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2 years ago

ten years of Spiders Georg! Celebrate!

“average person eats 3 spiders a year” factoid actualy just statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted

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1 year ago

sonic the hedgehog tumblr dashboard simulator

0 notes

Sonic The Hedgehog Tumblr Dashboard Simulator

💠 extremegayr Follow

got held up in traffic today cause some noob couldnt drive the fucking loop-de-loop. lmfao fucking coward

15 notes

Sonic The Hedgehog Tumblr Dashboard Simulator

🎛 420zone Follow

ok but robotnik's kind of a dilf tho

🌫 wispgender Follow

he's literally a war criminal can we NOT do this tumblr

🎛 420zone Follow

A screenshot from "It's Always Sunny in Station Square," in which a character says, "Everybody's dying, bitch, let's get you some fruit." The text has been replaced with "Everybody's a war criminal, bitch, let's get you some fruit."   [Edited into the photo are a chao, a pink wisp, and a missing poster for Fang the Hunter.]

📰 its-no-use Follow

@wispgender dont u literally simp for nominatus like who is one to talk

🌫 wispgender Follow


🛜 viralsensation-destructorofworlds Follow

that you know of

🌫 wispgender Follow


10,672 notes

Sonic The Hedgehog Tumblr Dashboard Simulator

🔷 sonicinthewild

Sonic faceplanting on the ground.

43,834 notes

Sonic The Hedgehog Tumblr Dashboard Simulator

☣️ lineinthesand Follow

saw sonic the hedgehog irl once. he showed up at my village, released 30 feral pickys in the town hall, paid the ice cream vendor roughly a thousand rings for a single chili dog, told me not to waste my life worrying about the little things, and then caused a fucking tornado

🧿 spiralhillspindash Follow

ok and??? you're not special

☣️ lineinthesand Follow


173 notes

Sonic The Hedgehog Tumblr Dashboard Simulator

🌠 chaoinspace2electricboogaloo

sucks that sticks the badger hates all technology you know she would do NUMBERS on here

568 notes

Sonic The Hedgehog Tumblr Dashboard Simulator

☸️ r0u3e Follow

being an islander be like "are those the kind of eggsplosions i should worry about or the kind of eggsplosions that are gonna repair our crops, fix the economy, and bring my dead grandma back to life"

🌁 eggpawnkindathicctho Follow

being a continenter be like "oh great what primordial diety has risen from the grave to block traffic and fight a 15yo today"

🥭 chao-official

being a chao be like "chao chao chao chao chao"

🌁 eggpawnkindathicctho Follow

you said it my mans

579,056 notes

Sonic The Hedgehog Tumblr Dashboard Simulator

🏵 sprinkles-the-chao Follow

hold on if sonic the hedgehog is jewish then how is he santa claus

🤖 e123-omegaverse Follow

dont question him

85,628 notes

Sonic The Hedgehog Tumblr Dashboard Simulator

☣️ sparkygoboom Follow

hey guys real question are human/mobian relationships problematic

💠 extremegayr Follow

op is about to start the anthro church schism of the fifteenth year all over again

🛞 mobotropolis Follow

ok but in all seriousness did your mom never teach you that part of history

🎢 marxiobros Follow

someone doesn't know about the united federations public school system

🛞 mobotropolis Follow

what the fuck is a public school

⏭️ drowningmusic Follow

An edit of the "god i wish that were me" meme, so that a random Sonic IDW character has replaced the profile image

⚄ paradoxprism Follow

are we gonna talk about op's chaos radiation fetish

💠 extremegayr Follow


🏞 mobiancrossing Follow

ok but am i the only one who thinks that the public school system would be a good idea if handled right? like i know it's traditional to learn from your parents and then experience the world on our own from the ages of 7-13 but like combining all our knowledge and learning together doesnt seem like a bad idea

☠️ fabian-vane-number-1-hater Follow

bitch that's what the internet is for

🌅 s0leanna-apple-barrell

yeah where else am i gonna learn to make infinite chaos emeralds

❇️ freesurge Follow

"infinite chaos emeralds" that's called the phantom ruby

🏳️‍🌈 rainbowwispforgayrights Follow

everybody on this site has brain damage

❇️ freesurge Follow

yeah. from the radiation

603,573 notes

Sonic The Hedgehog Tumblr Dashboard Simulator

🐸 froggysfriend

caught this today

[A screenshot from "Sonic Adventure" of Big the Cat holding up a fish.]

🏝 digginginthegroundfortubers

if anything happens to this blog i genuinely hope eggman blows us all up as punishment

950,420 notes

Sonic The Hedgehog Tumblr Dashboard Simulator

🐊 teamchaotixofficial

Hey guys! Sorry to do this again but rent's a little tight this month :( If we've ever solved a case for you guys or made you guys smile, please consider sending a ko-fi our way! we just need a few rings to get through the month <3

6 notes

Sonic The Hedgehog Tumblr Dashboard Simulator

🖼 give-the-koco-a-gun Follow

do we ever talk about that time the sky turned blood-red and shadow the hedgehog's demon dad descended from on high to murder us all and we only barely survived

❤️‍🔥 songoose4evr Follow

shadow fixed it it's fine

🎮 n0cturnity

yeah that was like twelve apocalypses ago move on

🎆 robotniksbignaturals Follow

kinda wanted to bang black doom tbh

🖼 give-the-koco-a-gun Follow


🎆 robotniksbignaturals Follow

yeah. move over gayboy i'm boutta be shadow's new dad

856,301 notes

Sonic The Hedgehog Tumblr Dashboard Simulator

🗑️ berrybarry

starting a conspiracy that time hasnt moved since 2006

🗑️ berrybarry

why the fuck was i shadowbanned after posting this

8 notes

Sonic The Hedgehog Tumblr Dashboard Simulator

🤡 clownfinite Follow

tfw you finally save up enough rings for ice cream and you go outside and get hit by swatbot pieces and the rings just go fuckin everywhere

Sonic the Hedgehog screaming in pain.

587 notes

Sonic The Hedgehog Tumblr Dashboard Simulator

🔷 sonicinthewild

Sonic the Hedgehog screaming in pain.

34,452 notes

Sonic The Hedgehog Tumblr Dashboard Simulator

🌌 h-o-l-o-l-y-n-x

so did y'all see that genesis wave or was it just me

0 notes

Sonic The Hedgehog Tumblr Dashboard Simulator

🆙 planetsgiantcrack Follow

the virgin tweeter "if you use a bad word in the same tweet as the word 'cream' you get obliterated off the site" vs this chad site of "i want to put knuckles back in a microwave"

💟 presidentyaoi Follow


69,849 notes

Sonic The Hedgehog Tumblr Dashboard Simulator

⬜️ chao-and-wisps-4-ever-so-cute-2 Follow

ok posting my first fanart to this site pls be nice! <3


2 notes

Sonic The Hedgehog Tumblr Dashboard Simulator

🌔 emeraldfwuitgummy Follow

why does tails look like he's always about to say "it fucken WIMDY"

🦊 miles-prower-official

Hello, @emeraldfwuitgummy!

I actually quote that image on a constant basis! Sonic thinks it's hilarious every time. He's quite the fan of memes, and it's nice to get a laugh out of him!


Dr. Miles "Tails" Prower, PHD

🌔 emeraldfwuitgummy Follow


🏅 iwishhumanswerereal Follow

do. do you not know he created tailblr. dude it's in the name lmao

🌔 emeraldfwuitgummy Follow



🍭 milfwisp Follow

didn't eggman invent this site???

🪫 veganswatbot


🦊 miles-prower-official

Hello, @milfwisp and @veganswatbot!

Very good question! This site was Eggman's until I ate his bones. Thank you for engaging! :D


Dr. Miles "Tails" Prower, PHD

🌔 emeraldfwuitgummy Follow



🌭 sonicsays

what's not clicking

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1 year ago
Mspaint Eddworls Because Why Not
Mspaint Eddworls Because Why Not
Mspaint Eddworls Because Why Not
Mspaint Eddworls Because Why Not

mspaint eddworls because why not

[funny bee]

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6 months ago

'Are you afraid of God?'

'No. But I'm afraid of you'

- Elizabeth & Booker, Bioshock Infinite

Gives me chills every time. Love it even out of context, but in context...damn.

“i am a monument to all your sins” is such a fucking raw line for a villain it’s amazing that it came from halo, a modernish video game, and not some classical text or mythos

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7 months ago

i’m dead serious when i say people don’t understand mu qing’s character. he’s from poverty his father was executed he was bullied for a long time even his teacher actively bullied him! his time with xie lian and feng xin wasn’t as enjoyable as it would’ve been for them! his mother was sick and eventually passed away every second of his life he had to work for his survival he never had a day to relax of course he didn’t have time for friendships. and he fucking ascended to godhood without anyone’s help he always thought he was more than what people saw he believed in himself when no one did. he’s a rebel. he’s a fucking prodigy. he’s also sensitive, sweet and kind he feels so much guilt he pushes people away before they can reject him but he wants to help people so bad he thinks he can fix everything. he’s reckless, he struggles with social cues he’s used to being misunderstood and he tries so, so hard. i need all of you to understand he’s NOT. simply a pretty snarky tsundere.

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2 years ago

People who don’t understand why Lydia and Todd were introduced in S5… they’re literally character foils to Walter and Jesse but specifically Walter and Jesse at the end of their respective journeys. Lydia’s most defining characteristics are her greed and her cowardice. As seen when she covers her eyes rather than witness the aftermath of a shootout, Lydia has no interest in facing up to the consequences of her actions. Walter has no problem inflicting death at this point, but is still too cowardly to admit that he is a bad person and that his actions are doing irreparable harm, as seen when he murders Mike for basically just giving to him straight. Even Lydia’s most sympathetic trait, her love for her daughter, parallels Walter’s own one redeeming quality, his love for his family. Jesse and Todd are both written as young and somewhat childlike in manner, but in every other aspect are as different as Walter and Lydia are similar, because Jesse, unlike Walter, has remorse and is not too far gone. Todd is everything Jesse now fears becoming and everything he hates about the criminal underworld: he has no regard for human life or the innocence of children, the two things that Jesse values above all else, and is as detached from his emotions as Jesse is in tune with his. Lydia and Walter are both responsible for Jesse’s imprisonment and exploitation, so when Jesse kills Todd, it is him freeing himself from a prison of both Walt’s making and of his own. And when Walter says “goodbye, Lydia,” what he’s really saying is “goodbye, Heisenberg”. But Walter has to die after he kills Lydia, because he’s so far gone that his Heisenberg identity is inextricably linked to his person. The horrible lengths Todd will go to get Lydia’s attention, and Lydia’s contempt for him and ambivalence toward his efforts, are also significant, even though the abusive, obsessive dynamic has been reversed

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2 years ago
Sansa Stark//Fallen Angel,Alexandre Cabanel,1868
Sansa Stark//Fallen Angel,Alexandre Cabanel,1868

Sansa Stark//Fallen Angel,Alexandre Cabanel,1868

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1 year ago

my dealer : got you some straight gas here ⛽🔥😜 this new strain is called "into the wild". you'll be zonked out of your gourd

me : yeah whatever. i don't feel shit.

5 minutes later : dude i swear i just saw a kittypet near the border

my buddy : [pacing around the camp] tigerclaw is lying to us

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6 months ago

I’m tired of virgin olive oil jokes

I need defloured tortilla jokes

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2 years ago

no sburb beta earth au where dave "microcelebrity" strider suddenly gains a big following on the internet after a spike of people discover his sbahj comics online when a screenshot of one goes particularly viral and turns into a [top text/bottom text] meme and some hipsters are like "woah,, this is actually some really avant garde stuff". when he's churning these out sitting in the bathroom stall at school once a day during lunch period. so then he gets REALLY popular and then inevitably gets cancelled at some point when a communications/poli sci major reads one of his comics and then types up a whole memo board explaining how sbahj is actually neo-conservative propaganda written as part of a conspiracy to undermine the 2008 obama presidency. and there's a whole rage war since the memo board was written really convincingly with red arrows and circles drawn around sweet bro's head and everything and dave hasn't made any public statements about it and also no one actually understands what sbahj is about. so threads are being written up about this and people are like emailing death threats to each other over it and someone even tries to doxx him and then manages to find out he lives in texas and some people start actually taking the whole thing seriously because He's From Texas (never mind the fact it's houston). meanwhile dave just started his midterms and he has to focus because he actually cares about school and his future and so he takes a short "hiatus" which people freak out even more over because they take it as him backing away due to the allegations online. and then after winter break dave comes back and opens up a q&a for his 169th "bro wee ar doign it wee ar making it hapen" special and at some point after a barrage of questions in his inbox (q: was "swety bro and hela jeff crassh on the freway" inspired by a real car accident you were in? a: i don't own a car / q: what job do you have in real life? a: unemployed but i pick up roadkill off the street sometimes / q: who did you vote for in the 2008 primaries a: i didn't) someone finally has the bright idea to ask "hey how old are you" and he replies "i'm 13" and all hell breaks loose.

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10 months ago

This feels like what I imagine a group of philosophy majors who got high, went to class, and were told to make a group and debate something.

did i tell u guys i got into an argument on twitter bc i said foxes are dogs and someone tried to bring up their actual fuckin. classification or whatever and i just said “foxes are dogs cause they are fluffye” and they kept arguing with me. the entire time i was like “you will not survive the immigration to tumblr you are lucky we are not there right now”

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1 year ago
My Three Girlfriends.And Yes, They Smoke Weed.

My three girlfriends. And yes, they smoke weed.

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1 year ago

One of my favorite things about rotj Luke is how morbid he is. We don’t talk about it enough. He walks up to Jabba’s palace in Vader’s best cloak and not-so-subtly threatens Jabba with death, which Leia delivers. When Luke says goodbye to Leia, thinking that he’s leaving to die, he tells her she’s the only hope for the Alliance. To Palpatine, he says “You’re gravely mistaken,” and, “Soon I’ll be dead, and you with me.”

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3 years ago

when you’re a gay lion and you accidentally tried to introduce your lesbian lioness friend to one of her own exes at a gay bar and she goes into the bathroom and bitches you out for not being able to tell her endlessly rotating cast of girlfriends apart which isn’t really fair because first of all they all keep dyeing their hair different colors and second of all she keeps getting back together with different ones at different times and meanwhile you’ve been “single” for like 8 months but are spending a lot of time with one specific guy who works at your old co-op and were going to excitedly tell her about it tonight but now you’ve ruined the whole subject of dating by trying to introduce her to her own ex at a gay bar (which is a watering hole. because you’re lions.) 

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