Kwami - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Love this concept.

A Lil Thing I Drew Based On My Headcanon, That Kwamis Partner With Humans Bcus They Crave The Emotion
A Lil Thing I Drew Based On My Headcanon, That Kwamis Partner With Humans Bcus They Crave The Emotion
A Lil Thing I Drew Based On My Headcanon, That Kwamis Partner With Humans Bcus They Crave The Emotion

a lil thing i drew based on my headcanon, that kwamis partner with humans bcus they crave the emotion and physicality of the human experience, and get to feel their wielder’s emotions through the transformations 🧐 

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1 year ago

Love this concept.

A Lil Thing I Drew Based On My Headcanon, That Kwamis Partner With Humans Bcus They Crave The Emotion
A Lil Thing I Drew Based On My Headcanon, That Kwamis Partner With Humans Bcus They Crave The Emotion
A Lil Thing I Drew Based On My Headcanon, That Kwamis Partner With Humans Bcus They Crave The Emotion

a lil thing i drew based on my headcanon, that kwamis partner with humans bcus they crave the emotion and physicality of the human experience, and get to feel their wielder’s emotions through the transformations 🧐 

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3 years ago

All of these are very interesting and good points, but I just wanted to add the reason I always assumed why they have a rule against sharing their secret identities.

I always thought that the reason why ladybug and chat noir never shared their secret identities with each other is because if one of them was revealed/caught, nobody would be able to force the information of the other's identity out of them because they would genuinely lack that knowledge and thus the other's identity would remain safe.

I imagine this rule would have much more emphasis onto ladybug and chat noir since they are in possession of the 2 miraculouses shadow moth wants most.

Also because in the show they are in possession of the 2 powerful miraculouses.


… why? 


… why?? 


… why??? 



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3 years ago

This is so cool and really interesting!

The English name “Catwalker” is nice and it works, but now I prefer/like the more clever original French name “Velvet Paws” due to what @little-mari-on-a-roof said above. I understand why the name would not translate the best for those who are unfamiliar with the saying.

I’m still going to refer to Adrien’s short lived persona as “Cat Walker” because that is how he is more popularly known in the English MLB fandom and the fist name I associate when I think about him.

I want to join the French “Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir” fandom too but I don’t understand French well and Google Translate can only get me so far.

Today the french dub for Kuro Neko came out and it turns out that catwalker's original name is Patte de velours, lit. "velvet paw" and I really love it so here's a little explanation of the name :))

In french, the saying "patte de velours" means to retract one's claws (when talking about a cat) or to hide one's true intentions beneath a friendly and kind exterior. Which is pretty much what Adrien does in the episode. His claws are physically less sharp, he refrains himself and he acts all perfect to get ladybug to like the new him.

And just like catwalker, it also hints (but in a way more subtle way) to Adrien's involvement in the fashion industry because of the word "velours"!

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5 years ago

Fun facts😀

Plagg 😹

Do you remember the episode "Rogercop"?

I was just thinking: If a kwami can go trought solid object easy………

Fun Facts
Fun Facts

……… how the hell could Plagg stuck in a bracelet? 😸


Any explanation, Plagg?

Fun Facts

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1 year ago

Adrien: I wish I was an actual cat, then I can maybe sleep all day and the people I love would cuddle me and make me feel safe and warm, and maybe I can get adopted into a home I always wanted

Plagg: That's why you have that ridiculous bell, it represents your subconsciousness desires

Adrien: What- really!?

Plagg: Also, you need a therapist

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11 months ago
Imagine If Plagg Just Revealed His True Form On A Whim Whenever He Felt Like It
Imagine If Plagg Just Revealed His True Form On A Whim Whenever He Felt Like It
Imagine If Plagg Just Revealed His True Form On A Whim Whenever He Felt Like It
Imagine If Plagg Just Revealed His True Form On A Whim Whenever He Felt Like It

imagine if plagg just revealed his true form on a whim whenever he felt like it

Imagine If Plagg Just Revealed His True Form On A Whim Whenever He Felt Like It
Imagine If Plagg Just Revealed His True Form On A Whim Whenever He Felt Like It
Imagine If Plagg Just Revealed His True Form On A Whim Whenever He Felt Like It

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5 years ago

Okay so uhh, after Feast the temple was restored right? So does that mean that all these miraculous' have been restored as well?? And if so- HOLY MOLY THATS A LOTTA SUPERHEROES

okay so going off this new information,, there are most likely a shoot ton of miraculous' now, so,,,

Ocs are valid and we can thank feast

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