its manga, inconsistencies between the two often come up. In this case, the anime team translated this joke completely differently, and less effectively in my opinion. You can see from the below screenshots that they had Yuri use the word "unleash," which then led to Anya associating a (muscular) dog without a leash as powerful (?) Again, this translation was a stretch in my opinion and not as good as the manga version. This also makes it so that translating Yuri's nickname for Anya as "chihuahua girl" won't make sense.

Japanese Linguistic Observations In Spy X Family - Part 5
Japanese Linguistic Observations In Spy X Family - Part 5
Japanese Linguistic Observations In Spy X Family - Part 5
Japanese Linguistic Observations In Spy X Family - Part 5

But what's interesting is that, many months and episodes later in season 2, they stayed consistent with that translation and had Yuri call Anya "stupid leash girl" in episode 28.

Japanese Linguistic Observations In Spy X Family - Part 5

Despite my dislike for this translation, I have to give them kudos for remembering it all that time later and not just directly translating it as "chihuahua girl." Though it makes me wonder if they'll stay consistent in season 3 where Yuri will be referring to Anya as "chihuahua girl" once again.

A further complication is that, not only do these kinds of inconsistencies exist between the anime and manga translations, but they also exist between the different streaming services that stream SxF with English subtitles throughout the world. I only have access to the subtitled version from Hulu, which is where my screenshots are from, and I think other streaming services in the US like Crunchyroll, Amazon, Netflix, etc, use the exact same subtitles. So when I refer to "the Hulu subtitles" throughout this post, I mean other major US streaming services too. However, I'm not totally sure if they all do share the same subtitle script, so if anyone who has these services could confirm, that would be great! However, @tare-anime informed me that Muse Asia's English subtitles for SxF are completely different! For example, they translated the above joke more closely to the original, by using the phrase "puppy power" and keeping Yuri's nickname for Anya as "chihuahua girl."

Japanese Linguistic Observations In Spy X Family - Part 5

There are further differences with Muse Asia's translation as well, for example, they directly translate Anya's names for Loid and Yor, "chichi" and "haha," as "Father" and "Mother" instead of "Papa" and "Mama."

Japanese Linguistic Observations In Spy X Family - Part 5

(thanks again to Tare for the Muse Asia screenshots!) This is different, not only compared to the Hulu subtitles, but also the official English manga as well, both of which have Anya consistently use "Papa" and "Mama."

Japanese Linguistic Observations In Spy X Family - Part 5
Japanese Linguistic Observations In Spy X Family - Part 5

Tare also let me know that Disney Plus in Asia, another service that streams SxF, has yet another version of the English subtitles! And these are only the subtitled versions for the US and Asia - if SxF is streamed with English subtitles in other countries, I wonder if those are different as well. That means there's at least 3-4 different English subtitle scripts for SxF, with different ways of translating certain things, like what I described above. This could make things confusing for someone without any knowledge of Japanese who reads the English version of the manga and watches the subtitled version of the anime on one or more streaming services...if they read the first few volumes of the manga with the "swole chihuahua" translation, then watch season 2 of the anime, they're gonna be confused about why Yuri calls Anya "stupid leash girl." There's other more minor inconsistencies too, like how the Hulu subtitles have Yor call Anya "Miss Anya" all the time, but the manga doesn't.

Japanese Linguistic Observations In Spy X Family - Part 5
Japanese Linguistic Observations In Spy X Family - Part 5

I'm sure there's some licensing reasons why there isn't one official English subtitle script that all the streaming services can use, and why they don't consult the manga translations, especially for the more difficult-to-translate parts. It seems like wasted effort for so many official English translations to exist for the same thing.

But anyway, back to the translations of jokes in SxF, another one that stood out to me occurred in chapter 23. During the scene where Loid is asking Anya about a name for Bond, he explains how dogs have trouble discerning the sounds of consonants. The phrase he uses for this is 子音の聞き分け("shiin no kiki wake"), which means "distinguishing consonants," with "shiin" meaning "consonant." However, there's another word "shiin" with the kanji 死因 that means "cause of death." This is what Yor thinks he means - 死因の聞き分け ("shiin no kiki wake"), which means "determining the cause of death." So in her thoughts, she imagines asking Bond if he prefers death by blood loss (失血死) or by being crushed (圧死), and when he shakes his head at both, she says "you're not good at these distinctions, are you?"

Japanese Linguistic Observations In Spy X Family - Part 5

This is a difficult joke to translate, so Casey got a bit loose by having Loid use the word "plosives" instead of "consonants," and then having Yor mishear it as "explosives." He then changed up Yor's dialogue by having her say that Bond prefers C-4 explosions over other methods of death.

Japanese Linguistic Observations In Spy X Family - Part 5

While I don't think the translation of this joke worked as well as the previous one (I feel like Yor wouldn't know about C-4 explosions?) I couldn't come up with anything better myself, lol. It just goes to show how translating things as closely to the original as possible isn't always the best choice…but oddly, that's what the Hulu subtitles did! For some reason they opted not to even attempt to rework this joke for English, and kept both Loid and Yor's dialogue as exact translations. This results in an exchange that makes no sense and will leave people wondering how Yor could mistake Loid's "can't tell consonants apart" as "can't tell causes of death apart."

Japanese Linguistic Observations In Spy X Family - Part 5
Japanese Linguistic Observations In Spy X Family - Part 5

However, there are some cases where the wordplay works similar enough in both Japanese and English that the joke can be translated without too much modification. An example of this is in chapter 59 where Becky asks Yor how she was able to "get" Loid…"pierce his heart" as she puts it. Yor thinks she means this literally, to which she replies that she wouldn't hurt Loid.

Japanese Linguistic Observations In Spy X Family - Part 5

The Japanese version is very similar, with Becky using the verb 射止める("itomeru") which means "to shoot down" (with an arrow). However, it has a figurative meaning too, which is "to win" as in "win someone's heart." Yor thinks Becky means the literal meaning of shooting down, so she says that she wouldn't shoot Loid and that she doesn't even use a bow and arrows.

Japanese Linguistic Observations In Spy X Family - Part 5

The Hulu subtitles translate it more or less directly, having Becky say "shoot an arrow through his heart" and keeping Yor's "I don't use a bow and arrows" that the manga omitted. Rare case where I think the anime translation worked better than the manga!

Japanese Linguistic Observations In Spy X Family - Part 5
Japanese Linguistic Observations In Spy X Family - Part 5
Japanese Linguistic Observations In Spy X Family - Part 5

In the case of this joke, the concept of "shooting someone's heart" to mean "winning someone's heart" is universal in both English and Japanese, so little reworking was needed. This also helped keep consistency with Yor's tendency to associate otherwise benign concepts with violence due to the nature of her work.

I'll wrap up this post with what I think is the most commendable translation of a joke so far in the manga: how Casey translated the names of the guest characters at the ski resort in chapter 94.

Japanese Linguistic Observations In Spy X Family - Part 5
Japanese Linguistic Observations In Spy X Family - Part 5

Their names are puns in Japanese as well, and Annie over on Twitter already did a great breakdown of how each of the wordplay in their names was translated, so definitely check out that thread here. Since this chapter has yet to be animated, I'm really curious how the anime translators will handle this…since it seems like they don't reference the manga, they'll probably either translate the names literally or come up with their own pun names, and either will unfortunately lead to the same kind of inconsistencies between the anime and manga translations that I touched on earlier.

To summarize, humor can be a very culture/language specific thing, so it's up to the translator to make sure the same feeling is conveyed in their translation even if they have to essentially make up their own jokes. With that said, it's a shame that there isn't collaboration between the translators of the anime and manga to ensure consistent translations across the franchise. So I hope this post helped shed light, not just on how some of the jokes in SxF were conveyed in Japanese, but also on why some things in the English version of SxF seem inconsistent between the anime and manga.

<- Return to Part 4

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1 year ago

How would anyone feel about me drawing Yor in an alternate costume with shorts and a couple other changes? I want to do it but im deathly scared if I post it online people may yell at me. I like her assassin outfit but it’s really unrealistic for actually being an assassin. I would like to try drawing an alternate outfit that would be more durable and realistic just for the fun of it.

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3 years ago

I'm going to be honest I hope they get together for real at around the 400th chapter, depending on the development we get.

Some great arcs that don't have romance as the main thing going on take multiple chapters, and while that doesn't mean there isn't room for some development to happen in the background or something, I just feel there needs to be time and for everything to develop naturally to the point where Yor and Twilight do love each other and want to marry each other for real.

I'm going to stop for now before I over explain myself and ramble on about stuff you probably already feel too and just hope I was understood correctly. Sometimes I make myself sound confusing.

Hopefully Someday.

hopefully someday.

i think I read most of twiyor fic at ao3, i need to take a breather xD

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2 years ago

I literally love how in this arc she isn’t portrayed as this dumb brute of a woman who is supposed to be a super secret high level assassin (I know I’m over exaggerating a bit and this is a comedy story but still). Here she actually a well written character, as well as her arc and it actually feels like she is this high level deadly assassin (with a brain) that has found a solid reason to continue being in this assassin job and doing what she believes is right.

I love the Forger family so much but I had felt Yor was a kind of a weak link for me and hadn’t really been done justice with what she could have been and hadn’t really made sense how she could have continued being a super secret deadly assassin doing what she believes is right and have someone fall in love with her when she was portrayed as being dumb as a brick.

I know I sound harsh and I am being slightly harsher with my criticism than with how I really feel about her but I’m trying to get my point across.

Yor is questioning why she is continuing her job as assassin and it happened bc she has a family now 🥺🥺 she started it for her family and now thinking about not continuing since it can take her family away from her 🥺🥺 she is so full of love 💖

Yor Is Questioning Why She Is Continuing Her Job As Assassin And It Happened Bc She Has A Family Now

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2 years ago

EXACTLY!!! That’s what I’ve been saying on other social media!

I like Yuri’s character, it’s just I felt that how he was handled by Endo in the beginning in that moment was a mistake, and that later on Endo sort of fixed his characterization, one way by NOT showing nor mentioning that flashback.

When you continue reading you can tell.

You know Spy x Family is great because, outside of Yuri weird fixation on Yor, there is really none of manga/anime usual weird stuff that creep me out constantly. That is pretty refreshing and few of them have that nowadays.

Oh absolutely! And even that seems to have been kinda of ignored this chapter, there was no mention or implication of that fucked up thing, really it looks like that whole chapter was a fever dream, or the author changed his mind when he realized that it wasn`t a good plot point. I`m mentally erasing all of that from my mind, for my own sanity.

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2 years ago

It’s a wonder none of the Forgers have figured out each other’s secret identities. Loid looks at Yor is and is like, "ah, yes, makes sense that this civil servant can kick ass and leap across the city to bash a purse snatcher ". And Yor is like, “hm, yes, a psychiatrist who beats up his 'patients' . understandable, have a nice day”.

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2 years ago

How do those people even reach those conclusions?

Almost every thought Anya has about Damian is about how to try and be friends with him to put into action Plan B, where, when they’re friends, their dads will meet and Twilight will collect information from him or something and world peace will be secured, because that is what she understands from reading her father’s mind.

Besides, Anya is a naturally kind person who likes making friends and helping people. She does not look at someone’s status and think of it in the same way as some else might normally do, she looks for the kind of character the person has.

Although first impressions aren’t always everything, and seeing her sometimes act on that is funny, like how she initially walked away from Becky and Damian after she first read their minds.

i see comments like anya is getting close to damian because of his father and desmond status but i feel like she’s more of getting close to him for world peace and the mission that her dad, loid gives her. so i wouldn’t say anya is totally ‘using’ him for his status or whatsoever. not to say she’s so young she doesnt even understand much but she just tries her best for her dad loid just like how damian tries his best for his dad. 

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2 years ago

I completely agree with you and it matches with how I characterize Yor (as well as how I hope Endo had meant to characterize her as well).

That was why even thought I loved her character I found her to be the weakest developed out of the 3 main characters. [I’m not trying to spoil] Initially reading the manga lead me to have higher hopes/expectations for Yor that just barely were revealed/developed since she a had few moments of focus and the rest of was more subtle/in the background. I was really happy when I got to the huge Yor focused arc and it developed her and a lot of other characters wonderfully as well as wonderfully answered a huge question I had about something that I had trouble coming with a satisfying answer for.

I loved that arc so much.

tbh I think Yor is really smart, she just never received a formal education so she *seems* ditzy and probably feels like she’s way out of her depth and that’s just — :(

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2 years ago

Anya icons <3

Anya Icons
Anya Icons
Anya Icons
Anya Icons
Anya Icons
Anya Icons

From Spy X Family ep3

Anya Icons
Anya Icons
Anya Icons

Reblog or like if you save or use ♡

... ☆

Dont repost without credits

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