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Was thinking about CCs train and shit when it hit me. There are a few commanders, such as Monnk, Jet, Blackout, and Hound (he’s a cc to me) who would have to be trained alone or with CT’s, since their specialty requires so much work.
So, I have come with an idea. Since the standard week is 5 days, 3 of the 5 are spent in specialized classes. They’d do their flash training and then be taken by other trainers. They would train with a squad of others, and put in charge.
For Hound, since it’s a special case of having a Massiff buddy. Those three days are set together and Grizzer would stick with him all day, and night. To strengthen their bond, they would spend off time together and Hound would have his official trainer (an Mandalorian) set Grizzer in the bunk with him. This was a not great idea for some massiffs but Grizzer loved the pod and would wiggle like hell when the Alpha picked him up.
I can just imagine, Monnk coming back to his squad from specialized training soaking wet and cold. Having his Alpha help him peel off the dry suit before he goes to bed. Talking all about the fun things he learned and saw with his Mandalorian trainer. Actually, I headcanon that Monnk and his trainer got along incredibly well is basically adopted by the Mandalorian. Monnk got his name and the sea dragon across his armor from the Mandalorian. (I also headcanon that Dred Priest hated the Mandalorian and reconditioned Monnk to get at him. Dred ended up in a bacta tank and the Mandalorian retaught Monnk everything from scratch. (Monnk was about 3 standard at the time.))
Jet scared the shit out of his trainer with how well he was able to control the flame. He was also taught what alternate fuels could be used on different planets and Jet got so interested he found all the options he could on Kamino (only 2) and he switched out the fuel, Pyro (my OC) was all to happy to help. They both were found sitting on the floor with the flamethrower between them, quietly watching the flames. Turns out, all of the flame troopers either had or developed pyromania to *some* degree. The trainer in charge was quite happy to find out about this as he had a severe case himself and was all to happy to indulge his troopers under the excuse of teaching the troopers.
Blackout is a special operations clone trooper, trained for stealth operations and piloting. While he did not have a super close bond with his trainer, they both still enjoyed each others company and considered each other friends. Blackout is one of the few who was already good at lying, but his training made him the best (better than even Fox, which he is very proud of). He wasn't as close with as many of his troopers due to their numbers being quite large, but he (like the rest of the spec ops troops) does his best to instruct and learn about his troopers in their short time together.
Bacara, though not recieving any special training, caught the eye of a Concord Dawn Mandalorian who took him for special Marine training for one day a week. It would be till later when they decided to have a Marine Corps that he would become the specialist.
I feel like we need to appreciate Thire more, so this is for you buddy (other commanders are mentioned bc they have to be)
Thire is 9 at the start of the clone wars and quickly rises the ranks
He is very temperamental but has developed a certain patience that makes him seem calm
He is fact not calm and has a short fuse; he just bottles it up and will make your life a living hell through mild annoyances
Think of a robber who steals your tv remotes batteries, except he steals all the batteries in the house and makes buying any more batteries horrible and trying experience
Many GAR commanders are afraid of him and those that aren’t should be
Of the commanders group he is the ‘angry asshole’
Fox is ‘tired/bitch/rude asshole’, thorn is the ‘nice asshole’, hound is ‘obnoxious asshole’, and stone is ‘quiet/creepy (he stares a lot to convey his displeasure) asshole’
Thire is in charge of Senator escorts, specializing with off world missions. He works closest to Thorn who oversees the senate and the least with Stone (oversees the prison)
He has the most contact with the Jedi and somehow became Yoda’s favorite, getting specific requests for him
He has mixed feelings bc Yoda’s not bad company but he’s used as a sort of chair the whole time?
Since he’s the youngest, the others are very protective of him and this does annoy him but he loves with it
Make no mistake, Thire will easily commit murder
Stones face is all kinds of messed up, he’s missing a cheek on his left side exposing the teeth from a mad Trandosian during a riot turned mass escape attempt (they failed)
He keeps his head shaved because of the patchy growth around scars
He’s got so many scratch marks and chunks missing from things like that
This also applies to the rest of the Prison Guard, they are the most scarred group of corries
The prison has ARC troopers on staff constantly to discourage (they have taken down many a prisoner and use unconvential weapons to do it) riots and escapes
Though they rotate, ARC Trooper Whip is the only ARC who is a permanent fixture
Like his name suggests, he uses whips and is *incredibly* skilled with them, they are also electro whips (he can control whether they use electricity or not)
Hound is very bad with people and is the kind of person who can like perfectly understand animals
Thire has a mean streak and finds scaring newbies and visitors incredibly hilarious
His favorite massif is Runt (an exotic breed that’s twice the size of a normal massif (about 6’ standing on his hind legs)) and twwith the handler Trigger (has a height defect, being 2.5 in smaller than standard)
Both are pretty chill and Runt is especially lazy so they are free to get his victims the most
Runt looks scary as his spines are much longer and sharper, with an extra row of teeth and darker skin
This includes using sleeping ARF and massiffs to do so. He did this by getting his victim to wake up an ARF trooper. However, they often sleep with massifs. Often with their spines toward outside for defense and the person against the wall to watch for enemies. If they smell you first, they will bite your hand. So, Thire watches as deep and angry growl comes from the darkness and the shriek that comes from his victim.
Thire has a problem with the CSF often coming in on MP matters or dumping non MP matters onto them
Once a bomb went off incredibly close to 79s, a hole was put in the wall and several were injured. A Guard Clone duo was blasted through the wall and the medics who had been drinking were pulled away into keeping them alive
CSF shows up and is like ‘not important, blah blah’. Everyone is obvi pissed and eventually Thire arrives to deal with it
He just straight up says ‘you’re impeding an military investigation of a terrorist bombing. Move or you will be arrested and criminal charges will be pressed.’
Sergeant Hound hcs:
He got his name before Grizzer appeared in his life
He was trained as a scout trooper on Kamino and was the top of the class, setting several records that are still intact
His name was given by the Mandalorian training him because once he was on the trail, he wouldn't lose it similar to a Bloodhound
Though he is seen as the least serious of the Coruscant Guard Commanders and loves to makes jokes, annoying the other commanders, and gossips with Quinlan when he finds the Jedi in a dumpster
He can be very serious and dedicated when the time calls for it
He is a CC and hasn't been promoted because of his behavior, and the fact that he would be much less effective as the head scout
He is often present in meetings and gives his opinions on matters
Nevertheless, his first job is tracking and Massiff Handling/breeding
He also monitors the other animals in his care, though he often leaves those responibilities to the animals handlers
He, similar to Thire and Stone, go off world often to escort senators and to assist other battalions
However, being the best Massiff handler in the whole GAR and the best tracker by himself, he is often taken by different GAR battalions/legions with Grizzer and other handlers to track criminals stuck on a world
Grizzer is a chaser, tracking people on the go and attacking/catching them
She can also do detect certain drugs however this skill is not often used
Massiffs are big and Grizzer is larger than average. When on her four legs, she’s at hip height, when standing she’s about as tall as a clone
She is a very good girl who always listens to Hound, bets are off tho if anyone else tries to handle her (she’s picky)
Tho massiff are classified as one of those dog breeds thats very loving and protective of family but can be dangerous to strangers, think like a Cane Corso or Neapolitan Mastiff
It is not uncommon to see massiff and handlers sleeping together, even less uncommon for them to be roaming their barracks off leash
The ARF troopers have separate barracks close to the kennels so it isn't a stretch for them to sleep with their massiffs
Massiffs get along pretty well with the other animals but prefer to be left alone, especially with the younger animals
During the 'winter' months of Coruscant some of the animals have coats if needed and the Narglatch, Blizzard, gets a cooler kennel during the summer
The Kiffu Spark Dragons (coming from the tropical regions of Kiffu) have to gets lots of water for their scales to keep their flex and strength
All the animals wear harnesses and leashes of some sort but they aren't necessary, they're trained to respond to all commands and are very skilled
The animals don’t entirely like the GAR troopers, since they smell like blaster fire and grime (usually associated with their chases)
It doesn’t help that their handlers scent has unease in it
They tolerate the Marines because their handlers don’t smell of unease while talking and they usually have treats for their handlers
The animals are okay with Jedi, though they don’t like Anakin much
Children of the Warch/Nite Owl Headcanons
Despite beliefs parents, spouses, and children are allowed to see your face
Medics, of course, are allowed. However, they don’t unless absolutely necessary and will prefer they just have lift the edge of their helmet
None of the Nite Owls really know this because, to the tribe, it’s not important or necessary to voice as it was their business
When babies are first taken in or borne, the parents are very secluded so they can spend as much time with their children out of armor (includes helmet as those taking care of the baby, found/birthed the baby and therefore adopt the baby), skin to skin
When it comes to babies, the adoption process is more so 'i found a baby and now i am their parent in every way' no real adoption like with the older kids since the babies won't remember
The adoption rites are still said, just much less fanfair than with the older kids
This is also true for any new foundlings that need the contact, true for all ages though not a requirement
For babies, this period lasts about 8 months, then when out either parent is with the child without chest armor which lasts until they’re about 16 months
When children come to the tribe, they have little with them so what they do have is kept safe and in tip top shape
When they first arrive, foundlings are given essentially a deep clean by those that found them (they usually become their parent)
This includes getting their clothes washed, washing their hair twice (sometimes three) times, skin is scrubbed, lotion, and clothed in spares, and finally put to bed
Sometimes the kids come with pets (though very rare) and those are given similar treatment depending on the species
All in all, the Watch has the three shriek hawks, two nexu, eight massiffs (coming from two adults so far), three strill, and four anooba
Ragnar came in with a baby strill named Lord (he tried to change the name but no dice)
Lord was bathed after Ragnar, then deflea’ed and dewormed by the medic
Lord has been adopted by all foundlings and has taken the role of Guard dog, including all the commands and mannerisms that come with (though a sucker for belly rubs)
Bathing is important for bonding as it establishes trust and safety for the child, showing that the parent will always love and protect their foundlings no matter what state (mental or physical) they are in
Ragnar is the oldest of the younger group and took on the leader role
There are older teens who’ve completed the verd’goten and are considered adults but mostly teach youngers' kids
The teenagers oppose the Nite Owls the most and, while the most inexperienced of the adults, enjoy causing the most trouble with their youngest
The Nite Owls don’t have nearly as many young foundlings, their youngest is 15. The Children of the Watch youngest of the adults was 14, their actual youngest is 10 months old.
Younger groups age is from 0-13, then 14-20
The youngest enjoyed the new addition to their older siblings they could annoy; especially since the new teens had no idea what to do with them
Many times the kids will be all over the them. The moment they sit down, they have two children climbing on them (hanging over their legs, grabbing their head or arms, laying over their back, on their feet) but otherwise totally ignoring them unless addressed
The Nite Owls either have no idea what to do or don’t care enough about the tribe to care. The adults of the Tribe think it’s hilarious and that it builds character
They’re reasoning is that ‘if you don’t have the spine to tell them to get off of you, you don’t have a spine at all’
Eventually a nineteen year old takes a kid climbing over his face and throws him to the floor, and yells ‘get the hell off me you leeches!’
The child laughs, yanks his leg out from under him, climbs over to their face, slaps their cheek mockingly and says ‘bout time you grew a spine, grew a set of balls too! Congrats! You're no longer a spineless worm!'
The nineteen year old is then quasi adopted by this weird child and secretly enjoys it
A surprising amount of young Watch children quasi adopt the older kids from the Nite Owls, the Owls are confused and don’t really know how to stop it and those who have tried are told to stop by their teens
The peace between the two groups is actually pretty stable in day to day life
Though, some Owls still take issue with the Watch and avoid them, that number is few
After Paz and Axe become riduur, there is even less tolerance by either group for those people so many keep their negative opinions to themselves
Another factor is their pets
Obvi, the Tribe has so many pets and animals that are very well taken care of. Surprisingly, the Owls also have a few pets (but again not as much as the tribe)
The animals each have their roles and enjoy getting pets from literally anyone. Though, most will only respond to attack/work commands coming from a certain few people
Many of the massiffs will lay around and cuddle with the youngest of the children, though a majority only listen to the Beastmaster and her two apprentices
However, with each new litter, half of the pups are given to those couples with the youngest or most vulnerable children
All of the animals are incredibly well trained and well behaved, with even the biggest and most dangerous Anooba still fully trusted around babies (the only outlier being the bird things)
Many of the animals are purchased/found as babies since they respond the best to training
When the Nite Owls animals meet the Tribe's animals, it goes well
Though the Owl's are a little older and calmer, generally receptive to children and people playing with them but prefer to lay around and sun bathe
The Nite Owls' have one strill, three akk dogs, one massiff, and two anooba.
The pets are loved by all the young children and spend a lot of time around the younger kids, due to instincts or the fact the kids come to them
the Owls don't have a Beastmaster like the Tribe and so their animals are used to being more separate and with their owner than hanging around so many different people and animals
they also aren't used to working in a herd but many choose to just keep their animals with them rather than the group
Though, the owner of the massiff (who is about 22 year old female) does keep it with the other massiff and gives open permission to use it to help with breeding new puppies when the time comes
All the aminals in both groups only know Mando'a commands, though they know 'good *insert pet name/gender*' and stuff like that
(whether they know that or they just go wild for the pets, no one will ever know)