Loona Vivi - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
 Anna Iss Ou, Ut
 Anna Iss Ou, Ut
 Anna Iss Ou, Ut
 Anna Iss Ou, Ut

❘❙  ✢ 𝓘 𝓦anna 𝓴iss 𝓨ou, 𝓫ut ﹒  ⌅   ◦   ◉  

 Anna Iss Ou, Ut
 Anna Iss Ou, Ut
 Anna Iss Ou, Ut

 ❘❙  ✢  𝓨our 𝓵ips 𝓐re 𝓥enomous 𝓹oison  ❘❙❘❙ ˖ 

 Anna Iss Ou, Ut
 Anna Iss Ou, Ut
 Anna Iss Ou, Ut

  ◌⃘    ◃   𝓨ou're @p-oisn 𝓡unning 𝓽hrough 𝓜y 𝓥eins 💘 ﹑ 𒀭  ⤹

Lyrics from 'Poison' by Alice Cooper | event moodboard prize | div by @ v6que | mb ib: @ xprwsso @ ofeli-a

Tags :
6 years ago
 Olivia Hye, Kim Lip, Chuu, Jinsoul & Choerry #, #, #, # & # . * Loonatheworld .*
 Olivia Hye, Kim Lip, Chuu, Jinsoul & Choerry #, #, #, # & # . * Loonatheworld .*
 Olivia Hye, Kim Lip, Chuu, Jinsoul & Choerry #, #, #, # & # . * Loonatheworld .*
 Olivia Hye, Kim Lip, Chuu, Jinsoul & Choerry #, #, #, # & # . * Loonatheworld .*
 Olivia Hye, Kim Lip, Chuu, Jinsoul & Choerry #, #, #, # & # . * Loonatheworld .*
 Olivia Hye, Kim Lip, Chuu, Jinsoul & Choerry #, #, #, # & # . * Loonatheworld .*

— Olivia Hye, Kim Lip, Chuu, Jinsoul & Choerry ♡ #올리비아혜, #김립,  #츄, # 진솔 & #최리 . *⊹˚     © loonatheworld .*・。✧

reblog if you save/use, please !

do NOT repost/steal without telling the owner

copyright to the rightful owners

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6 years ago
#180610 - LOONAs YyxyOlivia Hye At @ Yangcheon Fanmeeting W/ Orbits - Promotions For Love4eva Comeback.
#180610 - LOONAs YyxyOlivia Hye At @ Yangcheon Fanmeeting W/ Orbits - Promotions For Love4eva Comeback.
#180610 - LOONAs YyxyOlivia Hye At @ Yangcheon Fanmeeting W/ Orbits - Promotions For Love4eva Comeback.

#180610 - LOONA’s yyxy Olivia Hye at @ Yangcheon Fanmeeting w/ Orbits - Promotions for Love4eva comeback.


— Olivia Hye ♡ # 올리비아혜 . *⊹˚     © loonatheworld .*・。✧

reblog if you save/use, please !

do NOT repost/steal without telling the owner

copyright to the rightful owners

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3 years ago

˜”*°• *.* ˜”*°• ! loona masterlist ! •°*”˜ *.* •°*”˜

 * *.* * ! Loona Masterlist ! * *.* *
 * *.* * ! Loona Masterlist ! * *.* *
 * *.* * ! Loona Masterlist ! * *.* *


| Headcanons |

LOONA As Girlfriends (solo headcanons)

Haseul | Vivi | Yves | JinSoul | Kim Lip | Chuu | Heejin | Hyunjin | Go Won | Choerry | Olivia Hye | Yeojin

| Reactions |

Nothing Yet!

| Drabbles |

Nothing Yet!

| Series |

Nothing Yet!

| Timestamps |

Nothing Yet!

Tags :
3 years ago

Writing for Loona

Hey yall! short post, don’t worry, bigger works are coming back

Sorry for disappearing once again ! I just wanted to say Im working on multiple things right now and I also wanted to announce that Im officially writing for Loona now too! So don’t hesitate to send me a bunch of requests :))

Writing For Loona

Tags :
3 years ago

Loona - Being needy part 1

This scenario comes in two parts !

Genre : fluff and suggestive

Pairings : individual Loona members x fem reader

*Loona members are all dominant in this scenario

Requested ? No

Word count : around 6k 

Warnings : suggestive content ahead

Disclaimer : if you are uncomfortable with this type of writing, please don’t read the following content, there are more fluffy works on my page for you <3

Also reminder that I do not know the idols, this is purely just for fun, I have no idea how they would actually react in this exact situation, please do not take this too seriously

This is my first suggestive work on this app, hope you’ll enjoy, I’m writing this in the middle of the night after studying so bare with me help, hope you’ll all enjoy !

Summary :

There’s no need really to summarize this work, these situations are pretty much all different yet the content itself is similar, some are longer than others, no particular reasons, it just came out like that when writing 

Let’s now get started !



- Haseul is a busy woman, as much as she tries to make up for it when she’s in your presence, not being able to spend time with you for a while is common and is something you got used to through your relationship

- that doesn’t make her any less caring and the moments between you two are always filled with love, where you can feel yourself in your own little universe, the simple thought of her kind touch was enough to embrace your body in a wave of warmth

- Yet today, without any special reasoning in mind, the need of being close to her was a bit more overwhelming than usual

- Sure you would always miss her, who wouldn’t miss such a sweetheart like her ? But it wasn’t like usual, you weren’t just going for a hug or a simple kiss, you strangely wanted more than that

- It had been going on since the very morning, so you had begged her to tag along today, she didn’t want to disappoint you by carrying you around without being able to talk to you, too busy with the people at the company but you insisted and she couldn’t resist your cute whines

- You didn’t explicitly say anything about the thoughts in your mind, however it’s like you didn’t even need to, Haseul knows you so well that no words were needed for her to understand

- So it was no surprises for her when she felt you clinging on her side while she was talking with a manager about a certain matter concerning the group

- If it would’ve been only the two of you, her attention would be for you and you only, never taking her eyes off your beautiful self, yet right now she knew she had to remain professional and fight the urge of bringing you closer

- It could’ve stopped there, but of course it wouldn’t be as interesting if it did, you wanted her hands on you, not wanting to wait for another minute

- And so to obtain what you wanted, you approached your face to her ear and whispered “I need your hands on me right now”, something barely audible yet understood by her in the matter of a split second

- She played it off as cool, even pretending she didn’t hear anything, while the people around didn’t notice anything which obviously led you to be very unsatisfied

- Not wanting to give up, you leaned closer again, your face pressed against her neck which sent a shiver down her spine, “Haseul please.. ?” You begged, hoping to change her mind of taking care of your needs later, you wanted it to happen now

- This time, she knew she couldn’t hold the temptation in anymore

- Luckily for her, she found an excuse pretty quickly, just as the person finished speaking, she excused herself and explained that you were feeling sick and needed her by your side

- The company’s employee immediately let her go, everyone knew her as this protective figure, it wasn’t uncommon for her to act like a mother for some of her members, and you being her girlfriend, you were her utmost priority especially when it came to health, and so the person had no trouble letting her go, wishing you to rest well which you thanked them innocently for

- Right before letting the both of you leave, the person made your girlfriend promise to take good care of you which she assured she would while subtly winking at you, a not so visible blush creeping up on your now warm face, struggling to brush off the embarrassment you felt

- Immediately she put her arm around your waist, dragging you outside of the company building, leading to her car without a word

- You were a bit scared to have bothered her but on the other hand, your heart was beating in excitement at the thought of what could happen next

- Right when you arrived, you both sat inside in silence, you waiting for her to take the lead and her thinking about what her next move should be

- She then took time to carefully look at you, and how cute you seemed, sitting besides her and only wanting her, as if your eyes were begging for her touch

- She leaned in for a kiss, filled with passion and lust as well as a sudden feeling creeped up in your stomach, your heart beating through the tension of the atmosphere and your eyes closed, not wanting to pull away

- And when air became an issue, you could see her eyes piercing right through you, her gaze filled with lust and desire written all over her face, impatient to take things further

- “So you wanted my attention awe, how adorable of you, let me take care of you like I promised I would”

- Not the kind to tease a lot however your cute little expressions make her want to bring out the shyer side of you even more often

- She doesn’t waste any time on starting things, this moment is precious to her and any split seconds lost is already too much for her to bare, now that you’ve dragged her in your mood, the night will be long

- And here you are, on for a loving session that goes between soft kisses pressed all over your bare skin, whimpers falling from your lips to the slight contact of her fingers around your figure and little to no bruises around your body, not wanting to hurt her little one, Haseul brought you to heaven, something way greater than what you imagined first a while ago that day



- Vivi isn’t one for initiating a lot, it’s no that she doesn’t want to, it’s quite the contrary actually, she’s simply scared to overstep some boundaries, you’re so precious to her that the simple thought of going too far makes her feel unwell

- you on the other hand, is pretty shy when it comes to that kind of stuff and you hesitated so much before talking about it, since your own girlfriend had never mentioned it, you sort of assumed it shouldn’t be talked about

- that was until one time where your imagination running wild, no particular idea why yet your motives were pretty clear, you had been wanting to take things on another level for a while and your dreams chose to manifest themselves into what you felt just now

- it had been a long day, a day without being able to feel her touch and a day where time seemed to be way slower than usual 

- You were missing her so bad, sure you had seen your girlfriend not so long ago but her presence was so reassuring and made you feel so warm that you couldn’t get enough of it

- When she had finally arrived home, with no hesitation you jumped in her arms, almost making her fall down from the surprise of your sudden clinginess, not that you weren’t an affectionate person but she had never seen you so straight forward with it

- She caught you in her arms right after carefully dropping on the floor what she was carrying, gently rubbing your back and smiling at your adorable self while you inhaled the sweet sent of her vanilla perfume

- You both stayed like that for a while until she pulled you away, just to take you by the hand and dragging you to the kitchen, planning to cook for the both of you while you could stay by her side if so desired

- Thing is, you could feel yourself getting clingier, wait no, more like needier, you felt the need to take things further right here right now yet you had no idea how to initiate it

- Vivi on the other side, was staring to prepare your food and hadn’t payed attention to your behaviour that seemed a bit off, not that you were mad at her but you were way too shy to ask something to someone as sweet as her, it’s like you couldn’t find the right way to word your needs

- Time went by, you were hoping to get rid of this arousal between your legs yet it only became warmer and even worst than that, you still had no idea how to make a move 

- Meanwhile, your girlfriend had picked up on your attitude but chose to not say anything, she had always been caring and was all ears if you had something bothering you, she didn’t want to insist on knowing what could possibly trouble your mind, she would rather wait for you to voice your feelings when you felt ready to do so

- You were now curled up in Vivi’s arms, your head laying on her chest and both of you on your soft shared bed, not wanting to pull away from each other

- And finally after such a long while, you had gathered the courage to ask her about those certain needs, you lift up your head a little, approaching your face close enough to whisper in her ears in a clearly nervous manner

- “umh vivi, here’s the thing, i kind of want you to um, like you know, touch me..” you muttered, a bit scared of her reaction

- a silence filled the room, you swore you could hear your own heart beat through your ears from how hard it seemed to go

- Impatient for an answer, you went for it again, even more forward, surprising yourself even “please…mommy ?” You asked, cringing at your own desperate tone but waiting for her possible approval as you rested your head back against her chest 

- another silence.. you felt yourself getting warmer by the second, not only because of the thoughts that crossed your mind and her being right next to you but also from embarrassment 

- She suddenly stood up, only to push you down and hover on top of you, a shy grin drawn on her face yet a spark of lust in her eyes, glad that you felt ready and on the same stage as her

- She then went down on you, leaning to press her lips against yours before the kiss quickly turned steamy surrounded by a romantic atmosphere, one of her hands stroking your cheek while the other passed under your shirt, barely brushing your skin in a soft manner, yet enough to get whimpers from you

- Pulling away, she looked at you with such love that you could only look forward to what was coming right next, anticipating her every move, she left a few love bites here and there in silence, a little before taking off your shirt and tracing the kisses she had painted all over your body with tender fingers

- “It’ll be my pleasure to help you then sweetness” she said confidently, lovingly staring into your eyes which made your face heat up, not much words were needed to assure you that this would be a long night for sure ;)



- What can I say about this one, the kind of girl anyone would fall for in a blink of an eye, so being her significant other still feels surreal, as long as you’ve been together, you can’t help but feel completely flustered around her, making it 10 times harder for you to express the thoughts that go through your mind about her

- You have already crossed the line with Sooyoung a few times, those moment so far away in time yet they feel like yesterday, constantly haunt your mind, if it isn’t her loving but slightly rough touch then it’s the words coming from her mouth that makes you melt so easily 

- Hard to resist the temptation to recreate those times, however you’ve always been reluctant about making the first move in that type of situation, you let her get the things steamy, too flushed for your own good

- Except that sometimes, you find yourself do desperate for her touch, pathetically waiting and silently begging her to act on it, which she usually does, Sooyoung is one bold woman and as soon as she claimed you as hers, nothing could stop her

- There are times where Sooyoung is away from you, times during which she checks up on you and messages you often which is indeed enough to fill your heart and take away your worries but then again, it makes you miss the way she feels over you even more

- So when she left for practice this very morning, wishing you to have a great day and placing a kiss on the crown of your head before heading towards the stairs out of your bedroom, on her way outside, you decided to tag along

- Sooyoung is used to a shyer version of you, one that doesn’t ask for much with direct words, someone she knows as easily a blushing mess and so fun to mess around with, someone she feels the need to protect at all cost and that she would wish to bring everywhere she goes

- She then felt touched that you wanted to accompany her, not only she would feel less lonely but it would let you meet the others as well, something she had been looking forward to for a while now

- She took you by the hand once you were done changing and brought you outside, walking side by side in silence, peacefully enjoying each other’s presence while she had her signature smile plastered on her pretty face

- What she didn't know actually, was the intentions you had behind that innocent little ask, the truth was that you had been missing her touch way more in the last few days and so, didn’t want to leave her side for too long, hopelessly wishing for something to happen between the two of you

- Having no clue whatsoever, Sooyoung brought you inside the building as soon as you were both arrived and came into the practice room with already all of her members that were waiting for your arrival

- After introductions were made, a manager came in and told them to start their work to avoid losing any more time while you sat down, your back against a plain wall, observing your girlfriend’s moves with a lot of attention

- After a few songs, you could already feel yourself getting warm, the heat was so strong in this room huh ? Or maybe it’s just you and your wild imagination, between her charismatic aura, her sharp moves and the quick winks she would do looking in your direction were enough to make you melt on spot

- You knew Sooyoung’s members only by what she would say of them, she had already mentioned their excessive teasing which you thought was only an exaggeration till some of her members started to tease the both of you, telling your girlfriend about how bothered you looked

- It went on for a while which made your state decrease, and since they all kept on insisting, Sooyoung went to see you by herself during a short break between two songs

- Right when she came close to you, she pulled you in her arms and leaned in, you thinking it was for a simple kiss was actually taken by surprise when her lips reached your neck, a low and muffled whimper escaping your mouth as you gasped 

- Satisfied of your reaction, she went back to practicing, acting as if nothing had happened, she didn’t want to be mean but seeing you in such a state over her was way too adorable for her heart to handle

- She knew you were needy, but you had to be patient with Sooyoung, you could only get what you wanted if you stayed calm and obedient, which you did, unable to even formulate a complaint properly because of how much she purposely turned you on

- For the whole time till the lunch break, she would come see you for a few seconds, sometimes whispering filthy things in your ear, other times having her hands sneak up around your sensitive skin and even a little marking here and there, never enough to fulfill what you desired though

- Finally the time came for her to take care of you properly, excusing herself to her members and dragging you in an empty room which she locked just after pushing you in, of course making sure you were okay with all of this

- She would’ve loved to tease you or even make you touch yourself for her but since time was running fast, she went for a quickie, asking of course if you were fine with it

- As soon as she heard your approval, you were on for a short yet intense love session, between muffled sounds coming from your lips and low touches in your warmer areas

- “so desperate for me aren’t you babe ?” She asked in a low tone, smiling from ear to ear, so proud of herself

 - Sooyoung loved seeing you like this, all putty for her to have fun with, sure thing you weren’t going to accompany her as often if you were to end up in such a state right after



- You and Jinsoul’s relationship has always been quite fusional, two dumbasses constantly flirting with each other, everyone used to think you were already together before you actually got into a serious relationship

- So when the other trainees or even staff members would see you acting all lovey-dovey, they weren’t surprised at all, they were so used to it that you and your dear girlfriend sort of became part of the daily routine, people passing by and seeing you trapped between her arms on both side of your head and a wall which you were resting on, eh typical morning

- Jinsoul is quite cheesy as well, always insisting that you deserve the best and constantly showing you her love in the most genuine way as possible which was enough to make a whole week 10 times better, her cute grin was contagious, what to ask for more ?

- And weirdly, that’s why you felt bad about asking to go further in the relationship, sure she would mess around here and there, sometimes deepening a kiss but nothing steamy really ever happened

- It made you feel as if you weren’t being grateful enough for her love, which is why you hesitated for so long before actually deciding to make a move on her

- You were originally planning to do this to tease her, wanting to see her pout and blushing in embarrassment, perfect revenge for all the times she made you shy in front of the others

- She couldn’t help it though, your cute expressions melted her heart so badly, she would never get enough, so much that you struggled to do the same to her, still flustered from the previous times she had teased you

- But today you had planned everything out, it was going to be perfect, finally an occasion to turn the tables and take the lead

- Problem is, you soon realized that your teasing wasn’t just a joke, possibly you had been having those thoughts in a corner of your head for a while and they had suddenly popped up when looking for an idea

- But it was a little bit too late to think about that, and well, you swore to yourself you weren’t dumb enough to fall for her charm once again, you promised that this was for entertainment purposes only, or more like you desperately tried convincing yourself since you knew no one would actually believe it

- The plan was simple, waiting for her for the last practice of the day, and once she would arrive, initiate a kiss and tell her you wanted more than that, simple right ? Easy and efficient, enough to win over her no ?

- So here you were, waiting in an empty dance studio to practice the duo you had together, because yes, since it was known that the two of you were inseparable adding to the fact that Jinsoul had insisted so much for the both of you to be together, the employees had no choice but to accept

- The teacher wasn’t here just yet, even more perfect to pull a prank, she would arrive shortly before the teacher, meaning she would probably be all flushed right after while you would enjoy your own little victory

- Right when she came in, you didn’t even let her finish her greetings that you leaned in to kiss her passionately, your cheeks on fire and your hands sweaty despite trying to convince yourself you weren’t nervous

- Expecting her to be shocked, it was your turn to be surprised when you felt her arms around your waist, pulling you even closer to her and making sure you wouldn’t be able to pull away from her grip

- When air became an issue, you started at her for a split second while she stood there, smiling like an idiot, completely proud of herself

- “bahaha nice try but someone told me you were preparing that to surprise me, hehe sorry but hey at least it was cute, don’t be angry baby” She said, hugging you lovingly

- However you had a backup plan in your mind in case something would go wrong, this was a wild card yet you were ready to play it, and as much as you would hate to admit it, maybe the prank itself wasn’t the only reason that pushed you to continue on the same track

- You put your arms around her neck and looked at her seriously in the eyes, slightly smirking before the words came out of your mouth without having to even think about it properly “Do something Jinsoul please... please touch me !” 

- You tried to stay calm yet you realized a bit too late how needy your voice sounded, “well shit” you mentally cursed yourself for acting like a dork just to impress her, now it was your turn to be flushed when the original point was to make her crack

- She didn’t even sound surprised one bit, she simply leaned in and told you the following words “then look forward to tonight baby” and with that, the teacher walked in on a completely lost you from the embarrassment you had just felt plus the explosion of butterflies in your stomach you could feel while your girlfriend looked perfectly normal as usual, she had won once again

- She didn’t say it out loud but if she could’ve, she would’ve taken you right here right now yet she barely had time to leave a soft mark on your neck which made you make a sound accidentally before getting into place, looking at you proudly, winning all over again and getting to see you desperate for her

- You thought it was finished yet as soon as you started dancing, you remembered how much physical contact the choreography had, Jinsoul surely enjoyed seeing you melt so easily under her touch during that session and let’s say you didn’t get to sleep as much that night between the possessive love bites she left and the slight touches in your lower area

- all of this enough to make you regret your decision earlier even if deep down, you would 100% do it again just to live through the moment despite the embarrassment

Kim lip


- Back to when Jungeun only seemed like an unattainable crush to you because of her cold and sort of intimidating persona, a simple glance at you from her was enough to make your heart race

- She’s very charismatic and is aware of it, so much that she uses it as her advantage to tease you constantly

- She’s a huge flirt, even if she’s now dating you, she always acts as if she has to win your heart all over again and worst thing is that it actually works, if it’s her cheesy ass pickup lines she found herself, it’s the winks she give you so out of the blue 

- Now that you are both together, you gained a little bit more confidence yet you still feel nervous when she’s around, your hand sweating and you try to avoid her gaze as much as you can, not wanting to her to catch on your flustered expression

- But of course Jungeun isn’t the kind of girlfriend to let that pass, she loves to take your chin with her hand and force you to look at her properly before leaning in to kiss you

- To her it doesn’t matter if there’s people around, she finds it adorable to see how jumpy you get, scared of the others’ reactions while she’s just enjoying herself

- Her hands are pretty sneaky, somehow always around your waist or on you thigh, she always says it’s an accident but of course you’re not buying that, though you’re absolutely not complaining, her reassuring touch alone is enough to warm you up in the middle of winter

-That being said, she loves making you ask for what you want, if you desire something then you better be ready to use your words properly for her to accept your request

- You live not to far from each other so every morning she comes to walk you to the bus stop where you take your ride to school together before going with your respective friend group, her with her older classmates and you with the people your age, meaning that you don’t get to see each other much during the day before she waits for you to get out of school and take the bus back home together

- That very morning you felt a bit strange when waking up, suddenly feeling like something was missing, not an object or anything, more like her, the feeling of her embrace or her teasing touch, for some reasons, you missed it more than usual, even if the day right before you swore to her you hated her teasing more than anything, which she only answered with a chuckle, absolutely not taking you seriously, and in a way, maybe she was in facts, right

- As soon as you went out of your house and saw her, you felt a rush of adrenaline through your veins, your heart beating normally fast when she approached you, looking at you deep in the eyes, leaning in for a morning kiss and,,

- of course it wouldn’t be that easy with Jung, she simply took your hand and walked towards your stop, acting as if nothing had just happened, or what if you were just the one with high hopes ? Didn’t change the strange feeling you felt in your stomach when being pulled out of your sleep though, it actually felt worst than previously 

- The day went by with no hardships beside the fact that time seemed to be way slower, as if the whole universe was enjoying putting you in such embarrassing situations, you didn’t want to admit it yet you had missed your girlfriend so much that you basically ran in her arms as soon as school was over

- On the other side, Jungeun had been thinking about your behaviour all day, waiting for the perfect oppurtunity to make you say what you had in mind, the thought of you thinking dirty made her feel cockier than usual

- So much that as soon as you both sat in the bus, her hand directly went on caressing you thigh, trying to get a reaction out of you, it was inevitable, she knew all along that you were desperate but she wasn’t willing to let you get away with it so easily

- You tried distracting yourself with music but she went troubling your plans by taking your headphones out of your ears and muttering “isn’t it time for you to be honest with me love ? Tell me what you want and maybe who knows, you’ll get it ?” barely audible for the people around yet enough to make you jump in your seat

- You tried to brush if off and ignore it but once again, it didn’t go as planned, a light squeeze on your thigh, a bit harsher than usual and you gasped loudly as some people turned around only to see you blushing in embarrassment 

- Not even letting you rest, she went to press kisses down your neck, her name falling from your lips

- Satisfied, she pulled away and looked at you with a slight smirk “Are you going to tell me what you want so bad now love ? Be good and use your words properly” she teased once again

- You would normally cringe at that kind of stuff yet this time your face was definitely burning while she laughed, waiting for your response, surely you wouldn’t see the end of this soon while she continued pushing you a bit further, now visible love bites along your jawline and her hand making her way inside of your pants, good luck to you dear



- One of the most loving people out there, Jiwoo is such a sweetheart and makes you feel so safe to be her significant other, so much that you feel comfortable talking about most stuff that goes on your mind

- Which so includes, more like, dirty, things you would usually struggle to talk with became more and more natural with Jiwoo, she’s not only a great listener but you protecting you and fulfilling your needs always remain her number one priority and she’ll always remind you of that when needed

- And so, it’s not rare for you to pull her on the side and ask her to take care of you, still embarrassed to ask that kind of thing yet she does it so well and lovingly that you can only look forward to the next time it’ll happen

- Though you still remain very shy about the subject, or just in general, Jiwoo’s presence is a sunshine important enough for you to not speak but she’ll always insist on you being vocal about your thoughts

- Jiwoo, her, has no shame whatsoever, she’s already an impulsive and affectionate type of person but add to that the fact that the simple sight of you makes her heart melt while she looks at you in awe, mesmerized by your beauty

- Very straightforward about literally everything but also such a tease, a perfect mix to make your heartbeat race whenever she’s around, exactly what she wants actually, if you’re on her mind then she’ll be 10 times happier that day

- Jiwoo loves dragging you around with her friends, so when earlier you had tried to refuse her to go because of somewhat “personal problems” which she didn’t get at all, she insisted and you ended up letting her cute grin win over you

- truth is, you felt like you needed to take care of yourself, to take care of some business between your legs but you didn’t know how to tell her, wanting to handle it on your own but sadly interrupted before even starting your show properly

- Jiwoo quickly noticed you acting off and immediately pointed it out to what you answered that you were just tired, she obviously didn’t believe your lie but chose to wait for you to be comfortable enough before making a next move

- Meanwhile you were even quieter than usual, trying to not stand out too much and avoid any suspicions that someone could have towards you

- To go shopping with the girls, there were two different vans with a bunch of space, however those were only meant for the Loona members, meaning you didn’t have a seat and for a split second you were almost happy about it, wanting to go home and take care of that “problem” you have

- However Jiwoo found a better solution in her opinion, that’s how you ended up sitting on her lap, in a loud vehicle filled with people that kept teasing the both of you about your relationship, leaving you even more flustered than before which your girlfriend couldn’t help but to laugh at

- Finally at the mall, you got off that strange position and tried your best to ignore the growing butterflies in your stomach while Jiwoo joined you, a wide smile on her face and her cute little pink cheeks

- While dragging you around in a bunch of different shops, Jiwoo insisted on spending money on you, what was so kind but you weren’t concentrating on the moment enough, unable to take the thought of Jiwoo hovering on top of you off your mind

- And while in an almost empty clothing store, your girlfriend went picking a bunch of clothes she wanted you to try on and show her, you didn’t know if she had a purpose behind her head or not but you chose to go along with it, not wanting to cause any further drama

- As soon as you got in the changing room, Jiwoo promised to wait for you and that’s when you felt like you wouldn’t be able to hold it in for another second, a random moment yet you felt so weak, just the way she looked at you and boom, you were already all hers

- You dragged her inside of the changing room and tried to explain to her the situation, messing up some words due to being nervous around her but luckily for you, she understood fast and you didn’t have to repeat those embarrassing says again

- “Awe baby why didn’t you tell me before ! Of course i’ll take of you, there’s not many people around anyways, just try to stay quiet okay ? I’ll be gentle” she said in a reassuring tone, as if she could read your mind and so, your worries

- Her hand went under your shirt as she pressed her lips on yours, letting you moan in her mouth which would cover the sound in the environment, meaning she could continue without worrying too much about the little noises you could make

- Feeling a bit possessive over you needing attention, she left a bunch of love bites all over your body, she thought it was so cute how you had been waiting for her to do something for you, you were always so good for her she felt blessed, so much that she wanted to reward you

- Let’s say that as much as your needs were satisfied after this, your legs definitely weren’t if we considered the way you struggled walking properly as she gave back the clothes to the store and went back to the girls who didn’t ask any further questions

- The rest of the afternoon went normally, despite you being still nervous especially because Jiwoo kept winking at you, reminding you of what had just happened, she felt powerful, your needs were satisfied, everything was now all good,,

- Or maybe not considering how she went down on you that evening as soon as you got back from shopping, between your soft whimpers and her touch, you let yourself ascend to heaven alongside with her

The end <3

Hope this was enjoyable lmfao, my bad for the ending being a bit shorter, I’m writing this at 4am, feeling completely dead but I’m happy with what I’ve worked on so :)

Tags :
3 years ago

Someone stole my work

Hii um more serious post than usual

Usually I would laugh it off or whatever but man I nearly spent seven hours working on this post and someone decided to steal the Haseul part and post it on wattpad without any credits (worst is that it doesn’t fit the oneshot book at all to me bc my format is different but no one would really notice I’m pretty sure)

Please go report them and message them if possible, I don’t want my work to be reposted without my permission especially if I’m not even credited for it, of course don’t harass them or send them death threats, that’s not the kind of behaviour I want to encourage but I want the chapter to be at least taken down and it’d be fun to get an apology idk☹️

Here’s the profile :


The story :


The part that was stolen from me :


I’m not going to screenshot the entire chapter but you know what I mean, this is exactly what I wrote last Sunday

But like wtf man, why are you stealing random works from people that spent a lot of time on them and take all the credit, if you can’t write then just say so and ask someone for tips☹️

Apparently they stole a bunch of other works as well so please report them thank you :)

Anyways hopefully it gets taken down, please help me and thank you so much to the person that told me, you’re literally a life saver I love you <3

Besides that annoying ass situation I woke up to, I hope you’re all doing well, please take care of yourselves <3

Okay also don’t mind some of the tags, i just need this post to reach as much people as possible sorry :/

Tags :
3 years ago

Loona - Home


Requested ? No

Genre : Angst, hurt/comfort and fluff

Pairings : Poly! Loona x reader <3

Word count : 2,7k

Warnings : Fainting, mentions of not eating, overworking, anxiety, insecurities, brief reference to death

Disclaimer :

I do not know the idols personally, this is for entertainment purposes only :D

I wrote this in the span of like, less than two hours between one and three am and I didn’t re read it much afterwards, hoping you guys will like it still !

So I convinced myself that was going to be short ?? Erm anyways, I don’t really do that style usually but I like it, I think it lets me write stuff that don’t require a lot of proof reading and the best wording hehe, I hope you’ll like it <3

So basically we have our twelve moon girls who have been especially busy lately, and a scared reader who doesn’t want to lose them but is too focused on their studies to try to forget what is making them afraid and their girlfriends find them in the middle of a breakdown before they pass out due to exhaustion, but hey don’t worry ! Lots of care is coming :))

This comes in the form of a bulleted scenario !

You had been working all day, no one really noticed what you were doing nor recognized all the efforts you were putting in your studies, you were tired of always being repeated the same thing, that you shouldn’t stress over it, you knew your own worth yet you were convinced you weren’t doing enough, as if there was always more assignments added on the pile of work you were already climbing

Living alone did have some advantages, it helped you concentrate better, you had all the time in the world for yourself and your own priorities, even if that meant reading your notes from classes a thousand time until you knew them by heart, there wasn’t anything to bother you, it was always pretty quiet, maybe a bit too much actually

Secretly, you did wish to have people around, maybe it’d actually be helpful to be reminded to eat or take a break, to be told you were doing great when you thought of yourself as the worst student possible, you seriously just wanted to feel loved and supported through this, when nights would get too quiet, the only thing we could hear were your quiet sobs from the loneliness you felt through your situation

Yes you had people you were supposed to count on, yet you felt like a burden on their shoulders, you were scared, no, terrified, terrified of losing them, terrified of making them leave, terrified to disappoint, terrified to not be as good as they thought of you, making you want to isolate yourself, in case you could get hurt by someone

Weirdly, you were in a relationship with multiple people, but you still felt somewhat alone, not that they weren't loving of course, you blamed it all on yourself, for never being able to let yourself cool down, or struggling to answer their calls, that’s if they actually talked to you

Because having twelve girlfriends was amazing yet saddening, why didn’t you feel more included ?? Well of course they had to all work together, often creating an image of you not being related to them in any way, shape or form, just like an unknown person, as if you didn’t exist

You tried your hardest to not think too hard about it, after all, they were idols and were busy, it’s understandable they couldn’t always be there, you could attempt at convincing yourself it didn’t affect you however the tear in the corner of your eye whenever seeing them all together online without you made your heart ache 

They were usually very present, sometimes knocking at random hours in the night at your apartment’s door, wanting to barge in and cuddle you to sleep, or other days bringing you breakfast, or taking you on a surprise date

and if not there, there was always loads of messages sent, if it wasn’t from the group chat with all of you, it was from some of them individually, enough to warm your heart before heading to class, these girls were the reason you could still stand to this day

Though lately, they had been pretty,, absent, so much that people wondered if you guys had fallen apart since classmates noticed you walking home by yourself instead of being taken somewhere by your lovers, wondering what could had happen to cause this

And truly, you had no idea yourself, barely any news lately, you were starting to think maybe they were purposely avoiding you, or maybe the company had chosen to cut you off, were you bothersome ? Somewhat, you felt as if your presence didn’t matter to them anymore, some would call this assuming things but you’d rather imagining the worst case scenarios than comforting yourself through lies and fake promises

So today, already feeling extra tired, even for a mere Sunday, you didn't even want to check your phone, only for your eyes to meet an empty lock screen, no new messages, just like it had happened the day before, and the day before that, and during the past week, you felt weirdly, empty ?

The strength of getting out of bed was found in the comforting thought that maybe they’d show up to your place at some point throughout the day, you didn’t really believe it would happen but it was better than crying over school like you were about to do

You got out your notes and started working, losing track of time, and your thoughts, who were flying all over the place, you weren’t even able to take a proper break, scared to check your phone to be met by loneliness again, so you chose to work harder, being harsher towards yourself

You were starting to get lost in a spiral of questions, one algebra problem and you were wondering if you were still loved by them, a biology question and you were thinking about dropping everything just then, an english text to read and the sudden urge to give up

You were terribly exhausted, but even greater than that, you could feel a terrible anxious sensation take over your body every time you weren’t focusing completely, as if that little minute of rest would affect your next grades

All of this work and studying was sickening, no one should have to suffer through that, yet you did, maybe it was to prove yourself you were worth something, maybe it was to forget about what was bothering you, maybe it was to convince others you weren’t a failure, maybe it was for someone to say they were proud of you, maybe it was for teachers to not call you stupid, maybe it was to be what you wished to be, you just wanted to be special, at least a little bit

You were scared, shaking slightly, what if you were meant to fail over this, what would you if you were to fuck this up, would anyone even comfort you, did your feelings matter ?

You missed the warmth of their arms, you missed the feeling of them hugging you tightly, you missed hearing them fighting over you as if you meant something, you missed forgetting about what was sad because you could only think of their smile when they were around, you missed them so bad

And what made you even sadder what was had happened a while ago, a few days back then, where you had been trying to get their attention and explain how stressed you felt, and yet the only few responses you had gotten back were so,, detached, so much that you hadn’t been able to open your phone since, scared that you had done something wrong, you just wanted to be understood, no, you needed to feel loved again

While your hand written notes were getting dirtied by tears rolling down your cheeks, you were confused on what was happening, losing the sense of thinking properly, as if the environment around you was starting to disappear

You tried closing your eyes to rest for a split second yet the image of them rejecting you popped in your head and your state immediately worsen, not knowing what to do with your hands, or your head

Anxiously fidgeting with your pen, you tried writing the answer on your homework sheet, scared to not pass that subject for the exam awaiting for you, you did understand everything well, yet felt as if your efforts were worthless, always needing to do more

Without even noticing, your hand started writing down your feelings, you were confused but you couldn’t go against it, you needed a break, something was restraining you though, you thought of yourself of not worthy of getting rest, you thought that working harder would make your girlfriends possibly come back, so you followed your thoughts, letting your hand write down what crossed your mind, from the anxiety you had been feeling to the tears drenching the sheet and the cold feeling of being alone in the dark while the ones you loved were out there probably having a normal day, embracing each other, and of course, without you, who didn’t deserve to be there

A sudden hand on your shoulder brought you back to reality, there stood Yerim, one of your lovely girlfriends, grinning at you before looking at you in disbelief as you watched the others do the same, concerned by the drenched look on your face

You were worried of them finding out what you had written, or that they came here to break up with you, yet you couldn’t form a single sentence even with all the words you wanted to say, when chuu took your face in her hands and asked you if you were okay, you could feel your body lose up a little

A clear sentence was what you wanted to form, but only a sigh came out of your mouth, as tears filled your eyes and suddenly, everything went blank, not a single memory of what had been happening

Time went by

Was it over ?

Was that what they called, the after life ?

Maybe it was your place to be

Still alone

In another life surely

In an all white space with nothing but emptiness was where you found yourself to be

A voice then called your name, going somewhat like this “Y/n.. please don’t leave us princess, we love you so much, stay, do it for us, do it for you, you deserve so much better, we love you”, sounding like an angel mixed with a crying soulmate who had just lost someone, you felt sorry for whoever was that, hearing how heartbroken they seemed to be, “must be talking to someone with the same time as me, even if the voice is low-key familiar”

And weirdly, the white space started to feel warmer, if it was comforting before then now it was a literal paradise, you didn’t wanna get out of it for anything in the world

You closed your eyes for a split second, not knowing why, you just did, as if that would help you remember the sensation you never wanted to forget about

Your eyes opened again but this time, it was in a foggy environment, familiar to your gaze who was trying to figure out what was going on, the warm sensation was still there, even stronger actually, as a sweet scent warmed up your poor heart

That’s when you felt a kiss on your cheek, and it hit you

You looked around and saw you were laying down Hyeju, who had her arms wrapped tightly around you and her face in your neck, a hand holding yours and a protective smile on her face when she met your eyes

You didn’t really understand what happened as she leaned in to kiss you before Jiwoo interrupted the both of you, coming up to you to cuddle your side 

“Y/n !!! baby !! You’re finally awake ! You had us so scared, are you feeling okay ???? I love you !” she then said meanwhile Yerim arrived jumping around before kissing your nose and asking you about your state as well, rubbing little circles on your hand

Hyeju pouted a little bit, not wanting the two girls to take your attention away from her, she made her grip a little stronger, not enough to make you uncomfortable but perfect for you to stay in her embrace for a while, before the others came in

Haseul made you sit up and fed you something she had been cooking with Vivi and Jinsoul just before, wanting you to take your vitamins and stay healthy

“My poor love, what got you so worked up lately ? You know you can always count on us, don’t ever let yourself so down okay ? We love you very much sweetheart, please never forget it” you could almost feel yourself crying at Haseul’s words as Vivi rubbed your back in such a comforting manner

Jungeun then walked in followed by Yves and Yeojin who nearly jumped on you before Yves stopped her, not wanting you to get too shaken up just after such a draining afternoon, and of course, she wanted your attention first

Jungeun took your hand in hers as the others were sort of bickering with each other, Haseul still feeding you, Vivi kissing your forehead from time to time and Jinsoul patting your head repeatedly

“Baby, don’t worry okay ? You’re at our dorm and you’re staying here for a while, we contacted your school and they were fine with you taking as long as you needed to rest” Jungeun said seriously, making you remember what you had been working so hard for

“B-but my exams ??! And my grades, I can’t afford failing and-”

“Baby, it’s a no, you’re resting with us now” Hyeju cut you short, before actually kissing you, making the others whine from her getting your attention more than others

Heejin, Hyunjin and Chaewon then walked in, they were now all complete, and ready to shower you with love, they admitted reading what you had written and promised you to never let you feel that way again, that if they needed to skip practice to take care of you, they 100% would, you still remained their first priority and your health was their main concern at all times

You were a bit shocked at first, wondering if it was even real, but when you saw Yeojin and Yerim fighting for who would get to steal a kiss from you first meanwhile Hyeju stuck out her tongue at them as she held you close to her, your head laying down her chest, you knew you it was true, you realized just how safe you felt around them, maybe you weren’t perfect at all times but they were the right home you needed

You went taking a bubble bath with the kind and caring Chaewon afterwards, to clean the body you hadn’t been taking care of and to get the occasion to cuddle warmly with you in the middle of bubbles, giggling from Chaewon’s lovingness 

“princess, I love you so so much, thank you for staying by our side, please don’t do that to yourself again, I’m so proud of you for who you are, I love you way too much to lose you” she had said, not even making fun of you one bit or commenting on how pathetic you thought you looked, she only wanted the best for her little love

Right after you got out, wrapped in towels, heejin and Hyunjin walked in, offering you a cute pyjama they had bought for you, wanting you to be comfortable, and of course right after changing, you hugged them as hard as you could

You were still tired but you wanted to spend time with everyone for a bit, you understood quickly that you had fainted from exhaustion, and Jinsoul proceeded to explain how they took you to the hospital in concern and that there, they told them to take care of you properly, that it could be dangerous if it were to happen often but that they couldn’t really anything except from giving you better health tips, being interrupted by Hyeju and Yeojin who thought they weren’t helpful at all

Luckily, Vivi and Yves actually had quite a lot of medical knowledge, and even Jiwoo had studied to become a nurse at some point, so they had tried making it the healthiest environment for you to wake up to

They were all around you and you could feel a smile being drawn on your face as you cheeks were heating up from the love you were getting, you finally felt at ease, you were so glad this was behind you, you slowly drifted asleep as they promised to cherish you with all they had, these girls, maybe if sometimes failing some stuff, were the best thing that had ever happened to you, you couldn’t imagine a life without them by your side, and you were glad to be by their side again at the end of the day

The love you got there, what was people called a home

Nothing in the world could separate you guys by now, your relationship stronger than ever, your insecurities and fears being known, they swore to not let you feel bad about yourself again

The end <3

Hey lovelies !! I hope you all enjoyed :)

Please take care of yourselves and never hesitate to hmu if you don’t feel well, love you all <3


Tags :
3 years ago

Loona masterlist 

Last updated : 11/07/2021

<- Back to gaypeople4itzy’s main masterlist



Individual scenarios :








Kim Lip



OEC as your girlfriends

-> fluff + suggestive content + tiny angst






Olivia Hye

Enlighten the unknown through the night

-> bit of angst + fluff



Poly scenarios :

Mornings with heejin and Hyunjin -> fluff

Home -> (ot12) angst + hurt/comfort + fluff


General hcs/reactions : 

Being needy -> Fluff and suggestive content 


Tags :
3 years ago

Loona - dating someone much smaller than them

Loona - Dating Someone Much Smaller Than Them

Pairings : individual Loona members x reader

Genre : fluffy fluff

Requested ? No

Word count : 2,5k words

Warnings : mentions of food and I think that's about it :)

Clips from

-> rap no no no on ytb (all of Loona)

-> heeki clips on ytb (haseul + yves) -> heeki clips on ytb (jinsoul + kim lip)

-> froggieykh on ytb, insta and tt (vivi)

-> dirozes (chuu)

-> (i made the gifs)

Pretty much collaborating with my love right here @st4rsoo

(go read their stuff and follow them mwah mwah)

Anyways moving on so

sort of short (for me okay😭) but I like the style of it :))

Disclaimer : I wrote this half asleep at like midnight but I hope it'll be enjoyable enough^^

Jo Haseul

Loona - Dating Someone Much Smaller Than Them

- I think we pretty much all know how sweet she is in general, taking care of eleven other girls is already a lot, and let's say she's experienced enough in terms of taking care of someone,

- Will literally protect you as if you were too fragile to even live, there's not a moment you can recall without her worrying for you, she does deal with her worries easily but it's all different when it comes to you, she loves you so much and if something were to happen to you, she would 100% take the blame

"Haseul it's just a bruised knee and I-"

"But I wasn't there to hold you properly :(, I'm so sorry sweetheart"

- Loves acting motherly with you, not in a controlling way whatsoever, she understands and respects all the boundaries you set for yourself as well as your relationship, though she does love treating you like a little kid and since your height makes you look like one, she finds it even funner

- Holding your hand 24/7 is a must, she loves to see you close to her, and she gets super scared of losing you in big crowds, after all, you could easily pass as a kid part of a family and could find yourself in some random place without her to make sure you're doing okay

- Always adjusts her height to you so that her kisses can be better for her s/o, sometimes it may look funny in public but she'll always lean down so that you can reach her, though she finds it adorable when your poor self can't reach her face

- Doesn't tend to tease much however she finds you so cute that it's hard to resist the temptation of messing with you once in a while, which would probably result of her apologizing with a letter and a plushie, romantic enough to win your heart back

- In conclusion, this girl is the most protective person ever, there's no way for you to not feel safe around her, and being small just makes it even better for her to take care of you, you two's relationship is just filled with kindness, something you'd never want to let go of, just like when you don't want her to put you down when she picks you in her arms

Wong Kahei

Loona - Dating Someone Much Smaller Than Them

- She's typically such a caring person, but when it comes to her s/o being short, it gets on whole other level, usually very soft and will treat you like a little teddy bear she wants to cherish until the very last days of your relationship

- I think she'd be somewhat positive about your height ? Always finding a good aspect in it, of course you hate being so short sometimes, though she'll never miss an occasion to make you feel better about it, and without even realizing, she never fails to make you blush while doing so (flirty without thinking damn)

"I seriously hate being so short I can't even do shit and-"

"But sweetness, you're like the cutest angel ever to me :("

"I- I just- :0" shock for you

and then stares at you lovingly while your cheeks start to warm up

- Clearly not a tease, but she can't help laughing at how adorable you look whenever you stand around her taller members, or even around her, she's not the tallest and seeing you being so short makes her giggle, not in a mocking way but really just out of pure adoration when she looks at you

- Hugs with her feel so safe, she usually kneels down so that you can come in her arms and stay there for a while, she hates having to let go of you, you fit so well in her embrace that she swears she could stay that way forever

- Sometimes worries about your health, gets you checked up often and feeds you food she cooks herself to make sure you stay in good shape, the last thing she'd want to witness is for you to be sick and not being able to do anything about it, similar to Haseul, she can panic easily because she wants to keep you safe

- She's not necessarily the most clingy but she'll love to hold you close when cuddling under a warm blanket, playing with your hair and whispering sweet nothings while you stay comfortable in her arms is like the perfect date to her, she swears you get cuter every time she gets to see you

- To conclude, here we have such a softie as your girlfriend, you lucky little one, with Kahei close to you, there's no way you'll ever feel unloved, she can make you warm the second her loving gaze comes upon your adorable face, she won't always be vocal about it but she values you as the most important thing in her life and will never get over how adorable you are next to her

Ha Sooyoung

Loona - Dating Someone Much Smaller Than Them

- Now this dumbass acts like she's the tallest person on earth in general already, but when it comes to having a short s/o, believe me, she'll see herself as the greatest giant ever and you'll be a cute little dwarf she has to protect

- Swears to be your knight in a shinning armour, ready to come save you at any occasion given, even though you absolutely don't need any help, Sooyoung loves to act all proud and pretend to save you from potential "drastic" situation, what a dumbass

"Sooyoung can you help me pick up this box it's too hi-"

"Oh my love, here I come to save you again, tss babe you should stop placing stuff too high for your cute ass, I always have to come give you a hand, not that I mind though"

*winks at a disappointed you*

- There's no way she'll ever stop teasing you, like seriously, she can't get enough of your whines whenever she mentions your height while comparing it to hers, or planting stealing your stuff and holding them in the air with her arms, making it impossible for you to reach no matter how high you can jump, and just for that, she'll do it 10 times all over again

- Very protective of you, and somewhat a bit possessive, she knows you're absolutely irresistible, and being so short makes her believe you can't defend yourself from people that want steamy business with you, she'll always come around in front of you and pick you up so that the person understands and leaves shortly, don't be surprised of her hand sneaking up your waist and pulling you close to her again

- your legs wrapped around her waist, nothing much to say, she just loves it so much when you run to her and jump to reach her arms before securing yourself in her embrace, and of course when sleeping, she loves having you laying on top of her with on leg up and the other down on the side (sort of the sleeping position of the wrapped around her waist one), basically she just loves having you cling onto her

- makes you sit on her lap during lives because why wouldn't she, uses the excuse that she wants to assure your well being, when in reality, she just finds you too cute and loves showing you off as hers to everybody else

- In conclusion, we have a slightly jealous girlfriend who has way too much pride when it comes to her own height yet wouldn't change things the way they are for anything in the world as she gets to tease you as much as she wants considering the fact that you can't really fight her anyways, and of course, that kind of mess would end up with a peck on your lips, a dumbass, but the one you love most in the entire world so

Jung Jinsoul

Loona - Dating Someone Much Smaller Than Them

- Dumb dork sometimes, like she cannot help making jokes about your height, or comment/observations she makes while looking at you in disbelief, wondering what it's like to be so short

"No because how does it feel to be so close to the ground"

"Jinsoul I-"

*lowers at your level*

"omfg aren't you scared to fall sometimes ??"

"I mean.. no ??"

"no because you could literally just boom"

and then she would proceed to gently push you before catching you and planting a kiss on your frowned forehead while you pouted at her, she wouldn't be able to stop herself from grinning when seeing just how you react to her teasing

- Loves seeing you in her clothes, you look so tiny that she can't help but to take pictures of you, not without begging you to stay in those for as long as she wishes you to, steal her shirt and her heart will come with it :)

- random kisses all over your face even though you can't reach her, and when you blush in embarrassment and look away, she'll take your chin with her fingers and she'll make you look at her, even if you then still can't kiss her back

- Is so whipped for you though, you'll catch her stare at you in awe whenever you do something around her, weather that would be working or just walking outside, she can't process how lucky she got to have such a cutie like you

- randomly picks you up in her arms and walks you around, like even when you're in the middle of a conversation with someone, it's like she gets the sudden urge to lift you and swing you around, carrying you like a new born baby, stealing you away from other people's attention

- insists on you having a special higher seat for concerts so that you can see her properly (and she can watch you while performing), will not hesitate to fight managers about it, she laughs at your height a lot however the last thing she wants is you feeling uncomfortable in any kind of situations because of it

- Lovey dovey girlfriend you could swear you hate because of the amount of teasing you get from her yet the love she brings you is so genuine that it's impossible to not want to stick around her, she loves you so deeply and you do as well, between laughs and insults, you both know that nothing can come to disturb your love

Kim Jungeun

Loona - Dating Someone Much Smaller Than Them

- when you first met, you thought she hated you because of how much she made fun of you, there was never a day without Jungeun pointing out your obvious and pretty noticeable height to everyone else, so much that she had to formally confess to you about three times so that you would finally accept the truth of her love even if you remained a bit intimidated by her aura

- she's not always the best at expressing her emotions but seeing you so short and huggable makes her feel some type of way, that including the urge to hold you close to her and never let go, yes even if you're busy doing something else and she knows she'll caught you off guard (it makes things funnier to her anyways)

- Definitely laughs when you can't do something by yourself until you whine enough for her to come and help you, it's nothing like she wants to make you feel bad about yourself, but oh gosh she finds you way too cute for this world's surface, and so, it makes her want to mess around a lot

"Jungeunnn why did you put stuff so high :(("

"Hmm what's up cutie ? Oh that, well, not really my problem"

"But Jungeun come on"

"Mhh let me think... no"


"okay okay fine doll I'm just messing with you"

- rambles about your cuteness to people without even realizing, and sometimes she gets really embarrassed of it, but she loves you so much sooo

- loves to pick you up and sit you on her shoulders so that you can feel taller and see stuff properly through big crowds of people, also a great way to avoid annoying paparazzis that could bother her precious baby

- once someone thought she was your babysitter and she laughed so hard you made her sleep on the couch, she apologized by making you breakfast and fed you the food she made, patting your head while doing so, restraining herself from making more comments about your height

- Love hate relationship with each other, people are never sure if you're dating or not, but sure thing is, the love shared by the two of you isn't something common, from the way she looks at you to the so many times in a day that she lifts you up, never without making fun of you a little bit, she never once failed to make you smile

Kim Jiwoo

Loona - Dating Someone Much Smaller Than Them

- purposely sets up situations where she can save you, similar to Sooyoung, this dummy loves to act all proud and strong because she knows she has an advantage when it comes to height situations

- compares everything that's small to you, a cute puppy she sees on the streets and suddenly *ding*, you get a notification of her saying how much it looks like you. Seeing small stuff in a shop, woo, immediately thinks "woah these are y/n size !! gotta buy them !!"

Exhibit A

"Y/n !! Look !! A small teddyyyy, it looks just like you don't you think ?"

And before you could even answer, she bought it and named it after you, swearing to sleep with it forever

Exhibit B

"Y/nnnnnnn I found shoes but they're too small for meeeeee"

"why would you buy them then Jiwoo-"

"BECAUSE well, they can fit you !!"

"these are barbie shoes Jiwoo, they barely fit on my finger"


- literally babies you for everything you do (despite being a huge baby herself), from pinching your cheeks to booping your nose, that girl thinks you're a little kid, and the worst part of it, it makes your cheeks warm up

- loves giving you piggy back rides, she's not the tallest nor the strongest but she'll surely act like she is, she loves feeling like taking the lead in the relationship

- lots and lots of praise whenever you accomplish something, especially physical, it's not that she believes you're weak, though she thinks you can be easily helpless when put in a situation that requires a natural body strength

- treats you like a little doll sometimes, very careful with her movements, softly playing with your hair while she peppers kisses all across your face, swearing to never leave your side

- Jiwoo can be one of the biggest dummies out there, yet this is exactly why you love her, her naturally kind hearted soul makes you feel at ease whenever she's around, always ready to cherish you like you're the only matter in the world, your relationship is filled with sweet surprises and a love that's meant to last forever

The end <3

Soooo ? How was it ? Do yall want a part with the other members ? Just let me know :))

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2 years ago

Business partner

with Loona's vivi (Kahei)

Business Partner
Business Partner
Business Partner

Wordcount : 1,5k

Warnings : kissing, slight touch (no explicit content, only fluff <3)

Another one of my favorites muhaha !!

Since you were a little kid, you had always valued the importance of family, especially when it came to spending some quality time with them. For as long as you could remember, you were always out there, bringing your parents on dates and accompanying them to different events they had for work

Which is why exactly you were here at that moment, sat down next to your father, attending an important business conference. You were used to doing that, sometimes catching yourself get interested in the boring monologue of the people that were presenting. You usually spent your time laughing with your dad’s colleagues, who knew you very well as they had been seeing you frequently for years. They were almost like a second family, and considered you like one of them, like you were too, a worker by your father’s side

Time passed by and finally, people were allowed to leave the room. “Thank god” you told yourself, it wasn’t even that uninteresting, you were just too excited for what was coming next: you and your father were invited to a dinner in a fancy restaurant, as well as a few other business partners and their respective relatives

You didn’t know exactly where you were heading as you entered the taxi that had been ordered for you and your dad, but you had heard many compliments about the place you were going to spend the evening at. It was known for its great service, as well as its space. Furthermore, you knew in advance that there was a room reserved for you and the few people that were coming, meaning that you wouldn’t be bothered by others or disturbed by loud noises

You got yourself quickly there. Thanking the driver, you walked towards the inside of the building, your dad following your steps as he had just given the man the money he owned. It was a vast place, cozy but as it was described to you, very wide in terms of space

It didn’t take long before a waiter came to you guys, asking you what could be done for you. As the reservation was being checked, you looked around you, seeing who would be eating at the same table as yours

Leading the way, the server headed upstairs, followed by a dozen of people which included you and your father

The room you had been assigned was beautiful, you didn’t even have the words to describe it. You felt extremely lucky to get to eat in such a place, forever grateful for the close relationship you shared with your family

Seating next to your dad, you watched other people taking their seats. One of the colleagues you knew best, almost like he was your father’s brother, sat in front of you as the others took place around the table. After everyone was sat down, you noticed that there were two empty seats

Of course, as curious as you had always been, you asked the people around if they knew who was going to sit there, or if it was just a mistake

“Ahh yes! It’s one of our new men, him and his child are supposed to join us later. He told me he had a deal to conclude before coming, but I think he just doesn’t want to be around us” your almost uncle winked meanwhile the others laughed

You didn’t even have the time to question it as the main door of the room opened. A tall man and a beautiful girl walked in, greeting each one of you as they sat down; the father next to one of the workers, and who seemed like the daughter, next to you

You couldn’t help but feel a little nervous as she gave you a warm smile. She was significantly pretty, and god, you were praying that this new business partner would stay along for a long while, at least, if it meant meeting his daughter more often

“I’d like for you all to welcome my daughter, Kahei, who will be joining us for today” the new man said

“She’s the only other young one with L/N” one of the colleagues replied, as you and Kahei looked at each other, grinning

“It’s an honour to meet you all” she then said, looking at the others

As the men started to talk about politics, she turned to you. You couldn’t explain why exactly, but there was something suspicious about the way she was eying you, almost like there was something forbidden going on in her mind

Leaning in towards you, she came close to your ear

“You’re quite beautiful miss L/n”

You blushed at her words, which made her smile widen a little

You thanked her as you returned the compliment, trying to keep your composure. Just why was this girl having such an effect on you? 

The waiter then came to take your orders. As you knew your dad was the one paying for you, you chose something that wasn’t too overly expensive. Although your were perfectly fine with the dish you had picked, Kahei spoke

“Add this for L/n, I’ll pay myself” she pointed at that delicious looking meal she had seen you look at earlier. It costed way more than you’d ever let someone pay for

“Oh no it’s fine! You don’t have to” you replied, but she was quick to interrupt you with a finger on your lips

“Oh it’s my pleasure darling, just let me do” she declared, and well, you weren’t going to refuse such an offer!

Time passed by as little talk was made between you and Kahei, as well as the other people present around the table. The conversation just then, was about politics and upcoming elections that were right around the corner. As you were speaking your mind, getting the men to agree with you, you felt something on your thigh 

Trying to ignore it, you finished your point, and your father began speaking, as you looked down on your legs. Kahei had her hand wander there, looking at you to get your approval. As you nodded discreetly, she let her warm hand rest there. Sometimes, she’d remove it, only to put it back later. And quite honestly, you weren’t going to complain as you felt a little more comfortable than you did earlier

Food came in no time and you were amazed with the amount of plates you had in front of you. Forever grateful to miss Kahei, you decided to thank her once more, which she responded to by that shy grin that made her so, desirable 

As the conversation changed to a topic you didn’t bother remembering, you started feeling a little bored. The plates were empty and so was your mind. Your eyes wandered around, looking at Kahei who seemed to be sharing the same feeling as you. You were quickly caught staring by her, which resulted in her looking at you back, deeply in the eyes

Maybe it was what you had drank or maybe it was because of her intoxicating perfume, but when she asked you in a low voice if you wanted to get out, you immediately accepted. Excusing yourselves saying you had to deal with a little problem, you got out of the room

You had always loved these meetings, but there was something much more exciting than sitting at a table waiting for you

Kahei lead you to a smaller room, that seemed to have much more intimacy than the previous one you guys stayed in. Your heartbeat increased as you sat down next to her, waiting for her to say something

“You’re so pretty” she suddenly said, kissing your forehead

“You’re the prettiest” you replied, kissing her hands

“You’re so adorable, makes me want to treat you so good, just to see that smile of yours” she kissed your cheeks as you grinned

“And you’re making me nervous” you admitted, kissing her cheeks back, ghosting over her lips

“And you’re making me want to kiss you” she declared, a glimpse of timidity in her voice

“I’m not going to stop you. Kiss me Kahei, please”

And like it was the most natural thing in the world, like you had been born and went through the entirety of your lives just for this moment, like the world was ending, like nothing else mattered, she grabbed your face and pressed her lips onto yours, kissing you softly. There was something sweet about her movements, gentle and clearly restraining herself, you couldn’t lie and say you disliked it, how come was she so perfect? 

In that very moment, you thanked the world for making you meet the best future “business partner” you could ever wish for ;)

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3 years ago

Have Orbits ever made a petition or mass email movement about the line distribution and screen time in Loona? Idk if it’s too much but we gotta express our concerns somehow. The most I heard Gowon and ViVi sing was on their solo songs!😭😭😭😭😭. Haseul too dammit! 😭 they did a good job on Hyunjin and Choerry this time sooooooo.

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4 years ago

TBZ and LOONA locs!

❥︎ とても美しい 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗕𝗢𝗬𝗭 あなたは🕊️私の 青い空です 𝗟𝗢𝗢𝗡𝗔 あなたは ✉️ それが長い 𝗆𝗒 𝘈𝘕𝘎𝘌𝘓𝘚 日だった🍙ことを知 っています

✰ 了解しました 𝗧𝗕𝗭 すみませ🦋ん甘い塩辛い小さな話 𝗟OOΠΔ 今月の *ᴥ︎︎︎* 少女あなただけが愛している 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾.𝖻𝗈𝗍 それは💤あなたです

⚠︎ 警告サイン ﹙𝗌𝗈 𝖶𝖧𝖠𝖳¿﹚調子良くない ⛩️ もう待ち ﹙𝗧𝗕𝗭 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗟𝗢𝗢𝗡𝗔 ᶻᵒⁿᵉ﹚私はスティー☎️ ラーです 火がついている ☠︎︎引き金

☔︎ ポンピン 𝖳𝖧𝖤 𝖻𝖮𝖸𝖹 . . . グしま☕︎ょう¡ 私の囲気 🧸を殺さな𝗆𝗒 𝗌𝗎𝗇𝖿𝗅𝗈𝗐𝖾𝗋𝗌でくださʕ•ᴥ•ʔそれは 🍩 来を見けて 𝖫𝖮𝖮𝖭𝖺 です¿¡

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