Commander Thorn - Tumblr Posts
H!!! First and foremost, congratulations!!! I’m so happy I found you on here. You’re so sweet, and talented, and your taste in music is absolutely brilliant 😭 Cheers to 200!!!
For the character + song moodboard, may I please request Commander Thorn and Human Right by The Strike?
Congrats again!!! 💙💙

Human Right - The Strike
x Commander Thorn
“Baby, don't fight
I wanna see you move tonight
Turn out the lights
Dancing is a human right”

SEV!!🫶💕 thank you sm, you are the absolute sweetest and i’m so glad to have found you as well!!
i’m sorry it took me so long to get to your ask! but you have got me ADDICTED to this song, i am obsessed
it is soooo 79’s and was a dream to create visuals for
i hope you enjoy! much love <3
Ya know You Found Me by The Fray. Yeah soo like that one line “Lying on the floor, surrounded surrounded.” Uhh yeah I’m just gonna drop this

Clone Wars but the troopers have tik tok. The guards (Thorn) would totally do the a “I don’t want your money” to Fox let’s be honest.
I’m going down the Clone Wars amv rabbit hole please send help. Literally just clicked on a video that showed Commander Thorn in the thumbnail and we all know which scene it is :)

gimme 5 seasons of murder mysteries in coruscant rn Disney. or else.
Clone Wars Headcanons
Fox loves music
He discovers the natborn version of it on Coruscant (the chanting of the Vod’e doesn’t count because that was passed from the trainers to the Vod’e as morale; it was never meant to be fun. Only to hype their lack of identity in order for them to be willing to sacrifice their lives in a war not meant for their freedom)
Cody is the first to hear it curtesy of Fox sharing a holo-vid that just had the song recorded
Fox shows their other batchmates in person since the vid got corrupted by a virus and deleted (apparently. Cody doesn’t know if that’s what really happened but when he tried to find the vid, he couldn’t; he was so distraught that he didn’t tell Fox for two weeks; Fox was also distraught and tried to resend recordings but none were saved)
(It was Palps’ doing)
Cody mentioned his fav song to Kenobi once who got two tickets for him to experience the concert
It was also a bribe (or prepayment bribe) as he went undercover a week later
Cody took Fox so they didn’t have to deal with the craziness that mission was no doubt gonna bring (he almost regrets not taking Rex after hearing how Anakin responded but that’s neither here nor there)
That was Fox’ fav memory
(It got erased during an unplanned reconditioning after the Fives’ incident)
The Corrie Commanders scrapped up enough money to buy a used music player (idk what they’d be called in the SW universe but similar to a portable cassette player but … idk more technologically advanced ig) for Fox
They also snuck in used speakers (with the help of Fox’ Jedi friend Quinlan Vos) to the Corrie barracks
Fox and Vos definitely stole the SW version of a tv from a corrupt Senator to bring back to the barracks
(The Corries use it for playing video games than actual tv since it’s easier to bond with GAR Vod’e that way)
Gar Vod’e bonding nights become a thing after Dogma brought Tup to the Corrie’s barracks after seeing him on leave and wanted to catch up but not want to go to the 79s
Tup ended up inviting everyone else
The GaR and Corries are also competitive so video games were easier to bond as it grabbed attention and brought gambling into the mix
(No one was safe in gambling; Corries conspired against Corrie’s and Gar against GaR. Vod’e would partner up with a random brother if it meant it would win them a bet)
Thorn was the best at every game; he had the highest score and it become a game to try and beat it
(When he died, none of the Vod’e tried to beat it anymore if only to keep his name on the one thing they had left of him)
Feel free to add on
I've been making this playlist, any song that reminds me of the clones I'm dumping in here.
If you have any recommendations, let me know!
Star ars the clone wars Darkness rising, Season 1
Episode 4: Security
The galaxy was thrown into a state of chaos following the beginning of the clone wars.
Courscant was easily the worst affected, and thus, the Courscant guard was established.
Given the size of the planet, the guard was assigned four commanders, Commander Stone, Commander Thire, and the head of the Courscant guard Commander Fox.
Courscant guard office:
Fox was looking at his datapad with a tired look.
"A drug gang are about to carry out a deal, honestly don't those terrorists ever sleep." Fox groaned.
He picked up his rifle and guestered to a team of Shock troopers nearby.
"You lot, with me." Fox instructed.
"Yes sir." The Shock troopers said in unison following Fox.
Terriost holdout:
A speeder landed just a couple of streets from the holdout.
The shock troopers got of the speeder blasters locked and loaded.
"Flint, I want you on the rooftops sniper at the ready, Rhys and rest of you, follow me." Fox instructed.
The shock troopers nodded and got into position.
"Everyone ready?" Fox asked.
"Affirmative." Rhys said nodding.
"Affirmative." Flint said over the comm.
"Stand by, wait till they come out, the street's a dead end the other way so they can only come our way, and remember, disarmament only." Fox ordered.
Everyone nodded and crouched behind their speeders.
They didn't have to wait long as only a few minutes later, several men dressed in jackets and armed with multiple different blasters exited the building.
The Courscant guard aimed their blasters at them.
"HALT POLICE, STOP OR WE FIRE." Fox thundered into a megaphone.
The men fired at the clones who promptly returned fire.
The clones aimed for the blasters in the men's hand and either shot their legs or arms to immobilise them.
Flint also helped immobilising the few men who tried to run in the opposite direction.
After only a few minutes all the men were immobilised and handcuffed.
"Take them back to base men, I'll be along shortly." Fox ordered.
The men nodded and got into the gunships.
Rhys approached Fox.
"Sir, all of these men appear to part of the drug gang led by, Diego Javier, AKA the Fang." Rhys told him.
"Thank you Rhys, now go with the others and I'll be there shortly." Fox instructed.
Rhys got into the gunship and left with the others.
Fox didn't notice a figure watching him.
26 years ago:
On tatooine young 8 year old boy was playing with a football when his mother came over.
She was terribly ill with cancer and it seemed she wouldn't last much longer.
She put a golden wolf necklace around his neck.
"You must be strong my son, do you understand?" She asked.
"Yes." Young Diego Javier nodded.
"Be strong." His mother said patting him on the shoulder.
A couple of days later she was pronounced dead.
Javier packed his most treasured items and buried his mother.
After doing so he left his home behind him and headed for the spaceport.
In the present day he walked down a Courscant alley his gangmen behind him.
They started beating up a rival gang who'd stolen from them.
They didn't notice Rico seguaraire a famous drug boss watching him.
Later Rico was sitting at a bar when Javier approached him.
Rico slid a gun across the table to Javier who holsterd it.
A few days later Rico's gang and another gang were doing an exchange when one man suddenly pulled out a rifle intending to shoot Rico.
Javier noticed and killed the man prompting a firefight between the two gangs.
Later in the bar Rico tipped his glass to Javier who did the same in acknowledgement.
Javier and a young woman at the bar locked eyes and smiled at each other.
Three years later the two were being married.
After the best man speech from Rico the bride and groom toasted each other.
"My heart." Javier said smiling at his wife.
Just then a figure bumped into him accidentally spilling wine on his suit.
Javier yelled at him but his wife just her hand on his shoulder and calmed him.
Javier nodded and went to clean himself up.
Just as he was coming back there was a huge explosion followed by multiple blaster shots.
Javier looked on in horror as everyone, including his wife died.
A few weeks later Javier was on the comm to one of his contacts.
"Find me the son of a bitch who did this." Javier growled.
He readied himself and went to the coordinates he was given.
Javier watched as his men were taken away and got ready to attack, unsheathing a large knife.
Fox got off the comm and turned around shocked to see Javier behind him.
The two stared at each for a moment before Javier lunged forward with the knife.
The knife penetrated Fox's armour, thankfully not too bad however.
"You lucky son of a bitch." Javier growled.
Fox punched Javier sending him flying back Javier yanking the knife out.
"You will pay, you killed Rico, killed my wife." Javier growled.
"I don't even know who you are." Fox said.
"You will." Javier growled angrily.
The two continued to fight for several minutes before Fox eventually had Javier pinned.
"You're coming with me." Fox said as he handcuffed Javier.
Later at the base:
Fox and Thorn entered the cell Javier was in.
Javier was patiently waiting for them and politely looked up at them as they entered.
"You are Diego Javier correct?" Fox ask.
"Correct." Javier nodded.
"I am Commander Fox of the Courscant guard and this is Commander Thorn." Fox said.
Javier nodded again.
"If I may ask, why did you believe I was the one who killed your wife, I've never seen you or your wife until today." Fox said.
Javier looked confused.
"There was a clone at my wedding, he had a scar on his right cheeck, that looks precisely like yours." Javier said.
Fox frowned.
"The only other clone who has a scar like this other than me is a clone called Boyle, me and him were kidnapped by a gangster named Robert Carrit, also known as Scarr, for his habit of leaving scars on his victims, but I thought Boyle was dead." Fox said.
Javier shook his head.
"No, he survived killing Scarr and taking control of his gang, they are located here on Courscant." Javier said.
Javier thought for a moment before speaking.
"I propose a deal. You allow me to assist in dealing with him and I will tell you his location." Javier said.
"We don't make deals with criminals." Thorn said.
"Deal." Fox said a moment later.
"What, sir!" Thorn exclaimed.
Fox took Thorn to a corner of the room.
"With his help we could stop one of the biggest drug rings in the galaxy." Fox said.
"Yes, but I don't trust him." Thorn said cocking his head in Javier's direction.
"Me either, but we don't have much choice, do we." Fox said.
"I guess not." Thorn said, shaking his head.
Fox went back to Javier and held out a hand.
"Alright Javier, we have a deal." Fox said.
Javier nodded and shook his hand.
Fox turned to Thorn.
"Get the men ready Thorn, full riot gear." Fox ordered.
"Yes sir." Thorn said leaving the room.
3 hours later:
The Courscant guard as well as Javier arrived outside a large compound thst Boyle and his men lived at.
Fox and the men grabbed their rifles as well as several batons from the speeder.
They got in position in front of the door.
"Courscant guard, come up with your hands over your head." Fox ordered.
Nobody came out.
"This is your only warning, come out now or we shall have to use force." Fox ordered.
Nothing happened.
With that the Courscant guard charged into the building and quickly started placing the gang members under arrest.
Soon the vast majority of the gang were arrested.
"We still need to find Boyle." Thorn said.
"Rhys, finish your sweep and arrest any criminals you see, I'm gonna find him." Fix ordered.
"Yes sir." Rhys nodded.
Fox went through the building, looking for his target.
Soon he saw a figure standing at a big window overlooking the speeders bellow.
"Boyle?" Fox asked, his voice unable to betrayal the nerves he felt.
Boyle turned to look at Fox, a look of pure hatred on his face, Fox shuddered in horror at the jagged scar on his cheeck.
"So this is how far the guard has fallen, reduced to working with criminals." Boyle sneered, glowering at Fox.
"Boyle please, I cannot allow you to continue like this, please surrender, I can help you." Fox said.
Boyle shot Fox another hate filled glare that sent chills done his spine.
"I don't need or want your help Fox, you left me to die." Boyle growled.
"I tried to help you Boyle, I really did, I'm so sorry." Fox said.
Boyle pulled out a knife.
"Your apologies are worthless Fox, now I'm going to submit you to the fate, you left me to." Boyle growled lunging at Fox.
Fox quickly pulled out his baron and used it to parry Boyle's attack.
The two fought for several minutes but Boyle overpowered Fox.
"I wish it hadn't come to this Fox, I really don't...Farewell." Boyle said raising the knife above Fox's head.
A gunshot rang through the air and Boyle's knife fell from his grip.
Javier, Thorn and several men had their blasters aimed at Boyle.
Fox used Boyle's temporary distraction to pull out his blaster ad stun him.
The clones promptly arrested him.
The gang members were taken away.
"Thanks for your help Javier, but I'm afraid you're still under arrest." Fox said pulling out his handcuffs.
Javier nodded and Fox handcuffed him, putting him in a speeder.
"Commander Fox...thank you for helping me avenge my wife." Javier said.
Fox nodded and smiled before signalling for the speeder to leave.
The speeder took off and with that Javier was escorted away to serve his sentence.
Unlike his brothers, Marshall Commander Fox hadn't suffered a single scar on his regulation perfect face over the whole course of the war
The GAR's system armies returned to Coruscant to reunite with those who survived the war that had come to an abrupt break after High General Windu had decapitated the Chancellor to rescue General Skywalker. Suddenly the heart of the republic was flooded by men who had lost everything but themselves to protect it. Men who were trying to recognize their brothers in scarred faces and warm voices.
Fox had always been adamant about wearing his distinctive red armor. His bucket was the only face he'd ever shown to natborns and GAR troopers planetside Triple Zero alike.
The only sentients who had consciously looked into Fox eyes during the years of war shared on Coruscant were those on duty with the Guard. It was not like there was anything special to see, all his features were picture perfect according to the regs set up for the alpha CCs on Kamino. Not a single scar or hair out of place, no glint in his eyes and no personality to his curt responses.
Wolffe didn't recognize his little brother in the man standing in front of him. He didn't know that this was how Fox had been able to wear a thousand faces on Coruscant. That after Commander Stone had vanished during a prison riot one year into the war the Guard had never been able to retrieve his body, only his armor. That since then it had been Fox or Thorn who had worn it. Or how the Marshall Commander still desperately wished he had been the one wearing the SIC armor on an escort mission to Scipio. Wolffe didn't know the recently promoted Guard commander, a young CC named Thire, was way more experienced than his mission profiles let on.
Wolffe didn't know what Fox had not told him. He did not know how every single scar lighting into his brothers body had faded without medical attention. How the pure pain etched into the smooth skin over and over had made Fox numb. There was no sign or proof of what he had suffered. So Wolffe just handed the package he was tasked to deliver over to the blank version of Fox that Triple Zero had spat into his face, his cybernatic eye trying to catch any sign of what thoughts ran through the other's mind. It was one of the first times he could look into Fox eyes with no visor in between. He still came up empty.
A quiet "Thank you Commander" was all Wolffe got when Fox carefully accepted the bundled item with two hands and retreated into the empty room he and Thire had been assigned to. Wolffe wanted to scream at the door closing in front of his face. He just kept staring at it in silence.
Looking at the package didn't give away much about it's origins to Fox. It was a pathetic thing honestly, something small, not bigger than a pauldron but flat, and wrapped in old rags looking like some destroyed fabric from prison blacks. Fox hands began to tremble slightlyat the familiar smell. He carefully turned the bundle around.
There's a small piece of flimsi stuck to the back. Fox recognized the chicken scribble without reading the words. He knew it from thousands of little annotations that had been stuck to his data pads over the last years. He could not bring himself to decipher it.
Fox slowly unwrapped the item. The sharp edges would have cut into his skin if not for the gloves he was wearing. Thire had not yet convinced him to leave more than his bucket on the armor stack in the room.
Fox blinked at the shard in his hand. His own eyes stared back at him. His brothers' eyes stared back at him. His face looked like a million other faces on this force forsaken planet. He could be anyone, there were no actual scars on his skin that had been burned by lightning countless times.
But the face looking back at him was distorted by a single crack in the makeshift mirror, running straight along his nose and down to his left jaw. It was Thorn who was looking back at him. Thorn whose armor had been destroyed on Scipio. Thorn who had carried him through the pain and desperation when they had lost Stone. Thorn who he had trusted the most, whom he he had loved more than any other brother even his own batch. Thorn who had died kriffing a tenday before the war ended. It was Thorn's scar carefully etched into this small unpposio shard.
Fox clutched it like a a lifeline. His breathing started to rasp. Desperate for a word from the brother he had lost he tried to concentrate on the message that had been attached to the fabric. But the flimsi didn't offer any explanation, just two questions stealing more air from his lungs.
"Can you acknowledge that I live? That we lived?"
Fox armor clattered when he fell to his knees. A high keen tore from his throat before he began to weep loudly.
Wolffe overrode the door lock and ran to his little brother.
The cracked mirror resembles Thorn's facial scars to a t. It is wrapped in a piece of fabric of the same kind Stone wore on prison duty the day he died. It still smells like prison. Fox mourns the brothers who can only live on in his memory because Thire hasn't been around long enough. I wish this piece turned out different but I could not find the right words. Maybe I'll rewrite it one day. Inspired by @howdidthisevenhappenanyway's post on how Lichtenberg figures actually fade over time and this post by @cc-tens

corrie guard barracks bi weekly occurence

I got a little distracted.. and made an olympic au. Might do other battalions. just a flat colored sketch to put the brainworms down on (digital) paper

close-ups of all of the coruscant guard for my olympics au.
this is set in Theed, Naboo (hence the aurebesh) hosted by the galactic republic for the summer olympics.
Well as a little funny thing outside of my match ups and fanfics. Send in a character from any of the Star wars stuff and I'll tell you if I think I'd get along with them. Or be their friend or worst nightmare.
Will be done with videos too. Because why the hell not. I need something funny to do outside of match ups.

Tag list Tag list: @loth-wolffe @din-djarins-riduur @degreeinsimping @slut4tech @kriffclone @discofern @stressedfroggy @gothy-froggy @blueplaidhood

inspired by those fics where fox gets injured and wakes up to the war being over and palpatine dead

average day at the corrie hq
A hidden reference
*Commanders are having a holocall, discussing the design of their P2 armour.*
Gree: It seems that Corries have decided to make the most radical changes in their armour design.
Thorn: Oh yeah, and we have put many hidden ideas into that.
Rex: Do these lines on your helmets refer to you, Fox, Stone and Thire as four Commanders of the Guard?
Thorn: Exactly.
Cody: And what do these two lines on your bicep plates mean?
Thorn, smirking: Oh, this is my favourite part. It's a hidden reference to the facial tattoos of our general. Fox's idea.
Bly: What?!
Cody: Since when the Guard has a Jedi?
Thorn: Who said it was about a Jedi?
Wolffe: Fox, explain the shit that Thorn has just said.
Fox: Uh... guys, I think I should go, see you next time!
*Fox disconnects*
Thorn, after a few seconds of silence: Guys, help. You can't see this but Fox has a look on his face like he's going to shoot me right now.
*The idea of this explanation for these lines is NOT mine, I think it appeared in the «Perception» by @amukmuk for the fist time.
**But the idea of explanation for the four lines on Fox's an Thorn's helmet is mine)