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-Why do we always save some idiots without a sense of self-preservation?
*Your actions shifted your worldview by 1 point to the side: Evil*

By @ninja_ezang on twitter
Source : https://twitter.com/ninja_ezang/status/590973978325360640
Book 4 Mystery
The recent tweel cards got me wondering... just where did Yuu sit during the ride back to NRC in book 4?

And after analyzing the design I came to the conclusion that we must've been playing Floyd Leech Pro Surfer 3

Things that totally happened on Supernatural, 4x18 - “The Monster At The End of This Book”
This Dreamling Week, I'd like us all to remember exactly what Dream looked like when he approached Shakespeare in 1589:

Look at him. The glee. The joy. The interest. If I didn't know it's for a business deal I'd assume he wants an autograph.
My good sir you are there to commission a couple of plays, not to ask if he wants to come up and see your etchings
Now I want to all the fics of Cas attempting to court Dean angel-style. XD
Imagine Person A of your OTP asking out Person B in a foreign language.
Was anyone gonna tell me Master Kohga has jiggle physics or was I supposed to find that out myself?